PLV8 is a trusted Javascript language extension for PostgreSQL. You can use it for stored procedures, triggers, and other procedural code that's callable from SQL. This language extension is supported by all current releases of PostgreSQL.
If you use PLV8
The upgrade process drops all your existing PLV8 functions. Thus, we recommend that you create a snapshot of your RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance before upgrading. For more information, see Creating a DB snapshot for a Single-AZ DB instance for Amazon RDS.
Starting with PostgreSQL version 18, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL will deprecate the
and plls
PostgreSQL extensions. We recommend that you
stop using CoffeeScript and LiveScript in your applications to ensure you have an upgrade
path for future engine version upgrades.
To synchronize your catalog metadata with a new version of PLV8
Verify that you need to update. To do this, run the following command while connected to your instance.
SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE name IN ('plv8','plls','plcoffee');
If your results contain values for an installed version that is a lower number than the default version, continue with this procedure to update your extensions. For example, the following result set indicates that you should update.
name | default_version | installed_version | comment --------+-----------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------- plls | 2.1.0 | 1.5.3 | PL/LiveScript (v8) trusted procedural language plcoffee| 2.1.0 | 1.5.3 | PL/CoffeeScript (v8) trusted procedural language plv8 | 2.1.0 | 1.5.3 | PL/JavaScript (v8) trusted procedural language (3 rows)
Create a snapshot of your RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance if you haven't done so yet. You can continue with the following steps while the snapshot is being created.
Get a count of the number of PLV8 functions in your DB instance so you can validate that they are all in place after the upgrade. For example, the following SQL query returns the number of functions written in plv8, plcoffee, and plls.
SELECT proname, nspname, lanname FROM pg_proc p, pg_language l, pg_namespace n WHERE p.prolang = l.oid AND n.oid = p.pronamespace AND lanname IN ('plv8','plcoffee','plls');
Use pg_dump to create a schema-only dump file. For example, create a file on your client machine in the
directory../pg_dump -Fc --schema-only -U master postgres >/tmp/test.dmp
This example uses the following options:
– Custom format -
--schema-only – Dump only the commands necessary to create schema (functions in this case)
– The RDS master user name -
– The database name for our DB instance
For more information on pg_dump, see pg_dump
in the PostgreSQL documentation. -
Extract the "CREATE FUNCTION" DDL statement that is present in the dump file. The following example uses the
command to extract the DDL statement that creates the functions and save them to a file. You use this in subsequent steps to recreate the functions../pg_restore -l /tmp/test.dmp | grep FUNCTION > /tmp/function_list
For more information on pg_restore, see pg_restore
in the PostgreSQL documentation. -
Drop the functions and extensions. The following example drops any PLV8 based objects. The cascade option ensures that any dependent are dropped.
If your PostgreSQL instance contains objects based on plcoffee or plls, repeat this step for those extensions.
Create the extensions. The following example creates the plv8, plcoffee, and plls extensions.
Create the functions using the dump file and "driver" file.
The following example recreates the functions that you extracted previously.
./pg_restore -U master -d postgres -Fc -L /tmp/function_list /tmp/test.dmp
Verify that all your functions have been recreated by using the following query.
SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE name IN ('plv8','plls','plcoffee');
The PLV8 version 2 adds the following extra row to your result set:
proname | nspname | lanname ---------------+------------+---------- plv8_version | pg_catalog | plv8