Interface CfnRuleGroup.IAndStatementProperty
A logical rule statement used to combine other rule statements with AND logic.
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.WAFv2
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public interface IAndStatementProperty
Syntax (vb)
Public Interface IAndStatementProperty
You provide more than one Statement
within the AndStatement
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.WAFv2;
var all;
var allQueryArguments;
AndStatementProperty andStatementProperty_;
var forwardedIp;
var httpMethod;
var ip;
var method;
var queryString;
var singleHeader;
var singleQueryArgument;
StatementProperty statementProperty_;
var uriPath;
var andStatementProperty = new AndStatementProperty {
Statements = new [] { new StatementProperty {
AndStatement = andStatementProperty_,
ByteMatchStatement = new ByteMatchStatementProperty {
FieldToMatch = new FieldToMatchProperty {
AllQueryArguments = allQueryArguments,
Body = new BodyProperty {
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Cookies = new CookiesProperty {
MatchPattern = new CookieMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
ExcludedCookies = new [] { "excludedCookies" },
IncludedCookies = new [] { "includedCookies" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Headers = new HeadersProperty {
MatchPattern = new HeaderMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
ExcludedHeaders = new [] { "excludedHeaders" },
IncludedHeaders = new [] { "includedHeaders" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Ja3Fingerprint = new JA3FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
Ja4Fingerprint = new JA4FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
JsonBody = new JsonBodyProperty {
MatchPattern = new JsonMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
IncludedPaths = new [] { "includedPaths" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
// the properties below are optional
InvalidFallbackBehavior = "invalidFallbackBehavior",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Method = method,
QueryString = queryString,
SingleHeader = singleHeader,
SingleQueryArgument = singleQueryArgument,
UriPath = uriPath
PositionalConstraint = "positionalConstraint",
TextTransformations = new [] { new TextTransformationProperty {
Priority = 123,
Type = "type"
} },
// the properties below are optional
SearchString = "searchString",
SearchStringBase64 = "searchStringBase64"
GeoMatchStatement = new GeoMatchStatementProperty {
CountryCodes = new [] { "countryCodes" },
ForwardedIpConfig = new ForwardedIPConfigurationProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior",
HeaderName = "headerName"
IpSetReferenceStatement = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{ "arn", "arn" },
// the properties below are optional
{ "ipSetForwardedIpConfig", new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "fallbackBehavior", "fallbackBehavior" },
{ "headerName", "headerName" },
{ "position", "position" }
} }
LabelMatchStatement = new LabelMatchStatementProperty {
Key = "key",
Scope = "scope"
NotStatement = new NotStatementProperty {
Statement = statementProperty_
OrStatement = new OrStatementProperty {
Statements = new [] { statementProperty_ }
RateBasedStatement = new RateBasedStatementProperty {
AggregateKeyType = "aggregateKeyType",
Limit = 123,
// the properties below are optional
CustomKeys = new [] { new RateBasedStatementCustomKeyProperty {
Cookie = new RateLimitCookieProperty {
Name = "name",
TextTransformations = new [] { new TextTransformationProperty {
Priority = 123,
Type = "type"
} }
ForwardedIp = forwardedIp,
Header = new RateLimitHeaderProperty {
Name = "name",
TextTransformations = new [] { new TextTransformationProperty {
Priority = 123,
Type = "type"
} }
HttpMethod = httpMethod,
Ip = ip,
Ja3Fingerprint = new RateLimitJA3FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
Ja4Fingerprint = new RateLimitJA4FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
LabelNamespace = new RateLimitLabelNamespaceProperty {
Namespace = "namespace"
QueryArgument = new RateLimitQueryArgumentProperty {
Name = "name",
TextTransformations = new [] { new TextTransformationProperty {
Priority = 123,
Type = "type"
} }
QueryString = new RateLimitQueryStringProperty {
TextTransformations = new [] { new TextTransformationProperty {
Priority = 123,
Type = "type"
} }
UriPath = new RateLimitUriPathProperty {
TextTransformations = new [] { new TextTransformationProperty {
Priority = 123,
Type = "type"
} }
} },
EvaluationWindowSec = 123,
ForwardedIpConfig = new ForwardedIPConfigurationProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior",
HeaderName = "headerName"
ScopeDownStatement = statementProperty_
RegexMatchStatement = new RegexMatchStatementProperty {
FieldToMatch = new FieldToMatchProperty {
AllQueryArguments = allQueryArguments,
Body = new BodyProperty {
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Cookies = new CookiesProperty {
MatchPattern = new CookieMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
ExcludedCookies = new [] { "excludedCookies" },
IncludedCookies = new [] { "includedCookies" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Headers = new HeadersProperty {
MatchPattern = new HeaderMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
ExcludedHeaders = new [] { "excludedHeaders" },
IncludedHeaders = new [] { "includedHeaders" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Ja3Fingerprint = new JA3FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
Ja4Fingerprint = new JA4FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
JsonBody = new JsonBodyProperty {
MatchPattern = new JsonMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
IncludedPaths = new [] { "includedPaths" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
// the properties below are optional
InvalidFallbackBehavior = "invalidFallbackBehavior",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Method = method,
QueryString = queryString,
SingleHeader = singleHeader,
SingleQueryArgument = singleQueryArgument,
UriPath = uriPath
RegexString = "regexString",
TextTransformations = new [] { new TextTransformationProperty {
Priority = 123,
