Interface ICustomCommandOptions
Options for creating AssetCode
with a custom command, such as running a buildfile.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public interface ICustomCommandOptions : IAssetOptions, IAssetOptions, IFileCopyOptions
Syntax (vb)
Public Interface ICustomCommandOptions
Inherits IAssetOptions, IAssetOptions, IFileCopyOptions
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.KMS;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda;
var commandOptions;
DockerImage dockerImage;
IGrantable grantable;
Key key;
ILocalBundling localBundling;
var customCommandOptions = new CustomCommandOptions {
AssetHash = "assetHash",
AssetHashType = AssetHashType.SOURCE,
Bundling = new BundlingOptions {
Image = dockerImage,
// the properties below are optional
BundlingFileAccess = BundlingFileAccess.VOLUME_COPY,
Command = new [] { "command" },
Entrypoint = new [] { "entrypoint" },
Environment = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "environmentKey", "environment" }
Local = localBundling,
Network = "network",
OutputType = BundlingOutput.ARCHIVED,
Platform = "platform",
SecurityOpt = "securityOpt",
User = "user",
Volumes = new [] { new DockerVolume {
ContainerPath = "containerPath",
HostPath = "hostPath",
// the properties below are optional
Consistency = DockerVolumeConsistency.CONSISTENT
} },
VolumesFrom = new [] { "volumesFrom" },
WorkingDirectory = "workingDirectory"
CommandOptions = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{ "commandOptionsKey", commandOptions }
DeployTime = false,
Exclude = new [] { "exclude" },
FollowSymlinks = SymlinkFollowMode.NEVER,
IgnoreMode = IgnoreMode.GLOB,
Readers = new [] { grantable },
SourceKMSKey = key
Command |
options that are passed to the spawned process, which determine the characteristics of the spawned process. |
options that are passed to the spawned process, which determine the characteristics of the spawned process.
virtual IDictionary<string, object> CommandOptions { get; }
Property Value
Default: : see child_process.SpawnSyncOptions