All Classes and Interfaces

A DNS AAAA record.
A fluent builder for AaaaRecord.
Construction properties for a AaaaRecord.
A builder for AaaaRecordProps
An implementation for AaaaRecordProps
The Accelerator construct.
A fluent builder for Accelerator.
Attributes required to import an existing accelerator to the stack.
A builder for AcceleratorAttributes
An implementation for AcceleratorAttributes
The generation of Elastic Inference (EI) instance.
Construct properties of the Accelerator.
A builder for AcceleratorProps
An implementation for AcceleratorProps
The size of the Elastic Inference (EI) instance to use for the production variant.
Define a new IAM Access Key.
A fluent builder for AccessKey.
Properties for defining an IAM access key.
A builder for AccessKeyProps
An implementation for AccessKeyProps
Checks whether the active access keys are rotated within the number of days specified in maxAge.
A fluent builder for AccessKeysRotated.
Construction properties for a AccessKeysRotated.
An implementation for AccessKeysRotatedProps
Valid statuses for an IAM Access Key.
Configuration for Envoy Access logs for mesh endpoints.
All Properties for Envoy Access logs for mesh endpoints.
A builder for AccessLogConfig
An implementation for AccessLogConfig
Options when binding a log destination to a RestApi Stage.
An implementation for AccessLogDestinationConfig
$context variables that can be used to customize access log pattern.
factory methods for access log format.
Represents the AccessPoint.
(experimental) An S3 object lambda access point for intercepting and transforming GetObject requests.
A fluent builder for AccessPoint.
(experimental) A fluent builder for AccessPoint.
Attributes that can be specified when importing an AccessPoint.
(experimental) The access point resource attributes.
A builder for AccessPointAttributes
A builder for AccessPointAttributes
An implementation for AccessPointAttributes
An implementation for AccessPointAttributes
Options to create an AccessPoint.
A builder for AccessPointOptions
An implementation for AccessPointOptions
Properties for the AccessPoint.
(experimental) The S3 object lambda access point configuration.
A builder for AccessPointProps
A builder for AccessPointProps
An implementation for AccessPointProps
An implementation for AccessPointProps
Specify AWS account ID as the principal entity in a policy to delegate authority to the account.
How will a user be able to recover their account?
Use the AWS account into which a stack is deployed as the principal entity in a policy.
Permissions as POSIX ACL.
A builder for Acl
An implementation for Acl
Either an IPv4 or an IPv6 CIDR.
Acl Configuration for CIDR.
A builder for AclCidrConfig
An implementation for AclCidrConfig
Properties to create Icmp.
A builder for AclIcmp
An implementation for AclIcmp
Properties to create PortRange.
A builder for AclPortRange
An implementation for AclPortRange
The traffic that is configured using a Network ACL entry.
Acl Configuration for traffic.
A builder for AclTrafficConfig
An implementation for AclTrafficConfig
Low-level class for generic CodePipeline Actions implementing the IAction interface.
Low-level class for generic CodePipeline Actions.
What action to apply to traffic matching the ACL.
Specifies the constraints on the number of input and output artifacts an action can have.
A builder for ActionArtifactBounds
An implementation for ActionArtifactBounds
(experimental) Options when binding a Action to a detector model.
A builder for ActionBindOptions
A builder for ActionBindOptions
An implementation for ActionBindOptions
An implementation for ActionBindOptions
(experimental) Properties for an topic rule action.
(experimental) Properties for a AWS IoT Events action.
A builder for ActionConfig
A builder for ActionConfig
A builder for ActionConfig
An implementation for ActionConfig
An implementation for ActionConfig
An implementation for ActionConfig
The action to take when the cluster step fails.
A builder for ActionProperties
An implementation for ActionProperties
Define a new Step Functions Activity.
A fluent builder for Activity.
Properties for defining a new Step Functions Activity.
A builder for ActivityProps
An implementation for ActivityProps
(experimental) Represents the "actual" results to compare.
Options to the UsagePlan.addApiKey() method.
A builder for AddApiKeyOptions
An implementation for AddApiKeyOptions
Properties for adding a new action to a listener.
An implementation for AddApplicationActionProps
Properties for adding a new target group to a listener.
An implementation for AddApplicationTargetGroupsProps
Properties for adding new targets to a listener.
An implementation for AddApplicationTargetsProps
The properties for adding an AutoScalingGroup.
Options for adding a new behavior to a Distribution.
A builder for AddBehaviorOptions
An implementation for AddBehaviorOptions
The properties for adding instance capacity to an AutoScalingGroup.
A builder for AddCapacityOptions
An implementation for AddCapacityOptions
Options for adding an event selector.
An implementation for AddEventSelectorOptions
(experimental) The options to add a field to an Intermediate Type.
A builder for AddFieldOptions
An implementation for AddFieldOptions
Use ApplicationListener.addAction instead.
Adds a header to the received email.
A fluent builder for AddHeader.
AddHeaderAction configuration.
A builder for AddHeaderActionConfig
An implementation for AddHeaderActionConfig
Construction properties for a add header action.
A builder for AddHeaderProps
An implementation for AddHeaderProps
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
Properties for adding a new action to a listener.
A builder for AddNetworkActionProps
An implementation for AddNetworkActionProps
Properties for adding new network targets to a listener.
An implementation for AddNetworkTargetsProps
Use ApplicationListener.addAction instead.
Use RecordTarget
Options for adding a new route to a subnet.
A builder for AddRouteOptions
An implementation for AddRouteOptions
(experimental) Options for the Route with Integration resource.
A builder for AddRoutesOptions
An implementation for AddRoutesOptions
Properties for adding a conditional load balancing rule.
A builder for AddRuleProps
An implementation for AddRuleProps
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
Options to pass to addStage.
A builder for AddStageOpts
An implementation for AddStageOpts
Result of calling addToPrincipalPolicy.
An implementation for AddToPrincipalPolicyResult
Result of calling addToResourcePolicy.
An implementation for AddToResourcePolicyResult
An adjustment.
An adjustment.
A builder for AdjustmentTier
A builder for AdjustmentTier
An implementation for AdjustmentTier
An implementation for AdjustmentTier
How adjustment numbers are interpreted.
How adjustment numbers are interpreted.
use opensearchservice module instead
Specifies options for fine-grained access control.
An implementation for AdvancedSecurityOptions
Options for selecting the choice paths.
A builder for AfterwardsOptions
An implementation for AfterwardsOptions
An alarm on a CloudWatch metric.
A fluent builder for Alarm.
Properties for an alarm action.
A builder for AlarmActionConfig
An implementation for AlarmActionConfig
The base class for Alarm and CompositeAlarm resources.
Properties for Alarms.
A builder for AlarmProps
An implementation for AlarmProps
Class with static functions to build AlarmRule for Composite Alarms.
A builder for Alarms
An implementation for Alarms
Enumeration indicates state of Alarm used in building Alarm Rule.
A dashboard widget that displays alarms in a grid view.
A fluent builder for AlarmStatusWidget.
Properties for an Alarm Status Widget.
An implementation for AlarmStatusWidgetProps
The sort possibilities for AlarmStatusWidgets.
Display the metric associated with an alarm, including the alarm line.
A fluent builder for AlarmWidget.
Properties for an AlarmWidget.
A builder for AlarmWidgetProps
An implementation for AlarmWidgetProps
A single Application Load Balancer as the target for load balancing.
Construct for installing the AWS ALB Contoller on EKS clusters.
A fluent builder for AlbController.
Options for AlbController.
A builder for AlbControllerOptions
An implementation for AlbControllerOptions
Properties for AlbController.
A builder for AlbControllerProps
An implementation for AlbControllerProps
Controller version.
ALB Scheme.
A single Application Load Balancer as the target for load balancing.
Deploys the skill to Alexa.
A fluent builder for AlexaSkillDeployAction.
Construction properties of the Alexa deploy Action.
An implementation for AlexaSkillDeployActionProps
Specify the training algorithm and algorithm-specific metadata.
An implementation for AlgorithmSpecification
Defines a display name for a customer master key (CMK) in AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).
A new alias to a particular version of a Lambda function.
A fluent builder for Alias.
A fluent builder for Alias.
Properties of a reference to an existing KMS Alias.
A builder for AliasAttributes
A builder for AliasAttributes
An implementation for AliasAttributes
An implementation for AliasAttributes
invalid @link
invalid @link
Options for lambda.Alias.
A builder for AliasOptions
An implementation for AliasOptions
Construction properties for a KMS Key Alias object.
Properties for a new Lambda alias.
A builder for AliasProps
A builder for AliasProps
An implementation for AliasProps
An implementation for AliasProps
Represents the properties of an alias target destination.
An implementation for AliasRecordTargetConfig
Instance that uses Route 53 Alias record type.
A fluent builder for AliasTargetInstance.
An implementation for AliasTargetInstanceProps
(experimental) Properties for how to prepare compute resources that are provisioned for a compute environment.
The HTTP methods that the Behavior will accept requests on.
An allow list receipt filter.
A fluent builder for AllowListReceiptFilter.
Construction properties for am AllowListReceiptFilter.
An implementation for AllowListReceiptFilterProps
Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Policies for network load balancers.
CPU type.
Amazon Linux edition.
What generation of Amazon Linux to use.
Selects the latest version of Amazon Linux.
A fluent builder for AmazonLinuxImage.
Amazon Linux image properties.
A builder for AmazonLinuxImageProps
An implementation for AmazonLinuxImageProps
Amazon Linux Kernel.
Virtualization type for Amazon Linux.
Query to AMI context provider.
A builder for AmiContextQuery
An implementation for AmiContextQuery
The ECS-optimized AMI variant to use.
Suite of assertions that can be run on a CDK Stack.
Includes API for attaching annotations such as warning messages to constructs.
use AnyPrincipal
A principal representing all AWS identities in all accounts.
Represents an OpenAPI definition asset.
Post-Binding Configuration for a CDK construct.
A builder for ApiDefinitionConfig
An implementation for ApiDefinitionConfig
S3 location of the API definition file.
An implementation for ApiDefinitionS3Location
Define an EventBridge Api Destination.
Use an API Destination rule target.
A fluent builder for ApiDestination.
A fluent builder for ApiDestination.
The event API Destination properties.
Customize the EventBridge Api Destinations Target.
A builder for ApiDestinationProps
A builder for ApiDestinationProps
An implementation for ApiDestinationProps
An implementation for ApiDestinationProps
Use an API Gateway REST APIs as a target for Amazon EventBridge rules.
Defines an API Gateway REST API as the alias target.
A fluent builder for ApiGateway.
Defines an API Gateway domain name as the alias target.
Customize the API Gateway Event Target.
A builder for ApiGatewayProps
An implementation for ApiGatewayProps
Defines an API Gateway V2 domain name as the alias target.
An API Gateway ApiKey.
A fluent builder for ApiKey.
(experimental) Configuration for API Key authorization in AppSync.
A builder for ApiKeyConfig
An implementation for ApiKeyConfig
The options for creating an API Key.
A builder for ApiKeyOptions
An implementation for ApiKeyOptions
ApiKey Properties.
A builder for ApiKeyProps
An implementation for ApiKeyProps
(experimental) Create a new API mapping for API Gateway API endpoint.
(experimental) A fluent builder for ApiMapping.
(experimental) The attributes used to import existing ApiMapping.
A builder for ApiMappingAttributes
An implementation for ApiMappingAttributes
(experimental) Properties used to create the ApiMapping resource.
A builder for ApiMappingProps
An implementation for ApiMappingProps
A construct which represents an entire CDK app.
(experimental) An Amplify Console application.
A fluent builder for App.
(experimental) A fluent builder for App.
(experimental) The L2 construct for Flink Kinesis Data Applications.
(experimental) A Service Catalog AppRegistry Application.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Application.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Application.
(experimental) Code configuration providing the location to a Flink application JAR file.
(experimental) The return type of
invalid @link
A builder for ApplicationCodeConfig
An implementation for ApplicationCodeConfig
A configuration specification to be used when provisioning virtual clusters, which can include configurations for applications and software bundled with Amazon EMR on EKS.
An implementation for ApplicationConfiguration
Define an ApplicationListener.
A fluent builder for ApplicationListener.
Properties to reference an existing listener.
An implementation for ApplicationListenerAttributes
Add certificates to a listener.
A fluent builder for ApplicationListenerCertificate.
Properties for adding a set of certificates to a listener.
Options for ApplicationListener lookup.
An implementation for ApplicationListenerLookupOptions
Properties to define an application listener.
Properties for defining a standalone ApplicationListener.
An implementation for ApplicationListenerProps
An implementation for ApplicationListenerProps
Define a new listener rule.
A fluent builder for ApplicationListenerRule.
Properties for defining a listener rule.
An implementation for ApplicationListenerRuleProps
An EC2 service running on an ECS cluster fronted by an application load balancer.
A fluent builder for ApplicationLoadBalancedEc2Service.
The properties for the ApplicationLoadBalancedEc2Service service.
A Fargate service running on an ECS cluster fronted by an application load balancer.
The properties for the ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService service.
The base class for ApplicationLoadBalancedEc2Service and ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService services.
The properties for the base ApplicationLoadBalancedEc2Service or ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService service.
Describes the type of DNS record the service should create.
Options for configuring a new container.
Define an Application Load Balancer.
A fluent builder for ApplicationLoadBalancer.
Properties to reference an existing load balancer.
An implementation for ApplicationLoadBalancerAttributes
Use an Application Load Balancer as a Global Accelerator Endpoint.
A fluent builder for ApplicationLoadBalancerEndpoint.
Properties for a ApplicationLoadBalancerEndpoint.
Options for looking up an ApplicationLoadBalancer.
Properties to define an application load balancer.
Properties for defining an Application Load Balancer.
An implementation for ApplicationLoadBalancerProps
An implementation for ApplicationLoadBalancerProps
Properties for a redirection config.
An EC2 service running on an ECS cluster fronted by an application load balancer.
The properties for the ApplicationMultipleTargetGroupsEc2Service service.
A Fargate service running on an ECS cluster fronted by an application load balancer.
The properties for the ApplicationMultipleTargetGroupsFargateService service.
The base class for ApplicationMultipleTargetGroupsEc2Service and ApplicationMultipleTargetGroupsFargateService classes.
The properties for the base ApplicationMultipleTargetGroupsEc2Service or ApplicationMultipleTargetGroupsFargateService service.
(experimental) Props for creating an Application construct.
(experimental) Properties for a Service Catalog AppRegistry Application.
A builder for ApplicationProps
A builder for ApplicationProps
An implementation for ApplicationProps
An implementation for ApplicationProps
Load balancing protocol for application load balancers.
Load balancing protocol version for application load balancers.
Use an ApplicationAutoScaling StepScalingAction as an Alarm Action.
Define an Application Target Group.
A fluent builder for ApplicationTargetGroup.
Properties for defining an Application Target Group.
An implementation for ApplicationTargetGroupProps
Properties to define an application target group.
An implementation for ApplicationTargetProps
Options for applying CloudFormation init to an instance or instance group.
Options for applying CloudFormation init to an instance or instance group.
An implementation for ApplyCloudFormationInitOptions
An implementation for ApplyCloudFormationInitOptions
The class for App Mesh proxy configurations.
A fluent builder for AppMeshProxyConfiguration.
The configuration to use when setting an App Mesh proxy configuration.
Interface for setting the properties of proxy configuration.
An implementation for AppMeshProxyConfigurationProps
Initialization props for apps.
(experimental) Properties for an App.
A builder for AppProps
A builder for AppProps
An implementation for AppProps
An implementation for AppProps
(experimental) AppSync Functions are local functions that perform certain operations onto a backend data source.
(experimental) A fluent builder for AppsyncFunction.
(experimental) The attributes for imported AppSync Functions.
An implementation for AppsyncFunctionAttributes
(experimental) the CDK properties for AppSync Functions.
A builder for AppsyncFunctionProps
An implementation for AppsyncFunctionProps
A builder for ArbitraryIntervals
An implementation for ArbitraryIntervals
Architectures supported by AWS Lambda.
Define an EventBridge Archive.
A fluent builder for Archive.
The event archive properties.
A builder for ArchiveProps
An implementation for ArchiveProps
A DNS A record.
A fluent builder for ARecord.
Construction properties for a ARecord.
A builder for ARecordProps
An implementation for ARecordProps
A builder for ArnComponents
An implementation for ArnComponents
An enum representing the various ARN formats that different services use.
Specify a principal by the Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
An output artifact of an action.
A manifest for a single artifact within the cloud assembly.
A builder for ArtifactManifest
An implementation for ArtifactManifest
Translate FileSets to CodePipeline Artifacts.
Type of artifact metadata entry.
A specific file within an output artifact.
Artifacts definition for a CodeBuild Project.
(experimental) Options for specifying the s3 location that stores the data of each canary run.
An implementation for ArtifactsBucketLocation
A builder for ArtifactsConfig
An implementation for ArtifactsConfig
Properties common to all Artifacts classes.
A builder for ArtifactsProps
An implementation for ArtifactsProps
Type of cloud artifact.
An Auto Scaling Group Capacity Provider.
A fluent builder for AsgCapacityProvider.
The options for creating an Auto Scaling Group Capacity Provider.
An implementation for AsgCapacityProviderProps
Aspects can be applied to CDK tree scopes and can operate on the tree before synthesis.
How to assemble the results of the transform job as a single S3 object.
A builder for AssemblyBuildOptions
An implementation for AssemblyBuildOptions
A manifest which describes the cloud assembly.
A builder for AssemblyManifest
An implementation for AssemblyManifest
(experimental) A request to make an assertion that the actual value matches the expected.
A builder for AssertionRequest
An implementation for AssertionRequest
(experimental) The result of an Assertion wrapping the actual result data in another struct.
A builder for AssertionResult
An implementation for AssertionResult
(experimental) The result of an assertion.
A builder for AssertionResultData
An implementation for AssertionResultData
(experimental) Represents an assertions provider.
(experimental) The type of assertion to perform.
An asset represents a local file or directory, which is automatically uploaded to S3 and then can be referenced within a CDK application.
A fluent builder for Asset.
OpenAPI specification from a local file.
(experimental) Job Code from a local file.
Lambda code from a local directory.
(experimental) Canary code from an Asset.
Environment file from a local directory.
The type of asset hash.
An image that will be built from a local directory with a Dockerfile.
A fluent builder for AssetImage.
Represents an ECR image that will be constructed from the specified asset and can be bound as Lambda code.
A fluent builder for AssetImageCode.
Properties to initialize a new AssetImage.
A builder for AssetImageCodeProps
An implementation for AssetImageCodeProps
The properties for building an AssetImage.
A builder for AssetImageProps
An implementation for AssetImageProps
Definitions for the asset manifest.
A builder for AssetManifest
An implementation for AssetManifest
Asset manifest is a description of a set of assets which need to be built and published.
Artifact properties for the Asset Manifest.
An implementation for AssetManifestProperties
Asset hash options.
A builder for AssetOptions
A builder for AssetOptions
An implementation for AssetOptions
An implementation for AssetOptions
(experimental) Properties of the image repository for Source.fromAsset().
A builder for AssetProps
A builder for AssetProps
An implementation for AssetProps
An implementation for AssetProps
This class is part of the old API.
(experimental) Represents the source from local assets.
(experimental) A fluent builder for AssetSource.
Stages a file or directory from a location on the file system into a staging directory.
A fluent builder for AssetStaging.
Initialization properties for AssetStaging.
A builder for AssetStagingProps
An implementation for AssetStagingProps
Type of the asset that is being published.
(experimental) Utility class representing the assigment of a value to an attribute.
The options for using a cloudmap service.
An implementation for AssociateCloudMapServiceOptions
Get an Athena Query Execution as a Task.
A fluent builder for AthenaGetQueryExecution.
Properties for getting a Query Execution.
An implementation for AthenaGetQueryExecutionProps
Get an Athena Query Results as a Task.
A fluent builder for AthenaGetQueryResults.
Properties for getting a Query Results.
An implementation for AthenaGetQueryResultsProps
Start an Athena Query as a Task.
A fluent builder for AthenaStartQueryExecution.
Properties for starting a Query Execution.
An implementation for AthenaStartQueryExecutionProps
Stop an Athena Query Execution as a Task.
A fluent builder for AthenaStopQueryExecution.
Properties for stoping a Query Execution.
An implementation for AthenaStopQueryExecutionProps
Options to add a secret attachment to a secret.
A builder for AttachedSecretOptions
An implementation for AttachedSecretOptions
Options for attaching a CloudFormationInit to a resource.
A builder for AttachInitOptions
An implementation for AttachInitOptions
The type of service or database that's being associated with the secret.
Represents an attribute for describing the key schema for the table and indexes.
A builder for Attribute
An implementation for Attribute
(experimental) A Service Catalog AppRegistry Attribute Group.
(experimental) A fluent builder for AttributeGroup.
(experimental) Properties for a Service Catalog AppRegistry Attribute Group.
A builder for AttributeGroupProps
An implementation for AttributeGroupProps
The mapping of user pool attributes to the attributes provided by the identity providers.
A builder for AttributeMapping
An implementation for AttributeMapping
Data types for attributes within a table.
(experimental) Specifies the attribute value assignments.
(experimental) Utility class to allow assigning a value to an attribute.
Aurora capacity units (ACUs).
Creation properties of the plain Aurora database cluster engine.
An implementation for AuroraClusterEngineProps
The versions for the Aurora cluster engine (those returned by
invalid @link
Creation properties of the Aurora MySQL database cluster engine.
An implementation for AuroraMysqlClusterEngineProps
The versions for the Aurora MySQL cluster engine (those returned by
invalid @link
Creation properties of the Aurora PostgreSQL database cluster engine.
An implementation for AuroraPostgresClusterEngineProps
Features supported by this version of the Aurora Postgres cluster engine.
An implementation for AuroraPostgresEngineFeatures
The versions for the Aurora PostgreSQL cluster engine (those returned by
invalid @link
A Listener Action to authenticate with Cognito.
A fluent builder for AuthenticateCognitoAction.
Properties for AuthenticateCognitoAction.
An implementation for AuthenticateCognitoActionProps
Options for ListenerAction.authenciateOidc().
An implementation for AuthenticateOidcOptions
The authentication method to use with SelfManagedKafkaEventSource.
Types of authentication flow.
A builder for AuthFlow
An implementation for AuthFlow
Authorization type for an API Destination Connection.
(experimental) Configuration of the API authorization modes.
The authorization configuration details for the Amazon EFS file system.
A builder for AuthorizationConfig
A builder for AuthorizationConfig
An implementation for AuthorizationConfig
An implementation for AuthorizationConfig
(experimental) Interface to specify default or additional authorization(s).
A builder for AuthorizationMode
An implementation for AuthorizationMode
Authorization token to access private ECR repositories in the current environment via Docker CLI.
(experimental) enum with all possible values for AppSync authorization type.
Base class for all custom authorizers.
(experimental) Payload format version for lambda authorizers.
The authentication method used to call the endpoint.
(experimental) Auto branch creation configuration.
A builder for AutoBranchCreation
An implementation for AutoBranchCreation
The configuration for automatically rolling back deployments in a given Deployment Group.
A builder for AutoRollbackConfig
An implementation for AutoRollbackConfig
Use an AutoScaling StepScalingAction as an Alarm Action.
A Fleet represents a managed set of EC2 instances.
A fluent builder for AutoScalingGroup.
Options for adding worker nodes.
An implementation for AutoScalingGroupCapacityOptions
Options for adding an AutoScalingGroup as capacity.
An implementation for AutoScalingGroupOptions
Properties of a Fleet.
A builder for AutoScalingGroupProps
An implementation for AutoScalingGroupProps
Aspect that makes IMDSv2 required on instances deployed by AutoScalingGroups.
Properties for enabling Lambda autoscaling.
A builder for AutoScalingOptions
An implementation for AutoScalingOptions
Attributes that can be automatically verified for users in a user pool.
A builder for AutoVerifiedAttrs
An implementation for AutoVerifiedAttrs
Query to availability zone context provider.
An implementation for AvailabilityZonesContextQuery
Accessor for pseudo parameters.
Use an AWS Lambda function that makes API calls as an event rule target.
A fluent builder for AwsApi.
(experimental) Construct that creates a custom resource that will perform a query using the AWS SDK.
(experimental) A fluent builder for AwsApiCall.
(experimental) Options to perform an AWS JavaScript V2 API call.
A builder for AwsApiCallOptions
An implementation for AwsApiCallOptions
(experimental) Options for creating an SDKQuery provider.
A builder for AwsApiCallProps
An implementation for AwsApiCallProps
(experimental) A AWS JavaScript SDK V2 request.
A builder for AwsApiCallRequest
An implementation for AwsApiCallRequest
(experimental) The result from a SdkQuery.
A builder for AwsApiCallResult
An implementation for AwsApiCallResult
Rule target input for an AwsApi target.
A builder for AwsApiInput
An implementation for AwsApiInput
Properties for an AwsApi target.
A builder for AwsApiProps
An implementation for AwsApiProps
Manages mapping between IAM users and roles to Kubernetes RBAC configuration.
A fluent builder for AwsAuth.
AwsAuth mapping.
A builder for AwsAuthMapping
An implementation for AwsAuthMapping
Configuration props for the AwsAuth construct.
A builder for AwsAuthProps
An implementation for AwsAuthProps
An AWS Lambda layer that includes the AWS CLI.
Artifact properties for CloudFormation stacks.
Artifact properties for CloudFormation stacks.
An implementation for AwsCloudFormationStackProperties
An implementation for AwsCloudFormationStackProperties
Defines a custom resource that is materialized using specific AWS API calls.
A fluent builder for AwsCustomResource.
The IAM Policy that will be applied to the different calls.
Properties for AwsCustomResource.
An implementation for AwsCustomResourceProps
Destination for assets that need to be uploaded to AWS.
A builder for AwsDestination
An implementation for AwsDestination
(experimental) The authorization config in case the HTTP endpoint requires authorization.
A builder for AwsIamConfig
An implementation for AwsIamConfig
This type of integration lets an API expose AWS service actions.
A fluent builder for AwsIntegration.
A builder for AwsIntegrationProps
An implementation for AwsIntegrationProps
A log driver that sends log information to CloudWatch Logs.
A fluent builder for AwsLogDriver.
awslogs provides two modes for delivering messages from the container to the log driver.
Specifies the awslogs log driver configuration options.
A builder for AwsLogDriverProps
An implementation for AwsLogDriverProps
An AWS SDK call.
A builder for AwsSdkCall
An implementation for AwsSdkCall
(experimental) Abstract AppSync datasource implementation.
(experimental) properties for an AppSync datasource backed by a resource.
A builder for BackedDataSourceProps
An implementation for BackedDataSourceProps
Contains static factory methods to create backends.
Properties for a backend.
A builder for BackendConfig
An implementation for BackendConfig
Represents the properties needed to define backend defaults.
A builder for BackendDefaults
An implementation for BackendDefaults
(experimental) Options for S3 record backup of a delivery stream.
A backup plan.
A fluent builder for BackupPlan.
Properties for a BackupPlan.
A builder for BackupPlanProps
An implementation for BackupPlanProps
A backup plan rule.
A fluent builder for BackupPlanRule.
Properties for a BackupPlanRule.
A builder for BackupPlanRuleProps
An implementation for BackupPlanRuleProps
Backup configuration for DocumentDB databases.
Backup configuration for RDS databases.
A builder for BackupProps
A builder for BackupProps
An implementation for BackupProps
An implementation for BackupProps
A resource to backup.
A fluent builder for BackupResource.
A backup selection.
A fluent builder for BackupSelection.
Options for a BackupSelection.
An implementation for BackupSelectionOptions
Properties for a BackupSelection.
A builder for BackupSelectionProps
An implementation for BackupSelectionProps
A backup vault.
A fluent builder for BackupVault.
Backup vault events.
Properties for a BackupVault.
A builder for BackupVaultProps
An implementation for BackupVaultProps
Basic properties for an ApplicationListener.
An implementation for BaseApplicationListenerProps
Basic properties for defining a rule on a listener.
An implementation for BaseApplicationListenerRuleProps
(experimental) the base properties for AppSync Functions.
An implementation for BaseAppsyncFunctionProps
The event archive base properties.
A builder for BaseArchiveProps
An implementation for BaseArchiveProps
(experimental) Abstract AppSync datasource implementation.
(experimental) Base properties for an AppSync datasource.
A builder for BaseDataSourceProps
An implementation for BaseDataSourceProps
Used when the resource that's associated with the service instance is accessible using values other than an IP address or a domain name (CNAME), i.e.
A builder for BaseInstanceProps
An implementation for BaseInstanceProps
Base class for listeners.
Options for listener lookup.
An implementation for BaseListenerLookupOptions
Base class for both Application and Network Load Balancers.
Options for looking up load balancers.
An implementation for BaseLoadBalancerLookupOptions
Shared properties of both Application and Network Load Balancers.
A builder for BaseLoadBalancerProps
An implementation for BaseLoadBalancerProps
A builder for BaseLogDriverProps
An implementation for BaseLogDriverProps
A builder for BaseNamespaceProps
An implementation for BaseNamespaceProps
Basic properties for a Network Listener.
An implementation for BaseNetworkListenerProps
This resource creates a base path that clients who call your API must use in the invocation URL.
A fluent builder for BasePathMapping.
An implementation for BasePathMappingOptions
A builder for BasePathMappingProps
An implementation for BasePathMappingProps
(experimental) Basic properties for an AppSync resolver.
A builder for BaseResolverProps
An implementation for BaseResolverProps
Represent an attribute for which autoscaling can be configured.
Properties for a ScalableTableAttribute.
An implementation for BaseScalableAttributeProps
The base class for Ec2Service and FargateService services.
The properties for the base Ec2Service or FargateService service.
A builder for BaseServiceOptions
An implementation for BaseServiceOptions
Complete base service properties that are required to be supplied by the implementation of the BaseService class.
Basic props needed to create a service in a given namespace.
A builder for BaseServiceProps
A builder for BaseServiceProps
An implementation for BaseServiceProps
An implementation for BaseServiceProps
This class is part of the old API.
The set of properties for streaming event sources shared by Dynamo, Kinesis and Kafka.
An implementation for BaseStreamEventSourceProps
Basic properties of both Application and Network Target Groups.
A builder for BaseTargetGroupProps
An implementation for BaseTargetGroupProps
Base interface for target tracking props.
Base interface for target tracking props.
An implementation for BaseTargetTrackingProps
An implementation for BaseTargetTrackingProps
(experimental) Base options for GraphQL Types.
A builder for BaseTypeOptions
An implementation for BaseTypeOptions
Options to customize the behaviour of baseUrl().
A builder for BaseUrlOptions
An implementation for BaseUrlOptions
(experimental) Basic Auth configuration.
(experimental) A fluent builder for BasicAuth.
(experimental) A Basic Auth configuration.
A builder for BasicAuthConfig
An implementation for BasicAuthConfig
(experimental) Properties for a BasicAuth.
A builder for BasicAuthProps
An implementation for BasicAuthProps
Basic properties for a lifecycle hook.
An implementation for BasicLifecycleHookProps
Properties for a scheduled scaling action.
An implementation for BasicScheduledActionProps
An implementation for BasicStepScalingPolicyProps
An implementation for BasicStepScalingPolicyProps
Properties for a Target Tracking policy that include the metric but exclude the target.
Properties for a Target Tracking policy that include the metric but exclude the target.
This creates a linux bastion host you can use to connect to other instances or services in your VPC.
A fluent builder for BastionHostLinux.
Properties of the bastion host.
A builder for BastionHostLinuxProps
An implementation for BastionHostLinuxProps
The type returned from IProject.enableBatchBuilds().
A builder for BatchBuildConfig
An implementation for BatchBuildConfig
The overrides that should be sent to a container.
An implementation for BatchContainerOverrides
(experimental) Options used when configuring multiple routes, at once.
A builder for BatchHttpRouteOptions
An implementation for BatchHttpRouteOptions
Use an AWS Batch Job / Queue as an event rule target.
A fluent builder for BatchJob.
An object representing an AWS Batch job dependency.
A builder for BatchJobDependency
An implementation for BatchJobDependency
Customize the Batch Job Event Target.
A builder for BatchJobProps
An implementation for BatchJobProps
Specifies the number of records to include in a mini-batch for an HTTP inference request.
Task to submits an AWS Batch job from a job definition.
A fluent builder for BatchSubmitJob.
Properties for RunBatchJob.
A builder for BatchSubmitJobProps
An implementation for BatchSubmitJobProps
A CloudFront behavior wrapper.
A builder for Behavior
An implementation for Behavior
Options for creating a new behavior.
A builder for BehaviorOptions
An implementation for BehaviorOptions
Between condition for a numeric attribute.
A builder for BetweenCondition
An implementation for BetweenCondition
DynamoDB's Read/Write capacity modes.
Options needed to bind a target to a lifecycle hook.
A builder for BindHookTargetOptions
An implementation for BindHookTargetOptions
The extra options passed to the
invalid @link
An implementation for BindToCodePipelineOptions
Instance resource used for bin packing.
use CodeStarConnectionsSourceAction instead
use CodeStarConnectionsSourceActionProps instead
The source credentials used when contacting the BitBucket API.
A fluent builder for BitBucketSourceCredentials.
Construction properties of BitBucketSourceCredentials.
An implementation for BitBucketSourceCredentialsProps
Construction properties for
invalid @link
A builder for BitBucketSourceProps
An implementation for BitBucketSourceProps
Block device.
Block device.
A builder for BlockDevice
A builder for BlockDevice
An implementation for BlockDevice
An implementation for BlockDevice
Describes a block device mapping for an EC2 instance or Auto Scaling group.
Describes a block device mapping for an EC2 instance or Auto Scaling group.
A fluent builder for BlockPublicAccess.
An implementation for BlockPublicAccessOptions
The Boolean custom attribute type.
A fluent builder for BooleanAttribute.
Synthesizer that reuses bootstrap roles from a different region.
A fluent builder for BootstraplessSynthesizer.
Construction properties of BootstraplessSynthesizer.
An implementation for BootstraplessSynthesizerProps
EKS node bootstrapping options.
A builder for BootstrapOptions
An implementation for BootstrapOptions
Information needed to access an IAM role created as part of the bootstrap process.
A builder for BootstrapRole
An implementation for BootstrapRole
Amazon ECS variant.
Construct an Bottlerocket image from the latest AMI published in SSM.
A fluent builder for BottleRocketImage.
Properties for BottleRocketImage.
An implementation for BottleRocketImageProps
Rejects the received email by returning a bounce response to the sender and, optionally, publishes a notification to Amazon SNS.
A fluent builder for Bounce.
BoundAction configuration.
A builder for BounceActionConfig
An implementation for BounceActionConfig
Construction properties for a bounce action.
A builder for BounceProps
An implementation for BounceProps
A bounce template.
A fluent builder for BounceTemplate.
Construction properties for a BounceTemplate.
A builder for BounceTemplateProps
An implementation for BounceTemplateProps
(experimental) An Amplify Console branch.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Branch.
(experimental) Options to add a branch to an application.
A builder for BranchOptions
An implementation for BranchOptions
(experimental) Properties for a Branch.
A builder for BranchProps
An implementation for BranchProps
(experimental) Configuration details related to broker logs.
A builder for BrokerLogging
An implementation for BrokerLogging
An S3 bucket with associated policy objects.
A fluent builder for Bucket.
Default bucket access control types.
A reference to a bucket outside this stack.
A builder for BucketAttributes
An implementation for BucketAttributes
Represents an S3 Bucket.
A builder for BucketCacheOptions
An implementation for BucketCacheOptions
BucketDeployment populates an S3 bucket with the contents of .zip files from other S3 buckets or from local disk.
A fluent builder for BucketDeployment.
Properties for BucketDeployment.
A builder for BucketDeploymentProps
An implementation for BucketDeploymentProps
What kind of server-side encryption to apply to this bucket.
Specifies a metrics configuration for the CloudWatch request metrics from an Amazon S3 bucket.
A builder for BucketMetrics
An implementation for BucketMetrics
Represents the properties of a notification destination.
Supported types of notification destinations.
The bucket policy for an Amazon S3 bucket.
A fluent builder for BucketPolicy.
A builder for BucketPolicyProps
An implementation for BucketPolicyProps
A builder for BucketProps
An implementation for BucketProps
Use a S3 as an alias record target.
A builder for BuildEnvironment
An implementation for BuildEnvironment
Location of a PEM certificate on S3.
An implementation for BuildEnvironmentCertificate
An implementation for BuildEnvironmentVariable
Optional arguments to
invalid @link
- currently empty.
A builder for BuildImageBindOptions
An implementation for BuildImageBindOptions
The return type from
invalid @link
- currently empty.
A builder for BuildImageConfig
An implementation for BuildImageConfig
BuildSpec for CodeBuild projects.
The built-in container instance attributes.
use DockerImage
Bundling options.
(experimental) Bundling options.
Bundling options.
(experimental) Options for bundling.
A builder for BundlingOptions
A builder for BundlingOptions
A builder for BundlingOptions
A builder for BundlingOptions
An implementation for BundlingOptions
An implementation for BundlingOptions
An implementation for BundlingOptions
An implementation for BundlingOptions
The type of output that a bundling operation is producing.
A DNS Amazon CAA record.
A fluent builder for CaaAmazonRecord.
Construction properties for a CaaAmazonRecord.
A builder for CaaAmazonRecordProps
An implementation for CaaAmazonRecordProps
A DNS CAA record.
A fluent builder for CaaRecord.
Construction properties for a CaaRecord.
A builder for CaaRecordProps
An implementation for CaaRecordProps
Properties for a CAA record value.
A builder for CaaRecordValue
An implementation for CaaRecordValue
The CAA tag.
Cache options for CodeBuild Project.
Used for HTTP cache-control header, which influences downstream caches.
Used for HTTP cache-control header, which influences downstream caches.
Determines whether any cookies in viewer requests are included in the cache key and automatically included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
The HTTP methods that the Behavior will cache requests on.
Determines whether any HTTP headers are included in the cache key and automatically included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
A Cache Policy configuration.
A fluent builder for CachePolicy.
Properties for creating a Cache Policy.
A builder for CachePolicyProps
An implementation for CachePolicyProps
Determines whether any URL query strings in viewer requests are included in the cache key and automatically included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
(experimental) CachingConfig for AppSync resolvers.
A builder for CachingConfig
An implementation for CachingConfig
Base CallApiGatewayEdnpoint Task Props.
An implementation for CallApiGatewayEndpointBaseProps
Call HTTP API endpoint as a Task.
A fluent builder for CallApiGatewayHttpApiEndpoint.
Properties for calling an HTTP API Endpoint.
Call REST API endpoint as a Task.
A fluent builder for CallApiGatewayRestApiEndpoint.
Properties for calling an REST API Endpoint.
A StepFunctions task to call an AWS service API.
A fluent builder for CallAwsService.
Properties for calling an AWS service's API action from your state machine.
A builder for CallAwsServiceProps
An implementation for CallAwsServiceProps
(experimental) Define a new Canary.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Canary.
(experimental) Properties for a canary.
A builder for CanaryProps
An implementation for CanaryProps
A policy principal for canonicalUserIds - useful for S3 bucket policies that use Origin Access identities.
A Linux capability.
use opensearchservice module instead
Configures the capacity of the cluster such as the instance type and the number of instances.
A builder for CapacityConfig
An implementation for CapacityConfig
A Capacity Provider strategy to use for the service.
An implementation for CapacityProviderStrategy
Capacity type of the managed node group.
Capture values while matching templates.
Error handler details.
A builder for CatchProps
An implementation for CatchProps
Represents a cdk command i.e.
A builder for CdkCommand
An implementation for CdkCommand
Options for specific cdk commands that are run as part of the integration test workflow.
A builder for CdkCommands
An implementation for CdkCommands
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
A certificate managed by AWS Certificate Manager.
A fluent builder for Certificate.
Defines a Certificate for ACMPCA.
Properties for your certificate.
A builder for CertificateProps
An implementation for CertificateProps
How to validate a certificate.
Properties for certificate validation.
An implementation for CertificationValidationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GlobalAccelerator::Accelerator.
A fluent builder for CfnAccelerator.
Properties for defining a CfnAccelerator.
A builder for CfnAcceleratorProps
An implementation for CfnAcceleratorProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::AcceptedPortfolioShare.
A fluent builder for CfnAcceptedPortfolioShare.
Properties for defining a CfnAcceptedPortfolioShare.
An implementation for CfnAcceptedPortfolioShareProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IAM::AccessKey.
A fluent builder for CfnAccessKey.
Properties for defining a CfnAccessKey.
A builder for CfnAccessKeyProps
An implementation for CfnAccessKeyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::VpcLattice::AccessLogSubscription.
A fluent builder for CfnAccessLogSubscription.
Properties for defining a CfnAccessLogSubscription.
An implementation for CfnAccessLogSubscriptionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ManagedBlockchain::Accessor.
A fluent builder for CfnAccessor.
Properties for defining a CfnAccessor.
A builder for CfnAccessorProps
An implementation for CfnAccessorProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EFS::AccessPoint.
A CloudFormation AWS::S3::AccessPoint.
A CloudFormation AWS::S3ObjectLambda::AccessPoint.
A CloudFormation AWS::S3Outposts::AccessPoint.
A tag is a key-value pair attached to a file system.
The alias of an Object Lambda Access Point.
An implementation for CfnAccessPoint.AliasProperty
An implementation for CfnAccessPoint.AwsLambdaProperty
A fluent builder for CfnAccessPoint.
A fluent builder for CfnAccessPoint.
A fluent builder for CfnAccessPoint.
A fluent builder for CfnAccessPoint.
Required if the RootDirectory > Path specified does not exist.
A configuration used when creating an Object Lambda Access Point.
Indicates whether this access point policy is public.
The full POSIX identity, including the user ID, group ID, and any secondary group IDs, on the access point that is used for all file system operations performed by NFS clients using the access point.
An implementation for CfnAccessPoint.PosixUserProperty
The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 bucket.
The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 account.
Specifies the directory on the Amazon EFS file system that the access point provides access to.
A configuration used when creating an Object Lambda Access Point transformation.
The Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) configuration for this access point.
Contains the virtual private cloud (VPC) configuration for the specified access point.
A CloudFormation AWS::S3ObjectLambda::AccessPointPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnAccessPointPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnAccessPointPolicy.
An implementation for CfnAccessPointPolicyProps
Properties for defining a CfnAccessPoint.
Properties for defining a CfnAccessPoint.
Properties for defining a CfnAccessPoint.
Properties for defining a CfnAccessPoint.
A builder for CfnAccessPointProps
A builder for CfnAccessPointProps
A builder for CfnAccessPointProps
A builder for CfnAccessPointProps
An implementation for CfnAccessPointProps
An implementation for CfnAccessPointProps
An implementation for CfnAccessPointProps
An implementation for CfnAccessPointProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTSiteWise::AccessPolicy.
A CloudFormation AWS::OpenSearchServerless::AccessPolicy.
The identity (IAM Identity Center user, IAM Identity Center group, or IAM user) to which this access policy applies.
The AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor resource for this access policy.
A fluent builder for CfnAccessPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnAccessPolicy.
Contains information about an AWS Identity and Access Management role.
An implementation for CfnAccessPolicy.IamRoleProperty
Contains information about an AWS Identity and Access Management user.
An implementation for CfnAccessPolicy.IamUserProperty
The Portal property type specifies the AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor portal for an AWS::IoTSiteWise::AccessPolicy .
An implementation for CfnAccessPolicy.PortalProperty
The Project property type specifies the AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor project for an AWS::IoTSiteWise::AccessPolicy .
An implementation for CfnAccessPolicy.ProjectProperty
The User property type specifies the AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor user for an AWS::IoTSiteWise::AccessPolicy .
An implementation for CfnAccessPolicy.UserProperty
Properties for defining a CfnAccessPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnAccessPolicy.
A builder for CfnAccessPolicyProps
A builder for CfnAccessPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnAccessPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnAccessPolicyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::Account.
A CloudFormation AWS::CertificateManager::Account.
A CloudFormation AWS::Organizations::Account.
A fluent builder for CfnAccount.
A fluent builder for CfnAccount.
A fluent builder for CfnAccount.
Object containing expiration events options associated with an AWS account .
A CloudFormation AWS::SupportApp::AccountAlias.
A fluent builder for CfnAccountAlias.
Properties for defining a CfnAccountAlias.
A builder for CfnAccountAliasProps
An implementation for CfnAccountAliasProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::AccountAuditConfiguration.
Which audit checks are enabled and disabled for this account.
The types of audit checks that can be performed.
The configuration of the audit notification target.
Information about the targets to which audit notifications are sent.
A fluent builder for CfnAccountAuditConfiguration.
Properties for defining a CfnAccountAuditConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnAccountAuditConfigurationProps
Properties for defining a CfnAccount.
Properties for defining a CfnAccount.
Properties for defining a CfnAccount.
A builder for CfnAccountProps
A builder for CfnAccountProps
A builder for CfnAccountProps
An implementation for CfnAccountProps
An implementation for CfnAccountProps
An implementation for CfnAccountProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MemoryDB::ACL.
A fluent builder for CfnACL.
Properties for defining a CfnACL.
A builder for CfnACLProps
An implementation for CfnACLProps
A CloudFormation AWS::StepFunctions::Activity.
A fluent builder for CfnActivity.
The TagsEntry property specifies tags to identify an activity.
An implementation for CfnActivity.TagsEntryProperty
Properties for defining a CfnActivity.
A builder for CfnActivityProps
An implementation for CfnActivityProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EKS::Addon.
A CloudFormation AWS::EKS::Addon.
A fluent builder for CfnAddon.
A fluent builder for CfnAddon.
Properties for defining a CfnAddon.
Properties for defining a CfnAddon.
A builder for CfnAddonProps
A builder for CfnAddonProps
An implementation for CfnAddonProps
An implementation for CfnAddonProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::ADMChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnADMChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnADMChannel.
A builder for CfnADMChannelProps
An implementation for CfnADMChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataSync::Agent.
A fluent builder for CfnAgent.
Properties for defining a CfnAgent.
A builder for CfnAgentProps
An implementation for CfnAgentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Config::AggregationAuthorization.
A fluent builder for CfnAggregationAuthorization.
Properties for defining a CfnAggregationAuthorization.
An implementation for CfnAggregationAuthorizationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Transfer::Agreement.
A fluent builder for CfnAgreement.
Properties for defining a CfnAgreement.
A builder for CfnAgreementProps
An implementation for CfnAgreementProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm.
A CloudFormation AWS::Lightsail::Alarm.
A fluent builder for CfnAlarm.
A fluent builder for CfnAlarm.
Dimension is an embedded property of the AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm type.
An implementation for CfnAlarm.DimensionProperty
The MetricDataQuery property type specifies the metric data to return, and whether this call is just retrieving a batch set of data for one metric, or is performing a math expression on metric data.
An implementation for CfnAlarm.MetricDataQueryProperty
The Metric property type represents a specific metric.
An implementation for CfnAlarm.MetricProperty
This structure defines the metric to be returned, along with the statistics, period, and units.
An implementation for CfnAlarm.MetricStatProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTEvents::AlarmModel.
Specifies whether to get notified for alarm state changes.
Specifies one of the following actions to receive notifications when the alarm state changes.
An implementation for CfnAlarmModel.AlarmActionProperty
Contains the configuration information of alarm state changes.
Contains information about one or more alarm actions.
Defines when your alarm is invoked.
An implementation for CfnAlarmModel.AlarmRuleProperty
A structure that contains timestamp information.
A structure that contains value information.
A structure that contains an asset property value.
A fluent builder for CfnAlarmModel.
Defines an action to write to the Amazon DynamoDB table that you created.
An implementation for CfnAlarmModel.DynamoDBProperty
Defines an action to write to the Amazon DynamoDB table that you created.
An implementation for CfnAlarmModel.DynamoDBv2Property
Sends information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
An implementation for CfnAlarmModel.FirehoseProperty
Specifies the default alarm state.
Sends an AWS IoT Events input, passing in information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action.
An implementation for CfnAlarmModel.IotEventsProperty
Sends information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action to a specified asset property in AWS IoT SiteWise .
An implementation for CfnAlarmModel.IotSiteWiseProperty
Information required to publish the MQTT message through the AWS IoT message broker.
Calls a Lambda function, passing in information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action.
An implementation for CfnAlarmModel.LambdaProperty
Information needed to configure the payload.
An implementation for CfnAlarmModel.PayloadProperty
A rule that compares an input property value to a threshold value with a comparison operator.
An implementation for CfnAlarmModel.SimpleRuleProperty
Information required to publish the Amazon SNS message.
An implementation for CfnAlarmModel.SnsProperty
Sends information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action to an Amazon SQS queue.
An implementation for CfnAlarmModel.SqsProperty
Properties for defining a CfnAlarmModel.
A builder for CfnAlarmModelProps
An implementation for CfnAlarmModelProps
Properties for defining a CfnAlarm.
Properties for defining a CfnAlarm.
A builder for CfnAlarmProps
A builder for CfnAlarmProps
An implementation for CfnAlarmProps
An implementation for CfnAlarmProps
A CloudFormation AWS::LookoutMetrics::Alert.
A configuration that specifies the action to perform when anomalies are detected.
An implementation for CfnAlert.ActionProperty
A fluent builder for CfnAlert.
Contains information about a Lambda configuration.
Contains information about the SNS topic to which you want to send your alerts and the IAM role that has access to that topic.
An implementation for CfnAlert.SNSConfigurationProperty
Properties for defining a CfnAlert.
A builder for CfnAlertProps
An implementation for CfnAlertProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GameLift::Alias.
A CloudFormation AWS::KMS::Alias.
A CloudFormation AWS::Lambda::Alias.
The traffic-shifting configuration of a Lambda function alias.
A fluent builder for CfnAlias.
A fluent builder for CfnAlias.
A fluent builder for CfnAlias.
A provisioned concurrency configuration for a function's alias.
The routing configuration for a fleet alias.
An implementation for CfnAlias.RoutingStrategyProperty
The traffic-shifting configuration of a Lambda function alias.
An implementation for CfnAlias.VersionWeightProperty
Properties for defining a CfnAlias.
Properties for defining a CfnAlias.
Properties for defining a CfnAlias.
A builder for CfnAliasProps
A builder for CfnAliasProps
A builder for CfnAliasProps
An implementation for CfnAliasProps
An implementation for CfnAliasProps
An implementation for CfnAliasProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Macie::AllowList.
A fluent builder for CfnAllowList.
Specifies the criteria for an allow list, which is a list that defines specific text or a text pattern to ignore when inspecting data sources for sensitive data.
An implementation for CfnAllowList.CriteriaProperty
Specifies the location and name of an Amazon Simple Storage Service ( Amazon S3 ) object that lists specific, predefined text to ignore when inspecting data sources for sensitive data.
An implementation for CfnAllowList.S3WordsListProperty
Properties for defining a CfnAllowList.
A builder for CfnAllowListProps
An implementation for CfnAllowListProps
A CloudFormation AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.
An aggregation function aggregates values from a dimension or measure.
The configuration options to sort aggregated values.
The configuration for default analysis settings.
The definition of an analysis.
Analysis error.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.AnalysisErrorProperty
The source entity of an analysis.
The source template of an analysis.
The date configuration of the filter.
The arc axis configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .
The arc axis range of a GaugeChartVisual .
The arc configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .
The options that determine the arc thickness of a GaugeChartVisual .
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.ArcOptionsProperty
The data options for an axis.
The minimum and maximum setup for an axis display range.
The display options for the axis label.
The range setup of a numeric axis display range.
The label options for a chart axis.
The reference that specifies where the axis label is applied to.
The liner axis scale setup.
The logarithmic axis scale setup.
The scale setup options for a numeric axis display.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.AxisScaleProperty
The tick label options of an axis.
The aggregated field wells of a bar chart.
The configuration of a BarChartVisual .
The field wells of a BarChartVisual .
A bar chart.
The options that determine the bin count of a histogram.
The options that determine the bin width of a histogram.
The configuration of a body section.
The configuration of content in a body section.
The aggregated field well for a box plot.
The configuration of a BoxPlotVisual .
The field wells of a BoxPlotVisual .
The options of a box plot visual.
The sort configuration of a BoxPlotVisual .
The style options of the box plot.
A box plot.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.BoxPlotVisualProperty
A fluent builder for CfnAnalysis.
The calculated field of an analysis.
The table calculation measure field for pivot tables.
The values that are displayed in a control can be configured to only show values that are valid based on what's selected in other controls.
The source controls that are used in a CascadingControlConfiguration .
The dimension type field with categorical type columns..
The measure type field with categorical type columns.
The numeric equality type drill down filter.
The configuration for a CategoryFilter .
A CategoryFilter filters text values.
The label options for an axis on a chart.
The cluster marker configuration of the geospatial map selected point style.
The cluster marker that is a part of the cluster marker configuration.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.ClusterMarkerProperty
Determines the color scale that is applied to the visual.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.ColorScaleProperty
The general configuration of a column.
The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields for a visual element.
A column of a data set.
The sort configuration for a column that is not used in a field well.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.ColumnSortProperty
The tooltip item for the columns that are not part of a field well.
The aggregated field wells of a combo chart.
The configuration of a ComboChartVisual .
The field wells of the visual.
The sort configuration of a ComboChartVisual .
A combo chart.
The comparison display configuration of a KPI or gauge chart.
The format of the comparison.
The computation union that is used in an insight visual.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.ComputationProperty
The formatting configuration for the color.
Determines the custom condition for an icon set.
Custom icon options for an icon set.
Formatting configuration for gradient color.
Determines the icon display configuration.
The formatting configuration for the icon.
Formatting configuration for icon set.
Formatting configuration for solid color.
The contribution analysis visual display for a line, pie, or bar chart.
The options that determine the currency display format configuration.
The filter operation that filters data included in a visual or in an entire sheet.
The navigation operation that navigates between different sheets in the same analysis.
The set parameter operation that sets parameters in custom action.
The URL operation that opens a link to another webpage.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.CustomColorProperty
The configuration of a CustomContentVisual .
A visual that contains custom content.
A custom filter that filters based on a single value.
A list of custom filter values.
The custom narrative options.
The customized parameter values.
The configuration of custom values for the destination parameter in DestinationParameterValueConfiguration .
The options for data bars.
Determines the color that is applied to a particular data value.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.DataColorProperty
The data field series item configuration of a line chart.
The options that determine the presentation of the data labels.
The option that determines the data label type.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.DataLabelTypeProperty
The color map that determines the color options for a particular element.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.DataPathColorProperty
The option that specifies individual data values for labels.
Allows data paths to be sorted by a specific data value.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.DataPathSortProperty
The data path that needs to be sorted.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.DataPathValueProperty
A data set.
Dataset reference.
The options that determine how a date axis is displayed.
The dimension type field with date type columns.
The measure type field with date type columns.
The default values of the DateTimeParameterDeclaration .
Formatting configuration for DateTime fields.
The option that determines the hierarchy of any DateTime fields.
A parameter declaration for the DateTime data type.
A date-time parameter.
The display options of a control.
The configuration that defines the default value of a DateTime parameter when a value has not been set.
The default values of the DecimalParameterDeclaration .
A parameter declaration for the Decimal data type.
A decimal parameter.
The option that determines the decimal places configuration.
The configuration that defines the default value of a Decimal parameter when a value has not been set.
The options that determine the default settings of a free-form layout configuration.
The options that determine the default settings for a grid layout configuration.
The options that determine the default settings for interactive layout configuration.
The configuration for default new sheet settings.
The options that determine the default settings for a paginated layout configuration.
The options that determine the default settings for a section-based layout configuration.
The configuration of destination parameter values.
The dimension type field.
The label options of the label that is displayed in the center of a donut chart.
The options for configuring a donut chart or pie chart.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.DonutOptionsProperty
The drill down filter for the column hierarchies.
The display options of a control.
Defines different defaults to the users or groups based on mapping.
An empty visual.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.EmptyVisualProperty
An object, structure, or sub-structure of an analysis, template, or dashboard.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.EntityProperty
The exclude period of TimeRangeFilter or RelativeDatesFilter .
The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are built within a visual's field wells.
The setup for the detailed tooltip.
The field label type.
The field series item configuration of a line chart.
The field sort options in a chart configuration.
The sort configuration for a field in a field well.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.FieldSortProperty
The tooltip item for the fields.
The aggregated field well of the filled map.
Conditional formatting options of a FilledMapVisual .
The conditional formatting of a FilledMapVisual .
The configuration for a FilledMapVisual .
The field wells of a FilledMapVisual .
The conditional formatting that determines the shape of the filled map.
The sort configuration of a FilledMapVisual .
A filled map.
The control of a filter that is used to interact with a dashboard or an analysis.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.FilterControlProperty
A control from a date filter that is used to specify date and time.
A control to display a dropdown list with buttons that are used to select a single value.
A grouping of individual filters.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.FilterGroupProperty
A list of filter configurations.
A control to display a list of buttons or boxes.
The configuration of selected fields in the CustomActionFilterOperation .
The configuration of target visuals that you want to be filtered.
With a Filter , you can remove portions of data from a particular visual or view.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.FilterProperty
A control from a date filter that is used to specify the relative date.
The scope configuration for a FilterGroup .
A list of selectable values that are used in a control.
A control to display a horizontal toggle bar.
A control to display a text box that is used to enter multiple entries.
A control to display a text box that is used to enter a single entry.
Configures the display properties of the given text.
The option that determines the text display size.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.FontSizeProperty
The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.FontWeightProperty
The forecast computation configuration.
The forecast configuration that is used in a line chart's display properties.
The forecast scenario of a forecast in the line chart.
The formatting configuration for all types of field.
Configuration options for the canvas of a free-form layout.
The configuration of a free-form layout.
The background style configuration of a free-form layout element.
The background style configuration of a free-form layout element.
An element within a free-form layout.
The options that determine the sizing of the canvas used in a free-form layout.
The free-form layout configuration of a section.
The field well configuration of a FunnelChartVisual .
The configuration of a FunnelChartVisual .
The options that determine the presentation of the data labels.
The field well configuration of a FunnelChartVisual .
The sort configuration of a FunnelChartVisual .
A funnel chart.
The options that determine the presentation of the arc of a GaugeChartVisual .
Conditional formatting options of a GaugeChartVisual .
The conditional formatting of a GaugeChartVisual .
The configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .
The field well configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .
The options that determine the presentation of the GaugeChartVisual .
The conditional formatting for the primary value of a GaugeChartVisual .
A gauge chart.
The bound options (north, south, west, east) of the geospatial window options.
The aggregated field wells for a geospatial map.
The configuration of a GeospatialMapVisual .
The field wells of a GeospatialMapVisual .
The map style options of the geospatial map.
A geospatial map or a points on map visual.
The point style of the geospatial map.
The window options of the geospatial map visual.
Determines the border options for a table visual.
Determines the gradient color settings.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.GradientColorProperty
Determines the gradient stop configuration.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.GradientStopProperty
Configuration options for the canvas of a grid layout.
The configuration for a grid layout.
An element within a grid layout.
The options that determine the sizing of the canvas used in a grid layout.
The growth rate computation configuration.
The configuration of a header or footer section.
The aggregated field wells of a heat map.
The configuration of a heat map.
The field well configuration of a heat map.
The sort configuration of a heat map.
A heat map.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.HeatMapVisualProperty
The field well configuration of a histogram.
The options that determine the presentation of histogram bins.
The configuration for a HistogramVisual .
The field well configuration of a histogram.
A histogram.
The configuration of an insight visual.
An insight visual.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.InsightVisualProperty
The default values of the IntegerParameterDeclaration .
A parameter declaration for the Integer data type.
An integer parameter.
A parameter declaration for the Integer data type.
The limit configuration of the visual display for an axis.
The conditional formatting options of a KPI visual.
The conditional formatting of a KPI visual.
The configuration of a KPI visual.
The field well configuration of a KPI visual.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.KPIFieldWellsProperty
The options that determine the presentation of a KPI visual.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.KPIOptionsProperty
The conditional formatting for the primary value of a KPI visual.
The conditional formatting for the progress bar of a KPI visual.
The sort configuration of a KPI visual.
A key performance indicator (KPI).
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.KPIVisualProperty
The share label options for the labels.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.LabelOptionsProperty
The configuration that determines what the type of layout will be used on a sheet.
A Layout defines the placement of elements within a sheet.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.LayoutProperty
The options for the legend setup of a visual.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.LegendOptionsProperty
The field well configuration of a line chart.
The configuration of a line chart.
The options that determine the default presentation of all line series in LineChartVisual .
The field well configuration of a line chart.
Line styles options for a line series in LineChartVisual .
Marker styles options for a line series in LineChartVisual .
The options that determine the presentation of a line series in the visual.
The sort configuration of a line chart.
A line chart.
The series axis configuration of a line chart.
The display options of a control.
The configuration of the search options in a list control.
The configuration of the Select all options in a list control.
The configuration of loading animation in free-form layout.
The navigation configuration for CustomActionNavigationOperation .
The text format for a subtitle.
A dataset parameter that is mapped to an analysis parameter.
The maximum label of a data path label.
The maximum and minimum computation configuration.
The measure (metric) type field.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.MeasureFieldProperty
The metric comparison computation configuration.
The minimum label of a data path label.
The configuration options that determine how missing data is treated during the rendering of a line chart.
The options that determine the negative value configuration.
The options that determine the null value format configuration.
The options that determine the number display format configuration.
Formatting configuration for number fields.
Aggregation for numerical values.
The dimension type field with numerical type columns.
The measure type field with numerical type columns.
The options for an axis with a numeric field.
The category drill down filter.
A NumericEqualityFilter filters values that are equal to the specified value.
The options that determine the numeric format configuration.
A NumericRangeFilter filters values that are within the value range.
The value input pf the numeric range filter.
The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.
The pagination configuration for a table visual or boxplot.
A collection of options that configure how each panel displays in a small multiples chart.
The options that determine the title styles for each small multiples panel.
The control of a parameter that users can interact with in a dashboard or an analysis.
A control from a date parameter that specifies date and time.
The declaration definition of a parameter.
A control to display a dropdown list with buttons that are used to select a single value.
A control to display a list with buttons or boxes that are used to select either a single value or multiple values.
A list of selectable values that are used in a control.
A control to display a horizontal toggle bar.
A list of Amazon QuickSight parameters and the list's override values.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.ParametersProperty
A control to display a text box that is used to enter multiple entries.
A control to display a text box that is used to enter a single entry.
The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.
An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.
The percent range in the visible range.
The period over period computation configuration.
The period to date computation configuration.
The field well configuration of a pie chart.
The configuration of a pie chart.
The field well configuration of a pie chart.
The sort configuration of a pie chart.
A pie or donut chart.
The field sort options for a pivot table sort configuration.
The aggregated field well for the pivot table.
The cell conditional formatting option for a pivot table.
Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual .
The conditional formatting for a PivotTableVisual .
The scope of the cell for conditional formatting.
The configuration for a PivotTableVisual .
The data path options for the pivot table field options.
The selected field options for the pivot table field options.
The field options for a pivot table visual.
The optional configuration of subtotals cells.
The field wells for a pivot table visual.
The table options for a pivot table visual.
The paginated report options for a pivot table visual.
The sort by field for the field sort options.
The sort configuration for a PivotTableVisual .
The total options for a pivot table visual.
A pivot table.
The optional configuration of totals cells in a PivotTableVisual .
The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are defined during data preparation.
The options that determine the presentation of the progress bar of a KPI visual.
The aggregated field well configuration of a RadarChartVisual .
The configured style settings of a radar chart.
The configuration of a RadarChartVisual .
The field wells of a radar chart visual.
The series settings of a radar chart.
The sort configuration of a RadarChartVisual .
A radar chart visual.
The range ends label type of a data path label.
The configuration for a custom label on a ReferenceLine .
The data configuration of the reference line.
The dynamic configuration of the reference line data configuration.
The label configuration of a reference line.
The reference line visual display options.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.ReferenceLineProperty
The static data configuration of the reference line data configuration.
The style configuration of the reference line.
The value label configuration of the label in a reference line.
A RelativeDatesFilter filters relative dates values.
The display options of a control.
Permission for the resource.
The rolling date configuration of a date time filter.
Determines the row alternate color options.
The configuration of the same-sheet target visuals that you want to be filtered.
The field well configuration of a sankey diagram.
The configuration of a sankey diagram.
The field well configuration of a sankey diagram.
The sort configuration of a sankey diagram.
A sankey diagram.
The aggregated field well of a scatter plot.
The configuration of a scatter plot.
The field well configuration of a scatter plot.
The unaggregated field wells of a scatter plot.
A scatter plot.
The visual display options for a data zoom scroll bar.
The options that determine the presentation of the secondary value of a KPI visual.
The configuration of a page break after a section.
The options for the canvas of a section-based layout.
The configuration for a section-based layout.
The options for a paper canvas of a section-based layout.
The layout configuration of a section.
The configuration of a page break for a section.
The options that style a section.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.SectionStyleProperty
The configuration for applying a filter to specific sheets or visuals.
The series item configuration of a line chart.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.SeriesItemProperty
The configuration of adding parameters in action.
The shape conditional formatting of a filled map visual.
The configuration that determines the elements and canvas size options of sheet control.
A grid layout to define the placement of sheet control.
A sheet is an object that contains a set of visuals that are viewed together on one page in a paginated report.
The override configuration of the rendering rules of a sheet.
The rendering rules of a sheet that uses a free-form layout.
A sheet , which is an object that contains a set of visuals that are viewed together on one page in Amazon QuickSight.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.SheetProperty
A text box.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.SheetTextBoxProperty
The filter that is applied to the options.
The text format for the title.
The simple cluster marker of the cluster marker.
The display options of a control.
Options that determine the layout and display options of a chart's small multiples.
The configuration of spacing (often a margin or padding).
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.SpacingProperty
The default values of the StringParameterDeclaration .
Formatting configuration for string fields.
A parameter declaration for the String data type.
A string parameter.
The configuration that defines the default value of a String parameter when a value has not been set.
The subtotal options.
The aggregated field well for the table.
The border options for a table border.
The cell conditional formatting option for a table.
The sizing options for the table image configuration.
The table cell style for a cell in pivot table or table visual.
Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual .
The conditional formatting for a PivotTableVisual .
The configuration for a TableVisual .
The custom icon content for the table link content configuration.
The custom text content (value, font configuration) for the table link content configuration.
The image configuration of a table field URL.
The link configuration of a table field URL.
The URL content (text, icon) for the table link configuration.
The options for a table field.
The field options for a table visual.
The URL configuration for a table field.
The field wells for a table visual.
The inline visualization of a specific type to display within a chart.
The table options for a table visual.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.TableOptionsProperty
The paginated report options for a table visual.
The conditional formatting of a table row.
The side border options for a table.
The sort configuration for a TableVisual .
The unaggregated field well for the table.
A table visual.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.TableVisualProperty
The display options of a control.
The conditional formatting for the text.
The configuration of the placeholder options in a text control.
The display options of a control.
The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.
The forecast properties setup of a forecast in the line chart.
A TimeEqualityFilter filters values that are equal to a given value.
The time range drill down filter.
A TimeRangeFilter filters values that are between two specified values.
The value of a time range filter.
The tooltip.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.TooltipItemProperty
The display options for the visual tooltip.
A TopBottomFilter filters values that are at the top or the bottom.
The top movers and bottom movers computation setup.
The top ranked and bottom ranked computation configuration.
The total aggregation computation configuration.
The total options for a table visual.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.TotalOptionsProperty
Aggregated field wells of a tree map.
The configuration of a tree map.
The field wells of a tree map.
The sort configuration of a tree map.
A tree map.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.TreeMapVisualProperty
The options that determine the presentation of trend arrows in a KPI visual.
The unaggregated field for a table.
The unique values computation configuration.
The range options for the data zoom scroll bar.
The operation that is defined by the custom action.
A custom action defined on a visual.
The visual display options for the visual palette.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.VisualPaletteProperty
A visual displayed on a sheet in an analysis, dashboard, or template.
An implementation for CfnAnalysis.VisualProperty
The subtitle label options for a visual.
The title label options for a visual.
The field well configuration of a waterfall visual.
The configuration for a waterfall visual.
The field well configuration of a waterfall visual.
The options that determine the presentation of a waterfall visual.
The sort configuration of a waterfall visual.
A waterfall chart.
Provides the forecast to meet the target for a particular date.
Provides the forecast to meet the target for a particular date range.
The aggregated field wells of a word cloud.
The configuration of a word cloud visual.
The field wells of a word cloud visual.
The word cloud options for a word cloud visual.
The sort configuration of a word cloud visual.
A word cloud.
Properties for defining a CfnAnalysis.
A builder for CfnAnalysisProps
An implementation for CfnAnalysisProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AccessAnalyzer::Analyzer.
The criteria for an archive rule.
An implementation for CfnAnalyzer.ArchiveRuleProperty
A fluent builder for CfnAnalyzer.
The criteria that defines the rule.
An implementation for CfnAnalyzer.FilterProperty
Properties for defining a CfnAnalyzer.
A builder for CfnAnalyzerProps
An implementation for CfnAnalyzerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Omics::AnnotationStore.
A fluent builder for CfnAnnotationStore.
A genome reference.
Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for a store.
The store's file parsing options.
The store's parsing options.
Properties for defining a CfnAnnotationStore.
An implementation for CfnAnnotationStoreProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudWatch::AnomalyDetector.
A CloudFormation AWS::LookoutMetrics::AnomalyDetector.
Contains information about a detector's configuration.
Details about an Amazon AppFlow flow datasource.
A fluent builder for CfnAnomalyDetector.
A fluent builder for CfnAnomalyDetector.
Details about an Amazon CloudWatch datasource.
Specifies details about how the anomaly detection model is to be trained, including time ranges to exclude when training and updating the model.
Contains information about how a source CSV data file should be analyzed.
A dimension is a name/value pair that is part of the identity of a metric.
Contains information about a source file's formatting.
Contains information about how a source JSON data file should be analyzed.
This structure is used in both GetMetricData and PutMetricAlarm .
Indicates the CloudWatch math expression that provides the time series the anomaly detector uses as input.
Represents a specific metric.
A calculation made by contrasting a measure and a dimension from your source data.
An implementation for CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricProperty
An implementation for CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricProperty
Contains information about a dataset.
Contains information about how the source data should be interpreted.
This structure defines the metric to be returned, along with the statistics, period, and units.
Each Range specifies one range of days or times to exclude from use for training or updating an anomaly detection model.
An implementation for CfnAnomalyDetector.RangeProperty
Contains information about the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) configuration.
Provides information about the Amazon Redshift database configuration.
Contains information about the configuration of the S3 bucket that contains source files.
Designates the CloudWatch metric and statistic that provides the time series the anomaly detector uses as input.
Contains information about the column used to track time in a source data file.
Contains configuration information about the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
Properties for defining a CfnAnomalyDetector.
Properties for defining a CfnAnomalyDetector.
An implementation for CfnAnomalyDetectorProps
An implementation for CfnAnomalyDetectorProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CE::AnomalyMonitor.
A fluent builder for CfnAnomalyMonitor.
The tag structure that contains a tag key and value.
Properties for defining a CfnAnomalyMonitor.
An implementation for CfnAnomalyMonitorProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CE::AnomalySubscription.
A fluent builder for CfnAnomalySubscription.
The tag structure that contains a tag key and value.
The recipient of AnomalySubscription notifications.
Properties for defining a CfnAnomalySubscription.
An implementation for CfnAnomalySubscriptionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Api.
A CloudFormation AWS::Serverless::Api.
An implementation for CfnApi.AccessLogSettingProperty
A builder for CfnApi.AuthProperty
An implementation for CfnApi.AuthProperty
The BodyS3Location property specifies an S3 location from which to import an OpenAPI definition.
An implementation for CfnApi.BodyS3LocationProperty
A fluent builder for CfnApi.
A fluent builder for CfnApi.
An implementation for CfnApi.CanarySettingProperty
An implementation for CfnApi.CorsConfigurationProperty
The Cors property specifies a CORS configuration for an API.
A builder for CfnApi.CorsProperty
An implementation for CfnApi.CorsProperty
An implementation for CfnApi.S3LocationProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::AppSync::ApiCache.
A fluent builder for CfnApiCache.
Properties for defining a CfnApiCache.
A builder for CfnApiCacheProps
An implementation for CfnApiCacheProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Events::ApiDestination.
A fluent builder for CfnApiDestination.
Properties for defining a CfnApiDestination.
An implementation for CfnApiDestinationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGatewayV2::ApiGatewayManagedOverrides.
The AccessLogSettings property overrides the access log settings for an API Gateway-managed stage.
A fluent builder for CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.
The IntegrationOverrides property overrides the integration settings for an API Gateway-managed integration.
The RouteOverrides property overrides the route configuration for an API Gateway-managed route.
The RouteSettings property overrides the route settings for an API Gateway-managed route.
The StageOverrides property overrides the stage configuration for an API Gateway-managed stage.
Properties for defining a CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey.
A CloudFormation AWS::AppSync::ApiKey.
A fluent builder for CfnApiKey.
A fluent builder for CfnApiKey.
StageKey is a property of the AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey resource that specifies the stage to associate with the API key.
An implementation for CfnApiKey.StageKeyProperty
Properties for defining a CfnApiKey.
Properties for defining a CfnApiKey.
A builder for CfnApiKeyProps
A builder for CfnApiKeyProps
An implementation for CfnApiKeyProps
An implementation for CfnApiKeyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGatewayV2::ApiMapping.
A fluent builder for CfnApiMapping.
Properties for defining a CfnApiMapping.
A builder for CfnApiMappingProps
An implementation for CfnApiMappingProps
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
Properties for defining a CfnApi.
Properties for defining a CfnApi.
A builder for CfnApiProps
A builder for CfnApiProps
An implementation for CfnApiProps
An implementation for CfnApiProps
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::APNSChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnAPNSChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnAPNSChannel.
A builder for CfnAPNSChannelProps
An implementation for CfnAPNSChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::APNSSandboxChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnAPNSSandboxChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnAPNSSandboxChannel.
An implementation for CfnAPNSSandboxChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::APNSVoipChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnAPNSVoipChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnAPNSVoipChannel.
An implementation for CfnAPNSVoipChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::APNSVoipSandboxChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnAPNSVoipSandboxChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnAPNSVoipSandboxChannel.
An implementation for CfnAPNSVoipSandboxChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Amplify::App.
A CloudFormation AWS::OpsWorks::App.
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::App.
A CloudFormation AWS::ResilienceHub::App.
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::App.
Use the AutoBranchCreationConfig property type to automatically create branches that match a certain pattern.
Use the BasicAuthConfig property type to set password protection at an app level to all your branches.
An implementation for CfnApp.BasicAuthConfigProperty
A fluent builder for CfnApp.
A fluent builder for CfnApp.
A fluent builder for CfnApp.
A fluent builder for CfnApp.
A fluent builder for CfnApp.
The CustomRule property type allows you to specify redirects, rewrites, and reverse proxies.
An implementation for CfnApp.CustomRuleProperty
Describes an app's data source.
An implementation for CfnApp.DataSourceProperty
Environment variables are key-value pairs that are available at build time.
Represents an app's environment variable.
Defines a physical resource identifier.
An implementation for CfnApp.PhysicalResourceIdProperty
Defines a resource mapping.
An implementation for CfnApp.ResourceMappingProperty
Specifies the ARN's of a SageMaker image and SageMaker image version, and the instance type that the version runs on.
An implementation for CfnApp.ResourceSpecProperty
Contains the information required to retrieve an app or cookbook from a repository.
A builder for CfnApp.SourceProperty
An implementation for CfnApp.SourceProperty
Describes an app's SSL configuration.
An implementation for CfnApp.SslConfigurationProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::AppStream::AppBlock.
A fluent builder for CfnAppBlock.
The S3 location of the app block.
An implementation for CfnAppBlock.S3LocationProperty
The details of the script.
An implementation for CfnAppBlock.ScriptDetailsProperty
Properties for defining a CfnAppBlock.
A builder for CfnAppBlockProps
An implementation for CfnAppBlockProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::AppImageConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnAppImageConfig.
The Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) storage configuration for a SageMaker image.
The configuration for the file system and kernels in a SageMaker image running as a KernelGateway app.
The specification of a Jupyter kernel.
Properties for defining a CfnAppImageConfig.
An implementation for CfnAppImageConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppConfig::Application.
A CloudFormation AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application.
A CloudFormation AWS::AppStream::Application.
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeDeploy::Application.
A CloudFormation AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.
A CloudFormation AWS::EMRServerless::Application.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTFleetHub::Application.
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::Application.
A CloudFormation AWS::M2::Application.
A CloudFormation AWS::RefactorSpaces::Application.
A CloudFormation AWS::Serverless::Application.
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalogAppRegistry::Application.
A CloudFormation AWS::SystemsManagerSAP::Application.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application AlarmMetric property type defines a metric to monitor for the component.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application Alarm property type defines a CloudWatch alarm to be monitored for the component.
An implementation for CfnApplication.AlarmProperty
A wrapper object holding the Amazon API Gateway endpoint input.
Describes code configuration for an application.
Specifies the creation parameters for a Kinesis Data Analytics application.
Specifies the maintence window parameters for a Kinesis Data Analytics application.
Use the ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig property type to specify lifecycle settings for resources that belong to an AWS Elastic Beanstalk application when defining an AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application resource in an AWS CloudFormation template.
Specifies the method and snapshot to use when restarting an application using previously saved application state.
Describes whether snapshots are enabled for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
Use the ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig property type to specify application version lifecycle settings for an AWS Elastic Beanstalk application when defining an AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application resource in an AWS CloudFormation template.
The configuration for an application to automatically start on job submission.
The configuration for an application to automatically stop after a certain amount of time being idle.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnApplication.
The configuration parameters for the default Amazon Glue database.
Describes an application's checkpointing configuration.
Specifies either the application code, or the location of the application code, for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application ComponentConfiguration property type defines the configuration settings of the component.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application ComponentMonitoringSetting property type defines the monitoring setting of the component.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application ConfigurationDetails property type specifies the configuration settings.
The credentials of your SAP application.
An implementation for CfnApplication.CredentialProperty
Provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters, such as CSV.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters, such as CSV.
The configuration of connectors and user-defined functions.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application CustomComponent property type describes a custom component by grouping similar standalone instances to monitor.
The application definition for a particular application.
An implementation for CfnApplication.DefinitionProperty
The information required to deploy a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook as an application with durable state.
Describes execution properties for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
Describes configuration parameters for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application or a Studio notebook.
Describes the starting parameters for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
The configuration of the Glue Data Catalog that you use for Apache Flink SQL queries and table API transforms that you write in an application.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application HAClusterPrometheusExporter property type defines the HA cluster Prometheus Exporter settings.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application HANAPrometheusExporter property type defines the HANA DB Prometheus Exporter settings.
The initial capacity configuration per worker.
The initial capacity configuration per worker.
An object that contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Lambda function that is used to preprocess records in the stream, and the ARN of the IAM role that is used to access the AWS Lambda function.
An object that contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Lambda function that is used to preprocess records in the stream in a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
Describes the number of in-application streams to create for a given streaming source.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the number of in-application streams to create for a given streaming source.
Provides a description of a processor that is used to preprocess the records in the stream before being processed by your application code.
For an SQL-based Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes a processor that is used to preprocess the records in the stream before being processed by your application code.
When you configure the application input, you specify the streaming source, the in-application stream name that is created, and the mapping between the two.
When you configure the application input for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, you specify the streaming source, the in-application stream name that is created, and the mapping between the two.
An implementation for CfnApplication.InputProperty
An implementation for CfnApplication.InputProperty
Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns in the in-application stream that is being created.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application JMXPrometheusExporter property type defines the JMXPrometheus Exporter configuration.
Provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source.
Identifies an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream as the streaming source.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, identifies a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream as the streaming source.
Identifies an Amazon Kinesis stream as the streaming source.
Identifies a Kinesis data stream as the streaming source.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application LogPattern property type specifies an object that defines the log patterns that belong to a LogPatternSet .
An implementation for CfnApplication.LogPatternProperty
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application LogPatternSet property type specifies the log pattern set.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application Log property type specifies a log to monitor for the component.
An implementation for CfnApplication.LogProperty
When configuring application input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the streaming source.
When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the streaming source.
The information required to specify a Maven reference.
Use the MaxAgeRule property type to specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an AWS Elastic Beanstalk application when defining an AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application resource in an AWS CloudFormation template.
An implementation for CfnApplication.MaxAgeRuleProperty
Use the MaxAgeRule property type to specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an AWS Elastic Beanstalk application when defining an AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application resource in an AWS CloudFormation template.
The maximum allowed cumulative resources for an application.
Describes configuration parameters for Amazon CloudWatch logging for a Java-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
The network configuration for customer VPC connectivity.
Describes parameters for how a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application executes multiple tasks simultaneously.
Property key-value pairs passed into an application.
Describes the mapping of each data element in the streaming source to the corresponding column in the in-application stream.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the mapping of each data element in the streaming source to the corresponding column in the in-application stream.
Describes the record format and relevant mapping information that should be applied to schematize the records on the stream.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the record format and relevant mapping information that should be applied to schematize the records on the stream.
Describes the starting parameters for an Kinesis Data Analytics application.
The base location of the Amazon Data Analytics application.
The location of an application or a custom artifact.
The S3 location of the application icon.
An implementation for CfnApplication.S3LocationProperty
Describes the inputs, outputs, and reference data sources for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application SubComponentConfigurationDetails property type specifies the configuration settings of the sub-components.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application SubComponentTypeConfiguration property type specifies the sub-component configurations for a component.
Metadata to assign to the application.
An implementation for CfnApplication.TagsProperty
Describes the parameters of a VPC used by the application.
The AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application WindowsEvent property type specifies a Windows Event to monitor for the component.
The resource configuration of the initial capacity configuration.
The configuration of a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook.
Describes configuration parameters for Amazon CloudWatch logging for a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook.
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption.
Provides a description of Amazon CloudWatch logging options, including the log stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption.
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption.
Provides a description of Amazon CloudWatch logging options, including the log stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2.
A CloudFormation AWS::AppStream::ApplicationEntitlementAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationEntitlementAssociation.
A CloudFormation AWS::AppStream::ApplicationFleetAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnApplicationFleetAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationFleetAssociation.
A CloudFormation AWS::Panorama::ApplicationInstance.
A fluent builder for CfnApplicationInstance.
Parameter overrides for an application instance.
A application verion's manifest file.
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationInstance.
An implementation for CfnApplicationInstanceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput.
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationOutput.
A fluent builder for CfnApplicationOutput.
A fluent builder for CfnApplicationOutput.
Describes the data format when records are written to the destination.
Describes the data format when records are written to the destination in a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
When configuring application output, identifies an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream as the destination.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, when configuring application output, identifies a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream as the destination.
When configuring application output, identifies an Amazon Kinesis stream as the destination.
When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output, identifies a Kinesis data stream as the destination.
When configuring application output, identifies an AWS Lambda function as the destination.
When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output, identifies an Amazon Lambda function as the destination.
Describes application output configuration in which you identify an in-application stream and a destination where you want the in-application stream data to be written.
Describes a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output configuration, in which you identify an in-application stream and a destination where you want the in-application stream data to be written.
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationOutput.
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationOutput.
An implementation for CfnApplicationOutputProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationOutputProps
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationOutput.
A fluent builder for CfnApplicationOutputV2.
Describes the data format when records are written to the destination in a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, when configuring application output, identifies a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream as the destination.
When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output, identifies a Kinesis data stream as the destination.
When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output, identifies an Amazon Lambda function as the destination.
Describes a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output configuration, in which you identify an in-application stream and a destination where you want the in-application stream data to be written.
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationOutputV2.
An implementation for CfnApplicationOutputV2Props
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
Properties for defining a CfnApplication.
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
A builder for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
An implementation for CfnApplicationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.
A fluent builder for CfnApplicationReferenceDataSource.
A fluent builder for CfnApplicationReferenceDataSource.
Provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters, such as CSV.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters, such as CSV.
Provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source.
When configuring application input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the streaming source.
When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the streaming source.
Describes the mapping of each data element in the streaming source to the corresponding column in the in-application stream.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the mapping of each data element in the streaming source to the corresponding column in the in-application stream.
Describes the record format and relevant mapping information that should be applied to schematize the records on the stream.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the record format and relevant mapping information that should be applied to schematize the records on the stream.
Describes the reference data source by providing the source information (S3 bucket name and object key name), the resulting in-application table name that is created, and the necessary schema to map the data elements in the Amazon S3 object to the in-application table.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the reference data source by providing the source information (Amazon S3 bucket name and object key name), the resulting in-application table name that is created, and the necessary schema to map the data elements in the Amazon S3 object to the in-application table.
The ReferenceSchema property type specifies the format of the data in the reference source for a SQL-based Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream.
Identifies the S3 bucket and object that contains the reference data.
For an SQL-based Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application, identifies the Amazon S3 bucket and object that contains the reference data.
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationReferenceDataSource.
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationReferenceDataSource.
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters, such as CSV.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source.
When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the streaming source.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the mapping of each data element in the streaming source to the corresponding column in the in-application stream.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the record format and relevant mapping information that should be applied to schematize the records on the stream.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the reference data source by providing the source information (Amazon S3 bucket name and object key name), the resulting in-application table name that is created, and the necessary schema to map the data elements in the Amazon S3 object to the in-application table.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream.
For an SQL-based Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application, identifies the Amazon S3 bucket and object that contains the reference data.
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2.
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::ApplicationSettings.
A fluent builder for CfnApplicationSettings.
Specifies the Lambda function to use by default as a code hook for campaigns in the application.
Specifies the default sending limits for campaigns in the application.
Specifies the start and end times that define a time range when messages aren't sent to endpoints.
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationSettings.
An implementation for CfnApplicationSettingsProps
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::Application.
Describes code configuration for an application.
Specifies the creation parameters for a Kinesis Data Analytics application.
Specifies the maintence window parameters for a Kinesis Data Analytics application.
Specifies the method and snapshot to use when restarting an application using previously saved application state.
Describes whether snapshots are enabled for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
A fluent builder for CfnApplicationV2.
The configuration parameters for the default Amazon Glue database.
Describes an application's checkpointing configuration.
Specifies either the application code, or the location of the application code, for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters, such as CSV.
The configuration of connectors and user-defined functions.
The information required to deploy a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook as an application with durable state.
Describes execution properties for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
Describes configuration parameters for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application or a Studio notebook.
Describes the starting parameters for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
The configuration of the Glue Data Catalog that you use for Apache Flink SQL queries and table API transforms that you write in an application.
An object that contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Lambda function that is used to preprocess records in the stream in a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the number of in-application streams to create for a given streaming source.
For an SQL-based Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes a processor that is used to preprocess the records in the stream before being processed by your application code.
When you configure the application input for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, you specify the streaming source, the in-application stream name that is created, and the mapping between the two.
An implementation for CfnApplicationV2.InputProperty
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, identifies a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream as the streaming source.
Identifies a Kinesis data stream as the streaming source.
When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the streaming source.
The information required to specify a Maven reference.
Describes configuration parameters for Amazon CloudWatch logging for a Java-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
Describes parameters for how a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application executes multiple tasks simultaneously.
Property key-value pairs passed into an application.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the mapping of each data element in the streaming source to the corresponding column in the in-application stream.
For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the record format and relevant mapping information that should be applied to schematize the records on the stream.
Describes the starting parameters for an Kinesis Data Analytics application.
The base location of the Amazon Data Analytics application.
The location of an application or a custom artifact.
Describes the inputs, outputs, and reference data sources for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
Describes the parameters of a VPC used by the application.
The configuration of a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook.
Describes configuration parameters for Amazon CloudWatch logging for a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook.
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationV2.
A builder for CfnApplicationV2Props
An implementation for CfnApplicationV2Props
A CloudFormation AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnApplicationVersion.
Use the SourceBundle property type to specify the Amazon S3 location of the source bundle for an AWS Elastic Beanstalk application version when defining an AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion resource in an AWS CloudFormation template.
Properties for defining a CfnApplicationVersion.
An implementation for CfnApplicationVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RUM::AppMonitor.
This structure contains much of the configuration data for the app monitor.
A fluent builder for CfnAppMonitor.
This structure specifies whether this app monitor allows the web client to define and send custom events.
Specifies one custom metric or extended metric that you want the CloudWatch RUM app monitor to send to a destination.
Creates or updates a destination to receive extended metrics from CloudWatch RUM.
Properties for defining a CfnAppMonitor.
A builder for CfnAppMonitorProps
An implementation for CfnAppMonitorProps
Properties for defining a CfnApp.
Properties for defining a CfnApp.
Properties for defining a CfnApp.
Properties for defining a CfnApp.
Properties for defining a CfnApp.
A builder for CfnAppProps
A builder for CfnAppProps
A builder for CfnAppProps
A builder for CfnAppProps
A builder for CfnAppProps
An implementation for CfnAppProps
An implementation for CfnAppProps
An implementation for CfnAppProps
An implementation for CfnAppProps
An implementation for CfnAppProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::ApprovedOrigin.
A fluent builder for CfnApprovedOrigin.
Properties for defining a CfnApprovedOrigin.
An implementation for CfnApprovedOriginProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Events::Archive.
A fluent builder for CfnArchive.
Properties for defining a CfnArchive.
A builder for CfnArchiveProps
An implementation for CfnArchiveProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AuditManager::Assessment.
The AssessmentReportsDestination property type specifies the location in which AWS Audit Manager saves assessment reports for the given assessment.
The AWSAccount property type specifies the wrapper of the AWS account details, such as account ID, email address, and so on.
An implementation for CfnAssessment.AWSAccountProperty
The AWSService property type specifies an AWS service such as Amazon S3 , AWS CloudTrail , and so on.
An implementation for CfnAssessment.AWSServiceProperty
A fluent builder for CfnAssessment.
The Delegation property type specifies the assignment of a control set to a delegate for review.
An implementation for CfnAssessment.DelegationProperty
The Role property type specifies the wrapper that contains AWS Audit Manager role information, such as the role type and IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
An implementation for CfnAssessment.RoleProperty
The Scope property type specifies the wrapper that contains the AWS accounts and services that are in scope for the assessment.
An implementation for CfnAssessment.ScopeProperty
Properties for defining a CfnAssessment.
A builder for CfnAssessmentProps
An implementation for CfnAssessmentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Inspector::AssessmentTarget.
A fluent builder for CfnAssessmentTarget.
Properties for defining a CfnAssessmentTarget.
An implementation for CfnAssessmentTargetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Inspector::AssessmentTemplate.
A fluent builder for CfnAssessmentTemplate.
Properties for defining a CfnAssessmentTemplate.
An implementation for CfnAssessmentTemplateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTSiteWise::Asset.
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaPackage::Asset.
Describes an asset hierarchy that contains a childAssetId and hierarchyLogicalId .
An implementation for CfnAsset.AssetHierarchyProperty
Contains asset property information.
An implementation for CfnAsset.AssetPropertyProperty
A fluent builder for CfnAsset.
A fluent builder for CfnAsset.
The playback endpoint for a packaging configuration on an asset.
An implementation for CfnAsset.EgressEndpointProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTSiteWise::AssetModel.
Contains information about a composite model in an asset model.
Describes an asset hierarchy that contains a hierarchy's name, LogicalID , and child asset model ID that specifies the type of asset that can be in this hierarchy.
Contains information about an asset model property.
Contains an asset attribute property.
An implementation for CfnAssetModel.AttributeProperty
A fluent builder for CfnAssetModel.
Contains expression variable information.
Contains an asset metric property.
An implementation for CfnAssetModel.MetricProperty
Contains a time interval window used for data aggregate computations (for example, average, sum, count, and so on).
Contains a property type, which can be one of Attribute , Measurement , Metric , or Transform .
Contains an asset transform property.
An implementation for CfnAssetModel.TransformProperty
Contains a tumbling window, which is a repeating fixed-sized, non-overlapping, and contiguous time window.
Identifies a property value used in an expression.
Properties for defining a CfnAssetModel.
A builder for CfnAssetModelProps
An implementation for CfnAssetModelProps
Properties for defining a CfnAsset.
Properties for defining a CfnAsset.
A builder for CfnAssetProps
A builder for CfnAssetProps
An implementation for CfnAssetProps
An implementation for CfnAssetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SSO::Assignment.
A fluent builder for CfnAssignment.
Properties for defining a CfnAssignment.
