Workload management - Amazon Redshift

Workload management

This section describes workload management (WLM), which helps you understand how Amazon Redshift prepares and runs queries.

Amazon Redshift workload management (WLM) enables flexible management priorities within workloads so that short, fast-running queries don't get stuck in queues behind long-running queries. Amazon Redshift creates query queues at runtime according to service classes, which define the configuration parameters for various types of queues, including internal system queues and user-accessible queues. From a user perspective, a user-accessible service class and a queue are functionally equivalent. For consistency, this documentation uses the term queue to mean a user-accessible service class as well as a runtime queue.

Redshift offers automatic workload management, called automatic WLM, which is tuned to handle varying workloads and is the recommended default. With automatic WLM, Redshift determines resource utilization as queries arrive and dynamically determines whether to run them on the main cluster, on a currency-scaling cluster, or to send each to a queue. (When queries are queued, automatic WLM prioritizes shorter-duration queries.) Automatic WLM maximizes total throughput and enables you to maintain efficient data-warehouse resources. You run workloads without having to be concerned with their size or how they're scheduled. Automatic WLM is the default for provisioned clusters. For more information, see Implementing automatic WLM.


Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroups always use automatic WLM.

In times where a lot of queries or resource-intensive queries are running, workload management can scale to additional compute resources when workloads queue on local resources. Concurrency scaling with automatic WLM supports consistent performance for virtually unlimited concurrent users and queries.

Redshift provisioned clusters offer manual WLM if you need fine-grained manual optimization. Here, the customer manages resource allocation, query concurrency and queuing. When a query runs, WLM assigns the query to a queue according to the user's user group or by matching a query group that is listed in the queue configuration. This is configured with a query-group label that the user sets. For more information, see Implementing manual WLM.

Though Manual WLM can be fine tuned over time to match your workload patterns, in most cases we discourage its use because its static nature can make it more difficult for you to adapt to changing workloads through the course of a day or over an extended period. It requires more monitoring and ongoing tuning. In addition, Manual WLM in many cases doesn't use compute resources as efficiently as automatic WLM, such as for example if queues are set manually to limit memory allocated to them.

An important metric to measure the success of workload management configuration is system throughput, which in other words is how many queries are completed successfully. System throughput is measured in queries per second. For more information about system metrics, see Monitoring Amazon Redshift cluster performance.

The easiest way to manage your WLM configuration is by using the Amazon Redshift Management console. You can also use the Amazon Redshift command line interface (CLI) or the Amazon Redshift API. For more information about implementing and using workload management, see Implementing workload management.