enum SuppressionReasons
Language | Type name |
.NET | Amazon.CDK.AWS.SES.SuppressionReasons |
Go | github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/v2/awsses#SuppressionReasons |
Java | software.amazon.awscdk.services.ses.SuppressionReasons |
Python | aws_cdk.aws_ses.SuppressionReasons |
TypeScript (source) | aws-cdk-lib » aws_ses » SuppressionReasons |
Reasons for which recipient email addresses should be automatically added to your account's suppression list.
import { Duration } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
declare const myPool: ses.IDedicatedIpPool;
new ses.ConfigurationSet(this, 'ConfigurationSet', {
customTrackingRedirectDomain: 'track.cdk.dev',
suppressionReasons: ses.SuppressionReasons.COMPLAINTS_ONLY,
tlsPolicy: ses.ConfigurationSetTlsPolicy.REQUIRE,
dedicatedIpPool: myPool,
// Specify maximum delivery time
// This configuration can be useful in such cases as time-sensitive emails (like those containing a one-time-password),
// transactional emails, and email that you want to ensure isn't delivered during non-business hours.
maxDeliveryDuration: Duration.minutes(10),
Name | Description |
BOUNCES_AND_COMPLAINTS | Bounces and complaints. |
BOUNCES_ONLY | Bounces only. |
COMPLAINTS_ONLY | Complaints only. |
Bounces and complaints.
Bounces only.
Complaints only.