A builder for CfnAssignmentProps
An implementation for CfnAssignmentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Wisdom::Assistant.
A fluent builder for CfnAssistant.
The KMS key used for encryption.
A CloudFormation AWS::Wisdom::AssistantAssociation.
A union type that currently has a single argument, which is the knowledge base ID.
A fluent builder for CfnAssistantAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnAssistantAssociation.
An implementation for CfnAssistantAssociationProps
Properties for defining a CfnAssistant.
A builder for CfnAssistantProps
An implementation for CfnAssistantProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SSM::Association.
A fluent builder for CfnAssociation.
InstanceAssociationOutputLocation is a property of the AWS::SSM::Association resource that specifies an Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this association request.
S3OutputLocation is a property of the AWS::SSM::Association resource that specifies an Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this association request.
Target is a property of the AWS::SSM::Association resource that specifies the targets for an SSM document in Systems Manager .
An implementation for CfnAssociation.TargetProperty
Properties for defining a CfnAssociation.
A builder for CfnAssociationProps
An implementation for CfnAssociationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalogAppRegistry::AttributeGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnAttributeGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalogAppRegistry::AttributeGroupAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnAttributeGroupAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnAttributeGroupAssociation.
An implementation for CfnAttributeGroupAssociationProps
Properties for defining a CfnAttributeGroup.
An implementation for CfnAttributeGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer.
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Authorizer.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::Authorizer.
A fluent builder for CfnAuthorizer.
A fluent builder for CfnAuthorizer.
A fluent builder for CfnAuthorizer.
The JWTConfiguration property specifies the configuration of a JWT authorizer.
Properties for defining a CfnAuthorizer.
Properties for defining a CfnAuthorizer.
Properties for defining a CfnAuthorizer.
A builder for CfnAuthorizerProps
A builder for CfnAuthorizerProps
A builder for CfnAuthorizerProps
An implementation for CfnAuthorizerProps
An implementation for CfnAuthorizerProps
An implementation for CfnAuthorizerProps
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
A CloudFormation AWS::VpcLattice::AuthPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnAuthPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnAuthPolicy.
A builder for CfnAuthPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnAuthPolicyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup.
AcceleratorCountRequest is a property of the InstanceRequirements property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup LaunchTemplateOverrides property type that describes the minimum and maximum number of accelerators for an instance type.
AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequest is a property of the InstanceRequirements property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup LaunchTemplateOverrides property type that describes the minimum and maximum total memory size for the accelerators for an instance type, in MiB.
BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequest is a property of the InstanceRequirements property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup LaunchTemplateOverrides property type that describes the minimum and maximum baseline bandwidth performance for an instance type, in Mbps.
A fluent builder for CfnAutoScalingGroup.
The attributes for the instance types for a mixed instances policy.
Use this structure to specify the distribution of On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances and the allocation strategies used to fulfill On-Demand and Spot capacities for a mixed instances policy.
Use this structure to let Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling do the following when the Auto Scaling group has a mixed instances policy: - Override the instance type that is specified in the launch template.
Use this structure to specify the launch templates and instance types (overrides) for a mixed instances policy.
Specifies a launch template to use when provisioning EC2 instances for an Auto Scaling group.
LifecycleHookSpecification specifies a lifecycle hook for the LifecycleHookSpecificationList property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource.
MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequest is a property of the InstanceRequirements property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup LaunchTemplateOverrides property type that describes the minimum and maximum amount of memory per vCPU for an instance type, in GiB.
MemoryMiBRequest is a property of the InstanceRequirements property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup LaunchTemplateOverrides property type that describes the minimum and maximum instance memory size for an instance type, in MiB.
MetricsCollection is a property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource that describes the group metrics that an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group sends to Amazon CloudWatch.
Use this structure to launch multiple instance types and On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances within a single Auto Scaling group.
NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequest is a property of the InstanceRequirements property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup LaunchTemplateOverrides property type that describes the minimum and maximum network bandwidth for an instance type, in Gbps.
NetworkInterfaceCountRequest is a property of the InstanceRequirements property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup LaunchTemplateOverrides property type that describes the minimum and maximum number of network interfaces for an instance type.
A structure that specifies an Amazon SNS notification configuration for the NotificationConfigurations property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource.
A structure that specifies a tag for the Tags property of AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource.
TotalLocalStorageGBRequest is a property of the InstanceRequirements property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup LaunchTemplateOverrides property type that describes the minimum and maximum total local storage size for an instance type, in GB.
VCpuCountRequest is a property of the InstanceRequirements property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup LaunchTemplateOverrides property type that describes the minimum and maximum number of vCPUs for an instance type.
Properties for defining a CfnAutoScalingGroup.
An implementation for CfnAutoScalingGroupProps
Specifies whether an Auto Scaling group and the instances it contains are replaced during an update.
An implementation for CfnAutoScalingReplacingUpdate
To specify how AWS CloudFormation handles rolling updates for an Auto Scaling group, use the AutoScalingRollingUpdate policy.
An implementation for CfnAutoScalingRollingUpdate
With scheduled actions, the group size properties of an Auto Scaling group can change at any time.
An implementation for CfnAutoScalingScheduledAction
A CloudFormation AWS::Backup::BackupPlan.
Specifies an object containing resource type and backup options.
Specifies an object containing properties used to create a backup plan.
Specifies an object containing properties used to schedule a task to back up a selection of resources.
A fluent builder for CfnBackupPlan.
Copies backups created by a backup rule to another vault.
Specifies an object containing an array of Transition objects that determine how long in days before a recovery point transitions to cold storage or is deleted.
Properties for defining a CfnBackupPlan.
A builder for CfnBackupPlanProps
An implementation for CfnBackupPlanProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Backup::BackupSelection.
Specifies an object containing properties used to assign a set of resources to a backup plan.
A fluent builder for CfnBackupSelection.
Includes information about tags you define to assign tagged resources to a backup plan.
Specifies an object that contains an array of triplets made up of a condition type (such as STRINGEQUALS ), a key, and a value.
Contains information about which resources to include or exclude from a backup plan using their tags.
Properties for defining a CfnBackupSelection.
An implementation for CfnBackupSelectionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Backup::BackupVault.
A fluent builder for CfnBackupVault.
The LockConfigurationType property type specifies configuration for AWS Backup Vault Lock .
Specifies an object containing SNS event notification properties for the target backup vault.
Properties for defining a CfnBackupVault.
A builder for CfnBackupVaultProps
An implementation for CfnBackupVaultProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::BaiduChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnBaiduChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnBaiduChannel.
A builder for CfnBaiduChannelProps
An implementation for CfnBaiduChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping.
A fluent builder for CfnBasePathMapping.
Properties for defining a CfnBasePathMapping.
An implementation for CfnBasePathMappingProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MSK::BatchScramSecret.
A fluent builder for CfnBatchScramSecret.
Properties for defining a CfnBatchScramSecret.
An implementation for CfnBatchScramSecretProps
A CloudFormation AWS::BillingConductor::BillingGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::BillingGroup.
The set of accounts that will be under the billing group.
The properties of a billing group.
A fluent builder for CfnBillingGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnBillingGroup.
The preferences and settings that will be used to compute the AWS charges for a billing group.
Properties for defining a CfnBillingGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnBillingGroup.
A builder for CfnBillingGroupProps
A builder for CfnBillingGroupProps
An implementation for CfnBillingGroupProps
An implementation for CfnBillingGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Lex::Bot.
Provides settings that enable advanced recognition settings for slot values.
Specifies the allowed input types.
An implementation for CfnBot.AllowedInputTypesProperty
Specifies the audio and DTMF input specification.
The location of audio log files collected when conversation logging is enabled for a bot.
Settings for logging audio of conversations between Amazon Lex and a user.
An implementation for CfnBot.AudioLogSettingProperty
Specifies the audio input specifications.
An implementation for CfnBot.AudioSpecificationProperty
Specifies locale settings for a single locale.
Specifies settings that are unique to a locale.
Provides configuration information for a locale.
An implementation for CfnBot.BotLocaleProperty
A fluent builder for CfnBot.
Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.
A builder for CfnBot.ButtonProperty
An implementation for CfnBot.ButtonProperty
The Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group where the text and metadata logs are delivered.
Contains information about code hooks that Amazon Lex calls during a conversation.
A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.
An implementation for CfnBot.ConditionalBranchProperty
Provides a list of conditional branches.
Provides an expression that evaluates to true or false.
An implementation for CfnBot.ConditionProperty
Configures conversation logging that saves audio, text, and metadata for the conversations with your users.
A custom response string that Amazon Lex sends to your application.
An implementation for CfnBot.CustomPayloadProperty
Specifies an entry in a custom vocabulary.
Specifies a custom vocabulary.
An implementation for CfnBot.CustomVocabularyProperty
By default, data stored by Amazon Lex is encrypted.
An implementation for CfnBot.DataPrivacyProperty
A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if none of the other conditions are met.
Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.
An implementation for CfnBot.DialogActionProperty
Settings that specify the dialog code hook that is called by Amazon Lex at a step of the conversation.
Settings that determine the Lambda function that Amazon Lex uses for processing user responses.
The current state of the conversation with the user.
An implementation for CfnBot.DialogStateProperty
Specifies the DTMF input specifications.
An implementation for CfnBot.DTMFSpecificationProperty
Settings that specify the dialog code hook that is called by Amazon Lex between eliciting slot values.
Provides information about the external source of the slot type's definition.
Determines if a Lambda function should be invoked for a specific intent.
Provides settings for a message that is sent to the user when a fulfillment Lambda function starts running.
Provides settings for a message that is sent periodically to the user while a fulfillment Lambda function is running.
Provides information for updating the user on the progress of fulfilling an intent.
Settings requried for a slot type based on a grammar that you provide.
Describes the Amazon S3 bucket name and location for the grammar that is the source for the slot type.
A card that is shown to the user by a messaging platform.
An implementation for CfnBot.ImageResponseCardProperty
Configuration setting for a response sent to the user before Amazon Lex starts eliciting slots.
A context that must be active for an intent to be selected by Amazon Lex.
An implementation for CfnBot.InputContextProperty
Provides a statement the Amazon Lex conveys to the user when the intent is successfully fulfilled.
Provides a prompt for making sure that the user is ready for the intent to be fulfilled.
Override settings to configure the intent state.
An implementation for CfnBot.IntentOverrideProperty
Represents an action that the user wants to perform.
A builder for CfnBot.IntentProperty
An implementation for CfnBot.IntentProperty
Provides configuration information for the AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent intent.
Specifies a Lambda function that verifies requests to a bot or fulfills the user's request to a bot.
An implementation for CfnBot.LambdaCodeHookProperty
Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.
An implementation for CfnBot.MessageGroupProperty
The object that provides message text and its type.
An implementation for CfnBot.MessageProperty
Indicates whether a slot can return multiple values.
Determines whether Amazon Lex obscures slot values in conversation logs.
An implementation for CfnBot.ObfuscationSettingProperty
Describes a session context that is activated when an intent is fulfilled.
An implementation for CfnBot.OutputContextProperty
Defines an ASCII text message to send to the user.
An implementation for CfnBot.PlainTextMessageProperty
Specifies next steps to run after the dialog code hook finishes.
Provides a setting that determines whether the post-fulfillment response is sent to the user.
Specifies the settings on a prompt attempt.
Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex sends to a user to elicit a response.
Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.
Specifies an Amazon S3 bucket for logging audio conversations.
Defines an Amazon S3 bucket location.
An implementation for CfnBot.S3LocationProperty
A sample utterance that invokes an intent or respond to a slot elicitation prompt.
An implementation for CfnBot.SampleUtteranceProperty
Defines one of the values for a slot type.
An implementation for CfnBot.SampleValueProperty
Determines whether Amazon Lex will use Amazon Comprehend to detect the sentiment of user utterances.
A key/value pair representing session-specific context information.
An implementation for CfnBot.SessionAttributeProperty
Settings used when Amazon Lex successfully captures a slot value from a user.
An implementation for CfnBot.SlotCaptureSettingProperty
Specifies the default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.
An implementation for CfnBot.SlotDefaultValueProperty
The default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.
Sets the priority that Amazon Lex should use when eliciting slot values from a user.
An implementation for CfnBot.SlotPriorityProperty
Specifies the definition of a slot.
A builder for CfnBot.SlotProperty
An implementation for CfnBot.SlotProperty
Describes a slot type.
An implementation for CfnBot.SlotTypeProperty
Each slot type can have a set of values.
An implementation for CfnBot.SlotTypeValueProperty
Specifies the elicitation setting details eliciting a slot.
Maps a slot name to the SlotValueOverride object.
The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.
An implementation for CfnBot.SlotValueOverrideProperty
The value to set in a slot.
An implementation for CfnBot.SlotValueProperty
Provides a regular expression used to validate the value of a slot.
Contains settings used by Amazon Lex to select a slot value.
Defines a Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) prompt.
An implementation for CfnBot.SSMLMessageProperty
Defines the messages that Amazon Lex sends to a user to remind them that the bot is waiting for a response.
Specifies configuration settings for the alias used to test the bot.
Specifies the text input specifications.
Defines the Amazon CloudWatch Logs destination log group for conversation text logs.
An implementation for CfnBot.TextLogDestinationProperty
Defines settings to enable text conversation logs.
An implementation for CfnBot.TextLogSettingProperty
Defines settings for using an Amazon Polly voice to communicate with a user.
An implementation for CfnBot.VoiceSettingsProperty
Specifies the prompts that Amazon Lex uses while a bot is waiting for customer input.
A CloudFormation AWS::Lex::BotAlias.
Specifies the S3 bucket location where audio logs are stored.
Settings for logging audio of conversations between Amazon Lex and a user.
Specifies settings that are unique to a locale.
Specifies settings that are unique to a locale.
A fluent builder for CfnBotAlias.
The Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group where the text and metadata logs are delivered.
Contains information about code hooks that Amazon Lex calls during a conversation.
Configures conversation logging that saves audio, text, and metadata for the conversations with your users.
Specifies a Lambda function that verifies requests to a bot or fulfills the user's request to a bot.
Specifies an Amazon S3 bucket for logging audio conversations.
Determines whether Amazon Lex will use Amazon Comprehend to detect the sentiment of user utterances.
Defines the Amazon CloudWatch Logs destination log group for conversation text logs.
Defines settings to enable text conversation logs.
Properties for defining a CfnBotAlias.
A builder for CfnBotAliasProps
An implementation for CfnBotAliasProps
Properties for defining a CfnBot.
A builder for CfnBotProps
An implementation for CfnBotProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Lex::BotVersion.
The version of a bot used for a bot locale.
Specifies the locale that Amazon Lex adds to this version.
A fluent builder for CfnBotVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnBotVersion.
A builder for CfnBotVersionProps
An implementation for CfnBotVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Amplify::Branch.
Use the BasicAuthConfig property type to set password protection for a specific branch.
An implementation for CfnBranch.BasicAuthConfigProperty
A fluent builder for CfnBranch.
The EnvironmentVariable property type sets environment variables for a specific branch.
Properties for defining a CfnBranch.
A builder for CfnBranchProps
An implementation for CfnBranchProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker.
A fluent builder for CfnBroker.
A list of information about the configuration.
An implementation for CfnBroker.ConfigurationIdProperty
Encryption options for the broker.
The list of information about logs to be enabled for the specified broker.
An implementation for CfnBroker.LogListProperty
The parameters that determine the WeeklyStartTime to apply pending updates or patches to the broker.
A key-value pair to associate with the broker.
An implementation for CfnBroker.TagsEntryProperty
The list of broker users (persons or applications) who can access queues and topics.
An implementation for CfnBroker.UserProperty
Properties for defining a CfnBroker.
A builder for CfnBrokerProps
An implementation for CfnBrokerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Lightsail::Bucket.
A CloudFormation AWS::S3::Bucket.
A CloudFormation AWS::S3Outposts::Bucket.
Specifies the days since the initiation of an incomplete multipart upload that Amazon S3 will wait before permanently removing all parts of the upload.
Specifies the days since the initiation of an incomplete multipart upload that Amazon S3 on Outposts waits before permanently removing all parts of the upload.
Configures the transfer acceleration state for an Amazon S3 bucket.
Specify this only in a cross-account scenario (where source and destination bucket owners are not the same), and you want to change replica ownership to the AWS account that owns the destination bucket.
AccessRules is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Bucket resource.
An implementation for CfnBucket.AccessRulesProperty
Specifies the configuration and any analyses for the analytics filter of an Amazon S3 bucket.
Specifies default encryption for a bucket using server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys (SSE-S3) or AWS KMS-managed keys (SSE-KMS) bucket.
A fluent builder for CfnBucket.
A fluent builder for CfnBucket.
A fluent builder for CfnBucket.
Describes the cross-origin access configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Specifies a cross-origin access rule for an Amazon S3 bucket.
An implementation for CfnBucket.CorsRuleProperty
Specifies how data related to the storage class analysis for an Amazon S3 bucket should be exported.
An implementation for CfnBucket.DataExportProperty
The container element for specifying the default Object Lock retention settings for new objects placed in the specified bucket.
Specifies whether Amazon S3 replicates delete markers.
Specifies information about where to publish analysis or configuration results for an Amazon S3 bucket.
An implementation for CfnBucket.DestinationProperty
Specifies encryption-related information for an Amazon S3 bucket that is a destination for replicated objects.
Amazon S3 can send events to Amazon EventBridge whenever certain events happen in your bucket, see Using EventBridge in the Amazon S3 User Guide .
An implementation for CfnBucket.FilterProperty
Specifies the Amazon S3 object key name to filter on and whether to filter on the suffix or prefix of the key name.
An implementation for CfnBucket.FilterRuleProperty
An implementation for CfnBucket.FilterTagProperty
Specifies the S3 Intelligent-Tiering configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket.
Specifies the inventory configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket.
Describes the AWS Lambda functions to invoke and the events for which to invoke them.
Specifies the lifecycle configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.
The container for the lifecycle configuration for the objects stored in an S3 on Outposts bucket.
Describes where logs are stored and the prefix that Amazon S3 assigns to all log object keys for a bucket.
Specifies a metrics configuration for the CloudWatch request metrics (specified by the metrics configuration ID) from an Amazon S3 bucket.
A container specifying replication metrics-related settings enabling replication metrics and events.
An implementation for CfnBucket.MetricsProperty
Specifies when noncurrent object versions expire.
Container for the transition rule that describes when noncurrent objects transition to the STANDARD_IA , ONEZONE_IA , INTELLIGENT_TIERING , GLACIER_IR , GLACIER , or DEEP_ARCHIVE storage class.
Describes the notification configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket.
Specifies object key name filtering rules.
Places an Object Lock configuration on the specified bucket.
Specifies the Object Lock rule for the specified object.
An implementation for CfnBucket.ObjectLockRuleProperty
Specifies the container element for Object Ownership rules.
Specifies an Object Ownership rule.
The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 bucket.
Specifies the configuration for publishing messages to an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue when Amazon S3 detects specified events.
Specifies the redirect behavior of all requests to a website endpoint of an Amazon S3 bucket.
Specifies how requests are redirected.
An implementation for CfnBucket.RedirectRuleProperty
A filter that you can specify for selection for modifications on replicas.
A container for replication rules.
A container for information about the replication destination and its configurations including enabling the S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC).
A container for specifying rule filters.
A filter that identifies the subset of objects to which the replication rule applies.
Specifies which Amazon S3 objects to replicate and where to store the replicas.
An implementation for CfnBucket.ReplicationRuleProperty
A container specifying S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC) related information, including whether S3 RTC is enabled and the time when all objects and operations on objects must be replicated.
An implementation for CfnBucket.ReplicationTimeProperty
A container specifying the time value for S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC) and replication metrics EventThreshold .
A container for describing a condition that must be met for the specified redirect to apply.
Specifies the redirect behavior and when a redirect is applied.
An implementation for CfnBucket.RoutingRuleProperty
Specifies lifecycle rules for an Amazon S3 bucket.
A container for an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket lifecycle rule.
An implementation for CfnBucket.RuleProperty
An implementation for CfnBucket.RuleProperty
A container for object key name prefix and suffix filtering rules.
An implementation for CfnBucket.S3KeyFilterProperty
Describes the default server-side encryption to apply to new objects in the bucket.
Specifies the default server-side encryption configuration.
A container that describes additional filters for identifying the source objects that you want to replicate.
A container for filter information for the selection of S3 objects encrypted with AWS KMS.
Specifies data related to access patterns to be collected and made available to analyze the tradeoffs between different storage classes for an Amazon S3 bucket.
Specifies tags to use to identify a subset of objects for an Amazon S3 bucket.
An implementation for CfnBucket.TagFilterProperty
The S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class is designed to optimize storage costs by automatically moving data to the most cost-effective storage access tier, without additional operational overhead.
An implementation for CfnBucket.TieringProperty
A container for specifying the configuration for publication of messages to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic when Amazon S3 detects specified events.
Specifies when an object transitions to a specified storage class.
An implementation for CfnBucket.TransitionProperty
Describes the versioning state of an Amazon S3 bucket.
Specifies website configuration parameters for an Amazon S3 bucket.
A CloudFormation AWS::S3::BucketPolicy.
A CloudFormation AWS::S3Outposts::BucketPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnBucketPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnBucketPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnBucketPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnBucketPolicy.
A builder for CfnBucketPolicyProps
A builder for CfnBucketPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnBucketPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnBucketPolicyProps
Properties for defining a CfnBucket.
Properties for defining a CfnBucket.
Properties for defining a CfnBucket.
A builder for CfnBucketProps
A builder for CfnBucketProps
A builder for CfnBucketProps
An implementation for CfnBucketProps
An implementation for CfnBucketProps
An implementation for CfnBucketProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Budgets::Budget.
An implementation for CfnBudget.AutoAdjustDataProperty
Represents the output of the CreateBudget operation.
An implementation for CfnBudget.BudgetDataProperty
A fluent builder for CfnBudget.
The types of cost that are included in a COST budget, such as tax and subscriptions.
An implementation for CfnBudget.CostTypesProperty
A notification that's associated with a budget.
An implementation for CfnBudget.NotificationProperty
A notification with subscribers.
The amount of cost or usage that's measured for a budget.
An implementation for CfnBudget.SpendProperty
The Subscriber property type specifies who to notify for a Billing and Cost Management budget notification.
An implementation for CfnBudget.SubscriberProperty
The period of time that is covered by a budget.
An implementation for CfnBudget.TimePeriodProperty
Properties for defining a CfnBudget.
A builder for CfnBudgetProps
An implementation for CfnBudgetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Budgets::BudgetsAction.
The trigger threshold of the action.
A fluent builder for CfnBudgetsAction.
The definition is where you specify all of the type-specific parameters.
The AWS Identity and Access Management ( IAM ) action definition details.
The service control policies (SCP) action definition details.
The Amazon EC2 Systems Manager ( SSM ) action definition details.
The subscriber to a budget notification.
Properties for defining a CfnBudgetsAction.
A builder for CfnBudgetsActionProps
An implementation for CfnBudgetsActionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GameLift::Build.
A fluent builder for CfnBuild.
An implementation for CfnBuild.StorageLocationProperty
Properties for defining a CfnBuild.
A builder for CfnBuildProps
An implementation for CfnBuildProps
A CloudFormation AWS::WAF::ByteMatchSet.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFRegional::ByteMatchSet.
A fluent builder for CfnByteMatchSet.
A fluent builder for CfnByteMatchSet.
Properties for defining a CfnByteMatchSet.
Properties for defining a CfnByteMatchSet.
A builder for CfnByteMatchSetProps
A builder for CfnByteMatchSetProps
An implementation for CfnByteMatchSetProps
An implementation for CfnByteMatchSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::CACertificate.
A fluent builder for CfnCACertificate.
The registration configuration.
Properties for defining a CfnCACertificate.
A builder for CfnCACertificateProps
An implementation for CfnCACertificateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ElastiCache::CacheCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnCacheCluster.
Configuration details of a CloudWatch Logs destination.
Configuration details of either a CloudWatch Logs destination or Kinesis Data Firehose destination.
The configuration details of the Kinesis Data Firehose destination.
Specifies the destination, format and type of the logs.
Properties for defining a CfnCacheCluster.
A builder for CfnCacheClusterProps
An implementation for CfnCacheClusterProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFront::CachePolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnCachePolicy.
A cache policy configuration.
An object that determines whether any cookies in viewer requests (and if so, which cookies) are included in the cache key and in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
An object that determines whether any HTTP headers (and if so, which headers) are included in the cache key and in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This object determines the values that CloudFront includes in the cache key.
An object that determines whether any URL query strings in viewer requests (and if so, which query strings) are included in the cache key and in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
Properties for defining a CfnCachePolicy.
A builder for CfnCachePolicyProps
An implementation for CfnCachePolicyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ConnectCampaigns::Campaign.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTFleetWise::Campaign.
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::Campaign.
Specifies attribute-based criteria for including or excluding endpoints from a segment.
A fluent builder for CfnCampaign.
A fluent builder for CfnCampaign.
A fluent builder for CfnCampaign.
Specifies the content and "From" address for an email message that's sent to recipients of a campaign.
Specifies the settings for events that cause a campaign to be sent.
Specifies settings for invoking an Lambda function that customizes a segment for a campaign.
An implementation for CfnCampaign.CampaignHookProperty
Specifies the appearance of an in-app message, including the message type, the title and body text, text and background colors, and the configurations of buttons that appear in the message.
Specifies the content and settings for an SMS message that's sent to recipients of a campaign.
Specifies what data to collect and how often or when to collect it.
Information about a collection scheme that uses a simple logical expression to recognize what data to collect.
The destination where the AWS IoT FleetWise campaign sends data.
Specifies the default behavior for a button that appears in an in-app message.
Contains dialer configuration for an outbound campaign.
An implementation for CfnCampaign.DialerConfigProperty
Specifies the dimensions for an event filter that determines when a campaign is sent or a journey activity is performed.
Specifies the configuration of main body text of the in-app message.
Specifies the configuration of a button that appears in an in-app message.
Specifies the configuration and contents of an in-app message.
Specifies the configuration and content of the header or title text of the in-app message.
Specifies the limits on the messages that a campaign can send.
An implementation for CfnCampaign.LimitsProperty
Specifies the message configuration settings for a campaign.
Specifies the content and settings for a push notification that's sent to recipients of a campaign.
An implementation for CfnCampaign.MessageProperty
Specifies metric-based criteria for including or excluding endpoints from a segment.
Contains outbound call configuration for an outbound campaign.
Specifies the configuration of a button with settings that are specific to a certain device type.
Contains predictive dialer configuration for an outbound campaign.
Contains progressive dialer configuration for an outbound campaign.
Specifies the start and end times that define a time range when messages aren't sent to endpoints.
An implementation for CfnCampaign.QuietTimeProperty
The Amazon S3 bucket where the AWS IoT FleetWise campaign sends data.
An implementation for CfnCampaign.S3ConfigProperty
Specifies the schedule settings for a campaign.
An implementation for CfnCampaign.ScheduleProperty
Specifies the dimension type and values for a segment dimension.
An implementation for CfnCampaign.SetDimensionProperty
Information about a signal.
An implementation for CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty
Information about a collection scheme that uses a time period to decide how often to collect data.
The Amazon Timestream table where the AWS IoT FleetWise campaign sends data.
Specifies the settings for a campaign treatment.
Properties for defining a CfnCampaign.
Properties for defining a CfnCampaign.
Properties for defining a CfnCampaign.
A builder for CfnCampaignProps
A builder for CfnCampaignProps
A builder for CfnCampaignProps
An implementation for CfnCampaignProps
An implementation for CfnCampaignProps
An implementation for CfnCampaignProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Synthetics::Canary.
A structure that contains the configuration for canary artifacts, including the encryption-at-rest settings for artifacts that the canary uploads to Amazon S3 .
An implementation for CfnCanary.ArtifactConfigProperty
A structure representing a screenshot that is used as a baseline during visual monitoring comparisons made by the canary.
An implementation for CfnCanary.BaseScreenshotProperty
A fluent builder for CfnCanary.
Use this structure to input your script code for the canary.
An implementation for CfnCanary.CodeProperty
A structure that contains input information for a canary run.
An implementation for CfnCanary.RunConfigProperty
A structure that contains the configuration of the encryption-at-rest settings for artifacts that the canary uploads to Amazon S3 .
An implementation for CfnCanary.S3EncryptionProperty
This structure specifies how often a canary is to make runs and the date and time when it should stop making runs.
An implementation for CfnCanary.ScheduleProperty
Defines the screenshots to use as the baseline for comparisons during visual monitoring comparisons during future runs of this canary.
An implementation for CfnCanary.VisualReferenceProperty
If this canary is to test an endpoint in a VPC, this structure contains information about the subnet and security groups of the VPC endpoint.
An implementation for CfnCanary.VPCConfigProperty
Properties for defining a CfnCanary.
A builder for CfnCanaryProps
An implementation for CfnCanaryProps
Capabilities that affect whether CloudFormation is allowed to change IAM resources.
A CloudFormation AWS::ECS::CapacityProvider.
The details of the Auto Scaling group for the capacity provider.
A fluent builder for CfnCapacityProvider.
The managed scaling settings for the Auto Scaling group capacity provider.
Properties for defining a CfnCapacityProvider.
An implementation for CfnCapacityProviderProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::CapacityReservation.
A fluent builder for CfnCapacityReservation.
An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::CapacityReservationFleet.
A fluent builder for CfnCapacityReservationFleet.
Specifies information about an instance type to use in a Capacity Reservation Fleet.
The tags to apply to a resource when the resource is being created.
Properties for defining a CfnCapacityReservationFleet.
An implementation for CfnCapacityReservationFleetProps
Properties for defining a CfnCapacityReservation.
An implementation for CfnCapacityReservationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::CarrierGateway.
A fluent builder for CfnCarrierGateway.
Properties for defining a CfnCarrierGateway.
An implementation for CfnCarrierGatewayProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::Cell.
A fluent builder for CfnCell.
Properties for defining a CfnCell.
A builder for CfnCellProps
An implementation for CfnCellProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ACMPCA::Certificate.
A CloudFormation AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate.
A CloudFormation AWS::DMS::Certificate.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::Certificate.
A CloudFormation AWS::Lightsail::Certificate.
A CloudFormation AWS::Transfer::Certificate.
Contains X.509 certificate information to be placed in an issued certificate.
A fluent builder for CfnCertificate.
A fluent builder for CfnCertificate.
A fluent builder for CfnCertificate.
A fluent builder for CfnCertificate.
A fluent builder for CfnCertificate.
A fluent builder for CfnCertificate.
Defines the X.500 relative distinguished name (RDN).
Specifies the X.509 extension information for a certificate.
DomainValidationOption is a property of the AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate resource that specifies the AWS Certificate Manager ( ACM ) certificate domain to validate.
Describes an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) entity as described in as defined in Subject Alternative Name in RFC 5280.
Specifies additional purposes for which the certified public key may be used other than basic purposes indicated in the KeyUsage extension.
Contains X.509 extension information for a certificate.
An implementation for CfnCertificate.ExtensionsProperty
Describes an ASN.1 X.400 GeneralName as defined in RFC 5280 .
Defines one or more purposes for which the key contained in the certificate can be used.
An implementation for CfnCertificate.KeyUsageProperty
Defines a custom ASN.1 X.400 GeneralName using an object identifier (OID) and value.
An implementation for CfnCertificate.OtherNameProperty
Defines the X.509 CertificatePolicies extension.
Modifies the CertPolicyId of a PolicyInformation object with a qualifier.
Defines a PolicyInformation qualifier.
An implementation for CfnCertificate.QualifierProperty
Contains information about the certificate subject.
An implementation for CfnCertificate.SubjectProperty
Length of time for which the certificate issued by your private certificate authority (CA), or by the private CA itself, is valid in days, months, or years.
An implementation for CfnCertificate.ValidityProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthority.
Provides access information used by the authorityInfoAccess and subjectInfoAccess extensions described in RFC 5280 .
Describes the type and format of extension access.
A fluent builder for CfnCertificateAuthority.
Contains configuration information for a certificate revocation list (CRL).
Describes the certificate extensions to be added to the certificate signing request (CSR).
Defines the X.500 relative distinguished name (RDN).
Describes an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) entity as described in as defined in Subject Alternative Name in RFC 5280.
Describes an ASN.1 X.400 GeneralName as defined in RFC 5280 .
Defines one or more purposes for which the key contained in the certificate can be used.
Contains information to enable and configure Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) for validating certificate revocation status.
Defines a custom ASN.1 X.400 GeneralName using an object identifier (OID) and value.
Certificate revocation information used by the CreateCertificateAuthority and UpdateCertificateAuthority actions.
ASN1 subject for the certificate authority.
A CloudFormation AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthorityActivation.
A fluent builder for CfnCertificateAuthorityActivation.
Properties for defining a CfnCertificateAuthorityActivation.
Properties for defining a CfnCertificateAuthority.
An implementation for CfnCertificateAuthorityProps
Properties for defining a CfnCertificate.
Properties for defining a CfnCertificate.
Properties for defining a CfnCertificate.
Properties for defining a CfnCertificate.
Properties for defining a CfnCertificate.
Properties for defining a CfnCertificate.
A builder for CfnCertificateProps
A builder for CfnCertificateProps
A builder for CfnCertificateProps
A builder for CfnCertificateProps
A builder for CfnCertificateProps
A builder for CfnCertificateProps
An implementation for CfnCertificateProps
An implementation for CfnCertificateProps
An implementation for CfnCertificateProps
An implementation for CfnCertificateProps
An implementation for CfnCertificateProps
An implementation for CfnCertificateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudTrail::Channel.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTAnalytics::Channel.
A CloudFormation AWS::IVS::Channel.
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaLive::Channel.
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaPackage::Channel.
The settings for an AAC audio encode in the output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.AacSettingsProperty
The settings for an AC3 audio encode in the output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.Ac3SettingsProperty
Information about the ancillary captions to extract from the input.
Settings to configure the destination of an Archive output.
The archive container settings.
The settings for an archive output group.
The archive output settings.
Sets up Amazon S3 as the destination for this Archive output.
The configuration of ARIB captions in the output.
Information about the ARIB captions to extract from the input.
The settings for remixing audio.
The configuration of the audio codec in the audio output.
The encoding information for one output audio.
Selector for HLS audio rendition.
Information about the audio language to extract.
The settings for normalizing video.
The configuration of an audio-only HLS output.
Used to extract audio by The PID.
Information about one audio to extract from the input.
An implementation for CfnChannel.AudioSelectorProperty
Information about the audio to extract from the input.
MediaLive will perform a failover if audio is not detected in this input for the specified period.
Information about one audio track to extract.
An implementation for CfnChannel.AudioTrackProperty
Information about the audio track to extract.
Audio Watermark Settings.
Settings to configure the conditions that will define the input as unhealthy and that will make MediaLive fail over to the other input in the input failover pair.
The configuration of ad avail blanking in the output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.AvailBlankingProperty
The setup of ad avail handling in the output.
The settings for the ad avail setup in the output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.AvailSettingsProperty
The settings for a blackout slate.
An implementation for CfnChannel.BlackoutSlateProperty
A fluent builder for CfnChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnChannel.
The settings for burn-in captions in the output.
The encoding information for output captions.
The configuration of one captions encode in the output.
Maps a captions channel to an ISO 693-2 language code (, with an optional description.
Settings to configure the caption rectangle for an output captions that will be created using this Teletext source captions.
Information about one caption to extract from the input.
Captions Selector Settings.
The input specification for this channel.
Where channel data is stored.
An implementation for CfnChannel.ChannelStorageProperty
Passthrough applies no color space conversion to the output.
Used to store channel data in an S3 bucket that you manage.
Contains information about the destination receiving events.
An implementation for CfnChannel.DestinationProperty
The configuration of DVB NIT.
An implementation for CfnChannel.DvbNitSettingsProperty
A DVB Service Description Table (SDT).
An implementation for CfnChannel.DvbSdtSettingsProperty
The settings for DVB Sub captions in the output.
Information about the DVB Sub captions to extract from the input.
The DVB Time and Date Table (TDT).
An implementation for CfnChannel.DvbTdtSettingsProperty
The settings for an EAC3 audio encode in the output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.Eac3SettingsProperty
Settings for EBU-TT captions in the output.
The configuration of embedded captions in the output.
The settings for embedded plus SCTE-20 captions in the output.
Information about the embedded captions to extract from the input.
The settings for the encoding of outputs.
An implementation for CfnChannel.EsamProperty
Failover Condition settings.
Settings for one failover condition.
Settings to enable specific features.
The settings for FEC.
Settings for the fMP4 containers.
Settings to configure the destination of a Frame Capture output.
The settings for a frame capture output group.
Settings for a frame capture output in an HLS output group.
The frame capture output settings.
Sets up Amazon S3 as the destination for this Frame Capture output.
The frame capture settings.
The configuration settings that apply to the entire channel.
Settings for configuring color space in an H264 video encode.
Settings to configure video filters that apply to the H264 codec.
The settings for the H.264 codec in the output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.H264SettingsProperty
H265 Color Space Settings.
Settings to configure video filters that apply to the H265 codec.
H265 Settings.
An implementation for CfnChannel.H265SettingsProperty
Hdr10 Settings.
An implementation for CfnChannel.Hdr10SettingsProperty
The Akamai settings in an HLS output.
The configuration of HLS Basic Put Settings.
The settings for the CDN of an HLS output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.HlsCdnSettingsProperty
The settings for an HLS output group.
HLS ingest configuration.
An implementation for CfnChannel.HlsIngestProperty
Information about how to connect to the upstream system.
The configuration of a MediaStore container as the destination for an HLS output.
The settings for an HLS output.
Sets up Amazon S3 as the destination for this HLS output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.HlsS3SettingsProperty
The settings for an HLS output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.HlsSettingsProperty
The configuration of a WebDav server as the downstream system for an HLS output.
Settings to configure the motion graphics overlay to use an HTML asset.
An endpoint for ingesting source content for a channel.
An implementation for CfnChannel.IngestEndpointProperty
An input to attach to this channel.
The setting to remix the audio.
The input location.
An implementation for CfnChannel.InputLocationProperty
The configuration of channel behavior when the input is lost.
MediaLive will perform a failover if content is not detected in this input for the specified period.
Information about extracting content from the input and about handling the content.
An implementation for CfnChannel.InputSettingsProperty
The input specification for this channel.
The configuration of key provider settings.
The access log configuration parameters for your channel.
The configuration of the M2TS in the output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.M2tsSettingsProperty
Settings for the M3U8 container.
An implementation for CfnChannel.M3u8SettingsProperty
The settings for the MediaPackage group.
Destination settings for a MediaPackage output.
The settings for a MediaPackage output.
Settings to enable and configure the motion graphics overlay feature in the channel.
Settings to enable and configure the motion graphics overlay feature in the channel.
The configuration for this MP2 audio.
An implementation for CfnChannel.Mp2SettingsProperty
Settings to configure video filters that apply to the MPEG-2 codec.
The settings for the MPEG-2 codec in the output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.Mpeg2SettingsProperty
The settings for a Microsoft Smooth output group.
Configuration of a Microsoft Smooth output.
The settings for a Multiplex output group.
Configuration of a Multiplex output.
Destination settings for a Multiplex output.
Information about how to connect to the upstream system.
Complete these fields only if you want to insert watermarks of type Nielsen CBET.
An implementation for CfnChannel.NielsenCBETProperty
The settings to configure Nielsen watermarks.
Complete these fields only if you want to insert watermarks of type Nielsen NAES II (N2) and Nielsen NAES VI (NW).
Settings to configure Nielsen Watermarks in the audio encode.
Configuration information for an output.
The configuration information for this output.
The settings for one output group.
An implementation for CfnChannel.OutputGroupProperty
The configuration of the output group.
A reference to an OutputDestination ID that is defined in the channel.
The output settings.
An implementation for CfnChannel.OutputProperty
The output settings.
An implementation for CfnChannel.OutputSettingsProperty
The settings for passing through audio to the output.
The container for WAV audio in the output group.
An implementation for CfnChannel.RawSettingsProperty
Rec601 Settings.
An implementation for CfnChannel.Rec601SettingsProperty
Rec709 Settings.
An implementation for CfnChannel.Rec709SettingsProperty
The settings for remixing audio in the output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.RemixSettingsProperty
How long, in days, message data is kept.
The settings for RTMPCaptionInfo captions encode in the output.
The configuration of an RTMP output group.
The settings for one RTMP output.
The configuration of SCTE-20 plus embedded captions in the output.
Information about the SCTE-20 captions to extract from the input.
The configuration of SCTE-27 captions in the output.
Information about the SCTE-27 captions to extract from the input.
The setup of SCTE-35 splice insert handling.
The settings for the SCTE-35 time signal APOS mode.
The setup of SMPTE-TT captions in the output.
The configuration of an HLS output that is a standard output (not an audio-only output).
The static key settings.
The settings for a Teletext captions output encode.
Information about the Teletext captions to extract from the input.
Settings for the temporal filter to apply to the video.
The configuration of the timecode in the output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.TimecodeConfigProperty
The setup of TTML captions in the output.
The configuration of a UDP output.
The configuration of a UDP output group.
The settings for one UDP output.
MediaLive will perform a failover if content is considered black for the specified period.
The settings for the video codec in the output.
Encoding information for one output video.
Settings to configure color space settings in the incoming video.
Selects a specific PID from within a video source.
Used to extract video by the program ID.
Information about the video to extract from the input.
An implementation for CfnChannel.VideoSelectorProperty
Information about the video to extract from the input.
Settings to enable VPC mode in the channel, so that the endpoints for all outputs are in your VPC.
The setup of WAV audio in the output.
An implementation for CfnChannel.WavSettingsProperty
The configuration of Web VTT captions in the output.
Properties for defining a CfnChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnChannel.
A builder for CfnChannelProps
A builder for CfnChannelProps
A builder for CfnChannelProps
A builder for CfnChannelProps
A builder for CfnChannelProps
An implementation for CfnChannelProps
An implementation for CfnChannelProps
An implementation for CfnChannelProps
An implementation for CfnChannelProps
An implementation for CfnChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53::CidrCollection.
A fluent builder for CfnCidrCollection.
Specifies the list of CIDR blocks for a CIDR location.
Properties for defining a CfnCidrCollection.
An implementation for CfnCidrCollectionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::Classifier.
A fluent builder for CfnClassifier.
A classifier for custom CSV content.
A classifier that uses grok patterns.
A classifier for JSON content.
A classifier for XML content.
Properties for defining a CfnClassifier.
A builder for CfnClassifierProps
An implementation for CfnClassifierProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::ClientCertificate.
A fluent builder for CfnClientCertificate.
Properties for defining a CfnClientCertificate.
An implementation for CfnClientCertificateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::ClientVpnAuthorizationRule.
A fluent builder for CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRule.
Properties for defining a CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRule.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::ClientVpnEndpoint.
A fluent builder for CfnClientVpnEndpoint.
Information about the client certificate to be used for authentication.
Describes the authentication method to be used by a Client VPN endpoint.
Indicates whether client connect options are enabled.
Options for enabling a customizable text banner that will be displayed on AWS provided clients when a VPN session is established.
Describes the client connection logging options for the Client VPN endpoint.
Describes the Active Directory to be used for client authentication.
The IAM SAML identity provider used for federated authentication.
The tags to apply to a resource when the resource is being created.
Properties for defining a CfnClientVpnEndpoint.
An implementation for CfnClientVpnEndpointProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::ClientVpnRoute.
A fluent builder for CfnClientVpnRoute.
Properties for defining a CfnClientVpnRoute.
An implementation for CfnClientVpnRouteProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::ClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation.
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct.
A fluent builder for CfnCloudFormationProduct.
The subtype containing details about the Codestar connection Type .
Provides connection details.
Information about a provisioning artifact (also known as a version) for a product.
A top level ProductViewDetail response containing details about the product’s connection.
Properties for defining a CfnCloudFormationProduct.
An implementation for CfnCloudFormationProductProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProvisionedProduct.
Information about a parameter used to provision a product.
The user-defined preferences that will be applied when updating a provisioned product.
Properties for defining a CfnCloudFormationProvisionedProduct.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFront::CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity.
A fluent builder for CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity.
Origin access identity configuration.
Properties for defining a CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity.
A CloudFormation AWS::DAX::Cluster.
A CloudFormation AWS::DocDBElastic::Cluster.
A CloudFormation AWS::ECS::Cluster.
A CloudFormation AWS::EKS::Cluster.
A CloudFormation AWS::EKS::Cluster.
A CloudFormation AWS::EMR::Cluster.
A CloudFormation AWS::MemoryDB::Cluster.
A CloudFormation AWS::MSK::Cluster.
A CloudFormation AWS::Redshift::Cluster.
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::Cluster.
Application is a property of AWS::EMR::Cluster .
An implementation for CfnCluster.ApplicationProperty
AutoScalingPolicy is a subproperty of InstanceGroupConfig .
BootstrapActionConfig is a property of AWS::EMR::Cluster that can be used to run bootstrap actions on EMR clusters.
The broker logs configuration for this MSK cluster.
An implementation for CfnCluster.BrokerLogsProperty
Describes the setup to be used for the broker nodes in the cluster.
A fluent builder for CfnCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnCluster.
The CapacityProviderStrategyItem property specifies the details of the default capacity provider strategy for the cluster.
Includes all client authentication information.
CloudWatchAlarmDefinition is a subproperty of the ScalingTrigger property, which determines when to trigger an automatic scaling activity.
Details of the CloudWatch Logs destination for broker logs.
An implementation for CfnCluster.CloudWatchLogsProperty
The execute command configuration for the cluster.
A cluster endpoint.
The cluster control plane logging configuration for your cluster.
The cluster control plane logging configuration for your cluster.
An implementation for CfnCluster.ClusterLoggingProperty
An implementation for CfnCluster.ClusterLoggingProperty
The settings to use when creating a cluster.
The Amazon EC2 unit limits for a managed scaling policy.
An implementation for CfnCluster.ComputeLimitsProperty
Specifies the configuration to use for the brokers.
An implementation for CfnCluster.ConfigurationProperty
Broker access controls.
The placement configuration for all the control plane instances of your local Amazon EKS cluster on an AWS Outpost.
The placement configuration for all the control plane instances of your local Amazon EKS cluster on an AWS Outpost.
EbsBlockDeviceConfig is a subproperty of the EbsConfiguration property type.
EbsConfiguration is a subproperty of InstanceFleetConfig or InstanceGroupConfig .
Contains information about the EBS storage volumes attached to the broker nodes.
An implementation for CfnCluster.EBSStorageInfoProperty
The data-volume encryption details.
The encryption configuration for the cluster.
The encryption configuration for the cluster.
Includes encryption-related information, such as the Amazon KMS key used for encrypting data at rest and whether you want MSK to encrypt your data in transit.
An implementation for CfnCluster.EncryptionInfoProperty
The settings for encrypting data in transit.
Represents the information required for client programs to connect to the cluster and its nodes.
Describes a connection endpoint.
An implementation for CfnCluster.EndpointProperty
An implementation for CfnCluster.EndpointProperty
The details of the execute command configuration.
The log configuration for the results of the execute command actions.
Firehose details for BrokerLogs.
An implementation for CfnCluster.FirehoseProperty
The HadoopJarStepConfig property type specifies a job flow step consisting of a JAR file whose main function will be executed.
Details for SASL/IAM client authentication.
An implementation for CfnCluster.IamProperty
Use InstanceFleetConfig to define instance fleets for an EMR cluster.
InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecification is a subproperty of InstanceFleetConfig .
Use InstanceGroupConfig to define instance groups for an EMR cluster.
Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the JMX Exporter.
An implementation for CfnCluster.JmxExporterProperty
JobFlowInstancesConfig is a property of the AWS::EMR::Cluster resource.
KerberosAttributes is a property of the AWS::EMR::Cluster resource.
KeyValue is a subproperty of the HadoopJarStepConfig property type.
An implementation for CfnCluster.KeyValueProperty
The Kubernetes network configuration for the cluster.
The Kubernetes network configuration for the cluster.
You can configure your MSK cluster to send broker logs to different destination types.
An implementation for CfnCluster.LoggingInfoProperty
Specifies logging information, such as queries and connection attempts, for the specified Amazon Redshift cluster.
Enable or disable exporting the Kubernetes control plane logs for your cluster to CloudWatch Logs.
Enable or disable exporting the Kubernetes control plane logs for your cluster to CloudWatch Logs.
An implementation for CfnCluster.LoggingProperty
An implementation for CfnCluster.LoggingProperty
The enabled logging type.
The enabled logging type.
Managed scaling policy for an Amazon EMR cluster.
MetricDimension is a subproperty of the CloudWatchAlarmDefinition property type.
Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the Node Exporter.
An implementation for CfnCluster.NodeExporterProperty
The launch specification for On-Demand Instances in the instance fleet, which determines the allocation strategy.
JMX and Node monitoring for the MSK cluster.
An implementation for CfnCluster.OpenMonitoringProperty
The configuration of your local Amazon EKS cluster on an AWS Outpost.
The configuration of your local Amazon EKS cluster on an AWS Outpost.
An implementation for CfnCluster.OutpostConfigProperty
An implementation for CfnCluster.OutpostConfigProperty
PlacementType is a property of the AWS::EMR::Cluster resource.
An implementation for CfnCluster.PlacementTypeProperty
Prometheus settings for open monitoring.
An implementation for CfnCluster.PrometheusProperty
Identifies the AWS Key Management Service ( AWS KMS ) key used to encrypt the secrets.
Identifies the AWS Key Management Service ( AWS KMS ) key used to encrypt the secrets.
An implementation for CfnCluster.ProviderProperty
An implementation for CfnCluster.ProviderProperty
Contains information about provisioned throughput for EBS storage volumes attached to kafka broker nodes.
Broker access controls.
An implementation for CfnCluster.PublicAccessProperty
An object representing the VPC configuration to use for an Amazon EKS cluster.
An object representing the VPC configuration to use for an Amazon EKS cluster.
The details of the Amazon S3 destination for broker logs.
A builder for CfnCluster.S3Property
An implementation for CfnCluster.S3Property
Details for client authentication using SASL.
An implementation for CfnCluster.SaslProperty
ScalingAction is a subproperty of the ScalingRule property type.
An implementation for CfnCluster.ScalingActionProperty
ScalingConstraints is a subproperty of the AutoScalingPolicy property type.
ScalingRule is a subproperty of the AutoScalingPolicy property type.
An implementation for CfnCluster.ScalingRuleProperty
ScalingTrigger is a subproperty of the ScalingRule property type.
An implementation for CfnCluster.ScalingTriggerProperty
Details for SASL/SCRAM client authentication.
An implementation for CfnCluster.ScramProperty
ScriptBootstrapActionConfig is a subproperty of the BootstrapActionConfig property type.
Use this parameter to set a default Service Connect namespace.
SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration is a subproperty of the ScalingAction property type.
SpotProvisioningSpecification is a subproperty of the InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications property type.
Represents the settings used to enable server-side encryption.
StepConfig is a property of the AWS::EMR::Cluster resource.
An implementation for CfnCluster.StepConfigProperty
Contains information about storage volumes attached to Amazon MSK broker nodes.
An implementation for CfnCluster.StorageInfoProperty
Details for client authentication using TLS.
An implementation for CfnCluster.TlsProperty
Details for allowing no client authentication.
VolumeSpecification is a subproperty of the EbsBlockDeviceConfig property type.
Includes all client authentication information for VpcConnectivity.
Details for SASL/IAM client authentication for VpcConnectivity.
VPC connection control settings for brokers.
Details for client authentication using SASL for VpcConnectivity.
Details for SASL/SCRAM client authentication for vpcConnectivity.
Details for client authentication using TLS for vpcConnectivity.
A CloudFormation AWS::ECS::ClusterCapacityProviderAssociations.
The CapacityProviderStrategy property specifies the details of the default capacity provider strategy for the cluster.
Properties for defining a CfnClusterCapacityProviderAssociations.
A CloudFormation AWS::Redshift::ClusterParameterGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnClusterParameterGroup.
Describes a parameter in a cluster parameter group.
Properties for defining a CfnClusterParameterGroup.
An implementation for CfnClusterParameterGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MSK::ClusterPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnClusterPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnClusterPolicy.
A builder for CfnClusterPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnClusterPolicyProps
Properties for defining a CfnCluster.
Properties for defining a CfnCluster.
Properties for defining a CfnCluster.
Properties for defining a CfnCluster.
Properties for defining a CfnCluster.
Properties for defining a CfnCluster.
Properties for defining a CfnCluster.
Properties for defining a CfnCluster.
Properties for defining a CfnCluster.
Properties for defining a CfnCluster.
A builder for CfnClusterProps
A builder for CfnClusterProps
A builder for CfnClusterProps
A builder for CfnClusterProps
A builder for CfnClusterProps
A builder for CfnClusterProps
A builder for CfnClusterProps
A builder for CfnClusterProps
A builder for CfnClusterProps
A builder for CfnClusterProps
An implementation for CfnClusterProps
An implementation for CfnClusterProps
An implementation for CfnClusterProps
An implementation for CfnClusterProps
An implementation for CfnClusterProps
An implementation for CfnClusterProps
An implementation for CfnClusterProps
An implementation for CfnClusterProps
An implementation for CfnClusterProps
An implementation for CfnClusterProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnClusterSecurityGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroupIngress.
A fluent builder for CfnClusterSecurityGroupIngress.
Properties for defining a CfnClusterSecurityGroupIngress.
Properties for defining a CfnClusterSecurityGroup.
An implementation for CfnClusterSecurityGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Redshift::ClusterSubnetGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnClusterSubnetGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnClusterSubnetGroup.
An implementation for CfnClusterSubnetGroupProps
Additional options for the blue/green deployment.
The application actually being deployed.
An implementation for CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenApplication
Type of the
invalid @link
The attributes of the ECS Service being deployed.
A CloudFormation Hook for CodeDeploy blue-green ECS deployments.
A fluent builder for CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenHook.
Construction properties of CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenHook.
An implementation for CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenHookProps
Lifecycle events for blue-green deployments.
To perform an AWS CodeDeploy deployment when the version changes on an AWS::Lambda::Alias resource, use the CodeDeployLambdaAliasUpdate update policy.
An implementation for CfnCodeDeployLambdaAliasUpdate
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::CodeRepository.
A fluent builder for CfnCodeRepository.
Specifies configuration details for a Git repository in your AWS account.
Properties for defining a CfnCodeRepository.
An implementation for CfnCodeRepositoryProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Lambda::CodeSigningConfig.
List of signing profiles that can sign a code package.
A fluent builder for CfnCodeSigningConfig.
Code signing configuration policies specify the validation failure action for signature mismatch or expiry.
Properties for defining a CfnCodeSigningConfig.
An implementation for CfnCodeSigningConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::OpenSearchServerless::Collection.
A CloudFormation AWS::Rekognition::Collection.
A fluent builder for CfnCollection.
A fluent builder for CfnCollection.
Properties for defining a CfnCollection.
Properties for defining a CfnCollection.
A builder for CfnCollectionProps
A builder for CfnCollectionProps
An implementation for CfnCollectionProps
An implementation for CfnCollectionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Component.
A CloudFormation AWS::ImageBuilder::Component.
Represents the event action configuration for an element of a Component or ComponentChild .
A fluent builder for CfnComponent.
A fluent builder for CfnComponent.
The ComponentBindingPropertiesValueProperties property specifies the data binding configuration for a specific property using data stored in AWS .
The ComponentBindingPropertiesValue property specifies the data binding configuration for a component at runtime.
The ComponentChild property specifies a nested UI configuration within a parent Component .
The ComponentConditionProperty property specifies a conditional expression for setting a component property.
The ComponentDataConfiguration property specifies the configuration for binding a component's properties to data.
The ComponentEvent property specifies the configuration of an event.
The ComponentPropertyBindingProperties property specifies a component property to associate with a binding property.
The ComponentProperty property specifies the configuration for all of a component's properties.
The ComponentVariant property specifies the style configuration of a unique variation of a main component.
Represents the state configuration when an action modifies a property of another element within the same component.
The Predicate property specifies information for generating Amplify DataStore queries.
An implementation for CfnComponent.PredicateProperty
The SortProperty property specifies how to sort the data that you bind to a component.
An implementation for CfnComponent.SortPropertyProperty
Properties for defining a CfnComponent.
Properties for defining a CfnComponent.
A builder for CfnComponentProps
A builder for CfnComponentProps
An implementation for CfnComponentProps
An implementation for CfnComponentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTTwinMaker::ComponentType.
A fluent builder for CfnComponentType.
The data connector.
An object that specifies the data type of a property.
An implementation for CfnComponentType.DataTypeProperty
An object that specifies a value for a property.
The component type error.
An implementation for CfnComponentType.ErrorProperty
The function body.
An implementation for CfnComponentType.FunctionProperty
The Lambda function.
PropertyDefinition is an object that maps strings to the property definitions in the component type.
The property group.
An object that specifies a relationship with another component type.
The component type relationship value.
The component type status.
An implementation for CfnComponentType.StatusProperty
Properties for defining a CfnComponentType.
A builder for CfnComponentTypeProps
An implementation for CfnComponentTypeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GreengrassV2::ComponentVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnComponentVersion.
Contains information about a component dependency for a Lambda function component.
Contains information about a platform that a component supports.
Contains information about a container in which AWS Lambda functions run on AWS IoT Greengrass core devices.
Contains information about a device that Linux processes in a container can access.
Contains information about an event source for an AWS Lambda function.
Contains parameters for a Lambda function that runs on AWS IoT Greengrass .
Contains information about an AWS Lambda function to import to create a component.
Contains parameters for a Linux process that contains an AWS Lambda function.
Contains information about a volume that Linux processes in a container can access.
Properties for defining a CfnComponentVersion.
An implementation for CfnComponentVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudWatch::CompositeAlarm.
A fluent builder for CfnCompositeAlarm.
Properties for defining a CfnCompositeAlarm.
An implementation for CfnCompositeAlarmProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment.
A fluent builder for CfnComputeEnvironment.
Details about the compute resources managed by the compute environment.
Provides information used to select Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for instances in the compute environment.
Configuration for the Amazon EKS cluster that supports the AWS Batch compute environment.
An object that represents a launch template that's associated with a compute resource.
Specifies the infrastructure update policy for the compute environment.
Properties for defining a CfnComputeEnvironment.
An implementation for CfnComputeEnvironmentProps
Represents a CloudFormation condition, for resources which must be conditionally created and the determination must be made at deploy time.
A fluent builder for CfnCondition.
A builder for CfnConditionProps
An implementation for CfnConditionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GroundStation::Config.
Provides information about how AWS Ground Station should configure an antenna for downlink during a contact.
Provides information about how AWS Ground Station should configure an antenna for downlink during a contact.
Provides information about how AWS Ground Station should configure an antenna for uplink during a contact.
A fluent builder for CfnConfig.
Config objects provide information to Ground Station about how to configure the antenna and how data flows during a contact.
An implementation for CfnConfig.ConfigDataProperty
Provides information to AWS Ground Station about which IP endpoints to use during a contact.
Defines decoding settings.
An implementation for CfnConfig.DecodeConfigProperty
Defines demodulation settings.
Defines an equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP).
An implementation for CfnConfig.EirpProperty
Defines a bandwidth.
Defines a frequency.
An implementation for CfnConfig.FrequencyProperty
Provides information about how AWS Ground Station should save downlink data to S3.
Defines a spectrum.
An implementation for CfnConfig.SpectrumConfigProperty
Provides information about how AWS Ground Station should track the satellite through the sky during a contact.
An implementation for CfnConfig.TrackingConfigProperty
Provides information about how AWS Ground Station should echo back uplink transmissions to a dataflow endpoint.
Defines a uplink spectrum.
Properties for defining a CfnConfig.
A builder for CfnConfigProps
An implementation for CfnConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Config::ConfigRule.
A fluent builder for CfnConfigRule.
Provides the runtime system, policy definition, and whether debug logging enabled.
Defines which resources trigger an evaluation for an AWS Config rule.
An implementation for CfnConfigRule.ScopeProperty
Provides the source and the message types that trigger AWS Config to evaluate your AWS resources against a rule.
Provides the CustomPolicyDetails, the rule owner ( AWS for managed rules, CUSTOM_POLICY for Custom Policy rules, and CUSTOM_LAMBDA for Custom Lambda rules), the rule identifier, and the events that cause the evaluation of your AWS resources.
An implementation for CfnConfigRule.SourceProperty
Properties for defining a CfnConfigRule.
A builder for CfnConfigRuleProps
An implementation for CfnConfigRuleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AmazonMQ::Configuration.
A CloudFormation AWS::MSK::Configuration.
A fluent builder for CfnConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnConfiguration.
A key-value pair to associate with the configuration.
A CloudFormation AWS::Config::ConfigurationAggregator.
A collection of accounts and regions.
A fluent builder for CfnConfigurationAggregator.
This object contains regions to set up the aggregator and an IAM role to retrieve organization details.
Properties for defining a CfnConfigurationAggregator.
An implementation for CfnConfigurationAggregatorProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AmazonMQ::ConfigurationAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnConfigurationAssociation.
The ConfigurationId property type specifies a configuration Id and the revision of a configuration.
Properties for defining a CfnConfigurationAssociation.
An implementation for CfnConfigurationAssociationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppConfig::ConfigurationProfile.
A fluent builder for CfnConfigurationProfile.
Metadata to assign to the configuration profile.
A validator provides a syntactic or semantic check to ensure the configuration that you want to deploy functions as intended.
Properties for defining a CfnConfigurationProfile.
An implementation for CfnConfigurationProfileProps
Properties for defining a CfnConfiguration.
Properties for defining a CfnConfiguration.
A builder for CfnConfigurationProps
A builder for CfnConfigurationProps
An implementation for CfnConfigurationProps
An implementation for CfnConfigurationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Config::ConfigurationRecorder.
A fluent builder for CfnConfigurationRecorder.
Specifies which resource types AWS Config records for configuration changes.
Properties for defining a CfnConfigurationRecorder.
An implementation for CfnConfigurationRecorderProps
A CloudFormation AWS::PinpointEmail::ConfigurationSet.
A CloudFormation AWS::SES::ConfigurationSet.
A fluent builder for CfnConfigurationSet.
A fluent builder for CfnConfigurationSet.
Settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Dashboard.
Used to associate a configuration set with a dedicated IP pool.
Specifies whether messages that use the configuration set are required to use Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Guardian.
Enable or disable collection of reputation metrics for emails that you send using this configuration set in the current AWS Region.
Contains information about the reputation settings for a configuration set.
Used to enable or disable email sending for messages that use this configuration set in the current AWS Region.
Used to enable or disable email sending for messages that use this configuration set in the current AWS Region.
An object that contains information about the suppression list preferences for your account.
An object that defines the tags (keys and values) that you want to associate with the configuration set.
An implementation for CfnConfigurationSet.TagsProperty
An object that defines the tracking options for a configuration set.
A domain that is used to redirect email recipients to an Amazon SES-operated domain.
The Virtual Deliverability Manager (VDM) options that apply to a configuration set.
A CloudFormation AWS::PinpointEmail::ConfigurationSetEventDestination.
A CloudFormation AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination.
An object that defines an Amazon CloudWatch destination for email events.
Contains information associated with an Amazon CloudWatch event destination to which email sending events are published.
An array of objects that define the dimensions to use when you send email events to Amazon CloudWatch.
Contains the dimension configuration to use when you publish email sending events to Amazon CloudWatch.
In Amazon Pinpoint, events include message sends, deliveries, opens, clicks, bounces, and complaints.
Contains information about an event destination.
An object that defines an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose destination for email events.
Contains the delivery stream ARN and the IAM role ARN associated with an Amazon Kinesis Firehose event destination.
An object that defines a Amazon Pinpoint destination for email events.
An object that defines an Amazon SNS destination for email events.
Contains the topic ARN associated with an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) event destination.
Properties for defining a CfnConfigurationSetEventDestination.
Properties for defining a CfnConfigurationSetEventDestination.
Properties for defining a CfnConfigurationSet.
Properties for defining a CfnConfigurationSet.
An implementation for CfnConfigurationSetProps
An implementation for CfnConfigurationSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate.
A fluent builder for CfnConfigurationTemplate.
Use the ConfigurationOptionSetting property type to specify an option for an AWS Elastic Beanstalk configuration template when defining an AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate resource in an AWS CloudFormation template.
Use the SourceConfiguration property type to specify another AWS Elastic Beanstalk configuration template as the base to creating a new AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate resource in an AWS CloudFormation template.
Properties for defining a CfnConfigurationTemplate.
An implementation for CfnConfigurationTemplateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Config::ConformancePack.
A fluent builder for CfnConformancePack.
Input parameters in the form of key-value pairs for the conformance pack, both of which you define.
This API allows you to create a conformance pack template with an AWS Systems Manager document (SSM document).
Properties for defining a CfnConformancePack.
An implementation for CfnConformancePackProps
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::ConnectAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnConnectAttachment.
Describes a core network Connect attachment options.
Describes a proposed segment change.
Properties for defining a CfnConnectAttachment.
An implementation for CfnConnectAttachmentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeStarConnections::Connection.
A CloudFormation AWS::Events::Connection.
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::Connection.
Contains the API key authorization parameters for the connection.
Contains the authorization parameters to use for the connection.
Contains the Basic authorization parameters for the connection.
A fluent builder for CfnConnection.
A fluent builder for CfnConnection.
A fluent builder for CfnConnection.
Contains the OAuth authorization parameters to use for the connection.
Contains additional parameters for the connection.
A structure that is used to specify a connection to create or update.
Contains the OAuth authorization parameters to use for the connection.
Additional query string parameter for the connection.
An implementation for CfnConnection.ParameterProperty
Specifies the physical requirements for a connection.
A CloudFormation AWS::WorkSpaces::ConnectionAlias.
A fluent builder for CfnConnectionAlias.
Properties for defining a CfnConnectionAlias.
An implementation for CfnConnectionAliasProps
Properties for defining a CfnConnection.
Properties for defining a CfnConnection.
Properties for defining a CfnConnection.
A builder for CfnConnectionProps
A builder for CfnConnectionProps
A builder for CfnConnectionProps
An implementation for CfnConnectionProps
An implementation for CfnConnectionProps
An implementation for CfnConnectionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppFlow::Connector.
A CloudFormation AWS::KafkaConnect::Connector.
A CloudFormation AWS::Transfer::Connector.
The details of the Apache Kafka cluster to which the connector is connected.
A structure that contains the parameters for a connector object.
An implementation for CfnConnector.As2ConfigProperty
Specifies how the connector scales.
An implementation for CfnConnector.AutoScalingProperty
A fluent builder for CfnConnector.
A fluent builder for CfnConnector.
A fluent builder for CfnConnector.
Information about the capacity of the connector, whether it is auto scaled or provisioned.
An implementation for CfnConnector.CapacityProperty
The settings for delivering connector logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
Contains information about the configuration of the connector being registered.
A plugin is an AWS resource that contains the code that defines a connector's logic.
An implementation for CfnConnector.CustomPluginProperty
The settings for delivering logs to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.
The client authentication information used in order to authenticate with the Apache Kafka cluster.
Details of encryption in transit to the Apache Kafka cluster.
The details of the Apache Kafka cluster to which the connector is connected.
An implementation for CfnConnector.KafkaClusterProperty
Contains information about the configuration of the lambda which is being registered as the connector.
Details about log delivery.
An implementation for CfnConnector.LogDeliveryProperty
A plugin is an AWS resource that contains the code that defines your connector logic.
An implementation for CfnConnector.PluginProperty
Details about a connector's provisioned capacity.
Details about delivering logs to Amazon S3.
The scale-in policy for the connector.
The scale-out policy for the connector.
Information about the VPC in which the connector resides.
An implementation for CfnConnector.VpcProperty
The configuration of the workers, which are the processes that run the connector logic.
Workers can send worker logs to different destination types.
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::ConnectorDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnConnectorDefinition.
A connector definition version contains a list of connectors.
Connectors are modules that provide built-in integration with local infrastructure, device protocols, AWS , and other cloud services.
Properties for defining a CfnConnectorDefinition.
An implementation for CfnConnectorDefinitionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::ConnectorDefinitionVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnConnectorDefinitionVersion.
Connectors are modules that provide built-in integration with local infrastructure, device protocols, AWS , and other cloud services.
Properties for defining a CfnConnectorDefinitionVersion.
A CloudFormation AWS::AppFlow::ConnectorProfile.
The connector-specific credentials required when using Amplitude.
The API key credentials required for API key authentication.
The basic auth credentials required for basic authentication.
A fluent builder for CfnConnectorProfile.
Used by select connectors for which the OAuth workflow is supported, such as Salesforce, Google Analytics, Marketo, Zendesk, and Slack.
Defines the connector-specific configuration and credentials for the connector profile.
The connector-specific credentials required by a connector.
The connector-specific profile properties required by each connector.
The custom credentials required for custom authentication.
The connector-specific profile credentials that are required when using the custom connector.
The profile properties required by the custom connector.
The connector-specific credentials required by Datadog.
The connector-specific profile properties required by Datadog.
The connector-specific profile credentials required by Dynatrace.
The connector-specific profile properties required by Dynatrace.
The connector-specific profile credentials required by Google Analytics.
The connector-specific profile credentials required by Infor Nexus.
The connector-specific profile properties required by Infor Nexus.
The connector-specific profile credentials required by Marketo.
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Marketo.
The OAuth 2.0 credentials required for OAuth 2.0 authentication.
The OAuth 2.0 properties required for OAuth 2.0 authentication.
The OAuth credentials required for OAuth type authentication.
The OAuth properties required for OAuth type authentication.
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Amazon Redshift.
The connector-specific profile properties when using Amazon Redshift.
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Salesforce.
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Salesforce.
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using SAPOData.
The connector-specific profile properties required when using SAPOData.
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using ServiceNow.
The connector-specific profile properties required when using ServiceNow.
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Singular.
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Slack.
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Slack.
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Snowflake.
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Snowflake.
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Trend Micro.
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Veeva.
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Veeva.
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Zendesk.
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Zendesk.
Properties for defining a CfnConnectorProfile.
An implementation for CfnConnectorProfileProps
Properties for defining a CfnConnector.
Properties for defining a CfnConnector.
Properties for defining a CfnConnector.
A builder for CfnConnectorProps
A builder for CfnConnectorProps
A builder for CfnConnectorProps
An implementation for CfnConnectorProps
An implementation for CfnConnectorProps
An implementation for CfnConnectorProps
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::ConnectPeer.
Describes the BGP options.
An implementation for CfnConnectPeer.BgpOptionsProperty
A fluent builder for CfnConnectPeer.
Describes a core network BGP configuration.
Describes a core network Connect peer configuration.
Properties for defining a CfnConnectPeer.
A builder for CfnConnectPeerProps
An implementation for CfnConnectPeerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SSMContacts::Contact.
A fluent builder for CfnContact.
Information about the contact channel that Incident Manager uses to engage the contact.
The contact that Incident Manager is engaging during an incident.
The Stage property type specifies a set amount of time that an escalation plan or engagement plan engages the specified contacts or contact methods.
An implementation for CfnContact.StageProperty
The contact or contact channel that's being engaged.
An implementation for CfnContact.TargetsProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::SSMContacts::ContactChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnContactChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnContactChannel.
An implementation for CfnContactChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::ContactFlow.
A fluent builder for CfnContactFlow.
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::ContactFlowModule.
A fluent builder for CfnContactFlowModule.
Properties for defining a CfnContactFlowModule.
An implementation for CfnContactFlowModuleProps
Properties for defining a CfnContactFlow.
A builder for CfnContactFlowProps
An implementation for CfnContactFlowProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SES::ContactList.
A fluent builder for CfnContactList.
An interest group, theme, or label within a list.
An implementation for CfnContactList.TopicProperty
Properties for defining a CfnContactList.
A builder for CfnContactListProps
An implementation for CfnContactListProps
Properties for defining a CfnContact.
A builder for CfnContactProps
An implementation for CfnContactProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Lightsail::Container.
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaStore::Container.
A fluent builder for CfnContainer.
A fluent builder for CfnContainer.
Container is a property of the ContainerServiceDeployment property.
An implementation for CfnContainer.ContainerProperty
ContainerServiceDeployment is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Container resource.
A rule for a CORS policy.
An implementation for CfnContainer.CorsRuleProperty
EnvironmentVariable is a property of the Container property.
HealthCheckConfig is a property of the PublicEndpoint property.
The metric policy that is associated with the container.
An implementation for CfnContainer.MetricPolicyProperty
A setting that enables metrics at the object level.
PortInfo is a property of the Container property.
An implementation for CfnContainer.PortInfoProperty
PublicDomainName is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Container resource.
PublicEndpoint is a property of the ContainerServiceDeployment property.
Properties for defining a CfnContainer.
Properties for defining a CfnContainer.
A builder for CfnContainerProps
A builder for CfnContainerProps
An implementation for CfnContainerProps
An implementation for CfnContainerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ImageBuilder::ContainerRecipe.
A fluent builder for CfnContainerRecipe.
Configuration details of the component.
Amazon EBS-specific block device mapping specifications.
Defines block device mappings for the instance used to configure your image.
Defines a custom base AMI and block device mapping configurations of an instance used for building and testing container images.
The container repository where the output container image is stored.
Properties for defining a CfnContainerRecipe.
An implementation for CfnContainerRecipeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFront::ContinuousDeploymentPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy.
Contains the configuration for a continuous deployment policy.
Session stickiness provides the ability to define multiple requests from a single viewer as a single session.
Determines which HTTP requests are sent to the staging distribution.
This configuration determines the percentage of HTTP requests that are sent to the staging distribution.
The traffic configuration of your continuous deployment.
Properties for defining a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy.
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::ControlPanel.
A fluent builder for CfnControlPanel.
Properties for defining a CfnControlPanel.
A builder for CfnControlPanelProps
An implementation for CfnControlPanelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::CoreDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnCoreDefinition.
A core definition version contains a Greengrass core .
A core is an AWS IoT device that runs the AWS IoT Greengrass core software and manages local processes for a Greengrass group.
An implementation for CfnCoreDefinition.CoreProperty
Properties for defining a CfnCoreDefinition.
An implementation for CfnCoreDefinitionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::CoreDefinitionVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnCoreDefinitionVersion.
A core is an AWS IoT device that runs the AWS IoT Greengrass core software and manages local processes for a Greengrass group.
Properties for defining a CfnCoreDefinitionVersion.
An implementation for CfnCoreDefinitionVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::CoreNetwork.
A fluent builder for CfnCoreNetwork.
Describes a core network edge.
Describes a core network segment, which are dedicated routes.
Properties for defining a CfnCoreNetwork.
A builder for CfnCoreNetworkProps
An implementation for CfnCoreNetworkProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CE::CostCategory.
A fluent builder for CfnCostCategory.
Properties for defining a CfnCostCategory.
A builder for CfnCostCategoryProps
An implementation for CfnCostCategoryProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::Crawler.
A fluent builder for CfnCrawler.
Specifies an AWS Glue Data Catalog target.
An implementation for CfnCrawler.CatalogTargetProperty
An implementation for CfnCrawler.DeltaTargetProperty
Specifies an Amazon DynamoDB table to crawl.
An implementation for CfnCrawler.DynamoDBTargetProperty
Specifies a JDBC data store to crawl.
An implementation for CfnCrawler.JdbcTargetProperty
Specifies an Amazon DocumentDB or MongoDB data store to crawl.
An implementation for CfnCrawler.MongoDBTargetProperty
When crawling an Amazon S3 data source after the first crawl is complete, specifies whether to crawl the entire dataset again or to crawl only folders that were added since the last crawler run.
An implementation for CfnCrawler.RecrawlPolicyProperty
Specifies a data store in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
An implementation for CfnCrawler.S3TargetProperty
A scheduling object using a cron statement to schedule an event.
An implementation for CfnCrawler.ScheduleProperty
The policy that specifies update and delete behaviors for the crawler.
Specifies data stores to crawl.
An implementation for CfnCrawler.TargetsProperty
Properties for defining a CfnCrawler.
A builder for CfnCrawlerProps
An implementation for CfnCrawlerProps
Associate the CreationPolicy attribute with a resource to prevent its status from reaching create complete until AWS CloudFormation receives a specified number of success signals or the timeout period is exceeded.
A builder for CfnCreationPolicy
An implementation for CfnCreationPolicy
A CloudFormation AWS::RolesAnywhere::CRL.
A fluent builder for CfnCRL.
Properties for defining a CfnCRL.
A builder for CfnCRLProps
An implementation for CfnCRLProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType.
Returns information about the details of an artifact.
A fluent builder for CfnCustomActionType.
The configuration properties for the custom action.
Settings is a property of the AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType resource that provides URLs that users can access to view information about the CodePipeline custom action.
Properties for defining a CfnCustomActionType.
An implementation for CfnCustomActionTypeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Macie::CustomDataIdentifier.
A fluent builder for CfnCustomDataIdentifier.
Properties for defining a CfnCustomDataIdentifier.
An implementation for CfnCustomDataIdentifierProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway.
A fluent builder for CfnCustomerGateway.
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::CustomerGatewayAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnCustomerGatewayAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnCustomerGatewayAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnCustomerGateway.
An implementation for CfnCustomerGatewayProps
A CloudFormation AWS::BillingConductor::CustomLineItem.
The billing period range in which the custom line item request will be applied.
A fluent builder for CfnCustomLineItem.
The charge details of a custom line item.
The charge details of a custom line item.
A representation of the charge details associated with a percentage custom line item.
Properties for defining a CfnCustomLineItem.
An implementation for CfnCustomLineItemProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::CustomMetric.
A fluent builder for CfnCustomMetric.
Properties for defining a CfnCustomMetric.
A builder for CfnCustomMetricProps
An implementation for CfnCustomMetricProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource.
A fluent builder for CfnCustomResource.
A fluent builder for CfnCustomResource.
Properties for defining a CfnCustomResource.
Properties for defining a CfnCustomResource.
An implementation for CfnCustomResourceProps
An implementation for CfnCustomResourceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTSiteWise::Dashboard.
A CloudFormation AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.
An ad hoc (one-time) filtering option.
An aggregation function aggregates values from a dimension or measure.
The configuration options to sort aggregated values.
The configuration for default analysis settings.
The date configuration of the filter.
The arc axis configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .
The arc axis range of a GaugeChartVisual .
The arc configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .
The options that determine the arc thickness of a GaugeChartVisual .
An implementation for CfnDashboard.ArcOptionsProperty
The data options for an axis.
The minimum and maximum setup for an axis display range.
The display options for the axis label.
The range setup of a numeric axis display range.
The label options for a chart axis.
The reference that specifies where the axis label is applied to.
The liner axis scale setup.
The logarithmic axis scale setup.
The scale setup options for a numeric axis display.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.AxisScaleProperty
The tick label options of an axis.
The aggregated field wells of a bar chart.
The configuration of a BarChartVisual .
The field wells of a BarChartVisual .
A bar chart.
The options that determine the bin count of a histogram.
The options that determine the bin width of a histogram.
The configuration of a body section.
The configuration of content in a body section.
The aggregated field well for a box plot.
The configuration of a BoxPlotVisual .
The field wells of a BoxPlotVisual .
The options of a box plot visual.
The sort configuration of a BoxPlotVisual .
The style options of the box plot.
A box plot.
A fluent builder for CfnDashboard.
A fluent builder for CfnDashboard.
A fluent builder for CfnDashboard.
The calculated field of an analysis.
The table calculation measure field for pivot tables.
The values that are displayed in a control can be configured to only show values that are valid based on what's selected in other controls.
The source controls that are used in a CascadingControlConfiguration .
The dimension type field with categorical type columns..
The measure type field with categorical type columns.
The numeric equality type drill down filter.
The configuration for a CategoryFilter .
A CategoryFilter filters text values.
The label options for an axis on a chart.
The cluster marker configuration of the geospatial map selected point style.
The cluster marker that is a part of the cluster marker configuration.
Determines the color scale that is applied to the visual.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.ColorScaleProperty
The general configuration of a column.
The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields for a visual element.
A column of a data set.
The sort configuration for a column that is not used in a field well.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.ColumnSortProperty
The tooltip item for the columns that are not part of a field well.
The aggregated field wells of a combo chart.
The configuration of a ComboChartVisual .
The field wells of the visual.
The sort configuration of a ComboChartVisual .
A combo chart.
The comparison display configuration of a KPI or gauge chart.
The format of the comparison.
The computation union that is used in an insight visual.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.ComputationProperty
The formatting configuration for the color.
Determines the custom condition for an icon set.
Custom icon options for an icon set.
Formatting configuration for gradient color.
Determines the icon display configuration.
The formatting configuration for the icon.
Formatting configuration for icon set.
Formatting configuration for solid color.
The contribution analysis visual display for a line, pie, or bar chart.
The options that determine the currency display format configuration.
The filter operation that filters data included in a visual or in an entire sheet.
The navigation operation that navigates between different sheets in the same analysis.
The set parameter operation that sets parameters in custom action.
The URL operation that opens a link to another webpage.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.CustomColorProperty
The configuration of a CustomContentVisual .
A visual that contains custom content.
A custom filter that filters based on a single value.
A list of custom filter values.
The custom narrative options.
The customized parameter values.
The configuration of custom values for the destination parameter in DestinationParameterValueConfiguration .
Dashboard error.
Dashboard publish options.
Dashboard source entity.
Dashboard source template.
The contents of a dashboard.
Dashboard version.
The visual publish options of a visual in a dashboard.
The options for data bars.
Determines the color that is applied to a particular data value.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.DataColorProperty
The data field series item configuration of a line chart.
The options that determine the presentation of the data labels.
The option that determines the data label type.
The color map that determines the color options for a particular element.
The option that specifies individual data values for labels.
Allows data paths to be sorted by a specific data value.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.DataPathSortProperty
The data path that needs to be sorted.
The drill down options for data points in a dashbaord.
The data point menu options of a dashboard.
The data point tooltip options.
A data set.
Dataset reference.
The options that determine how a date axis is displayed.
The dimension type field with date type columns.
The measure type field with date type columns.
The default values of the DateTimeParameterDeclaration .
Formatting configuration for DateTime fields.
The option that determines the hierarchy of any DateTime fields.
A parameter declaration for the DateTime data type.
A date-time parameter.
The display options of a control.
The configuration that defines the default value of a DateTime parameter when a value has not been set.
The default values of the DecimalParameterDeclaration .
A parameter declaration for the Decimal data type.
A decimal parameter.
The option that determines the decimal places configuration.
The configuration that defines the default value of a Decimal parameter when a value has not been set.
The options that determine the default settings of a free-form layout configuration.
The options that determine the default settings for a grid layout configuration.
The options that determine the default settings for interactive layout configuration.
The configuration for default new sheet settings.
The options that determine the default settings for a paginated layout configuration.
The options that determine the default settings for a section-based layout configuration.
The configuration of destination parameter values.
The dimension type field.
The label options of the label that is displayed in the center of a donut chart.
The options for configuring a donut chart or pie chart.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.DonutOptionsProperty
The drill down filter for the column hierarchies.
The display options of a control.
Defines different defaults to the users or groups based on mapping.
An empty visual.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.EmptyVisualProperty
An object, structure, or sub-structure of an analysis, template, or dashboard.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.EntityProperty
The exclude period of TimeRangeFilter or RelativeDatesFilter .
The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are built within a visual's field wells.
Determines if hidden fields are included in an exported dashboard.
Export to .csv option.
Determines whether or not hidden fields are visible on exported dashbaords.
The setup for the detailed tooltip.
The field label type.
The field series item configuration of a line chart.
The field sort options in a chart configuration.
The sort configuration for a field in a field well.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.FieldSortProperty
The tooltip item for the fields.
The aggregated field well of the filled map.
Conditional formatting options of a FilledMapVisual .
The conditional formatting of a FilledMapVisual .
The configuration for a FilledMapVisual .
The field wells of a FilledMapVisual .
The conditional formatting that determines the shape of the filled map.
The sort configuration of a FilledMapVisual .
A filled map.
The control of a filter that is used to interact with a dashboard or an analysis.
A control from a date filter that is used to specify date and time.
A control to display a dropdown list with buttons that are used to select a single value.
A grouping of individual filters.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.FilterGroupProperty
A list of filter configurations.
A control to display a list of buttons or boxes.
The configuration of selected fields in the CustomActionFilterOperation .
The configuration of target visuals that you want to be filtered.
With a Filter , you can remove portions of data from a particular visual or view.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.FilterProperty
A control from a date filter that is used to specify the relative date.
The scope configuration for a FilterGroup .
A list of selectable values that are used in a control.
A control to display a horizontal toggle bar.
A control to display a text box that is used to enter multiple entries.
A control to display a text box that is used to enter a single entry.
Configures the display properties of the given text.
The option that determines the text display size.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.FontSizeProperty
The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.FontWeightProperty
The forecast computation configuration.
The forecast configuration that is used in a line chart's display properties.
The forecast scenario of a forecast in the line chart.
The formatting configuration for all types of field.
Configuration options for the canvas of a free-form layout.
The configuration of a free-form layout.
The background style configuration of a free-form layout element.
The background style configuration of a free-form layout element.
An element within a free-form layout.
The options that determine the sizing of the canvas used in a free-form layout.
The free-form layout configuration of a section.
The field well configuration of a FunnelChartVisual .
The configuration of a FunnelChartVisual .
The options that determine the presentation of the data labels.
The field well configuration of a FunnelChartVisual .
The sort configuration of a FunnelChartVisual .
A funnel chart.
The options that determine the presentation of the arc of a GaugeChartVisual .
Conditional formatting options of a GaugeChartVisual .
The conditional formatting of a GaugeChartVisual .
The configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .
The field well configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .
The options that determine the presentation of the GaugeChartVisual .
The conditional formatting for the primary value of a GaugeChartVisual .
A gauge chart.
The bound options (north, south, west, east) of the geospatial window options.
The aggregated field wells for a geospatial map.
The configuration of a GeospatialMapVisual .
The field wells of a GeospatialMapVisual .
The map style options of the geospatial map.
A geospatial map or a points on map visual.
The point style of the geospatial map.
The window options of the geospatial map visual.
Determines the border options for a table visual.
Determines the gradient color settings.
Determines the gradient stop configuration.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.GradientStopProperty
Configuration options for the canvas of a grid layout.
The configuration for a grid layout.
An element within a grid layout.
The options that determine the sizing of the canvas used in a grid layout.
The growth rate computation configuration.
The configuration of a header or footer section.
The aggregated field wells of a heat map.
The configuration of a heat map.
The field well configuration of a heat map.
The sort configuration of a heat map.
A heat map.
The field well configuration of a histogram.
The options that determine the presentation of histogram bins.
The configuration for a HistogramVisual .
The field well configuration of a histogram.
A histogram.
The configuration of an insight visual.
An insight visual.
The default values of the IntegerParameterDeclaration .
A parameter declaration for the Integer data type.
An integer parameter.
A parameter declaration for the Integer data type.
The limit configuration of the visual display for an axis.
The conditional formatting options of a KPI visual.
The conditional formatting of a KPI visual.
The configuration of a KPI visual.
The field well configuration of a KPI visual.
The options that determine the presentation of a KPI visual.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.KPIOptionsProperty
The conditional formatting for the primary value of a KPI visual.
The conditional formatting for the progress bar of a KPI visual.
The sort configuration of a KPI visual.
A key performance indicator (KPI).
An implementation for CfnDashboard.KPIVisualProperty
The share label options for the labels.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.LabelOptionsProperty
The configuration that determines what the type of layout will be used on a sheet.
A Layout defines the placement of elements within a sheet.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.LayoutProperty
The options for the legend setup of a visual.
The field well configuration of a line chart.
The configuration of a line chart.
The options that determine the default presentation of all line series in LineChartVisual .
The field well configuration of a line chart.
Line styles options for a line series in LineChartVisual .
Marker styles options for a line series in LineChartVisual .
The options that determine the presentation of a line series in the visual.
The sort configuration of a line chart.
A line chart.
The series axis configuration of a line chart.
The display options of a control.
The configuration of the search options in a list control.
The configuration of the Select all options in a list control.
The configuration of loading animation in free-form layout.
The navigation configuration for CustomActionNavigationOperation .
The text format for a subtitle.
A dataset parameter that is mapped to an analysis parameter.
The maximum label of a data path label.
The maximum and minimum computation configuration.
The measure (metric) type field.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.MeasureFieldProperty
The metric comparison computation configuration.
The minimum label of a data path label.
The configuration options that determine how missing data is treated during the rendering of a line chart.
The options that determine the negative value configuration.
The options that determine the null value format configuration.
The options that determine the number display format configuration.
Formatting configuration for number fields.
Aggregation for numerical values.
The dimension type field with numerical type columns.
The measure type field with numerical type columns.
The options for an axis with a numeric field.
The category drill down filter.
A NumericEqualityFilter filters values that are equal to the specified value.
The options that determine the numeric format configuration.
A NumericRangeFilter filters values that are within the value range.
The value input pf the numeric range filter.
The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.
The pagination configuration for a table visual or boxplot.
A collection of options that configure how each panel displays in a small multiples chart.
The options that determine the title styles for each small multiples panel.
The control of a parameter that users can interact with in a dashboard or an analysis.
A control from a date parameter that specifies date and time.
The declaration definition of a parameter.
A control to display a dropdown list with buttons that are used to select a single value.
A control to display a list with buttons or boxes that are used to select either a single value or multiple values.
A list of selectable values that are used in a control.
A control to display a horizontal toggle bar.
A list of Amazon QuickSight parameters and the list's override values.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.ParametersProperty
A control to display a text box that is used to enter multiple entries.
A control to display a text box that is used to enter a single entry.
The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.
An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.
The percent range in the visible range.
The period over period computation configuration.
The period to date computation configuration.
The field well configuration of a pie chart.
The configuration of a pie chart.
The field well configuration of a pie chart.
The sort configuration of a pie chart.
A pie or donut chart.
The field sort options for a pivot table sort configuration.
The aggregated field well for the pivot table.
The cell conditional formatting option for a pivot table.
Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual .
The conditional formatting for a PivotTableVisual .
The scope of the cell for conditional formatting.
The configuration for a PivotTableVisual .
The data path options for the pivot table field options.
The selected field options for the pivot table field options.
The field options for a pivot table visual.
The optional configuration of subtotals cells.
The field wells for a pivot table visual.
The table options for a pivot table visual.
The paginated report options for a pivot table visual.
The sort by field for the field sort options.
The sort configuration for a PivotTableVisual .
The total options for a pivot table visual.
A pivot table.
The optional configuration of totals cells in a PivotTableVisual .
The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are defined during data preparation.
The options that determine the presentation of the progress bar of a KPI visual.
The aggregated field well configuration of a RadarChartVisual .
The configured style settings of a radar chart.
The configuration of a RadarChartVisual .
The field wells of a radar chart visual.
The series settings of a radar chart.
The sort configuration of a RadarChartVisual .
A radar chart visual.
The range ends label type of a data path label.
The configuration for a custom label on a ReferenceLine .
The data configuration of the reference line.
The dynamic configuration of the reference line data configuration.
The label configuration of a reference line.
The reference line visual display options.
The static data configuration of the reference line data configuration.
The style configuration of the reference line.
The value label configuration of the label in a reference line.
A RelativeDatesFilter filters relative dates values.
The display options of a control.
Permission for the resource.
The rolling date configuration of a date time filter.
Determines the row alternate color options.
The configuration of the same-sheet target visuals that you want to be filtered.
The field well configuration of a sankey diagram.
The configuration of a sankey diagram.
The field well configuration of a sankey diagram.
The sort configuration of a sankey diagram.
A sankey diagram.
The aggregated field well of a scatter plot.
The configuration of a scatter plot.
The field well configuration of a scatter plot.
The unaggregated field wells of a scatter plot.
A scatter plot.
The visual display options for a data zoom scroll bar.
The options that determine the presentation of the secondary value of a KPI visual.
The configuration of a page break after a section.
The options for the canvas of a section-based layout.
The configuration for a section-based layout.
The options for a paper canvas of a section-based layout.
The layout configuration of a section.
The configuration of a page break for a section.
The options that style a section.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.SectionStyleProperty
The configuration for applying a filter to specific sheets or visuals.
The series item configuration of a line chart.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.SeriesItemProperty
The configuration of adding parameters in action.
The shape conditional formatting of a filled map visual.
The configuration that determines the elements and canvas size options of sheet control.