Type = "type"
} }
RegexPatternSetReferenceStatement = new RegexPatternSetReferenceStatementProperty {
Arn = "arn",
FieldToMatch = new FieldToMatchProperty {
AllQueryArguments = allQueryArguments,
Body = new BodyProperty {
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Cookies = new CookiesProperty {
MatchPattern = new CookieMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
ExcludedCookies = new [] { "excludedCookies" },
IncludedCookies = new [] { "includedCookies" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Headers = new HeadersProperty {
MatchPattern = new HeaderMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
ExcludedHeaders = new [] { "excludedHeaders" },
IncludedHeaders = new [] { "includedHeaders" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Ja3Fingerprint = new JA3FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
Ja4Fingerprint = new JA4FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
JsonBody = new JsonBodyProperty {
MatchPattern = new JsonMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
IncludedPaths = new [] { "includedPaths" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
// the properties below are optional
InvalidFallbackBehavior = "invalidFallbackBehavior",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Method = method,
QueryString = queryString,
SingleHeader = singleHeader,
SingleQueryArgument = singleQueryArgument,
UriPath = uriPath
TextTransformations = new [] { new TextTransformationProperty {
Priority = 123,
Type = "type"
} }
SizeConstraintStatement = new SizeConstraintStatementProperty {
ComparisonOperator = "comparisonOperator",
FieldToMatch = new FieldToMatchProperty {
AllQueryArguments = allQueryArguments,
Body = new BodyProperty {
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Cookies = new CookiesProperty {
MatchPattern = new CookieMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
ExcludedCookies = new [] { "excludedCookies" },
IncludedCookies = new [] { "includedCookies" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Headers = new HeadersProperty {
MatchPattern = new HeaderMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
ExcludedHeaders = new [] { "excludedHeaders" },
IncludedHeaders = new [] { "includedHeaders" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Ja3Fingerprint = new JA3FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
Ja4Fingerprint = new JA4FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
JsonBody = new JsonBodyProperty {
MatchPattern = new JsonMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
IncludedPaths = new [] { "includedPaths" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
// the properties below are optional
InvalidFallbackBehavior = "invalidFallbackBehavior",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Method = method,
QueryString = queryString,
SingleHeader = singleHeader,
SingleQueryArgument = singleQueryArgument,
UriPath = uriPath
Size = 123,
TextTransformations = new [] { new TextTransformationProperty {
Priority = 123,
Type = "type"
} }
SqliMatchStatement = new SqliMatchStatementProperty {
FieldToMatch = new FieldToMatchProperty {
AllQueryArguments = allQueryArguments,
Body = new BodyProperty {
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Cookies = new CookiesProperty {
MatchPattern = new CookieMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
ExcludedCookies = new [] { "excludedCookies" },
IncludedCookies = new [] { "includedCookies" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Headers = new HeadersProperty {
MatchPattern = new HeaderMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
ExcludedHeaders = new [] { "excludedHeaders" },
IncludedHeaders = new [] { "includedHeaders" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Ja3Fingerprint = new JA3FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
Ja4Fingerprint = new JA4FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
JsonBody = new JsonBodyProperty {
MatchPattern = new JsonMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
IncludedPaths = new [] { "includedPaths" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
// the properties below are optional
InvalidFallbackBehavior = "invalidFallbackBehavior",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Method = method,
QueryString = queryString,
SingleHeader = singleHeader,
SingleQueryArgument = singleQueryArgument,
UriPath = uriPath
TextTransformations = new [] { new TextTransformationProperty {
Priority = 123,
Type = "type"
} },
// the properties below are optional
SensitivityLevel = "sensitivityLevel"
XssMatchStatement = new XssMatchStatementProperty {
FieldToMatch = new FieldToMatchProperty {
AllQueryArguments = allQueryArguments,
Body = new BodyProperty {
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Cookies = new CookiesProperty {
MatchPattern = new CookieMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
ExcludedCookies = new [] { "excludedCookies" },
IncludedCookies = new [] { "includedCookies" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Headers = new HeadersProperty {
MatchPattern = new HeaderMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
ExcludedHeaders = new [] { "excludedHeaders" },
IncludedHeaders = new [] { "includedHeaders" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Ja3Fingerprint = new JA3FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
Ja4Fingerprint = new JA4FingerprintProperty {
FallbackBehavior = "fallbackBehavior"
JsonBody = new JsonBodyProperty {
MatchPattern = new JsonMatchPatternProperty {
All = all,
IncludedPaths = new [] { "includedPaths" }
MatchScope = "matchScope",
// the properties below are optional
InvalidFallbackBehavior = "invalidFallbackBehavior",
OversizeHandling = "oversizeHandling"
Method = method,
QueryString = queryString,
SingleHeader = singleHeader,
SingleQueryArgument = singleQueryArgument,
UriPath = uriPath
TextTransformations = new [] { new TextTransformationProperty {
Priority = 123,
Type = "type"
} }
} }
Statements | The statements to combine with AND logic. |
The statements to combine with AND logic.
object Statements { get; }
Property Value
You can use any statements that can be nested.