Using SPICE data in an analysis
When you use stored data to create an analysis, a data import indicator appears next to the dataset list at the top of the Fields list pane. When you first open the analysis and the dataset is importing, this icon appears as a spinner.

After the SPICE import is complete, the indicator displays the percentage of rows that were successfully imported. A message also appears at the top of the visualization pane to provide counts of the rows imported and skipped.

If any rows were skipped, you can choose View summary in this message bar to see details about why those rows failed to import. To edit the dataset and resolve the issues that led to skipped rows, choose Edit data set. For more information about common causes for skipped rows, see Troubleshooting skipped row errors.

If an import fails altogether, the data import indicator appears as an exclamation point icon, and an Import failed message is displayed.