A grid layout to define the placement of sheet control.
Sheet controls option.
A sheet is an object that contains a set of visuals that are viewed together on one page in a paginated report.
The override configuration of the rendering rules of a sheet.
The rendering rules of a sheet that uses a free-form layout.
The sheet layout maximization options of a dashbaord.
A sheet , which is an object that contains a set of visuals that are viewed together on one page in Amazon QuickSight.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.SheetProperty
A text box.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.SheetTextBoxProperty
The filter that is applied to the options.
The text format for the title.
The simple cluster marker of the cluster marker.
The display options of a control.
Options that determine the layout and display options of a chart's small multiples.
The configuration of spacing (often a margin or padding).
An implementation for CfnDashboard.SpacingProperty
The default values of the StringParameterDeclaration .
Formatting configuration for string fields.
A parameter declaration for the String data type.
A string parameter.
The configuration that defines the default value of a String parameter when a value has not been set.
The subtotal options.
The aggregated field well for the table.
The border options for a table border.
The cell conditional formatting option for a table.
The sizing options for the table image configuration.
The table cell style for a cell in pivot table or table visual.
Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual .
The conditional formatting for a PivotTableVisual .
The configuration for a TableVisual .
The custom icon content for the table link content configuration.
The custom text content (value, font configuration) for the table link content configuration.
The image configuration of a table field URL.
The link configuration of a table field URL.
The URL content (text, icon) for the table link configuration.
The options for a table field.
The field options for a table visual.
The URL configuration for a table field.
The field wells for a table visual.
The inline visualization of a specific type to display within a chart.
The table options for a table visual.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.TableOptionsProperty
The paginated report options for a table visual.
The conditional formatting of a table row.
The side border options for a table.
The sort configuration for a TableVisual .
The unaggregated field well for the table.
A table visual.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.TableVisualProperty
The display options of a control.
The conditional formatting for the text.
The configuration of the placeholder options in a text control.
The display options of a control.
The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.
The forecast properties setup of a forecast in the line chart.
A TimeEqualityFilter filters values that are equal to a given value.
The time range drill down filter.
A TimeRangeFilter filters values that are between two specified values.
The value of a time range filter.
The tooltip.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.TooltipItemProperty
The display options for the visual tooltip.
A TopBottomFilter filters values that are at the top or the bottom.
The top movers and bottom movers computation setup.
The top ranked and bottom ranked computation configuration.
The total aggregation computation configuration.
The total options for a table visual.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.TotalOptionsProperty
Aggregated field wells of a tree map.
The configuration of a tree map.
The field wells of a tree map.
The sort configuration of a tree map.
A tree map.
The options that determine the presentation of trend arrows in a KPI visual.
The unaggregated field for a table.
The unique values computation configuration.
The range options for the data zoom scroll bar.
The axis sort options for a visual.
The operation that is defined by the custom action.
A custom action defined on a visual.
The menu options for a visual.
The visual display options for the visual palette.
A visual displayed on a sheet in an analysis, dashboard, or template.
An implementation for CfnDashboard.VisualProperty
The subtitle label options for a visual.
The title label options for a visual.
The field well configuration of a waterfall visual.
The configuration for a waterfall visual.
The field well configuration of a waterfall visual.
The options that determine the presentation of a waterfall visual.
The sort configuration of a waterfall visual.
A waterfall chart.
Provides the forecast to meet the target for a particular date.
Provides the forecast to meet the target for a particular date range.
The aggregated field wells of a word cloud.
The configuration of a word cloud visual.
The field wells of a word cloud visual.
The word cloud options for a word cloud visual.
The sort configuration of a word cloud visual.
A word cloud.
Properties for defining a CfnDashboard.
Properties for defining a CfnDashboard.
Properties for defining a CfnDashboard.
A builder for CfnDashboardProps
A builder for CfnDashboardProps
A builder for CfnDashboardProps
An implementation for CfnDashboardProps
An implementation for CfnDashboardProps
An implementation for CfnDashboardProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::Database.
A CloudFormation AWS::Lightsail::Database.
A CloudFormation AWS::Timestream::Database.
A fluent builder for CfnDatabase.
A fluent builder for CfnDatabase.
A fluent builder for CfnDatabase.
A structure that describes a target database for resource linking.
The structure used to create or update a database.
An implementation for CfnDatabase.DatabaseInputProperty
The AWS Lake Formation principal.
the permissions granted to a principal.
RelationalDatabaseParameter is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Database resource.
Properties for defining a CfnDatabase.
Properties for defining a CfnDatabase.
Properties for defining a CfnDatabase.
A builder for CfnDatabaseProps
A builder for CfnDatabaseProps
A builder for CfnDatabaseProps
An implementation for CfnDatabaseProps
An implementation for CfnDatabaseProps
An implementation for CfnDatabaseProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Athena::DataCatalog.
A fluent builder for CfnDataCatalog.
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::DataCatalogEncryptionSettings.
A fluent builder for CfnDataCatalogEncryptionSettings.
The data structure used by the Data Catalog to encrypt the password as part of CreateConnection or UpdateConnection and store it in the ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD field in the connection properties.
Contains configuration information for maintaining Data Catalog security.
Specifies the encryption-at-rest configuration for the Data Catalog.
Properties for defining a CfnDataCatalogEncryptionSettings.
Properties for defining a CfnDataCatalog.
A builder for CfnDataCatalogProps
An implementation for CfnDataCatalogProps
A CloudFormation AWS::LakeFormation::DataCellsFilter.
A fluent builder for CfnDataCellsFilter.
A wildcard object, consisting of an optional list of excluded column names or indexes.
A PartiQL predicate.
Properties for defining a CfnDataCellsFilter.
An implementation for CfnDataCellsFilterProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GroundStation::DataflowEndpointGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnDataflowEndpointGroup.
Contains information such as socket address and name that defines an endpoint.
The security details and endpoint information.
Information about IAM roles, subnets, and security groups needed for this DataflowEndpointGroup.
The address of the endpoint, such as .
Properties for defining a CfnDataflowEndpointGroup.
An implementation for CfnDataflowEndpointGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppIntegrations::DataIntegration.
A fluent builder for CfnDataIntegration.
The name of the data and how often it should be pulled from the source.
Properties for defining a CfnDataIntegration.
An implementation for CfnDataIntegrationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::LakeFormation::DataLakeSettings.
A fluent builder for CfnDataLakeSettings.
The Lake Formation principal.
Permissions granted to a principal.
Properties for defining a CfnDataLakeSettings.
An implementation for CfnDataLakeSettingsProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::DataQualityJobDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnDataQualityJobDefinition.
The configuration for the cluster of resources used to run the processing job.
The constraints resource for a monitoring job.
Information about the container that a data quality monitoring job runs.
Configuration for monitoring constraints and monitoring statistics.
The input for the data quality monitoring job.
Input object for the endpoint.
The output configuration for monitoring jobs.
The output object for a monitoring job.
Identifies the resources to deploy for a monitoring job.
Networking options for a job, such as network traffic encryption between containers, whether to allow inbound and outbound network calls to and from containers, and the VPC subnets and security groups to use for VPC-enabled jobs.
The Amazon S3 storage location where the results of a monitoring job are saved.
The statistics resource for a monitoring job.
Specifies a limit to how long a model training job or model compilation job can run.
Specifies a VPC that your training jobs and hosted models have access to.
Properties for defining a CfnDataQualityJobDefinition.
An implementation for CfnDataQualityJobDefinitionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::FSx::DataRepositoryAssociation.
Describes a data repository association's automatic export policy.
Describes the data repository association's automatic import policy.
A fluent builder for CfnDataRepositoryAssociation.
The configuration for an Amazon S3 data repository linked to an Amazon FSx Lustre file system with a data repository association.
Properties for defining a CfnDataRepositoryAssociation.
An implementation for CfnDataRepositoryAssociationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataBrew::Dataset.
A CloudFormation AWS::Forecast::Dataset.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTAnalytics::Dataset.
A CloudFormation AWS::Personalize::Dataset.
A CloudFormation AWS::QuickSight::DataSet.
Information needed to run the "containerAction" to produce data set contents.
An implementation for CfnDataset.ActionProperty
A fluent builder for CfnDataset.
A fluent builder for CfnDataset.
A fluent builder for CfnDataset.
A fluent builder for CfnDataset.
A fluent builder for CfnDataSet.
A calculated column for a dataset.
A transform operation that casts a column to a different type.
Metadata that contains a description for a column.
Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features.
An implementation for CfnDataSet.ColumnGroupProperty
A rule defined to grant access on one or more restricted columns.
A tag for a column in a [TagColumnOperation]( structure.
An implementation for CfnDataSet.ColumnTagProperty
Information needed to run the "containerAction" to produce data set contents.
A transform operation that creates calculated columns.
Represents a set of options that define how DataBrew will read a comma-separated value (CSV) file when creating a dataset from that file.
An implementation for CfnDataset.CsvOptionsProperty
A physical table type built from the results of the custom SQL query.
An implementation for CfnDataSet.CustomSqlProperty
Connection information for dataset input files stored in a database.
Represents how metadata stored in the AWS Glue Data Catalog is defined in a DataBrew dataset.
The destination to which dataset contents are delivered.
When dataset contents are created, they are delivered to destination specified here.
The dataset whose latest contents are used as input to the notebook or application.
Describes a job that imports training data from a data source (Amazon S3 bucket) to an Amazon Personalize dataset.
Represents a dataset paramater that defines type and conditions for a parameter in the Amazon S3 path of the dataset.
The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that reference this dataset as a source.
An implementation for CfnDataset.DataSourceProperty
Represents additional options for correct interpretation of datetime parameters used in the Amazon S3 path of a dataset.
Used to limit data to that which has arrived since the last execution of the action.
An implementation for CfnDataset.DeltaTimeProperty
A structure that contains the configuration information of a delta time session window.
An AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key and an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that Amazon Forecast can assume to access the key.
Represents a set of options that define how DataBrew will interpret a Microsoft Excel file when creating a dataset from that file.
An implementation for CfnDataset.ExcelOptionsProperty
A FieldFolder element is a folder that contains fields and nested subfolders.
An implementation for CfnDataSet.FieldFolderProperty
Represents a limit imposed on number of Amazon S3 files that should be selected for a dataset from a connected Amazon S3 path.
An implementation for CfnDataset.FilesLimitProperty
Represents a structure for defining parameter conditions.
A transform operation that filters rows based on a condition.
Information which is used to filter message data, to segregate it according to the time frame in which it arrives.
An implementation for CfnDataset.FilterProperty
Represents a single entry in the ValuesMap of a FilterExpression .
An implementation for CfnDataset.FilterValueProperty
Represents a set of options that define the structure of either comma-separated value (CSV), Excel, or JSON input.
An implementation for CfnDataset.FormatOptionsProperty
Geospatial column group that denotes a hierarchy.
Configuration information for coordination with AWS Glue , a fully managed extract, transform and load (ETL) service.
The wait policy to use when creating or updating a Dataset.
Metadata for a column that is used as the input of a transform operation.
An implementation for CfnDataSet.InputColumnProperty
Represents information on how DataBrew can find data, in either the AWS Glue Data Catalog or Amazon S3.
An implementation for CfnDataset.InputProperty
Configuration information for delivery of dataset contents to AWS IoT Events .
The instructions associated with a join.
Properties associated with the columns participating in a join.
Represents the JSON-specific options that define how input is to be interpreted by AWS Glue DataBrew .
An implementation for CfnDataset.JsonOptionsProperty
The information needed to configure a delta time session window.
A structure that contains the name and configuration information of a late data rule.
An implementation for CfnDataset.LateDataRuleProperty
A logical table is a unit that joins and that data transformations operate on.
An implementation for CfnDataSet.LogicalTableProperty
Information about the source of a logical table.
An implementation for CfnDataSet.LookbackWindowProperty
Contains additional resource information needed for specific datasets.
An implementation for CfnDataset.MetadataProperty
Output column.
An implementation for CfnDataSet.OutputColumnProperty
The value of the variable as a structure that specifies an output file URI.
Represents a set of options that define how DataBrew selects files for a given Amazon S3 path in a dataset.
An implementation for CfnDataset.PathOptionsProperty
Represents a single entry in the path parameters of a dataset.
An implementation for CfnDataset.PathParameterProperty
A view of a data source that contains information about the shape of the data in the underlying source.
An implementation for CfnDataSet.PhysicalTableProperty
A transform operation that projects columns.
An "SqlQueryDatasetAction" object that uses an SQL query to automatically create data set contents.
An implementation for CfnDataset.QueryActionProperty
A physical table type for relational data sources.
A transform operation that renames a column.
The configuration of the resource used to execute the containerAction .
Permission for the resource.
How long, in days, message data is kept.
Information about a dataset that contains permissions for row-level security (RLS).
Configuration information for delivery of dataset contents to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
Represents an Amazon S3 location (bucket name, bucket owner, and object key) where DataBrew can read input data, or write output from a job.
An implementation for CfnDataset.S3LocationProperty
A physical table type for an S3 data source.
An implementation for CfnDataSet.S3SourceProperty
The schedule for when to trigger an update.
An implementation for CfnDataset.ScheduleProperty
Defines the fields of a dataset.
An implementation for CfnDataset.SchemaProperty
A transform operation that tags a column with additional information.
An implementation for CfnDataset.TagsItemsProperty
A data transformation on a logical table.
Information about the dataset whose content generation triggers the new dataset content generation.
The "DatasetTrigger" that specifies when the data set is automatically updated.
An implementation for CfnDataset.TriggerProperty
Information about the format for a source file or files.
An implementation for CfnDataSet.UploadSettingsProperty
An instance of a variable to be passed to the containerAction execution.
An implementation for CfnDataset.VariableProperty
Information about the versioning of dataset contents.
A CloudFormation AWS::Forecast::DatasetGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::Personalize::DatasetGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnDatasetGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnDatasetGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnDatasetGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnDatasetGroup.
A builder for CfnDatasetGroupProps
A builder for CfnDatasetGroupProps
An implementation for CfnDatasetGroupProps
An implementation for CfnDatasetGroupProps
Properties for defining a CfnDataset.
Properties for defining a CfnDataset.
Properties for defining a CfnDataset.
Properties for defining a CfnDataset.
Properties for defining a CfnDataSet.
A builder for CfnDatasetProps
A builder for CfnDatasetProps
A builder for CfnDatasetProps
A builder for CfnDatasetProps
A builder for CfnDataSetProps
An implementation for CfnDatasetProps
An implementation for CfnDatasetProps
An implementation for CfnDatasetProps
An implementation for CfnDatasetProps
An implementation for CfnDataSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppSync::DataSource.
A CloudFormation AWS::Kendra::DataSource.
A CloudFormation AWS::QuickSight::DataSource.
Specifies access control list files for the documents in a data source.
Provides information about the column that should be used for filtering the query response by groups.
The parameters for OpenSearch.
The parameters for OpenSearch.
Parameters for Amazon Athena.
Parameters for Amazon Aurora.
Parameters for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition.
The AuthorizationConfig property type specifies the authorization type and configuration for an AWS AppSync http data source.
Use the AwsIamConfig property type to specify AwsIamConfig for a AWS AppSync authorizaton.
A fluent builder for CfnDataSource.
A fluent builder for CfnDataSource.
A fluent builder for CfnDataSource.
Provides information about how Amazon Kendra should use the columns of a database in an index.
Configuration of attachment settings for the Confluence data source.
Maps attributes or field names of Confluence attachments to Amazon Kendra index field names.
Configuration of blog settings for the Confluence data source.
Maps attributes or field names of Confluence blog to Amazon Kendra index field names.
Provides the configuration information to connect to Confluence as your data source.
Configuration of the page settings for the Confluence data source.
Maps attributes or field names of Confluence pages to Amazon Kendra index field names.
Configuration information for indexing Confluence spaces.
Maps attributes or field names of Confluence spaces to Amazon Kendra index field names.
Provides the configuration information that's required to connect to a database.
The combination of user name and password that are used as credentials.
Provides the configuration information for altering document metadata and content during the document ingestion process.
Provides the configuration information to connect to a index.
The required parameters that are needed to connect to a Databricks data source.
Provides the configuration information for an Amazon Kendra data source.
Data source credentials.
Error information for the data source creation or update.
The parameters that Amazon QuickSight uses to connect to your underlying data source.
Maps a column or attribute in the data source to an index field.
Provides the configuration information to connect to an Amazon VPC.
Describes a Delta Sync configuration.
The condition used for the target document attribute or metadata field when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.
The target document attribute or metadata field you want to alter when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.
The value of a document attribute.
Document metadata files that contain information such as the document access control information, source URI, document author, and custom attributes.
The DynamoDBConfig property type specifies the AwsRegion and TableName for an Amazon DynamoDB table in your account for an AWS AppSync data source.
The ElasticsearchConfig property type specifies the AwsRegion and Endpoints for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain in your account for an AWS AppSync data source.
The data source.
Provides the configuration information to connect to Google Drive as your data source.
Provides the configuration information for invoking a Lambda function in AWS Lambda to alter document metadata and content when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.
Use the HttpConfig property type to specify HttpConfig for an AWS AppSync data source.
An implementation for CfnDataSource.HttpConfigProperty
Provides the configuration information for applying basic logic to alter document metadata and content when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.
The LambdaConfig property type specifies the Lambda function ARN for an AWS AppSync data source.
Amazon S3 manifest file location.
The parameters for MariaDB.
The parameters for MySQL.
Provides the configuration information to connect to OneDrive as your data source.
User accounts whose documents should be indexed.
The OpenSearchServiceConfig property type specifies the AwsRegion and Endpoints for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain in your account for an AWS AppSync data source.
Oracle parameters.
The parameters for PostgreSQL.
The parameters for Presto.
Provides the configuration information for a web proxy to connect to website hosts.
Use the RdsHttpEndpointConfig property type to specify the RdsHttpEndpoint for an AWS AppSync relational database.
The parameters for Amazon RDS.
The parameters for Amazon Redshift.
Use the RelationalDatabaseConfig property type to specify RelationalDatabaseConfig for an AWS AppSync data source.
Permission for the resource.
Provides the configuration information to connect to an Amazon S3 bucket.
The parameters for S3.
Information required to find a specific file in an Amazon S3 bucket.
An implementation for CfnDataSource.S3PathProperty
The configuration information for syncing a Salesforce chatter feed.
Provides the configuration information to connect to Salesforce as your data source.
Provides the configuration information for indexing Salesforce custom articles.
Provides the configuration information for the knowledge article types that Amazon Kendra indexes.
Provides the configuration information for standard Salesforce knowledge articles.
Provides the configuration information for processing attachments to Salesforce standard objects.
Specifies configuration information for indexing a single standard object.
Provides the configuration information to connect to ServiceNow as your data source.
Provides the configuration information for crawling knowledge articles in the ServiceNow site.
Provides the configuration information for crawling service catalog items in the ServiceNow site.
Provides the configuration information to connect to Microsoft SharePoint as your data source.
The parameters for Snowflake.
The parameters for Spark.
Provides information that configures Amazon Kendra to use a SQL database.
The parameters for SQL Server.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) properties that apply when Amazon QuickSight connects to your underlying data source.
The parameters for Teradata.
VPC connection properties.
Provides the configuration information to connect to websites that require user authentication.
Provides the configuration information to connect to websites that require basic user authentication.
Provides the configuration information required for Amazon Kendra Web Crawler.
Provides the configuration information of the seed or starting point URLs to crawl.
Provides the configuration information of the sitemap URLs to crawl.
Specifies the seed or starting point URLs of the websites or the sitemap URLs of the websites you want to crawl.
Provides the configuration information to connect to Amazon WorkDocs as your data source.
Properties for defining a CfnDataSource.
Properties for defining a CfnDataSource.
Properties for defining a CfnDataSource.
A builder for CfnDataSourceProps
A builder for CfnDataSourceProps
A builder for CfnDataSourceProps
An implementation for CfnDataSourceProps
An implementation for CfnDataSourceProps
An implementation for CfnDataSourceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTAnalytics::Datastore.
A fluent builder for CfnDatastore.
Contains information about a column that stores your data.
An implementation for CfnDatastore.ColumnProperty
Amazon S3 -customer-managed;
A single dimension to partition a data store.
Information about the partition dimensions in a data store.
Where data store data is stored.
Contains the configuration information of file formats.
Stores data used by AWS IoT SiteWise in an Amazon S3 bucket that you manage.
Contains the configuration information of the Parquet format.
A single dimension to partition a data store.
An implementation for CfnDatastore.PartitionProperty
How long, in days, message data is kept.
Information needed to define a schema.
A partition dimension defined by a timestamp attribute.
Properties for defining a CfnDatastore.
A builder for CfnDatastoreProps
An implementation for CfnDatastoreProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DocDB::DBCluster.
A CloudFormation AWS::Neptune::DBCluster.
A CloudFormation AWS::RDS::DBCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnDBCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnDBCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnDBCluster.
Describes an Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that is associated with a DB cluster.
Describes an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that is associated with a DB cluster.
The Endpoint return value specifies the connection endpoint for the primary instance of the DB cluster.
An implementation for CfnDBCluster.EndpointProperty
The MasterUserSecret return value specifies the secret managed by RDS in AWS Secrets Manager for the master user password.
The ReadEndpoint return value specifies the reader endpoint for the DB cluster.
An implementation for CfnDBCluster.ReadEndpointProperty
The ScalingConfiguration property type specifies the scaling configuration of an Aurora Serverless DB cluster.
The ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration property type specifies the scaling configuration of an Aurora Serverless V2 DB cluster.
A CloudFormation AWS::DocDB::DBClusterParameterGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::Neptune::DBClusterParameterGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnDBClusterParameterGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnDBClusterParameterGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnDBClusterParameterGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnDBClusterParameterGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnDBClusterParameterGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnDBClusterParameterGroup.
An implementation for CfnDBClusterParameterGroupProps
An implementation for CfnDBClusterParameterGroupProps
An implementation for CfnDBClusterParameterGroupProps
Properties for defining a CfnDBCluster.
Properties for defining a CfnDBCluster.
Properties for defining a CfnDBCluster.
A builder for CfnDBClusterProps
A builder for CfnDBClusterProps
A builder for CfnDBClusterProps
An implementation for CfnDBClusterProps
An implementation for CfnDBClusterProps
An implementation for CfnDBClusterProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DocDB::DBInstance.
A CloudFormation AWS::Neptune::DBInstance.
A CloudFormation AWS::RDS::DBInstance.
A fluent builder for CfnDBInstance.
A fluent builder for CfnDBInstance.
A fluent builder for CfnDBInstance.
Returns the details of the DB instance’s server certificate.
Describes an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that is associated with a DB instance.
This data type represents the information you need to connect to an Amazon RDS DB instance.
An implementation for CfnDBInstance.EndpointProperty
The MasterUserSecret return value specifies the secret managed by RDS in AWS Secrets Manager for the master user password.
The ProcessorFeature property type specifies the processor features of a DB instance class status.
Properties for defining a CfnDBInstance.
Properties for defining a CfnDBInstance.
Properties for defining a CfnDBInstance.
A builder for CfnDBInstanceProps
A builder for CfnDBInstanceProps
A builder for CfnDBInstanceProps
An implementation for CfnDBInstanceProps
An implementation for CfnDBInstanceProps
An implementation for CfnDBInstanceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Neptune::DBParameterGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnDBParameterGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnDBParameterGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnDBParameterGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnDBParameterGroup.
An implementation for CfnDBParameterGroupProps
An implementation for CfnDBParameterGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RDS::DBProxy.
Specifies the details of authentication used by a proxy to log in as a specific database user.
An implementation for CfnDBProxy.AuthFormatProperty
A fluent builder for CfnDBProxy.
Metadata assigned to a DB proxy consisting of a key-value pair.
An implementation for CfnDBProxy.TagFormatProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::RDS::DBProxyEndpoint.
A fluent builder for CfnDBProxyEndpoint.
Metadata assigned to a DB proxy endpoint consisting of a key-value pair.
Properties for defining a CfnDBProxyEndpoint.
An implementation for CfnDBProxyEndpointProps
Properties for defining a CfnDBProxy.
A builder for CfnDBProxyProps
An implementation for CfnDBProxyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RDS::DBProxyTargetGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnDBProxyTargetGroup.
Specifies the settings that control the size and behavior of the connection pool associated with a DBProxyTargetGroup .
Properties for defining a CfnDBProxyTargetGroup.
An implementation for CfnDBProxyTargetGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnDBSecurityGroup.
The Ingress property type specifies an individual ingress rule within an AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup resource.
A CloudFormation AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroupIngress.
A fluent builder for CfnDBSecurityGroupIngress.
Properties for defining a CfnDBSecurityGroupIngress.
An implementation for CfnDBSecurityGroupIngressProps
Properties for defining a CfnDBSecurityGroup.
An implementation for CfnDBSecurityGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DocDB::DBSubnetGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::Neptune::DBSubnetGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnDBSubnetGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnDBSubnetGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnDBSubnetGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnDBSubnetGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnDBSubnetGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnDBSubnetGroup.
A builder for CfnDBSubnetGroupProps
A builder for CfnDBSubnetGroupProps
A builder for CfnDBSubnetGroupProps
An implementation for CfnDBSubnetGroupProps
An implementation for CfnDBSubnetGroupProps
An implementation for CfnDBSubnetGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTFleetWise::DecoderManifest.
A fluent builder for CfnDecoderManifest.
A single controller area network (CAN) device interface.
(Optional) Information about a single controller area network (CAN) signal and the messages it receives and transmits.
(Optional) A list of information about available network interfaces.
A network interface that specifies the On-board diagnostic (OBD) II network protocol.
Information about signal messages using the on-board diagnostics (OBD) II protocol in a vehicle.
Information about a signal decoder.
Properties for defining a CfnDecoderManifest.
An implementation for CfnDecoderManifestProps
A CloudFormation AWS::PinpointEmail::DedicatedIpPool.
A CloudFormation AWS::SES::DedicatedIpPool.
A fluent builder for CfnDedicatedIpPool.
A fluent builder for CfnDedicatedIpPool.
An object that defines the tags (keys and values) that you want to associate with the dedicated IP pool.
An implementation for CfnDedicatedIpPool.TagsProperty
Properties for defining a CfnDedicatedIpPool.
Properties for defining a CfnDedicatedIpPool.
An implementation for CfnDedicatedIpPoolProps
An implementation for CfnDedicatedIpPoolProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ResourceExplorer2::DefaultViewAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnDefaultViewAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnDefaultViewAssociation.
An implementation for CfnDefaultViewAssociationProps
With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted.
A CloudFormation AWS::Config::DeliveryChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnDeliveryChannel.
Provides options for how often AWS Config delivers configuration snapshots to the Amazon S3 bucket in your delivery channel.
Properties for defining a CfnDeliveryChannel.
An implementation for CfnDeliveryChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.
Describes the buffering to perform before delivering data to the Amazon OpenSearch Service destination.
Describes the configuration of a destination in Amazon OpenSearch Service.
Configures retry behavior in case Kinesis Data Firehose is unable to deliver documents to Amazon OpenSearch Service.
The BufferingHints property type specifies how Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (Kinesis Data Firehose) buffers incoming data before delivering it to the destination.
A fluent builder for CfnDeliveryStream.
The CloudWatchLoggingOptions property type specifies Amazon CloudWatch Logs (CloudWatch Logs) logging options that Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (Kinesis Data Firehose) uses for the delivery stream.
The CopyCommand property type configures the Amazon Redshift COPY command that Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (Kinesis Data Firehose) uses to load data into an Amazon Redshift cluster from an Amazon S3 bucket.
Specifies that you want Kinesis Data Firehose to convert data from the JSON format to the Parquet or ORC format before writing it to Amazon S3.
Specifies the type and Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CMK to use for Server-Side Encryption (SSE).
The deserializer you want Kinesis Data Firehose to use for converting the input data from JSON.
The DynamicPartitioningConfiguration property type specifies the configuration of the dynamic partitioning mechanism that creates targeted data sets from the streaming data by partitioning it based on partition keys.
The ElasticsearchBufferingHints property type specifies how Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (Kinesis Data Firehose) buffers incoming data while delivering it to the destination.
The ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration property type specifies an Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES) domain that Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (Kinesis Data Firehose) delivers data to.
The ElasticsearchRetryOptions property type configures the retry behavior for when Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (Kinesis Data Firehose) can't deliver data to Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES).
The EncryptionConfiguration property type specifies the encryption settings that Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (Kinesis Data Firehose) uses when delivering data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
The ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration property type configures an Amazon S3 destination for an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
The native Hive / HCatalog JsonSerDe.
Describes the metadata that's delivered to the specified HTTP endpoint destination.
Describes the configuration of the HTTP endpoint to which Kinesis Firehose delivers data.
Describes the configuration of the HTTP endpoint destination.
The configuration of the HTTP endpoint request.
Specifies the deserializer you want to use to convert the format of the input data.
The KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration property type specifies the stream and role Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for a Kinesis stream used as the source for a delivery stream.
The KMSEncryptionConfig property type specifies the AWS Key Management Service ( AWS KMS) encryption key that Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) uses to encrypt data delivered by the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (Kinesis Data Firehose) stream.
The OpenX SerDe.
A serializer to use for converting data to the ORC format before storing it in Amazon S3.
Specifies the serializer that you want Kinesis Data Firehose to use to convert the format of your data before it writes it to Amazon S3.
A serializer to use for converting data to the Parquet format before storing it in Amazon S3.
The ProcessingConfiguration property configures data processing for an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
The ProcessorParameter property specifies a processor parameter in a data processor for an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
The Processor property specifies a data processor for an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
The RedshiftDestinationConfiguration property type specifies an Amazon Redshift cluster to which Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (Kinesis Data Firehose) delivers data.
Configures retry behavior in case Kinesis Data Firehose is unable to deliver documents to Amazon Redshift.
Describes the retry behavior in case Kinesis Data Firehose is unable to deliver data to the specified HTTP endpoint destination, or if it doesn't receive a valid acknowledgment of receipt from the specified HTTP endpoint destination.
The S3DestinationConfiguration property type specifies an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) destination to which Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (Kinesis Data Firehose) delivers data.
Specifies the schema to which you want Kinesis Data Firehose to configure your data before it writes it to Amazon S3.
The serializer that you want Kinesis Data Firehose to use to convert data to the target format before writing it to Amazon S3.
The SplunkDestinationConfiguration property type specifies the configuration of a destination in Splunk for a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
The SplunkRetryOptions property type specifies retry behavior in case Kinesis Data Firehose is unable to deliver documents to Splunk or if it doesn't receive an acknowledgment from Splunk.
The details of the VPC of the Amazon ES destination.
Properties for defining a CfnDeliveryStream.
An implementation for CfnDeliveryStreamProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment.
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Deployment.
A CloudFormation AWS::AppConfig::Deployment.
A CloudFormation AWS::GreengrassV2::Deployment.
The AccessLogSetting property type specifies settings for logging access in this stage.
A fluent builder for CfnDeployment.
A fluent builder for CfnDeployment.
A fluent builder for CfnDeployment.
A fluent builder for CfnDeployment.
The CanarySetting property type specifies settings for the canary deployment in this stage.
Contains information about a deployment's update to a component's configuration on AWS IoT Greengrass core devices.
Contains information about a component to deploy.
Contains information system user and group that the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software uses to run component processes on the core device.
The DeploymentCanarySettings property type specifies settings for the canary deployment.
Contains information about a deployment's policy that defines when components are safe to update.
Contains information about how long a component on a core device can validate its configuration updates before it times out.
Contains information about an AWS IoT job configuration.
Contains information about policies that define how a deployment updates components and handles failure.
Contains a list of criteria that define when and how to cancel a configuration deployment.
Contains criteria that define when and how to cancel a job.
Contains information about the rollout configuration for a job.
Contains information about an exponential rollout rate for a configuration deployment job.
Contains information about the timeout configuration for a job.
The MethodSetting property type configures settings for all methods in a stage.
StageDescription is a property of the AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment resource that configures a deployment stage.
Contains information about system resource limits that the software applies to a component's processes.
Metadata to assign to the deployment strategy.
An implementation for CfnDeployment.TagsProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnDeploymentConfig.
MinimumHealthyHosts is a property of the DeploymentConfig resource that defines how many instances must remain healthy during an AWS CodeDeploy deployment.
A configuration that shifts traffic from one version of a Lambda function or Amazon ECS task set to another in two increments.
A configuration that shifts traffic from one version of a Lambda function or ECS task set to another in equal increments, with an equal number of minutes between each increment.
The configuration that specifies how traffic is shifted from one version of a Lambda function to another version during an AWS Lambda deployment, or from one Amazon ECS task set to another during an Amazon ECS deployment.
Properties for defining a CfnDeploymentConfig.
An implementation for CfnDeploymentConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.
The AlarmConfiguration property type configures CloudWatch alarms for an AWS CodeDeploy deployment group.
The Alarm property type specifies a CloudWatch alarm to use for an AWS CodeDeploy deployment group.
An implementation for CfnDeploymentGroup.AlarmProperty
The AutoRollbackConfiguration property type configures automatic rollback for an AWS CodeDeploy deployment group when a deployment is not completed successfully.
Information about blue/green deployment options for a deployment group.
Information about whether instances in the original environment are terminated when a blue/green deployment is successful.
A fluent builder for CfnDeploymentGroup.
Deployment is a property of the DeploymentGroup resource that specifies an AWS CodeDeploy application revision to be deployed to instances in the deployment group.
Information about how traffic is rerouted to instances in a replacement environment in a blue/green deployment.
Information about the type of deployment, either in-place or blue/green, you want to run and whether to route deployment traffic behind a load balancer.
Information about an Amazon EC2 tag filter.
The EC2TagSet property type specifies information about groups of tags applied to Amazon EC2 instances.
The EC2TagSet property type specifies information about groups of tags applied to Amazon EC2 instances.
Contains the service and cluster names used to identify an Amazon ECS deployment's target.
The ELBInfo property type specifies information about the Elastic Load Balancing load balancer used for an CodeDeploy deployment group.
GitHubLocation is a property of the CodeDeploy DeploymentGroup Revision property that specifies the location of an application revision that is stored in GitHub.
Information about the instances that belong to the replacement environment in a blue/green deployment.
The LoadBalancerInfo property type specifies information about the load balancer or target group used for an AWS CodeDeploy deployment group.
The OnPremisesTagSetListObject property type specifies lists of on-premises instance tag groups.
The OnPremisesTagSet property type specifies a list containing other lists of on-premises instance tag groups.
RevisionLocation is a property that defines the location of the CodeDeploy application revision to deploy.
S3Location is a property of the CodeDeploy DeploymentGroup Revision property that specifies the location of an application revision that is stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service ( Amazon S3 ).
TagFilter is a property type of the AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup resource that specifies which on-premises instances to associate with the deployment group.
The TargetGroupInfo property type specifies information about a target group in Elastic Load Balancing to use in a deployment.
Information about notification triggers for the deployment group.
Properties for defining a CfnDeploymentGroup.
An implementation for CfnDeploymentGroupProps
Properties for defining a CfnDeployment.
Properties for defining a CfnDeployment.
Properties for defining a CfnDeployment.
Properties for defining a CfnDeployment.
A builder for CfnDeploymentProps
A builder for CfnDeploymentProps
A builder for CfnDeploymentProps
A builder for CfnDeploymentProps
An implementation for CfnDeploymentProps
An implementation for CfnDeploymentProps
An implementation for CfnDeploymentProps
An implementation for CfnDeploymentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppConfig::DeploymentStrategy.
A fluent builder for CfnDeploymentStrategy.
Metadata to assign to the deployment strategy.
Properties for defining a CfnDeploymentStrategy.
An implementation for CfnDeploymentStrategyProps
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTWireless::Destination.
A CloudFormation AWS::Logs::Destination.
A fluent builder for CfnDestination.
A fluent builder for CfnDestination.
Properties for defining a CfnDestination.
Properties for defining a CfnDestination.
A builder for CfnDestinationProps
A builder for CfnDestinationProps
An implementation for CfnDestinationProps
An implementation for CfnDestinationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::FraudDetector::Detector.
A CloudFormation AWS::GuardDuty::Detector.
A fluent builder for CfnDetector.
A fluent builder for CfnDetector.
Describes whether S3 data event logs, Kubernetes audit logs, or Malware Protection will be enabled as a data source when the detector is created.
Describes which optional data sources are enabled for a detector.
Describes which Kubernetes protection data sources are enabled for the detector.
Describes whether Malware Protection will be enabled as a data source.
Describes whether S3 data event logs will be enabled as a data source when the detector is created.
Describes whether Malware Protection for EC2 instances with findings will be enabled as a data source.
The entity type details.
An implementation for CfnDetector.EntityTypeProperty
The event type details.
An implementation for CfnDetector.EventTypeProperty
The event type variable for the detector.
An implementation for CfnDetector.EventVariableProperty
Describes the additional configuration for a feature.
Describes the configuration for a feature.
The label details.
An implementation for CfnDetector.LabelProperty
An implementation for CfnDetector.ModelProperty
The outcome.
An implementation for CfnDetector.OutcomeProperty
A rule.
An implementation for CfnDetector.RuleProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTEvents::DetectorModel.
An action to be performed when the condition is TRUE.
An implementation for CfnDetectorModel.ActionProperty
A structure that contains timestamp information.
A structure that contains value information.
A structure that contains an asset property value.
A fluent builder for CfnDetectorModel.
Information needed to clear the timer.
Information that defines how a detector operates.
Defines an action to write to the Amazon DynamoDB table that you created.
An implementation for CfnDetectorModel.DynamoDBProperty
Defines an action to write to the Amazon DynamoDB table that you created.
Specifies the actions to be performed when the condition evaluates to TRUE.
An implementation for CfnDetectorModel.EventProperty
Sends information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
An implementation for CfnDetectorModel.FirehoseProperty
Sends an AWS IoT Events input, passing in information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action.
Sends information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action to a specified asset property in AWS IoT SiteWise .
Information required to publish the MQTT message through the AWS IoT message broker.
Calls a Lambda function, passing in information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action.
An implementation for CfnDetectorModel.LambdaProperty
When entering this state, perform these actions if the condition is TRUE.
An implementation for CfnDetectorModel.OnEnterProperty
When exiting this state, perform these actions if the specified condition is TRUE .
An implementation for CfnDetectorModel.OnExitProperty
Specifies the actions performed when the condition evaluates to TRUE.
An implementation for CfnDetectorModel.OnInputProperty
Information needed to configure the payload.
An implementation for CfnDetectorModel.PayloadProperty
Information required to reset the timer.
Information needed to set the timer.
An implementation for CfnDetectorModel.SetTimerProperty
Information about the variable and its new value.
Information required to publish the Amazon SNS message.
An implementation for CfnDetectorModel.SnsProperty
Sends information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action to an Amazon SQS queue.
An implementation for CfnDetectorModel.SqsProperty
Information that defines a state of a detector.
An implementation for CfnDetectorModel.StateProperty
Specifies the actions performed and the next state entered when a condition evaluates to TRUE.
Properties for defining a CfnDetectorModel.
A builder for CfnDetectorModelProps
An implementation for CfnDetectorModelProps
Properties for defining a CfnDetector.
Properties for defining a CfnDetector.
A builder for CfnDetectorProps
A builder for CfnDetectorProps
An implementation for CfnDetectorProps
An implementation for CfnDetectorProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::DevEndpoint.
A fluent builder for CfnDevEndpoint.
Properties for defining a CfnDevEndpoint.
A builder for CfnDevEndpointProps
An implementation for CfnDevEndpointProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT1Click::Device.
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::Device.
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::Device.
A fluent builder for CfnDevice.
A fluent builder for CfnDevice.
A fluent builder for CfnDevice.
Information of a particular device.
An implementation for CfnDevice.DeviceProperty
Describes a location.
An implementation for CfnDevice.LocationProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::DeviceDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnDeviceDefinition.
A device definition version contains a list of devices .
A device is an AWS IoT device (thing) that's added to a Greengrass group.
Properties for defining a CfnDeviceDefinition.
An implementation for CfnDeviceDefinitionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::DeviceDefinitionVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnDeviceDefinitionVersion.
A device is an AWS IoT device (thing) that's added to a Greengrass group.
Properties for defining a CfnDeviceDefinitionVersion.
An implementation for CfnDeviceDefinitionVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::DeviceFleet.
A fluent builder for CfnDeviceFleet.
The output configuration for storing sample data collected by the fleet.
Properties for defining a CfnDeviceFleet.
A builder for CfnDeviceFleetProps
An implementation for CfnDeviceFleetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTWireless::DeviceProfile.
A fluent builder for CfnDeviceProfile.
LoRaWAN device profile object.
Properties for defining a CfnDeviceProfile.
A builder for CfnDeviceProfileProps
An implementation for CfnDeviceProfileProps
Properties for defining a CfnDevice.
Properties for defining a CfnDevice.
Properties for defining a CfnDevice.
A builder for CfnDeviceProps
A builder for CfnDeviceProps
A builder for CfnDeviceProps
An implementation for CfnDeviceProps
An implementation for CfnDeviceProps
An implementation for CfnDeviceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions.
A fluent builder for CfnDHCPOptions.
Properties for defining a CfnDHCPOptions.
A builder for CfnDHCPOptionsProps
An implementation for CfnDHCPOptionsProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::Dimension.
A fluent builder for CfnDimension.
Properties for defining a CfnDimension.
A builder for CfnDimensionProps
An implementation for CfnDimensionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppStream::DirectoryConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnDirectoryConfig.
The certificate-based authentication properties used to authenticate SAML 2.0 Identity Provider (IdP) user identities to Active Directory domain-joined streaming instances.
The credentials for the service account used by the streaming instance to connect to the directory.
Properties for defining a CfnDirectoryConfig.
An implementation for CfnDirectoryConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EventSchemas::Discoverer.
A fluent builder for CfnDiscoverer.
Tags to associate with the discoverer.
An implementation for CfnDiscoverer.TagsEntryProperty
Properties for defining a CfnDiscoverer.
A builder for CfnDiscovererProps
An implementation for CfnDiscovererProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Lightsail::Disk.
AddOn is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Disk resource.
A builder for CfnDisk.AddOnProperty
An implementation for CfnDisk.AddOnProperty
AutoSnapshotAddOn is a property of the AddOn property.
An implementation for CfnDisk.AutoSnapshotAddOnProperty
A fluent builder for CfnDisk.
An implementation for CfnDisk.LocationProperty
Properties for defining a CfnDisk.
A builder for CfnDiskProps
An implementation for CfnDiskProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.
A CloudFormation AWS::Lightsail::Distribution.
A fluent builder for CfnDistribution.
A fluent builder for CfnDistribution.
CacheBehaviorPerPath is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource.
A complex type that describes how CloudFront processes requests.
CacheBehavior is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource.
CacheSettings is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource.
CookieObject is a property of the CacheSettings property.
This field is deprecated.
An implementation for CfnDistribution.CookiesProperty
A complex type that controls:.
A custom origin.
A complex type that describes the default cache behavior if you don't specify a CacheBehavior element or if request URLs don't match any of the values of PathPattern in CacheBehavior elements.
A distribution configuration.
This field is deprecated.
A CloudFront function that is associated with a cache behavior in a CloudFront distribution.
A complex type that controls the countries in which your content is distributed.
HeaderObject is a property of the CacheSettings property.
InputOrigin is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Distribution resource.
A complex type that contains a Lambda@Edge function association.
A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the distribution.
An implementation for CfnDistribution.LoggingProperty
A complex type that contains HeaderName and HeaderValue elements, if any, for this distribution.
A complex data type that includes information about the failover criteria for an origin group, including the status codes for which CloudFront will failover from the primary origin to the second origin.
An origin in an origin group.
A complex data type for the origins included in an origin group.
An origin group includes two origins (a primary origin and a second origin to failover to) and a failover criteria that you specify.
A complex data type for the origin groups specified for a distribution.
An origin.
An implementation for CfnDistribution.OriginProperty
CloudFront Origin Shield.
QueryStringObject is a property of the CacheSettings property.
A complex type that identifies ways in which you want to restrict distribution of your content.
A complex type that contains information about the Amazon S3 origin.
A complex data type for the status codes that you specify that, when returned by a primary origin, trigger CloudFront to failover to a second origin.
A complex type that determines the distribution's SSL/TLS configuration for communicating with viewers.
A CloudFormation AWS::ImageBuilder::DistributionConfiguration.
Define and configure the output AMIs of the pipeline.
A fluent builder for CfnDistributionConfiguration.
Container distribution settings for encryption, licensing, and sharing in a specific Region.
The distribution configuration distribution defines the settings for a specific Region in the Distribution Configuration.
Describes the configuration for a launch permission.
Identifies an Amazon EC2 launch template to use for a specific account.
The container repository where the output container image is stored.
Properties for defining a CfnDistributionConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnDistributionConfigurationProps
Properties for defining a CfnDistribution.
Properties for defining a CfnDistribution.
A builder for CfnDistributionProps
A builder for CfnDistributionProps
An implementation for CfnDistributionProps
An implementation for CfnDistributionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53::DNSSEC.
A fluent builder for CfnDNSSEC.
Properties for defining a CfnDNSSEC.
A builder for CfnDNSSECProps
An implementation for CfnDNSSECProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SSM::Document.
Identifying information about a document attachment, including the file name and a key-value pair that identifies the location of an attachment to a document.
A fluent builder for CfnDocument.
An SSM document required by the current document.
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationPart.
A fluent builder for CfnDocumentationPart.
The Location property specifies the location of the Amazon API Gateway API entity that the documentation applies to.
Properties for defining a CfnDocumentationPart.
An implementation for CfnDocumentationPartProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnDocumentationVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnDocumentationVersion.
An implementation for CfnDocumentationVersionProps
Properties for defining a CfnDocument.
A builder for CfnDocumentProps
An implementation for CfnDocumentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Amplify::Domain.
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeArtifact::Domain.
A CloudFormation AWS::CustomerProfiles::Domain.
A CloudFormation AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain.
A CloudFormation AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain.
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::Domain.
A CloudFormation AWS::SDB::Domain.
A CloudFormation AWS::VoiceID::Domain.
Specifies options for fine-grained access control.
Specifies options for fine-grained access control.
A fluent builder for CfnDomain.
A fluent builder for CfnDomain.
A fluent builder for CfnDomain.
A fluent builder for CfnDomain.
A fluent builder for CfnDomain.
A fluent builder for CfnDomain.
A fluent builder for CfnDomain.
A fluent builder for CfnDomain.
The cluster configuration for the OpenSearch Service domain.
An implementation for CfnDomain.ClusterConfigProperty
Configures OpenSearch Service to use Amazon Cognito authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards.
Configures OpenSearch Service to use Amazon Cognito authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards.
An implementation for CfnDomain.CognitoOptionsProperty
An implementation for CfnDomain.CognitoOptionsProperty
Specifies options for cold storage.
A custom SageMaker image.
An implementation for CfnDomain.CustomImageProperty
A collection of settings that apply to spaces created in the Domain.
Specifies additional options for the domain endpoint, such as whether to require HTTPS for all traffic or whether to use a custom endpoint rather than the default endpoint.
Specifies additional options for the domain endpoint, such as whether to require HTTPS for all traffic or whether to use a custom endpoint rather than the default endpoint.
A collection of settings that apply to the SageMaker Domain .
An implementation for CfnDomain.DomainSettingsProperty
The configurations of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes that are attached to data nodes in the OpenSearch Service domain.
The configurations of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes that are attached to data nodes in the OpenSearch Service domain.
An implementation for CfnDomain.EBSOptionsProperty
An implementation for CfnDomain.EBSOptionsProperty
The cluster configuration for the OpenSearch Service domain.
Whether the domain should encrypt data at rest, and if so, the AWS Key Management Service key to use.
Whether the domain should encrypt data at rest, and if so, the AWS Key Management Service key to use.
The SAML Identity Provider's information.
A builder for CfnDomain.IdpProperty
An implementation for CfnDomain.IdpProperty
The JupyterServer app settings.
The KernelGateway app settings.
Specifies whether the OpenSearch Service domain publishes application, search slow logs, or index slow logs to Amazon CloudWatch.
Specifies information about the master user.
Specifies information about the master user.
Specifies whether node-to-node encryption is enabled.
Specifies options for node-to-node encryption.
Off-peak window settings for the domain.
A custom 10-hour, low-traffic window during which OpenSearch Service can perform mandatory configuration changes on the domain.
An implementation for CfnDomain.OffPeakWindowProperty
Specifies the ARN's of a SageMaker image and SageMaker image version, and the instance type that the version runs on.
An implementation for CfnDomain.ResourceSpecProperty
A collection of settings that apply to an RSessionGateway app.
A collection of settings that configure user interaction with the RStudioServerPro app.
A collection of settings that configure the RStudioServerPro Domain-level app.
Container for information about the SAML configuration for OpenSearch Dashboards.
An implementation for CfnDomain.SAMLOptionsProperty
The configuration containing information about the customer managed key used for encrypting customer data.
The current status of the service software for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.
Specifies options when sharing an Amazon SageMaker Studio notebook.
An implementation for CfnDomain.SharingSettingsProperty
An implementation for CfnDomain.SnapshotOptionsProperty
An implementation for CfnDomain.SnapshotOptionsProperty
Options for configuring service software updates for a domain.
The SubDomainSetting property type enables you to connect a subdomain (for example, to a specific branch.
A collection of settings that apply to users of Amazon SageMaker Studio.
An implementation for CfnDomain.UserSettingsProperty
The virtual private cloud (VPC) configuration for the OpenSearch Service domain.
The virtual private cloud (VPC) configuration for the OpenSearch Service domain.
An implementation for CfnDomain.VPCOptionsProperty
An implementation for CfnDomain.VPCOptionsProperty
A custom start time for the off-peak window, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
An implementation for CfnDomain.WindowStartTimeProperty
Specifies zone awareness configuration options.
Specifies zone awareness configuration options.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::DomainConfiguration.
An object that specifies the authorization service for a domain.
A fluent builder for CfnDomainConfiguration.
An object that contains information about a server certificate.
Properties for defining a CfnDomainConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnDomainConfigurationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::DomainName.
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGatewayV2::DomainName.
A CloudFormation AWS::AppSync::DomainName.
A fluent builder for CfnDomainName.
A fluent builder for CfnDomainName.
A fluent builder for CfnDomainName.
The DomainNameConfiguration property type specifies the configuration for a an API's domain name.
The EndpointConfiguration property type specifies the endpoint types of an Amazon API Gateway domain name.
The mutual TLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name.
If specified, API Gateway performs two-way authentication between the client and the server.
A CloudFormation AWS::AppSync::DomainNameApiAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnDomainNameApiAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnDomainNameApiAssociation.
An implementation for CfnDomainNameApiAssociationProps
Properties for defining a CfnDomainName.
Properties for defining a CfnDomainName.
Properties for defining a CfnDomainName.
A builder for CfnDomainNameProps
A builder for CfnDomainNameProps
A builder for CfnDomainNameProps
An implementation for CfnDomainNameProps
An implementation for CfnDomainNameProps
An implementation for CfnDomainNameProps
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
Properties for defining a CfnDomain.
Properties for defining a CfnDomain.
Properties for defining a CfnDomain.
Properties for defining a CfnDomain.
Properties for defining a CfnDomain.
Properties for defining a CfnDomain.
Properties for defining a CfnDomain.
Properties for defining a CfnDomain.
A builder for CfnDomainProps
A builder for CfnDomainProps
A builder for CfnDomainProps
A builder for CfnDomainProps
A builder for CfnDomainProps
A builder for CfnDomainProps
A builder for CfnDomainProps
A builder for CfnDomainProps
An implementation for CfnDomainProps
An implementation for CfnDomainProps
An implementation for CfnDomainProps
An implementation for CfnDomainProps
An implementation for CfnDomainProps
An implementation for CfnDomainProps
An implementation for CfnDomainProps
An implementation for CfnDomainProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Shield::DRTAccess.
A fluent builder for CfnDRTAccess.
Properties for defining a CfnDRTAccess.
A builder for CfnDRTAccessProps
An implementation for CfnDRTAccessProps
References a dynamically retrieved value.
Properties for a Dynamic Reference.
An implementation for CfnDynamicReferenceProps
The service to retrieve the dynamic reference from.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::EC2Fleet.
The minimum and maximum number of accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, or AWS Inferentia chips) on an instance.
The minimum and maximum amount of total accelerator memory, in MiB.
The minimum and maximum baseline bandwidth to Amazon EBS, in Mbps.
A fluent builder for CfnEC2Fleet.
The Spot Instance replacement strategy to use when Amazon EC2 emits a rebalance notification signal that your Spot Instance is at an elevated risk of being interrupted.
Describes the strategy for using unused Capacity Reservations for fulfilling On-Demand capacity.
Specifies a launch template and overrides for an EC2 Fleet.
Specifies overrides for a launch template for an EC2 Fleet.
Specifies the launch template to be used by the EC2 Fleet for configuring Amazon EC2 instances.
The attributes for the instance types.
The strategies for managing your Spot Instances that are at an elevated risk of being interrupted.
The minimum and maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB.
The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB.
The minimum and maximum amount of network bandwidth, in gigabits per second (Gbps).
The minimum and maximum number of network interfaces.
Specifies the allocation strategy of On-Demand Instances in an EC2 Fleet.
Describes the placement of an instance.
An implementation for CfnEC2Fleet.PlacementProperty
Specifies the configuration of Spot Instances for an EC2 Fleet.
Specifies the tags to apply to a resource when the resource is being created for an EC2 Fleet.
Specifies the number of units to request for an EC2 Fleet.
The minimum and maximum amount of total local storage, in GB.
The minimum and maximum number of vCPUs.
Properties for defining a CfnEC2Fleet.
A builder for CfnEC2FleetProps
An implementation for CfnEC2FleetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::EgressOnlyInternetGateway.
A fluent builder for CfnEgressOnlyInternetGateway.
Properties for defining a CfnEgressOnlyInternetGateway.
An implementation for CfnEgressOnlyInternetGatewayProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::EIP.
A fluent builder for CfnEIP.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnEIPAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnEIPAssociation.
An implementation for CfnEIPAssociationProps
Use an EC2 Instance as a Global Accelerator Endpoint.
A fluent builder for CfnEipEndpoint.
Properties for a NetworkLoadBalancerEndpoint.
A builder for CfnEipEndpointProps
An implementation for CfnEipEndpointProps
Properties for defining a CfnEIP.
A builder for CfnEIPProps
An implementation for CfnEIPProps
A CloudFormation AWS::OpsWorks::ElasticLoadBalancerAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnElasticLoadBalancerAttachment.
Properties for defining a CfnElasticLoadBalancerAttachment.
An element of a CloudFormation stack.
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::EmailChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnEmailChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnEmailChannel.
A builder for CfnEmailChannelProps
An implementation for CfnEmailChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SES::EmailIdentity.
A fluent builder for CfnEmailIdentity.
Used to associate a configuration set with an email identity.
Used to enable or disable DKIM authentication for an email identity.
Used to configure or change the DKIM authentication settings for an email domain identity.
Used to enable or disable feedback forwarding for an identity.
Used to enable or disable the custom Mail-From domain configuration for an email identity.
Properties for defining a CfnEmailIdentity.
A builder for CfnEmailIdentityProps
An implementation for CfnEmailIdentityProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::EmailTemplate.
A fluent builder for CfnEmailTemplate.
Properties for defining a CfnEmailTemplate.
A builder for CfnEmailTemplateProps
An implementation for CfnEmailTemplateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ControlTower::EnabledControl.
A fluent builder for CfnEnabledControl.
Properties for defining a CfnEnabledControl.
An implementation for CfnEnabledControlProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::EnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociation.
A CloudFormation AWS::DMS::Endpoint.
A CloudFormation AWS::Events::Endpoint.
A CloudFormation AWS::S3Outposts::Endpoint.
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::Endpoint.
An Amazon CloudWatch alarm configured to monitor metrics on an endpoint.
An implementation for CfnEndpoint.AlarmProperty
Automatic rollback configuration for handling endpoint deployment failures and recovery.
Update policy for a blue/green deployment.
A fluent builder for CfnEndpoint.
A fluent builder for CfnEndpoint.
A fluent builder for CfnEndpoint.
A fluent builder for CfnEndpoint.
Specifies the endpoint capacity to activate for production.
An implementation for CfnEndpoint.CapacitySizeProperty
The deployment configuration for an endpoint, which contains the desired deployment strategy and rollback configurations.
Provides information that defines a DocumentDB endpoint.
An implementation for CfnEndpoint.DocDbSettingsProperty
Provides information, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role used to define an Amazon DynamoDB target endpoint.
Provides information that defines an OpenSearch endpoint.
The event buses the endpoint is associated with.
The failover configuration for an endpoint.
Provides information that defines a GCP MySQL endpoint.
Provides information that defines an IBMDB2 endpoint.
Provides information that describes an Apache Kafka endpoint.
An implementation for CfnEndpoint.KafkaSettingsProperty
Provides information that describes an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream endpoint.
Provides information that defines a Microsoft SQL Server endpoint.
Provides information that defines a MongoDB endpoint.
Provides information that defines a MySQL endpoint.
An implementation for CfnEndpoint.MySqlSettingsProperty
Provides information that defines an Amazon Neptune endpoint.
The container for the network interface.
Provides information that defines an Oracle endpoint.
Provides information that defines a PostgreSQL endpoint.
The primary Region of the endpoint.
An implementation for CfnEndpoint.PrimaryProperty
Provides information that defines a Redis target endpoint.
An implementation for CfnEndpoint.RedisSettingsProperty
Provides information that defines an Amazon Redshift endpoint.
Endpoints can replicate all events to the secondary Region.
The routing configuration of the endpoint.
An implementation for CfnEndpoint.RoutingConfigProperty
Provides information that defines an Amazon S3 endpoint.
An implementation for CfnEndpoint.S3SettingsProperty
The secondary Region that processes events when failover is triggered or replication is enabled.
An implementation for CfnEndpoint.SecondaryProperty
Provides information that defines a SAP ASE endpoint.
Defines the traffic routing strategy during an endpoint deployment to shift traffic from the old fleet to the new fleet.
Specifies a production variant property type for an Endpoint.
A CloudFormation AWS::Redshift::EndpointAccess.
A fluent builder for CfnEndpointAccess.
Describes a network interface.
The connection endpoint for connecting to an Amazon Redshift cluster through the proxy.
The security groups associated with the endpoint.
Properties for defining a CfnEndpointAccess.
An implementation for CfnEndpointAccessProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Redshift::EndpointAuthorization.
A fluent builder for CfnEndpointAuthorization.
Properties for defining a CfnEndpointAuthorization.
An implementation for CfnEndpointAuthorizationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::EndpointConfig.
Configures the behavior of the client used by SageMaker to interact with the model container during asynchronous inference.
Specifies configuration for how an endpoint performs asynchronous inference.
Specifies the configuration for notifications of inference results for asynchronous inference.
Specifies the configuration for asynchronous inference invocation outputs.
A fluent builder for CfnEndpointConfig.
Specifies the JSON and CSV content types of the data that the endpoint captures.
Specifies whether the endpoint captures input data or output data.
Specifies the configuration of your endpoint for model monitor data capture.
Specifies a model that you want to host and the resources to deploy for hosting it.
Specifies the serverless configuration for an endpoint variant.
Properties for defining a CfnEndpointConfig.
An implementation for CfnEndpointConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GlobalAccelerator::EndpointGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnEndpointGroup.
A complex type for endpoints.
Override specific listener ports used to route traffic to endpoints that are part of an endpoint group.
Properties for defining a CfnEndpointGroup.
A builder for CfnEndpointGroupProps
An implementation for CfnEndpointGroupProps
Properties for defining a CfnEndpoint.
Properties for defining a CfnEndpoint.
Properties for defining a CfnEndpoint.
Properties for defining a CfnEndpoint.
A builder for CfnEndpointProps
A builder for CfnEndpointProps
A builder for CfnEndpointProps
A builder for CfnEndpointProps
An implementation for CfnEndpointProps
An implementation for CfnEndpointProps
An implementation for CfnEndpointProps
An implementation for CfnEndpointProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppStream::Entitlement.
An attribute that belongs to an entitlement.
An implementation for CfnEntitlement.AttributeProperty
A fluent builder for CfnEntitlement.
Properties for defining a CfnEntitlement.
A builder for CfnEntitlementProps
An implementation for CfnEntitlementProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTTwinMaker::Entity.
A fluent builder for CfnEntity.
The entity component.
An implementation for CfnEntity.ComponentProperty
The entity data type.
An implementation for CfnEntity.DataTypeProperty
An object that specifies a value for a property.
An implementation for CfnEntity.DataValueProperty
The entity definition.
An implementation for CfnEntity.DefinitionProperty
The entity error.
An implementation for CfnEntity.ErrorProperty
The property group.
An implementation for CfnEntity.PropertyGroupProperty
An object that sets information about a property.
An implementation for CfnEntity.PropertyProperty
The entity relationship.
An implementation for CfnEntity.RelationshipProperty
The entity relationship.
The current status of the entity.
An implementation for CfnEntity.StatusProperty
Properties for defining a CfnEntity.
A builder for CfnEntityProps
An implementation for CfnEntityProps
A CloudFormation AWS::FraudDetector::EntityType.
A fluent builder for CfnEntityType.
Properties for defining a CfnEntityType.
A builder for CfnEntityTypeProps
An implementation for CfnEntityTypeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppConfig::Environment.
A CloudFormation AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.
A CloudFormation AWS::FinSpace::Environment.
A CloudFormation AWS::M2::Environment.
A CloudFormation AWS::MWAA::Environment.
A CloudFormation AWS::RefactorSpaces::Environment.
A fluent builder for CfnEnvironment.
A fluent builder for CfnEnvironment.
A fluent builder for CfnEnvironment.
A fluent builder for CfnEnvironment.
A fluent builder for CfnEnvironment.
A fluent builder for CfnEnvironment.
Defines the storage configuration for an Amazon EFS file system.
Configuration information when authentication mode is FEDERATED.
Defines the storage configuration for an Amazon FSx file system.
Defines the details of a high availability configuration.
The type of Apache Airflow logs to send to CloudWatch Logs.
Defines the type of logs to send for the Apache Airflow log type (e.g.
Amazon CloudWatch alarms to monitor during the deployment process.
An implementation for CfnEnvironment.MonitorsProperty
The VPC networking components used to secure and enable network traffic between the AWS resources for your environment.
Use the OptionSetting property type to specify an option for an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment when defining an AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment resource in an AWS CloudFormation template.
Defines the storage configuration for a runtime environment.
Configuration information for the superuser.
Metadata to assign to the environment.
An implementation for CfnEnvironment.TagsProperty
Use the Tier property type to specify the environment tier for an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment when defining an AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment resource in an AWS CloudFormation template.
An implementation for CfnEnvironment.TierProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::Proton::EnvironmentAccountConnection.
A fluent builder for CfnEnvironmentAccountConnection.
Properties for defining a CfnEnvironmentAccountConnection.
A CloudFormation AWS::Cloud9::EnvironmentEC2.
A fluent builder for CfnEnvironmentEC2.
The Repository property type specifies an AWS CodeCommit source code repository to be cloned into an AWS Cloud9 development environment.
Properties for defining a CfnEnvironmentEC2.
An implementation for CfnEnvironmentEC2Props
Properties for defining a CfnEnvironment.
Properties for defining a CfnEnvironment.
Properties for defining a CfnEnvironment.
Properties for defining a CfnEnvironment.
Properties for defining a CfnEnvironment.
Properties for defining a CfnEnvironment.
A builder for CfnEnvironmentProps
A builder for CfnEnvironmentProps
A builder for CfnEnvironmentProps
A builder for CfnEnvironmentProps
A builder for CfnEnvironmentProps
A builder for CfnEnvironmentProps
An implementation for CfnEnvironmentProps
An implementation for CfnEnvironmentProps
An implementation for CfnEnvironmentProps
An implementation for CfnEnvironmentProps
An implementation for CfnEnvironmentProps
An implementation for CfnEnvironmentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Proton::EnvironmentTemplate.
A fluent builder for CfnEnvironmentTemplate.
Properties for defining a CfnEnvironmentTemplate.
An implementation for CfnEnvironmentTemplateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::EvaluationForm.
A fluent builder for CfnEvaluationForm.
An item at the root level.
Items that are part of the evaluation form.
Information about the automation configuration in numeric questions.
Information about the option range used for scoring in numeric questions.
Information about properties for a numeric question in an evaluation form.
Information about a question from an evaluation form.
Information about properties for a question in an evaluation form.
Information about a section from an evaluation form.
The automation options of the single select question.
Information about the automation configuration in single select questions.
Information about the automation configuration in single select questions.
Information about the options in single select questions.
Information about the property value used in automation of a numeric questions.
A scoring strategy of the evaluation form.
Information about the automation option based on a rule category for a single select question.
Properties for defining a CfnEvaluationForm.
An implementation for CfnEvaluationFormProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Events::EventBus.
A fluent builder for CfnEventBus.
A key-value pair associated with an AWS resource.
An implementation for CfnEventBus.TagEntryProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnEventBusPolicy.
A JSON string which you can use to limit the event bus permissions you are granting to only accounts that fulfill the condition.
Properties for defining a CfnEventBusPolicy.
An implementation for CfnEventBusPolicyProps
Properties for defining a CfnEventBus.
A builder for CfnEventBusProps
An implementation for CfnEventBusProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudTrail::EventDataStore.
Advanced event selectors let you create fine-grained selectors for the following AWS CloudTrail event record fields.
A single selector statement in an advanced event selector.
A fluent builder for CfnEventDataStore.
Properties for defining a CfnEventDataStore.
An implementation for CfnEventDataStoreProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppIntegrations::EventIntegration.
A fluent builder for CfnEventIntegration.
The event integration filter.
Properties for defining a CfnEventIntegration.
An implementation for CfnEventIntegrationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnEventInvokeConfig.
A configuration object that specifies the destination of an event after Lambda processes it.
A destination for events that failed processing.
A destination for events that were processed successfully.
Properties for defining a CfnEventInvokeConfig.
An implementation for CfnEventInvokeConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.
Specific configuration settings for an Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) event source.
A fluent builder for CfnEventSourceMapping.
A configuration object that specifies the destination of an event after Lambda processes it.
Specific configuration settings for a DocumentDB event source.
The list of bootstrap servers for your Kafka brokers in the following format: "KafkaBootstrapServers": ["",""] .
An object that contains the filters for an event source.
A structure within a FilterCriteria object that defines an event filtering pattern.
A destination for events that failed processing.
(Amazon SQS only) The scaling configuration for the event source.
The self-managed Apache Kafka cluster for your event source.
Specific configuration settings for a self-managed Apache Kafka event source.
An array of the authentication protocol, VPC components, or virtual host to secure and define your event source.
Properties for defining a CfnEventSourceMapping.
An implementation for CfnEventSourceMappingProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::EventStream.
A fluent builder for CfnEventStream.
Properties for defining a CfnEventStream.
A builder for CfnEventStreamProps
An implementation for CfnEventStreamProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DMS::EventSubscription.
A CloudFormation AWS::RDS::EventSubscription.
A CloudFormation AWS::Redshift::EventSubscription.
A fluent builder for CfnEventSubscription.
A fluent builder for CfnEventSubscription.
A fluent builder for CfnEventSubscription.
Properties for defining a CfnEventSubscription.
Properties for defining a CfnEventSubscription.
Properties for defining a CfnEventSubscription.
An implementation for CfnEventSubscriptionProps
An implementation for CfnEventSubscriptionProps
An implementation for CfnEventSubscriptionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::FraudDetector::EventType.
A fluent builder for CfnEventType.
The entity type details.
An implementation for CfnEventType.EntityTypeProperty
The variables associated with this event type.
The label associated with the event type.
An implementation for CfnEventType.LabelProperty
Properties for defining a CfnEventType.
A builder for CfnEventTypeProps
An implementation for CfnEventTypeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::KendraRanking::ExecutionPlan.
A fluent builder for CfnExecutionPlan.
Sets additional capacity units configured for your rescore execution plan.
Properties for defining a CfnExecutionPlan.
A builder for CfnExecutionPlanProps
An implementation for CfnExecutionPlanProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Evidently::Experiment.
A fluent builder for CfnExperiment.
Use this structure to tell Evidently whether higher or lower values are desired for a metric that is used in an experiment.
A structure that contains the configuration of which variation to use as the "control" version.
Use this structure to start and stop the experiment.
A structure that defines one treatment in an experiment.
This structure defines how much experiment traffic to allocate to one treatment used in the experiment.
Properties for defining a CfnExperiment.
A builder for CfnExperimentProps
An implementation for CfnExperimentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::FIS::ExperimentTemplate.
A fluent builder for CfnExperimentTemplate.
Specifies the configuration for experiment logging to CloudWatch Logs .
Specifies an action for an experiment template.
Specifies the configuration for experiment logging.
Specifies a stop condition for an experiment template.
Specifies a filter used for the target resource input in an experiment template.
Specifies a target for an experiment.
Specifies the configuration for experiment logging to Amazon S3 .
Properties for defining a CfnExperimentTemplate.
An implementation for CfnExperimentTemplateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppConfig::Extension.
A fluent builder for CfnExtension.
A value such as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or an Amazon Simple Notification Service topic entered in an extension when invoked.
An implementation for CfnExtension.ParameterProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::AppConfig::ExtensionAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnExtensionAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnExtensionAssociation.
An implementation for CfnExtensionAssociationProps
Properties for defining a CfnExtension.
A builder for CfnExtensionProps
An implementation for CfnExtensionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Kendra::Faq.
A fluent builder for CfnFaq.
Information required to find a specific file in an Amazon S3 bucket.
A builder for CfnFaq.S3PathProperty
An implementation for CfnFaq.S3PathProperty
Properties for defining a CfnFaq.
A builder for CfnFaqProps
An implementation for CfnFaqProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EKS::FargateProfile.
A CloudFormation AWS::EKS::FargateProfile.
A fluent builder for CfnFargateProfile.
A fluent builder for CfnFargateProfile.
A key-value pair.
A key-value pair.
An implementation for CfnFargateProfile.LabelProperty
An implementation for CfnFargateProfile.LabelProperty
An object representing an AWS Fargate profile selector.
An object representing an AWS Fargate profile selector.
Properties for defining a CfnFargateProfile.
Properties for defining a CfnFargateProfile.
An implementation for CfnFargateProfileProps
An implementation for CfnFargateProfileProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Evidently::Feature.
A fluent builder for CfnFeature.
A set of key-value pairs that specify users who should always be served a specific variation of a feature.
An implementation for CfnFeature.EntityOverrideProperty
This structure contains the name and variation value of one variation of a feature.
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::FeatureGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnFeatureGroup.
The meta data of the Glue table which serves as data catalog for the OfflineStore .
A list of features.
The configuration of an OfflineStore .
Use this to specify the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) Key ID, or KMSKeyId , for at rest data encryption.
The security configuration for OnlineStore .
The Amazon Simple Storage (Amazon S3) location and and security configuration for OfflineStore .
Properties for defining a CfnFeatureGroup.
A builder for CfnFeatureGroupProps
An implementation for CfnFeatureGroupProps
Properties for defining a CfnFeature.
A builder for CfnFeatureProps
An implementation for CfnFeatureProps
A CloudFormation AWS::HealthLake::FHIRDatastore.
A fluent builder for CfnFHIRDatastore.
The customer-managed-key(CMK) used when creating a Data Store.
Optional parameter to preload data upon creation of the Data Store.
The server-side encryption key configuration for a customer provided encryption key.
Properties for defining a CfnFHIRDatastore.
A builder for CfnFHIRDatastoreProps
An implementation for CfnFHIRDatastoreProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EFS::FileSystem.
A CloudFormation AWS::FSx::FileSystem.
The configuration that Amazon FSx for Windows File Server uses to audit and log user accesses of files, folders, and file shares on the Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system.
The backup policy turns automatic backups for the file system on or off.
A fluent builder for CfnFileSystem.
A fluent builder for CfnFileSystem.
Specifies who can mount an OpenZFS file system and the options available while mounting the file system.
The SSD IOPS (input/output operations per second) configuration for an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP or FSx for OpenZFS file system.
A tag is a key-value pair attached to a file system.
Describes a policy used by EFS lifecycle management and EFS Intelligent-Tiering that specifies when to transition files into and out of the file system's Infrequent Access (IA) storage class.
The configuration for the Amazon FSx for Lustre file system.
The configuration object for mounting a file system.
An implementation for CfnFileSystem.NfsExportsProperty
The configuration for this Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system.
The OpenZFS configuration for the file system that's being created.
The configuration of an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS root volume.
The configuration that Amazon FSx uses to join a FSx for Windows File Server file system or an FSx for ONTAP storage virtual machine (SVM) to a self-managed (including on-premises) Microsoft Active Directory (AD) directory.
The configuration for how much storage a user or group can use on the volume.
The Microsoft Windows configuration for the file system that's being created.
Properties for defining a CfnFileSystem.
Properties for defining a CfnFileSystem.
A builder for CfnFileSystemProps
A builder for CfnFileSystemProps
An implementation for CfnFileSystemProps
An implementation for CfnFileSystemProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GuardDuty::Filter.
A CloudFormation AWS::InspectorV2::Filter.
A fluent builder for CfnFilter.
A fluent builder for CfnFilter.
Specifies the condition to apply to a single field when filtering through GuardDuty findings.
An implementation for CfnFilter.ConditionProperty
Contains details on the time range used to filter findings.
An implementation for CfnFilter.DateFilterProperty
Details on the criteria used to define the filter.
An implementation for CfnFilter.FilterCriteriaProperty
Represents a map of finding properties that match specified conditions and values when querying findings.
An implementation for CfnFilter.FindingCriteriaProperty
An object that describes details of a map filter.
An implementation for CfnFilter.MapFilterProperty
An object that describes the details of a number filter.
An implementation for CfnFilter.NumberFilterProperty
Contains information on the details of a package filter.
An implementation for CfnFilter.PackageFilterProperty
An object that describes the details of a port range filter.
An implementation for CfnFilter.PortRangeFilterProperty
An object that describes the details of a string filter.
An implementation for CfnFilter.StringFilterProperty
Properties for defining a CfnFilter.
Properties for defining a CfnFilter.
A builder for CfnFilterProps
A builder for CfnFilterProps
An implementation for CfnFilterProps
An implementation for CfnFilterProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Macie::FindingsFilter.
A fluent builder for CfnFindingsFilter.
Specifies a condition that defines the property, operator, and one or more values to use in a findings filter.
Specifies, as a map, one or more property-based conditions for a findings filter.
Properties for defining a CfnFindingsFilter.
An implementation for CfnFindingsFilterProps
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkFirewall::Firewall.
A fluent builder for CfnFirewall.
The ID for a subnet that you want to associate with the firewall.
An implementation for CfnFirewall.SubnetMappingProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53Resolver::FirewallDomainList.
A fluent builder for CfnFirewallDomainList.
Properties for defining a CfnFirewallDomainList.
An implementation for CfnFirewallDomainListProps
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkFirewall::FirewallPolicy.
A custom action to use in stateless rule actions settings.
A fluent builder for CfnFirewallPolicy.
An optional, non-standard action to use for stateless packet handling.
The value to use in an Amazon CloudWatch custom metric dimension.
The traffic filtering behavior of a firewall policy, defined in a collection of stateless and stateful rule groups and other settings.
A list of IP addresses and address ranges, in CIDR notation.
An implementation for CfnFirewallPolicy.IPSetProperty
Contains variables that you can use to override default Suricata settings in your firewall policy.
Stateless inspection criteria that publishes the specified metrics to Amazon CloudWatch for the matching packet.
Configuration settings for the handling of the stateful rule groups in a firewall policy.
The setting that allows the policy owner to change the behavior of the rule group within a policy.
Identifier for a single stateful rule group, used in a firewall policy to refer to a rule group.
Identifier for a single stateless rule group, used in a firewall policy to refer to the rule group.
Properties for defining a CfnFirewallPolicy.
An implementation for CfnFirewallPolicyProps
Properties for defining a CfnFirewall.
A builder for CfnFirewallProps
An implementation for CfnFirewallProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53Resolver::FirewallRuleGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnFirewallRuleGroup.
A single firewall rule in a rule group.
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53Resolver::FirewallRuleGroupAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnFirewallRuleGroupAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnFirewallRuleGroupAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnFirewallRuleGroup.
An implementation for CfnFirewallRuleGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppStream::Fleet.
A CloudFormation AWS::GameLift::Fleet.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTFleetWise::Fleet.
A CloudFormation AWS::RoboMaker::Fleet.
Amazon GameLift Anywhere configuration options for your Anywhere fleets.
A fluent builder for CfnFleet.
A fluent builder for CfnFleet.
A fluent builder for CfnFleet.
A fluent builder for CfnFleet.
Determines whether a TLS/SSL certificate is generated for a fleet.
The desired capacity for a fleet.
An implementation for CfnFleet.ComputeCapacityProperty
The name of the directory and organizational unit (OU) to use to join a fleet to a Microsoft Active Directory domain.
An implementation for CfnFleet.DomainJoinInfoProperty
A range of IP addresses and port settings that allow inbound traffic to connect to server processes on an instance in a fleet.
An implementation for CfnFleet.IpPermissionProperty
Current resource capacity settings in a specified fleet or location.
An implementation for CfnFleet.LocationCapacityProperty
A remote location where a multi-location fleet can deploy game servers for game hosting.
A policy that limits the number of game sessions a player can create on the same fleet.
A collection of server process configurations that describe the set of processes to run on each instance in a fleet.
Describes the S3 location.
An implementation for CfnFleet.S3LocationProperty
A set of instructions for launching server processes on each instance in a fleet.
An implementation for CfnFleet.ServerProcessProperty
The VPC configuration information for the fleet.
An implementation for CfnFleet.VpcConfigProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::FleetMetric.
The type of aggregation queries.
A fluent builder for CfnFleetMetric.
Properties for defining a CfnFleetMetric.
A builder for CfnFleetMetricProps
An implementation for CfnFleetMetricProps
Properties for defining a CfnFleet.
Properties for defining a CfnFleet.
Properties for defining a CfnFleet.
Properties for defining a CfnFleet.
A builder for CfnFleetProps
A builder for CfnFleetProps
A builder for CfnFleetProps
A builder for CfnFleetProps
An implementation for CfnFleetProps
An implementation for CfnFleetProps
An implementation for CfnFleetProps
An implementation for CfnFleetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppFlow::Flow.
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaConnect::Flow.
The aggregation settings that you can use to customize the output format of your flow data.
An implementation for CfnFlow.AggregationConfigProperty
The properties that are applied when Amplitude is being used as a source.
A fluent builder for CfnFlow.
A fluent builder for CfnFlow.
The operation to be performed on the provided source fields.
An implementation for CfnFlow.ConnectorOperatorProperty
The properties that are applied when the custom connector is being used as a destination.
The properties that are applied when the custom connector is being used as a source.
The properties that are applied when Datadog is being used as a source.
This stores the information that is required to query a particular connector.
Contains information about the configuration of destination connectors present in the flow.
The properties that are applied when Dynatrace is being used as a source.
Information about the encryption of the flow.
An implementation for CfnFlow.EncryptionProperty
The settings that determine how Amazon AppFlow handles an error when placing data in the destination.
The properties that are applied when Amazon EventBridge is being used as a destination.
The settings for source failover.
An implementation for CfnFlow.FailoverConfigProperty
An implementation for CfnFlow.GlueDataCatalogProperty
The properties that are applied when Google Analytics is being used as a source.
Specifies the configuration used when importing incremental records from the source.
The properties that are applied when Infor Nexus is being used as a source.
The properties that are applied when Amazon Lookout for Metrics is used as a destination.
The properties that Amazon AppFlow applies when you use Marketo as a flow destination.
The properties that are applied when Marketo is being used as a source.
Specifies elements that Amazon AppFlow includes in the file and folder names in the flow destination.
An implementation for CfnFlow.PrefixConfigProperty
The properties that are applied when Amazon Redshift is being used as a destination.
The properties that are applied when Amazon S3 is used as a destination.
When you use Amazon S3 as the source, the configuration format that you provide the flow input data.
The configuration that determines how Amazon AppFlow should format the flow output data when Amazon S3 is used as the destination.
The properties that are applied when Amazon S3 is being used as the flow source.
The properties that are applied when Salesforce is being used as a destination.
The properties that are applied when Salesforce is being used as a source.
The properties that are applied when using SAPOData as a flow destination.
The properties that are applied when using SAPOData as a flow source.
Specifies the configuration details of a schedule-triggered flow as defined by the user.
The properties that are applied when ServiceNow is being used as a source.
The properties that are applied when Singular is being used as a source.
The properties that are applied when Slack is being used as a source.
The properties that are applied when Snowflake is being used as a destination.
Specifies the information that is required to query a particular connector.
Contains information about the configuration of the source connector used in the flow.
An implementation for CfnFlow.SourceFlowConfigProperty
The priority you want to assign to a source.
An implementation for CfnFlow.SourcePriorityProperty
The details of the sources of the flow.
An implementation for CfnFlow.SourceProperty
Determines how Amazon AppFlow handles the success response that it gets from the connector after placing data.
A map used to store task-related information.
A class for modeling different type of tasks.
A builder for CfnFlow.TaskProperty
An implementation for CfnFlow.TaskProperty
The properties that are applied when using Trend Micro as a flow source.
The trigger settings that determine how and when Amazon AppFlow runs the specified flow.
An implementation for CfnFlow.TriggerConfigProperty
The properties that are applied when Upsolver is used as a destination.
The configuration that determines how Amazon AppFlow formats the flow output data when Upsolver is used as the destination.
The properties that are applied when using Veeva as a flow source.
The properties that are applied when Zendesk is used as a destination.
The properties that are applied when using Zendesk as a flow source.
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaConnect::FlowEntitlement.
A fluent builder for CfnFlowEntitlement.
Information about the encryption of the flow.
Properties for defining a CfnFlowEntitlement.
An implementation for CfnFlowEntitlementProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::FlowLog.
A fluent builder for CfnFlowLog.
Describes the destination options for a flow log.
Properties for defining a CfnFlowLog.
A builder for CfnFlowLogProps
An implementation for CfnFlowLogProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaConnect::FlowOutput.
A fluent builder for CfnFlowOutput.
Information about the encryption of the flow.
An implementation for CfnFlowOutput.EncryptionProperty
The VPC interface that you want to send your output to.
Properties for defining a CfnFlowOutput.
A builder for CfnFlowOutputProps
An implementation for CfnFlowOutputProps
Properties for defining a CfnFlow.
Properties for defining a CfnFlow.
A builder for CfnFlowProps
A builder for CfnFlowProps
An implementation for CfnFlowProps
An implementation for CfnFlowProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaConnect::FlowSource.
A fluent builder for CfnFlowSource.
Information about the encryption of the flow.
An implementation for CfnFlowSource.EncryptionProperty
Properties for defining a CfnFlowSource.
A builder for CfnFlowSourceProps
An implementation for CfnFlowSourceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTThingsGraph::FlowTemplate.
A fluent builder for CfnFlowTemplate.
Properties for defining a CfnFlowTemplate.
A builder for CfnFlowTemplateProps
An implementation for CfnFlowTemplateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaConnect::FlowVpcInterface.
A fluent builder for CfnFlowVpcInterface.
Properties for defining a CfnFlowVpcInterface.
An implementation for CfnFlowVpcInterfaceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Comprehend::Flywheel.
A fluent builder for CfnFlywheel.
Data security configuration.
Configuration required for a document classification model.
Configuration required for an entity recognition model.
An entity type within a labeled training dataset that Amazon Comprehend uses to train a custom entity recognizer.
Configuration about the model associated with a flywheel.
An implementation for CfnFlywheel.TaskConfigProperty
Configuration parameters for an optional private Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) containing the resources you are using for the job.
An implementation for CfnFlywheel.VpcConfigProperty
Properties for defining a CfnFlywheel.
A builder for CfnFlywheelProps
An implementation for CfnFlywheelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Form.
A fluent builder for CfnForm.
The FieldConfig property specifies the configuration information for a field in a table.
An implementation for CfnForm.FieldConfigProperty
The FieldInputConfig property specifies the configuration for the default input values to display for a field.
An implementation for CfnForm.FieldInputConfigProperty
The FieldPosition property specifies the field position.
An implementation for CfnForm.FieldPositionProperty
The FieldValidationConfiguration property specifies the validation configuration for a field.
The FormButton property specifies the configuration for a button UI element that is a part of a form.
An implementation for CfnForm.FormButtonProperty
The FormCTA property specifies the call to action button configuration for the form.
An implementation for CfnForm.FormCTAProperty
The FormDataTypeConfig property specifies the data type configuration for the data source associated with a form.
The FormInputValueProperty property specifies the configuration for an input field on a form.
The FormStyleConfig property specifies the configuration settings for the form's style properties.
An implementation for CfnForm.FormStyleConfigProperty
The FormStyle property specifies the configuration for the form's style.
An implementation for CfnForm.FormStyleProperty
The SectionalElement property specifies the configuration information for a visual helper element for a form.
An implementation for CfnForm.SectionalElementProperty
The ValueMapping property specifies the association between a complex object and a display value.
An implementation for CfnForm.ValueMappingProperty
The ValueMappings property specifies the data binding configuration for a value map.
An implementation for CfnForm.ValueMappingsProperty
Properties for defining a CfnForm.
A builder for CfnFormProps
An implementation for CfnFormProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Backup::Framework.
A fluent builder for CfnFramework.
A list of parameters for a control.
A framework consists of one or more controls.
An implementation for CfnFramework.ControlScopeProperty
Contains detailed information about all of the controls of a framework.
Properties for defining a CfnFramework.
A builder for CfnFrameworkProps
An implementation for CfnFrameworkProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFront::Function.
A CloudFormation AWS::Lambda::Function.
A CloudFormation AWS::Serverless::Function.
An implementation for CfnFunction.ApiEventProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.AuthProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.BucketSAMPTProperty
A fluent builder for CfnFunction.
A fluent builder for CfnFunction.
A fluent builder for CfnFunction.
The deployment package for a Lambda function.
An implementation for CfnFunction.CodeProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.CognitoEventProperty
The dead-letter queue for failed asynchronous invocations.
An implementation for CfnFunction.DestinationProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.DomainSAMPTProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.DynamoDBEventProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.EmptySAMPTProperty
A function's environment variable settings.
An implementation for CfnFunction.EnvironmentProperty
The size of the function's /tmp directory in MB.
An implementation for CfnFunction.EventSourceProperty
Details about the connection between a Lambda function and an Amazon EFS file system .
Contains configuration information about a CloudFront function.
Contains metadata about a CloudFront function.
An implementation for CfnFunction.FunctionSAMPTProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.HooksProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.HttpApiEventProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.IdentitySAMPTProperty
Configuration values that override the container image Dockerfile settings.
An implementation for CfnFunction.ImageConfigProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.ImageConfigProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.IoTRuleEventProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.KeySAMPTProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.KinesisEventProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.LogGroupSAMPTProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.QueueSAMPTProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.RequestModelProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.RouteSettingsProperty
Sets the runtime management configuration for a function's version.
An implementation for CfnFunction.S3EventProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.S3KeyFilterProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.S3LocationProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.ScheduleEventProperty
The function's AWS Lambda SnapStart setting.
An implementation for CfnFunction.SnapStartProperty
The function's SnapStart setting.
An implementation for CfnFunction.SNSEventProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.SQSEventProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.StreamSAMPTProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.TableSAMPTProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.TopicSAMPTProperty
The function's AWS X-Ray tracing configuration.
An implementation for CfnFunction.TracingConfigProperty
The VPC security groups and subnets that are attached to a Lambda function.
An implementation for CfnFunction.VpcConfigProperty
An implementation for CfnFunction.VpcConfigProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration.
Describes a runtime used by an AWS AppSync pipeline resolver or AWS AppSync function.
A fluent builder for CfnFunctionConfiguration.
The LambdaConflictHandlerConfig object when configuring LAMBDA as the Conflict Handler.
Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.
Properties for defining a CfnFunctionConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnFunctionConfigurationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::FunctionDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnFunctionDefinition.
The default configuration that applies to all Lambda functions in the function definition version.
The environment configuration for a Lambda function on the AWS IoT Greengrass core.
Configuration settings for the Lambda execution environment on the AWS IoT Greengrass core.
The group-specific configuration settings for a Lambda function.
A function definition version contains a list of functions.
A function is a Lambda function that's referenced from an AWS IoT Greengrass group.
A list of the resources in the group that the function can access, with the corresponding read-only or read-write permissions.
The access identity whose permissions are used to run the Lambda function.
Properties for defining a CfnFunctionDefinition.
An implementation for CfnFunctionDefinitionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::FunctionDefinitionVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnFunctionDefinitionVersion.
The default configuration that applies to all Lambda functions in the function definition version.
The environment configuration for a Lambda function on the AWS IoT Greengrass core.
Configuration settings for the Lambda execution environment on the AWS IoT Greengrass core.
The group-specific configuration settings for a Lambda function.
A function is a Lambda function that's referenced from an AWS IoT Greengrass group.
A list of the resources in the group that the function can access, with the corresponding read-only or read-write permissions.
The user and group permissions used to run the Lambda function.
Properties for defining a CfnFunctionDefinitionVersion.
An implementation for CfnFunctionDefinitionVersionProps
Properties for defining a CfnFunction.
Properties for defining a CfnFunction.
Properties for defining a CfnFunction.
A builder for CfnFunctionProps
A builder for CfnFunctionProps
A builder for CfnFunctionProps
An implementation for CfnFunctionProps
An implementation for CfnFunctionProps
An implementation for CfnFunctionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTWireless::FuotaTask.
A fluent builder for CfnFuotaTask.
The LoRaWAN information used with a FUOTA task.
An implementation for CfnFuotaTask.LoRaWANProperty
Properties for defining a CfnFuotaTask.
A builder for CfnFuotaTaskProps
An implementation for CfnFuotaTaskProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GameLift::GameServerGroup.
This data type is used with the GameLift FleetIQ and game server groups..
A fluent builder for CfnGameServerGroup.
This data type is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ and game server groups..
This data type is used with the GameLift FleetIQ and game server groups..
This data type is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ and game server groups..
Properties for defining a CfnGameServerGroup.
An implementation for CfnGameServerGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GameLift::GameSessionQueue.
A fluent builder for CfnGameSessionQueue.
A fleet or alias designated in a game session queue.
A list of fleet locations where a game session queue can place new game sessions.
The queue setting that determines the highest latency allowed for individual players when placing a game session.
Custom prioritization settings for use by a game session queue when placing new game sessions with available game servers.
Properties for defining a CfnGameSessionQueue.
An implementation for CfnGameSessionQueueProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTSiteWise::Gateway.
A fluent builder for CfnGateway.
Contains a summary of a gateway capability configuration.
Contains a gateway's platform information.
Contains details for a gateway that runs on AWS IoT Greengrass .
An implementation for CfnGateway.GreengrassProperty
Contains details for a gateway that runs on AWS IoT Greengrass V2.
An implementation for CfnGateway.GreengrassV2Property
Properties for defining a CfnGateway.
A builder for CfnGatewayProps
An implementation for CfnGatewayProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::GatewayResponse.
A fluent builder for CfnGatewayResponse.
Properties for defining a CfnGatewayResponse.
An implementation for CfnGatewayResponseProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppMesh::GatewayRoute.
A fluent builder for CfnGatewayRoute.
An object representing the gateway route host name to match.
An object representing the gateway route host name to rewrite.
An object representing the method header to be matched.
An object that represents the range of values to match on.
An object that represents a gateway route specification.
An object that represents a gateway route target.
An object that represents the virtual service that traffic is routed to.
An object that represents the action to take if a match is determined.
An object that represents the criteria for determining a request match.
An object representing the metadata of the gateway route.
An object that represents a gRPC gateway route.
An object that represents the gateway route to rewrite.
An object that represents the action to take if a match is determined.
An object that represents the method and value to match with the header value sent in a request.
An object that represents the HTTP header in the gateway route.
An object that represents the criteria for determining a request match.
An object that represents the path to rewrite.
An object representing the beginning characters of the route to rewrite.
An object that represents an HTTP gateway route.
An object representing the gateway route to rewrite.
An object representing the path to match in the request.
An object representing the query parameter to match.
An object that represents the query parameter in the request.
