Use case examples for user-defined functions (UDFs)
You can use user-defined functions to solve business problems by integrating Amazon Redshift with other components. Following are some examples of how others have used UDFs for their use cases:
Accessing external components using Amazon Redshift Lambda UDFs
– describes how Amazon Redshift Lambda UDFs work and walks through creating a Lambda UDF. Translate and analyze text using SQL functions with Amazon Redshift, Amazon Translate, and Amazon Comprehend
– provides prebuilt Amazon Redshift Lambda UDFs that you can install with a few clicks to translate, redact, and analyze text fields. Access Amazon Location Service from Amazon Redshift
– describes how to use Amazon Redshift Lambda UDFs to integrate with Amazon Location Service. Data Tokenization with Amazon Redshift and Protegrity
– describes how to integrate Amazon Redshift Lambda UDFs with the Protegrity Serverless product. Amazon Redshift UDFs
– a collection of Amazon Redshift SQL, Lambda, and Python UDFs.