Interface CfnTemplate.ITableCellConditionalFormattingProperty
The cell conditional formatting option for a table.
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.QuickSight
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public interface ITableCellConditionalFormattingProperty
Syntax (vb)
Public Interface ITableCellConditionalFormattingProperty
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.QuickSight;
var tableCellConditionalFormattingProperty = new TableCellConditionalFormattingProperty {
FieldId = "fieldId",
// the properties below are optional
TextFormat = new TextConditionalFormatProperty {
BackgroundColor = new ConditionalFormattingColorProperty {
Gradient = new ConditionalFormattingGradientColorProperty {
Color = new GradientColorProperty {
Stops = new [] { new GradientStopProperty {
GradientOffset = 123,
// the properties below are optional
Color = "color",
DataValue = 123
} }
Expression = "expression"
Solid = new ConditionalFormattingSolidColorProperty {
Expression = "expression",
// the properties below are optional
Color = "color"
Icon = new ConditionalFormattingIconProperty {
CustomCondition = new ConditionalFormattingCustomIconConditionProperty {
Expression = "expression",
IconOptions = new ConditionalFormattingCustomIconOptionsProperty {
Icon = "icon",
UnicodeIcon = "unicodeIcon"
// the properties below are optional
Color = "color",
DisplayConfiguration = new ConditionalFormattingIconDisplayConfigurationProperty {
IconDisplayOption = "iconDisplayOption"
IconSet = new ConditionalFormattingIconSetProperty {
Expression = "expression",
// the properties below are optional
IconSetType = "iconSetType"
TextColor = new ConditionalFormattingColorProperty {
Gradient = new ConditionalFormattingGradientColorProperty {
Color = new GradientColorProperty {
Stops = new [] { new GradientStopProperty {
GradientOffset = 123,
// the properties below are optional
Color = "color",
DataValue = 123
} }
Expression = "expression"
Solid = new ConditionalFormattingSolidColorProperty {
Expression = "expression",
// the properties below are optional
Color = "color"
Field |
The field ID of the cell for conditional formatting. |
Text |
The text format of the cell for conditional formatting. |
The field ID of the cell for conditional formatting.
string FieldId { get; }
Property Value
The text format of the cell for conditional formatting.
virtual object TextFormat { get; }
Property Value