Properties for defining a CfnGatewayRoute.
A builder for CfnGatewayRouteProps
An implementation for CfnGatewayRouteProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::GatewayRouteTableAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociation.
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::GCMChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnGCMChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnGCMChannel.
A builder for CfnGCMChannelProps
An implementation for CfnGCMChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Location::GeofenceCollection.
A fluent builder for CfnGeofenceCollection.
Properties for defining a CfnGeofenceCollection.
An implementation for CfnGeofenceCollectionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFRegional::GeoMatchSet.
A fluent builder for CfnGeoMatchSet.
Properties for defining a CfnGeoMatchSet.
A builder for CfnGeoMatchSetProps
An implementation for CfnGeoMatchSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeStar::GitHubRepository.
A fluent builder for CfnGitHubRepository.
The Code property type specifies information about code to be committed.
An implementation for CfnGitHubRepository.CodeProperty
The S3 property type specifies information about the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the code to be committed to the new repository.
An implementation for CfnGitHubRepository.S3Property
Properties for defining a CfnGitHubRepository.
An implementation for CfnGitHubRepositoryProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnGlobalCluster.
Properties for defining a CfnGlobalCluster.
A builder for CfnGlobalClusterProps
An implementation for CfnGlobalClusterProps
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::GlobalNetwork.
A fluent builder for CfnGlobalNetwork.
Properties for defining a CfnGlobalNetwork.
A builder for CfnGlobalNetworkProps
An implementation for CfnGlobalNetworkProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ElastiCache::GlobalReplicationGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnGlobalReplicationGroup.
A member of a Global datastore.
A list of the replication groups.
A list of PreferredAvailabilityZones objects that specifies the configuration of a node group in the resharded cluster.
Properties for defining a CfnGlobalReplicationGroup.
An implementation for CfnGlobalReplicationGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable.
Represents an attribute for describing the key schema for the table and indexes.
A fluent builder for CfnGlobalTable.
Configures a scalable target and an autoscaling policy for a table or global secondary index's read or write capacity.
Configures contributor insights settings for a replica or one of its indexes.
Allows you to specify a global secondary index for the global table.
Represents a single element of a key schema.
An implementation for CfnGlobalTable.KeySchemaProperty
The Kinesis Data Streams configuration for the specified global table replica.
Represents the properties of a local secondary index.
Represents the settings used to enable point in time recovery.
Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into an index.
An implementation for CfnGlobalTable.ProjectionProperty
Allows you to specify the read capacity settings for a replica table or a replica global secondary index when the BillingMode is set to PROVISIONED .
Represents the properties of a global secondary index that can be set on a per-replica basis.
Defines settings specific to a single replica of a global table.
Allows you to specify a KMS key identifier to be used for server-side encryption.
Represents the settings used to enable server-side encryption.
Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a table in DynamoDB.
Defines a target tracking scaling policy.
Represents the settings used to enable or disable Time to Live (TTL) for the specified table.
Specifies an auto scaling policy for write capacity.
Properties for defining a CfnGlobalTable.
A builder for CfnGlobalTableProps
An implementation for CfnGlobalTableProps
A CloudFormation AWS::LicenseManager::Grant.
A fluent builder for CfnGrant.
Properties for defining a CfnGrant.
A builder for CfnGrantProps
An implementation for CfnGrantProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Detective::Graph.
A fluent builder for CfnGraph.
Properties for defining a CfnGraph.
A builder for CfnGraphProps
An implementation for CfnGraphProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.
Describes an additional authentication provider.
A fluent builder for CfnGraphQLApi.
Describes an Amazon Cognito user pool configuration.
Configuration for AWS Lambda function authorization.
The LogConfig property type specifies the logging configuration when writing GraphQL operations and tracing to Amazon CloudWatch for an AWS AppSync GraphQL API.
An implementation for CfnGraphQLApi.LogConfigProperty
The OpenIDConnectConfig property type specifies the optional authorization configuration for using an OpenID Connect compliant service with your GraphQL endpoint for an AWS AppSync GraphQL API.
The UserPoolConfig property type specifies the optional authorization configuration for using Amazon Cognito user pools with your GraphQL endpoint for an AWS AppSync GraphQL API.
Properties for defining a CfnGraphQLApi.
A builder for CfnGraphQLApiProps
An implementation for CfnGraphQLApiProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema.
A fluent builder for CfnGraphQLSchema.
Properties for defining a CfnGraphQLSchema.
A builder for CfnGraphQLSchemaProps
An implementation for CfnGraphQLSchemaProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::Group.
A CloudFormation AWS::IAM::Group.
A CloudFormation AWS::IdentityStore::Group.
A CloudFormation AWS::ResourceGroups::Group.
A CloudFormation AWS::Synthetics::Group.
A CloudFormation AWS::XRay::Group.
A fluent builder for CfnGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnGroup.
One of the items in the service configuration assigned to a resource group.
One parameter for a group configuration item.
A group version in AWS IoT Greengrass , which references of a core definition version, device definition version, subscription definition version, and other version types that contain the components you want to deploy to a Greengrass core device.
An implementation for CfnGroup.GroupVersionProperty
The structure containing configurations related to insights.
Contains information about an attached policy.
An implementation for CfnGroup.PolicyProperty
Specifies details within a ResourceQuery structure that determines the membership of the resource group.
An implementation for CfnGroup.QueryProperty
The query used to dynamically define the members of a group.
An implementation for CfnGroup.ResourceQueryProperty
Specifies a single tag key and optional values that you can use to specify membership in a tag-based group.
An implementation for CfnGroup.TagFilterProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::IdentityStore::GroupMembership.
A fluent builder for CfnGroupMembership.
An object that contains the identifier of a group member.
Properties for defining a CfnGroupMembership.
An implementation for CfnGroupMembershipProps
Properties for defining a CfnGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnGroup.
A builder for CfnGroupProps
A builder for CfnGroupProps
A builder for CfnGroupProps
A builder for CfnGroupProps
A builder for CfnGroupProps
A builder for CfnGroupProps
An implementation for CfnGroupProps
An implementation for CfnGroupProps
An implementation for CfnGroupProps
An implementation for CfnGroupProps
An implementation for CfnGroupProps
An implementation for CfnGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::GroupVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnGroupVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnGroupVersion.
A builder for CfnGroupVersionProps
An implementation for CfnGroupVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53::HealthCheck.
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether the specified health check is healthy.
A fluent builder for CfnHealthCheck.
A complex type that contains information about the health check.
The HealthCheckTag property describes one key-value pair that is associated with an AWS::Route53::HealthCheck resource.
Properties for defining a CfnHealthCheck.
A builder for CfnHealthCheckProps
An implementation for CfnHealthCheckProps
Represents a CloudFormation resource.
A fluent builder for CfnHook.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::HookDefaultVersion.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::HookDefaultVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnHookDefaultVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnHookDefaultVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnHookDefaultVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnHookDefaultVersion.
An implementation for CfnHookDefaultVersionProps
An implementation for CfnHookDefaultVersionProps
Construction properties of CfnHook.
A builder for CfnHookProps
An implementation for CfnHookProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::HookTypeConfig.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::HookTypeConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnHookTypeConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnHookTypeConfig.
Properties for defining a CfnHookTypeConfig.
Properties for defining a CfnHookTypeConfig.
An implementation for CfnHookTypeConfigProps
An implementation for CfnHookTypeConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::HookVersion.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::HookVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnHookVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnHookVersion.
The LoggingConfig property type specifies logging configuration information for an extension.
The LoggingConfig property type specifies logging configuration information for an extension.
Properties for defining a CfnHookVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnHookVersion.
A builder for CfnHookVersionProps
A builder for CfnHookVersionProps
An implementation for CfnHookVersionProps
An implementation for CfnHookVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::Host.
A fluent builder for CfnHost.
A CloudFormation AWS::AppConfig::HostedConfigurationVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnHostedConfigurationVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnHostedConfigurationVersion.
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53::HostedZone.
A fluent builder for CfnHostedZone.
A complex type that contains an optional comment about your hosted zone.
A complex type that contains information about a tag that you want to add or edit for the specified health check or hosted zone.
A complex type that contains information about a configuration for DNS query logging.
Private hosted zones only: A complex type that contains information about an Amazon VPC.
An implementation for CfnHostedZone.VPCProperty
Properties for defining a CfnHostedZone.
A builder for CfnHostedZoneProps
An implementation for CfnHostedZoneProps
Properties for defining a CfnHost.
A builder for CfnHostProps
An implementation for CfnHostProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::HoursOfOperation.
A fluent builder for CfnHoursOfOperation.
Contains information about the hours of operation.
The start time or end time for an hours of operation.
Properties for defining a CfnHoursOfOperation.
An implementation for CfnHoursOfOperationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Serverless::HttpApi.
A fluent builder for CfnHttpApi.
An implementation for CfnHttpApi.HttpApiAuthProperty
An implementation for CfnHttpApi.RouteSettingsProperty
An implementation for CfnHttpApi.S3LocationProperty
Properties for defining a CfnHttpApi.
A builder for CfnHttpApiProps
An implementation for CfnHttpApiProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceDiscovery::HttpNamespace.
A fluent builder for CfnHttpNamespace.
Properties for defining a CfnHttpNamespace.
A builder for CfnHttpNamespaceProps
An implementation for CfnHttpNamespaceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SecurityHub::Hub.
A fluent builder for CfnHub.
Properties for defining a CfnHub.
A builder for CfnHubProps
An implementation for CfnHubProps
A CloudFormation AWS::BackupGateway::Hypervisor.
A fluent builder for CfnHypervisor.
Properties for defining a CfnHypervisor.
A builder for CfnHypervisorProps
An implementation for CfnHypervisorProps
A CloudFormation AWS::PinpointEmail::Identity.
A fluent builder for CfnIdentity.
A list of attributes that are associated with a MAIL FROM domain.
An object that defines the tags (keys and values) that you want to associate with the identity.
An implementation for CfnIdentity.TagsProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool.
A fluent builder for CfnIdentityPool.
CognitoIdentityProvider is a property of the AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool resource that represents an Amazon Cognito user pool and its client ID.
CognitoStreams is a property of the AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool resource that defines configuration options for Amazon Cognito streams.
PushSync is a property of the AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool resource that defines the configuration options to be applied to an Amazon Cognito identity pool.
An implementation for CfnIdentityPool.PushSyncProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolPrincipalTag.
A fluent builder for CfnIdentityPoolPrincipalTag.
Properties for defining a CfnIdentityPoolPrincipalTag.
An implementation for CfnIdentityPoolPrincipalTagProps
Properties for defining a CfnIdentityPool.
A builder for CfnIdentityPoolProps
An implementation for CfnIdentityPoolProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnIdentityPoolRoleAttachment.
Defines how to map a claim to a role ARN.
RoleMapping is a property of the AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment resource that defines the role-mapping attributes of an Amazon Cognito identity pool.
RulesConfigurationType is a subproperty of the RoleMapping property that defines the rules to be used for mapping users to roles.
Properties for defining a CfnIdentityPoolRoleAttachment.
Properties for defining a CfnIdentity.
A builder for CfnIdentityProps
An implementation for CfnIdentityProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EKS::IdentityProviderConfig.
A CloudFormation AWS::EKS::IdentityProviderConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnIdentityProviderConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnIdentityProviderConfig.
An object representing the configuration for an OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider.
An object representing the configuration for an OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider.
A key-value pair that describes a required claim in the identity token.
A key-value pair that describes a required claim in the identity token.
Properties for defining a CfnIdentityProviderConfig.
Properties for defining a CfnIdentityProviderConfig.
An implementation for CfnIdentityProviderConfigProps
An implementation for CfnIdentityProviderConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ImageBuilder::Image.
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::Image.
A fluent builder for CfnImage.
A fluent builder for CfnImage.
An implementation for CfnImage.EcrConfigurationProperty
When you create an image or container recipe with Image Builder , you can add the build or test components that are used to create the final image.
A CloudFormation AWS::AppStream::ImageBuilder.
Describes an interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) that lets you create a private connection between the virtual private cloud (VPC) that you specify and AppStream 2.0.
A fluent builder for CfnImageBuilder.
The name of the directory and organizational unit (OU) to use to join the image builder to a Microsoft Active Directory domain.
The VPC configuration for the image builder.
An implementation for CfnImageBuilder.VpcConfigProperty
Properties for defining a CfnImageBuilder.
A builder for CfnImageBuilderProps
An implementation for CfnImageBuilderProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ImageBuilder::ImagePipeline.
A fluent builder for CfnImagePipeline.
When you create an image or container recipe with Image Builder , you can add the build or test components that your image pipeline uses to create the final image.
A schedule configures how often and when a pipeline will automatically create a new image.
An implementation for CfnImagePipeline.ScheduleProperty
Properties for defining a CfnImagePipeline.
A builder for CfnImagePipelineProps
An implementation for CfnImagePipelineProps
Properties for defining a CfnImage.
Properties for defining a CfnImage.
A builder for CfnImageProps
A builder for CfnImageProps
An implementation for CfnImageProps
An implementation for CfnImageProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ImageBuilder::ImageRecipe.
In addition to your infrastructure configuration, these settings provide an extra layer of control over your build instances.
A fluent builder for CfnImageRecipe.
Configuration details of the component.
Contains a key/value pair that sets the named component parameter.
The image recipe EBS instance block device specification includes the Amazon EBS-specific block device mapping specifications for the image.
Defines block device mappings for the instance used to configure your image.
Contains settings for the Systems Manager agent on your build instance.
Properties for defining a CfnImageRecipe.
A builder for CfnImageRecipeProps
An implementation for CfnImageRecipeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::ImageVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnImageVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnImageVersion.
A builder for CfnImageVersionProps
An implementation for CfnImageVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::InAppTemplate.
Specifies the configuration of the main body text of the in-app message.
A fluent builder for CfnInAppTemplate.
Specifies the behavior of buttons that appear in an in-app message template.
Specifies the default behavior of a button that appears in an in-app message.
Specifies the configuration and content of the header or title text of the in-app message.
Specifies the configuration of an in-app message, including its header, body, buttons, colors, and images.
Specifies the configuration of a button with settings that are specific to a certain device type.
Properties for defining a CfnInAppTemplate.
A builder for CfnInAppTemplateProps
An implementation for CfnInAppTemplateProps
Construct to import an existing CloudFormation template file into a CDK application.
use the CfnInclude class from the cloudformation-include module instead
A fluent builder for CfnInclude.
Construction properties of CfnInclude.
use the CfnInclude class from the cloudformation-include module instead
A builder for CfnIncludeProps
An implementation for CfnIncludeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Kendra::Index.
A CloudFormation AWS::ResourceExplorer2::Index.
A fluent builder for CfnIndex.
A fluent builder for CfnIndex.
Specifies additional capacity units configured for your Enterprise Edition index.
Specifies the properties, such as relevance tuning and searchability, of an index field.
Provides the configuration information for the JSON token type.
Provides the configuration information for the JWT token type.
Provides information for tuning the relevance of a field in a search.
An implementation for CfnIndex.RelevanceProperty
Provides information about how a custom index field is used during a search.
An implementation for CfnIndex.SearchProperty
Provides the identifier of the AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) used to encrypt data indexed by Amazon Kendra.
Provides the configuration information for a token.
Specifies a key-value pair of the search boost value for a document when the key is part of the metadata of a document.
Properties for defining a CfnIndex.
Properties for defining a CfnIndex.
A builder for CfnIndexProps
A builder for CfnIndexProps
An implementation for CfnIndexProps
An implementation for CfnIndexProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::InferenceExperiment.
A fluent builder for CfnInferenceExperiment.
Configuration specifying how to treat different headers.
The Amazon S3 location and configuration for storing inference request and response data.
The metadata of the endpoint.
The start and end times of an inference experiment.
The configuration for the infrastructure that the model will be deployed to.
Contains information about the deployment options of a model.
The infrastructure configuration for deploying the model to a real-time inference endpoint.
The configuration of ShadowMode inference experiment type, which specifies a production variant to take all the inference requests, and a shadow variant to which Amazon SageMaker replicates a percentage of the inference requests.
The name and sampling percentage of a shadow variant.
Properties for defining a CfnInferenceExperiment.
An implementation for CfnInferenceExperimentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::LookoutEquipment::InferenceScheduler.
A fluent builder for CfnInferenceScheduler.
Properties for defining a CfnInferenceScheduler.
An implementation for CfnInferenceSchedulerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ImageBuilder::InfrastructureConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnInfrastructureConfiguration.
The instance metadata options that apply to the HTTP requests that pipeline builds use to launch EC2 build and test instances.
Logging configuration defines where Image Builder uploads your logs.
Amazon S3 logging configuration.
Properties for defining a CfnInfrastructureConfiguration.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTEvents::Input.
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaLive::Input.
The attributes from the JSON payload that are made available by the input.
An implementation for CfnInput.AttributeProperty
A fluent builder for CfnInput.
A fluent builder for CfnInput.
The definition of the input.
An implementation for CfnInput.InputDefinitionProperty
Settings that apply only if the input is a push type of input.
This entity is not used.
Settings that apply only if the input is an Elemental Link input.
Settings that apply only if the input is a pull type of input.
Settings that apply only if the input is an push input where the source is on Amazon VPC.
An implementation for CfnInput.InputVpcRequestProperty
Settings that apply only if the input is a MediaConnect input.
Properties for defining a CfnInput.
Properties for defining a CfnInput.
A builder for CfnInputProps
A builder for CfnInputProps
An implementation for CfnInputProps
An implementation for CfnInputProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaLive::InputSecurityGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnInputSecurityGroup.
An IPv4 CIDR range to include in this input security group.
Properties for defining a CfnInputSecurityGroup.
An implementation for CfnInputSecurityGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudWatch::InsightRule.
A fluent builder for CfnInsightRule.
Properties for defining a CfnInsightRule.
A builder for CfnInsightRuleProps
An implementation for CfnInsightRuleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::Instance.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::Instance.
A CloudFormation AWS::Lightsail::Instance.
A CloudFormation AWS::OpsWorks::Instance.
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Instance.
AddOn is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource.
An implementation for CfnInstance.AddOnProperty
Specifies input parameter values for an SSM document in AWS Systems Manager .
*This is a preview release for Amazon Connect .
An implementation for CfnInstance.AttributesProperty
AutoSnapshotAddOn is a property of the AddOn property.
Specifies a block device mapping for an instance.
Describes a block device mapping.
A fluent builder for CfnInstance.
A fluent builder for CfnInstance.
A fluent builder for CfnInstance.
A fluent builder for CfnInstance.
A fluent builder for CfnInstance.
Specifies the CPU options for the instance.
An implementation for CfnInstance.CpuOptionsProperty
Specifies the credit option for CPU usage of a T instance.
Disk is a property of the Hardware property.
An implementation for CfnInstance.DiskProperty
Describes an Amazon EBS volume.
Specifies a block device for an EBS volume.
An implementation for CfnInstance.EbsProperty
Specifies the type of Elastic GPU.
Specifies the Elastic Inference Accelerator for the instance.
Indicates whether the instance is enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves.
Hardware is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource.
An implementation for CfnInstance.HardwareProperty
Specifies the hibernation options for the instance.
Specifies the IPv6 address for the instance.
Specifies a launch template to use when launching an Amazon EC2 instance.
Specifies the license configuration to use.
Location is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource.
An implementation for CfnInstance.LocationProperty
MonthlyTransfer is a property of the Networking property.
Networking is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource.
An implementation for CfnInstance.NetworkingProperty
Specifies a network interface that is to be attached to an instance.
Suppresses the specified device included in the block device mapping of the AMI.
An implementation for CfnInstance.NoDeviceProperty
Port is a property of the Networking property.
An implementation for CfnInstance.PortProperty
The type of hostnames to assign to instances in the subnet at launch.
Specifies a secondary private IPv4 address for a network interface.
Specifies the SSM document and parameter values in AWS Systems Manager to associate with an instance.
State is a property of the AWS::Lightsail::Instance resource.
An implementation for CfnInstance.StateProperty
Describes an instance's time-based auto scaling configuration.
Specifies a volume to attach to an instance.
An implementation for CfnInstance.VolumeProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::SSO::InstanceAccessControlAttributeConfiguration.
These are IAM Identity Center identity store attributes that you can configure for use in attributes-based access control (ABAC).
The value used for mapping a specified attribute to an identity source.
Properties for defining a CfnInstanceAccessControlAttributeConfiguration.
A CloudFormation AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnInstanceFleetConfig.
EbsBlockDeviceConfig is a subproperty of the EbsConfiguration property type.
EbsConfiguration determines the EBS volumes to attach to EMR cluster instances.
InstanceType config is a subproperty of InstanceFleetConfig .
The launch specification for On-Demand Instances in the instance fleet, which determines the allocation strategy.
SpotProvisioningSpecification is a subproperty of the InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications property type.
VolumeSpecification is a subproperty of the EbsBlockDeviceConfig property type.
Properties for defining a CfnInstanceFleetConfig.
An implementation for CfnInstanceFleetConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.
AutoScalingPolicy defines how an instance group dynamically adds and terminates EC2 instances in response to the value of a CloudWatch metric.
A fluent builder for CfnInstanceGroupConfig.
CloudWatchAlarmDefinition is a subproperty of the ScalingTrigger property, which determines when to trigger an automatic scaling activity.
Configurations is a property of the AWS::EMR::Cluster resource that specifies the configuration of applications on an Amazon EMR cluster.
Configuration of requested EBS block device associated with the instance group with count of volumes that are associated to every instance.
The Amazon EBS configuration of a cluster instance.
MetricDimension is a subproperty of the CloudWatchAlarmDefinition property type.
ScalingAction is a subproperty of the ScalingRule property type.
ScalingConstraints is a subproperty of the AutoScalingPolicy property type.
ScalingRule is a subproperty of the AutoScalingPolicy property type.
ScalingTrigger is a subproperty of the ScalingRule property type.
SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration is a subproperty of the ScalingAction property type.
VolumeSpecification is a subproperty of the EbsBlockDeviceConfig property type.
Properties for defining a CfnInstanceGroupConfig.
An implementation for CfnInstanceGroupConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile.
A fluent builder for CfnInstanceProfile.
Properties for defining a CfnInstanceProfile.
An implementation for CfnInstanceProfileProps
Properties for defining a CfnInstance.
Properties for defining a CfnInstance.
Properties for defining a CfnInstance.
Properties for defining a CfnInstance.
Properties for defining a CfnInstance.
A builder for CfnInstanceProps
A builder for CfnInstanceProps
A builder for CfnInstanceProps
A builder for CfnInstanceProps
A builder for CfnInstanceProps
An implementation for CfnInstanceProps
An implementation for CfnInstanceProps
An implementation for CfnInstanceProps
An implementation for CfnInstanceProps
An implementation for CfnInstanceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::InstanceStorageConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnInstanceStorageConfig.
The encryption configuration.
Configuration information of a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
Configuration information of a Kinesis data stream.
Configuration information of a Kinesis video stream.
Information about the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) storage type.
Properties for defining a CfnInstanceStorageConfig.
An implementation for CfnInstanceStorageConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Integration.
A CloudFormation AWS::CustomerProfiles::Integration.
A fluent builder for CfnIntegration.
A fluent builder for CfnIntegration.
The operation to be performed on the provided source fields.
The configurations that control how Customer Profiles retrieves data from the source, Amazon AppFlow.
Specifies the configuration used when importing incremental records from the source.
The properties that are applied when Marketo is being used as a source.
A map in which each key is an event type from an external application such as Segment or Shopify, and each value is an ObjectTypeName (template) used to ingest the event.
Specifies a list of response parameters for an HTTP API.
Supported only for HTTP APIs.
The properties that are applied when Amazon S3 is being used as the flow source.
The properties that are applied when Salesforce is being used as a source.
Specifies the configuration details of a scheduled-trigger flow that you define.
The properties that are applied when ServiceNow is being used as a source.
Specifies the information that is required to query a particular Amazon AppFlow connector.
The configuration that controls how Customer Profiles retrieves data from the source.
A map used to store task-related information.
The Task property type specifies the class for modeling different type of tasks.
An implementation for CfnIntegration.TaskProperty
The TlsConfig property specifies the TLS configuration for a private integration.
An implementation for CfnIntegration.TlsConfigProperty
The trigger settings that determine how and when Amazon AppFlow runs the specified flow.
Specifies the configuration details that control the trigger for a flow.
The properties that are applied when using Zendesk as a flow source.
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::IntegrationAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnIntegrationAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnIntegrationAssociation.
An implementation for CfnIntegrationAssociationProps
Properties for defining a CfnIntegration.
Properties for defining a CfnIntegration.
A builder for CfnIntegrationProps
A builder for CfnIntegrationProps
An implementation for CfnIntegrationProps
An implementation for CfnIntegrationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGatewayV2::IntegrationResponse.
A fluent builder for CfnIntegrationResponse.
Properties for defining a CfnIntegrationResponse.
An implementation for CfnIntegrationResponseProps
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::InternetGateway.
A fluent builder for CfnInternetGateway.
Properties for defining a CfnInternetGateway.
An implementation for CfnInternetGatewayProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::IPAM.
A fluent builder for CfnIPAM.
The operating Regions for an IPAM.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::IPAMAllocation.
A fluent builder for CfnIPAMAllocation.
Properties for defining a CfnIPAMAllocation.
An implementation for CfnIPAMAllocationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::IPAMPool.
A fluent builder for CfnIPAMPool.
The CIDR provisioned to the IPAM pool.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::IPAMPoolCidr.
A fluent builder for CfnIPAMPoolCidr.
Properties for defining a CfnIPAMPoolCidr.
A builder for CfnIPAMPoolCidrProps
An implementation for CfnIPAMPoolCidrProps
Properties for defining a CfnIPAMPool.
A builder for CfnIPAMPoolProps
An implementation for CfnIPAMPoolProps
Properties for defining a CfnIPAM.
A builder for CfnIPAMProps
An implementation for CfnIPAMProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::IPAMResourceDiscovery.
A fluent builder for CfnIPAMResourceDiscovery.
The operating Regions for an IPAM.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::IPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnIPAMResourceDiscovery.
An implementation for CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::IPAMScope.
A fluent builder for CfnIPAMScope.
Properties for defining a CfnIPAMScope.
A builder for CfnIPAMScopeProps
An implementation for CfnIPAMScopeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GuardDuty::IPSet.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAF::IPSet.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFRegional::IPSet.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFv2::IPSet.
A fluent builder for CfnIPSet.
A fluent builder for CfnIPSet.
A fluent builder for CfnIPSet.
A fluent builder for CfnIPSet.
An implementation for CfnIPSet.IPSetDescriptorProperty
An implementation for CfnIPSet.IPSetDescriptorProperty
Properties for defining a CfnIPSet.
Properties for defining a CfnIPSet.
Properties for defining a CfnIPSet.
Properties for defining a CfnIPSet.
A builder for CfnIPSetProps
A builder for CfnIPSetProps
A builder for CfnIPSetProps
A builder for CfnIPSetProps
An implementation for CfnIPSetProps
An implementation for CfnIPSetProps
An implementation for CfnIPSetProps
An implementation for CfnIPSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataBrew::Job.
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::Job.
Configuration of statistics that are allowed to be run on columns that contain detected entities.
An implementation for CfnJob.AllowedStatisticsProperty
A fluent builder for CfnJob.
A fluent builder for CfnJob.
Selector of a column from a dataset for profile job configuration.
An implementation for CfnJob.ColumnSelectorProperty
Configuration for column evaluations for a profile job.
Specifies the connections used by a job.
An implementation for CfnJob.ConnectionsListProperty
Represents a set of options that define how DataBrew will write a comma-separated value (CSV) file.
An implementation for CfnJob.CsvOutputOptionsProperty
Represents a JDBC database output object which defines the output destination for a DataBrew recipe job to write into.
An implementation for CfnJob.DatabaseOutputProperty
Represents options that specify how and where DataBrew writes the database output generated by recipe jobs.
Represents options that specify how and where in the AWS Glue Data Catalog DataBrew writes the output generated by recipe jobs.
An implementation for CfnJob.DataCatalogOutputProperty
Configuration of entity detection for a profile job.
An execution property of a job.
An implementation for CfnJob.ExecutionPropertyProperty
Specifies code executed when a job is run.
An implementation for CfnJob.JobCommandProperty
A sample configuration for profile jobs only, which determines the number of rows on which the profile job is run.
An implementation for CfnJob.JobSampleProperty
Specifies configuration properties of a notification.
Represents a set of options that define the structure of comma-separated (CSV) job output.
The location in Amazon S3 or AWS Glue Data Catalog where the job writes its output.
An implementation for CfnJob.OutputLocationProperty
Represents options that specify how and where in Amazon S3 DataBrew writes the output generated by recipe jobs or profile jobs.
A builder for CfnJob.OutputProperty
An implementation for CfnJob.OutputProperty
Configuration for profile jobs.
Represents one or more actions to be performed on a DataBrew dataset.
A builder for CfnJob.RecipeProperty
An implementation for CfnJob.RecipeProperty
Represents an Amazon S3 location (bucket name, bucket owner, and object key) where DataBrew can read input data, or write output from a job.
An implementation for CfnJob.S3LocationProperty
Represents options that specify how and where DataBrew writes the Amazon S3 output generated by recipe jobs.
Override of a particular evaluation for a profile job.
An implementation for CfnJob.StatisticOverrideProperty
Configuration of evaluations for a profile job.
Configuration for data quality validation.
A CloudFormation AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.
The authorization configuration details for the Amazon EFS file system.
A fluent builder for CfnJobDefinition.
Container properties are used for Amazon ECS based job definitions.
An object that represents a container instance host device.
An implementation for CfnJobDefinition.DeviceProperty
This is used when you're using an Amazon Elastic File System file system for job storage.
An environment variable.
EKS container properties are used in job definitions for Amazon EKS based job definitions to describe the properties for a container node in the pod that's launched as part of a job.
The volume mounts for a container for an Amazon EKS job.
An object that contains the properties for the Kubernetes resources of a job.
Specifies an Amazon EKS volume for a job definition.
An implementation for CfnJobDefinition.EmptyDirProperty
The Environment property type specifies environment variables to use in a job definition.
Specifies an array of up to 5 conditions to be met, and an action to take ( RETRY or EXIT ) if all conditions are met.
The platform configuration for jobs that are running on Fargate resources.
An implementation for CfnJobDefinition.HostPathProperty
Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container, such as details for device mappings.
Log configuration options to send to a custom log driver for the container.
An implementation for CfnJobDefinition.MetadataProperty
Details for a Docker volume mount point that's used in a job's container properties.
The network configuration for jobs that are running on Fargate resources.
An object that represents the node properties of a multi-node parallel job.
An object that represents the properties of the node range for a multi-node parallel job.
The properties for the pod.
The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container.
The retry strategy that's associated with a job.
An object that represents the secret to expose to your container.
An implementation for CfnJobDefinition.SecretProperty
An object that represents a job timeout configuration.
An implementation for CfnJobDefinition.TimeoutProperty
The container path, mount options, and size of the tmpfs mount.
An implementation for CfnJobDefinition.TmpfsProperty
The ulimit settings to pass to the container.
An implementation for CfnJobDefinition.UlimitProperty
Determine whether your data volume persists on the host container instance and where it's stored.
A list of volumes that are associated with the job.
An implementation for CfnJobDefinition.VolumesProperty
Properties for defining a CfnJobDefinition.
A builder for CfnJobDefinitionProps
An implementation for CfnJobDefinitionProps
Properties for defining a CfnJob.
Properties for defining a CfnJob.
A builder for CfnJobProps
A builder for CfnJobProps
An implementation for CfnJobProps
An implementation for CfnJobProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Batch::JobQueue.
A fluent builder for CfnJobQueue.
The order that compute environments are tried in for job placement within a queue.
Properties for defining a CfnJobQueue.
A builder for CfnJobQueueProps
An implementation for CfnJobQueueProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::JobTemplate.
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaConvert::JobTemplate.
The criteria that determine when and how a job abort takes place.
The criteria that determine when and how a job abort takes place.
Accelerated transcoding can significantly speed up jobs with long, visually complex content.
A fluent builder for CfnJobTemplate.
A fluent builder for CfnJobTemplate.
Allows you to create an exponential rate of rollout for a job.
The configuration that determines how many retries are allowed for each failure type for a job.
Allows you to create a staged rollout of a job.
An optional configuration within the SchedulingConfig to setup a recurring maintenance window with a predetermined start time and duration for the rollout of a job document to all devices in a target group for a job.
Configuration for pre-signed S3 URLs.
Allows you to define a criteria to initiate the increase in rate of rollout for a job.
The criteria that determines how many retries are allowed for each failure type for a job.
Specifies the amount of time each device has to finish its execution of the job.
Properties for defining a CfnJobTemplate.
Properties for defining a CfnJobTemplate.
A builder for CfnJobTemplateProps
A builder for CfnJobTemplateProps
An implementation for CfnJobTemplateProps
An implementation for CfnJobTemplateProps
Captures a synthesis-time JSON object a CloudFormation reference which resolves during deployment to the resolved values of the JSON object.
A fluent builder for CfnJson.
A builder for CfnJsonProps
An implementation for CfnJsonProps
A CloudFormation AWS::KMS::Key.
A fluent builder for CfnKey.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFront::KeyGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnKeyGroup.
A key group configuration.
Properties for defining a CfnKeyGroup.
A builder for CfnKeyGroupProps
An implementation for CfnKeyGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::KeyPair.
A fluent builder for CfnKeyPair.
Properties for defining a CfnKeyPair.
A builder for CfnKeyPairProps
An implementation for CfnKeyPairProps
Properties for defining a CfnKey.
A builder for CfnKeyProps
An implementation for CfnKeyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53::KeySigningKey.
A fluent builder for CfnKeySigningKey.
Properties for defining a CfnKeySigningKey.
A builder for CfnKeySigningKeyProps
An implementation for CfnKeySigningKeyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Cassandra::Keyspace.
A fluent builder for CfnKeyspace.
Properties for defining a CfnKeyspace.
A builder for CfnKeyspaceProps
An implementation for CfnKeyspaceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Wisdom::KnowledgeBase.
Configuration information for Amazon AppIntegrations to automatically ingest content.
A fluent builder for CfnKnowledgeBase.
Information about how to render the content.
The KMS key used for encryption.
Configuration information about the external data source.
Properties for defining a CfnKnowledgeBase.
A builder for CfnKnowledgeBaseProps
An implementation for CfnKnowledgeBaseProps
A CloudFormation AWS::FraudDetector::Label.
A fluent builder for CfnLabel.
Properties for defining a CfnLabel.
A builder for CfnLabelProps
An implementation for CfnLabelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Evidently::Launch.
A fluent builder for CfnLaunch.
Use this structure to start and stop the launch.
A structure containing the percentage of launch traffic to allocate to one launch group.
An implementation for CfnLaunch.GroupToWeightProperty
A structure that defines one launch group in a launch.
This structure defines a metric that you want to use to evaluate the variations during a launch or experiment.
Use this structure to specify different traffic splits for one or more audience segments .
An implementation for CfnLaunch.SegmentOverrideProperty
A structure that defines when each step of the launch is to start, and how much launch traffic is to be allocated to each variation during each step.
An implementation for CfnLaunch.StepConfigProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration.
BlockDeviceMapping specifies a block device mapping for the BlockDeviceMappings property of the AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration resource.
BlockDevice is a property of the EBS property of the AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration BlockDeviceMapping property type that describes an Amazon EBS volume.
A fluent builder for CfnLaunchConfiguration.
MetadataOptions is a property of AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration that describes metadata options for the instances.
Properties for defining a CfnLaunchConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnLaunchConfigurationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchNotificationConstraint.
A fluent builder for CfnLaunchNotificationConstraint.
Properties for defining a CfnLaunchNotificationConstraint.
A CloudFormation AWS::NimbleStudio::LaunchProfile.
A fluent builder for CfnLaunchProfile.
A configuration for a streaming session.
The configuration for a streaming session’s upload storage.
The upload storage root location (folder) on streaming workstations where files are uploaded.
Properties for defining a CfnLaunchProfile.
A builder for CfnLaunchProfileProps
An implementation for CfnLaunchProfileProps
Properties for defining a CfnLaunch.
A builder for CfnLaunchProps
An implementation for CfnLaunchProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchRoleConstraint.
A fluent builder for CfnLaunchRoleConstraint.
Properties for defining a CfnLaunchRoleConstraint.
An implementation for CfnLaunchRoleConstraintProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.
The minimum and maximum number of accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, or AWS Inferentia chips) on an instance.
The minimum and maximum amount of total accelerator memory, in MiB.
The minimum and maximum baseline bandwidth to Amazon EBS, in Mbps.
Information about a block device mapping for an Amazon EC2 launch template.
A fluent builder for CfnLaunchTemplate.
Specifies an instance's Capacity Reservation targeting option.
Specifies a target Capacity Reservation.
Specifies the CPU options for an instance.
Specifies the credit option for CPU usage of a T2, T3, or T3a instance.
Parameters for a block device for an EBS volume in an Amazon EC2 launch template.
An implementation for CfnLaunchTemplate.EbsProperty
Specifies a specification for an Elastic GPU for an Amazon EC2 launch template.
Indicates whether the instance is enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves.
Specifies whether your instance is configured for hibernation.
Specifies an IAM instance profile, which is a container for an IAM role for your instance.
Specifies the market (purchasing) option for an instance.
The attributes for the instance types.
Specifies an IPv4 prefix for a network interface.
Specifies an IPv6 address in an Amazon EC2 launch template.
An implementation for CfnLaunchTemplate.Ipv6AddProperty
Specifies an IPv6 prefix for a network interface.
The information to include in the launch template.
Specifies an elastic inference accelerator.
Specifies the tags to apply to the launch template during creation.
Specifies a license configuration for an instance.
The maintenance options of your instance.
The minimum and maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB.
The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB.
The metadata options for the instance.
Specifies whether detailed monitoring is enabled for an instance.
The minimum and maximum amount of network bandwidth, in gigabits per second (Gbps).
The minimum and maximum number of network interfaces.
Specifies the parameters for a network interface.
Specifies the placement of an instance.
The hostname type for EC2 instances launched into this subnet and how DNS A and AAAA record queries should be handled.
Specifies a secondary private IPv4 address for a network interface.
Specifies options for Spot Instances.
Specifies the tags to apply to a resource when the resource is created for the launch template.
The minimum and maximum amount of total local storage, in GB.
The minimum and maximum number of vCPUs.
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchTemplateConstraint.
A fluent builder for CfnLaunchTemplateConstraint.
Properties for defining a CfnLaunchTemplateConstraint.
An implementation for CfnLaunchTemplateConstraintProps
Properties for defining a CfnLaunchTemplate.
An implementation for CfnLaunchTemplateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::OpsWorks::Layer.
Describes a load-based auto scaling upscaling or downscaling threshold configuration, which specifies when AWS OpsWorks Stacks starts or stops load-based instances.
A fluent builder for CfnLayer.
Specifies the lifecycle event configuration.
Describes a layer's load-based auto scaling configuration.
AWS OpsWorks Stacks supports five lifecycle events: setup , configuration , deploy , undeploy , and shutdown .
An implementation for CfnLayer.RecipesProperty
The Shutdown event configuration.
Describes an Amazon EBS volume configuration.
Properties for defining a CfnLayer.
A builder for CfnLayerProps
An implementation for CfnLayerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion.
A CloudFormation AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnLayerVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnLayerVersion.
A ZIP archive that contains the contents of an Lambda layer .
An implementation for CfnLayerVersion.ContentProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission.
A fluent builder for CfnLayerVersionPermission.
Properties for defining a CfnLayerVersionPermission.
An implementation for CfnLayerVersionPermissionProps
Properties for defining a CfnLayerVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnLayerVersion.
A builder for CfnLayerVersionProps
A builder for CfnLayerVersionProps
An implementation for CfnLayerVersionProps
An implementation for CfnLayerVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::QLDB::Ledger.
A fluent builder for CfnLedger.
Properties for defining a CfnLedger.
A builder for CfnLedgerProps
An implementation for CfnLedgerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::LicenseManager::License.
Details about a borrow configuration.
A fluent builder for CfnLicense.
Details about a consumption configuration.
Describes a resource entitled for use with a license.
An implementation for CfnLicense.EntitlementProperty
Details associated with the issuer of a license.
An implementation for CfnLicense.IssuerDataProperty
Describes key/value pairs.
An implementation for CfnLicense.MetadataProperty
Details about a provisional configuration.
Date and time range during which the license is valid, in ISO8601-UTC format.
Properties for defining a CfnLicense.
A builder for CfnLicenseProps
An implementation for CfnLicenseProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AutoScaling::LifecycleHook.
A fluent builder for CfnLifecycleHook.
Properties for defining a CfnLifecycleHook.
A builder for CfnLifecycleHookProps
An implementation for CfnLifecycleHookProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DLM::LifecyclePolicy.
[Event-based policies only] Specifies an action for an event-based policy.
An implementation for CfnLifecyclePolicy.ActionProperty
A fluent builder for CfnLifecyclePolicy.
[Snapshot and AMI policies only] Specifies when the policy should create snapshots or AMIs.
[Event-based policies only] Specifies a cross-Region copy action for event-based policies.
Specifies a retention rule for cross-Region snapshot copies created by snapshot or event-based policies, or cross-Region AMI copies created by AMI policies.
[Snapshot and AMI policies only] Specifies a cross-Region copy rule for snapshot and AMI policies.
[Event-based policies only] Specifies the encryption settings for cross-Region snapshot copies created by event-based policies.
[Event-based policies only] Specifies an event that activates an event-based policy.
[Event-based policies only] Specifies an event that activates an event-based policy.
[Snapshot policies only] Specifies a rule for enabling fast snapshot restore for snapshots created by snapshot policies.
[Snapshot and AMI policies only] Specifies optional parameters for snapshot and AMI policies.
[All policy types] Specifies the configuration of a lifecycle policy.
[Snapshot and AMI policies only] Specifies a retention rule for snapshots created by snapshot policies, or for AMIs created by AMI policies.
[Snapshot and AMI policies only] Specifies a schedule for a snapshot or AMI lifecycle policy.
[Snapshot policies only] Specifies a rule for sharing snapshots across AWS accounts .
Properties for defining a CfnLifecyclePolicy.
An implementation for CfnLifecyclePolicyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::Link.
A CloudFormation AWS::Oam::Link.
Describes bandwidth information.
An implementation for CfnLink.BandwidthProperty
A fluent builder for CfnLink.
A fluent builder for CfnLink.
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::LinkAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnLinkAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnLinkAssociation.
An implementation for CfnLinkAssociationProps
Properties for defining a CfnLink.
Properties for defining a CfnLink.
A builder for CfnLinkProps
A builder for CfnLinkProps
An implementation for CfnLinkProps
An implementation for CfnLinkProps
A CloudFormation AWS::FraudDetector::List.
A fluent builder for CfnList.
A CloudFormation AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.
A CloudFormation AWS::GlobalAccelerator::Listener.
A CloudFormation AWS::VpcLattice::Listener.
Specifies an action for a listener rule.
An implementation for CfnListener.ActionProperty
Specifies information required when integrating with Amazon Cognito to authenticate users.
Specifies information required using an identity provide (IdP) that is compliant with OpenID Connect (OIDC) to authenticate users.
A fluent builder for CfnListener.
A fluent builder for CfnListener.
A fluent builder for CfnListener.
Specifies an SSL server certificate to use as the default certificate for a secure listener.
An implementation for CfnListener.CertificateProperty
The action for the default rule.
An implementation for CfnListener.DefaultActionProperty
Specifies information required when returning a custom HTTP response.
Information about an action that returns a custom HTTP response.
An implementation for CfnListener.FixedResponseProperty
Information for creating an action that distributes requests among one or more target groups.
An implementation for CfnListener.ForwardConfigProperty
The forward action.
An implementation for CfnListener.ForwardProperty
A complex type for a range of ports for a listener.
An implementation for CfnListener.PortRangeProperty
Information about a redirect action.
Information about the target group stickiness for a rule.
Information about how traffic will be distributed between multiple target groups in a forward rule.
Describes the weight of a target group.
A CloudFormation AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate.
A fluent builder for CfnListenerCertificate.
Specifies an SSL server certificate for the certificate list of a secure listener.
Properties for defining a CfnListenerCertificate.
An implementation for CfnListenerCertificateProps
Properties for defining a CfnListener.
Properties for defining a CfnListener.
Properties for defining a CfnListener.
A builder for CfnListenerProps
A builder for CfnListenerProps
A builder for CfnListenerProps
An implementation for CfnListenerProps
An implementation for CfnListenerProps
An implementation for CfnListenerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.
Specifies an action for a listener rule.
An implementation for CfnListenerRule.ActionProperty
Specifies information required when integrating with Amazon Cognito to authenticate users.
Specifies information required using an identity provide (IdP) that is compliant with OpenID Connect (OIDC) to authenticate users.
A fluent builder for CfnListenerRule.
Specifies information required when returning a custom HTTP response.
Information for creating an action that distributes requests among one or more target groups.
Information about a host header condition.
Information about an HTTP header condition.
Information about an HTTP method condition.
Information about a path pattern condition.
Information about a query string condition.
Information about a key/value pair.
Information about a redirect action.
Specifies a condition for a listener rule.
Information about a source IP condition.
Information about the target group stickiness for a rule.
Information about how traffic will be distributed between multiple target groups in a forward rule.
Properties for defining a CfnListenerRule.
A builder for CfnListenerRuleProps
An implementation for CfnListenerRuleProps
Properties for defining a CfnList.
A builder for CfnListProps
An implementation for CfnListProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.
A CloudFormation AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer.
A CloudFormation AWS::Lightsail::LoadBalancer.
Specifies where and how access logs are stored for your Classic Load Balancer.
Specifies a policy for application-controlled session stickiness for your Classic Load Balancer.
A fluent builder for CfnLoadBalancer.
A fluent builder for CfnLoadBalancer.
A fluent builder for CfnLoadBalancer.
Specifies the connection draining settings for your Classic Load Balancer.
Specifies the idle timeout value for your Classic Load Balancer.
Specifies health check settings for your Classic Load Balancer.
Specifies a policy for duration-based session stickiness for your Classic Load Balancer.
Specifies a listener for your Classic Load Balancer.
An implementation for CfnLoadBalancer.ListenersProperty
Specifies an attribute for an Application Load Balancer, a Network Load Balancer, or a Gateway Load Balancer.
Specifies policies for your Classic Load Balancer.
An implementation for CfnLoadBalancer.PoliciesProperty
Specifies a subnet for a load balancer.
Properties for defining a CfnLoadBalancer.
Properties for defining a CfnLoadBalancer.
Properties for defining a CfnLoadBalancer.
A builder for CfnLoadBalancerProps
A builder for CfnLoadBalancerProps
A builder for CfnLoadBalancerProps
An implementation for CfnLoadBalancerProps
An implementation for CfnLoadBalancerProps
An implementation for CfnLoadBalancerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Lightsail::LoadBalancerTlsCertificate.
A fluent builder for CfnLoadBalancerTlsCertificate.
Properties for defining a CfnLoadBalancerTlsCertificate.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRoute.
A fluent builder for CfnLocalGatewayRoute.
Properties for defining a CfnLocalGatewayRoute.
An implementation for CfnLocalGatewayRouteProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTable.
A fluent builder for CfnLocalGatewayRouteTable.
Properties for defining a CfnLocalGatewayRouteTable.
An implementation for CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation.
A CloudFormation AWS::GameLift::Location.
A fluent builder for CfnLocation.
A CloudFormation AWS::DataSync::LocationEFS.
A fluent builder for CfnLocationEFS.
The subnet and security groups that AWS DataSync uses to access your Amazon EFS file system.
An implementation for CfnLocationEFS.Ec2ConfigProperty
Properties for defining a CfnLocationEFS.
A builder for CfnLocationEFSProps
An implementation for CfnLocationEFSProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataSync::LocationFSxLustre.
A fluent builder for CfnLocationFSxLustre.
Properties for defining a CfnLocationFSxLustre.
An implementation for CfnLocationFSxLustreProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataSync::LocationFSxONTAP.
A fluent builder for CfnLocationFSxONTAP.
Specifies how DataSync can access a location using the NFS protocol.
Specifies the Network File System (NFS) protocol configuration that AWS DataSync uses to access a storage virtual machine (SVM) on your Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system.
An implementation for CfnLocationFSxONTAP.NFSProperty
Specifies the data transfer protocol that AWS DataSync uses to access your Amazon FSx file system.
Specifies the version of the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol that AWS DataSync uses to access an SMB file server.
Specifies the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol configuration that AWS DataSync uses to access a storage virtual machine (SVM) on your Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system.
An implementation for CfnLocationFSxONTAP.SMBProperty
Properties for defining a CfnLocationFSxONTAP.
An implementation for CfnLocationFSxONTAPProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataSync::LocationFSxOpenZFS.
A fluent builder for CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS.
Represents the mount options that are available for DataSync to access a Network File System (NFS) location.
Represents the Network File System (NFS) protocol that AWS DataSync uses to access your Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system.
An implementation for CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS.NFSProperty
Represents the protocol that AWS DataSync uses to access your Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system.
Properties for defining a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS.
An implementation for CfnLocationFSxOpenZFSProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataSync::LocationFSxWindows.
A fluent builder for CfnLocationFSxWindows.
Properties for defining a CfnLocationFSxWindows.
An implementation for CfnLocationFSxWindowsProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataSync::LocationHDFS.
A fluent builder for CfnLocationHDFS.
The NameNode of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
An implementation for CfnLocationHDFS.NameNodeProperty
The Quality of Protection (QOP) configuration specifies the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and data transfer privacy settings configured on the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) cluster.
Properties for defining a CfnLocationHDFS.
A builder for CfnLocationHDFSProps
An implementation for CfnLocationHDFSProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataSync::LocationNFS.
A fluent builder for CfnLocationNFS.
The NFS mount options that DataSync can use to mount your NFS share.
A list of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of agents to use for a Network File System (NFS) location.
Properties for defining a CfnLocationNFS.
A builder for CfnLocationNFSProps
An implementation for CfnLocationNFSProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataSync::LocationObjectStorage.
A fluent builder for CfnLocationObjectStorage.
Properties for defining a CfnLocationObjectStorage.
An implementation for CfnLocationObjectStorageProps
Properties for defining a CfnLocation.
A builder for CfnLocationProps
An implementation for CfnLocationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataSync::LocationS3.
A fluent builder for CfnLocationS3.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role used to access an Amazon S3 bucket.
An implementation for CfnLocationS3.S3ConfigProperty
Properties for defining a CfnLocationS3.
A builder for CfnLocationS3Props
An implementation for CfnLocationS3Props
A CloudFormation AWS::DataSync::LocationSMB.
A fluent builder for CfnLocationSMB.
Specifies the version of the SMB protocol that DataSync uses to access your SMB file server.
Properties for defining a CfnLocationSMB.
A builder for CfnLocationSMBProps
An implementation for CfnLocationSMBProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DevOpsGuru::LogAnomalyDetectionIntegration.
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::LoggerDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnLoggerDefinition.
A logger definition version contains a list of loggers .
A logger represents logging settings for the AWS IoT Greengrass group, which can be stored in CloudWatch and the local file system of your core device.
Properties for defining a CfnLoggerDefinition.
An implementation for CfnLoggerDefinitionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::LoggerDefinitionVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnLoggerDefinitionVersion.
A logger represents logging settings for the AWS IoT Greengrass group, which can be stored in CloudWatch and the local file system of your core device.
Properties for defining a CfnLoggerDefinitionVersion.
An implementation for CfnLoggerDefinitionVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::Logging.
A fluent builder for CfnLogging.
A CloudFormation AWS::IVSChat::LoggingConfiguration.
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkFirewall::LoggingConfiguration.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFv2::LoggingConfiguration.
A single action condition for a condition in a logging filter.
A fluent builder for CfnLoggingConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnLoggingConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnLoggingConfiguration.
The CloudWatchLogsDestinationConfiguration property type specifies a CloudWatch Logs location where chat logs will be stored.
A single match condition for a log filter.
The DestinationConfiguration property type describes a location where chat logs will be stored.
The parts of the request that you want to keep out of the logs.
A single logging filter, used in LoggingFilter .
The FirehoseDestinationConfiguration property type specifies a Kinesis Firehose location where chat logs will be stored.
Inspect the body of the web request as JSON.
A single label name condition for a condition in a logging filter.
Defines where AWS Network Firewall sends logs for the firewall for one log type.
Defines how AWS Network Firewall performs logging for a Firewall .
Filtering that specifies which web requests are kept in the logs and which are dropped, defined for a web ACL's LoggingConfiguration .
The patterns to look for in the JSON body.
The S3DestinationConfiguration property type specifies an S3 location where chat logs will be stored.
Inspect one of the headers in the web request, identified by name, for example, User-Agent or Referer .
Properties for defining a CfnLoggingConfiguration.
Properties for defining a CfnLoggingConfiguration.
Properties for defining a CfnLoggingConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnLoggingConfigurationProps
An implementation for CfnLoggingConfigurationProps
An implementation for CfnLoggingConfigurationProps
Properties for defining a CfnLogging.
A builder for CfnLoggingProps
An implementation for CfnLoggingProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Logs::LogGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnLogGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnLogGroup.
A builder for CfnLogGroupProps
An implementation for CfnLogGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Logs::LogStream.
A fluent builder for CfnLogStream.
Properties for defining a CfnLogStream.
A builder for CfnLogStreamProps
An implementation for CfnLogStreamProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::Macro.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::Macro.
A fluent builder for CfnMacro.
A fluent builder for CfnMacro.
Properties for defining a CfnMacro.
Properties for defining a CfnMacro.
A builder for CfnMacroProps
A builder for CfnMacroProps
An implementation for CfnMacroProps
An implementation for CfnMacroProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindow.
A fluent builder for CfnMaintenanceWindow.
Properties for defining a CfnMaintenanceWindow.
An implementation for CfnMaintenanceWindowProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTarget.
A fluent builder for CfnMaintenanceWindowTarget.
The Targets property type specifies adding a target to a maintenance window target in AWS Systems Manager .
Properties for defining a CfnMaintenanceWindowTarget.
An implementation for CfnMaintenanceWindowTargetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.
A fluent builder for CfnMaintenanceWindowTask.
Configuration options for sending command output to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
The LoggingInfo property type specifies information about the Amazon S3 bucket to write instance-level logs to.
The MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters property type specifies the parameters for an AUTOMATION task type for a maintenance window task in AWS Systems Manager .
The MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters property type specifies the parameters for a LAMBDA task type for a maintenance window task in AWS Systems Manager .
The MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters property type specifies the parameters for a RUN_COMMAND task type for a maintenance window task in AWS Systems Manager .
The MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters property type specifies the parameters for the execution of a STEP_FUNCTIONS task in a Systems Manager maintenance window.
The NotificationConfig property type specifies configurations for sending notifications for a maintenance window task in AWS Systems Manager .
The Target property type specifies targets (either instances or window target IDs).
The TaskInvocationParameters property type specifies the task execution parameters for a maintenance window task in AWS Systems Manager .
Properties for defining a CfnMaintenanceWindowTask.
An implementation for CfnMaintenanceWindowTaskProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnManagedPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnManagedPolicy.
A builder for CfnManagedPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnManagedPolicyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Location::Map.
A fluent builder for CfnMap.
Specifies the map tile style selected from an available provider.
An implementation for CfnMap.MapConfigurationProperty
Represents a CloudFormation mapping.
A fluent builder for CfnMapping.
A builder for CfnMappingProps
An implementation for CfnMappingProps
Properties for defining a CfnMap.
A builder for CfnMapProps
An implementation for CfnMapProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GuardDuty::Master.
A fluent builder for CfnMaster.
Properties for defining a CfnMaster.
A builder for CfnMasterProps
An implementation for CfnMasterProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GameLift::MatchmakingConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnMatchmakingConfiguration.
Set of key-value pairs that contain information about a game session.
Properties for defining a CfnMatchmakingConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnMatchmakingConfigurationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GameLift::MatchmakingRuleSet.
A fluent builder for CfnMatchmakingRuleSet.
Properties for defining a CfnMatchmakingRuleSet.
An implementation for CfnMatchmakingRuleSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GuardDuty::Member.
A CloudFormation AWS::ManagedBlockchain::Member.
A policy type that defines the voting rules for the network.
A fluent builder for CfnMember.
A fluent builder for CfnMember.
Configuration properties of the member.
Configuration properties for Hyperledger Fabric for a member in a Managed Blockchain network that is using the Hyperledger Fabric framework.
Configuration properties relevant to a member for the blockchain framework that the Managed Blockchain network uses.
Configuration properties of the network to which the member belongs.
Hyperledger Fabric configuration properties for the network.
Configuration properties relevant to the network for the blockchain framework that the network uses.
The voting rules for the network to decide if a proposal is accepted.
An implementation for CfnMember.VotingPolicyProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::Detective::MemberInvitation.
A fluent builder for CfnMemberInvitation.
Properties for defining a CfnMemberInvitation.
An implementation for CfnMemberInvitationProps
Properties for defining a CfnMember.
Properties for defining a CfnMember.
A builder for CfnMemberProps
A builder for CfnMemberProps
An implementation for CfnMemberProps
An implementation for CfnMemberProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppMesh::Mesh.
A fluent builder for CfnMesh.
An object that represents the egress filter rules for a service mesh.
An implementation for CfnMesh.EgressFilterProperty
An object that represents the service discovery information for a service mesh.
An object that represents the specification of a service mesh.
An implementation for CfnMesh.MeshSpecProperty
Properties for defining a CfnMesh.
A builder for CfnMeshProps
An implementation for CfnMeshProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::Method.
A fluent builder for CfnMethod.
Integration is a property of the AWS::ApiGateway::Method resource that specifies information about the target backend that a method calls.
An implementation for CfnMethod.IntegrationProperty
IntegrationResponse is a property of the Amazon API Gateway Method Integration property type that specifies the response that API Gateway sends after a method's backend finishes processing a request.
Represents a method response of a given HTTP status code returned to the client.
An implementation for CfnMethod.MethodResponseProperty
Properties for defining a CfnMethod.
A builder for CfnMethodProps
An implementation for CfnMethodProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Logs::MetricFilter.
A fluent builder for CfnMetricFilter.
Specifies the CloudWatch metric dimensions to publish with this metric.
An implementation for CfnMetricFilter.DimensionProperty
MetricTransformation is a property of the AWS::Logs::MetricFilter resource that describes how to transform log streams into a CloudWatch metric.
Properties for defining a CfnMetricFilter.
A builder for CfnMetricFilterProps
An implementation for CfnMetricFilterProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudWatch::MetricStream.
A fluent builder for CfnMetricStream.
This structure contains a metric namespace and optionally, a list of metric names, to either include in a metric ' stream or exclude from a metric stream.
This structure specifies a list of additional statistics to stream, and the metrics to stream those additional statistics for.
A structure that specifies the metric name and namespace for one metric that is going to have additional statistics included in the stream.
Properties for defining a CfnMetricStream.
A builder for CfnMetricStreamProps
An implementation for CfnMetricStreamProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DirectoryService::MicrosoftAD.
A fluent builder for CfnMicrosoftAD.
Contains VPC information for the CreateDirectory or CreateMicrosoftAD operation.
Properties for defining a CfnMicrosoftAD.
A builder for CfnMicrosoftADProps
An implementation for CfnMicrosoftADProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Chatbot::MicrosoftTeamsChannelConfiguration.
Properties for defining a CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfiguration.
A CloudFormation AWS::GroundStation::MissionProfile.
A fluent builder for CfnMissionProfile.
A dataflow edge defines from where and to where data will flow during a contact.
Properties for defining a CfnMissionProfile.
An implementation for CfnMissionProfileProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::MitigationAction.
Defines the type of action and the parameters for that action.
Parameters used when defining a mitigation action that move a set of things to a thing group.
A fluent builder for CfnMitigationAction.
Parameters used when defining a mitigation action that enable AWS IoT Core logging.
Parameters to define a mitigation action that publishes findings to Amazon SNS.
Parameters to define a mitigation action that adds a blank policy to restrict permissions.
Parameters to define a mitigation action that changes the state of the CA certificate to inactive.
Parameters to define a mitigation action that changes the state of the device certificate to inactive.
Properties for defining a CfnMitigationAction.
An implementation for CfnMitigationActionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::MLTransform.
A fluent builder for CfnMLTransform.
The parameters to configure the find matches transform.
The database and table in the AWS Glue Data Catalog that is used for input or output data.
An implementation for CfnMLTransform.GlueTablesProperty
A list of AWS Glue table definitions used by the transform.
The encryption-at-rest settings of the transform that apply to accessing user data.
The encryption-at-rest settings of the transform that apply to accessing user data.
The algorithm-specific parameters that are associated with the machine learning transform.
Properties for defining a CfnMLTransform.
A builder for CfnMLTransformProps
An implementation for CfnMLTransformProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::Model.
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Model.
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::Model.
A fluent builder for CfnModel.
A fluent builder for CfnModel.
A fluent builder for CfnModel.
Describes the container, as part of model definition.
Specifies whether the model container is in Amazon ECR or a private Docker registry accessible from your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
An implementation for CfnModel.ImageConfigProperty
Specifies details about how containers in a multi-container endpoint are run.
Specifies additional configuration for hosting multi-model endpoints.
An implementation for CfnModel.MultiModelConfigProperty
Specifies an authentication configuration for the private docker registry where your model image is hosted.
Specifies a VPC that your training jobs and hosted models have access to.
An implementation for CfnModel.VpcConfigProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::ModelBiasJobDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnModelBiasJobDefinition.
The configuration for the cluster resources used to run the processing job.
The constraints resource for a monitoring job.
Input object for the endpoint.
Docker container image configuration object for the model bias job.
The configuration for a baseline model bias job.
Inputs for the model bias job.
The ground truth labels for the dataset used for the monitoring job.
The output configuration for monitoring jobs.
The output object for a monitoring job.
Identifies the resources to deploy for a monitoring job.
Networking options for a job, such as network traffic encryption between containers, whether to allow inbound and outbound network calls to and from containers, and the VPC subnets and security groups to use for VPC-enabled jobs.
The Amazon S3 storage location where the results of a monitoring job are saved.
Specifies a limit to how long a model training job or model compilation job can run.
Specifies a VPC that your training jobs and hosted models have access to.
Properties for defining a CfnModelBiasJobDefinition.
An implementation for CfnModelBiasJobDefinitionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::ModelCard.
Additional information about the model.
A fluent builder for CfnModelCard.
Information about how the model supports business goals.
An implementation for CfnModelCard.ContainerProperty
The content of the model card.
An implementation for CfnModelCard.ContentProperty
The evaluation details of the model.
Function details.
An implementation for CfnModelCard.FunctionProperty
An overview of a model's inference environment.
The intended uses of a model.
An implementation for CfnModelCard.IntendedUsesProperty
Metric data.
A group of metric data that you use to initialize a metric group object.
An implementation for CfnModelCard.MetricGroupProperty
An overview about the model.
The function that is optimized during model training.
The security configuration used to protect model card data.
The training details of the model.
SageMaker training image.
A hyper parameter that was configured in training the model.
The overview of a training job.
A result from a SageMaker training job.
Information about the user who created or modified an experiment, trial, trial component, lineage group, project, or model card.
An implementation for CfnModelCard.UserContextProperty
Properties for defining a CfnModelCard.
A builder for CfnModelCardProps
An implementation for CfnModelCardProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::ModelExplainabilityJobDefinition.
The configuration for the cluster resources used to run the processing job.
Input object for the endpoint.
Input object for the endpoint.
Docker container image configuration object for the model explainability job.
The configuration for a baseline model explainability job.
Inputs for the model explainability job.
The output configuration for monitoring jobs.
The output object for a monitoring job.
Identifies the resources to deploy for a monitoring job.
Networking options for a job, such as network traffic encryption between containers, whether to allow inbound and outbound network calls to and from containers, and the VPC subnets and security groups to use for VPC-enabled jobs.
The Amazon S3 storage location where the results of a monitoring job are saved.
Specifies a limit to how long a model training job or model compilation job can run.
Specifies a VPC that your training jobs and hosted models have access to.
Properties for defining a CfnModelExplainabilityJobDefinition.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTFleetWise::ModelManifest.
A fluent builder for CfnModelManifest.
Properties for defining a CfnModelManifest.
A builder for CfnModelManifestProps
An implementation for CfnModelManifestProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage.
A structure of additional Inference Specification.
Contains bias metrics for a model.
An implementation for CfnModelPackage.BiasProperty
A fluent builder for CfnModelPackage.
Describes the location of the channel data.
Represents the drift check baselines that can be used when the model monitor is set using the model package.
Represents the drift check bias baselines that can be used when the model monitor is set using the model package.
Represents the drift check explainability baselines that can be used when the model monitor is set using the model package.
Represents the drift check data quality baselines that can be used when the model monitor is set using the model package.
Represents the drift check model quality baselines that can be used when the model monitor is set using the model package.
Contains explainability metrics for a model.
Contains details regarding the file source.
Defines how to perform inference generation after a training job is run.
Metadata properties of the tracking entity, trial, or trial component.
Details about the metrics source.
Data quality constraints and statistics for a model.
Input object for the model.
Contains metrics captured from a model.
Describes the Docker container for the model package.
Specifies the validation and image scan statuses of the model package.
Represents the overall status of a model package.
Model quality statistics and constraints.
Describes the S3 data source.
Specifies an algorithm that was used to create the model package.
A list of algorithms that were used to create a model package.
Describes the input source of a transform job and the way the transform job consumes it.
Defines the input needed to run a transform job using the inference specification specified in the algorithm.
Describes the results of a transform job.
Describes the resources, including ML instance types and ML instance count, to use for transform job.
Information about the user who created or modified an experiment, trial, trial component, lineage group, project, or model card.
Contains data, such as the inputs and targeted instance types that are used in the process of validating the model package.
Specifies batch transform jobs that SageMaker runs to validate your model package.
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackageGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnModelPackageGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnModelPackageGroup.
An implementation for CfnModelPackageGroupProps
Properties for defining a CfnModelPackage.
A builder for CfnModelPackageProps
An implementation for CfnModelPackageProps
Properties for defining a CfnModel.
Properties for defining a CfnModel.
Properties for defining a CfnModel.
A builder for CfnModelProps
A builder for CfnModelProps
A builder for CfnModelProps
An implementation for CfnModelProps
An implementation for CfnModelProps
An implementation for CfnModelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::ModelQualityJobDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnModelQualityJobDefinition.
The configuration for the cluster of resources used to run the processing job.
The constraints resource for a monitoring job.
Input object for the endpoint.
Container image configuration object for the monitoring job.
Configuration for monitoring constraints and monitoring statistics.
The input for the model quality monitoring job.
The ground truth labels for the dataset used for the monitoring job.
The output configuration for monitoring jobs.
The output object for a monitoring job.
Identifies the resources to deploy for a monitoring job.
Networking options for a job, such as network traffic encryption between containers, whether to allow inbound and outbound network calls to and from containers, and the VPC subnets and security groups to use for VPC-enabled jobs.
The Amazon S3 storage location where the results of a monitoring job are saved.
Specifies a limit to how long a model training job or model compilation job can run.
Specifies a VPC that your training jobs and hosted models have access to.
Properties for defining a CfnModelQualityJobDefinition.
An implementation for CfnModelQualityJobDefinitionProps
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleDefaultVersion.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleDefaultVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnModuleDefaultVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnModuleDefaultVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnModuleDefaultVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnModuleDefaultVersion.
An implementation for CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps
An implementation for CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleVersion.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnModuleVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnModuleVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnModuleVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnModuleVersion.
A builder for CfnModuleVersionProps
A builder for CfnModuleVersionProps
An implementation for CfnModuleVersionProps
An implementation for CfnModuleVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::InternetMonitor::Monitor.
A fluent builder for CfnMonitor.
The configuration for publishing Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor internet measurements to Amazon S3.
An implementation for CfnMonitor.S3ConfigProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::MonitoringSchedule.
Baseline configuration used to validate that the data conforms to the specified constraints and statistics.
A fluent builder for CfnMonitoringSchedule.
Configuration for the cluster used to run model monitoring jobs.
The Amazon S3 URI for the constraints resource.
An implementation for CfnMonitoringSchedule.CsvProperty
Input object for the endpoint.
Container image configuration object for the monitoring job.
Summary of information about the last monitoring job to run.
The inputs for a monitoring job.
Defines the monitoring job.
The output configuration for monitoring jobs.
The output object for a monitoring job.
Identifies the resources to deploy for a monitoring job.
Configures the monitoring schedule and defines the monitoring job.
Networking options for a job, such as network traffic encryption between containers, whether to allow inbound and outbound network calls to and from containers, and the VPC subnets and security groups to use for VPC-enabled jobs.
Information about where and how you want to store the results of a monitoring job.
Configuration details about the monitoring schedule.
The baseline statistics file in Amazon S3 that the current monitoring job should be validated against.
Specifies a limit to how long a model training job or model compilation job can run.
Specifies a VPC that your training jobs and hosted models have access to.
Properties for defining a CfnMonitoringSchedule.
An implementation for CfnMonitoringScheduleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFront::MonitoringSubscription.
A fluent builder for CfnMonitoringSubscription.
A monitoring subscription.
A subscription configuration for additional CloudWatch metrics.
Properties for defining a CfnMonitoringSubscription.
An implementation for CfnMonitoringSubscriptionProps
Properties for defining a CfnMonitor.
A builder for CfnMonitorProps
An implementation for CfnMonitorProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EFS::MountTarget.
A fluent builder for CfnMountTarget.
Properties for defining a CfnMountTarget.
A builder for CfnMountTargetProps
An implementation for CfnMountTargetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTWireless::MulticastGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnMulticastGroup.
The LoRaWAN information that is to be used with the multicast group.
An implementation for CfnMulticastGroup.LoRaWANProperty
Properties for defining a CfnMulticastGroup.
An implementation for CfnMulticastGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::S3::MultiRegionAccessPoint.
A fluent builder for CfnMultiRegionAccessPoint.
The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Point.
A bucket associated with a specific Region when creating Multi-Region Access Points.
A CloudFormation AWS::S3::MultiRegionAccessPointPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnMultiRegionAccessPointPolicy.
The container element for a bucket's policy status.
Properties for defining a CfnMultiRegionAccessPointPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnMultiRegionAccessPoint.
An implementation for CfnMultiRegionAccessPointProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Athena::NamedQuery.
A fluent builder for CfnNamedQuery.
Properties for defining a CfnNamedQuery.
A builder for CfnNamedQueryProps
An implementation for CfnNamedQueryProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RedshiftServerless::Namespace.
A fluent builder for CfnNamespace.
A collection of database objects and users.
An implementation for CfnNamespace.NamespaceProperty
Properties for defining a CfnNamespace.
A builder for CfnNamespaceProps
An implementation for CfnNamespaceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::NatGateway.
A fluent builder for CfnNatGateway.
Properties for defining a CfnNatGateway.
A builder for CfnNatGatewayProps
An implementation for CfnNatGatewayProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl.
A fluent builder for CfnNetworkAcl.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry.
A fluent builder for CfnNetworkAclEntry.
Describes the ICMP type and code.
An implementation for CfnNetworkAclEntry.IcmpProperty
Describes a range of ports.
Properties for defining a CfnNetworkAclEntry.
An implementation for CfnNetworkAclEntryProps
Properties for defining a CfnNetworkAcl.
A builder for CfnNetworkAclProps
An implementation for CfnNetworkAclProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTWireless::NetworkAnalyzerConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration.
Trace content for your wireless gateway and wireless device resources.
Properties for defining a CfnNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAccessScope.
Describes a path.
A fluent builder for CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope.
Describes a packet header statement.
Describes a path statement.
Describes a resource statement.
Describes a through resource statement.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis.
Properties for defining a CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis.
Properties for defining a CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAnalysis.
Describes an additional detail for a path analysis.
Describes an potential intermediate component of a feasible path.
Describes a network access control (ACL) rule.
Describes a path component.
Describes a load balancer listener.
Describes a load balancer target.
Describes a header.
Describes a route table route.
Describes a security group rule.
A fluent builder for CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.
Describes an explanation code for an unreachable path.
Describes a path component.
Describes a range of ports.
Describes a route in a transit gateway route table.
Properties for defining a CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.
An implementation for CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsPath.
A fluent builder for CfnNetworkInsightsPath.
Describes a port range.
Describes a set of filters for a path analysis.
Properties for defining a CfnNetworkInsightsPath.
An implementation for CfnNetworkInsightsPathProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface.
A fluent builder for CfnNetworkInterface.
Describes the IPv6 addresses to associate with the network interface.
Describes a secondary private IPv4 address for a network interface.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfaceAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachment.
Properties for defining a CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachment.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfacePermission.
A fluent builder for CfnNetworkInterfacePermission.
Properties for defining a CfnNetworkInterfacePermission.
Properties for defining a CfnNetworkInterface.
An implementation for CfnNetworkInterfaceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::NetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription.
Properties for defining a CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription.
A CloudFormation AWS::ManagedBlockchain::Node.
A fluent builder for CfnNode.
Configuration properties of a peer node within a membership.
An implementation for CfnNode.NodeConfigurationProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::EKS::Nodegroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::EKS::Nodegroup.
A fluent builder for CfnNodegroup.
A fluent builder for CfnNodegroup.
An object representing a node group launch template specification.
An object representing a node group launch template specification.
An object representing the remote access configuration for the managed node group.
An object representing the remote access configuration for the managed node group.
An implementation for CfnNodegroup.RemoteAccessProperty
An implementation for CfnNodegroup.RemoteAccessProperty
An object representing the scaling configuration details for the Auto Scaling group that is associated with your node group.
An object representing the scaling configuration details for the Auto Scaling group that is associated with your node group.
A property that allows a node to repel a set of pods.
A property that allows a node to repel a set of pods.
An implementation for CfnNodegroup.TaintProperty
An implementation for CfnNodegroup.TaintProperty
The update configuration for the node group.
The update configuration for the node group.
An implementation for CfnNodegroup.UpdateConfigProperty
An implementation for CfnNodegroup.UpdateConfigProperty
Properties for defining a CfnNodegroup.
Properties for defining a CfnNodegroup.
A builder for CfnNodegroupProps
A builder for CfnNodegroupProps
An implementation for CfnNodegroupProps
An implementation for CfnNodegroupProps
Properties for defining a CfnNode.
A builder for CfnNodeProps
An implementation for CfnNodeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstance.
A fluent builder for CfnNotebookInstance.
Information on the IMDS configuration of the notebook instance.
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig.
Specifies the notebook instance lifecycle configuration script.
Properties for defining a CfnNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig.
Properties for defining a CfnNotebookInstance.
An implementation for CfnNotebookInstanceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DevOpsGuru::NotificationChannel.
A CloudFormation AWS::FMS::NotificationChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnNotificationChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnNotificationChannel.
Information about notification channels you have configured with DevOps Guru.
The filter configurations for the Amazon SNS notification topic you use with DevOps Guru.
Contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon Simple Notification Service topic.
Properties for defining a CfnNotificationChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnNotificationChannel.
An implementation for CfnNotificationChannelProps
An implementation for CfnNotificationChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeStarNotifications::NotificationRule.
A fluent builder for CfnNotificationRule.
Information about the AWS Chatbot topics or AWS Chatbot clients associated with a notification rule.
Properties for defining a CfnNotificationRule.
An implementation for CfnNotificationRuleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CustomerProfiles::ObjectType.
A fluent builder for CfnObjectType.
A map of the name and ObjectType field.
An implementation for CfnObjectType.FieldMapProperty
A unique key map that can be used to map data to the profile.
An implementation for CfnObjectType.KeyMapProperty
Represents a field in a ProfileObjectType.
An object that defines the Key element of a ProfileObject.
Properties for defining a CfnObjectType.
A builder for CfnObjectTypeProps
An implementation for CfnObjectTypeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppRunner::ObservabilityConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnObservabilityConfiguration.
Describes the configuration of the tracing feature within an AWS App Runner observability configuration.
Properties for defining a CfnObservabilityConfiguration.
A CloudFormation AWS::IAM::OIDCProvider.
A fluent builder for CfnOIDCProvider.
Properties for defining a CfnOIDCProvider.
A builder for CfnOIDCProviderProps
An implementation for CfnOIDCProviderProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RDS::OptionGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnOptionGroup.
The OptionConfiguration property type specifies an individual option, and its settings, within an AWS::RDS::OptionGroup resource.
The OptionSetting property type specifies the value for an option within an OptionSetting property.
Properties for defining a CfnOptionGroup.
A builder for CfnOptionGroupProps
An implementation for CfnOptionGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Detective::OrganizationAdmin.
A fluent builder for CfnOrganizationAdmin.
Properties for defining a CfnOrganizationAdmin.
An implementation for CfnOrganizationAdminProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Organizations::OrganizationalUnit.
A fluent builder for CfnOrganizationalUnit.
Properties for defining a CfnOrganizationalUnit.
An implementation for CfnOrganizationalUnitProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Config::OrganizationConfigRule.
A fluent builder for CfnOrganizationConfigRule.
organization custom rule metadata such as resource type, resource ID of AWS resource, Lambda function ARN, and organization trigger types that trigger AWS Config to evaluate your AWS resources against a rule.
organization managed rule metadata such as resource type and ID of AWS resource along with the rule identifier.
Properties for defining a CfnOrganizationConfigRule.
An implementation for CfnOrganizationConfigRuleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Config::OrganizationConformancePack.
A fluent builder for CfnOrganizationConformancePack.
Input parameters in the form of key-value pairs for the conformance pack, both of which you define.
Properties for defining a CfnOrganizationConformancePack.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFront::OriginAccessControl.
A fluent builder for CfnOriginAccessControl.
Creates a new origin access control in CloudFront.
Properties for defining a CfnOriginAccessControl.
An implementation for CfnOriginAccessControlProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaPackage::OriginEndpoint.
Parameters for enabling CDN authorization on the endpoint.
A fluent builder for CfnOriginEndpoint.
Holds encryption information so that access to the content can be controlled by a DRM solution.
Parameters for Common Media Application Format (CMAF) packaging.
Holds encryption information so that access to the content can be controlled by a DRM solution.
Parameters for DASH packaging.
Use encryptionContractConfiguration to configure one or more content encryption keys for your endpoints that use SPEKE Version 2.0.
Holds encryption information so that access to the content can be controlled by a DRM solution.
An HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) manifest configuration on a CMAF endpoint.
Parameters for Apple HLS packaging.
Holds encryption information so that access to the content can be controlled by a DRM solution.
Parameters for Microsoft Smooth Streaming packaging.
Key provider settings for DRM.
Limitations for outputs from the endpoint, based on the video bitrate.
Properties for defining a CfnOriginEndpoint.
An implementation for CfnOriginEndpointProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFront::OriginRequestPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnOriginRequestPolicy.
An object that determines whether any cookies in viewer requests (and if so, which cookies) are included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
An object that determines whether any HTTP headers (and if so, which headers) are included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
An origin request policy configuration.
An object that determines whether any URL query strings in viewer requests (and if so, which query strings) are included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
Properties for defining a CfnOriginRequestPolicy.
An implementation for CfnOriginRequestPolicyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::FraudDetector::Outcome.
A fluent builder for CfnOutcome.
Properties for defining a CfnOutcome.
A builder for CfnOutcomeProps
An implementation for CfnOutcomeProps
A fluent builder for CfnOutput.
A builder for CfnOutputProps
An implementation for CfnOutputProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Panorama::Package.
A fluent builder for CfnPackage.
Properties for defining a CfnPackage.
A builder for CfnPackageProps
An implementation for CfnPackageProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Panorama::PackageVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnPackageVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnPackageVersion.
An implementation for CfnPackageVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaPackage::PackagingConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnPackagingConfiguration.
Holds encryption information so that access to the content can be controlled by a DRM solution.
Parameters for a packaging configuration that uses Common Media Application Format (CMAF) packaging.
Holds encryption information so that access to the content can be controlled by a DRM solution.
Parameters for a DASH manifest.
Parameters for a packaging configuration that uses Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) packaging.
Use encryptionContractConfiguration to configure one or more content encryption keys for your endpoints that use SPEKE Version 2.0.
Holds encryption information so that access to the content can be controlled by a DRM solution.
Parameters for an HLS manifest.
Parameters for a packaging configuration that uses HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) packaging.
Holds encryption information so that access to the content can be controlled by a DRM solution.
Parameters for a Microsoft Smooth manifest.
Parameters for a packaging configuration that uses Microsoft Smooth Streaming (MSS) packaging.
A configuration for accessing an external Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange (SPEKE) service that provides encryption keys.
Limitations for outputs from the endpoint, based on the video bitrate.
Properties for defining a CfnPackagingConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnPackagingConfigurationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaPackage::PackagingGroup.
Parameters for enabling CDN authorization.
A fluent builder for CfnPackagingGroup.
Sets a custom Amazon CloudWatch log group name for egress logs.
Properties for defining a CfnPackagingGroup.
An implementation for CfnPackagingGroupProps
A CloudFormation parameter.
A CloudFormation AWS::SSM::Parameter.
A fluent builder for CfnParameter.
A fluent builder for CfnParameter.
A CloudFormation AWS::DAX::ParameterGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::ElastiCache::ParameterGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::MemoryDB::ParameterGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnParameterGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnParameterGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnParameterGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnParameterGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnParameterGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnParameterGroup.
An implementation for CfnParameterGroupProps
An implementation for CfnParameterGroupProps
An implementation for CfnParameterGroupProps
Properties for defining a CfnParameter.
A builder for CfnParameterProps
A builder for CfnParameterProps
An implementation for CfnParameterProps
An implementation for CfnParameterProps
Lambda code defined using 2 CloudFormation parameters.
A fluent builder for CfnParametersCode.
Construction properties for CfnParametersCode.
An implementation for CfnParametersCodeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::Partition.
A fluent builder for CfnPartition.
A column in a Table .
An implementation for CfnPartition.ColumnProperty
Specifies the sort order of a sorted column.
An implementation for CfnPartition.OrderProperty
The structure used to create and update a partition.
A structure that contains schema identity fields.
An implementation for CfnPartition.SchemaIdProperty
An object that references a schema stored in the AWS Glue Schema Registry.
Information about a serialization/deserialization program (SerDe) that serves as an extractor and loader.
An implementation for CfnPartition.SerdeInfoProperty
Specifies skewed values in a table.
An implementation for CfnPartition.SkewedInfoProperty
Describes the physical storage of table data.
Properties for defining a CfnPartition.
A builder for CfnPartitionProps
An implementation for CfnPartitionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTWireless::PartnerAccount.
A fluent builder for CfnPartnerAccount.
Information about a Sidewalk account.
Information about a Sidewalk account.
Sidewalk update.
Properties for defining a CfnPartnerAccount.
An implementation for CfnPartnerAccountProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.
A fluent builder for CfnPatchBaseline.
The PatchFilterGroup property type specifies a set of patch filters for an AWS Systems Manager patch baseline, typically used for approval rules for a Systems Manager patch baseline.
The PatchFilter property type defines a patch filter for an AWS Systems Manager patch baseline.
PatchSource is the property type for the Sources resource of the AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline resource.
The RuleGroup property type specifies a set of rules that define the approval rules for an AWS Systems Manager patch baseline.
The Rule property type specifies an approval rule for a Systems Manager patch baseline.
An implementation for CfnPatchBaseline.RuleProperty
Properties for defining a CfnPatchBaseline.
A builder for CfnPatchBaselineProps
An implementation for CfnPatchBaselineProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ACMPCA::Permission.
A CloudFormation AWS::Lambda::Permission.
A CloudFormation AWS::RAM::Permission.
A fluent builder for CfnPermission.
A fluent builder for CfnPermission.
A fluent builder for CfnPermission.
Properties for defining a CfnPermission.
Properties for defining a CfnPermission.
Properties for defining a CfnPermission.
A builder for CfnPermissionProps
A builder for CfnPermissionProps
A builder for CfnPermissionProps
An implementation for CfnPermissionProps
An implementation for CfnPermissionProps
An implementation for CfnPermissionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::LakeFormation::Permissions.
A fluent builder for CfnPermissions.
A wildcard object, consisting of an optional list of excluded column names or indexes.
A structure for the database object.
The Lake Formation principal.
A structure for a data location object where permissions are granted or revoked.
A structure for the resource.
An implementation for CfnPermissions.ResourceProperty
A structure for the table object.
A wildcard object representing every table under a database.
A structure for a table with columns object.
A CloudFormation AWS::SSO::PermissionSet.
A fluent builder for CfnPermissionSet.
Specifies the name and path of a customer managed policy.
Specifies the configuration of the AWS managed or customer managed policy that you want to set as a permissions boundary.
Properties for defining a CfnPermissionSet.
A builder for CfnPermissionSetProps
An implementation for CfnPermissionSetProps
Properties for defining a CfnPermissions.
A builder for CfnPermissionsProps
An implementation for CfnPermissionsProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::PhoneNumber.
A fluent builder for CfnPhoneNumber.
Properties for defining a CfnPhoneNumber.
A builder for CfnPhoneNumberProps
An implementation for CfnPhoneNumberProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Pipes::Pipe.
This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups for the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used.
The array properties for the submitted job, such as the size of the array.
The overrides that are sent to a container.
The environment variables to send to the container.
An object that represents an AWS Batch job dependency.
The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container.
The retry strategy that's associated with a job.
A fluent builder for CfnPipe.
The details of a capacity provider strategy.
A DeadLetterConfig object that contains information about a dead-letter queue configuration.
An implementation for CfnPipe.DeadLetterConfigProperty
The overrides that are sent to a container.
A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container.
The environment variables to send to the container.
The amount of ephemeral storage to allocate for the task.
Details on an Elastic Inference accelerator task override.
The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container.
The overrides that are associated with a task.
An implementation for CfnPipe.EcsTaskOverrideProperty
The collection of event patterns used to filter events.
An implementation for CfnPipe.FilterCriteriaProperty
Filter events using an event pattern.
An implementation for CfnPipe.FilterProperty
The AWS Secrets Manager secret that stores your broker credentials.
The AWS Secrets Manager secret that stores your stream credentials.
This structure specifies the network configuration for an Amazon ECS task.
These are custom parameter to be used when the target is an API Gateway REST APIs or EventBridge ApiDestinations.
The parameters required to set up enrichment on your pipe.
The parameters for using an Active MQ broker as a source.
The parameters for using a DynamoDB stream as a source.
The parameters for using a Kinesis stream as a source.
The parameters for using an MSK stream as a source.
The parameters required to set up a source for your pipe.
The parameters for using a Rabbit MQ broker as a source.
The parameters for using a self-managed Apache Kafka stream as a source.
The parameters for using a Amazon SQS stream as a source.
The parameters for using an AWS Batch job as a target.
The parameters for using an CloudWatch Logs log stream as a target.
The parameters for using an Amazon ECS task as a target.
The parameters for using an EventBridge event bus as a target.
These are custom parameter to be used when the target is an API Gateway REST APIs or EventBridge ApiDestinations.
The parameters for using a Kinesis stream as a source.
The parameters for using a Lambda function as a target.
The parameters required to set up a target for your pipe.
These are custom parameters to be used when the target is a Amazon Redshift cluster to invoke the Amazon Redshift Data API BatchExecuteStatement.
The parameters for using a SageMaker pipeline as a target.
The parameters for using a Amazon SQS stream as a source.
The parameters for using a Step Functions state machine as a target.
An object representing a constraint on task placement.
The task placement strategy for a task or service.
An implementation for CfnPipe.PlacementStrategyProperty
Name/Value pair of a parameter to start execution of a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline.
The AWS Secrets Manager secret that stores your stream credentials.
This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups for the stream, and whether a public IP address is to be used.
A CloudFormation AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.
A CloudFormation AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTAnalytics::Pipeline.
A CloudFormation AWS::OSIS::Pipeline.
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::Pipeline.
Represents information about an action declaration.
Represents information about an action type.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.ActionTypeIdProperty
An activity that performs a transformation on a message.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.ActivityProperty
An activity that adds other attributes based on existing attributes in the message.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.AddAttributesProperty
A mapping of artifactStore objects and their corresponding AWS Regions.
The S3 bucket where artifacts for the pipeline are stored.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.ArtifactStoreProperty
Reserved for future use.
A fluent builder for CfnPipeline.
A fluent builder for CfnPipeline.
A fluent builder for CfnPipeline.
A fluent builder for CfnPipeline.
A fluent builder for CfnPipeline.
Determines the source of the messages to be processed.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.ChannelProperty
The datastore activity that specifies where to store the processed data.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.DatastoreProperty
An activity that adds data from the AWS IoT device registry to your message.
An activity that adds information from the AWS IoT Device Shadows service to a message.
Represents information about the key used to encrypt data in the artifact store, such as an AWS Key Management Service ( AWS KMS) key.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.EncryptionKeyProperty
A key-value pair that describes a property of a PipelineObject .
An implementation for CfnPipeline.FieldProperty
An activity that filters a message based on its attributes.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.FilterProperty
Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.InputArtifactProperty
An activity that runs a Lambda function to modify the message.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.LambdaProperty
Container for the values required to configure logging for the pipeline.
An activity that computes an arithmetic expression using the message's attributes.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.MathProperty
Represents information about the output of an action.
Configuration that controls the parallelism of the pipeline.
Attribute is a property of ParameterObject that defines the attributes of a parameter object as key-value pairs.
Contains information about a parameter object.
A value or list of parameter values.
PipelineObject is property of the AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline resource that contains information about a pipeline object.
A list of arbitrary tags (key-value pairs) to associate with the pipeline, which you can use to control permissions.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.PipelineTagProperty
An activity that removes attributes from a message.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.S3LocationProperty
Creates a new message using only the specified attributes from the original message.
Represents information about a stage and its definition.
The name of the pipeline in which you want to disable the flow of artifacts from one stage to another.
An OpenSearch Ingestion-managed VPC endpoint that will access one or more pipelines.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.VpcEndpointProperty
Options that specify the subnets and security groups for an OpenSearch Ingestion VPC endpoint.
An implementation for CfnPipeline.VpcOptionsProperty
Properties for defining a CfnPipeline.
Properties for defining a CfnPipeline.
Properties for defining a CfnPipeline.
Properties for defining a CfnPipeline.
Properties for defining a CfnPipeline.
A builder for CfnPipelineProps
A builder for CfnPipelineProps
A builder for CfnPipelineProps
A builder for CfnPipelineProps
A builder for CfnPipelineProps
An implementation for CfnPipelineProps
An implementation for CfnPipelineProps
An implementation for CfnPipelineProps
An implementation for CfnPipelineProps
An implementation for CfnPipelineProps
Properties for defining a CfnPipe.
A builder for CfnPipeProps
An implementation for CfnPipeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Location::PlaceIndex.
A fluent builder for CfnPlaceIndex.
Specifies the data storage option requesting Places.
Properties for defining a CfnPlaceIndex.
A builder for CfnPlaceIndexProps
An implementation for CfnPlaceIndexProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT1Click::Placement.
A fluent builder for CfnPlacement.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::PlacementGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnPlacementGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnPlacementGroup.
An implementation for CfnPlacementGroupProps
Properties for defining a CfnPlacement.
A builder for CfnPlacementProps
An implementation for CfnPlacementProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SSMContacts::Plan.
A fluent builder for CfnPlan.
Information about the contact channel that Incident Manager uses to engage the contact.
An implementation for CfnPlan.ChannelTargetInfoProperty
The contact that Incident Manager is engaging during an incident.
An implementation for CfnPlan.ContactTargetInfoProperty
A set amount of time that an escalation plan or engagement plan engages the specified contacts or contact methods.
A builder for CfnPlan.StageProperty
An implementation for CfnPlan.StageProperty
The contact or contact channel that's being engaged.
An implementation for CfnPlan.TargetsProperty
Properties for defining a CfnPlan.
A builder for CfnPlanProps
An implementation for CfnPlanProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaTailor::PlaybackConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnPlaybackConfiguration.
The configuration for DASH content.
The configuration for HLS content.
Properties for defining a CfnPlaybackConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnPlaybackConfigurationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IVS::PlaybackKeyPair.
A fluent builder for CfnPlaybackKeyPair.
Properties for defining a CfnPlaybackKeyPair.
