Amazon RDS for Db2 stored procedure reference - Amazon Relational Database Service

Amazon RDS for Db2 stored procedure reference

Amazon RDS provides system stored procedures that you can use with Amazon RDS for Db2 DB instances running the Db2 engine.

Keep in mind the following points when running these stored procedures:

  • You can only run the stored procedures from the Db2 command line tool, not in an SQL client application such as DBeaver.

  • Before running the stored procedures, you must first connect to the rdsadmin database as the master user for your RDS for Db2 DB instance. In the following example, replace master_username and master_password with your own information.

    db2 "connect to rdsadmin user master_user using master_password"
  • The stored procedures return the ERR_MESSAGE parameter, which indicates whether the stored procedure ran successfully or not and why it didn't run successfully.


    The following example indicates that the stored procedure ran successfully.

    Parameter Name : ERR_MESSAGE Parameter Value : - Return Status = 0

    The following example indicates that the stored procedure didn't run successfully because the Amazon S3 bucket name used in the stored procedure wasn't valid.

    Parameter Name : ERR_MESSAGE Parameter Value : Invalid S3 bucket name Return Status = -1006