An implementation for CfnPlaybackKeyPairProps
A CloudFormation AWS::FMS::Policy.
A CloudFormation AWS::IAM::Policy.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::Policy.
A CloudFormation AWS::Organizations::Policy.
A fluent builder for CfnPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnPolicy.
Specifies the AWS account IDs and AWS Organizations organizational units (OUs) to include in or exclude from the policy.
An implementation for CfnPolicy.IEMapProperty
Configures the firewall policy deployment model of AWS Network Firewall .
Contains the AWS Network Firewall firewall policy options to configure the policy's deployment model and third-party firewall policy settings.
An implementation for CfnPolicy.PolicyOptionProperty
A collection of key:value pairs associated with an AWS resource.
An implementation for CfnPolicy.PolicyTagProperty
The resource tags that AWS Firewall Manager uses to determine if a particular resource should be included or excluded from the AWS Firewall Manager policy.
An implementation for CfnPolicy.ResourceTagProperty
Details about the security service that is being used to protect the resources.
Configures the deployment model for the third-party firewall.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::PolicyPrincipalAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnPolicyPrincipalAttachment.
Properties for defining a CfnPolicyPrincipalAttachment.
An implementation for CfnPolicyPrincipalAttachmentProps
Properties for defining a CfnPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnPolicy.
A builder for CfnPolicyProps
A builder for CfnPolicyProps
A builder for CfnPolicyProps
A builder for CfnPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnPolicyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTSiteWise::Portal.
Contains the configuration information of an alarm created in an AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor portal.
An implementation for CfnPortal.AlarmsProperty
A fluent builder for CfnPortal.
Properties for defining a CfnPortal.
A builder for CfnPortalProps
An implementation for CfnPortalProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::Portfolio.
A fluent builder for CfnPortfolio.
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioPrincipalAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnPortfolioPrincipalAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnPortfolioPrincipalAssociation.
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioProductAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnPortfolioProductAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnPortfolioProductAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnPortfolio.
A builder for CfnPortfolioProps
An implementation for CfnPortfolioProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioShare.
A fluent builder for CfnPortfolioShare.
Properties for defining a CfnPortfolioShare.
An implementation for CfnPortfolioShareProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::PrefixList.
A fluent builder for CfnPrefixList.
An entry for a prefix list.
An implementation for CfnPrefixList.EntryProperty
Properties for defining a CfnPrefixList.
A builder for CfnPrefixListProps
An implementation for CfnPrefixListProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Athena::PreparedStatement.
A fluent builder for CfnPreparedStatement.
Properties for defining a CfnPreparedStatement.
An implementation for CfnPreparedStatementProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaConvert::Preset.
A fluent builder for CfnPreset.
Properties for defining a CfnPreset.
A builder for CfnPresetProps
An implementation for CfnPresetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::BillingConductor::PricingPlan.
A fluent builder for CfnPricingPlan.
Properties for defining a CfnPricingPlan.
A builder for CfnPricingPlanProps
An implementation for CfnPricingPlanProps
A CloudFormation AWS::BillingConductor::PricingRule.
A fluent builder for CfnPricingRule.
The possible AWS Free Tier configurations.
An implementation for CfnPricingRule.FreeTierProperty
An implementation for CfnPricingRule.TieringProperty
Properties for defining a CfnPricingRule.
A builder for CfnPricingRuleProps
An implementation for CfnPricingRuleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ECS::PrimaryTaskSet.
A fluent builder for CfnPrimaryTaskSet.
Properties for defining a CfnPrimaryTaskSet.
An implementation for CfnPrimaryTaskSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::LakeFormation::PrincipalPermissions.
A fluent builder for CfnPrincipalPermissions.
A wildcard object, consisting of an optional list of excluded column names or indexes.
A structure for the database object.
A structure that describes certain columns on certain rows.
The AWS Lake Formation principal.
A structure for a data location object where permissions are granted or revoked.
A structure containing an LF-tag key and values for a resource.
A list of LF-tag conditions that define a resource's LF-tag policy.
The LF-tag key and values attached to a resource.
A structure for the resource.
A structure for the table object.
A structure for a table with columns object.
Properties for defining a CfnPrincipalPermissions.
An implementation for CfnPrincipalPermissionsProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PrivateDnsNamespace.
A fluent builder for CfnPrivateDnsNamespace.
DNS properties for the private DNS namespace.
Properties for the private DNS namespace.
Start of Authority (SOA) properties for a public or private DNS namespace.
Properties for defining a CfnPrivateDnsNamespace.
An implementation for CfnPrivateDnsNamespaceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Shield::ProactiveEngagement.
A fluent builder for CfnProactiveEngagement.
Contact information that the SRT can use to contact you if you have proactive engagement enabled, for escalations to the SRT and to initiate proactive customer support.
Properties for defining a CfnProactiveEngagement.
An implementation for CfnProactiveEngagementProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RolesAnywhere::Profile.
A CloudFormation AWS::Transfer::Profile.
A fluent builder for CfnProfile.
A fluent builder for CfnProfile.
A CloudFormation AWS::Signer::ProfilePermission.
A fluent builder for CfnProfilePermission.
Properties for defining a CfnProfilePermission.
An implementation for CfnProfilePermissionProps
Properties for defining a CfnProfile.
Properties for defining a CfnProfile.
A builder for CfnProfileProps
A builder for CfnProfileProps
An implementation for CfnProfileProps
An implementation for CfnProfileProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeGuruProfiler::ProfilingGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnProfilingGroup.
Notification medium for users to get alerted for events that occur in application profile.
An implementation for CfnProfilingGroup.ChannelProperty
Properties for defining a CfnProfilingGroup.
An implementation for CfnProfilingGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeBuild::Project.
A CloudFormation AWS::DataBrew::Project.
A CloudFormation AWS::Evidently::Project.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT1Click::Project.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTSiteWise::Project.
A CloudFormation AWS::LookoutVision::Project.
A CloudFormation AWS::Rekognition::Project.
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::Project.
This is a structure that defines the configuration of how your application integrates with AWS AppConfig to run client-side evaluation.
Artifacts is a property of the AWS::CodeBuild::Project resource that specifies output settings for artifacts generated by an AWS CodeBuild build.
An implementation for CfnProject.ArtifactsProperty
Specifies restrictions for the batch build.
A fluent builder for CfnProject.
A fluent builder for CfnProject.
A fluent builder for CfnProject.
A fluent builder for CfnProject.
A fluent builder for CfnProject.
A fluent builder for CfnProject.
A fluent builder for CfnProject.
A fluent builder for CfnProject.
Contains information that defines how the AWS CodeBuild build project reports the build status to the source provider.
CloudWatchLogs is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project LogsConfig property type that specifies settings for CloudWatch logs generated by an AWS CodeBuild build.
A structure that contains information about where Evidently is to store evaluation events for longer term storage.
In AWS CloudFormation , use the DeviceTemplate property type to define the template for an AWS IoT 1-Click project.
An implementation for CfnProject.DeviceTemplateProperty
Environment is a property of the AWS::CodeBuild::Project resource that specifies the environment for an AWS CodeBuild project.
An implementation for CfnProject.EnvironmentProperty
EnvironmentVariable is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project Environment property type that specifies the name and value of an environment variable for an AWS CodeBuild project environment.
GitSubmodulesConfig is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project Source property type that specifies information about the Git submodules configuration for the build project.
LogsConfig is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project resource that specifies information about logs for a build project.
An implementation for CfnProject.LogsConfigProperty
In AWS CloudFormation , use the PlacementTemplate property type to define the template for an AWS IoT 1-Click project.
Contains configuration information about a batch build project.
ProjectCache is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project resource that specifies information about the cache for the build project.
An implementation for CfnProject.ProjectCacheProperty
Information about a file system created by Amazon Elastic File System (EFS).
A source identifier and its corresponding version.
ProjectTriggers is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project resource that specifies webhooks that trigger an AWS CodeBuild build.
A key value pair used when you provision a project as a service catalog product.
RegistryCredential is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project Environment property type that specifies information about credentials that provide access to a private Docker registry.
If the project stores evaluation events in an Amazon S3 bucket, this structure stores the bucket name and bucket prefix.
An implementation for CfnProject.S3DestinationProperty
S3Logs is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project LogsConfig property type that specifies settings for logs generated by an AWS CodeBuild build in an S3 bucket.
An implementation for CfnProject.S3LogsConfigProperty
Represents the sample size and sampling type for DataBrew to use for interactive data analysis.
An implementation for CfnProject.SampleProperty
Details of a provisioned service catalog product.
Details that you specify to provision a service catalog product.
SourceAuth is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project Source property type that specifies authorization settings for AWS CodeBuild to access the source code to be built.
An implementation for CfnProject.SourceAuthProperty
Source is a property of the AWS::CodeBuild::Project resource that specifies the source code settings for the project, such as the source code's repository type and location.
An implementation for CfnProject.SourceProperty
VpcConfig is a property of the AWS::CodeBuild::Project resource that enable AWS CodeBuild to access resources in an Amazon VPC.
An implementation for CfnProject.VpcConfigProperty
WebhookFilter is a structure of the FilterGroups property on the AWS CodeBuild Project ProjectTriggers property type that specifies which webhooks trigger an AWS CodeBuild build.
An implementation for CfnProject.WebhookFilterProperty
Properties for defining a CfnProject.
Properties for defining a CfnProject.
Properties for defining a CfnProject.
Properties for defining a CfnProject.
Properties for defining a CfnProject.
Properties for defining a CfnProject.
Properties for defining a CfnProject.
Properties for defining a CfnProject.
A builder for CfnProjectProps
A builder for CfnProjectProps
A builder for CfnProjectProps
A builder for CfnProjectProps
A builder for CfnProjectProps
A builder for CfnProjectProps
A builder for CfnProjectProps
A builder for CfnProjectProps
An implementation for CfnProjectProps
An implementation for CfnProjectProps
An implementation for CfnProjectProps
An implementation for CfnProjectProps
An implementation for CfnProjectProps
An implementation for CfnProjectProps
An implementation for CfnProjectProps
An implementation for CfnProjectProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::Prompt.
A fluent builder for CfnPrompt.
Properties for defining a CfnPrompt.
A builder for CfnPromptProps
An implementation for CfnPromptProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Shield::Protection.
Specifies the action setting that Shield Advanced should use in the AWS WAF rules that it creates on behalf of the protected resource in response to DDoS attacks.
An implementation for CfnProtection.ActionProperty
The automatic application layer DDoS mitigation settings for a Protection .
A fluent builder for CfnProtection.
A CloudFormation AWS::Shield::ProtectionGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnProtectionGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnProtectionGroup.
An implementation for CfnProtectionGroupProps
Properties for defining a CfnProtection.
A builder for CfnProtectionProps
An implementation for CfnProtectionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::ProvisioningTemplate.
A fluent builder for CfnProvisioningTemplate.
Structure that contains payloadVersion and targetArn.
Properties for defining a CfnProvisioningTemplate.
An implementation for CfnProvisioningTemplateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PublicDnsNamespace.
A fluent builder for CfnPublicDnsNamespace.
Properties for the public DNS namespace.
DNS properties for the public DNS namespace.
Start of Authority (SOA) properties for a public or private DNS namespace.
An implementation for CfnPublicDnsNamespace.SOAProperty
Properties for defining a CfnPublicDnsNamespace.
An implementation for CfnPublicDnsNamespaceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFront::PublicKey.
A fluent builder for CfnPublicKey.
Configuration information about a public key that you can use with signed URLs and signed cookies , or with field-level encryption .
Properties for defining a CfnPublicKey.
A builder for CfnPublicKeyProps
An implementation for CfnPublicKeyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ECR::PublicRepository.
A fluent builder for CfnPublicRepository.
Properties for defining a CfnPublicRepository.
An implementation for CfnPublicRepositoryProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::PublicTypeVersion.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::PublicTypeVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnPublicTypeVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnPublicTypeVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnPublicTypeVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnPublicTypeVersion.
An implementation for CfnPublicTypeVersionProps
An implementation for CfnPublicTypeVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::Publisher.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::Publisher.
A fluent builder for CfnPublisher.
A fluent builder for CfnPublisher.
Properties for defining a CfnPublisher.
Properties for defining a CfnPublisher.
A builder for CfnPublisherProps
A builder for CfnPublisherProps
An implementation for CfnPublisherProps
An implementation for CfnPublisherProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ECR::PullThroughCacheRule.
A fluent builder for CfnPullThroughCacheRule.
Properties for defining a CfnPullThroughCacheRule.
An implementation for CfnPullThroughCacheRuleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::PushTemplate.
Specifies channel-specific content and settings for a message template that can be used in push notifications that are sent through the ADM (Amazon Device Messaging), Baidu (Baidu Cloud Push), or GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging, formerly Google Cloud Messaging) channel.
Specifies channel-specific content and settings for a message template that can be used in push notifications that are sent through the APNs (Apple Push Notification service) channel.
A fluent builder for CfnPushTemplate.
Specifies the default settings and content for a message template that can be used in messages that are sent through a push notification channel.
Properties for defining a CfnPushTemplate.
A builder for CfnPushTemplateProps
An implementation for CfnPushTemplateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Logs::QueryDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnQueryDefinition.
Properties for defining a CfnQueryDefinition.
An implementation for CfnQueryDefinitionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MediaConvert::Queue.
A CloudFormation AWS::SQS::Queue.
A fluent builder for CfnQueue.
A fluent builder for CfnQueue.
A CloudFormation AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnQueuePolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnQueuePolicy.
A builder for CfnQueuePolicyProps
An implementation for CfnQueuePolicyProps
Properties for defining a CfnQueue.
Properties for defining a CfnQueue.
A builder for CfnQueueProps
A builder for CfnQueueProps
An implementation for CfnQueueProps
An implementation for CfnQueueProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::QuickConnect.
A fluent builder for CfnQuickConnect.
Contains information about a phone number for a quick connect.
Contains information about a queue for a quick connect.
Contains configuration settings for a quick connect.
Contains information about the quick connect configuration settings for a user.
Properties for defining a CfnQuickConnect.
A builder for CfnQuickConnectProps
An implementation for CfnQuickConnectProps
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFRegional::RateBasedRule.
A fluent builder for CfnRateBasedRule.
Specifies the ByteMatchSet , IPSet , SqlInjectionMatchSet , XssMatchSet , RegexMatchSet , GeoMatchSet , and SizeConstraintSet objects that you want to add to a Rule and, for each object, indicates whether you want to negate the settings, for example, requests that do NOT originate from the IP address
Properties for defining a CfnRateBasedRule.
A builder for CfnRateBasedRuleProps
An implementation for CfnRateBasedRuleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::ReadinessCheck.
A fluent builder for CfnReadinessCheck.
Properties for defining a CfnReadinessCheck.
An implementation for CfnReadinessCheckProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFront::RealtimeLogConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnRealtimeLogConfig.
Contains information about the Amazon Kinesis data stream where you are sending real-time log data in a real-time log configuration.
Contains information about the Amazon Kinesis data stream where you are sending real-time log data.
Properties for defining a CfnRealtimeLogConfig.
An implementation for CfnRealtimeLogConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SES::ReceiptFilter.
A fluent builder for CfnReceiptFilter.
Specifies an IP address filter.
An implementation for CfnReceiptFilter.FilterProperty
A receipt IP address filter enables you to specify whether to accept or reject mail originating from an IP address or range of IP addresses.
An implementation for CfnReceiptFilter.IpFilterProperty
Properties for defining a CfnReceiptFilter.
A builder for CfnReceiptFilterProps
An implementation for CfnReceiptFilterProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.
An action that Amazon SES can take when it receives an email on behalf of one or more email addresses or domains that you own.
An implementation for CfnReceiptRule.ActionProperty
When included in a receipt rule, this action adds a header to the received email.
When included in a receipt rule, this action rejects the received email by returning a bounce response to the sender and, optionally, publishes a notification to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).
A fluent builder for CfnReceiptRule.
When included in a receipt rule, this action calls an AWS Lambda function and, optionally, publishes a notification to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).
Receipt rules enable you to specify which actions Amazon SES should take when it receives mail on behalf of one or more email addresses or domains that you own.
An implementation for CfnReceiptRule.RuleProperty
When included in a receipt rule, this action saves the received message to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket and, optionally, publishes a notification to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).
An implementation for CfnReceiptRule.S3ActionProperty
When included in a receipt rule, this action publishes a notification to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).
An implementation for CfnReceiptRule.SNSActionProperty
When included in a receipt rule, this action terminates the evaluation of the receipt rule set and, optionally, publishes a notification to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).
An implementation for CfnReceiptRule.StopActionProperty
When included in a receipt rule, this action calls Amazon WorkMail and, optionally, publishes a notification to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).
Properties for defining a CfnReceiptRule.
A builder for CfnReceiptRuleProps
An implementation for CfnReceiptRuleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SES::ReceiptRuleSet.
A fluent builder for CfnReceiptRuleSet.
Properties for defining a CfnReceiptRuleSet.
An implementation for CfnReceiptRuleSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataBrew::Recipe.
Represents a transformation and associated parameters that are used to apply a change to an AWS Glue DataBrew dataset.
An implementation for CfnRecipe.ActionProperty
A fluent builder for CfnRecipe.
Represents an individual condition that evaluates to true or false.
Represents how metadata stored in the AWS Glue Data Catalog is defined in a DataBrew dataset.
An implementation for CfnRecipe.InputProperty
Parameters that are used as inputs for various recipe actions.
Represents a single step from a DataBrew recipe to be performed.
An implementation for CfnRecipe.RecipeStepProperty
Represents an Amazon S3 location (bucket name, bucket owner, and object key) where DataBrew can read input data, or write output from a job.
An implementation for CfnRecipe.S3LocationProperty
Represents secondary inputs in a UNION transform.
An implementation for CfnRecipe.SecondaryInputProperty
Properties for defining a CfnRecipe.
A builder for CfnRecipeProps
An implementation for CfnRecipeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IVS::RecordingConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnRecordingConfiguration.
The DestinationConfiguration property type describes the location where recorded videos will be stored.
The S3DestinationConfiguration property type describes an S3 location where recorded videos will be stored.
The ThumbnailConfiguration property type describes a configuration of thumbnails for recorded video.
Properties for defining a CfnRecordingConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnRecordingConfigurationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53::RecordSet.
Alias records only: Information about the AWS resource, such as a CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3 bucket, that you want to route traffic to.
An implementation for CfnRecordSet.AliasTargetProperty
A fluent builder for CfnRecordSet.
The object that is specified in resource record set object when you are linking a resource record set to a CIDR location.
A complex type that contains information about a geographic location.
An implementation for CfnRecordSet.GeoLocationProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup.
Alias records only: Information about the AWS resource, such as a CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3 bucket, that you want to route traffic to.
A fluent builder for CfnRecordSetGroup.
The object that is specified in resource record set object when you are linking a resource record set to a CIDR location.
A complex type that contains information about a geographic location.
Information about one record that you want to create.
Properties for defining a CfnRecordSetGroup.
An implementation for CfnRecordSetGroupProps
Properties for defining a CfnRecordSet.
A builder for CfnRecordSetProps
An implementation for CfnRecordSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::RecoveryGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnRecoveryGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnRecoveryGroup.
A builder for CfnRecoveryGroupProps
An implementation for CfnRecoveryGroupProps
Base class for referenceable CloudFormation constructs which are not Resources.
A CloudFormation AWS::Omics::ReferenceStore.
A fluent builder for CfnReferenceStore.
Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for a store.
Properties for defining a CfnReferenceStore.
An implementation for CfnReferenceStoreProps
A CloudFormation AWS::QuickSight::RefreshSchedule.
A fluent builder for CfnRefreshSchedule.
The day that you want yout dataset to refresh.
A summary of a configured refresh schedule for a dataset.
The frequency for the refresh schedule.
Properties for defining a CfnRefreshSchedule.
An implementation for CfnRefreshScheduleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFRegional::RegexPatternSet.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFv2::RegexPatternSet.
A fluent builder for CfnRegexPatternSet.
A fluent builder for CfnRegexPatternSet.
Properties for defining a CfnRegexPatternSet.
Properties for defining a CfnRegexPatternSet.
An implementation for CfnRegexPatternSetProps
An implementation for CfnRegexPatternSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EventSchemas::Registry.
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::Registry.
A fluent builder for CfnRegistry.
A fluent builder for CfnRegistry.
Tags to associate with the schema registry.
An implementation for CfnRegistry.TagsEntryProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::ECR::RegistryPolicy.
A CloudFormation AWS::EventSchemas::RegistryPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnRegistryPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnRegistryPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnRegistryPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnRegistryPolicy.
An implementation for CfnRegistryPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnRegistryPolicyProps
Properties for defining a CfnRegistry.
Properties for defining a CfnRegistry.
A builder for CfnRegistryProps
A builder for CfnRegistryProps
An implementation for CfnRegistryProps
An implementation for CfnRegistryProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Config::RemediationConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnRemediationConfiguration.
An ExecutionControls object.
The value is either a dynamic (resource) value or a static value.
The dynamic value of the resource.
AWS Systems Manager (SSM) specific remediation controls.
The static value of the resource.
Properties for defining a CfnRemediationConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnRemediationConfigurationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::KMS::ReplicaKey.
A fluent builder for CfnReplicaKey.
Properties for defining a CfnReplicaKey.
A builder for CfnReplicaKeyProps
An implementation for CfnReplicaKeyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ECR::ReplicationConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnReplicationConfiguration.
The replication configuration for a registry.
An array of objects representing the destination for a replication rule.
An array of objects representing the replication destinations and repository filters for a replication configuration.
The filter settings used with image replication.
Properties for defining a CfnReplicationConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnReplicationConfigurationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnReplicationGroup.
The configuration details of the CloudWatch Logs destination.
Configuration details of either a CloudWatch Logs destination or Kinesis Data Firehose destination.
The configuration details of the Kinesis Data Firehose destination.
Specifies the destination, format and type of the logs.
NodeGroupConfiguration is a property of the AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup resource that configures an Amazon ElastiCache (ElastiCache) Redis cluster node group.
Properties for defining a CfnReplicationGroup.
An implementation for CfnReplicationGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DMS::ReplicationInstance.
A fluent builder for CfnReplicationInstance.
Properties for defining a CfnReplicationInstance.
An implementation for CfnReplicationInstanceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SSMIncidents::ReplicationSet.
A fluent builder for CfnReplicationSet.
The RegionConfiguration property specifies the Region and KMS key to add to the replication set.
The ReplicationRegion property type specifies the Region and KMS key to add to the replication set.
Properties for defining a CfnReplicationSet.
An implementation for CfnReplicationSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DMS::ReplicationSubnetGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnReplicationSubnetGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnReplicationSubnetGroup.
An implementation for CfnReplicationSubnetGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DMS::ReplicationTask.
A fluent builder for CfnReplicationTask.
Properties for defining a CfnReplicationTask.
An implementation for CfnReplicationTaskProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CUR::ReportDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnReportDefinition.
Properties for defining a CfnReportDefinition.
An implementation for CfnReportDefinitionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeBuild::ReportGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnReportGroup.
Information about the location where the run of a report is exported.
Information about the S3 bucket where the raw data of a report are exported.
Properties for defining a CfnReportGroup.
A builder for CfnReportGroupProps
An implementation for CfnReportGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Backup::ReportPlan.
A fluent builder for CfnReportPlan.
Contains information from your report plan about where to deliver your reports, specifically your Amazon S3 bucket name, S3 key prefix, and the formats of your reports.
Contains detailed information about a report setting.
Properties for defining a CfnReportPlan.
A builder for CfnReportPlanProps
An implementation for CfnReportPlanProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeArtifact::Repository.
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeCommit::Repository.
A CloudFormation AWS::ECR::Repository.
A fluent builder for CfnRepository.
A fluent builder for CfnRepository.
A fluent builder for CfnRepository.
Information about code to be committed.
An implementation for CfnRepository.CodeProperty
The encryption configuration for the repository.
The image scanning configuration for a repository.
The LifecyclePolicy property type specifies a lifecycle policy.
Information about a trigger for a repository.
Information about the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the code that will be committed to the new repository.
An implementation for CfnRepository.S3Property
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeGuruReviewer::RepositoryAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnRepositoryAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnRepositoryAssociation.
An implementation for CfnRepositoryAssociationProps
Properties for defining a CfnRepository.
Properties for defining a CfnRepository.
Properties for defining a CfnRepository.
A builder for CfnRepositoryProps
A builder for CfnRepositoryProps
A builder for CfnRepositoryProps
An implementation for CfnRepositoryProps
An implementation for CfnRepositoryProps
An implementation for CfnRepositoryProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::RequestValidator.
A fluent builder for CfnRequestValidator.
Properties for defining a CfnRequestValidator.
An implementation for CfnRequestValidatorProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ResilienceHub::ResiliencyPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnResiliencyPolicy.
Defines a failure policy.
Properties for defining a CfnResiliencyPolicy.
An implementation for CfnResiliencyPolicyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppSync::Resolver.
Describes a runtime used by an AWS AppSync pipeline resolver or AWS AppSync function.
A fluent builder for CfnResolver.
The caching configuration for a resolver that has caching activated.
An implementation for CfnResolver.CachingConfigProperty
The LambdaConflictHandlerConfig when configuring LAMBDA as the Conflict Handler.
Use the PipelineConfig property type to specify PipelineConfig for an AWS AppSync resolver.
Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.
An implementation for CfnResolver.SyncConfigProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53Resolver::ResolverConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnResolverConfig.
Properties for defining a CfnResolverConfig.
An implementation for CfnResolverConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53Resolver::ResolverDNSSECConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnResolverDNSSECConfig.
Properties for defining a CfnResolverDNSSECConfig.
An implementation for CfnResolverDNSSECConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53Resolver::ResolverEndpoint.
A fluent builder for CfnResolverEndpoint.
In a CreateResolverEndpoint request, the IP address that DNS queries originate from (for outbound endpoints) or that you forward DNS queries to (for inbound endpoints).
Properties for defining a CfnResolverEndpoint.
An implementation for CfnResolverEndpointProps
Properties for defining a CfnResolver.
A builder for CfnResolverProps
An implementation for CfnResolverProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53Resolver::ResolverQueryLoggingConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnResolverQueryLoggingConfig.
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53Resolver::ResolverQueryLoggingConfigAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnResolverQueryLoggingConfigAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnResolverQueryLoggingConfig.
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53Resolver::ResolverRule.
A fluent builder for CfnResolverRule.
In a CreateResolverRule request, an array of the IPs that you want to forward DNS queries to.
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53Resolver::ResolverRuleAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnResolverRuleAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnResolverRuleAssociation.
An implementation for CfnResolverRuleAssociationProps
Properties for defining a CfnResolverRule.
A builder for CfnResolverRuleProps
An implementation for CfnResolverRuleProps
Represents a CloudFormation resource.
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::Resource.
A CloudFormation AWS::LakeFormation::Resource.
A fluent builder for CfnResource.
A fluent builder for CfnResource.
A fluent builder for CfnResource.
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalogAppRegistry::ResourceAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnResourceAssociation.
An implementation for CfnResourceAssociationProps
For an Auto Scaling group replacement update, specifies how many instances must signal success for the update to succeed.
A CloudFormation AWS::DevOpsGuru::ResourceCollection.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceCollection.
Information about AWS CloudFormation stacks.
Information about a filter used to specify which AWS resources are analyzed for anomalous behavior by DevOps Guru.
A collection of AWS tags.
Properties for defining a CfnResourceCollection.
An implementation for CfnResourceCollectionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SSM::ResourceDataSync.
Information about the AwsOrganizationsSource resource data sync source.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceDataSync.
Information about the target S3 bucket for the resource data sync.
Information about the source of the data included in the resource data sync.
Properties for defining a CfnResourceDataSync.
An implementation for CfnResourceDataSyncProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::ResourceDefaultVersion.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::ResourceDefaultVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceDefaultVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceDefaultVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnResourceDefaultVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnResourceDefaultVersion.
An implementation for CfnResourceDefaultVersionProps
An implementation for CfnResourceDefaultVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceDefinition.
Settings that define additional Linux OS group permissions to give to the Lambda function process.
Settings for a local device resource, which represents a file under /dev .
Settings for a local volume resource, which represents a file or directory on the root file system.
A container for resource data, which defines the resource type.
A resource definition version contains a list of resources.
The owner setting for a downloaded machine learning resource.
A local resource, machine learning resource, or secret resource.
Settings for an Amazon S3 machine learning resource.
Settings for an Secrets Manager machine learning resource.
Settings for a secret resource, which references a secret from AWS Secrets Manager .
Properties for defining a CfnResourceDefinition.
An implementation for CfnResourceDefinitionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinitionVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceDefinitionVersion.
Settings that define additional Linux OS group permissions to give to the Lambda function process.
Settings for a local device resource, which represents a file under /dev .
Settings for a local volume resource, which represents a file or directory on the root file system.
A container for resource data, which defines the resource type.
The owner setting for a downloaded machine learning resource.
A local resource, machine learning resource, or secret resource.
Settings for an Amazon S3 machine learning resource.
Settings for an Secrets Manager machine learning resource.
Settings for a secret resource, which references a secret from AWS Secrets Manager .
Properties for defining a CfnResourceDefinitionVersion.
An implementation for CfnResourceDefinitionVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Inspector::ResourceGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnResourceGroup.
A builder for CfnResourceGroupProps
An implementation for CfnResourceGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudTrail::ResourcePolicy.
A CloudFormation AWS::Lex::ResourcePolicy.
A CloudFormation AWS::Logs::ResourcePolicy.
A CloudFormation AWS::Organizations::ResourcePolicy.
A CloudFormation AWS::SecretsManager::ResourcePolicy.
A CloudFormation AWS::SSM::ResourcePolicy.
A CloudFormation AWS::VpcLattice::ResourcePolicy.
A CloudFormation AWS::XRay::ResourcePolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnResourcePolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnResourcePolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnResourcePolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnResourcePolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnResourcePolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnResourcePolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnResourcePolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnResourcePolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnResourcePolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnResourcePolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnResourcePolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnResourcePolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnResourcePolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnResourcePolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnResourcePolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnResourcePolicy.
An implementation for CfnResourcePolicyProps
An implementation for CfnResourcePolicyProps
An implementation for CfnResourcePolicyProps
An implementation for CfnResourcePolicyProps
An implementation for CfnResourcePolicyProps
An implementation for CfnResourcePolicyProps
An implementation for CfnResourcePolicyProps
An implementation for CfnResourcePolicyProps
Properties for defining a CfnResource.
Properties for defining a CfnResource.
A builder for CfnResourceProps
A builder for CfnResourceProps
A builder for CfnResourceProps
An implementation for CfnResourceProps
An implementation for CfnResourceProps
An implementation for CfnResourceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::FMS::ResourceSet.
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::ResourceSet.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceSet.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceSet.
A component for DNS/routing control readiness checks and architecture checks.
The Network Load Balancer resource that a DNS target resource points to.
The Amazon Route 53 resource that a DNS target resource record points to.
The resource element of a resource set.
An implementation for CfnResourceSet.ResourceProperty
The target resource that the Route 53 record points to.
Properties for defining a CfnResourceSet.
Properties for defining a CfnResourceSet.
A builder for CfnResourceSetProps
A builder for CfnResourceSetProps
An implementation for CfnResourceSetProps
An implementation for CfnResourceSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RAM::ResourceShare.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceShare.
Properties for defining a CfnResourceShare.
A builder for CfnResourceShareProps
An implementation for CfnResourceShareProps
When AWS CloudFormation creates the associated resource, configures the number of required success signals and the length of time that AWS CloudFormation waits for those signals.
A builder for CfnResourceSignal
An implementation for CfnResourceSignal
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::ResourceSpecificLogging.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceSpecificLogging.
Properties for defining a CfnResourceSpecificLogging.
An implementation for CfnResourceSpecificLoggingProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::ResourceUpdateConstraint.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceUpdateConstraint.
Properties for defining a CfnResourceUpdateConstraint.
An implementation for CfnResourceUpdateConstraintProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::ResourceVersion.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::ResourceVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnResourceVersion.
Logging configuration information for a resource.
Logging configuration information for a resource.
Properties for defining a CfnResourceVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnResourceVersion.
An implementation for CfnResourceVersionProps
An implementation for CfnResourceVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFront::ResponseHeadersPolicy.
A list of HTTP header names that CloudFront includes as values for the Access-Control-Allow-Headers HTTP response header.
A list of HTTP methods that CloudFront includes as values for the Access-Control-Allow-Methods HTTP response header.
A list of origins (domain names) that CloudFront can use as the value for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP response header.
A list of HTTP headers that CloudFront includes as values for the Access-Control-Expose-Headers HTTP response header.
A fluent builder for CfnResponseHeadersPolicy.
The policy directives and their values that CloudFront includes as values for the Content-Security-Policy HTTP response header.
Determines whether CloudFront includes the X-Content-Type-Options HTTP response header with its value set to nosniff .
A configuration for a set of HTTP response headers that are used for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).
An HTTP response header name and its value.
A list of HTTP response header names and their values.
Determines whether CloudFront includes the X-Frame-Options HTTP response header and the header's value.
Determines whether CloudFront includes the Referrer-Policy HTTP response header and the header's value.
The name of an HTTP header that CloudFront removes from HTTP responses to requests that match the cache behavior that this response headers policy is attached to.
A list of HTTP header names that CloudFront removes from HTTP responses to requests that match the cache behavior that this response headers policy is attached to.
A response headers policy configuration.
A configuration for a set of security-related HTTP response headers.
A configuration for enabling the Server-Timing header in HTTP responses sent from CloudFront.
Determines whether CloudFront includes the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header and the header's value.
Determines whether CloudFront includes the X-XSS-Protection HTTP response header and the header's value.
Properties for defining a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy.
An implementation for CfnResponseHeadersPolicyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SSMIncidents::ResponsePlan.
The Action property type specifies the configuration to launch.
An implementation for CfnResponsePlan.ActionProperty
A fluent builder for CfnResponsePlan.
The AWS Chatbot chat channel used for collaboration during an incident.
When you add a runbook to a response plan, you can specify the parameters the runbook should use at runtime.
The dynamic parameter value.
The IncidentTemplate property type specifies details used to create an incident when using this response plan.
Information about third-party services integrated into a response plan.
The SNS topic that's used by AWS Chatbot to notify the incidents chat channel.
Details about the PagerDuty configuration for a response plan.
Details about the PagerDuty service where the response plan creates an incident.
The SsmAutomation property type specifies details about the Systems Manager automation document that will be used as a runbook during an incident.
The key-value pair parameters to use when running the automation document.
Properties for defining a CfnResponsePlan.
A builder for CfnResponsePlanProps
An implementation for CfnResponsePlanProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi.
A fluent builder for CfnRestApi.
The EndpointConfiguration property type specifies the endpoint types of a REST API.
S3Location is a property of the AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi resource that specifies the Amazon S3 location of a OpenAPI (formerly Swagger) file that defines a set of RESTful APIs in JSON or YAML.
An implementation for CfnRestApi.S3LocationProperty
Properties for defining a CfnRestApi.
A builder for CfnRestApiProps
An implementation for CfnRestApiProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RoboMaker::Robot.
A fluent builder for CfnRobot.
A CloudFormation AWS::RoboMaker::RobotApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnRobotApplication.
Information about a robot software suite.
Information about a source configuration.
Properties for defining a CfnRobotApplication.
An implementation for CfnRobotApplicationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RoboMaker::RobotApplicationVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnRobotApplicationVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnRobotApplicationVersion.
An implementation for CfnRobotApplicationVersionProps
Properties for defining a CfnRobot.
A builder for CfnRobotProps
An implementation for CfnRobotProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IAM::Role.
A fluent builder for CfnRole.
Contains information about an attached policy.
An implementation for CfnRole.PolicyProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::RoleAlias.
A fluent builder for CfnRoleAlias.
Properties for defining a CfnRoleAlias.
A builder for CfnRoleAliasProps
An implementation for CfnRoleAliasProps
Properties for defining a CfnRole.
A builder for CfnRoleProps
An implementation for CfnRoleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IVSChat::Room.
A fluent builder for CfnRoom.
The MessageReviewHandler property type specifies configuration information for optional message review.
Properties for defining a CfnRoom.
A builder for CfnRoomProps
An implementation for CfnRoomProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SSMContacts::Rotation.
A fluent builder for CfnRotation.
Information about when an on-call shift begins and ends.
An implementation for CfnRotation.CoverageTimeProperty
Information about on-call rotations that recur monthly.
Information about when an on-call rotation is in effect and how long the rotation period lasts.
Information about the days of the week that the on-call rotation coverage includes.
An implementation for CfnRotation.ShiftCoverageProperty
Information about rotations that recur weekly.
An implementation for CfnRotation.WeeklySettingProperty
Properties for defining a CfnRotation.
A builder for CfnRotationProps
An implementation for CfnRotationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule.
A fluent builder for CfnRotationSchedule.
Creates a new Lambda rotation function based on one of the Secrets Manager rotation function templates .
The rotation schedule and window.
Properties for defining a CfnRotationSchedule.
An implementation for CfnRotationScheduleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Route.
A CloudFormation AWS::AppMesh::Route.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::Route.
A CloudFormation AWS::RefactorSpaces::Route.
A fluent builder for CfnRoute.
A fluent builder for CfnRoute.
A fluent builder for CfnRoute.
A fluent builder for CfnRoute.
The configuration for the default route type.
An object that represents a duration of time.
An implementation for CfnRoute.DurationProperty
An object that represents a retry policy.
An implementation for CfnRoute.GrpcRetryPolicyProperty
An object that represents the action to take if a match is determined.
An implementation for CfnRoute.GrpcRouteActionProperty
An object that represents the criteria for determining a request match.
An implementation for CfnRoute.GrpcRouteMatchProperty
An object that represents the match method.
An object that represents the match metadata for the route.
An object that represents a gRPC route type.
An implementation for CfnRoute.GrpcRouteProperty
An object that represents types of timeouts.
An implementation for CfnRoute.GrpcTimeoutProperty
An object that represents the method and value to match with the header value sent in a request.
An object representing the path to match in the request.
An implementation for CfnRoute.HttpPathMatchProperty
An object representing the query parameter to match.
An object that represents a retry policy.
An implementation for CfnRoute.HttpRetryPolicyProperty
An object that represents the action to take if a match is determined.
An implementation for CfnRoute.HttpRouteActionProperty
An object that represents the HTTP header in the request.
An implementation for CfnRoute.HttpRouteHeaderProperty
An object that represents the requirements for a route to match HTTP requests for a virtual router.
An implementation for CfnRoute.HttpRouteMatchProperty
An object that represents an HTTP or HTTP/2 route type.
An implementation for CfnRoute.HttpRouteProperty
An object that represents types of timeouts.
An implementation for CfnRoute.HttpTimeoutProperty
An object that represents the range of values to match on.
An implementation for CfnRoute.MatchRangeProperty
An object that represents the query parameter in the request.
An implementation for CfnRoute.QueryParameterProperty
An object that represents a route specification.
An implementation for CfnRoute.RouteSpecProperty
An object that represents the action to take if a match is determined.
An implementation for CfnRoute.TcpRouteActionProperty
An object representing the TCP route to match.
An implementation for CfnRoute.TcpRouteMatchProperty
An object that represents a TCP route type.
An implementation for CfnRoute.TcpRouteProperty
An object that represents types of timeouts.
An implementation for CfnRoute.TcpTimeoutProperty
The configuration for the URI path route type.
An object that represents a target and its relative weight.
An implementation for CfnRoute.WeightedTargetProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::Location::RouteCalculator.
A fluent builder for CfnRouteCalculator.
Properties for defining a CfnRouteCalculator.
An implementation for CfnRouteCalculatorProps
Properties for defining a CfnRoute.
Properties for defining a CfnRoute.
Properties for defining a CfnRoute.
Properties for defining a CfnRoute.
A builder for CfnRouteProps
A builder for CfnRouteProps
A builder for CfnRouteProps
A builder for CfnRouteProps
An implementation for CfnRouteProps
An implementation for CfnRouteProps
An implementation for CfnRouteProps
An implementation for CfnRouteProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGatewayV2::RouteResponse.
A fluent builder for CfnRouteResponse.
Specifies whether the parameter is required.
Properties for defining a CfnRouteResponse.
A builder for CfnRouteResponseProps
An implementation for CfnRouteResponseProps
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::RouteTable.
A fluent builder for CfnRouteTable.
Properties for defining a CfnRouteTable.
A builder for CfnRouteTableProps
An implementation for CfnRouteTableProps
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::RoutingControl.
A fluent builder for CfnRoutingControl.
Properties for defining a CfnRoutingControl.
An implementation for CfnRoutingControlProps
The Rules that define template constraints in an AWS Service Catalog portfolio describe when end users can use the template and which values they can specify for parameters that are declared in the AWS CloudFormation template used to create the product they are attempting to use.
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::Rule.
A CloudFormation AWS::Events::Rule.
A CloudFormation AWS::VpcLattice::Rule.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAF::Rule.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFRegional::Rule.
Describes the action for a rule.
An implementation for CfnRule.ActionProperty
A list of actions to be run when the rule is triggered.
An implementation for CfnRule.ActionsProperty
This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups for the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used.
The array properties for the submitted job, such as the size of the array.
The custom parameters to be used when the target is an AWS Batch job.
An implementation for CfnRule.BatchParametersProperty
The retry strategy to use for failed jobs, if the target is an AWS Batch job.
A fluent builder for CfnRule.
A fluent builder for CfnRule.
A fluent builder for CfnRule.
A fluent builder for CfnRule.
A fluent builder for CfnRule.
A fluent builder for CfnRule.
The details of a capacity provider strategy.
A DeadLetterConfig object that contains information about a dead-letter queue configuration.
An implementation for CfnRule.DeadLetterConfigProperty
The custom parameters to be used when the target is an Amazon ECS task.
An implementation for CfnRule.EcsParametersProperty
The EventBridge action definition.
An implementation for CfnRule.EventBridgeActionProperty
Information about an action that returns a custom HTTP response.
An implementation for CfnRule.FixedResponseProperty
The forward action.
An implementation for CfnRule.ForwardProperty
Describes the constraints for a header match.
An implementation for CfnRule.HeaderMatchProperty
Describes a header match type.
An implementation for CfnRule.HeaderMatchTypeProperty
Describes criteria that can be applied to incoming requests.
An implementation for CfnRule.HttpMatchProperty
These are custom parameter to be used when the target is an API Gateway APIs or EventBridge ApiDestinations.
An implementation for CfnRule.HttpParametersProperty
Contains the parameters needed for you to provide custom input to a target based on one or more pieces of data extracted from the event.
An implementation for CfnRule.InputTransformerProperty
This object enables you to specify a JSON path to extract from the event and use as the partition key for the Amazon Kinesis data stream, so that you can control the shard to which the event goes.
An implementation for CfnRule.KinesisParametersProperty
Describes a rule match.
A builder for CfnRule.MatchProperty
An implementation for CfnRule.MatchProperty
This structure specifies the network configuration for an ECS task.
The type of notification recipient.
Describes the conditions that can be applied when matching a path for incoming requests.
An implementation for CfnRule.PathMatchProperty
Describes a path match type.
An implementation for CfnRule.PathMatchTypeProperty
An object representing a constraint on task placement.
The task placement strategy for a task or service.
An implementation for CfnRule.PlacementStrategyProperty
Specifies the ByteMatchSet , IPSet , SqlInjectionMatchSet , XssMatchSet , RegexMatchSet , GeoMatchSet , and SizeConstraintSet objects that you want to add to a Rule and, for each object, indicates whether you want to negate the settings, for example, requests that do NOT originate from the IP address
Specifies the ByteMatchSet , IPSet , SqlInjectionMatchSet , XssMatchSet , RegexMatchSet , GeoMatchSet , and SizeConstraintSet objects that you want to add to a Rule and, for each object, indicates whether you want to negate the settings, for example, requests that do NOT originate from the IP address
An implementation for CfnRule.PredicateProperty
An implementation for CfnRule.PredicateProperty
These are custom parameters to be used when the target is a Amazon Redshift cluster to invoke the Amazon Redshift Data API ExecuteStatement based on EventBridge events.
Information about the reference when the referenceType is URL .
An implementation for CfnRule.ReferenceProperty
A RetryPolicy object that includes information about the retry policy settings.
An implementation for CfnRule.RetryPolicyProperty
The name of the event source.
This parameter contains the criteria (either InstanceIds or a tag) used to specify which EC2 instances are to be sent the command.
Information about the EC2 instances that are to be sent the command, specified as key-value pairs.
An implementation for CfnRule.RunCommandTargetProperty
Name/Value pair of a parameter to start execution of a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline.
These are custom parameters to use when the target is a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline that starts based on EventBridge events.
Information about the send notification action.
This structure includes the custom parameter to be used when the target is an SQS FIFO queue.
An implementation for CfnRule.SqsParametersProperty
A key-value pair associated with an ECS Target of an EventBridge rule.
A builder for CfnRule.TagProperty
An implementation for CfnRule.TagProperty
Targets are the resources to be invoked when a rule is triggered.
An implementation for CfnRule.TargetProperty
Information about the task action.
An implementation for CfnRule.TaskActionProperty
Describes the weight of a target group.
A rule assertion.
A builder for CfnRuleAssertion
An implementation for CfnRuleAssertion
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkFirewall::RuleGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup.
A custom action to use in stateless rule actions settings.
A single IP address specification.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.AddressProperty
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.AllowProperty
A logical rule statement used to combine other rule statements with AND logic.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.AndStatementProperty
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.BlockProperty
Inspect the body of the web request.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.BodyProperty
A fluent builder for CfnRuleGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnRuleGroup.
A rule statement that defines a string match search for AWS WAF to apply to web requests.
Specifies how AWS WAF should handle CAPTCHA evaluations.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.CaptchaProperty
Specifies how AWS WAF should handle Challenge evaluations.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.ChallengeProperty
The filter to use to identify the subset of cookies to inspect in a web request.
Inspect the cookies in the web request.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.CookiesProperty
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.CountProperty
An optional, non-standard action to use for stateless packet handling.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.CustomActionProperty
A custom header for custom request and response handling.
Custom request handling behavior that inserts custom headers into a web request.
The response body to use in a custom response to a web request.
A custom response to send to the client.
The value to use in an Amazon CloudWatch custom metric dimension.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.DimensionProperty
The part of the web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.FieldToMatchProperty
The configuration for inspecting IP addresses in an HTTP header that you specify, instead of using the IP address that's reported by the web request origin.
A rule statement that labels web requests by country and region and that matches against web requests based on country code.
The filter to use to identify the subset of headers to inspect in a web request.
The 5-tuple criteria for AWS Network Firewall to use to inspect packet headers in stateful traffic flow inspection.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.HeaderProperty
Inspect all headers in the web request.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.HeadersProperty
Used for CAPTCHA and challenge token settings.
The configuration for inspecting IP addresses in an HTTP header that you specify, instead of using the IP address that's reported by the web request origin.
A list of IP addresses and address ranges, in CIDR notation.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.IPSetProperty
Configures one or more IPSetReferences for a Suricata-compatible rule group.
A rule statement used to detect web requests coming from particular IP addresses or address ranges.
Inspect the body of the web request as JSON.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.JsonBodyProperty
The patterns to look for in the JSON body.
A rule statement to match against labels that have been added to the web request by rules that have already run in the web ACL.
A single label container.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.LabelProperty
List of labels used by one or more of the rules of a RuleGroup .
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.LabelSummaryProperty
Criteria for Network Firewall to use to inspect an individual packet in stateless rule inspection.
A logical rule statement used to negate the results of another rule statement.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.NotStatementProperty
A logical rule statement used to combine other rule statements with OR logic.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.OrStatementProperty
A single port range specification.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.PortRangeProperty
A set of port ranges for use in the rules in a rule group.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.PortSetProperty
Stateless inspection criteria that publishes the specified metrics to Amazon CloudWatch for the matching packet.
A rate-based rule tracks the rate of requests for each originating IP address, and triggers the rule action when the rate exceeds a limit that you specify on the number of requests in any 5-minute time span.
Configures the ReferenceSets for a stateful rule group.
A rule statement used to search web request components for a match against a single regular expression.
A rule statement used to search web request components for matches with regular expressions.
The action that AWS WAF should take on a web request when it matches a rule's statement.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.RuleActionProperty
The inspection criteria and action for a single stateless rule.
The object that defines the rules in a rule group.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.RuleGroupProperty
Additional settings for a stateful rule.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.RuleOptionProperty
A single rule, which you can use in a WebACL or RuleGroup to identify web requests that you want to allow, block, or count.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.RuleProperty
Stateful inspection criteria for a domain list rule group.
The stateless or stateful rules definitions for use in a single rule group.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.RulesSourceProperty
Settings that are available for use in the rules in the RuleGroup where this is defined.
Inspect one of the headers in the web request, identified by name, for example, User-Agent or Referer .
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.SingleHeaderProperty
Inspect one query argument in the web request, identified by name, for example UserName or SalesRegion .
A rule statement that compares a number of bytes against the size of a request component, using a comparison operator, such as greater than (>) or less than (<).
A rule statement that inspects for malicious SQL code.
Additional options governing how Network Firewall handles the rule group.
A single Suricata rules specification, for use in a stateful rule group.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.StatefulRuleProperty
A single stateless rule.
Stateless inspection criteria.
The processing guidance for a rule, used by AWS WAF to determine whether a web request matches the rule.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.StatementProperty
TCP flags and masks to inspect packets for.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroup.TCPFlagFieldProperty
Text transformations eliminate some of the unusual formatting that attackers use in web requests in an effort to bypass detection.
Defines and enables Amazon CloudWatch metrics and web request sample collection.
A rule statement that inspects for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
Properties for defining a CfnRuleGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnRuleGroup.
A builder for CfnRuleGroupProps
A builder for CfnRuleGroupProps
An implementation for CfnRuleGroupProps
An implementation for CfnRuleGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::APS::RuleGroupsNamespace.
A fluent builder for CfnRuleGroupsNamespace.
Properties for defining a CfnRuleGroupsNamespace.
An implementation for CfnRuleGroupsNamespaceProps
A rule can include a RuleCondition property and must include an Assertions property.
Properties for defining a CfnRule.
Properties for defining a CfnRule.
Properties for defining a CfnRule.
Properties for defining a CfnRule.
Properties for defining a CfnRule.
A builder for CfnRuleProps
A builder for CfnRuleProps
A builder for CfnRuleProps
A builder for CfnRuleProps
A builder for CfnRuleProps
A builder for CfnRuleProps
An implementation for CfnRuleProps
An implementation for CfnRuleProps
An implementation for CfnRuleProps
An implementation for CfnRuleProps
An implementation for CfnRuleProps
An implementation for CfnRuleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataBrew::Ruleset.
A fluent builder for CfnRuleset.
Selector of a column from a dataset for profile job configuration.
An implementation for CfnRuleset.ColumnSelectorProperty
Represents a single data quality requirement that should be validated in the scope of this dataset.
An implementation for CfnRuleset.RuleProperty
A key-value pair to associate an expression's substitution variable names with their values.
The threshold used with a non-aggregate check expression.
An implementation for CfnRuleset.ThresholdProperty
Properties for defining a CfnRuleset.
A builder for CfnRulesetProps
An implementation for CfnRulesetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Omics::RunGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnRunGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnRunGroup.
A builder for CfnRunGroupProps
An implementation for CfnRunGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::SafetyRule.
An assertion rule enforces that, when you change a routing control state, that the criteria that you set in the rule configuration is met.
A fluent builder for CfnSafetyRule.
A gating rule verifies that a gating routing control or set of gating routing controls, evaluates as true, based on a rule configuration that you specify, which allows a set of routing control state changes to complete.
An implementation for CfnSafetyRule.GatingRuleProperty
The rule configuration for an assertion rule.
An implementation for CfnSafetyRule.RuleConfigProperty
Properties for defining a CfnSafetyRule.
A builder for CfnSafetyRuleProps
An implementation for CfnSafetyRuleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IAM::SAMLProvider.
A fluent builder for CfnSAMLProvider.
Properties for defining a CfnSAMLProvider.
A builder for CfnSAMLProviderProps
An implementation for CfnSAMLProviderProps
A CloudFormation AWS::XRay::SamplingRule.
A fluent builder for CfnSamplingRule.
A sampling rule that services use to decide whether to instrument a request.
Properties for defining a CfnSamplingRule.
A builder for CfnSamplingRuleProps
An implementation for CfnSamplingRuleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget.
A fluent builder for CfnScalableTarget.
ScalableTargetAction specifies the minimum and maximum capacity for the ScalableTargetAction property of the AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget ScheduledAction property type.
ScheduledAction is a property of the AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget resource that specifies a scheduled action for a scalable target.
SuspendedState is a property of the AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget resource that specifies whether the scaling activities for a scalable target are in a suspended state.
Properties for defining a CfnScalableTarget.
An implementation for CfnScalableTargetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.
ApplicationSource is a property of ScalingPlan that specifies the application source to use with AWS Auto Scaling ( Auto Scaling Plans ).
A fluent builder for CfnScalingPlan.
CustomizedLoadMetricSpecification is a subproperty of ScalingInstruction that specifies a customized load metric for predictive scaling to use with AWS Auto Scaling ( Auto Scaling Plans ).
CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification is a subproperty of TargetTrackingConfiguration that specifies a customized scaling metric for a target tracking configuration to use with AWS Auto Scaling ( Auto Scaling Plans ).
MetricDimension is a subproperty of CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification that specifies a dimension for a customized metric to use with AWS Auto Scaling ( Auto Scaling Plans ).
PredefinedLoadMetricSpecification is a subproperty of ScalingInstruction that specifies a predefined load metric for predictive scaling to use with AWS Auto Scaling ( Auto Scaling Plans ).
PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification is a subproperty of TargetTrackingConfiguration that specifies a customized scaling metric for a target tracking configuration to use with AWS Auto Scaling ( Auto Scaling Plans ).
ScalingInstruction is a property of ScalingPlan that specifies the scaling instruction for a scalable resource in a scaling plan.
TagFilter is a subproperty of ApplicationSource that specifies a tag for an application source to use with AWS Auto Scaling ( Auto Scaling Plans ).
An implementation for CfnScalingPlan.TagFilterProperty
TargetTrackingConfiguration is a subproperty of ScalingInstruction that specifies a target tracking configuration to use with AWS Auto Scaling ( Auto Scaling Plans ).
Properties for defining a CfnScalingPlan.
A builder for CfnScalingPlanProps
An implementation for CfnScalingPlanProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.
A CloudFormation AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnScalingPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnScalingPolicy.
Contains customized metric specification information for a target tracking scaling policy for Application Auto Scaling.
Contains customized metric specification information for a target tracking scaling policy for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.
The metric data to return.
MetricDimension specifies a name/value pair that is part of the identity of a CloudWatch metric for the Dimensions property of the AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy CustomizedMetricSpecification property type.
MetricDimension specifies a name/value pair that is part of the identity of a CloudWatch metric for the Dimensions property of the AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy CustomizedMetricSpecification property type.
Represents a specific metric.
An implementation for CfnScalingPolicy.MetricProperty
MetricStat is a property of the AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy MetricDataQuery property type.
Contains predefined metric specification information for a target tracking scaling policy for Application Auto Scaling.
Contains predefined metric specification information for a target tracking scaling policy for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.
PredictiveScalingConfiguration is a property of the AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy resource that specifies a predictive scaling policy for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.
Contains capacity metric information for the CustomizedCapacityMetricSpecification property of the AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy PredictiveScalingMetricSpecification property type.
Contains load metric information for the CustomizedLoadMetricSpecification property of the AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy PredictiveScalingMetricSpecification property type.
Contains scaling metric information for the CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification property of the AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy PredictiveScalingMetricSpecification property type.
A structure that specifies a metric specification for the MetricSpecifications property of the AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy PredictiveScalingConfiguration property type.
Contains load metric information for the PredefinedLoadMetricSpecification property of the AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy PredictiveScalingMetricSpecification property type.
Contains metric pair information for the PredefinedMetricPairSpecification property of the AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy PredictiveScalingMetricSpecification property type.
Contains scaling metric information for the PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification property of the AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy PredictiveScalingMetricSpecification property type.
StepAdjustment specifies a step adjustment for the StepAdjustments property of the AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy StepScalingPolicyConfiguration property type.
StepAdjustment specifies a step adjustment for the StepAdjustments property of the AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy resource.
StepScalingPolicyConfiguration is a property of the AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy resource that specifies a step scaling policy configuration for Application Auto Scaling.
TargetTrackingConfiguration is a property of the AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy resource that specifies a target tracking scaling policy configuration for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.
TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration is a property of the AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy resource that specifies a target tracking scaling policy configuration for Application Auto Scaling.
Properties for defining a CfnScalingPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnScalingPolicy.
A builder for CfnScalingPolicyProps
A builder for CfnScalingPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnScalingPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnScalingPolicyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTTwinMaker::Scene.
A fluent builder for CfnScene.
Properties for defining a CfnScene.
A builder for CfnSceneProps
An implementation for CfnSceneProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataBrew::Schedule.
A CloudFormation AWS::Scheduler::Schedule.
This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups for the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used.
A fluent builder for CfnSchedule.
A fluent builder for CfnSchedule.
The details of a capacity provider strategy.
An object that contains information about an Amazon SQS queue that EventBridge Scheduler uses as a dead-letter queue for your schedule.
The templated target type for the Amazon ECS RunTask API operation.
An implementation for CfnSchedule.EcsParametersProperty
The templated target type for the EventBridge PutEvents API operation.
Allows you to configure a time window during which EventBridge Scheduler invokes the schedule.
The templated target type for the Amazon Kinesis PutRecord API operation.
Specifies the network configuration for an ECS task.
An object representing a constraint on task placement.
The task placement strategy for a task or service.
A RetryPolicy object that includes information about the retry policy settings, including the maximum age of an event, and the maximum number of times EventBridge Scheduler will try to deliver the event to a target.
An implementation for CfnSchedule.RetryPolicyProperty
The name and value pair of a parameter to use to start execution of a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline.
The templated target type for the Amazon SageMaker StartPipelineExecution API operation.
The templated target type for the Amazon SQS SendMessage API operation.
An implementation for CfnSchedule.SqsParametersProperty
The schedule's target.
An implementation for CfnSchedule.TargetProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction.
A CloudFormation AWS::Redshift::ScheduledAction.
A fluent builder for CfnScheduledAction.
A fluent builder for CfnScheduledAction.
Describes a pause cluster operation.
Describes a resize cluster operation.
Describes a resume cluster operation.
The action type that specifies an Amazon Redshift API operation that is supported by the Amazon Redshift scheduler.
Properties for defining a CfnScheduledAction.
Properties for defining a CfnScheduledAction.
An implementation for CfnScheduledActionProps
An implementation for CfnScheduledActionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::ScheduledAudit.
A fluent builder for CfnScheduledAudit.
Properties for defining a CfnScheduledAudit.
An implementation for CfnScheduledAuditProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Timestream::ScheduledQuery.
A fluent builder for CfnScheduledQuery.
This type is used to map column(s) from the query result to a dimension in the destination table.
Configuration required for error reporting.
MixedMeasureMappings are mappings that can be used to ingest data into a mixture of narrow and multi measures in the derived table.
Attribute mapping for MULTI value measures.
Only one of MixedMeasureMappings or MultiMeasureMappings is to be provided.
Notification configuration for a scheduled query.
Details on S3 location for error reports that result from running a query.
Configuration of the schedule of the query.
Details on SNS that are required to send the notification.
Configuration used for writing the output of a query.
Configuration to write data into Timestream database and table.
Properties for defining a CfnScheduledQuery.
An implementation for CfnScheduledQueryProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Scheduler::ScheduleGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnScheduleGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnScheduleGroup.
A builder for CfnScheduleGroupProps
An implementation for CfnScheduleGroupProps
Properties for defining a CfnSchedule.
Properties for defining a CfnSchedule.
A builder for CfnScheduleProps
A builder for CfnScheduleProps
An implementation for CfnScheduleProps
An implementation for CfnScheduleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Batch::SchedulingPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnSchedulingPolicy.
The fair share policy for a scheduling policy.
Specifies the weights for the fair share identifiers for the fair share policy.
Properties for defining a CfnSchedulingPolicy.
An implementation for CfnSchedulingPolicyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EventSchemas::Schema.
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::Schema.
A CloudFormation AWS::Personalize::Schema.
A fluent builder for CfnSchema.
A fluent builder for CfnSchema.
A fluent builder for CfnSchema.
Specifies a registry in the AWS Glue Schema Registry.
An implementation for CfnSchema.RegistryProperty
Specifies the version of a schema.
An implementation for CfnSchema.SchemaVersionProperty
Tags to associate with the schema.
An implementation for CfnSchema.TagsEntryProperty
Properties for defining a CfnSchema.
Properties for defining a CfnSchema.
Properties for defining a CfnSchema.
A builder for CfnSchemaProps
A builder for CfnSchemaProps
A builder for CfnSchemaProps
An implementation for CfnSchemaProps
An implementation for CfnSchemaProps
An implementation for CfnSchemaProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::SchemaVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnSchemaVersion.
A wrapper structure to contain schema identity fields.
An implementation for CfnSchemaVersion.SchemaProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::SchemaVersionMetadata.
A fluent builder for CfnSchemaVersionMetadata.
Properties for defining a CfnSchemaVersionMetadata.
An implementation for CfnSchemaVersionMetadataProps
Properties for defining a CfnSchemaVersion.
A builder for CfnSchemaVersionProps
An implementation for CfnSchemaVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GameLift::Script.
A fluent builder for CfnScript.
The location in Amazon S3 where build or script files can be stored for access by Amazon GameLift.
An implementation for CfnScript.S3LocationProperty
Properties for defining a CfnScript.
A builder for CfnScriptProps
An implementation for CfnScriptProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SecretsManager::Secret.
A fluent builder for CfnSecret.
Generates a random password.
Specifies a Region and the KmsKeyId for a replica secret.
An implementation for CfnSecret.ReplicaRegionProperty
Properties for defining a CfnSecret.
A builder for CfnSecretProps
An implementation for CfnSecretProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SecretsManager::SecretTargetAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnSecretTargetAttachment.
Properties for defining a CfnSecretTargetAttachment.
An implementation for CfnSecretTargetAttachmentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::OpenSearchServerless::SecurityConfig.
A fluent builder for CfnSecurityConfig.
Describes SAML options for an OpenSearch Serverless security configuration in the form of a key-value map.
Properties for defining a CfnSecurityConfig.
An implementation for CfnSecurityConfigProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EMR::SecurityConfiguration.
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::SecurityConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnSecurityConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnSecurityConfiguration.
Specifies how Amazon CloudWatch data should be encrypted.
Specifies an encryption configuration.
Specifies how job bookmark data should be encrypted.
Specifies how Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data should be encrypted.
Properties for defining a CfnSecurityConfiguration.
Properties for defining a CfnSecurityConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnSecurityConfigurationProps
An implementation for CfnSecurityConfigurationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnSecurityGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnSecurityGroup.
Adds the specified egress rules to a security group for use with a VPC.
An implementation for CfnSecurityGroup.EgressProperty
Adds an inbound rule to a security group.
An implementation for CfnSecurityGroup.IngressProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress.
A fluent builder for CfnSecurityGroupEgress.
Properties for defining a CfnSecurityGroupEgress.
An implementation for CfnSecurityGroupEgressProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress.
A CloudFormation AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroupIngress.
A fluent builder for CfnSecurityGroupIngress.
A fluent builder for CfnSecurityGroupIngress.
Properties for defining a CfnSecurityGroupIngress.
Properties for defining a CfnSecurityGroupIngress.
An implementation for CfnSecurityGroupIngressProps
An implementation for CfnSecurityGroupIngressProps
Properties for defining a CfnSecurityGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnSecurityGroup.
A builder for CfnSecurityGroupProps
A builder for CfnSecurityGroupProps
An implementation for CfnSecurityGroupProps
An implementation for CfnSecurityGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::SecurityKey.
A fluent builder for CfnSecurityKey.
Properties for defining a CfnSecurityKey.
A builder for CfnSecurityKeyProps
An implementation for CfnSecurityKeyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::OpenSearchServerless::SecurityPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnSecurityPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnSecurityPolicy.
An implementation for CfnSecurityPolicyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::SecurityProfile.
A structure containing the alert target ARN and the role ARN.
The criteria by which the behavior is determined to be normal.
A Device Defender security profile behavior.
A fluent builder for CfnSecurityProfile.
The MachineLearningDetectionConfig property type controls confidence of the machine learning model.
The dimension of the metric.
The metric you want to retain.
The value to be compared with the metric .
A statistical ranking (percentile) that indicates a threshold value by which a behavior is determined to be in compliance or in violation of the behavior.
Properties for defining a CfnSecurityProfile.
An implementation for CfnSecurityProfileProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Evidently::Segment.
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::Segment.
Specifies attribute-based criteria for including or excluding endpoints from a segment.
Specifies behavior-based criteria for the segment, such as how recently users have used your app.
An implementation for CfnSegment.BehaviorProperty
A fluent builder for CfnSegment.
A fluent builder for CfnSegment.
Specifies the GPS coordinates of a location.
An implementation for CfnSegment.CoordinatesProperty
Specifies demographic-based criteria, such as device platform, for the segment.
An implementation for CfnSegment.DemographicProperty
Specifies the GPS coordinates of the endpoint location.
An implementation for CfnSegment.GPSPointProperty
An array that defines the set of segment criteria to evaluate when handling segment groups for the segment.
An implementation for CfnSegment.GroupsProperty
Specifies location-based criteria, such as region or GPS coordinates, for the segment.
An implementation for CfnSegment.LocationProperty
Specifies how recently segment members were active.
An implementation for CfnSegment.RecencyProperty
Specifies the dimension settings for a segment.
Specifies the set of segment criteria to evaluate when handling segment groups for the segment.
An implementation for CfnSegment.SegmentGroupsProperty
Specifies the dimension type and values for a segment dimension.
An implementation for CfnSegment.SetDimensionProperty
Specifies the base segment to build the segment on.
An implementation for CfnSegment.SourceSegmentsProperty
Properties for defining a CfnSegment.
Properties for defining a CfnSegment.
A builder for CfnSegmentProps
A builder for CfnSegmentProps
An implementation for CfnSegmentProps
An implementation for CfnSegmentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Omics::SequenceStore.
A fluent builder for CfnSequenceStore.
Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for a store.
Properties for defining a CfnSequenceStore.
A builder for CfnSequenceStoreProps
An implementation for CfnSequenceStoreProps
A CloudFormation AWS::OpsWorksCM::Server.
A CloudFormation AWS::Transfer::Server.
A fluent builder for CfnServer.
A fluent builder for CfnServer.
The virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoint settings that are configured for your server.
An implementation for CfnServer.EndpointDetailsProperty
The EngineAttribute property type specifies administrator credentials for an AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate or OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise server.
An implementation for CfnServer.EngineAttributeProperty
Required when IdentityProviderType is set to AWS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE , AWS _LAMBDA or API_GATEWAY .
The protocol settings that are configured for your server.
An implementation for CfnServer.ProtocolDetailsProperty
Specifies the workflow ID for the workflow to assign and the execution role that's used for executing the workflow.
An implementation for CfnServer.WorkflowDetailProperty
Container for the WorkflowDetail data type.
An implementation for CfnServer.WorkflowDetailsProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::IAM::ServerCertificate.
A fluent builder for CfnServerCertificate.
Properties for defining a CfnServerCertificate.
An implementation for CfnServerCertificateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MSK::ServerlessCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnServerlessCluster.
Includes all client authentication information.
Details for SASL/IAM client authentication.
An implementation for CfnServerlessCluster.IamProperty
Details for client authentication using SASL.
An implementation for CfnServerlessCluster.SaslProperty
Properties for defining a CfnServerlessCluster.
An implementation for CfnServerlessClusterProps
Properties for defining a CfnServer.
Properties for defining a CfnServer.
A builder for CfnServerProps
A builder for CfnServerProps
An implementation for CfnServerProps
An implementation for CfnServerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppRunner::Service.
A CloudFormation AWS::ECS::Service.
A CloudFormation AWS::RefactorSpaces::Service.
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service.
A CloudFormation AWS::VpcLattice::Service.
Describes resources needed to authenticate access to some source repositories.
An object representing the networking details for a task or service.
A fluent builder for CfnService.
A fluent builder for CfnService.
A fluent builder for CfnService.
A fluent builder for CfnService.
A fluent builder for CfnService.
The details of a capacity provider strategy.
Describes the configuration that AWS App Runner uses to build and run an App Runner service from a source code repository.
Describes the basic configuration needed for building and running an AWS App Runner service.
Describes a source code repository.
An implementation for CfnService.CodeRepositoryProperty
One of the methods which provide a way for you to quickly identify when a deployment has failed, and then to optionally roll back the failure to the last working deployment.
The DeploymentConfiguration property specifies optional deployment parameters that control how many tasks run during the deployment and the ordering of stopping and starting tasks.
The deployment controller to use for the service.
A complex type that contains information about the Amazon Route 53 DNS records that you want AWS Cloud Map to create when you register an instance.
An implementation for CfnService.DnsConfigProperty
Describes the DNS information of a service.
An implementation for CfnService.DnsEntryProperty
A complex type that contains information about the Route 53 DNS records that you want AWS Cloud Map to create when you register an instance.
An implementation for CfnService.DnsRecordProperty
Describes configuration settings related to outbound network traffic of an AWS App Runner service.
Describes a custom encryption key that AWS App Runner uses to encrypt copies of the source repository and service logs.
Public DNS and HTTP namespaces only. A complex type that contains settings for an optional health check.
Describes the settings for the health check that AWS App Runner performs to monitor the health of a service.
A complex type that contains information about an optional custom health check.
Describes the configuration that AWS App Runner uses to run an App Runner service using an image pulled from a source image repository.
Describes a source image repository.
Network configuration settings for inbound network traffic.
Describes the runtime configuration of an AWS App Runner service instance (scaling unit).
Describes a key-value pair, which is a string-to-string mapping.
An implementation for CfnService.KeyValuePairProperty
The input for the AWS Lambda endpoint type.
The LoadBalancer property specifies details on a load balancer that is used with a service.
An implementation for CfnService.LoadBalancerProperty
The log configuration for the container.
Describes configuration settings related to network traffic of an AWS App Runner service.
The NetworkConfiguration property specifies an object representing the network configuration for a task or service.
The PlacementConstraint property specifies an object representing a constraint on task placement in the task definition.
The PlacementStrategy property specifies the task placement strategy for a task or service.
An object representing the secret to expose to your container.
An implementation for CfnService.SecretProperty
Each alias ("endpoint") is a fully-qualified name and port number that other tasks ("clients") can use to connect to this service.
The Service Connect configuration of your Amazon ECS service.
The Service Connect service object configuration.
Describes the observability configuration of an AWS App Runner service.
The ServiceRegistry property specifies details of the service registry.
Identifies a version of code that AWS App Runner refers to within a source code repository.
Describes the source deployed to an AWS App Runner service.
The configuration for the URL endpoint type.
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::ServiceAction.
A fluent builder for CfnServiceAction.
The list of parameters in JSON format.
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::ServiceActionAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnServiceActionAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnServiceActionAssociation.
An implementation for CfnServiceActionAssociationProps
Properties for defining a CfnServiceAction.
A builder for CfnServiceActionProps
An implementation for CfnServiceActionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole.
A fluent builder for CfnServiceLinkedRole.
Properties for defining a CfnServiceLinkedRole.
An implementation for CfnServiceLinkedRoleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::VpcLattice::ServiceNetwork.
A fluent builder for CfnServiceNetwork.
Properties for defining a CfnServiceNetwork.
An implementation for CfnServiceNetworkProps
A CloudFormation AWS::VpcLattice::ServiceNetworkServiceAssociation.
DNS information about the service.
Properties for defining a CfnServiceNetworkServiceAssociation.
A CloudFormation AWS::VpcLattice::ServiceNetworkVpcAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnServiceNetworkVpcAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnServiceNetworkVpcAssociation.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTWireless::ServiceProfile.
A fluent builder for CfnServiceProfile.
LoRaWANServiceProfile object.
Properties for defining a CfnServiceProfile.
An implementation for CfnServiceProfileProps
Properties for defining a CfnService.
Properties for defining a CfnService.
Properties for defining a CfnService.
Properties for defining a CfnService.
Properties for defining a CfnService.
A builder for CfnServiceProps
A builder for CfnServiceProps
A builder for CfnServiceProps
A builder for CfnServiceProps
A builder for CfnServiceProps
An implementation for CfnServiceProps
An implementation for CfnServiceProps
An implementation for CfnServiceProps
An implementation for CfnServiceProps
An implementation for CfnServiceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Proton::ServiceTemplate.
A fluent builder for CfnServiceTemplate.
Properties for defining a CfnServiceTemplate.
An implementation for CfnServiceTemplateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Macie::Session.
A fluent builder for CfnSession.
Properties for defining a CfnSession.
A builder for CfnSessionProps
An implementation for CfnSessionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTFleetWise::SignalCatalog.
A signal that represents a vehicle device such as the engine, heater, and door locks.
An implementation for CfnSignalCatalog.ActuatorProperty
A signal that represents static information about the vehicle, such as engine type or manufacturing date.
A group of signals that are defined in a hierarchical structure.
An implementation for CfnSignalCatalog.BranchProperty
A fluent builder for CfnSignalCatalog.
Information about the number of nodes and node types in a vehicle network.
A general abstraction of a signal.
An implementation for CfnSignalCatalog.NodeProperty
An input component that reports the environmental condition of a vehicle.
An implementation for CfnSignalCatalog.SensorProperty
Properties for defining a CfnSignalCatalog.
A builder for CfnSignalCatalogProps
An implementation for CfnSignalCatalogProps
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisVideo::SignalingChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnSignalingChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnSignalingChannel.
An implementation for CfnSignalingChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Signer::SigningProfile.
A fluent builder for CfnSigningProfile.
The validity period for the signing job.
Properties for defining a CfnSigningProfile.
An implementation for CfnSigningProfileProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DirectoryService::SimpleAD.
A fluent builder for CfnSimpleAD.
Contains VPC information for the CreateDirectory or CreateMicrosoftAD operation.
An implementation for CfnSimpleAD.VpcSettingsProperty
Properties for defining a CfnSimpleAD.
A builder for CfnSimpleADProps
An implementation for CfnSimpleADProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable.
A fluent builder for CfnSimpleTable.
An implementation for CfnSimpleTable.PrimaryKeyProperty
Properties for defining a CfnSimpleTable.
A builder for CfnSimpleTableProps
An implementation for CfnSimpleTableProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SimSpaceWeaver::Simulation.
A fluent builder for CfnSimulation.
A location in Amazon Simple Storage Service ( Amazon S3 ) where SimSpace Weaver stores simulation data, such as your app .zip files and schema file.
An implementation for CfnSimulation.S3LocationProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::RoboMaker::SimulationApplication.
A fluent builder for CfnSimulationApplication.
Information about a rendering engine.
Information about a robot software suite.
Information about a simulation software suite.
Information about a source configuration.
Properties for defining a CfnSimulationApplication.
An implementation for CfnSimulationApplicationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RoboMaker::SimulationApplicationVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnSimulationApplicationVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnSimulationApplicationVersion.
Properties for defining a CfnSimulation.
A builder for CfnSimulationProps
An implementation for CfnSimulationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Oam::Sink.
A fluent builder for CfnSink.
Properties for defining a CfnSink.
A builder for CfnSinkProps
An implementation for CfnSinkProps
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::Site.
A fluent builder for CfnSite.
Describes a location.
An implementation for CfnSite.LocationProperty
Properties for defining a CfnSite.
A builder for CfnSiteProps
An implementation for CfnSiteProps
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::SiteToSiteVpnAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnSiteToSiteVpnAttachment.
Describes a proposed segment change.
Properties for defining a CfnSiteToSiteVpnAttachment.
An implementation for CfnSiteToSiteVpnAttachmentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::WAF::SizeConstraintSet.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFRegional::SizeConstraintSet.
A fluent builder for CfnSizeConstraintSet.
A fluent builder for CfnSizeConstraintSet.
The part of a web request that you want to inspect, such as a specified header or a query string.
The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect, such as a specific header or a query string.
Properties for defining a CfnSizeConstraintSet.
Properties for defining a CfnSizeConstraintSet.
An implementation for CfnSizeConstraintSetProps
An implementation for CfnSizeConstraintSetProps
A CloudFormation Alexa::ASK::Skill.
The AuthenticationConfiguration property type specifies the Login with Amazon (LWA) configuration used to authenticate with the Alexa service.
A fluent builder for CfnSkill.
The Overrides property type provides overrides to the skill package to apply when creating or updating the skill.
An implementation for CfnSkill.OverridesProperty
The SkillPackage property type contains configuration details for the skill package that contains the components of the Alexa skill.
An implementation for CfnSkill.SkillPackageProperty
Properties for defining a CfnSkill.
A builder for CfnSkillProps
An implementation for CfnSkillProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Chatbot::SlackChannelConfiguration.
A CloudFormation AWS::SupportApp::SlackChannelConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnSlackChannelConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnSlackChannelConfiguration.
Properties for defining a CfnSlackChannelConfiguration.
Properties for defining a CfnSlackChannelConfiguration.
An implementation for CfnSlackChannelConfigurationProps
An implementation for CfnSlackChannelConfigurationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SupportApp::SlackWorkspaceConfiguration.
A fluent builder for CfnSlackWorkspaceConfiguration.
Properties for defining a CfnSlackWorkspaceConfiguration.
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::SMSChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnSMSChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnSMSChannel.
A builder for CfnSMSChannelProps
An implementation for CfnSMSChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::SmsTemplate.
A fluent builder for CfnSmsTemplate.
Properties for defining a CfnSmsTemplate.
A builder for CfnSmsTemplateProps
An implementation for CfnSmsTemplateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::FSx::Snapshot.
A fluent builder for CfnSnapshot.
Properties for defining a CfnSnapshot.
A builder for CfnSnapshotProps
An implementation for CfnSnapshotProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Personalize::Solution.
An implementation for CfnSolution.AutoMLConfigProperty
A fluent builder for CfnSolution.
An implementation for CfnSolution.HpoConfigProperty
An implementation for CfnSolution.HpoObjectiveProperty
Describes the configuration properties for the solution.
Properties for defining a CfnSolution.
A builder for CfnSolutionProps
An implementation for CfnSolutionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppSync::SourceApiAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnSourceApiAssociation.
Describes properties used to specify configurations related to a source API.
Properties for defining a CfnSourceApiAssociation.
An implementation for CfnSourceApiAssociationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CodeBuild::SourceCredential.
A fluent builder for CfnSourceCredential.
Properties for defining a CfnSourceCredential.
An implementation for CfnSourceCredentialProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::Space.
A fluent builder for CfnSpace.
A custom SageMaker image.
An implementation for CfnSpace.CustomImageProperty
The JupyterServer app settings.
The KernelGateway app settings.
Specifies the ARN's of a SageMaker image and SageMaker image version, and the instance type that the version runs on.
An implementation for CfnSpace.ResourceSpecProperty
A collection of space settings.
An implementation for CfnSpace.SpaceSettingsProperty
Properties for defining a CfnSpace.
A builder for CfnSpaceProps
An implementation for CfnSpaceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.
The minimum and maximum number of accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, or AWS Inferentia chips) on an instance.
The minimum and maximum amount of total accelerator memory, in MiB.
The minimum and maximum baseline bandwidth to Amazon EBS, in Mbps.
Specifies a block device mapping.
A fluent builder for CfnSpotFleet.
Specifies a Classic Load Balancer.
Specifies the Classic Load Balancers to attach to a Spot Fleet.
Describes a block device for an EBS volume.
Specifies the launch template to be used by the Spot Fleet request for configuring Amazon EC2 instances.
Describes a security group.
Describes an IAM instance profile.
Describes an IPv6 address.
Describes a network interface.
The attributes for the instance types.
Specifies a launch template and overrides.
Specifies overrides for a launch template.
Specifies the Classic Load Balancers and target groups to attach to a Spot Fleet request.
The minimum and maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB.
The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB.
The minimum and maximum amount of network bandwidth, in gigabits per second (Gbps).
The minimum and maximum number of network interfaces.
Describes a secondary private IPv4 address for a network interface.
The Spot Instance replacement strategy to use when Amazon EC2 emits a signal that your Spot Instance is at an elevated risk of being interrupted.
Specifies the launch specification for one or more Spot Instances.
Describes whether monitoring is enabled.
Specifies the configuration of a Spot Fleet request.
The tags for a Spot Fleet resource.
The strategies for managing your Spot Instances that are at an elevated risk of being interrupted.
Describes Spot Instance placement.
Describes a load balancer target group.
An implementation for CfnSpotFleet.TargetGroupProperty
Describes the target groups to attach to a Spot Fleet.
The minimum and maximum amount of total local storage, in GB.
The minimum and maximum number of vCPUs.
Properties for defining a CfnSpotFleet.
A builder for CfnSpotFleetProps
An implementation for CfnSpotFleetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::WAF::SqlInjectionMatchSet.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFRegional::SqlInjectionMatchSet.
A fluent builder for CfnSqlInjectionMatchSet.
A fluent builder for CfnSqlInjectionMatchSet.
The part of a web request that you want to inspect, such as a specified header or a query string.
The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect, such as a specific header or a query string.
Properties for defining a CfnSqlInjectionMatchSet.
Properties for defining a CfnSqlInjectionMatchSet.
An implementation for CfnSqlInjectionMatchSetProps
An implementation for CfnSqlInjectionMatchSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::Stack.
A CloudFormation AWS::AppStream::Stack.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::Stack.
A CloudFormation AWS::OpsWorks::Stack.
Describes an interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) that lets you create a private connection between the virtual private cloud (VPC) that you specify and AppStream 2.0.
An implementation for CfnStack.AccessEndpointProperty
The persistent application settings for users of a stack.
A fluent builder for CfnStack.
A fluent builder for CfnStack.
A fluent builder for CfnStack.
A fluent builder for CfnStack.
Describes the Chef configuration.
Describes an Elastic IP address.
An implementation for CfnStack.ElasticIpProperty
Describes an Amazon RDS instance.
An implementation for CfnStack.RdsDbInstanceProperty
Contains the information required to retrieve an app or cookbook from a repository.
An implementation for CfnStack.SourceProperty
Describes the configuration manager.
A connector that enables persistent storage for users.
An implementation for CfnStack.StorageConnectorProperty
The streaming protocol that you want your stack to prefer.
Specifies an action and whether the action is enabled or disabled for users during their streaming sessions.
An implementation for CfnStack.UserSettingProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::AppStream::StackFleetAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnStackFleetAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnStackFleetAssociation.
An implementation for CfnStackFleetAssociationProps
Properties for defining a CfnStack.
Properties for defining a CfnStack.
Properties for defining a CfnStack.
Properties for defining a CfnStack.
A builder for CfnStackProps
A builder for CfnStackProps
A builder for CfnStackProps
A builder for CfnStackProps
An implementation for CfnStackProps
An implementation for CfnStackProps
An implementation for CfnStackProps
An implementation for CfnStackProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::StackSet.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::StackSet.
[ Service-managed permissions] Describes whether StackSets automatically deploys to AWS Organizations accounts that are added to a target organizational unit (OU).
[ Service-managed permissions] Describes whether StackSets automatically deploys to AWS Organizations accounts that are added to a target organizational unit (OU).
A fluent builder for CfnStackSet.
A fluent builder for CfnStackSet.
The AWS OrganizationalUnitIds or Accounts for which to create stack instances in the specified Regions.
The AWS OrganizationalUnitIds or Accounts for which to create stack instances in the specified Regions.
Describes whether StackSets performs non-conflicting operations concurrently and queues conflicting operations.
Describes whether StackSets performs non-conflicting operations concurrently and queues conflicting operations.
The user-specified preferences for how AWS CloudFormation performs a stack set operation.
The user-specified preferences for how AWS CloudFormation performs a stack set operation.
The Parameter data type.
The Parameter data type.
An implementation for CfnStackSet.ParameterProperty
An implementation for CfnStackSet.ParameterProperty
Stack instances in some specific accounts and Regions.
Stack instances in some specific accounts and Regions.
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::StackSetConstraint.
A fluent builder for CfnStackSetConstraint.
Properties for defining a CfnStackSetConstraint.
An implementation for CfnStackSetConstraintProps
Properties for defining a CfnStackSet.
Properties for defining a CfnStackSet.
A builder for CfnStackSetProps
A builder for CfnStackSetProps
An implementation for CfnStackSetProps
An implementation for CfnStackSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppStream::StackUserAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnStackUserAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnStackUserAssociation.
An implementation for CfnStackUserAssociationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::Stage.
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage.
The AccessLogSetting property type specifies settings for logging access in this stage.
An implementation for CfnStage.AccessLogSettingProperty
Settings for logging access in a stage.
A fluent builder for CfnStage.
A fluent builder for CfnStage.
Configuration settings of a canary deployment.
An implementation for CfnStage.CanarySettingProperty
The MethodSetting property type configures settings for all methods in a stage.
An implementation for CfnStage.MethodSettingProperty
Represents a collection of route settings.
An implementation for CfnStage.RouteSettingsProperty
Properties for defining a CfnStage.
Properties for defining a CfnStage.
A builder for CfnStageProps
A builder for CfnStageProps
An implementation for CfnStageProps
An implementation for CfnStageProps
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
moved to package aws-apigatewayv2
A CloudFormation AWS::Serverless::StateMachine.
A CloudFormation AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine.
An implementation for CfnStateMachine.ApiEventProperty
A fluent builder for CfnStateMachine.
A fluent builder for CfnStateMachine.
Defines a CloudWatch log group.
Defines a destination for LoggingConfiguration .
Defines what execution history events are logged and where they are logged.
Defines the S3 bucket location where a state machine definition is stored.
The TagsEntry property specifies tags to identify a state machine.
An implementation for CfnStateMachine.TagsEntryProperty
Selects whether or not the state machine's AWS X-Ray tracing is enabled.
Properties for defining a CfnStateMachine.
Properties for defining a CfnStateMachine.
A builder for CfnStateMachineProps
A builder for CfnStateMachineProps
An implementation for CfnStateMachineProps
An implementation for CfnStateMachineProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Lightsail::StaticIp.
A fluent builder for CfnStaticIp.
Properties for defining a CfnStaticIp.
A builder for CfnStaticIpProps
An implementation for CfnStaticIpProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EMR::Step.
A fluent builder for CfnStep.
A job flow step consisting of a JAR file whose main function will be executed.
KeyValue is a subproperty of the HadoopJarStepConfig property type.
An implementation for CfnStep.KeyValueProperty
Properties for defining a CfnStep.
A builder for CfnStepProps
An implementation for CfnStepProps
A CloudFormation AWS::S3::StorageLens.
This resource contains the details of the account-level metrics for Amazon S3 Storage Lens.
This resource enables Amazon S3 Storage Lens activity metrics.
This resource enables Amazon S3 Storage Lens advanced cost optimization metrics.
This resource enables Amazon S3 Storage Lens advanced data protection metrics.
This resource contains the details of the AWS Organization for Amazon S3 Storage Lens.
An implementation for CfnStorageLens.AwsOrgProperty
A property for the bucket-level storage metrics for Amazon S3 Storage Lens.
This resource contains the details of the buckets and Regions for the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.
A fluent builder for CfnStorageLens.
This resource enables the Amazon CloudWatch publishing option for Amazon S3 Storage Lens metrics.
This resource contains the details of the Amazon S3 Storage Lens metrics export.
An implementation for CfnStorageLens.DataExportProperty
This resource enables Amazon S3 Storage Lens detailed status code metrics.
This resource contains the type of server-side encryption used to encrypt an Amazon S3 Storage Lens metrics export.
An implementation for CfnStorageLens.EncryptionProperty
This resource contains the details of the prefix-level of the Amazon S3 Storage Lens.
This resource contains the details of the prefix-level storage metrics for Amazon S3 Storage Lens.
This resource contains the details of the bucket where the Amazon S3 Storage Lens metrics export will be placed.
This resource contains the details of the Amazon S3 Storage Lens selection criteria.
Specifies the use of server-side encryption using an AWS Key Management Service key (SSE-KMS) to encrypt the delivered S3 Storage Lens metrics export file.
An implementation for CfnStorageLens.SSEKMSProperty
This is the property of the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.
Properties for defining a CfnStorageLens.
A builder for CfnStorageLensProps
An implementation for CfnStorageLensProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataSync::StorageSystem.
A fluent builder for CfnStorageSystem.
The network settings that DataSync Discovery uses to connect with your on-premises storage system's management interface.
The credentials that provide DataSync Discovery read access to your on-premises storage system's management interface.
Properties for defining a CfnStorageSystem.
A builder for CfnStorageSystemProps
An implementation for CfnStorageSystemProps
A CloudFormation AWS::FSx::StorageVirtualMachine.
Describes the self-managed Microsoft Active Directory to which you want to join the SVM.
A fluent builder for CfnStorageVirtualMachine.
The configuration that Amazon FSx uses to join a FSx for Windows File Server file system or an FSx for ONTAP storage virtual machine (SVM) to a self-managed (including on-premises) Microsoft Active Directory (AD) directory.
Properties for defining a CfnStorageVirtualMachine.
An implementation for CfnStorageVirtualMachineProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Config::StoredQuery.
A fluent builder for CfnStoredQuery.
Properties for defining a CfnStoredQuery.
A builder for CfnStoredQueryProps
An implementation for CfnStoredQueryProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Kinesis::Stream.
A CloudFormation AWS::KinesisVideo::Stream.
A CloudFormation AWS::QLDB::Stream.
A fluent builder for CfnStream.
A fluent builder for CfnStream.
A fluent builder for CfnStream.
The configuration settings of the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams destination for an Amazon QLDB journal stream.
Enables or updates server-side encryption using an AWS KMS key for a specified stream.
Specifies the capacity mode to which you want to set your data stream.
A CloudFormation AWS::Kinesis::StreamConsumer.
A fluent builder for CfnStreamConsumer.
Properties for defining a CfnStreamConsumer.
An implementation for CfnStreamConsumerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution.
A fluent builder for CfnStreamingDistribution.
A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the streaming distribution.
A complex type that contains information about the Amazon S3 bucket from which you want CloudFront to get your media files for distribution.
The RTMP distribution's configuration information.
A list of AWS accounts whose public keys CloudFront can use to verify the signatures of signed URLs and signed cookies.
Properties for defining a CfnStreamingDistribution.
An implementation for CfnStreamingDistributionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::NimbleStudio::StreamingImage.
A fluent builder for CfnStreamingImage.
Properties for defining a CfnStreamingImage.
An implementation for CfnStreamingImageProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IVS::StreamKey.
A fluent builder for CfnStreamKey.
Properties for defining a CfnStreamKey.
A builder for CfnStreamKeyProps
An implementation for CfnStreamKeyProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Rekognition::StreamProcessor.
Identifies the bounding box around the label, face, text, or personal protective equipment.
A fluent builder for CfnStreamProcessor.
Connected home settings to use on a streaming video.
Allows you to opt in or opt out to share data with Rekognition to improve model performance.
The input parameters used to recognize faces in a streaming video analyzed by a Amazon Rekognition stream processor.
Amazon Rekognition Video Stream Processor take as input a Kinesis video stream (Input) and a Kinesis data stream (Output).
The Kinesis video stream that provides the source of the streaming video for an Amazon Rekognition Video stream processor.
The Amazon Simple Notification Service topic to which Amazon Rekognition publishes the object detection results and completion status of a video analysis operation.
The Amazon S3 bucket location to which Amazon Rekognition publishes the detailed inference results of a video analysis operation.
Properties for defining a CfnStreamProcessor.
An implementation for CfnStreamProcessorProps
Properties for defining a CfnStream.
Properties for defining a CfnStream.
Properties for defining a CfnStream.
A builder for CfnStreamProps
A builder for CfnStreamProps
A builder for CfnStreamProps
An implementation for CfnStreamProps
An implementation for CfnStreamProps
An implementation for CfnStreamProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EMR::Studio.
A CloudFormation AWS::NimbleStudio::Studio.
A fluent builder for CfnStudio.
A fluent builder for CfnStudio.
Configuration of the encryption method that is used for the studio.
A CloudFormation AWS::NimbleStudio::StudioComponent.
An LDAP attribute of an Active Directory computer account, in the form of a name:value pair.
The configuration for a AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory studio resource.
A fluent builder for CfnStudioComponent.
The configuration for a render farm that is associated with a studio resource.
The configuration for a license service that is associated with a studio resource.
A parameter for a studio component script, in the form of a key-value pair.
The configuration for a shared file storage system that is associated with a studio resource.
The configuration of the studio component, based on component type.
Initialization scripts for studio components.
Properties for defining a CfnStudioComponent.
An implementation for CfnStudioComponentProps
Properties for defining a CfnStudio.
Properties for defining a CfnStudio.
A builder for CfnStudioProps
A builder for CfnStudioProps
An implementation for CfnStudioProps
An implementation for CfnStudioProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EMR::StudioSessionMapping.
A fluent builder for CfnStudioSessionMapping.
Properties for defining a CfnStudioSessionMapping.
An implementation for CfnStudioSessionMappingProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::Subnet.
A fluent builder for CfnSubnet.
Describes the options for instance hostnames.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::SubnetCidrBlock.
A fluent builder for CfnSubnetCidrBlock.
Properties for defining a CfnSubnetCidrBlock.
An implementation for CfnSubnetCidrBlockProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DAX::SubnetGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::ElastiCache::SubnetGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::MemoryDB::SubnetGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnSubnetGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnSubnetGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnSubnetGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnSubnetGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnSubnetGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnSubnetGroup.
A builder for CfnSubnetGroupProps
A builder for CfnSubnetGroupProps
A builder for CfnSubnetGroupProps
An implementation for CfnSubnetGroupProps
An implementation for CfnSubnetGroupProps
An implementation for CfnSubnetGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnSubnet.
A builder for CfnSubnetProps
An implementation for CfnSubnetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation.
A CloudFormation AWS::SNS::Subscription.
A fluent builder for CfnSubscription.
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::SubscriptionDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnSubscriptionDefinition.
A subscription definition version contains a list of subscriptions .
Subscriptions define how MQTT messages can be exchanged between devices, functions, and connectors in the group, and with AWS IoT or the local shadow service.
Properties for defining a CfnSubscriptionDefinition.
An implementation for CfnSubscriptionDefinitionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Greengrass::SubscriptionDefinitionVersion.
A fluent builder for CfnSubscriptionDefinitionVersion.
Subscriptions define how MQTT messages can be exchanged between devices, functions, and connectors in the group, and with AWS IoT or the local shadow service.
Properties for defining a CfnSubscriptionDefinitionVersion.
A CloudFormation AWS::Logs::SubscriptionFilter.
A fluent builder for CfnSubscriptionFilter.
Properties for defining a CfnSubscriptionFilter.
An implementation for CfnSubscriptionFilterProps
Properties for defining a CfnSubscription.
A builder for CfnSubscriptionProps
An implementation for CfnSubscriptionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTCoreDeviceAdvisor::SuiteDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnSuiteDefinition.
Properties for defining a CfnSuiteDefinition.
An implementation for CfnSuiteDefinitionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTTwinMaker::SyncJob.
A fluent builder for CfnSyncJob.
Properties for defining a CfnSyncJob.
A builder for CfnSyncJobProps
An implementation for CfnSyncJobProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Cassandra::Table.
A CloudFormation AWS::DynamoDB::Table.
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::Table.
A CloudFormation AWS::Timestream::Table.
Represents an attribute for describing the key schema for the table and indexes.
Determines the billing mode for the table - on-demand or provisioned.
An implementation for CfnTable.BillingModeProperty
A fluent builder for CfnTable.
A fluent builder for CfnTable.
A fluent builder for CfnTable.
A fluent builder for CfnTable.
Defines an individual column within the clustering key.
The name and data type of an individual column in a table.
A column in a Table .
An implementation for CfnTable.ColumnProperty
An implementation for CfnTable.ColumnProperty
The settings used to enable or disable CloudWatch Contributor Insights.
The options for imported source files in CSV format.
A builder for CfnTable.CsvProperty
An implementation for CfnTable.CsvProperty
Specifies the encryption at rest option selected for the table.
Represents the properties of a global secondary index.
Specifies the properties of data being imported from the S3 bucket source to the table.
The format options for the data that was imported into the target table.
Represents a single element of a key schema.
An implementation for CfnTable.KeySchemaProperty
The Kinesis Data Streams configuration for the specified table.
Represents the properties of a local secondary index.
The location to write error reports for records rejected, asynchronously, during magnetic store writes.
The set of properties on a table for configuring magnetic store writes.
Specifies the sort order of a sorted column.
An implementation for CfnTable.OrderProperty
The settings used to enable point in time recovery.
Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into an index.
An implementation for CfnTable.ProjectionProperty
The provisioned throughput for the table, which consists of ReadCapacityUnits and WriteCapacityUnits .
Throughput for the specified table, which consists of values for ReadCapacityUnits and WriteCapacityUnits .
Retention properties contain the duration for which your time-series data must be stored in the magnetic store and the memory store.
The S3 bucket that is being imported from.
An implementation for CfnTable.S3BucketSourceProperty
The configuration that specifies an S3 location.
An implementation for CfnTable.S3ConfigurationProperty
A structure that contains schema identity fields.
An implementation for CfnTable.SchemaIdProperty
An object that references a schema stored in the AWS Glue Schema Registry.
An implementation for CfnTable.SchemaReferenceProperty
Information about a serialization/deserialization program (SerDe) that serves as an extractor and loader.
An implementation for CfnTable.SerdeInfoProperty
Specifies skewed values in a table.
An implementation for CfnTable.SkewedInfoProperty
Represents the settings used to enable server-side encryption.
An implementation for CfnTable.SSESpecificationProperty
Describes the physical storage of table data.
Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a table in DynamoDB.
A structure that describes a target table for resource linking.
An implementation for CfnTable.TableIdentifierProperty
A structure used to define a table.
An implementation for CfnTable.TableInputProperty
Represents the settings used to enable or disable Time to Live (TTL) for the specified table.
Properties for defining a CfnTable.
Properties for defining a CfnTable.
Properties for defining a CfnTable.
Properties for defining a CfnTable.
A builder for CfnTableProps
A builder for CfnTableProps
A builder for CfnTableProps
A builder for CfnTableProps
An implementation for CfnTableProps
An implementation for CfnTableProps
An implementation for CfnTableProps
An implementation for CfnTableProps
A CloudFormation AWS::LakeFormation::Tag.
A builder for CfnTag
A fluent builder for CfnTag.
An implementation for CfnTag
A CloudFormation AWS::LakeFormation::TagAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnTagAssociation.
A structure for the database object.
A structure containing the catalog ID, tag key, and tag values of an LF-tag key-value pair.
A structure for the resource.
A structure for the table object.
A structure for a table with columns object.
Properties for defining a CfnTagAssociation.
An implementation for CfnTagAssociationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::TagOption.
A fluent builder for CfnTagOption.
A CloudFormation AWS::ServiceCatalog::TagOptionAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnTagOptionAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnTagOptionAssociation.
An implementation for CfnTagOptionAssociationProps
Properties for defining a CfnTagOption.
A builder for CfnTagOptionProps
An implementation for CfnTagOptionProps
Properties for defining a CfnTag.
A builder for CfnTagProps
An implementation for CfnTagProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::VpcLattice::TargetGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnTargetGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnTargetGroup.
The health check configuration of a target group.
Specifies the HTTP codes that healthy targets must use when responding to an HTTP health check.
The codes to use when checking for a successful response from a target for health checks.
An implementation for CfnTargetGroup.MatcherProperty
An implementation for CfnTargetGroup.MatcherProperty
Specifies a target to add to a target group.
Specifies a target group attribute.
Describes the configuration of a target group.
Describes a target.
An implementation for CfnTargetGroup.TargetProperty
Properties for defining a CfnTargetGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnTargetGroup.
A builder for CfnTargetGroupProps
A builder for CfnTargetGroupProps
An implementation for CfnTargetGroupProps
An implementation for CfnTargetGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::DataSync::Task.
A fluent builder for CfnTask.
Specifies which files, folders, and objects to include or exclude when transferring files from source to destination.
An implementation for CfnTask.FilterRuleProperty
Represents the options that are available to control the behavior of a StartTaskExecution operation.
An implementation for CfnTask.OptionsProperty
Specifies the schedule you want your task to use for repeated executions.
An implementation for CfnTask.TaskScheduleProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTWireless::TaskDefinition.
The authorization configuration details for the Amazon EFS file system.
A fluent builder for CfnTaskDefinition.
A fluent builder for CfnTaskDefinition.
The ContainerDefinition property specifies a container definition.
The ContainerDependency property specifies the dependencies defined for container startup and shutdown.
The Device property specifies an object representing a container instance host device.
An implementation for CfnTaskDefinition.DeviceProperty
The DockerVolumeConfiguration property specifies a Docker volume configuration and is used when you use Docker volumes.
This parameter is specified when you're using an Amazon Elastic File System file system for task storage.
A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container.
The amount of ephemeral storage to allocate for the task.
The FireLens configuration for the container.
The HealthCheck property specifies an object representing a container health check.
The HostEntry property specifies a hostname and an IP address that are added to the /etc/hosts file of a container through the extraHosts parameter of its ContainerDefinition resource.
The HostVolumeProperties property specifies details on a container instance bind mount host volume.
Details on an Elastic Inference accelerator.
The KernelCapabilities property specifies the Linux capabilities for the container that are added to or dropped from the default configuration that is provided by Docker.
A key-value pair object.
The Linux-specific options that are applied to the container, such as Linux KernelCapabilities .
The LogConfiguration property specifies log configuration options to send to a custom log driver for the container.
LoRaWANGatewayVersion object.
The signature used to verify the update firmware.
LoRaWANUpdateGatewayTaskEntry object.
The details for a volume mount point that's used in a container definition.
The PortMapping property specifies a port mapping.
The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy.
The repository credentials for private registry authentication.
The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container.
Information about the platform for the Amazon ECS service or task.
An object representing the secret to expose to your container.
An implementation for CfnTaskDefinition.SecretProperty
A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container.
The constraint on task placement in the task definition.
The container path, mount options, and size of the tmpfs mount.
An implementation for CfnTaskDefinition.TmpfsProperty
The ulimit settings to pass to the container.
An implementation for CfnTaskDefinition.UlimitProperty
UpdateWirelessGatewayTaskCreate object.
Details on a data volume from another container in the same task definition.
The Volume property specifies a data volume used in a task definition.
An implementation for CfnTaskDefinition.VolumeProperty
Properties for defining a CfnTaskDefinition.
Properties for defining a CfnTaskDefinition.
An implementation for CfnTaskDefinitionProps
An implementation for CfnTaskDefinitionProps
Properties for defining a CfnTask.
A builder for CfnTaskProps
An implementation for CfnTaskProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ECS::TaskSet.
An object representing the networking details for a task or service.
A fluent builder for CfnTaskSet.
The load balancer configuration to use with a service or task set.
An implementation for CfnTaskSet.LoadBalancerProperty
The network configuration for a task or service.
A floating-point percentage of the desired number of tasks to place and keep running in the task set.
An implementation for CfnTaskSet.ScaleProperty
The details for the service registry.
Properties for defining a CfnTaskSet.
A builder for CfnTaskSetProps
An implementation for CfnTaskSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::TaskTemplate.
A fluent builder for CfnTaskTemplate.
Describes constraints that apply to the template fields.
Describes a default field and its corresponding value.
The identifier of the task template field.
Describes a single task template field.
An implementation for CfnTaskTemplate.FieldProperty
A field that is invisible to an agent.
Indicates a field that is read-only to an agent.
Information about a required field.
Properties for defining a CfnTaskTemplate.
A builder for CfnTaskTemplateProps
An implementation for CfnTaskTemplateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::QuickSight::Template.
A CloudFormation AWS::SES::Template.
An aggregation function aggregates values from a dimension or measure.
The configuration options to sort aggregated values.
The configuration for default analysis settings.
The date configuration of the filter.
The arc axis configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .
The arc axis range of a GaugeChartVisual .
The arc configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .
The options that determine the arc thickness of a GaugeChartVisual .
An implementation for CfnTemplate.ArcOptionsProperty
The data options for an axis.
The minimum and maximum setup for an axis display range.
The display options for the axis label.
The range setup of a numeric axis display range.
The label options for a chart axis.
The reference that specifies where the axis label is applied to.
The liner axis scale setup.
The logarithmic axis scale setup.
The scale setup options for a numeric axis display.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.AxisScaleProperty
The tick label options of an axis.
The aggregated field wells of a bar chart.
The configuration of a BarChartVisual .
The field wells of a BarChartVisual .
A bar chart.
The options that determine the bin count of a histogram.
The options that determine the bin width of a histogram.
The configuration of a body section.
The configuration of content in a body section.
The aggregated field well for a box plot.
The configuration of a BoxPlotVisual .
The field wells of a BoxPlotVisual .
The options of a box plot visual.
The sort configuration of a BoxPlotVisual .
The style options of the box plot.
A box plot.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.BoxPlotVisualProperty
A fluent builder for CfnTemplate.
A fluent builder for CfnTemplate.
The calculated field of an analysis.
The table calculation measure field for pivot tables.
The values that are displayed in a control can be configured to only show values that are valid based on what's selected in other controls.
The source controls that are used in a CascadingControlConfiguration .
The dimension type field with categorical type columns..
The measure type field with categorical type columns.
The numeric equality type drill down filter.
The configuration for a CategoryFilter .
A CategoryFilter filters text values.
The label options for an axis on a chart.
The cluster marker configuration of the geospatial map selected point style.
The cluster marker that is a part of the cluster marker configuration.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.ClusterMarkerProperty
Determines the color scale that is applied to the visual.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.ColorScaleProperty
The general configuration of a column.
A structure describing the name, data type, and geographic role of the columns.
The column group schema.
The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields for a visual element.
A column of a data set.
The column schema.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.ColumnSchemaProperty
The sort configuration for a column that is not used in a field well.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.ColumnSortProperty
The tooltip item for the columns that are not part of a field well.
The aggregated field wells of a combo chart.
The configuration of a ComboChartVisual .
The field wells of the visual.
The sort configuration of a ComboChartVisual .
A combo chart.
The comparison display configuration of a KPI or gauge chart.
The format of the comparison.
The computation union that is used in an insight visual.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.ComputationProperty
The formatting configuration for the color.
Determines the custom condition for an icon set.
Custom icon options for an icon set.
Formatting configuration for gradient color.
Determines the icon display configuration.
The formatting configuration for the icon.
Formatting configuration for icon set.
Formatting configuration for solid color.
The contribution analysis visual display for a line, pie, or bar chart.
The options that determine the currency display format configuration.
The filter operation that filters data included in a visual or in an entire sheet.
The navigation operation that navigates between different sheets in the same analysis.
The set parameter operation that sets parameters in custom action.
The URL operation that opens a link to another webpage.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.CustomColorProperty
The configuration of a CustomContentVisual .
A visual that contains custom content.
A custom filter that filters based on a single value.
A list of custom filter values.
The custom narrative options.
The customized parameter values.
The configuration of custom values for the destination parameter in DestinationParameterValueConfiguration .
The options for data bars.
Determines the color that is applied to a particular data value.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.DataColorProperty
The data field series item configuration of a line chart.
The options that determine the presentation of the data labels.
The option that determines the data label type.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.DataLabelTypeProperty
The color map that determines the color options for a particular element.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.DataPathColorProperty
The option that specifies individual data values for labels.
Allows data paths to be sorted by a specific data value.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.DataPathSortProperty
The data path that needs to be sorted.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.DataPathValueProperty
Dataset configuration.
Dataset reference.
Dataset schema.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.DataSetSchemaProperty
The options that determine how a date axis is displayed.
The dimension type field with date type columns.
The measure type field with date type columns.
The default values of the DateTimeParameterDeclaration .
Formatting configuration for DateTime fields.
The option that determines the hierarchy of any DateTime fields.
A parameter declaration for the DateTime data type.
The display options of a control.
The configuration that defines the default value of a DateTime parameter when a value has not been set.
The default values of the DecimalParameterDeclaration .
A parameter declaration for the Decimal data type.
The option that determines the decimal places configuration.
The configuration that defines the default value of a Decimal parameter when a value has not been set.
The options that determine the default settings of a free-form layout configuration.
The options that determine the default settings for a grid layout configuration.
The options that determine the default settings for interactive layout configuration.
The configuration for default new sheet settings.
The options that determine the default settings for a paginated layout configuration.
The options that determine the default settings for a section-based layout configuration.
The configuration of destination parameter values.
The dimension type field.
The label options of the label that is displayed in the center of a donut chart.
The options for configuring a donut chart or pie chart.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.DonutOptionsProperty
The drill down filter for the column hierarchies.
The display options of a control.
Defines different defaults to the users or groups based on mapping.
An empty visual.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.EmptyVisualProperty
An object, structure, or sub-structure of an analysis, template, or dashboard.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.EntityProperty
The exclude period of TimeRangeFilter or RelativeDatesFilter .
The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are built within a visual's field wells.
The setup for the detailed tooltip.
The field label type.
The field series item configuration of a line chart.
The field sort options in a chart configuration.
The sort configuration for a field in a field well.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.FieldSortProperty
The tooltip item for the fields.
The aggregated field well of the filled map.
Conditional formatting options of a FilledMapVisual .
The conditional formatting of a FilledMapVisual .
The configuration for a FilledMapVisual .
The field wells of a FilledMapVisual .
The conditional formatting that determines the shape of the filled map.
The sort configuration of a FilledMapVisual .
A filled map.
The control of a filter that is used to interact with a dashboard or an analysis.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.FilterControlProperty
A control from a date filter that is used to specify date and time.
A control to display a dropdown list with buttons that are used to select a single value.
A grouping of individual filters.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.FilterGroupProperty
A list of filter configurations.
A control to display a list of buttons or boxes.
The configuration of selected fields in the CustomActionFilterOperation .
The configuration of target visuals that you want to be filtered.
With a Filter , you can remove portions of data from a particular visual or view.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.FilterProperty
A control from a date filter that is used to specify the relative date.
The scope configuration for a FilterGroup .
A list of selectable values that are used in a control.
A control to display a horizontal toggle bar.
A control to display a text box that is used to enter multiple entries.
A control to display a text box that is used to enter a single entry.
Configures the display properties of the given text.
The option that determines the text display size.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.FontSizeProperty
The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.FontWeightProperty
The forecast computation configuration.
The forecast configuration that is used in a line chart's display properties.
The forecast scenario of a forecast in the line chart.
The formatting configuration for all types of field.
Configuration options for the canvas of a free-form layout.
The configuration of a free-form layout.
The background style configuration of a free-form layout element.
The background style configuration of a free-form layout element.
An element within a free-form layout.
The options that determine the sizing of the canvas used in a free-form layout.
The free-form layout configuration of a section.
The field well configuration of a FunnelChartVisual .
The configuration of a FunnelChartVisual .
The options that determine the presentation of the data labels.
The field well configuration of a FunnelChartVisual .
The sort configuration of a FunnelChartVisual .
A funnel chart.
The options that determine the presentation of the arc of a GaugeChartVisual .
Conditional formatting options of a GaugeChartVisual .
The conditional formatting of a GaugeChartVisual .
The configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .
The field well configuration of a GaugeChartVisual .
The options that determine the presentation of the GaugeChartVisual .
The conditional formatting for the primary value of a GaugeChartVisual .
A gauge chart.
The bound options (north, south, west, east) of the geospatial window options.
The aggregated field wells for a geospatial map.
The configuration of a GeospatialMapVisual .
The field wells of a GeospatialMapVisual .
The map style options of the geospatial map.
A geospatial map or a points on map visual.
The point style of the geospatial map.
The window options of the geospatial map visual.
Determines the border options for a table visual.
Determines the gradient color settings.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.GradientColorProperty
Determines the gradient stop configuration.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.GradientStopProperty
Configuration options for the canvas of a grid layout.
The configuration for a grid layout.
An element within a grid layout.
The options that determine the sizing of the canvas used in a grid layout.
The growth rate computation configuration.
The configuration of a header or footer section.
The aggregated field wells of a heat map.
The configuration of a heat map.
The field well configuration of a heat map.
The sort configuration of a heat map.
A heat map.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.HeatMapVisualProperty
The field well configuration of a histogram.
The options that determine the presentation of histogram bins.
The configuration for a HistogramVisual .
The field well configuration of a histogram.
A histogram.
The configuration of an insight visual.
An insight visual.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.InsightVisualProperty
The default values of the IntegerParameterDeclaration .
A parameter declaration for the Integer data type.
A parameter declaration for the Integer data type.
The limit configuration of the visual display for an axis.
The conditional formatting options of a KPI visual.
The conditional formatting of a KPI visual.
The configuration of a KPI visual.
The field well configuration of a KPI visual.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.KPIFieldWellsProperty
The options that determine the presentation of a KPI visual.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.KPIOptionsProperty
The conditional formatting for the primary value of a KPI visual.
The conditional formatting for the progress bar of a KPI visual.
The sort configuration of a KPI visual.
A key performance indicator (KPI).
An implementation for CfnTemplate.KPIVisualProperty
The share label options for the labels.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.LabelOptionsProperty
The configuration that determines what the type of layout will be used on a sheet.
A Layout defines the placement of elements within a sheet.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.LayoutProperty
The options for the legend setup of a visual.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.LegendOptionsProperty
The field well configuration of a line chart.
The configuration of a line chart.
The options that determine the default presentation of all line series in LineChartVisual .
The field well configuration of a line chart.
Line styles options for a line series in LineChartVisual .
Marker styles options for a line series in LineChartVisual .
The options that determine the presentation of a line series in the visual.
The sort configuration of a line chart.
A line chart.
The series axis configuration of a line chart.
The display options of a control.
The configuration of the search options in a list control.
The configuration of the Select all options in a list control.
The configuration of loading animation in free-form layout.
The navigation configuration for CustomActionNavigationOperation .
The text format for a subtitle.
A dataset parameter that is mapped to an analysis parameter.
The maximum label of a data path label.
The maximum and minimum computation configuration.
The measure (metric) type field.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.MeasureFieldProperty
The metric comparison computation configuration.
The minimum label of a data path label.
The configuration options that determine how missing data is treated during the rendering of a line chart.
The options that determine the negative value configuration.
The options that determine the null value format configuration.
The options that determine the number display format configuration.
Formatting configuration for number fields.
Aggregation for numerical values.
The dimension type field with numerical type columns.
The measure type field with numerical type columns.
The options for an axis with a numeric field.
The category drill down filter.
A NumericEqualityFilter filters values that are equal to the specified value.
The options that determine the numeric format configuration.
A NumericRangeFilter filters values that are within the value range.
The value input pf the numeric range filter.
The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.
The pagination configuration for a table visual or boxplot.
A collection of options that configure how each panel displays in a small multiples chart.
The options that determine the title styles for each small multiples panel.
The control of a parameter that users can interact with in a dashboard or an analysis.
A control from a date parameter that specifies date and time.
The declaration definition of a parameter.
A control to display a dropdown list with buttons that are used to select a single value.
A control to display a list with buttons or boxes that are used to select either a single value or multiple values.
A list of selectable values that are used in a control.
A control to display a horizontal toggle bar.
A control to display a text box that is used to enter multiple entries.
A control to display a text box that is used to enter a single entry.
The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.
An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.
The percent range in the visible range.
The period over period computation configuration.
The period to date computation configuration.
The field well configuration of a pie chart.
The configuration of a pie chart.
The field well configuration of a pie chart.
The sort configuration of a pie chart.
A pie or donut chart.
The field sort options for a pivot table sort configuration.
The aggregated field well for the pivot table.
The cell conditional formatting option for a pivot table.
Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual .
The conditional formatting for a PivotTableVisual .
The scope of the cell for conditional formatting.
The configuration for a PivotTableVisual .
The data path options for the pivot table field options.
The selected field options for the pivot table field options.
The field options for a pivot table visual.
The optional configuration of subtotals cells.
The field wells for a pivot table visual.
The table options for a pivot table visual.
The paginated report options for a pivot table visual.
The sort by field for the field sort options.
The sort configuration for a PivotTableVisual .
The total options for a pivot table visual.
A pivot table.
The optional configuration of totals cells in a PivotTableVisual .
The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are defined during data preparation.
The options that determine the presentation of the progress bar of a KPI visual.
The aggregated field well configuration of a RadarChartVisual .
The configured style settings of a radar chart.
The configuration of a RadarChartVisual .
The field wells of a radar chart visual.
The series settings of a radar chart.
The sort configuration of a RadarChartVisual .
A radar chart visual.
The range ends label type of a data path label.
The configuration for a custom label on a ReferenceLine .
The data configuration of the reference line.
The dynamic configuration of the reference line data configuration.
The label configuration of a reference line.
The reference line visual display options.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.ReferenceLineProperty
The static data configuration of the reference line data configuration.
The style configuration of the reference line.
The value label configuration of the label in a reference line.
A RelativeDatesFilter filters relative dates values.
The display options of a control.
Permission for the resource.
The rolling date configuration of a date time filter.
Determines the row alternate color options.
The configuration of the same-sheet target visuals that you want to be filtered.
The field well configuration of a sankey diagram.
The configuration of a sankey diagram.
The field well configuration of a sankey diagram.
The sort configuration of a sankey diagram.
A sankey diagram.
The aggregated field well of a scatter plot.
The configuration of a scatter plot.
The field well configuration of a scatter plot.
The unaggregated field wells of a scatter plot.
A scatter plot.
The visual display options for a data zoom scroll bar.
The options that determine the presentation of the secondary value of a KPI visual.
The configuration of a page break after a section.
The options for the canvas of a section-based layout.
The configuration for a section-based layout.
The options for a paper canvas of a section-based layout.
The layout configuration of a section.
The configuration of a page break for a section.
The options that style a section.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.SectionStyleProperty
The configuration for applying a filter to specific sheets or visuals.
The series item configuration of a line chart.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.SeriesItemProperty
The configuration of adding parameters in action.
The shape conditional formatting of a filled map visual.
The configuration that determines the elements and canvas size options of sheet control.
A grid layout to define the placement of sheet control.
A sheet is an object that contains a set of visuals that are viewed together on one page in a paginated report.
The override configuration of the rendering rules of a sheet.
The rendering rules of a sheet that uses a free-form layout.
A sheet , which is an object that contains a set of visuals that are viewed together on one page in Amazon QuickSight.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.SheetProperty
A text box.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.SheetTextBoxProperty
The filter that is applied to the options.
The text format for the title.
The simple cluster marker of the cluster marker.
The display options of a control.
Options that determine the layout and display options of a chart's small multiples.
The configuration of spacing (often a margin or padding).
An implementation for CfnTemplate.SpacingProperty
The default values of the StringParameterDeclaration .
Formatting configuration for string fields.
A parameter declaration for the String data type.
The configuration that defines the default value of a String parameter when a value has not been set.
The subtotal options.
The aggregated field well for the table.
The border options for a table border.
The cell conditional formatting option for a table.
The sizing options for the table image configuration.
The table cell style for a cell in pivot table or table visual.
Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual .
The conditional formatting for a PivotTableVisual .
The configuration for a TableVisual .
The custom icon content for the table link content configuration.
The custom text content (value, font configuration) for the table link content configuration.
The image configuration of a table field URL.
The link configuration of a table field URL.
The URL content (text, icon) for the table link configuration.
The options for a table field.
The field options for a table visual.
The URL configuration for a table field.
The field wells for a table visual.
The inline visualization of a specific type to display within a chart.
The table options for a table visual.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.TableOptionsProperty
The paginated report options for a table visual.
The conditional formatting of a table row.
The side border options for a table.
The sort configuration for a TableVisual .
The unaggregated field well for the table.
A table visual.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.TableVisualProperty
List of errors that occurred when the template version creation failed.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.TemplateErrorProperty
The content of the email, composed of a subject line and either an HTML part or a text-only part.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.TemplateProperty
The source analysis of the template.
The source entity of the template.
The source template of the template.
The detailed definition of a template.
A version of a template.
The display options of a control.
The conditional formatting for the text.
The configuration of the placeholder options in a text control.
The display options of a control.
The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.
The forecast properties setup of a forecast in the line chart.
A TimeEqualityFilter filters values that are equal to a given value.
The time range drill down filter.
A TimeRangeFilter filters values that are between two specified values.
The value of a time range filter.
The tooltip.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.TooltipItemProperty
The display options for the visual tooltip.
A TopBottomFilter filters values that are at the top or the bottom.
The top movers and bottom movers computation setup.
The top ranked and bottom ranked computation configuration.
The total aggregation computation configuration.
The total options for a table visual.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.TotalOptionsProperty
Aggregated field wells of a tree map.
The configuration of a tree map.
The field wells of a tree map.
The sort configuration of a tree map.
A tree map.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.TreeMapVisualProperty
The options that determine the presentation of trend arrows in a KPI visual.
The unaggregated field for a table.
The unique values computation configuration.
The range options for the data zoom scroll bar.
The operation that is defined by the custom action.
A custom action defined on a visual.
The visual display options for the visual palette.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.VisualPaletteProperty
A visual displayed on a sheet in an analysis, dashboard, or template.
An implementation for CfnTemplate.VisualProperty
The subtitle label options for a visual.
The title label options for a visual.
The field well configuration of a waterfall visual.
The configuration for a waterfall visual.
The field well configuration of a waterfall visual.
The options that determine the presentation of a waterfall visual.
The sort configuration of a waterfall visual.
A waterfall chart.
Provides the forecast to meet the target for a particular date.
Provides the forecast to meet the target for a particular date range.
The aggregated field wells of a word cloud.
The configuration of a word cloud visual.
The field wells of a word cloud visual.
The word cloud options for a word cloud visual.
The sort configuration of a word cloud visual.
A word cloud.
Properties for defining a CfnTemplate.
Properties for defining a CfnTemplate.
A builder for CfnTemplateProps
A builder for CfnTemplateProps
An implementation for CfnTemplateProps
An implementation for CfnTemplateProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Theme.
A CloudFormation AWS::QuickSight::Theme.
The display options for tile borders for visuals.
An implementation for CfnTheme.BorderStyleProperty
A fluent builder for CfnTheme.
A fluent builder for CfnTheme.
The theme colors that are used for data colors in charts.
An implementation for CfnTheme.DataColorPaletteProperty
A builder for CfnTheme.FontProperty
An implementation for CfnTheme.FontProperty
The display options for gutter spacing between tiles on a sheet.
An implementation for CfnTheme.GutterStyleProperty
The display options for margins around the outside edge of sheets.
An implementation for CfnTheme.MarginStyleProperty
Permission for the resource.
The theme display options for sheets.
An implementation for CfnTheme.SheetStyleProperty
The theme configuration.
Theme error.
An implementation for CfnTheme.ThemeErrorProperty
The ThemeValue property specifies the configuration of a theme's properties.
An implementation for CfnTheme.ThemeValueProperty
The ThemeValues property specifies key-value pair that defines a property of a theme.
An implementation for CfnTheme.ThemeValuesProperty
A version of a theme.
An implementation for CfnTheme.ThemeVersionProperty
The display options for the layout of tiles on a sheet.
An implementation for CfnTheme.TileLayoutStyleProperty
Display options related to tiles on a sheet.
An implementation for CfnTheme.TileStyleProperty
An implementation for CfnTheme.TypographyProperty
The theme colors that apply to UI and to charts, excluding data colors.
An implementation for CfnTheme.UIColorPaletteProperty
Properties for defining a CfnTheme.
Properties for defining a CfnTheme.
A builder for CfnThemeProps
A builder for CfnThemeProps
An implementation for CfnThemeProps
An implementation for CfnThemeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::Thing.
The AttributePayload property specifies up to three attributes for an AWS IoT as key-value pairs.
An implementation for CfnThing.AttributePayloadProperty
A fluent builder for CfnThing.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::ThingGroup.
The attribute payload.
A fluent builder for CfnThingGroup.
Thing group properties.
Properties for defining a CfnThingGroup.
A builder for CfnThingGroupProps
An implementation for CfnThingGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::ThingPrincipalAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnThingPrincipalAttachment.
Properties for defining a CfnThingPrincipalAttachment.
An implementation for CfnThingPrincipalAttachmentProps
Properties for defining a CfnThing.
A builder for CfnThingProps
An implementation for CfnThingProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::ThingType.
A fluent builder for CfnThingType.
The ThingTypeProperties contains information about the thing type including: a thing type description, and a list of searchable thing attribute names.
Properties for defining a CfnThingType.
A builder for CfnThingTypeProps
An implementation for CfnThingTypeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::GuardDuty::ThreatIntelSet.
A fluent builder for CfnThreatIntelSet.
Properties for defining a CfnThreatIntelSet.
An implementation for CfnThreatIntelSetProps
A CloudFormation AWS::QuickSight::Topic.
A CloudFormation AWS::SNS::Topic.
A fluent builder for CfnTopic.
A fluent builder for CfnTopic.
A structure that represents the cell value synonym.
An implementation for CfnTopic.CellValueSynonymProperty
A structure that represents a collective constant.
The order in which data is displayed for the column when it's used in a comparative context.
An implementation for CfnTopic.ComparativeOrderProperty
The definition of a data aggregation.
An implementation for CfnTopic.DataAggregationProperty
A structure that represents a dataset.
An implementation for CfnTopic.DatasetMetadataProperty
A structure that represents a default formatting definition.
A structure that represents additional options for display formatting.
A structure that represents a metric.
A structure that represents a named entity.
A structure that represents a negative format.
An implementation for CfnTopic.NegativeFormatProperty
The value of the constant that is used to specify the endpoints of a range filter.
An implementation for CfnTopic.RangeConstantProperty
A structure that represents a semantic entity type.
A structure that represents a semantic type.
An implementation for CfnTopic.SemanticTypeProperty
Subscription is an embedded property that describes the subscription endpoints of an Amazon SNS topic.
An implementation for CfnTopic.SubscriptionProperty
A structure that represents a calculated field.
A constant used in a category filter.
A structure that represents a category filter.
Represents a column in a dataset.
An implementation for CfnTopic.TopicColumnProperty
A filter used to restrict data based on a range of dates or times.
A structure that represents a filter used to select items for a topic.
An implementation for CfnTopic.TopicFilterProperty
A structure that represents a named entity.
An implementation for CfnTopic.TopicNamedEntityProperty
A filter that filters topics based on the value of a numeric field.
A filter that filters topics based on the value of a numeric field.
A constant value that is used in a range filter to specify the endpoints of the range.
A structure that represents a relative date filter.
A structure that represents a singular filter constant, used in filters to specify a single value to match against.
A CloudFormation AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy.
A fluent builder for CfnTopicPolicy.
Properties for defining a CfnTopicPolicy.
A builder for CfnTopicPolicyProps
An implementation for CfnTopicPolicyProps
Properties for defining a CfnTopic.
Properties for defining a CfnTopic.
A builder for CfnTopicProps
A builder for CfnTopicProps
An implementation for CfnTopicProps
An implementation for CfnTopicProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::TopicRule.
Describes the actions associated with a rule.
An implementation for CfnTopicRule.ActionProperty
An asset property timestamp entry containing the following information.
An asset property value entry containing the following information.
Contains an asset property value (of a single type).
A fluent builder for CfnTopicRule.
Describes an action that updates a CloudWatch alarm.
Describes an action that updates a CloudWatch log.
Describes an action that captures a CloudWatch metric.
Describes an action to write to a DynamoDB table.
Describes an action to write to a DynamoDB table.
Describes an action that writes data to an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.
Describes an action that writes data to an Amazon Kinesis Firehose stream.
The HTTP action header.
Send data to an HTTPS endpoint.
An implementation for CfnTopicRule.HttpActionProperty
The authorization method used to send messages.
Sends message data to an AWS IoT Analytics channel.
Sends an input to an AWS IoT Events detector.
Describes an action to send data from an MQTT message that triggered the rule to AWS IoT SiteWise asset properties.
Send messages to an Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) or self-managed Apache Kafka cluster.
An implementation for CfnTopicRule.KafkaActionProperty
Describes an action to write data to an Amazon Kinesis stream.
Describes an action to invoke a Lambda function.
An implementation for CfnTopicRule.LambdaActionProperty
Describes an action to send device location updates from an MQTT message to an Amazon Location tracker resource.
Describes an action that writes data to an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.
An asset property value entry containing the following information.
The input for the DynamoActionVS action that specifies the DynamoDB table to which the message data will be written.
An implementation for CfnTopicRule.PutItemInputProperty
Specifies MQTT Version 5.0 headers information.
Describes an action to republish to another topic.
Describes an action to write data to an Amazon S3 bucket.
An implementation for CfnTopicRule.S3ActionProperty
For more information, see Signature Version 4 signing process .
Describes an action to publish to an Amazon SNS topic.
An implementation for CfnTopicRule.SnsActionProperty
Describes an action to publish data to an Amazon SQS queue.
An implementation for CfnTopicRule.SqsActionProperty
Starts execution of a Step Functions state machine.
Describes how to interpret an application-defined timestamp value from an MQTT message payload and the precision of that value.
An implementation for CfnTopicRule.TimestampProperty
Describes an action that writes records into an Amazon Timestream table.
Metadata attributes of the time series that are written in each measure record.
The value to use for the entry's timestamp.
Describes a rule.
A key-value pair that you define in the header.
An implementation for CfnTopicRule.UserPropertyProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::IoT::TopicRuleDestination.
A fluent builder for CfnTopicRuleDestination.
HTTP URL destination properties.
The properties of a virtual private cloud (VPC) destination.
Properties for defining a CfnTopicRuleDestination.
An implementation for CfnTopicRuleDestinationProps
Properties for defining a CfnTopicRule.
A builder for CfnTopicRuleProps
An implementation for CfnTopicRuleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Location::Tracker.
A fluent builder for CfnTracker.
A CloudFormation AWS::Location::TrackerConsumer.
A fluent builder for CfnTrackerConsumer.
Properties for defining a CfnTrackerConsumer.
An implementation for CfnTrackerConsumerProps
Properties for defining a CfnTracker.
A builder for CfnTrackerProps
An implementation for CfnTrackerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorFilter.
A fluent builder for CfnTrafficMirrorFilter.
Properties for defining a CfnTrafficMirrorFilter.
An implementation for CfnTrafficMirrorFilterProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorFilterRule.
A fluent builder for CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule.
Describes the Traffic Mirror port range.
Properties for defining a CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule.
An implementation for CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorSession.
A fluent builder for CfnTrafficMirrorSession.
Properties for defining a CfnTrafficMirrorSession.
An implementation for CfnTrafficMirrorSessionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorTarget.
A fluent builder for CfnTrafficMirrorTarget.
Properties for defining a CfnTrafficMirrorTarget.
An implementation for CfnTrafficMirrorTargetProps
A traffic route, representing where the traffic is being directed to.
A builder for CfnTrafficRoute
An implementation for CfnTrafficRoute
Type of the
invalid @link
A builder for CfnTrafficRouting
An implementation for CfnTrafficRouting
Traffic routing configuration settings.
An implementation for CfnTrafficRoutingConfig
The traffic routing configuration if
invalid @link
invalid @link
An implementation for CfnTrafficRoutingTimeBasedCanary
The traffic routing configuration if
invalid @link
invalid @link
An implementation for CfnTrafficRoutingTimeBasedLinear
The possible types of traffic shifting for the blue-green deployment configuration.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudTrail::Trail.
Advanced event selectors let you create fine-grained selectors for the following AWS CloudTrail event record fields.
A single selector statement in an advanced event selector.
A fluent builder for CfnTrail.
The Amazon S3 buckets, AWS Lambda functions, or Amazon DynamoDB tables that you specify in event selectors in your AWS CloudFormation template for your trail to log data events.
An implementation for CfnTrail.DataResourceProperty
Use event selectors to further specify the management and data event settings for your trail.
An implementation for CfnTrail.EventSelectorProperty
A JSON string that contains a list of Insights types that are logged on a trail.
An implementation for CfnTrail.InsightSelectorProperty
Properties for defining a CfnTrail.
A builder for CfnTrailProps
An implementation for CfnTrailProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TransitGateway.
A fluent builder for CfnTransitGateway.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnTransitGatewayAttachment.
Describes the VPC attachment options.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayAttachment.
An implementation for CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayConnect.
A fluent builder for CfnTransitGatewayConnect.
Describes the Connect attachment options.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayConnect.
An implementation for CfnTransitGatewayConnectProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastDomain.
A fluent builder for CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomain.
The options for the transit gateway multicast domain.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomain.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastGroupMember.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMember.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastGroupSource.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSource.
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::TransitGatewayPeering.
A fluent builder for CfnTransitGatewayPeering.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayPeeringAttachment.
The status of the transit gateway peering attachment.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayPeering.
An implementation for CfnTransitGatewayPeeringProps
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGateway.
An implementation for CfnTransitGatewayProps
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::TransitGatewayRegistration.
A fluent builder for CfnTransitGatewayRegistration.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayRegistration.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRoute.
A fluent builder for CfnTransitGatewayRoute.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayRoute.
An implementation for CfnTransitGatewayRouteProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTable.
A fluent builder for CfnTransitGatewayRouteTable.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation.
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::TransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment.
Describes a proposed segment change.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayRouteTable.
An implementation for CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayVpcAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.
Describes the VPC attachment options.
Properties for defining a CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::Trigger.
Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.
An implementation for CfnTrigger.ActionProperty
A fluent builder for CfnTrigger.
Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.
An implementation for CfnTrigger.ConditionProperty
Batch condition that must be met (specified number of events received or batch time window expired) before EventBridge event trigger fires.
Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.
Defines the predicate of the trigger, which determines when it fires.
An implementation for CfnTrigger.PredicateProperty
Properties for defining a CfnTrigger.
A builder for CfnTriggerProps
An implementation for CfnTriggerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RolesAnywhere::TrustAnchor.
A fluent builder for CfnTrustAnchor.
A union object representing the data field of the TrustAnchor depending on its type.
An implementation for CfnTrustAnchor.SourceDataProperty
Object representing the TrustAnchor type and its related certificate data.
An implementation for CfnTrustAnchor.SourceProperty
Properties for defining a CfnTrustAnchor.
A builder for CfnTrustAnchorProps
An implementation for CfnTrustAnchorProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::TypeActivation.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::TypeActivation.
A fluent builder for CfnTypeActivation.
A fluent builder for CfnTypeActivation.
Contains logging configuration information for an extension.
Contains logging configuration information for an extension.
Properties for defining a CfnTypeActivation.
Properties for defining a CfnTypeActivation.
An implementation for CfnTypeActivationProps
An implementation for CfnTypeActivationProps
Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource.
A builder for CfnUpdatePolicy
An implementation for CfnUpdatePolicy
A CloudFormation AWS::Lambda::Url.
A fluent builder for CfnUrl.
The Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings for your function URL.
A builder for CfnUrl.CorsProperty
An implementation for CfnUrl.CorsProperty
Properties for defining a CfnUrl.
A builder for CfnUrlProps
An implementation for CfnUrlProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan.
API stage name of the associated API stage in a usage plan.
An implementation for CfnUsagePlan.ApiStageProperty
A fluent builder for CfnUsagePlan.
QuotaSettings is a property of the AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan resource that specifies a target for the maximum number of requests users can make to your REST APIs.
ThrottleSettings is a property of the AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan resource that specifies the overall request rate (average requests per second) and burst capacity when users call your REST APIs.
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey.
A fluent builder for CfnUsagePlanKey.
Properties for defining a CfnUsagePlanKey.
A builder for CfnUsagePlanKeyProps
An implementation for CfnUsagePlanKeyProps
Properties for defining a CfnUsagePlan.
A builder for CfnUsagePlanProps
An implementation for CfnUsagePlanProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppStream::User.
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::User.
A CloudFormation AWS::ElastiCache::User.
A CloudFormation AWS::IAM::User.
A CloudFormation AWS::MemoryDB::User.
A CloudFormation AWS::Transfer::User.
Specifies the authentication mode to use.
A fluent builder for CfnUser.
A fluent builder for CfnUser.
A fluent builder for CfnUser.
A fluent builder for CfnUser.
A fluent builder for CfnUser.
A fluent builder for CfnUser.
Represents an object that contains entries and targets for HomeDirectoryMappings .
Creates a password for the specified user, giving the user the ability to access AWS services through the AWS Management Console .
An implementation for CfnUser.LoginProfileProperty
Contains information about an attached policy.
An implementation for CfnUser.PolicyProperty
The full POSIX identity, including user ID ( Uid ), group ID ( Gid ), and any secondary groups IDs ( SecondaryGids ), that controls your users' access to your Amazon EFS file systems.
An implementation for CfnUser.PosixProfileProperty
Contains information about the identity of a user.
An implementation for CfnUser.UserIdentityInfoProperty
Contains information about the phone configuration settings for a user.
An implementation for CfnUser.UserPhoneConfigProperty
A CloudFormation AWS::ElastiCache::UserGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnUserGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnUserGroup.
A builder for CfnUserGroupProps
An implementation for CfnUserGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Connect::UserHierarchyGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnUserHierarchyGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnUserHierarchyGroup.
An implementation for CfnUserHierarchyGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Cognito::UserPool.
Use this setting to define which verified available method a user can use to recover their password when they call ForgotPassword .
The configuration for AdminCreateUser requests.
A fluent builder for CfnUserPool.
A custom email sender AWS Lambda trigger.
A custom SMS sender AWS Lambda trigger.
The device-remembering configuration for a user pool.
The email configuration of your user pool.
The message template to be used for the welcome message to new users.
Specifies the configuration for AWS Lambda triggers.
An implementation for CfnUserPool.LambdaConfigProperty
The minimum and maximum values of an attribute that is of the number data type.
The password policy type.
The policy associated with a user pool.
An implementation for CfnUserPool.PoliciesProperty
A map containing a priority as a key, and recovery method name as a value.
Contains information about the schema attribute.
The SMS configuration type that includes the settings the Cognito User Pool needs to call for the Amazon SNS service to send an SMS message from your AWS account .
The StringAttributeConstraints property type defines the string attribute constraints of an Amazon Cognito user pool.
The settings for updates to user attributes.
The UsernameConfiguration property type specifies case sensitivity on the username input for the selected sign-in option.
The user pool add-ons type.
The template for verification messages.
A CloudFormation AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient.
The Amazon Pinpoint analytics configuration necessary to collect metrics for a user pool.
A fluent builder for CfnUserPoolClient.
The time units you use when you set the duration of ID, access, and refresh tokens.
Properties for defining a CfnUserPoolClient.
An implementation for CfnUserPoolClientProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Cognito::UserPoolDomain.
A fluent builder for CfnUserPoolDomain.
The configuration for a custom domain that hosts the sign-up and sign-in webpages for your application.
Properties for defining a CfnUserPoolDomain.
An implementation for CfnUserPoolDomainProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Cognito::UserPoolGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnUserPoolGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnUserPoolGroup.
A builder for CfnUserPoolGroupProps
An implementation for CfnUserPoolGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Cognito::UserPoolIdentityProvider.
A fluent builder for CfnUserPoolIdentityProvider.
Properties for defining a CfnUserPoolIdentityProvider.
An implementation for CfnUserPoolIdentityProviderProps
Properties for defining a CfnUserPool.
A builder for CfnUserPoolProps
An implementation for CfnUserPoolProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Cognito::UserPoolResourceServer.
A fluent builder for CfnUserPoolResourceServer.
A resource server scope.
Properties for defining a CfnUserPoolResourceServer.
An implementation for CfnUserPoolResourceServerProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Cognito::UserPoolRiskConfigurationAttachment.
Account takeover actions type.
Account takeover action type.
Configuration for mitigation actions and notification for different levels of risk detected for a potential account takeover.
The compromised credentials actions type.
The compromised credentials risk configuration type.
The notify configuration type.
The notify email type.
The type of the configuration to override the risk decision.
Properties for defining a CfnUserPoolRiskConfigurationAttachment.
A CloudFormation AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUICustomizationAttachment.
Properties for defining a CfnUserPoolUICustomizationAttachment.
A CloudFormation AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUser.
Specifies whether the attribute is standard or custom.
A fluent builder for CfnUserPoolUser.
Properties for defining a CfnUserPoolUser.
A builder for CfnUserPoolUserProps
An implementation for CfnUserPoolUserProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUserToGroupAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment.
Properties for defining a CfnUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment.
A CloudFormation AWS::OpsWorks::UserProfile.
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::UserProfile.
A fluent builder for CfnUserProfile.
A fluent builder for CfnUserProfile.
A custom SageMaker image.
The JupyterServer app settings.
The KernelGateway app settings.
Specifies the ARN's of a SageMaker image and SageMaker image version, and the instance type that the version runs on.
A collection of settings that configure user interaction with the RStudioServerPro app.
Specifies options when sharing an Amazon SageMaker Studio notebook.
A collection of settings that apply to users of Amazon SageMaker Studio.
Properties for defining a CfnUserProfile.
Properties for defining a CfnUserProfile.
A builder for CfnUserProfileProps
A builder for CfnUserProfileProps
An implementation for CfnUserProfileProps
An implementation for CfnUserProfileProps
Properties for defining a CfnUser.
Properties for defining a CfnUser.
Properties for defining a CfnUser.
Properties for defining a CfnUser.
Properties for defining a CfnUser.
Properties for defining a CfnUser.
A builder for CfnUserProps
A builder for CfnUserProps
A builder for CfnUserProps
A builder for CfnUserProps
A builder for CfnUserProps
A builder for CfnUserProps
An implementation for CfnUserProps
An implementation for CfnUserProps
An implementation for CfnUserProps
An implementation for CfnUserProps
An implementation for CfnUserProps
An implementation for CfnUserProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition.
A fluent builder for CfnUserToGroupAddition.
Properties for defining a CfnUserToGroupAddition.
An implementation for CfnUserToGroupAdditionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::FraudDetector::Variable.
A fluent builder for CfnVariable.
Properties for defining a CfnVariable.
A builder for CfnVariableProps
An implementation for CfnVariableProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Omics::VariantStore.
A fluent builder for CfnVariantStore.
The read set's genome reference ARN.
Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for a store.
An implementation for CfnVariantStore.SseConfigProperty
Properties for defining a CfnVariantStore.
A builder for CfnVariantStoreProps
An implementation for CfnVariantStoreProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SES::VdmAttributes.
A fluent builder for CfnVdmAttributes.
Settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Dashboard.
Settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Guardian.
Properties for defining a CfnVdmAttributes.
A builder for CfnVdmAttributesProps
An implementation for CfnVdmAttributesProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTFleetWise::Vehicle.
A fluent builder for CfnVehicle.
Properties for defining a CfnVehicle.
A builder for CfnVehicleProps
An implementation for CfnVehicleProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessEndpoint.
A fluent builder for CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint.
Describes the load balancer options when creating an AWS Verified Access endpoint using the load-balancer type.
Describes the network interface options when creating an AWS Verified Access endpoint using the network-interface type.
Properties for defining a CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint.
An implementation for CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessGroup.
A fluent builder for CfnVerifiedAccessGroup.
Properties for defining a CfnVerifiedAccessGroup.
An implementation for CfnVerifiedAccessGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessInstance.
A fluent builder for CfnVerifiedAccessInstance.
Options for CloudWatch Logs as a logging destination.
Options for Kinesis as a logging destination.
Options for Amazon S3 as a logging destination.
Describes the destinations for Verified Access logs.
Describes a Verified Access trust provider.
Properties for defining a CfnVerifiedAccessInstance.
An implementation for CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessTrustProvider.
A fluent builder for CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider.
Describes the options for an AWS Verified Access device-identity based trust provider.
Describes the options for an OpenID Connect-compatible user-identity trust provider.
Properties for defining a CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider.
A CloudFormation AWS::Lambda::Version.
A fluent builder for CfnVersion.
A provisioned concurrency configuration for a function's version.
Properties for defining a CfnVersion.
A builder for CfnVersionProps
An implementation for CfnVersionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ResourceExplorer2::View.
A fluent builder for CfnView.
An object with a FilterString that specifies which resources to include in the results of queries made using this view.
An implementation for CfnView.FiltersProperty
Information about an additional property that describes a resource, that you can optionally include in a view.
An implementation for CfnView.IncludedPropertyProperty
Properties for defining a CfnView.
A builder for CfnViewProps
An implementation for CfnViewProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EMRContainers::VirtualCluster.
A fluent builder for CfnVirtualCluster.
The information about the container used for a job run or a managed endpoint.
The information about the container provider.
The information about the Amazon EKS cluster.
An implementation for CfnVirtualCluster.EksInfoProperty
Properties for defining a CfnVirtualCluster.
An implementation for CfnVirtualClusterProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppMesh::VirtualGateway.
A fluent builder for CfnVirtualGateway.
An object that represents the key value pairs for the JSON.
An object that represents the format for the logs.
An object that represents the methods by which a subject alternative name on a peer Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate can be matched.
An object that represents the subject alternative names secured by the certificate.
The access log configuration for a virtual gateway.
An object that represents the default properties for a backend.
An object that represents a client policy.
An object that represents a Transport Layer Security (TLS) client policy.
An object that represents the virtual gateway's client's Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate.
An object that represents the type of virtual gateway connection pool.
An object that represents an access log file.
An object that represents a type of connection pool.
An object that represents the health check policy for a virtual gateway's listener.
An object that represents a type of connection pool.
An object that represents a type of connection pool.
An object that represents a listener for a virtual gateway.
An object that represents an AWS Certificate Manager certificate.
An object that represents a listener's Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate.
An object that represents a local file certificate.
An object that represents the Transport Layer Security (TLS) properties for a listener.
An object that represents the virtual gateway's listener's Secret Discovery Service certificate.The proxy must be configured with a local SDS provider via a Unix Domain Socket.
An object that represents a virtual gateway's listener's Transport Layer Security (TLS) validation context.
An object that represents a virtual gateway's listener's Transport Layer Security (TLS) validation context trust.
An object that represents logging information.
An object that represents a port mapping.
An object that represents the specification of a service mesh resource.
An object that represents a Transport Layer Security (TLS) validation context trust for an AWS Certificate Manager certificate.
An object that represents a Transport Layer Security (TLS) validation context trust for a local file.
An object that represents a Transport Layer Security (TLS) validation context.
An object that represents a virtual gateway's listener's Transport Layer Security (TLS) Secret Discovery Service validation context trust.
An object that represents a Transport Layer Security (TLS) validation context trust.
Properties for defining a CfnVirtualGateway.
An implementation for CfnVirtualGatewayProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IAM::VirtualMFADevice.
A fluent builder for CfnVirtualMFADevice.
Properties for defining a CfnVirtualMFADevice.
An implementation for CfnVirtualMFADeviceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppMesh::VirtualNode.
An object that represents the access logging information for a virtual node.
An implementation for CfnVirtualNode.AccessLogProperty
An object that represents the AWS Cloud Map attribute information for your virtual node.
An object that represents the AWS Cloud Map service discovery information for your virtual node.
An object that represents the default properties for a backend.
An object that represents the backends that a virtual node is expected to send outbound traffic to.
An implementation for CfnVirtualNode.BackendProperty
A fluent builder for CfnVirtualNode.
An object that represents a client policy.
A reference to an object that represents a Transport Layer Security (TLS) client policy.
An object that represents the client's certificate.
An object that represents the DNS service discovery information for your virtual node.
An object that represents a duration of time.
An implementation for CfnVirtualNode.DurationProperty
An object that represents an access log file.
An object that represents types of timeouts.
An object that represents the health check policy for a virtual node's listener.
An object that represents types of timeouts.
An object that represents the key value pairs for the JSON.
An object that represents a listener for a virtual node.
An implementation for CfnVirtualNode.ListenerProperty
An object that represents timeouts for different protocols.
An object that represents an AWS Certificate Manager certificate.
An object that represents a listener's Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate.
An object that represents a local file certificate.
An object that represents the Transport Layer Security (TLS) properties for a listener.
An object that represents the listener's Secret Discovery Service certificate.
An object that represents a listener's Transport Layer Security (TLS) validation context.
An object that represents a listener's Transport Layer Security (TLS) validation context trust.
An object that represents the format for the logs.
An object that represents the logging information for a virtual node.
An implementation for CfnVirtualNode.LoggingProperty
An object that represents the outlier detection for a virtual node's listener.
An object representing a virtual node or virtual router listener port mapping.
An object that represents the service discovery information for a virtual node.
An object that represents the methods by which a subject alternative name on a peer Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate can be matched.
An object that represents the subject alternative names secured by the certificate.
An object that represents types of timeouts.
An implementation for CfnVirtualNode.TcpTimeoutProperty
An object that represents a Transport Layer Security (TLS) validation context trust for an AWS Certificate Manager certificate.
An object that represents a Transport Layer Security (TLS) validation context trust for a local file.
An object that represents how the proxy will validate its peer during Transport Layer Security (TLS) negotiation.
An object that represents a Transport Layer Security (TLS) Secret Discovery Service validation context trust.
An object that represents a Transport Layer Security (TLS) validation context trust.
An object that represents the type of virtual node connection pool.
An object that represents a type of connection pool.
An object that represents a type of connection pool.
An object that represents a type of connection pool.
An object that represents the specification of a virtual node.
An object that represents a type of connection pool.
An object that represents a virtual service backend for a virtual node.
Properties for defining a CfnVirtualNode.
A builder for CfnVirtualNodeProps
An implementation for CfnVirtualNodeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppMesh::VirtualRouter.
A fluent builder for CfnVirtualRouter.
An object representing a virtual router listener port mapping.
An object that represents a virtual router listener.
An object that represents the specification of a virtual router.
Properties for defining a CfnVirtualRouter.
A builder for CfnVirtualRouterProps
An implementation for CfnVirtualRouterProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppMesh::VirtualService.
A fluent builder for CfnVirtualService.
An object that represents a virtual node service provider.
An object that represents a virtual node service provider.
An object that represents the provider for a virtual service.
An object that represents the specification of a virtual service.
Properties for defining a CfnVirtualService.
An implementation for CfnVirtualServiceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Pinpoint::VoiceChannel.
A fluent builder for CfnVoiceChannel.
Properties for defining a CfnVoiceChannel.
A builder for CfnVoiceChannelProps
An implementation for CfnVoiceChannelProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::Volume.
A CloudFormation AWS::FSx::Volume.
A CloudFormation AWS::OpsWorks::Volume.
A fluent builder for CfnVolume.
A fluent builder for CfnVolume.
A fluent builder for CfnVolume.
Specifies who can mount an OpenZFS file system and the options available while mounting the file system.
The configuration object for mounting a Network File System (NFS) file system.
An implementation for CfnVolume.NfsExportsProperty
Specifies the configuration of the ONTAP volume that you are creating.
Specifies the configuration of the Amazon FSx for OpenZFS volume that you are creating.
The configuration object that specifies the snapshot to use as the origin of the data for the volume.
An implementation for CfnVolume.OriginSnapshotProperty
Describes the data tiering policy for an ONTAP volume.
An implementation for CfnVolume.TieringPolicyProperty
An object specifying how much storage users or groups can use on the volume.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnVolumeAttachment.
Properties for defining a CfnVolumeAttachment.
An implementation for CfnVolumeAttachmentProps
Properties for defining a CfnVolume.
Properties for defining a CfnVolume.
Properties for defining a CfnVolume.
A builder for CfnVolumeProps
A builder for CfnVolumeProps
A builder for CfnVolumeProps
An implementation for CfnVolumeProps
An implementation for CfnVolumeProps
An implementation for CfnVolumeProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VPC.
A fluent builder for CfnVPC.
A CloudFormation AWS::NetworkManager::VpcAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnVpcAttachment.
Describes a proposed segment change.
Describes the VPC options.
Properties for defining a CfnVpcAttachment.
A builder for CfnVpcAttachmentProps
An implementation for CfnVpcAttachmentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VPCCidrBlock.
A fluent builder for CfnVPCCidrBlock.
Properties for defining a CfnVPCCidrBlock.
A builder for CfnVPCCidrBlockProps
An implementation for CfnVPCCidrBlockProps
A CloudFormation AWS::MSK::VpcConnection.
A CloudFormation AWS::QuickSight::VPCConnection.
A fluent builder for CfnVpcConnection.
A fluent builder for CfnVPCConnection.
The structure that contains information about a network interface.
Properties for defining a CfnVpcConnection.
Properties for defining a CfnVPCConnection.
A builder for CfnVpcConnectionProps
A builder for CfnVPCConnectionProps
An implementation for CfnVpcConnectionProps
An implementation for CfnVPCConnectionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppRunner::VpcConnector.
A fluent builder for CfnVpcConnector.
Properties for defining a CfnVpcConnector.
A builder for CfnVpcConnectorProps
An implementation for CfnVpcConnectorProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociation.
An implementation for CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociationProps
A CloudFormation AWS::OpenSearchServerless::VpcEndpoint.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint.
A fluent builder for CfnVpcEndpoint.
A fluent builder for CfnVPCEndpoint.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointConnectionNotification.
Properties for defining a CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotification.
Properties for defining a CfnVpcEndpoint.
Properties for defining a CfnVPCEndpoint.
A builder for CfnVpcEndpointProps
A builder for CfnVPCEndpointProps
An implementation for CfnVpcEndpointProps
An implementation for CfnVPCEndpointProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointService.
A fluent builder for CfnVPCEndpointService.
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointServicePermissions.
A fluent builder for CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissions.
Properties for defining a CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissions.
Properties for defining a CfnVPCEndpointService.
An implementation for CfnVPCEndpointServiceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment.
A fluent builder for CfnVPCGatewayAttachment.
Properties for defining a CfnVPCGatewayAttachment.
An implementation for CfnVPCGatewayAttachmentProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AppRunner::VpcIngressConnection.
A fluent builder for CfnVpcIngressConnection.
Specifications for the customer’s VPC and related PrivateLink VPC endpoint that are used to associate with the VPC Ingress Connection resource.
Properties for defining a CfnVpcIngressConnection.
An implementation for CfnVpcIngressConnectionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::VpcLink.
A CloudFormation AWS::ApiGatewayV2::VpcLink.
A fluent builder for CfnVpcLink.
A fluent builder for CfnVpcLink.
Properties for defining a CfnVpcLink.
Properties for defining a CfnVpcLink.
A builder for CfnVpcLinkProps
A builder for CfnVpcLinkProps
An implementation for CfnVpcLinkProps
An implementation for CfnVpcLinkProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VPCPeeringConnection.
A fluent builder for CfnVPCPeeringConnection.
Properties for defining a CfnVPCPeeringConnection.
An implementation for CfnVPCPeeringConnectionProps
Properties for defining a CfnVPC.
A builder for CfnVPCProps
An implementation for CfnVPCProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VPNConnection.
A fluent builder for CfnVPNConnection.
The tunnel options for a single VPN tunnel.
Properties for defining a CfnVPNConnection.
A builder for CfnVPNConnectionProps
An implementation for CfnVPNConnectionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VPNConnectionRoute.
A fluent builder for CfnVPNConnectionRoute.
Properties for defining a CfnVPNConnectionRoute.
An implementation for CfnVPNConnectionRouteProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VPNGateway.
A fluent builder for CfnVPNGateway.
Properties for defining a CfnVPNGateway.
A builder for CfnVPNGatewayProps
An implementation for CfnVPNGatewayProps
A CloudFormation AWS::EC2::VPNGatewayRoutePropagation.
A fluent builder for CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagation.
Properties for defining a CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagation.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition.
A fluent builder for CfnWaitCondition.
A fluent builder for CfnWaitCondition.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle.
A CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle.
Properties for defining a CfnWaitCondition.
Properties for defining a CfnWaitCondition.
A builder for CfnWaitConditionProps
A builder for CfnWaitConditionProps
An implementation for CfnWaitConditionProps
An implementation for CfnWaitConditionProps
A CloudFormation AWS::AutoScaling::WarmPool.
A fluent builder for CfnWarmPool.
A structure that specifies an instance reuse policy for the InstanceReusePolicy property of the AWS::AutoScaling::WarmPool resource.
Properties for defining a CfnWarmPool.
A builder for CfnWarmPoolProps
An implementation for CfnWarmPoolProps
A CloudFormation AWS::WAF::WebACL.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFRegional::WebACL.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.
Specifies the action AWS WAF takes when a web request matches or doesn't match all rule conditions.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.ActionProperty
The ActivatedRule object in an UpdateWebACL request specifies a Rule that you want to insert or delete, the priority of the Rule in the WebACL , and the action that you want AWS WAF to take when a web request matches the Rule ( ALLOW , BLOCK , or COUNT ).
An implementation for CfnWebACL.ActivatedRuleProperty
Specifies that AWS WAF should allow the request and optionally defines additional custom handling for the request.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.AllowActionProperty
A logical rule statement used to combine other rule statements with AND logic.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.AndStatementProperty
Details for your use of the account takeover prevention managed rule group, AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet .
Details for your use of the Bot Control managed rule group, used in ManagedRuleGroupConfig .
Specifies that AWS WAF should block the request and optionally defines additional custom handling for the response to the web request.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.BlockActionProperty
Inspect the body of the web request.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.BodyProperty
A fluent builder for CfnWebACL.
A fluent builder for CfnWebACL.
A fluent builder for CfnWebACL.
A rule statement that defines a string match search for AWS WAF to apply to web requests.
Specifies that AWS WAF should run a CAPTCHA check against the request:.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.CaptchaActionProperty
Specifies how AWS WAF should handle CAPTCHA evaluations for rules that don't have their own CaptchaConfig settings.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.CaptchaConfigProperty
Specifies that AWS WAF should run a Challenge check against the request to verify that the request is coming from a legitimate client session: - If the request includes a valid, unexpired challenge token, AWS WAF applies any custom request handling and labels that you've configured and then allows the web request inspection to proceed to the next rule, similar to a CountAction .
An implementation for CfnWebACL.ChallengeActionProperty
Specifies how AWS WAF should handle Challenge evaluations.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.ChallengeConfigProperty
The filter to use to identify the subset of cookies to inspect in a web request.
Inspect the cookies in the web request.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.CookiesProperty
Specifies that AWS WAF should count the request.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.CountActionProperty
A custom header for custom request and response handling.
Custom request handling behavior that inserts custom headers into a web request.
The response body to use in a custom response to a web request.
A custom response to send to the client.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.CustomResponseProperty
In a WebACL , this is the action that you want AWS WAF to perform when a web request doesn't match any of the rules in the WebACL .
An implementation for CfnWebACL.DefaultActionProperty
Specifies a single rule in a rule group whose action you want to override to Count .
An implementation for CfnWebACL.ExcludedRuleProperty
The identifier of the username or password field, used in the ManagedRuleGroupConfig settings.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.FieldIdentifierProperty
The part of the web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.FieldToMatchProperty
The configuration for inspecting IP addresses in an HTTP header that you specify, instead of using the IP address that's reported by the web request origin.
A rule statement that labels web requests by country and region and that matches against web requests based on country code.
The filter to use to identify the subset of headers to inspect in a web request.
Inspect all headers in the web request.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.HeadersProperty
Used for CAPTCHA and challenge token settings.
The configuration for inspecting IP addresses in an HTTP header that you specify, instead of using the IP address that's reported by the web request origin.
A rule statement used to detect web requests coming from particular IP addresses or address ranges.
Inspect the body of the web request as JSON.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.JsonBodyProperty
The patterns to look for in the JSON body.
A rule statement to match against labels that have been added to the web request by rules that have already run in the web ACL.
A single label container.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.LabelProperty
Additional information that's used by a managed rule group.
A rule statement used to run the rules that are defined in a managed rule group.
A logical rule statement used to negate the results of another rule statement.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.NotStatementProperty
A logical rule statement used to combine other rule statements with OR logic.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.OrStatementProperty
The action to use in the place of the action that results from the rule group evaluation.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.OverrideActionProperty
A rate-based rule tracks the rate of requests for each originating IP address, and triggers the rule action when the rate exceeds a limit that you specify on the number of requests in any 5-minute time span.
A rule statement used to search web request components for a match against a single regular expression.
A rule statement used to search web request components for matches with regular expressions.
The criteria for inspecting login requests, used by the ATP rule group to validate credentials usage.
Configures inspection of the response body.
Configures inspection of the response header.
Configures inspection of the response JSON.
The criteria for inspecting responses to login requests and account creation requests, used by the ATP and ACFP rule groups to track login and account creation success and failure rates.
Configures inspection of the response status code.
Action setting to use in the place of a rule action that is configured inside the rule group.
The action that AWS WAF should take on a web request when it matches a rule's statement.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.RuleActionProperty
A rule statement used to run the rules that are defined in a RuleGroup .
A combination of ByteMatchSet , IPSet , and/or SqlInjectionMatchSet objects that identify the web requests that you want to allow, block, or count.
A single rule, which you can use in a WebACL or RuleGroup to identify web requests that you want to allow, block, or count.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.RuleProperty
An implementation for CfnWebACL.RuleProperty
Inspect one of the headers in the web request, identified by name, for example, User-Agent or Referer .
An implementation for CfnWebACL.SingleHeaderProperty
Inspect one query argument in the web request, identified by name, for example UserName or SalesRegion .
A rule statement that compares a number of bytes against the size of a request component, using a comparison operator, such as greater than (>) or less than (<).
A rule statement that inspects for malicious SQL code.
The processing guidance for a rule, used by AWS WAF to determine whether a web request matches the rule.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.StatementProperty
Text transformations eliminate some of the unusual formatting that attackers use in web requests in an effort to bypass detection.
Defines and enables Amazon CloudWatch metrics and web request sample collection.
An implementation for CfnWebACL.WafActionProperty
A rule statement that inspects for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFRegional::WebACLAssociation.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFv2::WebACLAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnWebACLAssociation.
A fluent builder for CfnWebACLAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnWebACLAssociation.
Properties for defining a CfnWebACLAssociation.
An implementation for CfnWebACLAssociationProps
An implementation for CfnWebACLAssociationProps
Properties for defining a CfnWebACL.
Properties for defining a CfnWebACL.
Properties for defining a CfnWebACL.
A builder for CfnWebACLProps
A builder for CfnWebACLProps
A builder for CfnWebACLProps
An implementation for CfnWebACLProps
An implementation for CfnWebACLProps
An implementation for CfnWebACLProps
A CloudFormation AWS::CodePipeline::Webhook.
A fluent builder for CfnWebhook.
The authentication applied to incoming webhook trigger requests.
The event criteria that specify when a webhook notification is sent to your URL.
Properties for defining a CfnWebhook.
A builder for CfnWebhookProps
An implementation for CfnWebhookProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTWireless::WirelessDevice.
ABP device object for LoRaWAN specification v1.0.x.
An implementation for CfnWirelessDevice.AbpV10xProperty
ABP device object for create APIs for v1.1.
An implementation for CfnWirelessDevice.AbpV11Property
A fluent builder for CfnWirelessDevice.
LoRaWAN object for create functions.
OTAA device object for create APIs for v1.0.x.
OTAA device object for v1.1 for create APIs.
An implementation for CfnWirelessDevice.OtaaV11Property
LoRaWAN object for create APIs.
Session keys for ABP v1.1.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTWireless::WirelessDeviceImportTask.
A fluent builder for CfnWirelessDeviceImportTask.
Sidewalk-related information about a wireless device import task.
Properties for defining a CfnWirelessDeviceImportTask.
An implementation for CfnWirelessDeviceImportTaskProps
Properties for defining a CfnWirelessDevice.
An implementation for CfnWirelessDeviceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTWireless::WirelessGateway.
A fluent builder for CfnWirelessGateway.
LoRaWAN wireless gateway object.
Properties for defining a CfnWirelessGateway.
An implementation for CfnWirelessGatewayProps
A CloudFormation AWS::Glue::Workflow.
A CloudFormation AWS::Omics::Workflow.
A CloudFormation AWS::Transfer::Workflow.
A fluent builder for CfnWorkflow.
A fluent builder for CfnWorkflow.
A fluent builder for CfnWorkflow.
Details for a step that performs a file copy.
Details for a step that invokes an AWS Lambda function.
Details for a step that decrypts an encrypted file.
An object that contains the name and file location for a file being deleted by a workflow.
Specifies the Amazon EFS identifier and the path for the file being used.
Specifies the location for the file that's being processed.
Specifies the S3 details for the file being used, such as bucket, ETag, and so forth.
Specifies the details for the Amazon S3 location for an input file to a workflow.
Specifies the key-value pair that are assigned to a file during the execution of a Tagging step.
An implementation for CfnWorkflow.S3TagProperty
Details for a step that creates one or more tags.
A workflow parameter.
The basic building block of a workflow.
An implementation for CfnWorkflow.WorkflowStepProperty
Properties for defining a CfnWorkflow.
Properties for defining a CfnWorkflow.
Properties for defining a CfnWorkflow.
A builder for CfnWorkflowProps
A builder for CfnWorkflowProps
A builder for CfnWorkflowProps
An implementation for CfnWorkflowProps
An implementation for CfnWorkflowProps
An implementation for CfnWorkflowProps
A CloudFormation AWS::RedshiftServerless::Workgroup.
A CloudFormation AWS::Athena::WorkGroup.
Indicates that an Amazon S3 canned ACL should be set to control ownership of stored query results.
A fluent builder for CfnWorkgroup.
A fluent builder for CfnWorkGroup.
A array of parameters to set for more control over a serverless database.
Specifies the KMS key that is used to encrypt the user's data stores in Athena.
If query results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option used (for example, SSE_KMS or CSE_KMS ) and key information.
The VPC endpoint object.
An implementation for CfnWorkgroup.EndpointProperty
The Athena engine version for running queries, or the PySpark engine version for running sessions.
Contains information about a network interface in an Amazon Redshift Serverless managed VPC endpoint.
The location in Amazon S3 where query and calculation results are stored and the encryption option, if any, used for query and calculation results.
The connection endpoint for connecting to Amazon Redshift Serverless through the proxy.
An implementation for CfnWorkgroup.VpcEndpointProperty
The configuration of the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3 where query results are stored, the encryption option, if any, used for query results, whether Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the workgroup, and the limit for the amount of bytes scanned (cutoff) per query, if it is specified.
The collection of computing resources from which an endpoint is created.
An implementation for CfnWorkgroup.WorkgroupProperty
Properties for defining a CfnWorkgroup.
Properties for defining a CfnWorkGroup.
A builder for CfnWorkgroupProps
A builder for CfnWorkGroupProps
An implementation for CfnWorkgroupProps
An implementation for CfnWorkGroupProps
A CloudFormation AWS::APS::Workspace.
A CloudFormation AWS::Grafana::Workspace.
A CloudFormation AWS::IoTTwinMaker::Workspace.
A CloudFormation AWS::WorkSpaces::Workspace.
A structure that defines which attributes in the IdP assertion are to be used to define information about the users authenticated by the IdP to use the workspace.
A fluent builder for CfnWorkspace.
A fluent builder for CfnWorkspace.
A fluent builder for CfnWorkspace.
A fluent builder for CfnWorkspace.
A structure containing the identity provider (IdP) metadata used to integrate the identity provider with this workspace.
An implementation for CfnWorkspace.IdpMetadataProperty
The LoggingConfiguration attribute sets the logging configuration for the workspace.
The configuration settings for in-bound network access to your workspace.
This structure defines which groups defined in the SAML assertion attribute are to be mapped to the Grafana Admin and Editor roles in the workspace.
An implementation for CfnWorkspace.RoleValuesProperty
A structure containing information about how this workspace works with SAML.
The configuration settings for an Amazon VPC that contains data sources for your Grafana workspace to connect to.
Information about a WorkSpace.
Properties for defining a CfnWorkspace.
Properties for defining a CfnWorkspace.
Properties for defining a CfnWorkspace.
Properties for defining a CfnWorkspace.
A builder for CfnWorkspaceProps
A builder for CfnWorkspaceProps
A builder for CfnWorkspaceProps
A builder for CfnWorkspaceProps
An implementation for CfnWorkspaceProps
An implementation for CfnWorkspaceProps
An implementation for CfnWorkspaceProps
An implementation for CfnWorkspaceProps
A CloudFormation AWS::SageMaker::Workteam.
A fluent builder for CfnWorkteam.
Identifies a Amazon Cognito user group.
Defines an Amazon Cognito or your own OIDC IdP user group that is part of a work team.
Configures Amazon SNS notifications of available or expiring work items for work teams.
A list of user groups that exist in your OIDC Identity Provider (IdP).
Properties for defining a CfnWorkteam.
A builder for CfnWorkteamProps
An implementation for CfnWorkteamProps
A CloudFormation AWS::WAF::XssMatchSet.
A CloudFormation AWS::WAFRegional::XssMatchSet.
A fluent builder for CfnXssMatchSet.
A fluent builder for CfnXssMatchSet.
The part of a web request that you want to inspect, such as a specified header or a query string.
The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect, such as a specific header or a query string.
Properties for defining a CfnXssMatchSet.
Properties for defining a CfnXssMatchSet.
A builder for CfnXssMatchSetProps
A builder for CfnXssMatchSetProps
An implementation for CfnXssMatchSetProps
An implementation for CfnXssMatchSetProps
A collection of states to chain onto.
(experimental) A new IVS channel.
Describes the training, validation or test dataset and the Amazon S3 location where it is stored.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Channel.
A builder for Channel
An implementation for Channel
(experimental) Properties for creating a new Channel.
A builder for ChannelProps
An implementation for ChannelProps
(experimental) The channel type, which determines the allowable resolution and bitrate.
Charset for esbuild's output.
Define a Choice in the state machine.
A fluent builder for Choice.
Properties for defining a Choice state.
A builder for ChoiceProps
An implementation for ChoiceProps
Use a classic ELB as an alias record target.
The classification within a EMR Containers application configuration.
(experimental) Classification string given to tables with this data format.
A synthesizer that uses conventional asset locations, but not conventional deployment roles.
A fluent builder for CliCredentialsStackSynthesizer.
Properties for the CliCredentialsStackSynthesizer.
Client affinity gives you control over whether to always route each client to the same specific endpoint.
A set of attributes, useful to set Read and Write attributes.
(experimental) Configuration properties for client authentication.
(experimental) Indicates the encryption setting for data in transit between clients and brokers.
A client VPN authorization rule.
A fluent builder for ClientVpnAuthorizationRule.
Options for a ClientVpnAuthorizationRule.
An implementation for ClientVpnAuthorizationRuleOptions
Properties for a ClientVpnAuthorizationRule.
An implementation for ClientVpnAuthorizationRuleProps
A client VPN connnection.
A fluent builder for ClientVpnEndpoint.
Attributes when importing an existing client VPN endpoint.
An implementation for ClientVpnEndpointAttributes
Options for a client VPN endpoint.
An implementation for ClientVpnEndpointOptions
Properties for a client VPN endpoint.
An implementation for ClientVpnEndpointProps
A client VPN route.
A fluent builder for ClientVpnRoute.
Options for a ClientVpnRoute.
A builder for ClientVpnRouteOptions
An implementation for ClientVpnRouteOptions
Properties for a ClientVpnRoute.
A builder for ClientVpnRouteProps
An implementation for ClientVpnRouteProps
Target for a client VPN route.
Maximum VPN session duration time.
User-based authentication for a client VPN endpoint.
(experimental) The class for different repository providers.
Represents an artifact within a cloud assembly.
Represents a deployable cloud application.
Can be used to build a cloud assembly.
A fluent builder for CloudAssemblyBuilder.
Construction properties for CloudAssemblyBuilder.
An implementation for CloudAssemblyBuilderProps
use core.CfnCapabilities
CodePipeline action to prepare a change set.
Properties for the CloudFormationCreateReplaceChangeSetAction.
CodePipeline action to deploy a stack.
Properties for the CloudFormationCreateUpdateStackAction.
CodePipeline action to delete a stack.
A fluent builder for CloudFormationDeleteStackAction.
Properties for the CloudFormationDeleteStackAction.
CodePipeline action to create/update Stack Instances of a StackSet.
Properties for the CloudFormationDeployStackInstancesAction.
CodePipeline action to deploy a stackset.
Properties for the CloudFormationDeployStackSetAction.
CodePipeline action to execute a prepared change set.
Properties for the CloudFormationExecuteChangeSetAction.
A CloudFormation-init configuration.
A Service Catalog Cloudformation Product.
A fluent builder for CloudFormationProduct.
Properties for a Cloudformation Product.
An implementation for CloudFormationProductProps
Properties of product version (also known as a provisioning artifact).
An implementation for CloudFormationProductVersion
Properties for provisoning rule constraint.
Checks whether your CloudFormation stacks' actual configuration differs, or has drifted, from its expected configuration.
Construction properties for a CloudFormationStackDriftDetectionCheck.
Checks whether your CloudFormation stacks are sending event notifications to a SNS topic.
Construction properties for a CloudFormationStackNotificationCheck.
Represents the Product Provisioning Artifact Template.
Result of binding Template into a Product.
An implementation for CloudFormationTemplateConfig
Enums for the methods CloudFront can cache.
An enum for the supported methods to a CloudFront distribution.
Use a CloudFront Distribution as an alias record target.
Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network (CDN) service that securely delivers data, videos, applications, and APIs to your viewers with low latency and high transfer speeds.
A fluent builder for CloudFrontWebDistribution.
Attributes used to import a Distribution.
An implementation for CloudFrontWebDistributionProps
The options for creating an AWS Cloud Map namespace.
An implementation for CloudMapNamespaceOptions
The options to enabling AWS Cloud Map for an Amazon ECS service.
A builder for CloudMapOptions
An implementation for CloudMapOptions
(experimental) CloudWatch Logs encryption configuration.
A builder for CloudWatchEncryption
An implementation for CloudWatchEncryption
(experimental) Encryption mode for CloudWatch Logs.
Information about logs built to a CloudWatch Log Group for a build project.
An implementation for CloudWatchLoggingOptions
Use an AWS CloudWatch LogGroup as an event rule target.
A fluent builder for CloudWatchLogGroup.
(experimental) The action to send data to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
(experimental) A fluent builder for CloudWatchLogsAction.
(experimental) Configuration properties of an action for CloudWatch Logs.
An implementation for CloudWatchLogsActionProps
(experimental) The action to capture an Amazon CloudWatch metric.
(experimental) A fluent builder for CloudWatchPutMetricAction.
(experimental) Configuration properties of an action for CloudWatch metric.
An implementation for CloudWatchPutMetricActionProps
(experimental) The action to change the state of an Amazon CloudWatch alarm.
(experimental) A fluent builder for CloudWatchSetAlarmStateAction.
(experimental) Configuration properties of an action for CloudWatch alarm.
A regional grouping of one or more container instances on which you can run tasks and services.
A Cluster represents a managed Kubernetes Service (EKS).
(experimental) Create a MSK Cluster.
(experimental) Create a Redshift cluster a given number of nodes.
A fluent builder for Cluster.
A fluent builder for Cluster.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Cluster.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Cluster.
The properties to import from the ECS cluster.
Attributes for EKS clusters.
(experimental) Properties that describe an existing cluster instance.
A builder for ClusterAttributes
A builder for ClusterAttributes
A builder for ClusterAttributes
An implementation for ClusterAttributes
An implementation for ClusterAttributes
An implementation for ClusterAttributes
(experimental) The Amazon MSK configuration to use for the cluster.
An implementation for ClusterConfigurationInfo
The extra options passed to the
invalid @link
An implementation for ClusterEngineBindOptions
The type returned from the
invalid @link
A builder for ClusterEngineConfig
An implementation for ClusterEngineConfig
Represents Database Engine features.
A builder for ClusterEngineFeatures
An implementation for ClusterEngineFeatures
EKS cluster logging types.
(experimental) The level of monitoring for the MSK cluster.
Options for EKS clusters.
A builder for ClusterOptions
An implementation for ClusterOptions
A cluster parameter group.
(experimental) A cluster parameter group.
(experimental) A cluster parameter group.
A fluent builder for ClusterParameterGroup.
(experimental) A fluent builder for ClusterParameterGroup.
(experimental) A fluent builder for ClusterParameterGroup.
Properties for a cluster parameter group.
(experimental) Marker class for cluster parameter group.
(experimental) Properties for a parameter group.
An implementation for ClusterParameterGroupProps
An implementation for ClusterParameterGroupProps
An implementation for ClusterParameterGroupProps
The properties used to define an ECS cluster.
Common configuration props for EKS clusters.
(experimental) Properties for a MSK Cluster.
(experimental) Properties for a new database cluster.
A builder for ClusterProps
A builder for ClusterProps
A builder for ClusterProps
A builder for ClusterProps
An implementation for ClusterProps
An implementation for ClusterProps
An implementation for ClusterProps
An implementation for ClusterProps
(experimental) Class for creating a Redshift cluster subnet group.
(experimental) A fluent builder for ClusterSubnetGroup.
(experimental) Properties for creating a ClusterSubnetGroup.
An implementation for ClusterSubnetGroupProps
(experimental) What cluster type to use.
Instance that is accessible using a domain name (CNAME).
A fluent builder for CnameInstance.
An implementation for CnameInstanceBaseProps
A builder for CnameInstanceProps
An implementation for CnameInstanceProps
A DNS CNAME record.
A fluent builder for CnameRecord.
Construction properties for a CnameRecord.
A builder for CnameRecordProps
An implementation for CnameRecordProps
Represents the contents to initialize the repository with.
(experimental) Represents a Glue Job's Code assets (an asset can be a scripts, a jar, a python file or any other file).
Represents the Lambda Handler Code.
(experimental) The code the canary should execute.
CodePipeline build action that uses AWS CodeBuild.
A fluent builder for CodeBuildAction.
Construction properties of the CodeBuild build CodePipeline action.
A builder for CodeBuildActionProps
An implementation for CodeBuildActionProps
The type of the CodeBuild action that determines its CodePipeline Category - Build, or Test.
Options for customizing a single CodeBuild project.
A builder for CodeBuildOptions
An implementation for CodeBuildOptions
Start a CodeBuild build when an Amazon EventBridge rule is triggered.
A fluent builder for CodeBuildProject.
Customize the CodeBuild Event Target.
A builder for CodeBuildProjectProps
An implementation for CodeBuildProjectProps
Start a CodeBuild Build as a task.
A fluent builder for CodeBuildStartBuild.
Properties for CodeBuildStartBuild.
An implementation for CodeBuildStartBuildProps
Run a script as a CodeBuild Project.
A fluent builder for CodeBuildStep.
Construction props for a CodeBuildStep.
A builder for CodeBuildStepProps
An implementation for CodeBuildStepProps
CodePipeline Source that is provided by an AWS CodeCommit repository.
A fluent builder for CodeCommitSourceAction.
Construction properties of the CodeCommit source CodePipeline Action.
An implementation for CodeCommitSourceActionProps
(experimental) CodeCommit source code provider.
(experimental) A fluent builder for CodeCommitSourceCodeProvider.
(experimental) Properties for a CodeCommit source code provider.
An implementation for CodeCommitSourceCodeProviderProps
Configuration options for a CodeCommit source.
An implementation for CodeCommitSourceOptions
Construction properties for
invalid @link
A builder for CodeCommitSourceProps
An implementation for CodeCommitSourceProps
The CodePipeline variables emitted by the CodeCommit source Action.
An implementation for CodeCommitSourceVariables
How should the CodeCommit Action detect changes.
Represents the structure to pass into the underlying CfnRepository class.
(experimental) Result of binding Code into a Job.
Result of binding Code into a Function.
(experimental) Configuration of the code class.
A builder for CodeConfig
A builder for CodeConfig
A builder for CodeConfig
A builder for CodeConfig
An implementation for CodeConfig
An implementation for CodeConfig
An implementation for CodeConfig
An implementation for CodeConfig
(experimental) Describes the configuration that AWS App Runner uses to build and run an App Runner service from a source code repository.
A builder for CodeConfiguration
An implementation for CodeConfiguration
(experimental) Describes the basic configuration needed for building and running an AWS App Runner service.
An implementation for CodeConfigurationValues
Configuration for replacing a placeholder string in the ECS task definition template file with an image URI.
An implementation for CodeDeployEcsContainerImageInput
A fluent builder for CodeDeployEcsDeployAction.
Construction properties of the CodeDeploy ECS deploy CodePipeline Action.
An implementation for CodeDeployEcsDeployActionProps
A fluent builder for CodeDeployServerDeployAction.
Construction properties of the CodeDeploy server deploy CodePipeline Action.
An implementation for CodeDeployServerDeployActionProps
Result of the bind when an ECR image is used.
A builder for CodeImageConfig
An implementation for CodeImageConfig
A CDK Pipeline that uses CodePipeline to deploy CDK apps.
Allows the pipeline to be used as an EventBridge rule target.
A fluent builder for CodePipeline.
A fluent builder for CodePipeline.
The result of adding actions to the pipeline.
An implementation for CodePipelineActionFactoryResult
A FileSet created from a CodePipeline artifact.
Properties for a CodePipeline.
A builder for CodePipelineProps
An implementation for CodePipelineProps
Factory for CodePipeline source steps.
Customization options when creating a CodePipeline event target.
An implementation for CodePipelineTargetOptions
(experimental) Properties of the CodeRepository.
A builder for CodeRepositoryProps
An implementation for CodeRepositoryProps
Defines a Code Signing Config.
A fluent builder for CodeSigningConfig.
Construction properties for a Code Signing Config object.
An implementation for CodeSigningConfigProps
A CodePipeline source action for the CodeStar Connections source, which allows connecting to GitHub and BitBucket.
A fluent builder for CodeStarConnectionsSourceAction.
Construction properties for CodeStarConnectionsSourceAction.
The CodePipeline variables emitted by CodeStar source Action.
An implementation for CodeStarSourceVariables
Options while specifying a cognito prefix domain.
A builder for CognitoDomainOptions
An implementation for CognitoDomainOptions
use opensearchservice module instead
Configures Amazon OpenSearch Service to use Amazon Cognito authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards.
A builder for CognitoOptions
An implementation for CognitoOptions
Cognito user pools based custom authorizer.
A fluent builder for CognitoUserPoolsAuthorizer.
Properties for CognitoUserPoolsAuthorizer.
An implementation for CognitoUserPoolsAuthorizerProps
A set of standard colours that can be used in annotations in a GraphWidget.
A widget that contains other widgets in a vertical column.
(experimental) A column of a table.
(experimental) A column in a Redshift table.
A builder for Column
A builder for Column
An implementation for Column
An implementation for Column
A builder for ColumnRestriction
An implementation for ColumnRestriction
Common properties shared by all Actions.
(experimental) Common properties shared by Actions it access to AWS service.
A builder for CommonActionProps
A builder for CommonActionProps
An implementation for CommonActionProps
An implementation for CommonActionProps
Basic properties of an AutoScalingGroup, except the exact machines to run and where they should run.
An implementation for CommonAutoScalingGroupProps
Common properties shared by all Actions whose
invalid @link
field is 'AWS' (or unset, as 'AWS' is the default).
A builder for CommonAwsActionProps
An implementation for CommonAwsActionProps
Options in common between both StackSet actions.
Options for configuring an EKS cluster.
A builder for CommonClusterOptions
An implementation for CommonClusterOptions
Properties for governance mechanisms and constraints.
An implementation for CommonConstraintOptions
(experimental) Generic properties for defining a delivery stream destination.
An implementation for CommonDestinationProps
(experimental) Common properties for defining a backup, intermediary, or final S3 destination for a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
An implementation for CommonDestinationS3Props
Basic properties for ECS Tasks.
A builder for CommonEcsRunTaskProps
An implementation for CommonEcsRunTaskProps
Base options for all gateway route specs.
An implementation for CommonGatewayRouteSpecOptions
Basic options for a grant operation.
A builder for CommonGrantOptions
An implementation for CommonGrantOptions
Common properties to create a Route 53 hosted zone.
A builder for CommonHostedZoneProps
An implementation for CommonHostedZoneProps
Options shared by most methods accepting metric options.
A builder for CommonMetricOptions
An implementation for CommonMetricOptions
Basic NetworkACL entry props.
An implementation for CommonNetworkAclEntryOptions
A builder for CommonProjectProps
An implementation for CommonProjectProps
Properties common to single-user and multi-user rotation options.
An implementation for CommonRotationUserOptions
Common attributes for string parameters.
An implementation for CommonStringParameterAttributes
The common task definition attributes used across all types of task definitions.
An implementation for CommonTaskDefinitionAttributes
The common properties for all task definitions.
An implementation for CommonTaskDefinitionProps
Helper class for working with IComparablePrincipals.
Comparison operator for evaluating alarms.
The task launch type compatibility requirement.
An implementation for CompleteScalingInterval
A Composite Alarm based on Alarm Rule.
A fluent builder for CompositeAlarm.
Properties for creating a Composite Alarm.
A builder for CompositeAlarmProps
An implementation for CompositeAlarmProps
Composite dependable.
Represents a principal that has multiple types of principals.
(experimental) Possible compression options Kinesis Data Firehose can use to compress data on delivery.
Compression type of the data.
(experimental) Batch Compute Environment.
(experimental) A fluent builder for ComputeEnvironment.
(experimental) Properties for creating a new Compute Environment.
An implementation for ComputeEnvironmentProps
The compute platform of the profiling group.
(experimental) Properties for defining the structure of the batch compute cluster.
A builder for ComputeResources
An implementation for ComputeResources
(experimental) Property to specify if the compute environment uses On-Demand, SpotFleet, Fargate, or Fargate Spot compute resources.
Build machine compute type.
A set of constructs to be used as a dependable.
A real CloudWatch widget that has its own fixed size and remembers its position.
A Condition for use in a Choice state branch.
Options for CloudFormationInit.withConfigSets.
A builder for ConfigSetProps
An implementation for ConfigSetProps
(experimental) The source of the App Runner configuration.
Options passed by the VPC when NAT needs to be configured.
A builder for ConfigureNatOptions
An implementation for ConfigureNatOptions
Pause the pipeline if a deployment would add IAM permissions or Security Group rules.
A fluent builder for ConfirmPermissionsBroadening.
Define an EventBridge Connection.
(experimental) An AWS Glue connection to a data source.
A fluent builder for Connection.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Connection.
Interface with properties necessary to import a reusable Connection.
A builder for ConnectionAttributes
An implementation for ConnectionAttributes
(experimental) Base Connection Options.
A builder for ConnectionOptions
An implementation for ConnectionOptions
An API Destination Connection.
(experimental) Construction properties for Connection.
A builder for ConnectionProps
A builder for ConnectionProps
An implementation for ConnectionProps
An implementation for ConnectionProps
The protocol for the connections from clients to the accelerator.
A builder for ConnectionRule
An implementation for ConnectionRule
Manage the allowed network connections for constructs with Security Groups.
A fluent builder for Connections.
Configuration options for CodeStar source.
An implementation for ConnectionSourceOptions
Properties to intialize a new Connections object.
A builder for ConnectionsProps
An implementation for ConnectionsProps
(experimental) The connection type used for connecting to an Amazon EC2 environment.
(experimental) The type of the glue connection.
Represents the building block of the construct graph.
Represents the construct node in the scope tree.
In what order to return constructs.
A container definition is used in a task definition to describe the containers that are launched as part of a task.
Describes the container, as part of model definition.
A fluent builder for ContainerDefinition.
A fluent builder for ContainerDefinition.
Configuration options for the ContainerDefinition.
An implementation for ContainerDefinitionConfig
Properties to define a ContainerDefinition.
An implementation for ContainerDefinitionOptions
An implementation for ContainerDefinitionOptions
The properties in a container definition.
An implementation for ContainerDefinitionProps
The details of a dependency on another container in the task definition.
A builder for ContainerDependency
An implementation for ContainerDependency
Constructs for types of container images.
Metadata Entry spec for container images.
An implementation for ContainerImageAssetMetadataEntry
The configuration for creating a container image.
A builder for ContainerImageConfig
An implementation for ContainerImageConfig
A list of container overrides that specify the name of a container and the overrides it should receive.
A builder for ContainerOverride
A builder for ContainerOverride
An implementation for ContainerOverride
An implementation for ContainerOverride
The overrides that should be sent to a container.
A builder for ContainerOverrides
An implementation for ContainerOverrides
superceded by FixedResponseOptions.
replaced by JsonPath
Identifier for the context provider.
Base class for the model side of context providers.
(experimental) Properties for enabling Continuous Logging for Glue Jobs.
An implementation for ContinuousLoggingProps
see core.CopyOptions
Options applied when copying directories.
A builder for CopyOptions
An implementation for CopyOptions
The type of compute resources to use for CoreDNS.
(experimental) Supported CORS HTTP methods.
A builder for CorsOptions
An implementation for CorsOptions
(experimental) Options for the CORS Configuration.
A builder for CorsPreflightOptions
An implementation for CorsPreflightOptions
Specifies a cross-origin access rule for an Amazon S3 bucket.
A builder for CorsRule
An implementation for CorsRule
(experimental) The number of CPU units reserved for each instance of your App Runner service.
CPU architecture.
The CpuArchitecture for Fargate Runtime Platform.
Provides the options for specifying the CPU credit type for burstable EC2 instance types (T2, T3, T3a, etc).
Properties for enabling scaling based on CPU utilization.
The properties for enabling scaling based on CPU utilization.
An implementation for CpuUtilizationScalingProps
An implementation for CpuUtilizationScalingProps
Properties needed to make an alarm from a metric.
A builder for CreateAlarmOptions
An implementation for CreateAlarmOptions
Username and password combination.
Base options for creating Credentials.
An implementation for CredentialsBaseOptions
Options for creating Credentials from a username.
An implementation for CredentialsFromUsernameOptions
Options to configure a cron expression.
Options to configure a cron expression.
Options to configure a cron expression.
(experimental) Options to configure a cron expression.
A builder for CronOptions
A builder for CronOptions
A builder for CronOptions
A builder for CronOptions
An implementation for CronOptions
An implementation for CronOptions
An implementation for CronOptions
An implementation for CronOptions
A new CloudWatch Logs Destination for use in cross-account scenarios.
A fluent builder for CrossAccountDestination.
Properties for a CrossAccountDestination.
An implementation for CrossAccountDestinationProps
A Cross Account Zone Delegation record.
A fluent builder for CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord.
Construction properties for a CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord.
An interface representing resources generated in order to support the cross-region capabilities of CodePipeline.
A builder for CrossRegionSupport
An implementation for CrossRegionSupport
The creation attributes used for defining a configuration property of a custom Action.
A builder for CustomActionProperty
An implementation for CustomActionProperty
The resource representing registering a custom Action with CodePipeline.
A fluent builder for CustomActionRegistration.
Properties of registering a custom Action.
An implementation for CustomActionRegistrationProps
Configuration that will be fed into CloudFormation for any custom attribute type.
A builder for CustomAttributeConfig
An implementation for CustomAttributeConfig
Constraints that can be applied to a custom attribute of any type.
A builder for CustomAttributeProps
An implementation for CustomAttributeProps
Options while specifying custom domain.
A builder for CustomDomainOptions
An implementation for CustomDomainOptions
use opensearchservice module instead
Configures a custom domain endpoint for the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.
A builder for CustomEndpointOptions
An implementation for CustomEndpointOptions
A custom Deployment Configuration for a Lambda Deployment Group.
A fluent builder for CustomLambdaDeploymentConfig.
Properties of a reference to a CodeDeploy Lambda Deployment Configuration.
An implementation for CustomLambdaDeploymentConfigProps
Lambda Deployment config type.
A custom origin configuration.
A builder for CustomOriginConfig
An implementation for CustomOriginConfig
Instantiation of a custom resource, whose implementation is provided a Provider.
use core.CustomResource
A fluent builder for CustomResource.
Properties to provide a Lambda-backed custom resource.
use core.CustomResourceProps
A builder for CustomResourceProps
An implementation for CustomResourceProps
An AWS-Lambda backed custom resource provider, for CDK Construct Library constructs.
use core.CustomResource instead
used in ICustomResourceProvider which is now deprecated
Initialization properties for CustomResourceProvider.
An implementation for CustomResourceProviderProps
The lambda runtime to use for the resource provider.
(experimental) Custom response header of an Amplify App.
A builder for CustomResponseHeader
An implementation for CustomResponseHeader
(experimental) Custom rewrite/redirect rule for an Amplify App.
A new custom rule.
(experimental) A fluent builder for CustomRule.
A fluent builder for CustomRule.
(experimental) Options for a custom rewrite/redirect rule for an Amplify App.
A builder for CustomRuleOptions
An implementation for CustomRuleOptions
Construction properties for a CustomRule.
A builder for CustomRuleProps
An implementation for CustomRuleProps
State defined by supplying Amazon States Language (ASL) in the state machine.
A fluent builder for CustomState.
Properties for defining a custom state definition.
A builder for CustomStateProps
An implementation for CustomStateProps
(experimental) Properties for specifying a test.
A builder for CustomTestOptions
An implementation for CustomTestOptions
A CustomWidget shows the result of a AWS lambda function.
A fluent builder for CustomWidget.
The properties for a CustomWidget.
A builder for CustomWidgetProps
An implementation for CustomWidgetProps
A CloudWatch dashboard.
A fluent builder for Dashboard.
Properties for defining a CloudWatch Dashboard.
A builder for DashboardProps
An implementation for DashboardProps
replaced by JsonPath
(experimental) A Glue database.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Database.
Create a clustered database with a given number of instances.
(experimental) Create a clustered database with a given number of instances.
Create a clustered database with a given number of instances.
A fluent builder for DatabaseCluster.
(experimental) A fluent builder for DatabaseCluster.
A fluent builder for DatabaseCluster.
Properties that describe an existing cluster instance.
(experimental) Properties that describe an existing cluster instance.
Properties that describe an existing cluster instance.
An implementation for DatabaseClusterAttributes
An implementation for DatabaseClusterAttributes
An implementation for DatabaseClusterAttributes
(experimental) A new or imported database cluster.
A new or imported clustered database.
A database cluster engine.
A database cluster restored from a snapshot.
A fluent builder for DatabaseClusterFromSnapshot.
Properties for DatabaseClusterFromSnapshot.
An implementation for DatabaseClusterFromSnapshotProps
Properties for a new database cluster.
(experimental) Properties for a new database cluster.
Properties for a new database cluster.
A builder for DatabaseClusterProps
A builder for DatabaseClusterProps
A builder for DatabaseClusterProps
An implementation for DatabaseClusterProps
An implementation for DatabaseClusterProps
An implementation for DatabaseClusterProps
A database instance.
(experimental) A database instance.
A database instance.
A fluent builder for DatabaseInstance.
(experimental) A fluent builder for DatabaseInstance.
A fluent builder for DatabaseInstance.
Properties that describe an existing instance.
(experimental) Properties that describe an existing instance.
Properties that describe an existing instance.
An implementation for DatabaseInstanceAttributes
An implementation for DatabaseInstanceAttributes
An implementation for DatabaseInstanceAttributes
A new or imported database instance.
A database instance engine.
A database instance restored from a snapshot.
A fluent builder for DatabaseInstanceFromSnapshot.
Construction properties for a DatabaseInstanceFromSnapshot.
An implementation for DatabaseInstanceFromSnapshotProps
Construction properties for a DatabaseInstanceNew.
An implementation for DatabaseInstanceNewProps
Construction properties for a DatabaseInstanceNew.
(experimental) Construction properties for a DatabaseInstanceNew.
Construction properties for a DatabaseInstance.
A builder for DatabaseInstanceProps
A builder for DatabaseInstanceProps
A builder for DatabaseInstanceProps
An implementation for DatabaseInstanceProps
An implementation for DatabaseInstanceProps
An implementation for DatabaseInstanceProps
A read replica database instance.
A fluent builder for DatabaseInstanceReadReplica.
Construction properties for a DatabaseInstanceReadReplica.
An implementation for DatabaseInstanceReadReplicaProps
Construction properties for a DatabaseInstanceSource.
An implementation for DatabaseInstanceSourceProps
(experimental) Properties for accessing a Redshift database.
A builder for DatabaseOptions
An implementation for DatabaseOptions
A builder for DatabaseProps
An implementation for DatabaseProps
RDS Database Proxy.
A fluent builder for DatabaseProxy.
Properties that describe an existing DB Proxy.
An implementation for DatabaseProxyAttributes
Options for a new DatabaseProxy.
A builder for DatabaseProxyOptions
An implementation for DatabaseProxyOptions
Construction properties for a DatabaseProxy.
A builder for DatabaseProxyProps
An implementation for DatabaseProxyProps
A database secret.
A database secret.
(experimental) A database secret.
A fluent builder for DatabaseSecret.
A fluent builder for DatabaseSecret.
(experimental) A fluent builder for DatabaseSecret.
Construction properties for a DatabaseSecret.
Construction properties for a DatabaseSecret.
(experimental) Construction properties for a DatabaseSecret.
A builder for DatabaseSecretProps
A builder for DatabaseSecretProps
A builder for DatabaseSecretProps
An implementation for DatabaseSecretProps
An implementation for DatabaseSecretProps
An implementation for DatabaseSecretProps
(experimental) Defines the input/output formats and ser/de for a single DataFormat.
(experimental) A fluent builder for DataFormat.
(experimental) Properties of a DataFormat instance.
A builder for DataFormatProps
An implementation for DataFormatProps
(experimental) Options when binding a DataProcessor to a delivery stream destination.
An implementation for DataProcessorBindOptions
(experimental) The full configuration of a data processor.
A builder for DataProcessorConfig
An implementation for DataProcessorConfig
(experimental) The key-value pair that identifies the underlying processor resource.
An implementation for DataProcessorIdentifier
(experimental) Configure the data processor.
A builder for DataProcessorProps
An implementation for DataProcessorProps
Resource type for a data event.
Location of the channel data.
A builder for DataSource
An implementation for DataSource
(experimental) Optional configuration for data sources.
A builder for DataSourceOptions
An implementation for DataSourceOptions
The DateTime custom attribute type.
A fluent builder for DateTimeAttribute.
Dead letter queue settings.
A builder for DeadLetterQueue
An implementation for DeadLetterQueue
What kind of deduplication scope to apply.
Provides default values for certain regional information points.
The default capacity type for the cluster.
Default CDK CLI options that apply to all commands.
A builder for DefaultCdkOptions
An implementation for DefaultCdkOptions
The default tenancy of instances launched into the VPC.
Uses conventionally named roles and asset storage locations.
A fluent builder for DefaultStackSynthesizer.
Configuration properties for DefaultStackSynthesizer.
An implementation for DefaultStackSynthesizerProps
Default resolver implementation.
(experimental) Create a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
(experimental) A fluent builder for DeliveryStream.
(experimental) A full specification of a delivery stream that can be used to import it fluently into the CDK application.
An implementation for DeliveryStreamAttributes
(experimental) Properties for a new delivery stream.
A builder for DeliveryStreamProps
An implementation for DeliveryStreamProps
Trait for IDependable.
A single dependency.
A builder for Dependency
An implementation for Dependency
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
Represents a cdk deploy command.
A builder for DeployCommand
An implementation for DeployCommand
A Deployment of a REST API.
A fluent builder for Deployment.
The deployment circuit breaker to use for the service.
An implementation for DeploymentCircuitBreaker
The deployment controller to use for the service.
A builder for DeploymentController
An implementation for DeploymentController
The deployment controller type to use for the service.
A builder for DeploymentProps
An implementation for DeploymentProps
Bind context for ISources.
An implementation for DeploymentSourceContext
Options to use with cdk deploy.
A builder for DeployOptions
An implementation for DeployOptions
(experimental) Options when binding a destination to a delivery stream.
An implementation for DestinationBindOptions
(experimental) A Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream destination configuration.
A destination configuration.
A builder for DestinationConfig
A builder for DestinationConfig
An implementation for DestinationConfig
An implementation for DestinationConfig
Options when binding a destination to a function.
A builder for DestinationOptions
An implementation for DestinationOptions
(experimental) Properties for defining an S3 backup destination.
An implementation for DestinationS3BackupProps
The type of destination.
Represents a cdk destroy command.
A builder for DestroyCommand
An implementation for DestroyCommand
Options to use with cdk destroy.
A builder for DestroyOptions
An implementation for DestroyOptions
The level of detail to include in the notifications for this resource.
(experimental) Defines an AWS IoT Events detector model in this stack.
(experimental) A fluent builder for DetectorModel.
(experimental) Properties for defining an AWS IoT Events detector model.
A builder for DetectorModelProps
An implementation for DetectorModelProps
A container instance host device.
A builder for Device
An implementation for Device
Permissions for device access.
Device tracking settings.
A builder for DeviceTracking
An implementation for DeviceTracking
Metric dimension.
A builder for Dimension
An implementation for Dimension
(experimental) Directives for types.
A CloudFront distribution with associated origin(s) and caching behavior(s).
A fluent builder for Distribution.
Attributes used to import a Distribution.
An implementation for DistributionAttributes
Properties for a Distribution.
A builder for DistributionProps
An implementation for DistributionProps
A destination configuration.
A builder for DlqDestinationConfig
An implementation for DlqDestinationConfig
(experimental) The way that you want DNS Firewall to block the request.
Enum of DNS service discovery response type.
Service props needed to create a service in a given namespace.
A builder for DnsServiceProps
An implementation for DnsServiceProps
A certificate managed by AWS Certificate Manager.
A fluent builder for DnsValidatedCertificate.
Properties to create a DNS validated certificate managed by AWS Certificate Manager.
An implementation for DnsValidatedCertificateProps
Options when creating an asset from a Docker build.
An implementation for DockerBuildAssetOptions
Docker build options.
A builder for DockerBuildOptions
An implementation for DockerBuildOptions
Represents credentials used to access a Docker registry.
Defines which stages of a pipeline require the specified credentials.
Ignores file paths based on the .dockerignore specification.
A Docker image.
Creates IDockerImage instances.
A file asset.
An asset that represents a Docker image.
A builder for DockerImageAsset
A fluent builder for DockerImageAsset.
An implementation for DockerImageAsset
Options to control invalidation of DockerImageAsset asset hashes.
The location of the published docker image.
An implementation for DockerImageAssetLocation
Options for DockerImageAsset.
An implementation for DockerImageAssetOptions
Props for DockerImageAssets.
A builder for DockerImageAssetProps
An implementation for DockerImageAssetProps
An implementation for DockerImageAssetSource
Code property for the DockerImageFunction construct.
Configuration for a using Docker image.
A builder for DockerImageConfig
An implementation for DockerImageConfig
Where to publish docker images.
An implementation for DockerImageDestination
Create a lambda function where the handler is a docker image.
A fluent builder for DockerImageFunction.
Properties to configure a new DockerImageFunction construct.
An implementation for DockerImageFunctionProps
The options when creating a CodeBuild Docker build image using
invalid @link
invalid @link
A builder for DockerImageOptions
An implementation for DockerImageOptions
Properties for how to produce a Docker image from a source.
A builder for DockerImageSource
An implementation for DockerImageSource
Docker run options.
A builder for DockerRunOptions
An implementation for DockerRunOptions
A Docker volume.
A builder for DockerVolume
An implementation for DockerVolume
The configuration for a Docker volume.
An implementation for DockerVolumeConfiguration
Supported Docker volume consistency types.
(experimental) An Amplify Console domain.
use opensearchservice module instead
Provides an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Domain.
A fluent builder for Domain.
use opensearchservice module instead
Reference to an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.
A builder for DomainAttributes
An implementation for DomainAttributes
(experimental) Options for DomainMapping.
A builder for DomainMappingOptions
An implementation for DomainMappingOptions
(experimental) Custom domain resource for the API.
A fluent builder for DomainName.
(experimental) A fluent builder for DomainName.
(experimental) custom domain name attributes.
A builder for DomainNameAttributes
A builder for DomainNameAttributes
An implementation for DomainNameAttributes
An implementation for DomainNameAttributes
A builder for DomainNameOptions
An implementation for DomainNameOptions
(experimental) properties used for creating the DomainName.
A builder for DomainNameProps
A builder for DomainNameProps
An implementation for DomainNameProps
An implementation for DomainNameProps
(experimental) Options to add a domain to an application.
(experimental) Domain name configuration for AppSync.
A builder for DomainOptions
A builder for DomainOptions
An implementation for DomainOptions
An implementation for DomainOptions
(experimental) Properties for a Domain.
use opensearchservice module instead
Properties for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.
A builder for DomainProps
A builder for DomainProps
An implementation for DomainProps
An implementation for DomainProps
(experimental) Domains configuration.
A builder for DomainsConfig
An implementation for DomainsConfig
A rule added at the top of the rule set to drop spam/virus.
A fluent builder for DropSpamReceiptRule.
An implementation for DropSpamReceiptRuleProps
A DNS DS record.
A fluent builder for DsRecord.
Construction properties for a DSRecord.
A builder for DsRecordProps
An implementation for DsRecordProps
Represents a length of time.
Represents the data for an attribute.
Determines the level of detail about provisioned throughput consumption that is returned.
(experimental) An AppSync datasource backed by a DynamoDB table.
(experimental) A fluent builder for DynamoDbDataSource.
(experimental) Properties for an AppSync DynamoDB datasource.
An implementation for DynamoDbDataSourceProps
A StepFunctions task to call DynamoDeleteItem.
A fluent builder for DynamoDeleteItem.
Properties for DynamoDeleteItem Task.
A builder for DynamoDeleteItemProps
An implementation for DynamoDeleteItemProps
Use an Amazon DynamoDB stream as an event source for AWS Lambda.
A fluent builder for DynamoEventSource.
An implementation for DynamoEventSourceProps
A StepFunctions task to call DynamoGetItem.
A fluent builder for DynamoGetItem.
Properties for DynamoGetItem Task.
A builder for DynamoGetItemProps
An implementation for DynamoGetItemProps
Determines whether item collection metrics are returned.
Class to generate projection expression.
A StepFunctions task to call DynamoPutItem.
A fluent builder for DynamoPutItem.
Properties for DynamoPutItem Task.
A builder for DynamoPutItemProps
An implementation for DynamoPutItemProps
Use ReturnValues if you want to get the item attributes as they appear before or after they are changed.
A StepFunctions task to call DynamoUpdateItem.
A fluent builder for DynamoUpdateItem.
Properties for DynamoUpdateItem Task.
A builder for DynamoUpdateItemProps
An implementation for DynamoUpdateItemProps
Block device options for an EBS volume.
Block device options for an EBS volume.
A builder for EbsDeviceOptions
A builder for EbsDeviceOptions
An implementation for EbsDeviceOptions
An implementation for EbsDeviceOptions
Base block device options for an EBS volume.
Base block device options for an EBS volume.
A builder for EbsDeviceOptionsBase
A builder for EbsDeviceOptionsBase
An implementation for EbsDeviceOptionsBase
An implementation for EbsDeviceOptionsBase
Properties of an EBS block device.
Properties of an EBS block device.
A builder for EbsDeviceProps
A builder for EbsDeviceProps
An implementation for EbsDeviceProps
An implementation for EbsDeviceProps
Block device options for an EBS volume created from a snapshot.
Block device options for an EBS volume created from a snapshot.
An implementation for EbsDeviceSnapshotOptions
An implementation for EbsDeviceSnapshotOptions
Supported EBS volume types for blockDevices.
Supported EBS volume types for blockDevices.
use opensearchservice module instead
The configurations of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes that are attached to data nodes in the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.
A builder for EbsOptions
An implementation for EbsOptions
(experimental) EBS volume information.
A builder for EbsStorageInfo
An implementation for EbsStorageInfo
Use an EC2 action as an Alarm action.
(experimental) A Cloud9 Environment with Amazon EC2.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Ec2Environment.
(experimental) Properties for Ec2Environment.
A builder for Ec2EnvironmentProps
An implementation for Ec2EnvironmentProps
EC2 Heath check options.
A builder for Ec2HealthCheckOptions
An implementation for Ec2HealthCheckOptions
Types of EC2 actions available.
This creates a service using the EC2 launch type on an ECS cluster.
A fluent builder for Ec2Service.
The properties to import from the service using the EC2 launch type.
A builder for Ec2ServiceAttributes
An implementation for Ec2ServiceAttributes
The properties for defining a service using the EC2 launch type.
A builder for Ec2ServiceProps
An implementation for Ec2ServiceProps
The details of a task definition run on an EC2 cluster.
A fluent builder for Ec2TaskDefinition.
Attributes used to import an existing EC2 task definition.
An implementation for Ec2TaskDefinitionAttributes
The properties for a task definition run on an EC2 cluster.
An implementation for Ec2TaskDefinitionProps
Options for defining access for a Docker Credential composed of ECR repos.
An implementation for EcrDockerCredentialOptions
An image from an Amazon ECR repository.
Represents a Docker image in ECR that can be bound as Lambda Code.
A fluent builder for EcrImageCode.
Properties to initialize a new EcrImageCode.
A builder for EcrImageCodeProps
An implementation for EcrImageCodeProps
(experimental) Properties of the image repository for Source.fromEcr().
A builder for EcrProps
An implementation for EcrProps
(experimental) Properties of the image repository for Source.fromEcrPublic().
A builder for EcrPublicProps
An implementation for EcrPublicProps
(experimental) Represents the service source from ECR Public.
(experimental) A fluent builder for EcrPublicSource.
(experimental) Represents the service source from ECR.
(experimental) A fluent builder for EcrSource.
The ECR Repository source CodePipeline Action.
A fluent builder for EcrSourceAction.
Construction properties of EcrSourceAction.
A builder for EcrSourceActionProps
An implementation for EcrSourceActionProps
Options for ECR sources.
A builder for ECRSourceOptions
An implementation for ECRSourceOptions
The CodePipeline variables emitted by the ECR source Action.
A builder for EcrSourceVariables
An implementation for EcrSourceVariables
A CodeDeploy Application that deploys to an Amazon ECS service.
A fluent builder for EcsApplication.
Construction properties for EcsApplication.
A builder for EcsApplicationProps
An implementation for EcsApplicationProps
CodePipeline Action to deploy an ECS Service.
A fluent builder for EcsDeployAction.
Construction properties of EcsDeployAction.
A builder for EcsDeployActionProps
An implementation for EcsDeployActionProps
A custom Deployment Configuration for an ECS Deployment Group.
Note: This class currently stands as a namespaced container for importing an ECS Deployment Group defined outside the CDK app until CloudFormation supports provisioning ECS Deployment Groups.
Properties of a reference to a CodeDeploy ECS Deployment Group.
An implementation for EcsDeploymentGroupAttributes
Configuration for running an ECS task on EC2.
A fluent builder for EcsEc2LaunchTarget.
Options to run an ECS task on EC2 in StepFunctions and ECS.
An implementation for EcsEc2LaunchTargetOptions
Configuration for running an ECS task on Fargate.
A fluent builder for EcsFargateLaunchTarget.
Properties to define an ECS service.
An implementation for EcsFargateLaunchTargetOptions
Configuration options for the ECS launch type.
A builder for EcsLaunchTargetConfig
An implementation for EcsLaunchTargetConfig
Construct a Linux or Windows machine image from the latest ECS Optimized AMI published in SSM.
Additional configuration properties for EcsOptimizedImage factory functions.
An implementation for EcsOptimizedImageOptions
Run a Task on ECS or Fargate.
A fluent builder for EcsRunTask.
No replacement
No replacement
Properties for ECS Tasks.
A builder for EcsRunTaskProps
An implementation for EcsRunTaskProps
A builder for EcsTarget
An implementation for EcsTarget
Start a task on an ECS cluster.
A fluent builder for EcsTask.
Properties to define an ECS Event Task.
A builder for EcsTaskProps
An implementation for EcsTaskProps
A Lambda@Edge function.
A fluent builder for EdgeFunction.
Properties for creating a Lambda@Edge function.
A builder for EdgeFunctionProps
An implementation for EdgeFunctionProps
Represents a Lambda function version and event type when using Lambda@Edge.
A builder for EdgeLambda
An implementation for EdgeLambda
The Effect element of an IAM policy.
Construction properties for
invalid @link
An implementation for EfsFileSystemLocationProps
The configuration for an Elastic FileSystem volume.
An implementation for EfsVolumeConfiguration
Call a EKS endpoint as a Task.
A fluent builder for EksCall.
Properties for calling a EKS endpoint with EksCall.
A builder for EksCallProps
An implementation for EksCallProps
Class that supports methods which return the EKS cluster name depending on input type.
Construct an Amazon Linux 2 image from the latest EKS Optimized AMI published in SSM.
A fluent builder for EksOptimizedImage.
Properties for EksOptimizedImage.
An implementation for EksOptimizedImageProps
Use an Elastic Beanstalk environment URL as an alias record target.
use OpenSearchDataSource
use OpenSearchDataSourceProps with OpenSearchDataSource
Elasticsearch version.
ELB Heath check options.
A builder for ElbHealthCheckOptions
An implementation for ElbHealthCheckOptions
The type of email encoding to use for a SNS action.
Email settings for the user pool.
A builder for EmailSettings
An implementation for EmailSettings
Use an email address as a subscription target.
A fluent builder for EmailSubscription.
Options for email subscriptions.
An implementation for EmailSubscriptionProps
You should use Model.EMPTY_MODEL
A Step Functions Task to add a Step to an EMR Cluster.
A fluent builder for EmrAddStep.
Properties for EmrAddStep.
A builder for EmrAddStepProps
An implementation for EmrAddStepProps
A Step Functions Task to to cancel a Step on an EMR Cluster.
A fluent builder for EmrCancelStep.
Properties for EmrCancelStep.
A builder for EmrCancelStepProps
An implementation for EmrCancelStepProps
Task that creates an EMR Containers virtual cluster from an EKS cluster.
A fluent builder for EmrContainersCreateVirtualCluster.
Properties to define a EMR Containers CreateVirtualCluster Task on an EKS cluster.
Deletes an EMR Containers virtual cluster as a Task.
A fluent builder for EmrContainersDeleteVirtualCluster.
Properties to define a EMR Containers DeleteVirtualCluster Task.
Starts a job run.
A fluent builder for EmrContainersStartJobRun.
The props for a EMR Containers StartJobRun Task.
An implementation for EmrContainersStartJobRunProps
A Step Functions Task to create an EMR Cluster.
Properties for the EMR Cluster Applications.
An automatic scaling policy for a core instance group or task instance group in an Amazon EMR cluster.
Configuration of a bootstrap action.
A fluent builder for EmrCreateCluster.
CloudWatch Alarm Comparison Operators.
The definition of a CloudWatch metric alarm, which determines when an automatic scaling activity is triggered.
CloudWatch Alarm Statistics.
CloudWatch Alarm Units.
An optional configuration specification to be used when provisioning cluster instances, which can include configurations for applications and software bundled with Amazon EMR.
Configuration of requested EBS block device associated with the instance group with count of volumes that will be associated to every instance.
EBS Volume Types.
The Amazon EBS configuration of a cluster instance.
The Cluster ScaleDownBehavior specifies the way that individual Amazon EC2 instances terminate when an automatic scale-in activity occurs or an instance group is resized.
The configuration that defines an instance fleet.
The launch specification for Spot instances in the fleet, which determines the defined duration and provisioning timeout behavior.
Configuration defining a new instance group.
EC2 Instance Market.
Instance Role Types.
A specification of the number and type of Amazon EC2 instances.
An instance type configuration for each instance type in an instance fleet, which determines the EC2 instances Amazon EMR attempts to provision to fulfill On-Demand and Spot target capacities.
Attributes for Kerberos configuration when Kerberos authentication is enabled using a security configuration.
A CloudWatch dimension, which is specified using a Key (known as a Name in CloudWatch), Value pair.
The Amazon EC2 Availability Zone configuration of the cluster (job flow).
The type of adjustment the automatic scaling activity makes when triggered, and the periodicity of the adjustment.
AutoScaling Adjustment Type.
The upper and lower EC2 instance limits for an automatic scaling policy.
A scale-in or scale-out rule that defines scaling activity, including the CloudWatch metric alarm that triggers activity, how EC2 instances are added or removed, and the periodicity of adjustments.
The conditions that trigger an automatic scaling activity and the definition of a CloudWatch metric alarm.
Configuration of the script to run during a bootstrap action.
An automatic scaling configuration, which describes how the policy adds or removes instances, the cooldown period, and the number of EC2 instances that will be added each time the CloudWatch metric alarm condition is satisfied.
Spot Allocation Strategies.
The launch specification for Spot instances in the instance fleet, which determines the defined duration and provisioning timeout behavior.
Spot Timeout Actions.
EBS volume specifications such as volume type, IOPS, and size (GiB) that will be requested for the EBS volume attached to an EC2 instance in the cluster.
Properties for EmrCreateCluster.
A builder for EmrCreateClusterProps
An implementation for EmrCreateClusterProps
A Step Functions Task to to modify an InstanceFleet on an EMR Cluster.
A fluent builder for EmrModifyInstanceFleetByName.
Properties for EmrModifyInstanceFleetByName.
An implementation for EmrModifyInstanceFleetByNameProps
A Step Functions Task to to modify an InstanceGroup on an EMR Cluster.
A fluent builder for EmrModifyInstanceGroupByName.
Modify the size or configurations of an instance group.
Custom policy for requesting termination protection or termination of specific instances when shrinking an instance group.
Policy for customizing shrink operations.
Properties for EmrModifyInstanceGroupByName.
An implementation for EmrModifyInstanceGroupByNameProps
A Step Functions Task to to set Termination Protection on an EMR Cluster.
Properties for EmrSetClusterTerminationProtection.
A Step Functions Task to terminate an EMR Cluster.
A fluent builder for EmrTerminateCluster.
Properties for EmrTerminateCluster.
An implementation for EmrTerminateClusterProps
Properties for enabling Application Auto Scaling.
Properties for enabling DynamoDB capacity scaling.
A builder for EnableScalingProps
A builder for EnableScalingProps
An implementation for EnableScalingProps
An implementation for EnableScalingProps
Options for the Vpc.enableVpnGateway() method.
An implementation for EnableVpnGatewayOptions
Properties to string encodings.
A builder for EncodingOptions
An implementation for EncodingOptions
use opensearchservice module instead
Whether the domain should encrypt data at rest, and if so, the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key to use.
An implementation for EncryptionAtRestOptions
Encryption Configuration of the S3 bucket.
An implementation for EncryptionConfiguration
(experimental) The settings for encrypting data in transit.
An implementation for EncryptionInTransitConfig
Encryption Options of the S3 bucket.
Connection endpoint of a database cluster or instance.
(experimental) Connection endpoint of a neptune cluster or instance.
Connection endpoint of a database cluster or instance.
(experimental) Connection endpoint of a redshift cluster.
Endpoint access characteristics.
The endpoint configuration of a REST API, including VPCs and endpoint types.
A builder for EndpointConfiguration
An implementation for EndpointConfiguration
EndpointGroup construct.
A fluent builder for EndpointGroup.
Basic options for creating a new EndpointGroup.
A builder for EndpointGroupOptions
An implementation for EndpointGroupOptions
Property of the EndpointGroup.
A builder for EndpointGroupProps
An implementation for EndpointGroupProps
(experimental) properties for creating a domain name endpoint.
A builder for EndpointOptions
An implementation for EndpointOptions
Query to endpoint service context provider.
Query to hosted zone context provider.
(experimental) Endpoint type for a domain name.
(experimental) Possible Instances Types to use in Neptune cluster used for defining
invalid @link
OpenSearch version.
A version of an engine - for either a cluster, or instance.
A builder for EngineVersion
An implementation for EngineVersion
(experimental) Enum Types are abstract types that includes a set of fields that represent the strings this type can create.
(experimental) A fluent builder for EnumType.
(experimental) Properties for configuring an Enum Type.
A builder for EnumTypeOptions
An implementation for EnumTypeOptions
The deployment environment for a stack.
Models an AWS execution environment, for use within the CDK toolkit.
A builder for Environment
A builder for Environment
An implementation for Environment
An implementation for Environment
Constructs for types of environment files.
Configuration for the environment file.
A builder for EnvironmentFileConfig
An implementation for EnvironmentFileConfig
Type of environment file to be included in the container definition.
Environment variables options.
A builder for EnvironmentOptions
An implementation for EnvironmentOptions
Placeholders which can be used manifests.
Return the appropriate values for the environment placeholders.
An implementation for EnvironmentPlaceholderValues
(experimental) Construct that creates a CustomResource to assert that two values are equal.
(experimental) A fluent builder for EqualsAssertion.
(experimental) Options for an EqualsAssertion.
A builder for EqualsAssertionProps
An implementation for EqualsAssertionProps
You should use Model.ERROR_MODEL
Options for configuring custom error responses.
A builder for ErrorResponse
An implementation for ErrorResponse
Predefined error strings Error names in Amazon States Language - Error handling in Step Functions -
A Step Functions Task to evaluate an expression.
A fluent builder for EvaluateExpression.
Properties for EvaluateExpression.
An implementation for EvaluateExpressionProps
(experimental) Specifies the actions to be performed when the condition evaluates to true.
A builder for Event
An implementation for Event
The types of webhook event actions.
Use an Event Bridge event bus as a Lambda destination.
A StepFunctions Task to send events to an EventBridge event bus.
A fluent builder for EventBridgePutEvents.
An entry to be sent to EventBridge.
An implementation for EventBridgePutEventsEntry
Properties for sending events with PutEvents.
An implementation for EventBridgePutEventsProps
Define an EventBridge EventBus.
Notify an existing Event Bus of an event.
A fluent builder for EventBus.
A fluent builder for EventBus.
Interface with properties necessary to import a reusable EventBus.
A builder for EventBusAttributes
An implementation for EventBusAttributes
Properties to define an event bus.
Configuration properties of an Event Bus event.
A builder for EventBusProps
A builder for EventBusProps
An implementation for EventBusProps
An implementation for EventBusProps
(experimental) Information about the order in which events are evaluated and how actions are executed.
Represents a field in the event pattern.
Configure options for asynchronous invocation on a version or an alias.
A fluent builder for EventInvokeConfig.
Options to add an EventInvokeConfig to a function.
An implementation for EventInvokeConfigOptions
Properties for an EventInvokeConfig.
An implementation for EventInvokeConfigProps
Events in Amazon CloudWatch Events are represented as JSON objects.
A builder for EventPattern
An implementation for EventPattern
Defines a Lambda EventSourceMapping resource.
A fluent builder for EventSourceMapping.
An implementation for EventSourceMappingOptions
Properties for declaring a new event source mapping.
An implementation for EventSourceMappingProps
Notification event types.
The details of the execute command configuration.
An implementation for ExecuteCommandConfiguration
The log configuration for the results of the execute command actions.
An implementation for ExecuteCommandLogConfiguration
The log settings to use to for logging the execute command session.
Options when executing a file.
A builder for ExecuteFileOptions
An implementation for ExecuteFileOptions
(experimental) Represents the "expected" results to compare.
Represents a date of expiration.
use core.Expiration
Options for the stack.exportValue() method.
A builder for ExportValueOptions
An implementation for ExportValueOptions
(experimental) Exposed secret for log configuration.
(experimental) Expression for events in Detector Model state.
(experimental) props used by implementations of BaseDataSource to provide configuration.
An implementation for ExtendedDataSourceProps
(experimental) Additional property for an AppSync resolver for data source reference.
A builder for ExtendedResolverProps
An implementation for ExtendedResolverProps
Options for defining credentials for a Docker Credential.
An implementation for ExternalDockerCredentialOptions
This creates a service using the External launch type on an ECS cluster.
A fluent builder for ExternalService.
The properties to import from the service using the External launch type.
An implementation for ExternalServiceAttributes
The properties for defining a service using the External launch type.
A builder for ExternalServiceProps
An implementation for ExternalServiceProps
The details of a task definition run on an External cluster.
A fluent builder for ExternalTaskDefinition.
Attributes used to import an existing External task definition.
An implementation for ExternalTaskDefinitionAttributes
The properties for a task definition run on an External cluster.
An implementation for ExternalTaskDefinitionProps
A database of regional information.
All standardized fact names.
Define a Fail state in the state machine.
A fluent builder for Fail.
HTTP status code to failover to second origin.
Properties for defining a Fail state.
A builder for FailProps
An implementation for FailProps
Defines an EKS cluster that runs entirely on AWS Fargate.
A fluent builder for FargateCluster.
Configuration props for EKS Fargate.
A builder for FargateClusterProps
An implementation for FargateClusterProps
The platform version on which to run your service.
Fargate profiles allows an administrator to declare which pods run on Fargate.
A fluent builder for FargateProfile.
Options for defining EKS Fargate Profiles.
A builder for FargateProfileOptions
An implementation for FargateProfileOptions
Configuration props for EKS Fargate Profiles.
A builder for FargateProfileProps
An implementation for FargateProfileProps
This creates a service using the Fargate launch type on an ECS cluster.
A fluent builder for FargateService.
The properties to import from the service using the Fargate launch type.
An implementation for FargateServiceAttributes
The properties for defining a service using the Fargate launch type.
A builder for FargateServiceProps
An implementation for FargateServiceProps
The details of a task definition run on a Fargate cluster.
A fluent builder for FargateTaskDefinition.
Attributes used to import an existing Fargate task definition.
An implementation for FargateTaskDefinitionAttributes
The properties for a task definition.
An implementation for FargateTaskDefinitionProps
Features that are implemented behind a flag in order to preserve backwards compatibility for existing apps.
Principal entity that represents a federated identity provider such as Amazon Cognito, that can be used to provide temporary security credentials to users who have been authenticated.
(experimental) Fields build upon Graphql Types and provide typing and arguments.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Field.
(experimental) log-level for fields in AppSync.
(experimental) Properties for configuring a field.
A builder for FieldOptions
An implementation for FieldOptions
Helper functions to work with structures containing fields.
Whether the FIFO queue throughput quota applies to the entire queue or per message group.
A file asset.
A builder for FileAsset
An implementation for FileAsset
The location of the published file asset.
A builder for FileAssetLocation
An implementation for FileAssetLocation
Metadata Entry spec for files.
An implementation for FileAssetMetadataEntry
Packaging strategy for file assets.
Packaging modes for file assets.
Represents the source for a file asset.
A builder for FileAssetSource
An implementation for FileAssetSource
Options when reading the function's code from an external file.
A builder for FileCodeOptions
An implementation for FileCodeOptions
Options applied when copying directories into the staging location.
A builder for FileCopyOptions
An implementation for FileCopyOptions
Where in S3 a file asset needs to be published.
A builder for FileDestination
An implementation for FileDestination
Options related to calculating source hash.
An implementation for FileFingerprintOptions
A set of files traveling through the deployment pipeline.
Location of a FileSet consumed or produced by a ShellStep.
A builder for FileSetLocation
An implementation for FileSetLocation
Describe the source of a file asset.
A builder for FileSource
An implementation for FileSource
File system utilities.
The Elastic File System implementation of IFileSystem.
Represents the filesystem for the Lambda function.
A fluent builder for FileSystem.
Properties that describe an existing EFS file system.
Properties that describe an existing FSx file system.
A builder for FileSystemAttributes
A builder for FileSystemAttributes
An implementation for FileSystemAttributes
An implementation for FileSystemAttributes
A new or imported FSx file system.
FileSystem configurations for the Lambda function.
A builder for FileSystemConfig
A builder for FileSystemConfig
An implementation for FileSystemConfig
An implementation for FileSystemConfig
FileSystemLocation provider definition for a CodeBuild Project.
Properties of EFS FileSystem.
Properties for the FSx file system.
A builder for FileSystemProps
A builder for FileSystemProps
An implementation for FileSystemProps
An implementation for FileSystemProps
An object that represents a group of filter conditions for a webhook.
A collection of static methods to generate appropriate ILogPatterns.
Options for finding reachable states.
A builder for FindStateOptions
An implementation for FindStateOptions
see core.FingerprintOptions
Options related to calculating source hash.
A builder for FingerprintOptions
An implementation for FingerprintOptions
(experimental) The action to put the record from an MQTT message to the Kinesis Data Firehose stream.
(experimental) A fluent builder for FirehosePutRecordAction.
(experimental) Configuration properties of an action for the Kinesis Data Firehose stream.
An implementation for FirehosePutRecordActionProps
(experimental) Record Separator to be used to separate records.
Firelens Configuration
A builder for FirelensConfig
An implementation for FirelensConfig
Firelens configuration file type, s3 or file path.
FireLens enables you to use task definition parameters to route logs to an AWS service or AWS Partner Network (APN) destination for log storage and analytics.
A fluent builder for FireLensLogDriver.
Specifies the firelens log driver configuration options.
An implementation for FireLensLogDriverProps
Firelens log router.
A fluent builder for FirelensLogRouter.
The options for creating a firelens log router.
The properties in a firelens log router.
An implementation for FirelensLogRouterProps
Firelens log router type, fluentbit or fluentd.
The options for firelens log router
A builder for FirelensOptions
An implementation for FirelensOptions
(experimental) A Firewall Domain List.
(experimental) A fluent builder for FirewallDomainList.
(experimental) Properties for a Firewall Domain List.
An implementation for FirewallDomainListProps
(experimental) A list of domains.
(experimental) A Firewall Rule.
A builder for FirewallRule
An implementation for FirewallRule
(experimental) A Firewall Rule.
(experimental) A Firewall Rule Group.
(experimental) A fluent builder for FirewallRuleGroup.
(experimental) A Firewall Rule Group Association.
(experimental) A fluent builder for FirewallRuleGroupAssociation.
(experimental) Options for a Firewall Rule Group Association.
(experimental) Properties for a Firewall Rule Group Association.
An implementation for FirewallRuleGroupAssociationProps
(experimental) Properties for a Firewall Rule Group.
An implementation for FirewallRuleGroupProps
superceded by ListenerAction.fixedResponse().
Options for ListenerAction.fixedResponse().
A builder for FixedResponseOptions
An implementation for FixedResponseOptions
A VPC flow log.
A fluent builder for FlowLog.
The destination type for the flow log.
Flow Log Destination configuration.
An implementation for FlowLogDestinationConfig
The available destination types for Flow Logs.
Options to add a flow log to a VPC.
A builder for FlowLogOptions
An implementation for FlowLogOptions
Properties of a VPC Flow Log.
A builder for FlowLogProps
An implementation for FlowLogProps
The type of resource to create the flow log for.
The type of VPC traffic to log.
A log driver that sends log information to journald Logs.
A fluent builder for FluentdLogDriver.
Specifies the fluentd log driver configuration options.
A builder for FluentdLogDriverProps
An implementation for FluentdLogDriverProps
CloudFormation intrinsic functions.
see core.SymlinkFollowMode
Options for ListenerAction.forward().
A builder for ForwardOptions
An implementation for ForwardOptions
Options allowing customizing the behavior of
invalid @link
A builder for FromRoleArnOptions
An implementation for FromRoleArnOptions
This class is part of the old API.
A CloudFront Function.
Deploys a file from inside the construct library as a function.
A fluent builder for Function.
A fluent builder for Function.
Represents a CloudFront function and event type when using CF Functions.
A builder for FunctionAssociation
An implementation for FunctionAssociation
Attributes of an existing CloudFront Function to import it.
Represents a Lambda function defined outside of this stack.
A builder for FunctionAttributes
A builder for FunctionAttributes
An implementation for FunctionAttributes
An implementation for FunctionAttributes
Represents the function's source code.
The type of events that a CloudFront function can be invoked in response to.
Use a Lambda Function as a hook target.
Non runtime options.
A builder for FunctionOptions
An implementation for FunctionOptions
Properties for creating a CloudFront Function.
A builder for FunctionProps
A builder for FunctionProps
An implementation for FunctionProps
An implementation for FunctionProps
Defines a Lambda function url.
A fluent builder for FunctionUrl.
The auth types for a function url.
Specifies a cross-origin access property for a function URL.
An implementation for FunctionUrlCorsOptions
Options to add a url to a Lambda function.
A builder for FunctionUrlOptions
An implementation for FunctionUrlOptions
Properties for a FunctionUrl.
A builder for FunctionUrlProps
An implementation for FunctionUrlProps
Aspect for upgrading function versions when the feature flag provided feature flag present.
Pair represents a gateway created by NAT Provider.
A builder for GatewayConfig
An implementation for GatewayConfig
Configure the response received by clients, produced from the API Gateway backend.
A fluent builder for GatewayResponse.
Options to add gateway response.
An implementation for GatewayResponseOptions
Properties for a new gateway response.
A builder for GatewayResponseProps
An implementation for GatewayResponseProps
GatewayRoute represents a new or existing gateway route attached to a VirtualGateway and Mesh.
A fluent builder for GatewayRoute.
Interface with properties necessary to import a reusable GatewayRoute.
An implementation for GatewayRouteAttributes
Basic configuration properties for a GatewayRoute.
A builder for GatewayRouteBaseProps
An implementation for GatewayRouteBaseProps
Used to generate host name matching methods.
Configuration for gateway route host name match.
An implementation for GatewayRouteHostnameMatchConfig
Properties to define a new GatewayRoute.
A builder for GatewayRouteProps
An implementation for GatewayRouteProps
Used to generate specs with different protocols for a GatewayRoute.
All Properties for GatewayRoute Specs.
An implementation for GatewayRouteSpecConfig
A gateway VPC endpoint.
A fluent builder for GatewayVpcEndpoint.
An AWS service for a gateway VPC endpoint.
Options to add a gateway endpoint to a VPC.
An implementation for GatewayVpcEndpointOptions
Construction properties for a GatewayVpcEndpoint.
An implementation for GatewayVpcEndpointProps
The type of compression the GELF driver uses to compress each log message.
A log driver that sends log information to journald Logs.
A fluent builder for GelfLogDriver.
Specifies the journald log driver configuration options.
A builder for GelfLogDriverProps
An implementation for GelfLogDriverProps
Construct a Linux machine image from an AMI map.
A fluent builder for GenericLinuxImage.
Configuration options for GenericLinuxImage.
An implementation for GenericLinuxImageProps
A log driver that sends logs to the specified driver.
A fluent builder for GenericLogDriver.
The configuration to use when creating a log driver.
A builder for GenericLogDriverProps
An implementation for GenericLogDriverProps
Select the image based on a given SSM parameter.
Construct a Windows machine image from an AMI map.
A fluent builder for GenericWindowsImage.
Configuration options for GenericWindowsImage.
An implementation for GenericWindowsImageProps
Controls the countries in which content is distributed.
A builder for GetContextKeyOptions
An implementation for GetContextKeyOptions
A builder for GetContextKeyResult
An implementation for GetContextKeyResult
An implementation for GetContextValueOptions
A builder for GetContextValueResult
An implementation for GetContextValueResult
(experimental) Represents the App Runner connection that enables the App Runner service to connect to a source repository.
The source credentials used when contacting the GitHub Enterprise API.
A fluent builder for GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials.
Creation properties for GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials.
Construction properties for
invalid @link
An implementation for GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps
(experimental) The GitHubRepository resource.
(experimental) A fluent builder for GitHubRepository.
(experimental) Properties of the Github repository for Source.fromGitHub().
(experimental) Construction properties of GitHubRepository.
A builder for GithubRepositoryProps
A builder for GitHubRepositoryProps
An implementation for GithubRepositoryProps
An implementation for GitHubRepositoryProps
(experimental) Represents the service source from a Github repository.
(experimental) A fluent builder for GithubSource.
Source that is provided by a GitHub repository.
A fluent builder for GitHubSourceAction.
Construction properties of the GitHub source action.
An implementation for GitHubSourceActionProps
(experimental) GitHub source code provider.
(experimental) A fluent builder for GitHubSourceCodeProvider.
(experimental) Properties for a GitHub source code provider.
An implementation for GitHubSourceCodeProviderProps
The source credentials used when contacting the GitHub API.
A fluent builder for GitHubSourceCredentials.
Creation properties for GitHubSourceCredentials.
An implementation for GitHubSourceCredentialsProps
Options for GitHub sources.
A builder for GitHubSourceOptions
An implementation for GitHubSourceOptions
Construction properties for
invalid @link
invalid @link
A builder for GitHubSourceProps
An implementation for GitHubSourceProps
The CodePipeline variables emitted by GitHub source Action.
A builder for GitHubSourceVariables
An implementation for GitHubSourceVariables
If and how the GitHub source action should be triggered.
Ignores file paths based on the .gitignore specification.
(experimental) GitLab source code provider.
(experimental) A fluent builder for GitLabSourceCodeProvider.
(experimental) Properties for a GitLab source code provider.
An implementation for GitLabSourceCodeProviderProps
Use a Global Accelerator domain name as an alias record target.
Use a Global Accelerator instance domain name as an alias record target.
Properties for a global secondary index.
An implementation for GlobalSecondaryIndexProps
use @aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb.Table.replicationRegions instead
The CodePipeline variables that are global, not bound to a specific action.
Ignores file paths based on simple glob patterns.
Start a Job run as a Task.
A fluent builder for GlueDataBrewStartJobRun.
Properties for starting a job run with StartJobRun.
An implementation for GlueDataBrewStartJobRunProps
Starts an AWS Glue job in a Task state.
A fluent builder for GlueStartJobRun.
Properties for starting an AWS Glue job as a task.
A builder for GlueStartJobRunProps
An implementation for GlueStartJobRunProps
(experimental) AWS Glue version determines the versions of Apache Spark and Python that are available to the job.
(experimental) A Golang Lambda function.
(experimental) A fluent builder for GoFunction.
(experimental) Properties for a GolangFunction.
A builder for GoFunctionProps
An implementation for GoFunctionProps
Result of a grant() operation.
(experimental) Options for granting invoke access.
A builder for GrantInvokeOptions
An implementation for GrantInvokeOptions
Options for a grant operation to both identity and resource.
Options for a grant operation that only applies to principals.
An implementation for GrantOnPrincipalOptions
Options for a grant operation.
An implementation for GrantWithResourceOptions
(experimental) An AppSync GraphQL API.
(experimental) A fluent builder for GraphqlApi.
(experimental) Attributes for GraphQL imports.
A builder for GraphqlApiAttributes
An implementation for GraphqlApiAttributes
(experimental) Base Class for GraphQL API.
(experimental) Properties for an AppSync GraphQL API.
A builder for GraphqlApiProps
An implementation for GraphqlApiProps
(experimental) The GraphQL Types in AppSync's GraphQL.
(experimental) Options for GraphQL Types.
A builder for GraphqlTypeOptions
An implementation for GraphqlTypeOptions
A dashboard widget that displays metrics.
A fluent builder for GraphWidget.
Properties for a GraphWidget.
A builder for GraphWidgetProps
An implementation for GraphWidgetProps
Types of view.
An IAM Group (collection of IAM users) lets you specify permissions for multiple users, which can make it easier to manage permissions for those users.
A fluent builder for Group.
Group metrics that an Auto Scaling group sends to Amazon CloudWatch.
A set of group metrics.
Properties for defining an IAM group.
A builder for GroupProps
An implementation for GroupProps
Connection pool properties for gRPC listeners.
A builder for GrpcConnectionPool
An implementation for GrpcConnectionPool
Represents the properties needed to define GRPC Listeners for a VirtualGateway.
An implementation for GrpcGatewayListenerOptions
The criterion for determining a request match for this GatewayRoute.
A builder for GrpcGatewayRouteMatch
An implementation for GrpcGatewayRouteMatch
Properties specific for a gRPC GatewayRoute.
An implementation for GrpcGatewayRouteSpecOptions
Properties used to define GRPC Based healthchecks.
An implementation for GrpcHealthCheckOptions
gRPC events.
gRPC retry policy.
A builder for GrpcRetryPolicy
An implementation for GrpcRetryPolicy
The criterion for determining a request match for this Route.
A builder for GrpcRouteMatch
An implementation for GrpcRouteMatch
Properties specific for a GRPC Based Routes.
A builder for GrpcRouteSpecOptions
An implementation for GrpcRouteSpecOptions
Represents timeouts for GRPC protocols.
A builder for GrpcTimeout
An implementation for GrpcTimeout
Represent the GRPC Node Listener prorperty.
An implementation for GrpcVirtualNodeListenerOptions
Lambda function handler.
Used to generate header matching methods.
Configuration for HeaderMatch.
A builder for HeaderMatchConfig
An implementation for HeaderMatchConfig
Enum representing possible values of the X-Frame-Options HTTP response header.
Enum representing possible values of the Referrer-Policy HTTP response header.
Contains static factory methods for creating health checks for different protocols.
Health check settings.
The health check command and associated configuration parameters for the container.
Describe the health check to a load balancer.
Properties for configuring a health check.
A builder for HealthCheck
A builder for HealthCheck
A builder for HealthCheck
An implementation for HealthCheck
An implementation for HealthCheck
An implementation for HealthCheck
Options used for creating the Health Check object.
An implementation for HealthCheckBindOptions
All Properties for Health Checks for mesh endpoints.
Settings for an optional Amazon Route 53 health check.
A builder for HealthCheckConfig
A builder for HealthCheckConfig
An implementation for HealthCheckConfig
An implementation for HealthCheckConfig
Specifies information about an optional custom health check.
An implementation for HealthCheckCustomConfig
The protocol for the connections from clients to the accelerator.
Represents a helm chart within the Kubernetes system.
A fluent builder for HelmChart.
Helm Chart options.
A builder for HelmChartOptions
An implementation for HelmChartOptions
Helm Chart properties.
A builder for HelmChartProps
An implementation for HelmChartProps
Commands to run at predefined points during the integration test workflow.
A builder for Hooks
An implementation for Hooks
Horizontal annotation to be added to a graph.
A builder for HorizontalAnnotation
An implementation for HorizontalAnnotation
The details on a container instance bind mount host volume.
A builder for Host
An implementation for Host
A hosted rotation.
Hosted rotation type.
Container for records, and records contain information about how to route traffic for a specific domain, such as and its subdomains (,
A fluent builder for HostedZone.
Reference to a hosted zone.
A builder for HostedZoneAttributes
An implementation for HostedZoneAttributes
Query to hosted zone context provider.
An implementation for HostedZoneContextQuery
Properties of a new hosted zone.
A builder for HostedZoneProps
An implementation for HostedZoneProps
Zone properties for looking up the Hosted Zone.
An implementation for HostedZoneProviderProps
Connection pool properties for HTTP2 listeners.
A builder for Http2ConnectionPool
An implementation for Http2ConnectionPool
Represents the properties needed to define HTTP2 Listeners for a VirtualGateway.
An implementation for Http2GatewayListenerOptions
Represent the HTTP2 Node Listener prorperty.
An implementation for Http2VirtualNodeListenerOptions
(experimental) The Application Load Balancer integration resource for HTTP API.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpAlbIntegration.
(experimental) Properties to initialize HttpAlbIntegration.
An implementation for HttpAlbIntegrationProps
(experimental) Create a new API Gateway HTTP API endpoint.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpApi.
(experimental) Attributes for importing an HttpApi into the CDK.
A builder for HttpApiAttributes
An implementation for HttpApiAttributes
(experimental) Properties to initialize an instance of HttpApi.
A builder for HttpApiProps
An implementation for HttpApiProps
(experimental) An authorizer for Http Apis.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpAuthorizer.
(experimental) Reference to an http authorizer.
An implementation for HttpAuthorizerAttributes
(experimental) Properties to initialize an instance of HttpAuthorizer.
A builder for HttpAuthorizerProps
An implementation for HttpAuthorizerProps
(experimental) Supported Authorizer types.
Count of HTTP status originating from the load balancer.
Count of HTTP status originating from the targets.
Connection pool properties for HTTP listeners.
A builder for HttpConnectionPool
An implementation for HttpConnectionPool
(experimental) Supported connection types.
(experimental) An AppSync datasource backed by a http endpoint.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpDataSource.
(experimental) Optional configuration for Http data sources.
A builder for HttpDataSourceOptions
An implementation for HttpDataSourceOptions
(experimental) Properties for an AppSync http datasource.
A builder for HttpDataSourceProps
An implementation for HttpDataSourceProps
Represents the properties needed to define HTTP Listeners for a VirtualGateway.
An implementation for HttpGatewayListenerOptions
The criterion for determining a request match for this GatewayRoute.
A builder for HttpGatewayRouteMatch
An implementation for HttpGatewayRouteMatch
Defines HTTP gateway route matching based on the URL path of the request.
The type returned from the `bind()` method in HttpGatewayRoutePathMatch.
An implementation for HttpGatewayRoutePathMatchConfig
Properties specific for HTTP Based GatewayRoutes.
An implementation for HttpGatewayRouteSpecOptions
Properties used to define HTTP Based healthchecks.
An implementation for HttpHealthCheckOptions
(experimental) Authorize HTTP API Routes with IAM.
You can integrate an API method with an HTTP endpoint using the HTTP proxy integration or the HTTP custom integration,.
(experimental) The integration for an API route.
A fluent builder for HttpIntegration.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpIntegration.
(experimental) The integration properties.
A builder for HttpIntegrationProps
A builder for HttpIntegrationProps
An implementation for HttpIntegrationProps
An implementation for HttpIntegrationProps
(experimental) Supported integration subtypes.
(experimental) Supported integration types.
(experimental) Authorize Http Api routes on whether the requester is registered as part of an AWS Cognito user pool.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpJwtAuthorizer.
(experimental) Properties to initialize HttpJwtAuthorizer.
An implementation for HttpJwtAuthorizerProps
(experimental) Authorize Http Api routes via a lambda function.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpLambdaAuthorizer.
(experimental) Properties to initialize HttpTokenAuthorizer.
An implementation for HttpLambdaAuthorizerProps
(experimental) The Lambda Proxy integration resource for HTTP API.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpLambdaIntegration.
(experimental) Lambda Proxy integration properties.
An implementation for HttpLambdaIntegrationProps
(experimental) Specifies the type responses the lambda returns.
(experimental) Supported HTTP methods.
Supported HTTP operations.
All http request methods.
Http Methods that API Gateway supports.
All http request methods.
Method type of a EKS call.
Define an HTTP Namespace.
A fluent builder for HttpNamespace.
An implementation for HttpNamespaceAttributes
A builder for HttpNamespaceProps
An implementation for HttpNamespaceProps
(experimental) The Network Load Balancer integration resource for HTTP API.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpNlbIntegration.
(experimental) Properties to initialize HttpNlbIntegration.
An implementation for HttpNlbIntegrationProps
(experimental) Explicitly configure no authorizers on specific HTTP API routes.
An Origin for an HTTP server or S3 bucket configured for website hosting.
A fluent builder for HttpOrigin.
Properties for an Origin backed by an S3 website-configured bucket, load balancer, or custom HTTP server.
A builder for HttpOriginProps
An implementation for HttpOriginProps
An additional HTTP parameter to send along with the OAuth request.
(experimental) Base options for private integration.
An implementation for HttpPrivateIntegrationOptions
HTTP events on which to retry.
HTTP retry policy.
A builder for HttpRetryPolicy
An implementation for HttpRetryPolicy
(experimental) Route class that creates the Route for API Gateway HTTP API.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpRoute.
(experimental) Input to the bind() operation, that binds an authorizer to a route.
An implementation for HttpRouteAuthorizerBindOptions
(experimental) Results of binding an authorizer to an http route.
An implementation for HttpRouteAuthorizerConfig
(experimental) The interface that various route integration classes will inherit.
(experimental) Options to the HttpRouteIntegration during its bind operation.
An implementation for HttpRouteIntegrationBindOptions
(experimental) Config returned back as a result of the bind.
An implementation for HttpRouteIntegrationConfig
(experimental) HTTP route in APIGateway is a combination of the HTTP method and the path component.
The criterion for determining a request match for this Route.
A builder for HttpRouteMatch
An implementation for HttpRouteMatch
Supported values for matching routes based on the HTTP request method.
Defines HTTP route matching based on the URL path of the request.
The type returned from the `bind()` method in HttpRoutePathMatch.
An implementation for HttpRoutePathMatchConfig
(experimental) Properties to initialize a new Route.
A builder for HttpRouteProps
An implementation for HttpRouteProps
Supported :scheme options for HTTP2.
Properties specific for HTTP Based Routes.
A builder for HttpRouteSpecOptions
An implementation for HttpRouteSpecOptions
(experimental) The Service Discovery integration resource for HTTP API.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpServiceDiscoveryIntegration.
(experimental) Properties to initialize HttpServiceDiscoveryIntegration.
Allows creating a domainA -> domainB redirect using CloudFront and S3.
A fluent builder for HttpsRedirect.
Properties to configure an HTTPS Redirect.
A builder for HttpsRedirectProps
An implementation for HttpsRedirectProps
(experimental) Represents a stage where an instance of the API is deployed.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpStage.
(experimental) The attributes used to import existing HttpStage.
A builder for HttpStageAttributes
An implementation for HttpStageAttributes
(experimental) The options to create a new Stage for an HTTP API.
A builder for HttpStageOptions
An implementation for HttpStageOptions
(experimental) Properties to initialize an instance of HttpStage.
A builder for HttpStageProps
An implementation for HttpStageProps
Represents timeouts for HTTP protocols.
A builder for HttpTimeout
An implementation for HttpTimeout
(experimental) The HTTP Proxy integration resource for HTTP API.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpUrlIntegration.
(experimental) Properties to initialize a new HttpProxyIntegration.
An implementation for HttpUrlIntegrationProps
(experimental) Authorize Http Api routes on whether the requester is registered as part of an AWS Cognito user pool.
(experimental) A fluent builder for HttpUserPoolAuthorizer.
(experimental) Properties to initialize HttpUserPoolAuthorizer.
An implementation for HttpUserPoolAuthorizerProps
Maximum HTTP version to support.
Represent the HTTP Node Listener prorperty.
An implementation for HttpVirtualNodeListenerOptions
The interface of the Accelerator.
Internal default implementation for IAccelerator.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an IAM Access Key.
Internal default implementation for IAccessKey.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Access log destination for a RestApi Stage.
Internal default implementation for IAccessLogDestination.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an EFS AccessPoint.
(experimental) The interface that represents the AccessPoint resource.
Internal default implementation for IAccessPoint.
Internal default implementation for IAccessPoint.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A Pipeline Action.
(experimental) An abstract action for TopicRule.
(experimental) An abstract action for DetectorModel.
Internal default implementation for IAction.
Internal default implementation for IAction.
Internal default implementation for IAction.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a Step Functions Activity
Internal default implementation for IActivity.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a CloudWatch Alarm.
Internal default implementation for IAlarm.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for objects that can be the targets of CloudWatch alarm actions.
Internal default implementation for IAlarmAction.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for Alarm Rule.
Internal default implementation for IAlarmRule.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A KMS Key alias.
Internal default implementation for IAlias.
Internal default implementation for IAlias.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Classes that are valid alias record targets, like CloudFront distributions and load balancers, should implement this interface.
Internal default implementation for IAliasRecordTarget.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) A class used to generate resource arns for AppSync.
Interface for lazy untyped value producers.
Internal default implementation for IAnyProducer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents a API Gateway HTTP/WebSocket API.
Internal default implementation for IApi.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for API Destinations.
Internal default implementation for IApiDestination.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
API keys are alphanumeric string values that you distribute to app developer customers to grant access to your API.
Internal default implementation for IApiKey.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents an ApiGatewayV2 ApiMapping resource.
Internal default implementation for IApiMapping.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) An Amplify Console application.
Internal default implementation for IApp.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) An interface expressing the public properties on both an imported and CDK-created Flink application.
(experimental) A Service Catalog AppRegistry Application.
Internal default implementation for IApplication.
Internal default implementation for IApplication.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Properties to reference an existing listener.
Internal default implementation for IApplicationListener.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An application load balancer.
Internal default implementation for IApplicationLoadBalancer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for constructs that can be targets of an application load balancer.
Internal default implementation for IApplicationLoadBalancerTarget.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A Target Group for Application Load Balancers.
Internal default implementation for IApplicationTargetGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Interface for AppSync Functions.
Internal default implementation for IAppsyncFunction.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The abstract interface of a CodeBuild build output.
Internal default implementation for IArtifacts.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an Aspect.
Internal default implementation for IAspect.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
use core.IAsset
Common interface for all assets.
Internal default implementation for IAsset.
Internal default implementation for IAsset.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A type of principal that has more control over its own representation in AssumeRolePolicyDocuments.
Internal default implementation for IAssumeRolePrincipal.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) A Service Catalog AppRegistry Attribute Group.
Internal default implementation for IAttributeGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an API Gateway authorizer.
(experimental) Represents an Authorizer.
Internal default implementation for IAuthorizer.
Internal default implementation for IAuthorizer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An AutoScalingGroup.
Internal default implementation for IAutoScalingGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Interface for creating a custom resource that will perform an API call using the AWS SDK.
Internal default implementation for IAwsApiCall.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A backup plan.
Internal default implementation for IBackupPlan.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A backup vault.
Internal default implementation for IBackupVault.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The interface for BaseService.
Internal default implementation for IBaseService.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A variant of IBuildImage that allows binding to the project.
Internal default implementation for IBindableBuildImage.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) A branch.
Internal default implementation for IBranch.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IBucket.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Implemented by constructs that can be used as bucket notification destinations.
Internal default implementation for IBucketNotificationDestination.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a Docker image used for the CodeBuild Project builds.
Internal default implementation for IBuildImage.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a Cache Policy.
Internal default implementation for ICachePolicy.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a certificate in AWS Certificate Manager.
Internal default implementation for ICertificate.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface which all CertificateAuthority based class must implement.
Internal default implementation for ICertificateAuthority.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a CloudFormation element that can be used within a Condition.
Internal default implementation for ICfnConditionExpression.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for ICfnResourceOptions.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface to specify certain functions as Service Catalog rule-specifc.
Internal default implementation for ICfnRuleConditionExpression.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for objects that can be used in a Chain.
Internal default implementation for IChainable.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents an IVS Channel.
Internal default implementation for IChannel.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A connection handler for client VPN endpoints.
Internal default implementation for IClientVpnConnectionHandler.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A client VPN endpoint.
Internal default implementation for IClientVpnEndpoint.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A regional grouping of one or more container instances on which you can run tasks and services.
An EKS cluster.
(experimental) Represents a MSK Cluster.
(experimental) Create a Redshift Cluster with a given number of nodes.
Internal default implementation for ICluster.
Internal default implementation for ICluster.
Internal default implementation for ICluster.
Internal default implementation for ICluster.
Internal default implementation for ICluster.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The interface representing a database cluster (as opposed to instance) engine.
Internal default implementation for IClusterEngine.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A parameter group.
(experimental) A parameter group.
(experimental) A parameter group.
Internal default implementation for IClusterParameterGroup.
Internal default implementation for IClusterParameterGroup.
Internal default implementation for IClusterParameterGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Interface for a cluster subnet group.
Internal default implementation for IClusterSubnetGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Factory for explicit CodePipeline Actions.
Internal default implementation for ICodePipelineActionFactory.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A Code Signing Config.
Internal default implementation for ICodeSigningConfig.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Command hooks.
Command hooks.
Internal default implementation for ICommandHooks.
Internal default implementation for ICommandHooks.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for principals that can be compared.
Internal default implementation for IComparablePrincipal.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Properties of a compute environment.
Internal default implementation for IComputeEnvironment.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An object that has a Connections object.
Internal default implementation for IConnectable.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for EventBus Connections.
(experimental) Interface representing a created or an imported Connection.
Internal default implementation for IConnection.
Internal default implementation for IConnection.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a construct.
Internal default implementation for IConstruct.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Configuration of the container used to host the model.
Internal default implementation for IContainerDefinition.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a custom attribute type.
Internal default implementation for ICustomAttribute.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
use core.ICustomResourceProvider
Internal default implementation for ICustomResourceProvider.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IDatabase.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Create a clustered database with a given number of instances.
(experimental) Create a clustered database with a given number of instances.
Create a clustered database with a given number of instances.
Internal default implementation for IDatabaseCluster.
Internal default implementation for IDatabaseCluster.
Internal default implementation for IDatabaseCluster.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A database instance.
(experimental) A database instance.
A database instance.
Internal default implementation for IDatabaseInstance.
Internal default implementation for IDatabaseInstance.
Internal default implementation for IDatabaseInstance.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
DB Proxy.
Internal default implementation for IDatabaseProxy.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) A data processor that Kinesis Data Firehose will call to transform records before delivering data.
Internal default implementation for IDataProcessor.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
Internal default implementation for IDeliveryStream.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Define a Cognito Identity Pool.
(experimental) A fluent builder for IdentityPool.
(experimental) Login Provider for Identity Federation using Amazon Credentials.
An implementation for IdentityPoolAmazonLoginProvider
(experimental) Login Provider for Identity Federation using Apple Credentials.
An implementation for IdentityPoolAppleLoginProvider
(experimental) Authentication providers for using in identity pool.
(experimental) Login Provider for Identity Federation using Digits Credentials.
An implementation for IdentityPoolDigitsLoginProvider
(experimental) Login Provider for Identity Federation using Facebook Credentials.
An implementation for IdentityPoolFacebookLoginProvider
(experimental) Login Provider for Identity Federation using Google Credentials.
An implementation for IdentityPoolGoogleLoginProvider
(experimental) Props for the IdentityPool construct.
A builder for IdentityPoolProps
An implementation for IdentityPoolProps
(experimental) External Identity Providers To Connect to User Pools and Identity Pools.
A builder for IdentityPoolProviders
An implementation for IdentityPoolProviders
(experimental) Types of Identity Pool Login Providers.
(experimental) Keys for Login Providers - correspond to client id's of respective federation identity providers.
(experimental) Defines an Identity Pool Role Attachment.
(experimental) A fluent builder for IdentityPoolRoleAttachment.
(experimental) Props for an Identity Pool Role Attachment.
An implementation for IdentityPoolRoleAttachmentProps
(experimental) Map roles to users in the identity pool based on claims from the Identity Provider.
An implementation for IdentityPoolRoleMapping
(experimental) Login Provider for Identity Federation using Twitter Credentials.
An implementation for IdentityPoolTwitterLoginProvider
Represents an identity source.
Trait marker for classes that can be depended upon.
Internal default implementation for IDependable.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Interface that allows for registering a list of assertions that should be performed on a construct.
Internal default implementation for IDeployAssert.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) A Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream destination.
A Lambda destination.
Internal default implementation for IDestination.
Internal default implementation for IDestination.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents an AWS IoT Events detector model.
Internal default implementation for IDetectorModel.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for CloudFront distributions.
Internal default implementation for IDistribution.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
use opensearchservice module instead
An interface that represents an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain - either created with the CDK, or an existing one.
Internal default implementation for IDomain.
Internal default implementation for IDomain.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents an APIGatewayV2 DomainName.
Internal default implementation for IDomainName.
Internal default implementation for IDomainName.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) A Cloud9 Environment.
Internal default implementation for IEc2Environment.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The interface for a service using the EC2 launch type on an ECS cluster.
Internal default implementation for IEc2Service.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The interface of a task definition run on an EC2 cluster.
Internal default implementation for IEc2TaskDefinition.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a reference to a CodeDeploy Application deploying to Amazon ECS.
Internal default implementation for IEcsApplication.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The Deployment Configuration of an ECS Deployment Group.
Internal default implementation for IEcsDeploymentConfig.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for an ECS deployment group.
Internal default implementation for IEcsDeploymentGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An Amazon ECS launch type determines the type of infrastructure on which your tasks and services are hosted.
Internal default implementation for IEcsLaunchTarget.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for ECS load balancer target.
Internal default implementation for IEcsLoadBalancerTarget.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An endpoint for the endpoint group.
Internal default implementation for IEndpoint.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The interface of the EndpointGroup.
Internal default implementation for IEndpointGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A common interface for database engines.
Internal default implementation for IEngine.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Return the appropriate values for the environment placeholders.
Internal default implementation for IEnvironmentPlaceholderProvider.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface which all EventBus based classes MUST implement.
Internal default implementation for IEventBus.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An abstract class which represents an AWS Lambda event source.
Internal default implementation for IEventSource.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A DLQ for an event source.
Internal default implementation for IEventSourceDlq.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an event source mapping for a lambda function.
Internal default implementation for IEventSourceMapping.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The interface for a service using the External launch type on an ECS cluster.
Internal default implementation for IExternalService.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The interface of a task definition run on an External cluster.
Internal default implementation for IExternalTaskDefinition.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A fact that can be registered about a particular region.
Internal default implementation for IFact.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The interface for a service using the Fargate launch type on an ECS cluster.
Internal default implementation for IFargateService.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The interface of a task definition run on a Fargate cluster.
Internal default implementation for IFargateTaskDefinition.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) A Graphql Field.
Internal default implementation for IField.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Any class that produces, or is itself, a FileSet.
Internal default implementation for IFileSetProducer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an Amazon EFS file system.
Interface to implement FSx File Systems.
Internal default implementation for IFileSystem.
Internal default implementation for IFileSystem.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The interface of a CodeBuild FileSystemLocation.
Internal default implementation for IFileSystemLocation.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for objects that can render themselves to log patterns.
Internal default implementation for IFilterPattern.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) A Firewall Domain List.
Internal default implementation for IFirewallDomainList.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) A Firewall Rule Group.
Internal default implementation for IFirewallRuleGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A FlowLog.
Internal default implementation for IFlowLog.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Function used to concatenate symbols in the target document language.
Internal default implementation for IFragmentConcatenator.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a CloudFront Function.
Internal default implementation for IFunction.
Internal default implementation for IFunction.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A Lambda function Url.
Internal default implementation for IFunctionUrl.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents gateway response resource.
Internal default implementation for IGatewayResponse.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for which all GatewayRoute based classes MUST implement.
Internal default implementation for IGatewayRoute.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A gateway VPC endpoint.
Internal default implementation for IGatewayVpcEndpoint.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A service for a gateway VPC endpoint.
Internal default implementation for IGatewayVpcEndpointService.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) GitHubRepository resource interface.
Internal default implementation for IGitHubRepository.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Determines the ignore behavior to use.
Represents file path ignoring behavior.
Any object that has an associated principal that a permission can be granted to.
Internal default implementation for IGrantable.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Interface for GraphQL.
Internal default implementation for IGraphqlApi.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an IAM Group.
Internal default implementation for IGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Imported or created hosted zone.
Internal default implementation for IHostedZone.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents an HTTP API.
Internal default implementation for IHttpApi.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) An authorizer for HTTP APIs.
Internal default implementation for IHttpAuthorizer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents an Integration for an HTTP API.
Internal default implementation for IHttpIntegration.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IHttpNamespace.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents a Route for an HTTP API.
Internal default implementation for IHttpRoute.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) An authorizer that can attach to an Http Route.
Internal default implementation for IHttpRouteAuthorizer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents the HttpStage.
Internal default implementation for IHttpStage.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A construct that represents an IAM principal, such as a user, group or role.
Internal default implementation for IIdentity.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents a Cognito IdentityPool.
Internal default implementation for IIdentityPool.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents an Identity Pool Role Attachment.
Internal default implementation for IIdentityPoolRoleAttachment.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents an AWS IoT Events input.
Internal default implementation for IInput.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for examining a construct and exposing metadata.
Internal default implementation for IInspectable.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IInstance.
Internal default implementation for IInstance.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface representing a database instance (as opposed to cluster) engine.
Internal default implementation for IInstanceEngine.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents an integration to an API Route.
Internal default implementation for IIntegration.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An interface VPC endpoint.
Internal default implementation for IInterfaceVpcEndpoint.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A service for an interface VPC endpoint.
Internal default implementation for IInterfaceVpcEndpointService.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Intermediate Types are types that includes a certain set of fields that define the entirety of your schema.
Internal default implementation for IIntermediateType.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A Jenkins provider.
Internal default implementation for IJenkinsProvider.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Interface representing a created or an imported Job.
Internal default implementation for IJob.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) An interface representing a job definition - either a new one, created with the CDK, *using the JobDefinition class, or existing ones, referenced using the
invalid @link
Internal default implementation for IJobDefinition.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Properties of a Job Queue.
Internal default implementation for IJobQueue.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A KMS Key, either managed by this CDK app, or imported.
Internal default implementation for IKey.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a Key Group.
Internal default implementation for IKeyGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Imported KubectlProvider that can be used in place of the default one created by CDK.
Internal default implementation for IKubectlProvider.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a reference to a CodeDeploy Application deploying to AWS Lambda.
Internal default implementation for ILambdaApplication.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The Deployment Configuration of a Lambda Deployment Group.
Internal default implementation for ILambdaDeploymentConfig.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for a Lambda deployment groups.
Internal default implementation for ILambdaDeploymentGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for LaunchTemplate-like objects.
Internal default implementation for ILaunchTemplate.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for ILayerVersion.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A basic lifecycle hook object.
Internal default implementation for ILifecycleHook.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for autoscaling lifecycle hook targets.
Internal default implementation for ILifecycleHookTarget.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface of the Listener.
Internal default implementation for IListener.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for listener actions.
Internal default implementation for IListenerAction.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A certificate source for an ELBv2 listener.
Internal default implementation for IListenerCertificate.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for lazy list producers.
Internal default implementation for IListProducer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface that is going to be implemented by constructs that you can load balance to.
Internal default implementation for ILoadBalancerTarget.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for ILoadBalancerV2.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Local bundling.
Internal default implementation for ILocalBundling.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for ILogGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for ILogStream.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for classes that can be the destination of a log Subscription.
Internal default implementation for ILogSubscriptionDestination.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for classes that can select an appropriate machine image to use.
Internal default implementation for IMachineImage.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Describes the configuration that AWS App Runner uses to run an App Runner service using an image pulled from a source image repository.
A builder for ImageConfiguration
An implementation for ImageConfiguration
The type of principal CodeBuild will use to pull your build Docker image.
(experimental) Describes a source image repository.
A builder for ImageRepository
An implementation for ImageRepository
(experimental) The image repository types.
A managed policy.
Internal default implementation for IManagedPolicy.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents a Mapping Value.
Internal default implementation for IMappingValue.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface which all Mesh based classes MUST implement.
Internal default implementation for IMesh.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for metrics.
Internal default implementation for IMetric.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IModel.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Properties for specifying multi-node properties for compute resources.
Internal default implementation for IMultiNodeProps.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for INamespace.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The type returned from
invalid @link
A builder for IncludedNestedStack
An implementation for IncludedNestedStack
A NetworkAcl.
Internal default implementation for INetworkAcl.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A NetworkAclEntry.
Internal default implementation for INetworkAclEntry.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Properties to reference an existing listener.
Internal default implementation for INetworkListener.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Use IListenerCertificate instead
Internal default implementation for INetworkListenerCertificateProps.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A network load balancer.
Internal default implementation for INetworkLoadBalancer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for constructs that can be targets of an network load balancer.
Internal default implementation for INetworkLoadBalancerTarget.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A network target group.
Internal default implementation for INetworkTargetGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for states that can have 'next' states.
Internal default implementation for INextable.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Elastic Inference Accelerator.
A builder for InferenceAccelerator
An implementation for InferenceAccelerator
Options for fetching an IngressLoadBalancerAddress.
An implementation for IngressLoadBalancerAddressOptions
Command to execute on the instance.
Options for InitCommand.
A builder for InitCommandOptions
An implementation for InitCommandOptions
Represents a duration to wait after a command has finished, in case of a reboot (Windows only).
A collection of configuration elements.
Base class for all CloudFormation Init elements.
Create files on the EC2 instance.
Additional options for creating an InitFile from an asset.
A builder for InitFileAssetOptions
An implementation for InitFileAssetOptions
Options for InitFile.
A builder for InitFileOptions
An implementation for InitFileOptions
Create Linux/UNIX groups and assign group IDs.
A package to be installed during cfn-init time.
A services that be enabled, disabled or restarted when the instance is launched.
Options for an InitService.
A builder for InitServiceOptions
An implementation for InitServiceOptions
An object that represents reasons to restart an InitService.
Extract an archive into a directory.
Additional options for an InitSource that builds an asset from local files.
An implementation for InitSourceAssetOptions
Additional options for an InitSource.
A builder for InitSourceOptions
An implementation for InitSourceOptions
Create Linux/UNIX users and to assign user IDs.
Optional parameters used when creating a user.
A builder for InitUserOptions
An implementation for InitUserOptions
OpenAPI specification from an inline JSON object.
Lambda code from an inline string (limited to 4KiB).
(experimental) Canary code from an inline string.
NodeGroup interface.
Internal default implementation for INodegroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Properties for a multi-node batch job.
Internal default implementation for INodeRangeProps.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a notification rule.
Internal default implementation for INotificationRule.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a notification source The source that allows CodeBuild and CodePipeline to associate with this rule.
Internal default implementation for INotificationRuleSource.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a notification target That allows AWS Chatbot and SNS topic to associate with this rule target.
Internal default implementation for INotificationRuleTarget.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Defines an AWS IoT Events input in this stack.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Input.
(experimental) Absolute class name of the Hadoop InputFormat to use when reading table files.
Input mode that the algorithm supports.
(experimental) Properties for defining an AWS IoT Events input.
A builder for InputProps
An implementation for InputProps
(experimental) Input Types are abstract types that define complex objects.
The type of task input.
(experimental) A fluent builder for InputType.
This represents a single EC2 instance.
A fluent builder for Instance.
Identifies an instance's CPU architecture.
What class and generation of instance to use.
Use an EC2 Instance as a Global Accelerator Endpoint.
A fluent builder for InstanceEndpoint.
Properties for a NetworkLoadBalancerEndpoint.
A builder for InstanceEndpointProps
An implementation for InstanceEndpointProps
The options passed to
invalid @link
An implementation for InstanceEngineBindOptions
The type returned from the
invalid @link
A builder for InstanceEngineConfig
An implementation for InstanceEngineConfig
Represents Database Engine features.
An implementation for InstanceEngineFeatures
An EC2 instance that is the target for load balancing.
Provides the options for specifying the instance initiated shutdown behavior.
Properties of an EC2 Instance.
Instance properties for database instances.
A builder for InstanceProps
A builder for InstanceProps
An implementation for InstanceProps
An implementation for InstanceProps
Aspect that applies IMDS configuration on EC2 Instance constructs.
A fluent builder for InstanceRequireImdsv2Aspect.
Properties for InstanceRequireImdsv2Aspect.
An implementation for InstanceRequireImdsv2AspectProps
InstancesDistribution is a subproperty of MixedInstancesPolicy that describes an instances distribution for an Auto Scaling group.
A builder for InstancesDistribution
An implementation for InstancesDistribution
What size of instance to use.
Represents a set of instance tag groups.
Use IpTarget from the
Instance type for EC2 instances.
(experimental) Possible Instances Types to use in Neptune cluster used for defining
invalid @link
Definitions for the integration testing manifest.
A builder for IntegManifest
An implementation for IntegManifest
Base class for backend integrations for an API Gateway method.
A fluent builder for Integration.
Result of binding an Integration to a Method.
A builder for IntegrationConfig
An implementation for IntegrationConfig
(experimental) Credentials used for AWS Service integrations.
A builder for IntegrationOptions
An implementation for IntegrationOptions
AWS Step Functions integrates with services directly in the Amazon States Language.
A builder for IntegrationProps
An implementation for IntegrationProps
A builder for IntegrationResponse
An implementation for IntegrationResponse
(experimental) A collection of test cases.
(experimental) A fluent builder for IntegTest.
(experimental) An integration test case.
(experimental) A fluent builder for IntegTestCase.
(experimental) Properties of an integration test case.
A builder for IntegTestCaseProps
An implementation for IntegTestCaseProps
(experimental) An integration test case stack.
(experimental) A fluent builder for IntegTestCaseStack.
(experimental) Properties of an integration test case stack.
An implementation for IntegTestCaseStackProps
(experimental) Integration test properties.
A builder for IntegTestProps
An implementation for IntegTestProps
The intelligent tiering configuration.
An implementation for IntelligentTieringConfiguration
(experimental) Interface Types are abstract types that includes a certain set of fields that other types must include if they implement the interface.
(experimental) A fluent builder for InterfaceType.
A interface VPC endpoint.
A fluent builder for InterfaceVpcEndpoint.
Construction properties for an ImportedInterfaceVpcEndpoint.
An implementation for InterfaceVpcEndpointAttributes
An AWS service for an interface VPC endpoint.
Options to add an interface endpoint to a VPC.
An implementation for InterfaceVpcEndpointOptions
Construction properties for an InterfaceVpcEndpoint.
An implementation for InterfaceVpcEndpointProps
A custom-hosted service for an interface VPC endpoint.
Set an InterfaceVpcEndpoint as a target for an ARecord.
(experimental) Properties for configuring an Intermediate Type.
An implementation for IntermediateTypeOptions
Token subclass that represents values intrinsic to the target document language.
A fluent builder for Intrinsic.
Customization properties for an Intrinsic token.
A builder for IntrinsicProps
An implementation for IntrinsicProps
Interface for lazy number producers.
Internal default implementation for INumberProducer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Specifies the inventory configuration of an S3 Bucket.
A builder for Inventory
An implementation for Inventory
The destination of the inventory.
A builder for InventoryDestination
An implementation for InventoryDestination
All supported inventory list formats.
All supported inventory frequencies.
Inventory version support.
(experimental) The type of invocation.
use LambdaInvocationType
use StepFunctionsInvokeActivity
use StepFunctionsInvokeActivity and StepFunctionsInvokeActivityProps.
Use LambdaInvoke
use LambdaInvoke
Represents an IAM OpenID Connect provider.
Internal default implementation for IOpenIdConnectProvider.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An option group.
Internal default implementation for IOptionGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents the concept of a CloudFront Origin.
Internal default implementation for IOrigin.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for CloudFront OriginAccessIdentity.
Internal default implementation for IOriginAccessIdentity.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a Origin Request Policy.
Internal default implementation for IOriginRequestPolicy.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) The action to put the record from an MQTT message to republish another MQTT topic.
(experimental) A fluent builder for IotRepublishMqttAction.
(experimental) Configuration properties of an action to republish MQTT messages.
An implementation for IotRepublishMqttActionProps
(experimental) Defines AWS IoT SQL.
(experimental) The type returned from the `bind()` method in IotSql.
A builder for IotSqlConfig
An implementation for IotSqlConfig
What kind of addresses to allocate to the load balancer.
An SSM Parameter reference.
Internal default implementation for IParameter.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) A parameter group.
A parameter group.
Internal default implementation for IParameterGroup.
Internal default implementation for IParameterGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The IPC resource namespace to use for the containers in the task.
Interface for classes that provide the peer-specification parts of a security group rule.
Internal default implementation for IPeer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Instance that is accessible using an IP address.
A fluent builder for IpInstance.
A builder for IpInstanceBaseProps
An implementation for IpInstanceBaseProps
A builder for IpInstanceProps
An implementation for IpInstanceProps
The abstract view of an AWS CodePipeline as required and used by Actions.
Internal default implementation for IPipeline.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents an IVS Playback Key Pair.
Internal default implementation for IPlaybackKeyPair.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an IAM Policy.
Internal default implementation for IPolicy.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A Service Catalog portfolio.
Internal default implementation for IPortfolio.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A Token that can post-process the complete resolved value, after resolve() has recursed over it.
Internal default implementation for IPostProcessor.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a logical IAM principal.
Internal default implementation for IPrincipal.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IPrivateDnsNamespace.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a Route 53 private hosted zone.
Internal default implementation for IPrivateHostedZone.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IPrivateSubnet.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A Service Catalog product, currently only supports type CloudFormationProduct.
Internal default implementation for IProduct.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
IResource represents a Profiling Group.
Internal default implementation for IProfilingGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IProject.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Use IpTarget from the
An IP address that is a target for load balancing.
Internal default implementation for IPublicDnsNamespace.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a Route 53 public hosted zone.
Internal default implementation for IPublicHostedZone.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a Public Key.
Internal default implementation for IPublicKey.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IPublicSubnet.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an SQS queue.
Internal default implementation for IQueue.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IRandomGenerator.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A receipt rule.
Internal default implementation for IReceiptRule.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An abstract action for a receipt rule.
Internal default implementation for IReceiptRuleAction.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A receipt rule set.
Internal default implementation for IReceiptRuleSet.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A record set.
Internal default implementation for IRecordSet.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The interface representing the ReportGroup resource - either an existing one, imported using the
invalid @link
method, or a new one, created with the ReportGroup class.
Internal default implementation for IReportGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an ECR repository.
Internal default implementation for IRepository.
Internal default implementation for IRepository.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IRequestValidator.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for values that can be resolvable later.
Internal default implementation for IResolvable.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Current resolution context for tokens.
Internal default implementation for IResolveContext.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for the Resource construct.
Internal default implementation for IResource.
Internal default implementation for IResource.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A resource with a resource policy that can be added to.
Internal default implementation for IResourceWithPolicy.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a response headers policy.
Internal default implementation for IResponseHeadersPolicy.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IRestApi.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A Role object.
Internal default implementation for IRole.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents a route.
Interface for which all Route based classes MUST implement.
Internal default implementation for IRoute.
Internal default implementation for IRoute.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An abstract route table.
Internal default implementation for IRouteTable.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface representing an AWS Config rule.
Represents an EventBridge Rule.
Internal default implementation for IRule.
Internal default implementation for IRule.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An abstract target for EventRules.
Internal default implementation for IRuleTarget.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Task to train a machine learning model using Amazon SageMaker.
Internal default implementation for ISageMakerTask.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A SAML provider.
Internal default implementation for ISamlProvider.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for scalable attributes.
Internal default implementation for IScalableFunctionAttribute.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for scalable attributes.
Internal default implementation for IScalableTableAttribute.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IScalableTarget.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A secret in AWS Secrets Manager.
Internal default implementation for ISecret.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A secret attachment target.
Internal default implementation for ISecretAttachmentTarget.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for ISecretTargetAttachment.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Interface representing a created or an imported SecurityConfiguration.
Internal default implementation for ISecurityConfiguration.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for security group-like objects.
Internal default implementation for ISecurityGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a reference to a CodeDeploy Application deploying to EC2/on-premise instances.
Internal default implementation for IServerApplication.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The Deployment Configuration of an EC2/on-premise Deployment Group.
Internal default implementation for IServerDeploymentConfig.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IServerDeploymentGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface representing a serverless database cluster.
Internal default implementation for IServerlessCluster.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents the App Runner Service.
The interface for a service.
Internal default implementation for IService.
Internal default implementation for IService.
Internal default implementation for IService.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A Signer Profile.
Internal default implementation for ISigningProfile.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a Slack channel configuration.
Internal default implementation for ISlackChannelConfiguration.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The abstract interface of a CodeBuild source.
Represents a source for bucket deployments.
Internal default implementation for ISource.
Internal default implementation for ISource.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) A source code provider.
Internal default implementation for ISourceCodeProvider.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for (stable) lazy untyped value producers.
Internal default implementation for IStableAnyProducer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for (stable) lazy list producers.
Internal default implementation for IStableListProducer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for (stable) lazy number producers.
Internal default implementation for IStableNumberProducer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for (stable) lazy string producers.
Internal default implementation for IStableStringProducer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Encodes information how a certain Stack should be deployed.
Internal default implementation for IStackSynthesizer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an APIGateway Stage.
(experimental) Represents a Stage.
The abstract interface of a Pipeline Stage that is used by Actions.
Internal default implementation for IStage.
Internal default implementation for IStage.
Internal default implementation for IStage.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
This class is part of the old API.
Internal default implementation for IStageHost.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A State Machine.
Internal default implementation for IStateMachine.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
replaced by TaskStateBase.
Internal default implementation for IStepFunctionsTask.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A Kinesis Stream.
Internal default implementation for IStream.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents an IVS Stream Key.
Internal default implementation for IStreamKey.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A StringList SSM Parameter.
Internal default implementation for IStringListParameter.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A String SSM Parameter.
Internal default implementation for IStringParameter.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for lazy string producers.
Internal default implementation for IStringProducer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for ISubnet.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Interface for a subnet group.
Interface for a subnet group.
Internal default implementation for ISubnetGroup.
Internal default implementation for ISubnetGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A SubnetNetworkAclAssociation.
Internal default implementation for ISubnetNetworkAclAssociation.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a single session of synthesis.
Internal default implementation for ISynthesisSession.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An interface that represents a DynamoDB Table - either created with the CDK, or an existing one.
(experimental) Represents a table in a Redshift database.
Internal default implementation for ITable.
Internal default implementation for ITable.
Internal default implementation for ITable.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface to implement tags.
Internal default implementation for ITaggable.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A target group.
Internal default implementation for ITargetGroup.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The interface for all task definitions.
Internal default implementation for ITaskDefinition.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An extension for Task Definitions.
Internal default implementation for ITaskDefinitionExtension.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
CloudFormation template options for a stack.
Internal default implementation for ITemplateOptions.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface to apply operation to tokens in a string.
Internal default implementation for ITokenMapper.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
How to resolve tokens.
Internal default implementation for ITokenResolver.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an SNS topic.
Internal default implementation for ITopic.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents an AWS IoT Rule.
Internal default implementation for ITopicRule.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Topic subscription.
Internal default implementation for ITopicSubscription.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface for triggers.
Internal default implementation for ITrigger.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A UsagePlan, either managed by this CDK app, or imported.
Internal default implementation for IUsagePlan.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an IAM user.
(experimental) Represents a user in a Redshift database.
Internal default implementation for IUser.
Internal default implementation for IUser.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a Cognito UserPool.
Internal default implementation for IUserPool.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents the concept of a User Pool Authentication Provider.
Internal default implementation for IUserPoolAuthenticationProvider.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a Cognito user pool client.
Internal default implementation for IUserPoolClient.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a user pool domain.
Internal default implementation for IUserPoolDomain.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a UserPoolIdentityProvider.
Internal default implementation for IUserPoolIdentityProvider.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents a Cognito user pool resource server.
Internal default implementation for IUserPoolResourceServer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IVersion.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface which all Virtual Gateway based classes must implement.
Internal default implementation for IVirtualGateway.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface which all VirtualNode based classes must implement.
Internal default implementation for IVirtualNode.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Interface which all VirtualRouter based classes MUST implement.
Internal default implementation for IVirtualRouter.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents the interface which all VirtualService based classes MUST implement.
Internal default implementation for IVirtualService.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
An EBS Volume in AWS EC2.
Internal default implementation for IVolume.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IVpc.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents the App Runner VPC Connector.
Internal default implementation for IVpcConnector.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A VPC endpoint.
Internal default implementation for IVpcEndpoint.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A VPC endpoint service.
Internal default implementation for IVpcEndpointService.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A load balancer that can host a VPC Endpoint Service.
Internal default implementation for IVpcEndpointServiceLoadBalancer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Represents an API Gateway VpcLink.
(experimental) Represents an API Gateway VpcLink.
Internal default implementation for IVpcLink.
Internal default implementation for IVpcLink.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Internal default implementation for IVpnConnection.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
The virtual private gateway interface.
Internal default implementation for IVpnGateway.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents a WebSocket API.
Internal default implementation for IWebSocketApi.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) An authorizer for WebSocket APIs.
Internal default implementation for IWebSocketAuthorizer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents an Integration for an WebSocket API.
Internal default implementation for IWebSocketIntegration.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents a Route for an WebSocket API.
Internal default implementation for IWebSocketRoute.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) An authorizer that can attach to an WebSocket Route.
Internal default implementation for IWebSocketRouteAuthorizer.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
(experimental) Represents the WebSocketStage.
Internal default implementation for IWebSocketStage.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
A single dashboard widget.
Internal default implementation for IWidget.
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
Jenkins build CodePipeline Action.
A fluent builder for JenkinsAction.
Construction properties of JenkinsAction.
A builder for JenkinsActionProps
An implementation for JenkinsActionProps
The type of the Jenkins Action that determines its CodePipeline Category - Build, or Test.
A class representing Jenkins providers.
A fluent builder for JenkinsProvider.
Properties for importing an existing Jenkins provider.
An implementation for JenkinsProviderAttributes
A builder for JenkinsProviderProps
An implementation for JenkinsProviderProps
(experimental) A Glue Job.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Job.
(experimental) Attributes for importing Job.
A builder for JobAttributes
An implementation for JobAttributes
(experimental) Job bookmarks encryption configuration.
An implementation for JobBookmarksEncryption
(experimental) Encryption mode for Job Bookmarks.
(experimental) Batch Job Definition.
(experimental) A fluent builder for JobDefinition.
(experimental) Properties of a job definition container.
An implementation for JobDefinitionContainer
(experimental) Construction properties of the JobDefinition construct.
A builder for JobDefinitionProps
An implementation for JobDefinitionProps
An object representing an AWS Batch job dependency.
A builder for JobDependency
An implementation for JobDependency
Specify the driver that the EMR Containers job runs on.
A builder for JobDriver
An implementation for JobDriver
(experimental) The executable properties related to the Glue job's GlueVersion, JobType and code.
(experimental) Result of binding a JobExecutable into a Job.
A builder for JobExecutableConfig
An implementation for JobExecutableConfig
(experimental) Runtime language of the Glue job.
(experimental) Construction properties for Job.
A builder for JobProps
An implementation for JobProps
(experimental) Batch Job Queue.
(experimental) A fluent builder for JobQueue.
(experimental) Properties for mapping a compute environment to a job queue.
An implementation for JobQueueComputeEnvironment
(experimental) Properties of a batch job queue.
A builder for JobQueueProps
An implementation for JobQueueProps
(experimental) Job states emitted by Glue to CloudWatch Events.
(experimental) The job type.
A log driver that sends log information to journald Logs.
A fluent builder for JournaldLogDriver.
Specifies the journald log driver configuration options.
An implementation for JournaldLogDriverProps
A log driver that sends log information to json-file Logs.
A fluent builder for JsonFileLogDriver.
Specifies the json-file log driver configuration options.
An implementation for JsonFileLogDriverProps
Extract a field from the State Machine data or context that gets passed around between states.
Base class for patterns that only match JSON log events.
Represents a JSON schema definition of the structure of a REST API model.
A builder for JsonSchema
An implementation for JsonSchema
Properties for controlling items output in JSON standard format.
An implementation for JsonWithStandardFieldProps
Properties for a Kafka event source.
A builder for KafkaEventSourceProps
An implementation for KafkaEventSourceProps
(experimental) Kafka cluster version.
Defines a KMS key.
A fluent builder for Key.
(experimental) Factory class for DynamoDB key conditions.
Query input for looking up a KMS Key.
A builder for KeyContextQuery
An implementation for KeyContextQuery
Properties of a discovered key.
A builder for KeyContextResponse
An implementation for KeyContextResponse
A Key Group configuration.
A fluent builder for KeyGroup.
Properties for creating a Public Key.
A builder for KeyGroupProps
An implementation for KeyGroupProps
Properties for looking up an existing Key.
A builder for KeyLookupOptions
An implementation for KeyLookupOptions
Construction properties for a KMS Key object.
A builder for KeyProps
An implementation for KeyProps
The key spec, represents the cryptographic configuration of keys.
The key usage, represents the cryptographic operations of keys.
Use a Kinesis stream as the destination for a log subscription.
A fluent builder for KinesisDestination.
Customize the Kinesis Logs Destination.
An implementation for KinesisDestinationProps
Use an Amazon Kinesis stream as an event source for AWS Lambda.
A fluent builder for KinesisEventSource.
An implementation for KinesisEventSourceProps
Customize the Firehose Stream Event Target.
A fluent builder for KinesisFirehoseStream.
Customize the Firehose Stream Event Target.
An implementation for KinesisFirehoseStreamProps
(experimental) The action to put the record from an MQTT message to the Kinesis Data stream.
(experimental) A fluent builder for KinesisPutRecordAction.
(experimental) Configuration properties of an action for the Kinesis Data stream.
An implementation for KinesisPutRecordActionProps
Use a Kinesis Stream as a target for AWS CloudWatch event rules.
A fluent builder for KinesisStream.
Customize the Kinesis Stream Event Target.
A builder for KinesisStreamProps
An implementation for KinesisStreamProps
An AWS Lambda layer that includes kubectl and helm.
Implementation of Kubectl Lambda.
A fluent builder for KubectlProvider.
Kubectl Provider Attributes.
An implementation for KubectlProviderAttributes
Kubectl Provider Properties.
A builder for KubectlProviderProps
An implementation for KubectlProviderProps
Represents a manifest within the Kubernetes system.
A fluent builder for KubernetesManifest.
Options for KubernetesManifest.
An implementation for KubernetesManifestOptions
Properties for KubernetesManifest.
An implementation for KubernetesManifestProps
Represents a value of a specific object deployed in the cluster.
A fluent builder for KubernetesObjectValue.
Properties for KubernetesObjectValue.
An implementation for KubernetesObjectValueProps
A CloudFormation resource which applies/restores a JSON patch into a Kubernetes resource.
A fluent builder for KubernetesPatch.
Properties for KubernetesPatch.
A builder for KubernetesPatchProps
An implementation for KubernetesPatchProps
Kubernetes cluster version.
Calls an AWS Lambda function, and optionally, publishes a notification to Amazon SNS.
A fluent builder for Lambda.
LambdaAction configuration.
A builder for LambdaActionConfig
An implementation for LambdaActionConfig
A CodeDeploy Application that deploys to an AWS Lambda function.
A fluent builder for LambdaApplication.
Construction properties for LambdaApplication.
An implementation for LambdaApplicationProps
(experimental) Configuration for Lambda authorization in AppSync.
An implementation for LambdaAuthorizerConfig
Base properties for all lambda authorizers.
A builder for LambdaAuthorizerProps
An implementation for LambdaAuthorizerProps
(experimental) An AppSync datasource backed by a Lambda function.
(experimental) A fluent builder for LambdaDataSource.
(experimental) Properties for an AppSync Lambda datasource.
A builder for LambdaDataSourceProps
An implementation for LambdaDataSourceProps
A custom Deployment Configuration for a Lambda Deployment Group.
Properties of a reference to a CodeDeploy Lambda Deployment Configuration.
An implementation for LambdaDeploymentConfigImportProps
A fluent builder for LambdaDeploymentGroup.
Properties of a reference to a CodeDeploy Lambda Deployment Group.
An implementation for LambdaDeploymentGroupAttributes
Construction properties for LambdaDeploymentGroup.
An implementation for LambdaDeploymentGroupProps
Use a Lambda function as a Lambda destination.
Use a Lambda Function as the destination for a log subscription.
Use a Lambda function as a bucket notification destination.
A fluent builder for LambdaDestination.
A fluent builder for LambdaDestination.
Options for a Lambda destination.
Options that may be provided to LambdaDestination.
An implementation for LambdaDestinationOptions
An implementation for LambdaDestinationOptions
The type of events that a Lambda@Edge function can be invoked in response to.
Use an AWS Lambda function as an event rule target.
A fluent builder for LambdaFunction.
(experimental) The action to invoke an AWS Lambda function, passing in an MQTT message.
An implementation for LambdaFunctionAssociation
(experimental) Use an AWS Lambda function to transform records.
(experimental) A fluent builder for LambdaFunctionProcessor.
Customize the Lambda Event Target.
A builder for LambdaFunctionProps
An implementation for LambdaFunctionProps
Version of CloudWatch Lambda Insights.
Integrates an AWS Lambda function to an API Gateway method.
A fluent builder for LambdaIntegration.
An implementation for LambdaIntegrationOptions
The type of invocation to use for a Lambda Action.
Invocation type of a Lambda.
Invoke a Lambda function as a Task.
A fluent builder for LambdaInvoke.
CodePipeline invoke Action that is provided by an AWS Lambda function.
(experimental) The action to write the data to an AWS Lambda function.
A fluent builder for LambdaInvokeAction.
Construction properties of the Lambda invoke CodePipeline Action.
An implementation for LambdaInvokeActionProps
(experimental) An AWS Lambda Invoke function API call.
(experimental) A fluent builder for LambdaInvokeFunction.
(experimental) Options to pass to the Lambda invokeFunction API call.
An implementation for LambdaInvokeFunctionProps
Properties for invoking a Lambda function with LambdaInvoke.
A builder for LambdaInvokeProps
An implementation for LambdaInvokeProps
Construction properties for a Lambda action.
A builder for LambdaProps
An implementation for LambdaProps
Defines an API Gateway REST API with AWS Lambda proxy integration.
A fluent builder for LambdaRestApi.
A builder for LambdaRestApiProps
An implementation for LambdaRestApiProps
A builder for LambdaRuntimeProps
An implementation for LambdaRuntimeProps
Use a Lambda function as a subscription target.
A fluent builder for LambdaSubscription.
Properties for a Lambda subscription.
An implementation for LambdaSubscriptionProps
(experimental) Channel latency mode.
Options for binding a launch target to an ECS run job task.
An implementation for LaunchTargetBindOptions
This represents an EC2 LaunchTemplate.
A fluent builder for LaunchTemplate.
Attributes for an imported LaunchTemplate.
An implementation for LaunchTemplateAttributes
LaunchTemplateOverrides is a subproperty of LaunchTemplate that describes an override for a launch template.
An implementation for LaunchTemplateOverrides
Properties of a LaunchTemplate.
A builder for LaunchTemplateProps
An implementation for LaunchTemplateProps
Aspect that applies IMDS configuration on EC2 Launch Template constructs.
A fluent builder for LaunchTemplateRequireImdsv2Aspect.
Properties for LaunchTemplateRequireImdsv2Aspect.
Launch template property specification.
A builder for LaunchTemplateSpec
An implementation for LaunchTemplateSpec
A class that provides convenient access to special version tokens for LaunchTemplate versions.
(experimental) Launch template property specification.
An implementation for LaunchTemplateSpecification
Interface for the Spot market instance options provided in a LaunchTemplate.
An implementation for LaunchTemplateSpotOptions
The launch type of an ECS service.
Defines a new Lambda Layer version.
A fluent builder for LayerVersion.
Properties necessary to import a LayerVersion.
An implementation for LayerVersionAttributes
Non runtime options.
A builder for LayerVersionOptions
An implementation for LayerVersionOptions
Identification of an account (or organization) that is allowed to access a Lambda Layer Version.
An implementation for LayerVersionPermission
A builder for LayerVersionProps
An implementation for LayerVersionProps
Lazily produce a value.
Options for creating lazy untyped tokens.
A builder for LazyAnyValueOptions
An implementation for LazyAnyValueOptions
Options for creating a lazy list token.
A builder for LazyListValueOptions
An implementation for LazyListValueOptions
An IAM role that only gets attached to the construct tree once it gets used, not before.
A fluent builder for LazyRole.
Properties for defining a LazyRole.
A builder for LazyRoleProps
An implementation for LazyRoleProps
Options for creating a lazy string token.
An implementation for LazyStringValueOptions
Use the CDK classic way of referencing assets.
The position of the legend on a GraphWidget.
The license model.
Define a life cycle hook.
A fluent builder for LifecycleHook.
Properties for a Lifecycle hook.
A builder for LifecycleHookProps
An implementation for LifecycleHookProps
Result of binding a lifecycle hook to a target.
An implementation for LifecycleHookTargetConfig
EFS Lifecycle Policy, if a file is not accessed for given days, it will move to EFS Infrequent Access.
An ECR life cycle rule.
Declaration of a Life cycle rule.
A builder for LifecycleRule
A builder for LifecycleRule
An implementation for LifecycleRule
An implementation for LifecycleRule
What instance transition to attach the hook to.
A CodeBuild image running aarch64 Linux.
A CodeBuild image running x86-64 Linux.
A CodeBuild GPU image running Linux.
Linux-specific options that are applied to the container.
A fluent builder for LinuxParameters.
The properties for defining Linux-specific options that are applied to the container.
A builder for LinuxParametersProps
An implementation for LinuxParametersProps
Options when constructing UserData for Linux.
A builder for LinuxUserDataOptions
An implementation for LinuxUserDataOptions
The construct for the Listener.
A fluent builder for Listener.
What to do when a client makes a request to a listener.
A certificate source for an ELBv2 listener.
ListenerCondition providers definition.
Base class for configuring listener when registering targets.
Construct options for Listener.
A builder for ListenerOptions
An implementation for ListenerOptions
Reference to a listener's port just created.
Construct properties for Listener.
A builder for ListenerProps
An implementation for ListenerProps
Represents TLS properties for listener.
A builder for ListenerTlsOptions
An implementation for ListenerTlsOptions
An interface of an abstract load balancer, as needed by CodeDeploy.
A load balancer with a single listener.
A fluent builder for LoadBalancer.
Query input for looking up a load balancer.
An implementation for LoadBalancerContextQuery
Properties of a discovered load balancer.
An implementation for LoadBalancerContextResponse
Filters for selecting load balancers.
A builder for LoadBalancerFilter
An implementation for LoadBalancerFilter
The generations of AWS load balancing solutions.
Load balancer ip address type.
Add a backend to the load balancer.
A builder for LoadBalancerListener
An implementation for LoadBalancerListener
Query input for looking up a load balancer listener.
An implementation for LoadBalancerListenerContextQuery
Properties of a discovered load balancer listener.
The protocol for connections from clients to the load balancer.
Construction properties for a LoadBalancer.
A builder for LoadBalancerProps
An implementation for LoadBalancerProps
Use an ELBv2 as an alias record target.
Properties for defining an ECS target.
An implementation for LoadBalancerTargetOptions
Result of attaching a target to load balancer.
An implementation for LoadBalancerTargetProps
Type of load balancer.
An Origin for a v2 load balancer.
A fluent builder for LoadBalancerV2Origin.
Properties for an Origin backed by a v2 load balancer.
An implementation for LoadBalancerV2OriginProps
Options for the loadManifest operation.
A builder for LoadManifestOptions
An implementation for LoadManifestOptions
Local cache modes to enable for the CodeBuild Project.
Properties for a local secondary index.
An implementation for LocalSecondaryIndexProps
An interface that represents the location of a specific object in an S3 Bucket.
A builder for Location
An implementation for Location
Options for InitPackage.rpm/InitPackage.msi.
An implementation for LocationPackageOptions
(experimental) Logging configuration for AppSync.
A builder for LogConfig
An implementation for LogConfig
(experimental) Log configuration options to send to a custom log driver for the container.
A builder for LogConfiguration
An implementation for LogConfiguration
(experimental) The log driver to use for the container.
The base class for log drivers.
The configuration to use when creating a log driver.
A builder for LogDriverConfig
An implementation for LogDriverConfig
The base class for log drivers.
Logging configuration for incoming requests.
A builder for LoggingConfiguration
An implementation for LoggingConfiguration
Logging levels include ERROR, INFO, or NONE.
Information about logs for the build project.
use opensearchservice module instead
Configures log settings for the domain.
A builder for LoggingOptions
A builder for LoggingOptions
An implementation for LoggingOptions
An implementation for LoggingOptions
Define a CloudWatch Log Group.
A fluent builder for LogGroup.
Use CloudWatch Logs as a custom access log destination for API Gateway.
Customize the CloudWatch LogGroup Event Target.
Properties for a LogGroup.
A builder for LogGroupProps
A builder for LogGroupProps
An implementation for LogGroupProps
An implementation for LogGroupProps
Login credentials for a database cluster.
(experimental) Username and password combination.
A builder for Login
A builder for Login
An implementation for Login
An implementation for Login
(experimental) Available log levels for Flink applications.
Log levels for esbuild and package managers' install commands.
Defines which category of execution history events are logged.
Defines what execution history events are logged and where they are logged.
A builder for LogOptions
An implementation for LogOptions
Types of view.
Display query results from Logs Insights.
A fluent builder for LogQueryWidget.
Properties for a Query widget.
A builder for LogQueryWidgetProps
An implementation for LogQueryWidgetProps
use LogRetention from '
Creates a custom resource to control the retention policy of a CloudWatch Logs log group.
A fluent builder for LogRetention.
use LogRetentionProps from '
Construction properties for a LogRetention.
A builder for LogRetentionProps
An implementation for LogRetentionProps
Retry options for all AWS API calls.
Retry options for all AWS API calls.
An implementation for LogRetentionRetryOptions
An implementation for LogRetentionRetryOptions
Define a Log Stream in a Log Group.
A fluent builder for LogStream.
Properties for a LogStream.
A builder for LogStreamProps
An implementation for LogStreamProps
Properties returned by a Subscription destination.
An implementation for LogSubscriptionDestinationConfig
(experimental) Set to Tail to include the execution log in the response.
A machine image whose AMI ID will be searched using DescribeImages.
A fluent builder for LookupMachineImage.
Properties for looking up an image.
An implementation for LookupMachineImageProps
The configuration for the Amazon FSx for Lustre file system.
A builder for LustreConfiguration
An implementation for LustreConfiguration
The different kinds of file system deployments used by Lustre.
The FSx for Lustre File System implementation of IFileSystem.
A fluent builder for LustreFileSystem.
Properties specific to the Lustre version of the FSx file system.
A builder for LustreFileSystemProps
An implementation for LustreFileSystemProps
Class for scheduling a weekly manitenance time.
A fluent builder for LustreMaintenanceTime.
Properties required for setting up a weekly maintenance time.
An implementation for LustreMaintenanceTimeProps
Factory functions for standard Amazon Machine Image objects.
Configuration for a machine image.
A builder for MachineImageConfig
An implementation for MachineImageConfig
The machine image type.
The machine image type.
Use a MSK cluster as a streaming source for AWS Lambda.
A fluent builder for ManagedKafkaEventSource.
Properties for a MSK event source.
An implementation for ManagedKafkaEventSourceProps
Managed policy.
A fluent builder for ManagedPolicy.
Properties for defining an IAM managed policy.
A builder for ManagedPolicyProps
An implementation for ManagedPolicyProps
A new managed rule.
A fluent builder for ManagedRule.
Managed rules that are supported by AWS Config.
Construction properties for a ManagedRule.
A builder for ManagedRuleProps
An implementation for ManagedRuleProps
Types of management event sources that can be excluded.
Protocol utility class.
Manual approval action.
A fluent builder for ManualApprovalAction.
Construction properties of the ManualApprovalAction.
An implementation for ManualApprovalActionProps
A manual approval step.
A fluent builder for ManualApprovalStep.
Construction properties for a ManualApprovalStep.
An implementation for ManualApprovalStepProps
Define a Map state in the state machine.
A fluent builder for Map.
(experimental) MappingTemplates for AppSync resolvers.
(experimental) Represents a Mapping Value.
Properties for defining a Map state.
A builder for MapProps
An implementation for MapProps
The versions for the MariaDB instance engines (those returned by
invalid @link
Properties for MariaDB instance engines.
An implementation for MariaDbInstanceEngineProps
Partial and special matching during template assertions.
(experimental) Partial and special matching during assertions.
Information about a value captured during match.
A builder for MatchCapture
An implementation for MatchCapture
Represents a matcher that can perform special data matching capabilities between a given pattern and a target.
Match failure details.
A builder for MatchFailure
An implementation for MatchFailure
The result of Match.test().
A math expression built with metric(s) emitted by a service.
A fluent builder for MathExpression.
Configurable options for MathExpressions.
A builder for MathExpressionOptions
An implementation for MathExpressionOptions
Properties for a MathExpression.
A builder for MathExpressionProps
An implementation for MathExpressionProps
The maximum frequency at which the AWS Config rule runs evaluations.
(experimental) The amount of memory reserved for each instance of your App Runner service.
The properties for enabling scaling based on memory utilization.
An implementation for MemoryUtilizationScalingProps
Define a new AppMesh mesh.
A fluent builder for Mesh.
A utility enum defined for the egressFilter type property, the default of DROP_ALL, allows traffic only to other resources inside the mesh, or API calls to amazon resources.
The set of properties used when creating a Mesh.
A builder for MeshProps
An implementation for MeshProps
A message attribute to add to the SNS message.
A builder for MessageAttribute
An implementation for MessageAttribute
The data type set for the SNS message attributes.
The language code.
A metadata entry in a cloud assembly artifact.
moved to package 'cloud-assembly-schema'
A builder for MetadataEntry
An implementation for MetadataEntry
A builder for MetadataEntryResult
An implementation for MetadataEntryResult
A fluent builder for Method.
An implementation for MethodDeploymentOptions
A builder for MethodOptions
An implementation for MethodOptions
A builder for MethodProps
An implementation for MethodProps
A builder for MethodResponse
An implementation for MethodResponse
A metric emitted by a service.
A fluent builder for Metric.
How the scaling metric is going to be aggregated.
How the scaling metric is going to be aggregated.
Replaced by MetricConfig
Properties of a rendered metric.
A builder for MetricConfig
An implementation for MetricConfig
Specifies the metric name and regular expressions used to parse algorithm logs.
A builder for MetricDefinition
An implementation for MetricDefinition
Properties for a concrete metric.
An implementation for MetricExpressionConfig
A filter that extracts information from CloudWatch Logs and emits to CloudWatch Metrics.
A fluent builder for MetricFilter.
Properties for a MetricFilter created from a LogGroup.
A builder for MetricFilterOptions
An implementation for MetricFilterOptions
Properties for a MetricFilter.
A builder for MetricFilterProps
An implementation for MetricFilterProps
Replaced by MetricConfig
Properties of a metric that can be changed.
A builder for MetricOptions
An implementation for MetricOptions
Properties for a metric.
A builder for MetricProps
An implementation for MetricProps
Replaced by MetricConfig.
(experimental) Granularity of metrics sent to CloudWatch.
Properties for a concrete metric.
A builder for MetricStatConfig
An implementation for MetricStatConfig
Properties for enabling tracking of an arbitrary metric.
An implementation for MetricTargetTrackingProps
(experimental) The Glue CloudWatch metric type.
Basic properties for widgets that display metrics.
A builder for MetricWidgetProps
An implementation for MetricWidgetProps
The different ways in which a user pool's MFA enforcement can be configured.
The different ways in which a user pool can obtain their MFA token for sign in.
A builder for MfaSecondFactor
An implementation for MfaSecondFactor
Minimum number of healthy hosts for a server deployment.
Represents a missing piece of context.
moved to package 'cloud-assembly-schema'
A builder for MissingContext
An implementation for MissingContext
MixedInstancesPolicy allows you to configure a group that diversifies across On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances of multiple instance types.
A builder for MixedInstancesPolicy
An implementation for MixedInstancesPolicy
This type of integration lets API Gateway return a response without sending the request further to the backend.
A fluent builder for MockIntegration.
Specifies how many models the container hosts.
A fluent builder for Model.
Configures the timeout and maximum number of retries for processing a transform job invocation.
A builder for ModelClientOptions
An implementation for ModelClientOptions
A builder for ModelOptions
An implementation for ModelOptions
A builder for ModelProps
An implementation for ModelProps
The monitoring mode for instances launched in an autoscaling group.
Configuration setting for monitoring.
A builder for Monitoring
An implementation for Monitoring
(experimental) Monitoring Configuration.
An implementation for MonitoringConfiguration
The details of data volume mount points for a container.
A builder for MountPoint
An implementation for MountPoint
(experimental) MQTT Quality of Service (QoS) indicates the level of assurance for delivery of an MQTT Message.
The mTLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name.
(experimental) The mTLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name.
A builder for MTLSConfig
A builder for MTLSConfig
An implementation for MTLSConfig
An implementation for MTLSConfig
The base class for all classes which can be used as MultipartUserData.
Options when creating MultipartBody.
A builder for MultipartBodyOptions
An implementation for MultipartBodyOptions
Mime multipart user data.
A fluent builder for MultipartUserData.
Options for creating MultipartUserData.
An implementation for MultipartUserDataOptions
Multi user hosted rotation options.
An implementation for MultiUserHostedRotationOptions
Represents a TLS certificate that is supported for mutual TLS authentication.
Represents the properties needed to define TLS Validation context that is supported for mutual TLS authentication.
A builder for MutualTlsValidation
An implementation for MutualTlsValidation
Represents a TLS Validation Context Trust that is supported for mutual TLS authentication.
A DNS MX record.
A fluent builder for MxRecord.
Construction properties for a MxRecord.
A builder for MxRecordProps
An implementation for MxRecordProps
Properties for a MX record value.
A builder for MxRecordValue
An implementation for MxRecordValue
The versions for the MySQL instance engines (those returned by
invalid @link
Properties for MySQL instance engines.
An implementation for MySqlInstanceEngineProps
Options for InitPackage.yum/apt/rubyGem/python.
A builder for NamedPackageOptions
An implementation for NamedPackageOptions
Functions for devising unique names for constructs.
Properties for a NAT gateway.
A builder for NatGatewayProps
An implementation for NatGatewayProps
Machine image representing the latest NAT instance image.
Properties for a NAT instance.
A builder for NatInstanceProps
An implementation for NatInstanceProps
NAT provider which uses NAT Instances.
A fluent builder for NatInstanceProvider.
NAT providers.
Direction of traffic to allow all by default.
Asset manifest is a description of a set of assets which need to be built and published.
Artifact properties for nested cloud assemblies.
An implementation for NestedCloudAssemblyProperties
A CloudFormation nested stack.
use core.NestedStack instead
A fluent builder for NestedStack.
Initialization props for the NestedStack construct.
use core.NestedStackProps instead
A builder for NestedStackProps
An implementation for NestedStackProps
Synthesizer for a nested stack.
Define a new custom network ACL.
A fluent builder for NetworkAcl.
Define an entry in a Network ACL table.
A fluent builder for NetworkAclEntry.
Properties to create NetworkAclEntry.
A builder for NetworkAclEntryProps
An implementation for NetworkAclEntryProps
Properties to create NetworkAcl.
A builder for NetworkAclProps
An implementation for NetworkAclProps
Options for NetworkListenerAction.forward().
A builder for NetworkForwardOptions
An implementation for NetworkForwardOptions
Define a Network Listener.
A fluent builder for NetworkListener.
What to do when a client makes a request to a listener.
Options for looking up a network listener.
An implementation for NetworkListenerLookupOptions
Properties to define an network listener.
Properties for a Network Listener attached to a Load Balancer.
A builder for NetworkListenerProps
A builder for NetworkListenerProps
An implementation for NetworkListenerProps
An implementation for NetworkListenerProps
An EC2 service running on an ECS cluster fronted by a network load balancer.
A fluent builder for NetworkLoadBalancedEc2Service.
The properties for the NetworkLoadBalancedEc2Service service.
A Fargate service running on an ECS cluster fronted by a network load balancer.
A fluent builder for NetworkLoadBalancedFargateService.
The properties for the NetworkLoadBalancedFargateService service.
The base class for NetworkLoadBalancedEc2Service and NetworkLoadBalancedFargateService services.
The properties for the base NetworkLoadBalancedEc2Service or NetworkLoadBalancedFargateService service.
Describes the type of DNS record the service should create.
Options for configuring a new container.
An implementation for NetworkLoadBalancedTaskImageProps
Define a new network load balancer.
A fluent builder for NetworkLoadBalancer.
Properties to reference an existing load balancer.
An implementation for NetworkLoadBalancerAttributes
Use a Network Load Balancer as a Global Accelerator Endpoint.
A fluent builder for NetworkLoadBalancerEndpoint.
Properties for a NetworkLoadBalancerEndpoint.
An implementation for NetworkLoadBalancerEndpointProps
Options for looking up an NetworkLoadBalancer.
An implementation for NetworkLoadBalancerLookupOptions
Properties to define an network load balancer.
Properties for a network load balancer.
An implementation for NetworkLoadBalancerProps
An implementation for NetworkLoadBalancerProps
networking mode on build time supported by docker.
The networking mode to use for the containers in the task.
An EC2 service running on an ECS cluster fronted by a network load balancer.
The properties for the NetworkMultipleTargetGroupsEc2Service service.
A Fargate service running on an ECS cluster fronted by a network load balancer.
The properties for the NetworkMultipleTargetGroupsFargateService service.
The base class for NetworkMultipleTargetGroupsEc2Service and NetworkMultipleTargetGroupsFargateService classes.
The properties for the base NetworkMultipleTargetGroupsEc2Service or NetworkMultipleTargetGroupsFargateService service.
Define a Network Target Group.
A fluent builder for NetworkTargetGroup.
Properties for a new Network Target Group.
An implementation for NetworkTargetGroupProps
Properties to define a network load balancer target group.
A builder for NetworkTargetProps
An implementation for NetworkTargetProps
Properties for enabling scaling based on network utilization.
An implementation for NetworkUtilizationScalingProps
A Target Group and weight combination.
An implementation for NetworkWeightedTargetGroup
The Nodegroup resource class.
A fluent builder for Nodegroup.
The AMI type for your node group.
The Nodegroup Options for addNodeGroup() method.
A builder for NodegroupOptions
An implementation for NodegroupOptions
NodeGroup properties interface.
A builder for NodegroupProps
An implementation for NodegroupProps
The remote access (SSH) configuration to use with your node group.
A builder for NodegroupRemoteAccess
An implementation for NodegroupRemoteAccess
A Node.js Lambda function bundled using esbuild.
A fluent builder for NodejsFunction.
Properties for a NodejsFunction.
A builder for NodejsFunctionProps
An implementation for NodejsFunctionProps
An AWS Lambda layer that includes the NPM dependency proxy-agent.
Whether the worker nodes should support GPU or just standard instances.
(experimental) Possible Node Types to use in the cluster used for defining
invalid @link
Describes when noncurrent versions transition to a specified storage class.
An implementation for NoncurrentVersionTransition
(experimental) An AppSync dummy datasource.
(experimental) A fluent builder for NoneDataSource.
(experimental) Properties for an AppSync dummy datasource.
A builder for NoneDataSourceProps
An implementation for NoneDataSourceProps
Instance accessible using values other than an IP address or a domain name (CNAME).
A fluent builder for NonIpInstance.
An implementation for NonIpInstanceBaseProps
A builder for NonIpInstanceProps
An implementation for NonIpInstanceProps
AutoScalingGroup fleet change notifications configurations.
An implementation for NotificationConfiguration
A builder for NotificationKeyFilter
An implementation for NotificationKeyFilter
A new notification rule.
A fluent builder for NotificationRule.
Standard set of options for notifyOnXxx codestar notification handler on construct.
An implementation for NotificationRuleOptions
Properties for a new notification rule.
A builder for NotificationRuleProps
An implementation for NotificationRuleProps
Information about the Codebuild or CodePipeline associated with a notification source.
An implementation for NotificationRuleSourceConfig
Information about the SNS topic or AWS Chatbot client associated with a notification target.
An implementation for NotificationRuleTargetConfig
A DNS NS record.
A fluent builder for NsRecord.
Construction properties for a NSRecord.
A builder for NsRecordProps
An implementation for NsRecordProps
The Number custom attribute type.
A fluent builder for NumberAttribute.
Constraints that can be applied to a custom attribute of number type.
An implementation for NumberAttributeConstraints
Props for NumberAttr.
A builder for NumberAttributeProps
An implementation for NumberAttributeProps
Conditions that can be applied to numeric attributes.
A builder for NumericConditions
An implementation for NumericConditions
Properties for Authorization.oauth().
An implementation for OAuthAuthorizationProps
Types of OAuth grant flows.
A builder for OAuthFlows
An implementation for OAuthFlows
OAuth scopes that are allowed with this client.
OAuth settings to configure the interaction between the app and this client.
A builder for OAuthSettings
An implementation for OAuthSettings
The ObjectOwnership of the bucket.
(experimental) Object Types are types declared by you.
(experimental) A fluent builder for ObjectType.
(experimental) Properties for configuring an Object Type.
A builder for ObjectTypeOptions
An implementation for ObjectTypeOptions
The method to use to request attributes.
OpenID Connect endpoints.
A builder for OidcEndpoints
An implementation for OidcEndpoints
Options for the onCloudTrailPutObject method.
An implementation for OnCloudTrailBucketEventOptions
Options for the onCloudTrailImagePushed method.
An implementation for OnCloudTrailImagePushedOptions
Options for the onCommit() method.
A builder for OnCommitOptions
An implementation for OnCommitOptions
Indicates how to allocate instance types to fulfill On-Demand capacity.
Standard set of options for onXxx event handlers on construct.
A builder for OnEventOptions
An implementation for OnEventOptions
Options for the OnImageScanCompleted method.
An implementation for OnImageScanCompletedOptions
(experimental) Configuration for OpenID Connect authorization in AppSync.
A builder for OpenIdConnectConfig
An implementation for OpenIdConnectConfig
A principal that represents a federated identity provider as from a OpenID Connect provider.
IAM OIDC identity providers are entities in IAM that describe an external identity provider (IdP) service that supports the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard, such as Google or Salesforce.
IAM OIDC identity providers are entities in IAM that describe an external identity provider (IdP) service that supports the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard, such as Google or Salesforce.
A fluent builder for OpenIdConnectProvider.
A fluent builder for OpenIdConnectProvider.
Initialization properties for OpenIdConnectProvider.
Initialization properties for OpenIdConnectProvider.
An implementation for OpenIdConnectProviderProps
An implementation for OpenIdConnectProviderProps
(experimental) An Appsync datasource backed by OpenSearch.
(experimental) A fluent builder for OpenSearchDataSource.
(experimental) Properties for the OpenSearch Data Source.
An implementation for OpenSearchDataSourceProps
The operating system for Fargate Runtime Platform.
The OS type of a particular image.
Supported DynamoDB table operations.
Types of OpsItem category available.
Types of OpsItem severity available.
Configuration properties for an option.
A builder for OptionConfiguration
An implementation for OptionConfiguration
An option group.
A fluent builder for OptionGroup.
Construction properties for an OptionGroup.
A builder for OptionGroupProps
An implementation for OptionGroupProps
Properties for Oracle Enterprise Edition instance engines.
An implementation for OracleEeInstanceEngineProps
The versions for the Oracle instance engines (those returned by
invalid @link
invalid @link
instances can no longer be created with these engine versions.
instances can no longer be created with this engine.
Properties for Oracle Standard Edition 2 instance engines.
An implementation for OracleSe2InstanceEngineProps
instances can no longer be created with this engine.
A principal that represents an AWS Organization.
Properties for configuring service-managed (Organizations) permissions.
An implementation for OrganizationsDeploymentProps
An origin access identity is a special CloudFront user that you can associate with Amazon S3 origins, so that you can secure all or just some of your Amazon S3 content.
A fluent builder for OriginAccessIdentity.
Properties of CloudFront OriginAccessIdentity.
An implementation for OriginAccessIdentityProps
Represents a distribution origin, that describes the Amazon S3 bucket, HTTP server (for example, a web server), Amazon MediaStore, or other server from which CloudFront gets your files.
The struct returned from
invalid @link
A builder for OriginBindConfig
An implementation for OriginBindConfig
Options passed to Origin.bind().
A builder for OriginBindOptions
An implementation for OriginBindOptions
The failover configuration used for Origin Groups, returned in
invalid @link
A builder for OriginFailoverConfig
An implementation for OriginFailoverConfig
An Origin that represents a group.
A fluent builder for OriginGroup.
Construction properties for OriginGroup.
A builder for OriginGroupProps
An implementation for OriginGroupProps
Options to define an Origin.
A builder for OriginOptions
An implementation for OriginOptions
Properties to define an Origin.
A builder for OriginProps
An implementation for OriginProps
Defines what protocols CloudFront will use to connect to an origin.
Determines whether any cookies in viewer requests (and if so, which cookies) are included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
Determines whether any HTTP headers (and if so, which headers) are included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
A Origin Request Policy configuration.
A fluent builder for OriginRequestPolicy.
Properties for creating a Origin Request Policy.
An implementation for OriginRequestPolicyProps
Determines whether any URL query strings in viewer requests (and if so, which query strings) are included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
Represents the outlier detection for a listener.
A builder for OutlierDetection
An implementation for OutlierDetection
EFS Out Of Infrequent Access Policy, if a file is accessed given times, it will move back to primary storage class.
Configures the S3 bucket where SageMaker will save the result of model training.
A builder for OutputDataConfig
An implementation for OutputDataConfig
(experimental) Absolute class name of the Hadoop OutputFormat to use when writing table files.
Output format for the generated JavaScript files.
Define a Parallel state in the state machine.
A fluent builder for Parallel.
Properties for defining a Parallel state.
A builder for ParallelProps
An implementation for ParallelProps
SSM parameter data type.
(experimental) DB parameter group.
A parameter group.
(experimental) A fluent builder for ParameterGroup.
A fluent builder for ParameterGroup.
Options for
invalid @link
An implementation for ParameterGroupClusterBindOptions
The type returned from
invalid @link
An implementation for ParameterGroupClusterConfig
Options for
invalid @link
An implementation for ParameterGroupInstanceBindOptions
The type returned from
invalid @link
An implementation for ParameterGroupInstanceConfig
(experimental) Marker class for cluster parameter group.
Properties for a parameter group.
A builder for ParameterGroupProps
A builder for ParameterGroupProps
An implementation for ParameterGroupProps
An implementation for ParameterGroupProps
(experimental) Represents a Parameter Mapping.
Properties needed to create a new SSM Parameter.
A builder for ParameterOptions
An implementation for ParameterOptions
SSM parameter tier.
SSM parameter type.
(experimental) Properties of a Partition Index.
A builder for PartitionIndex
An implementation for PartitionIndex
(experimental) Specifies the assignment to the partition key.
(experimental) Utility class to allow assigning a value or an auto-generated id to a partition key.
Define a Pass in the state machine.
A fluent builder for Pass.
Properties for defining a Pass state.
A builder for PassProps
An implementation for PassProps
Password policy for User Pools.
A builder for PasswordPolicy
An implementation for PasswordPolicy
Values for kubectl patch --type argument.
(experimental) Payload format version for lambda proxy integration.
Peer object factories (to be used in Security Group management).
The retention period for Performance Insight.
EFS Performance mode.
Time period for which quota settings apply.
Specify the period for graphs when the CloudWatch dashboard loads.
Represents a permission statement that can be added to a Lambda function's resource policy via the addPermission() method.
A builder for Permission
An implementation for Permission
Modify the Permissions Boundaries of Users and Roles in a construct tree.
Properties for a PermissionsBroadeningCheck.
An implementation for PermissionsBroadeningCheckProps
Event fields for the CodeBuild "phase change" event.
Includes special markers for automatic generation of physical names.
Physical ID of the custom resource.
Reference to the physical resource id that can be passed to the AWS operation as a parameter.
The process namespace to use for the containers in the task.
An AWS CodePipeline pipeline with its associated IAM role and S3 bucket.
A fluent builder for Pipeline.
A generic CDK Pipelines pipeline.
Properties for a Pipeline.
A builder for PipelineBaseProps
An implementation for PipelineBaseProps
The list of event types for AWS Codepipeline Pipeline.
Additional options to pass to the notification rule.
An implementation for PipelineNotifyOnOptions
A convenience class for CodeBuild Projects that are used in CodePipeline.
A fluent builder for PipelineProject.
A builder for PipelineProjectProps
An implementation for PipelineProjectProps
A builder for PipelineProps
An implementation for PipelineProps
The placement constraints to use for tasks in the service.
The placement strategies to use for tasks in the service.
platform supported by docker.
Platforms that are allowed with signing config.
(experimental) Platform capabilities.
(experimental) A new IVS Playback Key Pair.
(experimental) A fluent builder for PlaybackKeyPair.
(experimental) Properties for creating a new Playback Key Pair.
A builder for PlaybackKeyPairProps
An implementation for PlaybackKeyPairProps
Query input for plugins.
A builder for PluginContextQuery
An implementation for PluginContextQuery
The AWS::IAM::Policy resource associates an IAM policy with IAM users, roles, or groups.
A fluent builder for Policy.
A PolicyDocument is a collection of statements.
A fluent builder for PolicyDocument.
Properties for a new PolicyDocument.
A builder for PolicyDocumentProps
An implementation for PolicyDocumentProps
Properties for defining an IAM inline policy document.
A builder for PolicyProps
An implementation for PolicyProps
Represents a statement in an IAM policy document.
A fluent builder for PolicyStatement.
Interface for creating a policy statement.
A builder for PolicyStatementProps
An implementation for PolicyStatementProps
The instance state in the warm pool.
Interface for classes that provide the connection-specification parts of a security group rule.
A fluent builder for Port.
A Service Catalog portfolio.
A fluent builder for Portfolio.
Properties for a Portfolio.
A builder for PortfolioProps
An implementation for PortfolioProps
Options for portfolio share.
A builder for PortfolioShareOptions
An implementation for PortfolioShareOptions
Port mappings allow containers to access ports on the host container instance to send or receive traffic.
A builder for PortMapping
An implementation for PortMapping
Override specific listener ports used to route traffic to endpoints that are part of an endpoint group.
A builder for PortOverride
An implementation for PortOverride
Properties to create a port range.
A builder for PortProps
An implementation for PortProps
The list of port ranges for the connections from clients to the accelerator.
A builder for PortRange
An implementation for PortRange
Represents the PosixUser.
A builder for PosixUser
An implementation for PosixUser
Features supported by the Postgres database engine.
An implementation for PostgresEngineFeatures
The versions for the PostgreSQL instance engines (those returned by
invalid @link
Properties for PostgreSQL instance engines.
An implementation for PostgresInstanceEngineProps
One of the predefined autoscaling metrics.
One of the predefined autoscaling metrics.
The price class determines how many edge locations CloudFront will use for your distribution.
(experimental) Specifies the assignment to the primary key.
Base class for policy principals.
A collection of the fields in a PolicyStatement that can be used to identify a principal.
An IAM principal with additional conditions specifying when the policy is in effect.
A private certificate managed by AWS Certificate Manager.
A fluent builder for PrivateCertificate.
Properties for your private certificate.
An implementation for PrivateCertificateProps
Define a Service Discovery HTTP Namespace.
A fluent builder for PrivateDnsNamespace.
An implementation for PrivateDnsNamespaceAttributes
An implementation for PrivateDnsNamespaceProps
Create a Route53 private hosted zone for use in one or more VPCs.
A fluent builder for PrivateHostedZone.
Properties to create a Route 53 private hosted zone.
An implementation for PrivateHostedZoneProps
Represents a private VPC subnet resource.
A fluent builder for PrivateSubnet.
An implementation for PrivateSubnetAttributes
A builder for PrivateSubnetProps
An implementation for PrivateSubnetProps
The processor features.
A builder for ProcessorFeatures
An implementation for ProcessorFeatures
Options for the CodePipelineActionFactory.produce() method.
A builder for ProduceActionOptions
An implementation for ProduceActionOptions
Abstract class for Service Catalog Product.
Identifies a model that you want to host and the resources to deploy for hosting it.
A builder for ProductionVariant
An implementation for ProductionVariant
A Service Catalog product stack, which is similar in form to a Cloudformation nested stack.
A Construct that contains a Service Catalog product stack with its previous deployments maintained.
A fluent builder for ProductStackHistory.
Properties for a ProductStackHistory.
An implementation for ProductStackHistoryProps
A new Profiling Group.
A fluent builder for ProfilingGroup.
Properties for creating a new Profiling Group.
A builder for ProfilingGroupProps
An implementation for ProfilingGroupProps
A representation of a CodeBuild Project.
A fluent builder for Project.
The set of attributes that are projected into the index.
The list of event types for AWS Codebuild.
Additional options to pass to the notification rule.
An implementation for ProjectNotifyOnOptions
A builder for ProjectProps
An implementation for ProjectProps
Propagate tags from either service or task definition.
(experimental) Interface for building AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::Application PropertyGroup configuration.
A builder for PropertyGroups
An implementation for PropertyGroups
not for use outside package
Protocol for use in Connection Rules.
Network protocol.
Backend protocol for network load balancers and health checks.
Defines an AWS CloudFormation custom resource provider.
A fluent builder for Provider.
An attribute available from a third party identity provider.
Initialization properties for the Provider construct.
A builder for ProviderProps
An implementation for ProviderProps
The base class for proxy configurations.
The base class for proxy configurations.
Defines a {proxy+} greedy resource and an ANY method on a route.
A fluent builder for ProxyResource.
A builder for ProxyResourceOptions
An implementation for ProxyResourceOptions
A builder for ProxyResourceProps
An implementation for ProxyResourceProps
Proxy target: Instance or Cluster.
The result of binding a ProxyTarget to a DatabaseProxy.
A builder for ProxyTargetConfig
An implementation for ProxyTargetConfig
Define a Public DNS Namespace.
A fluent builder for PublicDnsNamespace.
An implementation for PublicDnsNamespaceAttributes
An implementation for PublicDnsNamespaceProps
Authorization token to access the global public ECR Gallery via Docker CLI.
Create a Route53 public hosted zone.
A fluent builder for PublicHostedZone.
Reference to a public hosted zone.
An implementation for PublicHostedZoneAttributes
Construction properties for a PublicHostedZone.
A builder for PublicHostedZoneProps
An implementation for PublicHostedZoneProps
A Public Key Configuration.
A fluent builder for PublicKey.
Properties for creating a Public Key.
A builder for PublicKeyProps
An implementation for PublicKeyProps
Represents a public VPC subnet resource.
A fluent builder for PublicSubnet.
An implementation for PublicSubnetAttributes
A builder for PublicSubnetProps
An implementation for PublicSubnetProps
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
Use SnsPublish
Use SnsPublish
(experimental) A Python Lambda function.
(experimental) A fluent builder for PythonFunction.
(experimental) Properties for a PythonFunction.
A builder for PythonFunctionProps
An implementation for PythonFunctionProps
(experimental) A lambda layer version.
(experimental) A fluent builder for PythonLayerVersion.
(experimental) Properties for PythonLayerVersion.
An implementation for PythonLayerVersionProps
(experimental) Props for creating a Python shell job executable.
An implementation for PythonShellExecutableProps
(experimental) Props for creating a Python Spark (ETL or Streaming) job executable.
An implementation for PythonSparkJobExecutableProps
(experimental) Python version.
Define a query definition for CloudWatch Logs Insights.
A fluent builder for QueryDefinition.
Properties for a QueryDefinition.
A builder for QueryDefinitionProps
An implementation for QueryDefinitionProps
Database and data catalog context in which the query execution occurs.
A builder for QueryExecutionContext
An implementation for QueryExecutionContext
Used to generate query parameter matching methods.
Configuration for QueryParameterMatch.
An implementation for QueryParameterMatchConfig
Define a QueryString.
A fluent builder for QueryString.
Properties for the key/value pair of the query string.
A builder for QueryStringCondition
An implementation for QueryStringCondition
Properties for a QueryString.
A builder for QueryStringProps
An implementation for QueryStringProps
A new Amazon SQS queue.
A fluent builder for Queue.
Reference to a queue.
A builder for QueueAttributes
An implementation for QueueAttributes
Reference to a new or existing Amazon SQS queue.
What kind of encryption to apply to this queue.
Use an SQS queue as a hook target.
The policy for an SQS Queue.
A fluent builder for QueuePolicy.
Properties to associate SQS queues with a policy.
A builder for QueuePolicyProps
An implementation for QueuePolicyProps
Class to create a queue processing EC2 service.
A fluent builder for QueueProcessingEc2Service.
The properties for the QueueProcessingEc2Service service.
An implementation for QueueProcessingEc2ServiceProps
Class to create a queue processing Fargate service.
A fluent builder for QueueProcessingFargateService.
The properties for the QueueProcessingFargateService service.
The base class for QueueProcessingEc2Service and QueueProcessingFargateService services.
The properties for the base QueueProcessingEc2Service or QueueProcessingFargateService service.
An implementation for QueueProcessingServiceBaseProps
Properties for creating a new Queue.
A builder for QueueProps
An implementation for QueueProps
Specifies the maximum number of requests that clients can make to API Gateway APIs.
A builder for QuotaSettings
An implementation for QuotaSettings
An API Gateway ApiKey, for which a rate limiting configuration can be specified.
A fluent builder for RateLimitedApiKey.
RateLimitedApiKey properties.
An implementation for RateLimitedApiKeyProps
Untyped endpoint implementation.
A fluent builder for RawEndpoint.
Properties for RawEndpoint.
A builder for RawEndpointProps
An implementation for RawEndpointProps
(experimental) An AppSync datasource backed by RDS.
(experimental) A fluent builder for RdsDataSource.
(experimental) Properties for an AppSync RDS datasource.
A builder for RdsDataSourceProps
An implementation for RdsDataSourceProps
Types of events that CloudTrail can log.
A receipt filter.
A fluent builder for ReceiptFilter.
The policy for the receipt filter.
Construction properties for a ReceiptFilter.
A builder for ReceiptFilterProps
An implementation for ReceiptFilterProps
A new receipt rule.
A fluent builder for ReceiptRule.
Properties for a receipt rule action.
An implementation for ReceiptRuleActionConfig
Options to add a receipt rule to a receipt rule set.
A builder for ReceiptRuleOptions
An implementation for ReceiptRuleOptions
Construction properties for a ReceiptRule.
A builder for ReceiptRuleProps
An implementation for ReceiptRuleProps
A new receipt rule set.
A fluent builder for ReceiptRuleSet.
Construction properties for a ReceiptRuleSet.
A builder for ReceiptRuleSetProps
An implementation for ReceiptRuleSetProps
A record set.
A fluent builder for RecordSet.
Options for a RecordSet.
A builder for RecordSetOptions
An implementation for RecordSetOptions
Construction properties for a RecordSet.
A builder for RecordSetProps
An implementation for RecordSetProps
Type union for a record that accepts multiple types of target.
The record type.
Define the format of the input data.
Options for ListenerAction.redirect().
A builder for RedirectOptions
An implementation for RedirectOptions
All http request methods.
superceded by ListenerAction.redirect().
(experimental) The status code for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
Specifies a redirect behavior of all requests to a website endpoint of a bucket.
A builder for RedirectTarget
An implementation for RedirectTarget
An intrinsic Token that represents a reference to a construct.
Fields of CloudWatch Events that change references.
Information pertaining to an AWS region.
The Amazon EMR release version to use for the job run.
Possible values for a resource's Removal Policy.
A builder for RemovalPolicyOptions
An implementation for RemovalPolicyOptions
The RemoveTag Aspect will handle removing tags from this node and children.
A fluent builder for RemoveTag.
Input for Signals.renderCreationPolicy.
A builder for RenderSignalsOptions
An implementation for RenderSignalsOptions
Secret replica region.
A builder for ReplicaRegion
An implementation for ReplicaRegion
The ReportGroup resource class.
A fluent builder for ReportGroup.
Construction properties for ReportGroup.
A builder for ReportGroupProps
An implementation for ReportGroupProps
Provides a CodeCommit Repository.
Define an ECR repository.
A fluent builder for Repository.
A fluent builder for Repository.
A builder for RepositoryAttributes
An implementation for RepositoryAttributes
Base class for ECR repository.
Indicates whether server-side encryption is enabled for the object, and whether that encryption is from the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) or from Amazon S3 managed encryption (SSE-S3).
Repository events that will cause the trigger to run actions in another service.
An image hosted in a public or private repository.
A fluent builder for RepositoryImage.
The properties for an image hosted in a public or private repository.
A builder for RepositoryImageProps
An implementation for RepositoryImageProps
List of event types for AWS CodeCommit.
Additional options to pass to the notification rule.
An implementation for RepositoryNotifyOnOptions
A builder for RepositoryProps
A builder for RepositoryProps
An implementation for RepositoryProps
An implementation for RepositoryProps
Creates for a repository trigger to an SNS topic or Lambda function.
An implementation for RepositoryTriggerOptions
(experimental) Visibility of the GitHubRepository.
Request-based lambda authorizer that recognizes the caller's identity via request parameters, such as headers, paths, query strings, stage variables, or context variables.
A fluent builder for RequestAuthorizer.
Properties for RequestAuthorizer.
An implementation for RequestAuthorizerProps
Configure what must be included in the requestContext.
A builder for RequestContext
An implementation for RequestContext
Properties for enabling scaling based on request/second.
The properties for enabling scaling based on Application Load Balancer (ALB) request counts.
An implementation for RequestCountScalingProps
An implementation for RequestCountScalingProps
A fluent builder for RequestValidator.
An implementation for RequestValidatorOptions
A builder for RequestValidatorProps
An implementation for RequestValidatorProps
In what scenarios should the CLI ask for approval.
(experimental) Resolvable Fields build upon Graphql Types and provide fields that can resolve into operations on a data source.
(experimental) A fluent builder for ResolvableField.
(experimental) Properties for configuring a resolvable field.
An implementation for ResolvableFieldOptions
Options that can be changed while doing a recursive resolve.
An implementation for ResolveChangeContextOptions
Options to the resolve() operation.
A builder for ResolveOptions
An implementation for ResolveOptions
(experimental) An AppSync resolver.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Resolver.
(experimental) Additional property for an AppSync resolver for GraphQL API reference.
A builder for ResolverProps
An implementation for ResolverProps
A construct which represents an AWS resource.
A fluent builder for Resource.
Attributes that can be specified when importing a Resource.
A builder for ResourceAttributes
An implementation for ResourceAttributes
A builder for ResourceBindOptions
An implementation for ResourceBindOptions
Specifies the resources, ML compute instances, and ML storage volumes to deploy for model training.
A builder for ResourceConfig
An implementation for ResourceConfig
Represents the environment a given resource lives in.
A builder for ResourceEnvironment
An implementation for ResourceEnvironment
A builder for ResourceOptions
An implementation for ResourceOptions
Resource Policy for CloudWatch Log Groups.
Resource Policy for SecretsManager Secrets.
A fluent builder for ResourcePolicy.
A fluent builder for ResourcePolicy.
Properties to define Cloudwatch log group resource policy.
Construction properties for a ResourcePolicy.
A builder for ResourcePolicyProps
A builder for ResourcePolicyProps
An implementation for ResourcePolicyProps
An implementation for ResourcePolicyProps
Construction properties for Resource.
A builder for ResourceProps
A builder for ResourceProps
An implementation for ResourceProps
An implementation for ResourceProps
A scope for ResourceServer.
A fluent builder for ResourceServerScope.
Props to initialize ResourceServerScope.
An implementation for ResourceServerScopeProps
Resources types that are supported by AWS Config.
An HTTP response header name and its value.
A builder for ResponseCustomHeader
An implementation for ResponseCustomHeader
Configuration for a set of HTTP response headers that are sent for requests that match a cache behavior that’s associated with this response headers policy.
An implementation for ResponseCustomHeadersBehavior
The policy directives and their values that CloudFront includes as values for the Content-Security-Policy HTTP response header.
Determines whether CloudFront includes the X-Content-Type-Options HTTP response header with its value set to nosniff.
An implementation for ResponseHeadersContentTypeOptions
Configuration for a set of HTTP response headers that are used for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).
An implementation for ResponseHeadersCorsBehavior
Determines whether CloudFront includes the X-Frame-Options HTTP response header and the header’s value.
An implementation for ResponseHeadersFrameOptions
A Response Headers Policy configuration.
A fluent builder for ResponseHeadersPolicy.
Properties for creating a Response Headers Policy.
An implementation for ResponseHeadersPolicyProps
Determines whether CloudFront includes the Referrer-Policy HTTP response header and the header’s value.
An implementation for ResponseHeadersReferrerPolicy
Determines whether CloudFront includes the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header and the header’s value.
Determines whether CloudFront includes the X-XSS-Protection HTTP response header and the header’s value.
An implementation for ResponseHeadersXSSProtection
Configuration for a set of security-related HTTP response headers.
An implementation for ResponseSecurityHeadersBehavior
Supported types of gateway responses.
Represents a REST API in Amazon API Gateway.
A fluent builder for RestApi.
Attributes that can be specified when importing a RestApi.
A builder for RestApiAttributes
An implementation for RestApiAttributes
Base implementation that are common to various implementations of IRestApi.
Represents the props that all Rest APIs share.
A builder for RestApiBaseProps
An implementation for RestApiBaseProps
superseded by RestApiBaseProps
An Origin for an API Gateway REST API.
A fluent builder for RestApiOrigin.
Properties for an Origin for an API Gateway REST API.
A builder for RestApiOriginProps
An implementation for RestApiOriginProps
Props to create a new instance of RestApi.
A builder for RestApiProps
An implementation for RestApiProps
The result of a Pass operation.
Location of query result along with S3 bucket configuration.
A builder for ResultConfiguration
An implementation for ResultConfiguration
How long, in days, the log contents will be retained.
Retry details.
A builder for RetryProps
An implementation for RetryProps
Options for the 'reverse()' operation.
A builder for ReverseOptions
An implementation for ReverseOptions
IAM Role.
A fluent builder for Role.
(experimental) Types of matches allowed for Role Mapping.
(experimental) Represents an Identity Pool Role Attachment Role Mapping Rule.
A builder for RoleMappingRule
An implementation for RoleMappingRule
Properties for defining an IAM Role.
A builder for RoleProps
An implementation for RoleProps
use UpdatePolicy.rollingUpdate()
Options for customizing the rolling update.
A builder for RollingUpdateOptions
An implementation for RollingUpdateOptions
Options to add the multi user rotation.
Options to add the multi user rotation.
(experimental) Options to add the multi user rotation.
An implementation for RotationMultiUserOptions
An implementation for RotationMultiUserOptions
An implementation for RotationMultiUserOptions
A rotation schedule.
A fluent builder for RotationSchedule.
Options to add a rotation schedule to a secret.
An implementation for RotationScheduleOptions
Construction properties for a RotationSchedule.
A builder for RotationScheduleProps
An implementation for RotationScheduleProps
Options to add the multi user rotation.
An implementation for RotationSingleUserOptions
Route represents a new or existing route attached to a VirtualRouter and Mesh.
A fluent builder for Route.
Use another Route 53 record as an alias record target.
Interface with properties ncecessary to import a reusable Route.
A builder for RouteAttributes
An implementation for RouteAttributes
Base interface properties for all Routes.
A builder for RouteBaseProps
An implementation for RouteBaseProps
Properties to define new Routes.
A builder for RouteProps
An implementation for RouteProps
Type of router used in route.
Used to generate specs with different protocols for a RouteSpec.
All Properties for Route Specs.
A builder for RouteSpecConfig
An implementation for RouteSpecConfig
Base options for all route specs.
A builder for RouteSpecOptionsBase
An implementation for RouteSpecOptionsBase
Rule that define when a redirect is applied and the redirect behavior.
A builder for RoutingRule
An implementation for RoutingRule
A builder for RoutingRuleCondition
An implementation for RoutingRuleCondition
A widget that contains other widgets in a horizontal row.
Defines an EventBridge Rule in this stack.
A fluent builder for Rule.
Construction properties for a new rule.
Properties for defining an EventBridge Rule.
A builder for RuleProps
A builder for RuleProps
An implementation for RuleProps
An implementation for RuleProps
Determines which resources trigger an evaluation of an AWS Config rule.
Properties for an event rule target.
A builder for RuleTargetConfig
An implementation for RuleTargetConfig
The input to send to the event target.
The input properties for an event target.
An implementation for RuleTargetInputProperties
use BatchSubmitJob
use BatchSubmitJob
replaced by EcsRunTask
use EcsRunTask and EcsRunTaskProps
replaced by EcsRunTask
replaced by EcsRunTask and EcsRunTaskProps
use GlueStartJobRun
use GlueStartJobRun
Use LambdaInvoke
Use LambdaInvoke
(experimental) The code runtimes.
(experimental) Available Flink runtimes for Kinesis Analytics.
Lambda function runtime environment.
(experimental) Runtime options for a canary.
A fluent builder for Runtime.
(experimental) All known Lambda runtime families.
Information about the application's runtime components.
moved to package 'cloud-assembly-schema'
A builder for RuntimeInfo
An implementation for RuntimeInfo
The interface for Runtime Platform.
A builder for RuntimePlatform
An implementation for RuntimePlatform
Saves the received message to an Amazon S3 bucket and, optionally, publishes a notification to Amazon SNS.
A fluent builder for S3.
S3Action configuration.
A builder for S3ActionConfig
An implementation for S3ActionConfig
OpenAPI specification from an S3 archive.
Construction properties for
invalid @link
A builder for S3ArtifactsProps
An implementation for S3ArtifactsProps
(experimental) An S3 bucket destination for data from a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
(experimental) A fluent builder for S3Bucket.
(experimental) Props for defining an S3 destination of a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
A builder for S3BucketProps
An implementation for S3BucketProps
(experimental) Glue job Code from an S3 bucket.
Lambda code from an S3 archive.
(experimental) S3 bucket path to the code zip file.
S3 Data Distribution Type.
S3 location of the channel data.
A builder for S3DataSource
An implementation for S3DataSource
S3 Data Type.
Deploys the sourceArtifact to Amazon S3.
A fluent builder for S3DeployAction.
Construction properties of the S3 deploy Action.
A builder for S3DeployActionProps
An implementation for S3DeployActionProps
Options when downloading files from S3.
A builder for S3DownloadOptions
An implementation for S3DownloadOptions
(experimental) S3 encryption configuration.
A builder for S3Encryption
An implementation for S3Encryption
(experimental) Encryption mode for S3.
Environment file from S3.
Selecting an S3 bucket and an optional prefix to be logged for data events.
A builder for S3EventSelector
An implementation for S3EventSelector
Use S3 bucket notifications as an event source for AWS Lambda.
A fluent builder for S3EventSource.
A builder for S3EventSourceProps
An implementation for S3EventSourceProps
Constructs IS3Location objects.
Options for binding an S3 Location.
A builder for S3LocationBindOptions
An implementation for S3LocationBindOptions
Stores information about the location of an object in Amazon S3.
A builder for S3LocationConfig
An implementation for S3LocationConfig
(experimental) Details of the Amazon S3 destination for broker logs.
An implementation for S3LoggingConfiguration
Information about logs built to an S3 bucket for a build project.
A builder for S3LoggingOptions
An implementation for S3LoggingOptions
An Origin that is backed by an S3 bucket.
A fluent builder for S3Origin.
S3 origin configuration for CloudFront.
A builder for S3OriginConfig
An implementation for S3OriginConfig
Properties to use to customize an S3 Origin.
A builder for S3OriginProps
An implementation for S3OriginProps
Construction properties for a S3 action.
A builder for S3Props
An implementation for S3Props
(experimental) The action to write the data from an MQTT message to an Amazon S3 bucket.
(experimental) A fluent builder for S3PutObjectAction.
(experimental) Configuration properties of an action for s3.
An implementation for S3PutObjectActionProps
Source that is provided by a specific Amazon S3 object.
A fluent builder for S3SourceAction.
Construction properties of the S3 source Action.
A builder for S3SourceActionProps
An implementation for S3SourceActionProps
Options for S3 sources.
A builder for S3SourceOptions
An implementation for S3SourceOptions
Construction properties for
invalid @link
A builder for S3SourceProps
An implementation for S3SourceProps
The CodePipeline variables emitted by the S3 source Action.
A builder for S3SourceVariables
An implementation for S3SourceVariables
How should the S3 Action detect changes.
A Step Functions Task to create a SageMaker endpoint.
A fluent builder for SageMakerCreateEndpoint.
A Step Functions Task to create a SageMaker endpoint configuration.
A fluent builder for SageMakerCreateEndpointConfig.
Properties for creating an Amazon SageMaker endpoint configuration.
Properties for creating an Amazon SageMaker endpoint.
An implementation for SageMakerCreateEndpointProps
A Step Functions Task to create a SageMaker model.
A fluent builder for SageMakerCreateModel.
Properties for creating an Amazon SageMaker model.
An implementation for SageMakerCreateModelProps
Class representing the SageMaker Create Training Job task.
A fluent builder for SageMakerCreateTrainingJob.
Properties for creating an Amazon SageMaker training job.
An implementation for SageMakerCreateTrainingJobProps
Class representing the SageMaker Create Transform Job task.
A fluent builder for SageMakerCreateTransformJob.
Properties for creating an Amazon SageMaker transform job task.
An implementation for SageMakerCreateTransformJobProps
A Step Functions Task to update a SageMaker endpoint.
A fluent builder for SageMakerUpdateEndpoint.
Properties for updating Amazon SageMaker endpoint.
An implementation for SageMakerUpdateEndpointProps
Principal entity that represents a SAML federated identity provider for programmatic and AWS Management Console access.
A SAML metadata document.
Principal entity that represents a SAML federated identity provider.
A SAML provider.
A fluent builder for SamlProvider.
Properties for a SAML provider.
A builder for SamlProviderProps
An implementation for SamlProviderProps
(experimental) SASL authentication properties.
A builder for SaslAuthProps
An implementation for SaslAuthProps
Define a scalable target.
A fluent builder for ScalableTarget.
Properties for a scalable target.
A builder for ScalableTargetProps
An implementation for ScalableTargetProps
The scalable attribute representing task count.
A fluent builder for ScalableTaskCount.
The properties of a scalable attribute representing task count.
An implementation for ScalableTaskCountProps
(experimental) Props for creating a Scala Spark (ETL or Streaming) job executable.
An implementation for ScalaJobExecutableProps
Fleet scaling events.
A list of ScalingEvents, you can use one of the predefined lists, such as ScalingEvents.ERRORS or create a custom group by instantiating a NotificationTypes object, e.g: new NotificationTypes(NotificationType.INSTANCE_LAUNCH).
A range of metric values in which to apply a certain scaling operation.
A range of metric values in which to apply a certain scaling operation.
A range of metric values in which to apply a certain scaling operation.
A builder for ScalingInterval
A builder for ScalingInterval
A builder for ScalingInterval
An implementation for ScalingInterval
An implementation for ScalingInterval
An implementation for ScalingInterval
A scheduled scaling action.
A builder for ScalingSchedule
An implementation for ScalingSchedule
Schedule for scheduled scaling actions.
Schedule for scheduled scaling actions.
Schedule for scheduled event rules.
(experimental) Schedule for canary runs.
Define a scheduled scaling action.
A fluent builder for ScheduledAction.
Properties for a scheduled action on an AutoScalingGroup.
A builder for ScheduledActionProps
An implementation for ScheduledActionProps
A scheduled EC2 task that will be initiated off of CloudWatch Events.
A fluent builder for ScheduledEc2Task.
The properties for the ScheduledEc2Task using a task definition.
An implementation for ScheduledEc2TaskDefinitionOptions
The properties for the ScheduledEc2Task using an image.
An implementation for ScheduledEc2TaskImageOptions
The properties for the ScheduledEc2Task task.
A builder for ScheduledEc2TaskProps
An implementation for ScheduledEc2TaskProps
A scheduled Fargate task that will be initiated off of CloudWatch Events.
A fluent builder for ScheduledFargateTask.
The properties for the ScheduledFargateTask using a task definition.
The properties for the ScheduledFargateTask using an image.
An implementation for ScheduledFargateTaskImageOptions
The properties for the ScheduledFargateTask task.
An implementation for ScheduledFargateTaskProps
The base class for ScheduledEc2Task and ScheduledFargateTask tasks.
The properties for the base ScheduledEc2Task or ScheduledFargateTask task.
An implementation for ScheduledTaskBaseProps
An implementation for ScheduledTaskImageProps
(experimental) The Schema for a GraphQL Api.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Schema.
(experimental) The options for configuring a schema.
Represents the table schema attributes.
A builder for SchemaOptions
A builder for SchemaOptions
An implementation for SchemaOptions
An implementation for SchemaOptions
The scope for the Docker volume that determines its lifecycle.
Accessor for scoped pseudo parameters.
The temporary disk space mounted to the container.
A builder for ScratchSpace
An implementation for ScratchSpace
Options for the auto-generation of policies based on the configured SDK calls.
A builder for SdkCallsPolicyOptions
An implementation for SdkCallsPolicyOptions
Properties for a secondary index.
A builder for SecondaryIndexProps
An implementation for SecondaryIndexProps
A secret environment variable.
Creates a new secret in AWS SecretsManager.
A fluent builder for Secret.
Attachment target specifications.
An implementation for SecretAttachmentTargetProps
Attributes required to import an existing secret into the Stack.
A builder for SecretAttributes
An implementation for SecretAttributes
The properties required to create a new secret in AWS Secrets Manager.
A builder for SecretProps
An implementation for SecretProps
Secret rotation for a service or database.
A fluent builder for SecretRotation.
A secret rotation serverless application.
A fluent builder for SecretRotationApplication.
Options for a SecretRotationApplication.
An implementation for SecretRotationApplicationOptions
Construction properties for a SecretRotation.
A builder for SecretRotationProps
An implementation for SecretRotationProps
Options for referencing a secret value from Secrets Manager.
An implementation for SecretsManagerSecretOptions
Configuration to generate secrets such as passwords automatically.
A builder for SecretStringGenerator
An implementation for SecretStringGenerator
Use cdk.SecretValue instead.
An attached secret.
A fluent builder for SecretTargetAttachment.
Construction properties for an AttachedSecret.
An implementation for SecretTargetAttachmentProps
Work with secret values in the CDK.
A fluent builder for SecretValue.
Specify the secret's version id or version stage.
A builder for SecretVersionInfo
An implementation for SecretVersionInfo
Attributes for secure string parameters.
An implementation for SecureStringParameterAttributes
(experimental) A security configuration is a set of security properties that can be used by AWS Glue to encrypt data at rest.
(experimental) A fluent builder for SecurityConfiguration.
(experimental) Constructions properties of SecurityConfiguration.
An implementation for SecurityConfigurationProps
Creates an Amazon EC2 security group within a VPC.
A fluent builder for SecurityGroup.
Query input for looking up a security group.
An implementation for SecurityGroupContextQuery
Properties of a discovered SecurityGroup.
An implementation for SecurityGroupContextResponse
Additional options for imported security groups.
An implementation for SecurityGroupImportOptions
A builder for SecurityGroupProps
An implementation for SecurityGroupProps
The minimum version of the SSL protocol that you want API Gateway to use for HTTPS connections.
(experimental) The minimum version of the SSL protocol that you want API Gateway to use for HTTPS connections.
The minimum version of the SSL protocol that you want CloudFront to use for HTTPS connections.
Result of selecting a subset of subnets from a VPC.
A builder for SelectedSubnets
An implementation for SelectedSubnets
Fargate profile selector.
A builder for Selector
An implementation for Selector
Properties for configuring self-managed permissions.
An implementation for SelfManagedDeploymentProps
Use a self hosted Kafka installation as a streaming source for AWS Lambda.
A fluent builder for SelfManagedKafkaEventSource.
Properties for a self managed Kafka cluster event source.
An implementation for SelfManagedKafkaEventSourceProps
Use SqsSendMessage
Use SqsSendMessage
(experimental) Serialization library to use when serializing/deserializing (SerDe) table records.
A CodeDeploy Application that deploys to EC2/on-premise instances.
A fluent builder for ServerApplication.
Construction properties for ServerApplication.
An implementation for ServerApplicationProps
A custom Deployment Configuration for an EC2/on-premise Deployment Group.
A fluent builder for ServerDeploymentConfig.
Construction properties of ServerDeploymentConfig.
An implementation for ServerDeploymentConfigProps
A CodeDeploy Deployment Group that deploys to EC2/on-premise instances.
A fluent builder for ServerDeploymentGroup.
Properties of a reference to a CodeDeploy EC2/on-premise Deployment Group.
An implementation for ServerDeploymentGroupAttributes
Construction properties for ServerDeploymentGroup.
An implementation for ServerDeploymentGroupProps
Create an Aurora Serverless Cluster.
A fluent builder for ServerlessCluster.
Properties that describe an existing cluster instance.
An implementation for ServerlessClusterAttributes
A Aurora Serverless Cluster restored from a snapshot.
A fluent builder for ServerlessClusterFromSnapshot.
Properties for ServerlessClusterFromSnapshot.
Properties for a new Aurora Serverless Cluster.
An implementation for ServerlessClusterProps
Options for configuring scaling on an Aurora Serverless cluster.
An implementation for ServerlessScalingOptions
Indicates whether server-side encryption is enabled for the object, and whether that encryption is from the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) or from Amazon S3 managed encryption (SSE-S3).
(experimental) The App Runner Service.
Define a CloudMap Service.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Service.
A fluent builder for Service.
Service Account.
A fluent builder for ServiceAccount.
Options for ServiceAccount.
A builder for ServiceAccountOptions
An implementation for ServiceAccountOptions
Properties for defining service accounts.
A builder for ServiceAccountProps
An implementation for ServiceAccountProps
(experimental) Attributes for the App Runner Service.
A builder for ServiceAttributes
A builder for ServiceAttributes
An implementation for ServiceAttributes
An implementation for ServiceAttributes
CodePipeline action to connect to an existing ServiceCatalog product.
A fluent builder for ServiceCatalogDeployActionBeta1.
Construction properties of the ServiceCatalog deploy CodePipeline Action.
Provides the Service Discovery method a VirtualNode uses.
Properties for VirtualNode Service Discovery.
An implementation for ServiceDiscoveryConfig
Three ways to call an integrated service: Request Response, Run a Job and Wait for a Callback with Task Token.
Options for fetching a ServiceLoadBalancerAddress.
An implementation for ServiceLoadBalancerAddressOptions
The service that supports Application AutoScaling.
An IAM principal that represents an AWS service (i.e.
A fluent builder for ServicePrincipal.
Options for a service principal.
A builder for ServicePrincipalOpts
An implementation for ServicePrincipalOpts
(experimental) Properties of the AppRunner Service.
A builder for ServiceProps
A builder for ServiceProps
An implementation for ServiceProps
An implementation for ServiceProps
Enables session tags on role assumptions from a principal.
(experimental) The action to create a variable with a specified value.
Use a StepFunctions state machine as a target for Amazon EventBridge rules.
A fluent builder for SfnStateMachine.
Customize the Step Functions State Machine target.
A builder for SfnStateMachineProps
An implementation for SfnStateMachineProps
Fill shading options that will be used with an annotation.
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
Run shell script commands in the pipeline.
A fluent builder for ShellStep.
Construction properties for a ShellStep.
A builder for ShellStepProps
An implementation for ShellStepProps
Configuration for a shuffle option for input data in a channel.
A builder for ShuffleConfig
An implementation for ShuffleConfig
Configure whether the AutoScalingGroup waits for signals.
Customization options for Signal handling.
A builder for SignalsOptions
An implementation for SignalsOptions
The different ways in which users of this pool can sign up or sign in.
A builder for SignInAliases
An implementation for SignInAliases
Defines a Signing Profile.
A fluent builder for SigningProfile.
A reference to a Signing Profile.
An implementation for SigningProfileAttributes
Construction properties for a Signing Profile object.
A builder for SigningProfileProps
An implementation for SigningProfileProps
Options to customize the behaviour of signInUrl().
A builder for SignInUrlOptions
An implementation for SignInUrlOptions
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
Options for creating a single state.
A builder for SingleStateOptions
An implementation for SingleStateOptions
A Lambda that will only ever be added to a stack once.
A fluent builder for SingletonFunction.
Properties for a newly created singleton Lambda.
An implementation for SingletonFunctionProps
Single user hosted rotation options.
An implementation for SingleUserHostedRotationOptions
A dashboard widget that displays the most recent value for every metric.
A fluent builder for SingleValueWidget.
Properties for a SingleValueWidget.
An implementation for SingleValueWidgetProps
Represents the amount of digital storage.
Options for how to convert time to a different unit.
A builder for SizeConversionOptions
An implementation for SizeConversionOptions
Rounding behaviour when converting between units of Size.
A new Slack channel configuration.
A fluent builder for SlackChannelConfiguration.
Properties for a new Slack channel configuration.
An implementation for SlackChannelConfigurationProps
Use an sms address as a subscription target.
A fluent builder for SmsSubscription.
Options for SMS subscriptions.
A builder for SmsSubscriptionProps
An implementation for SmsSubscriptionProps
Credentials to update the password for a DatabaseInstanceFromSnapshot.
Options used in the
invalid @link
Publishes the email content within a notification to Amazon SNS.
A fluent builder for Sns.
Use an SNS topic as an alarm action.
SNSAction configuration.
A builder for SNSActionConfig
An implementation for SNSActionConfig
(experimental) SNS topic action message format options.
Use a SNS topic as a Lambda destination.
Use an SNS topic as a bucket notification destination.
An SNS dead letter queue destination configuration for a Lambda event source.
Use an Amazon SNS topic as an event source for AWS Lambda.
A fluent builder for SnsEventSource.
Properties forwarded to the Lambda Subscription.
A builder for SnsEventSourceProps
An implementation for SnsEventSourceProps
Construction properties for a SNS action.
A builder for SnsProps
An implementation for SnsProps
A Step Functions Task to publish messages to SNS topic.
A fluent builder for SnsPublish.
Properties for publishing a message to an SNS topic.
A builder for SnsPublishProps
An implementation for SnsPublishProps
Use an SNS topic as a target for Amazon EventBridge rules.
A fluent builder for SnsTopic.
(experimental) The action to write the data from an MQTT message to an Amazon SNS topic.
(experimental) A fluent builder for SnsTopicAction.
(experimental) Configuration options for the SNS topic action.
A builder for SnsTopicActionProps
An implementation for SnsTopicActionProps
Customize the SNS Topic Event Target.
A builder for SnsTopicProps
An implementation for SnsTopicProps
(experimental) Utility class to allow assigning a value or an auto-generated id to a sort key.
(experimental) Represents the App Runner service source.
Source provider definition for a CodeBuild Project.
Specifies bucket deployment source.
Specific settings like the authentication protocol or the VPC components to secure access to your event source.
An implementation for SourceAccessConfiguration
The type of authentication protocol or the VPC components for your event source's SourceAccessConfiguration.
(experimental) Configuration for the source code provider.
An implementation for SourceCodeProviderConfig
(experimental) Identifies a version of code that AWS App Runner refers to within a source code repository.
A builder for SourceCodeVersion
An implementation for SourceCodeVersion
(experimental) Result of binding Source into a Service.
Source information.
A builder for SourceConfig
A builder for SourceConfig
A builder for SourceConfig
An implementation for SourceConfig
An implementation for SourceConfig
An implementation for SourceConfig
A source configuration is a wrapper for CloudFront origins and behaviors.
A builder for SourceConfiguration
An implementation for SourceConfiguration
SourceMap mode for esbuild.
Properties common to all Source classes.
A builder for SourceProps
An implementation for SourceProps
Space delimited text pattern.
A widget that doesn't display anything but takes up space.
A fluent builder for Spacer.
Props of the spacer.
A builder for SpacerProps
An implementation for SpacerProps
The information about job driver for Spark submit.
A builder for SparkSubmitJobDriver
An implementation for SparkSubmitJobDriver
(experimental) The Spark UI logging location.
An implementation for SparkUILoggingLocation
(experimental) Properties for enabling Spark UI monitoring feature for Spark-based Glue jobs.
A builder for SparkUIProps
An implementation for SparkUIProps
Represents a REST API in Amazon API Gateway, created with an OpenAPI specification.
A fluent builder for SpecRestApi.
Props to instantiate a new SpecRestApi.
A builder for SpecRestApiProps
An implementation for SpecRestApiProps
Method to use to split the transform job's data files into smaller batches.
A log driver that sends log information to splunk Logs.
A fluent builder for SplunkLogDriver.
Specifies the splunk log driver configuration options.
A builder for SplunkLogDriverProps
An implementation for SplunkLogDriverProps
Log Message Format.
Indicates how to allocate instance types to fulfill Spot capacity.
Provides the options for the types of interruption for spot instances.
The Spot Instance request type.
Properties for SQL Server Enterprise Edition instance engines.
An implementation for SqlServerEeInstanceEngineProps
The versions for the SQL Server instance engines (those returned by
invalid @link
invalid @link
invalid @link
invalid @link
Properties for SQL Server Express Edition instance engines.
An implementation for SqlServerExInstanceEngineProps
Properties for SQL Server Standard Edition instance engines.
An implementation for SqlServerSeInstanceEngineProps
Properties for SQL Server Web Edition instance engines.
An implementation for SqlServerWebInstanceEngineProps
Use a SQS queue as a Lambda destination.
Use an SQS queue as a bucket notification destination.
An SQS dead letter queue destination configuration for a Lambda event source.
Use an Amazon SQS queue as an event source for AWS Lambda.
A fluent builder for SqsEventSource.
A builder for SqsEventSourceProps
An implementation for SqsEventSourceProps
Use an SQS Queue as a target for Amazon EventBridge rules.
A fluent builder for SqsQueue.
(experimental) The action to write the data from an MQTT message to an Amazon SQS queue.
(experimental) A fluent builder for SqsQueueAction.
(experimental) Configuration properties of an action for SQS.
A builder for SqsQueueActionProps
An implementation for SqsQueueActionProps
Customize the SQS Queue Event Target.
A builder for SqsQueueProps
An implementation for SqsQueueProps
A StepFunctions Task to send messages to SQS queue.
A fluent builder for SqsSendMessage.
Properties for sending a message to an SQS queue.
A builder for SqsSendMessageProps
An implementation for SqsSendMessageProps
Use an SQS queue as a subscription target.
A fluent builder for SqsSubscription.
Properties for an SQS subscription.
A builder for SqsSubscriptionProps
An implementation for SqsSubscriptionProps
A DNS SRV record.
A fluent builder for SrvRecord.
Construction properties for a SrvRecord.
A builder for SrvRecordProps
An implementation for SrvRecordProps
Properties for a SRV record value.
A builder for SrvRecordValue
An implementation for SrvRecordValue
The SSL method CloudFront will use for your distribution.
Elastic Load Balancing provides the following security policies for Application Load Balancers.
Use an SSM OpsItem action as an Alarm action.
Query to SSM Parameter Context Provider.
An implementation for SSMParameterContextQuery
Properties for GenericSsmParameterImage.
An implementation for SsmParameterImageOptions
A root construct which represents a single CloudFormation stack.
A fluent builder for Stack.
An asset used by a Stack.
A builder for StackAsset
An implementation for StackAsset
Deployment of a single Stack.
Properties for a StackDeployment.
A builder for StackDeploymentProps
An implementation for StackDeploymentProps
Where Stack Instances will be created from the StackSet.
This class is part of the old API.
A Reference to a Stack Output.
A builder for StackProps
An implementation for StackProps
Determines how IAM roles are created and managed.
Describes whether AWS CloudFormation StackSets automatically deploys to AWS Organizations accounts that are added to a target organization or organizational unit (OU).
Base parameters for the StackSet.
Properties for deploying with Stackset, which creates a StackSet constraint.
An implementation for StackSetsConstraintOptions
The source of a StackSet template.
Instructions for additional steps that are run at stack level.
A builder for StackSteps
An implementation for StackSteps
Base class for implementing an IStackSynthesizer.
An abstract application modeling unit consisting of Stacks that should be deployed together.
A fluent builder for Stage.
A fluent builder for Stage.
(experimental) The attributes used to import existing Stage.
A builder for StageAttributes
An implementation for StageAttributes
Deployment of a single Stage.
Properties for a StageDeployment.
A builder for StageDeploymentProps
An implementation for StageDeploymentProps
(experimental) Options required to create a new stage.
A builder for StageOptions
A builder for StageOptions
A builder for StageOptions
An implementation for StageOptions
An implementation for StageOptions
An implementation for StageOptions
Allows you to control where to place a new Stage when it's added to the Pipeline.
A builder for StagePlacement
An implementation for StagePlacement
Initialization props for a stage.
Construction properties of a Pipeline Stage.
A builder for StageProps
A builder for StageProps
A builder for StageProps
An implementation for StageProps
An implementation for StageProps
An implementation for StageProps
Options for assembly synthesis.
A builder for StageSynthesisOptions
An implementation for StageSynthesisOptions
use core.AssetStaging
use core.AssetStagingProps
Standard attribute that can be marked as required or mutable.
A builder for StandardAttribute
An implementation for StandardAttribute
The set of standard attributes that can be marked as required or mutable.
A builder for StandardAttributes
An implementation for StandardAttributes
This interface contains standard attributes recognized by Cognito from including built-in attributes email_verified and phone_number_verified.
An implementation for StandardAttributesMask
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
A principal that uses a literal '*' in the IAM JSON language.
use 'StepFunctionsStartExecution'
use 'StepFunctionsStartExecution'
The position in the DynamoDB, Kinesis or MSK stream where AWS Lambda should start reading.
(experimental) Defines a state of a detector.
Base class for all other state classes.
(experimental) A fluent builder for State.
Event fields for the CodeBuild "state change" event.
A collection of connected states.
Define a StepFunctions State Machine.
A fluent builder for StateMachine.
Base class for reusable state machine fragments.
Represents the input for the StateMachine.
Properties for defining a State Machine.
A builder for StateMachineProps
An implementation for StateMachineProps
Two types of state machines are available in AWS Step Functions: EXPRESS AND STANDARD.
(experimental) Properties for defining a state of a detector.
Properties shared by all states.
A builder for StateProps
A builder for StateProps
An implementation for StateProps
An implementation for StateProps
Metrics on the rate limiting performed on state machine execution.
Statistic to use over the aggregation period.
(experimental) The status of the assertion.
A generic Step which can be added to a Pipeline.
StepFunctionInvokeAction that is provided by an AWS CodePipeline.
A fluent builder for StepFunctionInvokeAction.
Options when configuring Step Functions synchronous integration with Rest API.
Options to integrate with various StepFunction API.
Construction properties of the
invalid @link
StepFunction Invoke Action
An implementation for StepFunctionsInvokeActionProps
A Step Functions Task to invoke an Activity worker.
A fluent builder for StepFunctionsInvokeActivity.
Properties for invoking an Activity worker.
An implementation for StepFunctionsInvokeActivityProps
Defines an API Gateway REST API with a Synchrounous Express State Machine as a proxy integration.
A fluent builder for StepFunctionsRestApi.
Properties for StepFunctionsRestApi.
An implementation for StepFunctionsRestApiProps
A Step Functions Task to call StartExecution on another state machine.
A fluent builder for StepFunctionsStartExecution.
Properties for StartExecution.
An implementation for StepFunctionsStartExecutionProps
used by IStepFunctionsTask.
Define a step scaling action.
Define a step scaling action.
A fluent builder for StepScalingAction.
A fluent builder for StepScalingAction.
Properties for a scaling policy.
Properties for a scaling policy.
An implementation for StepScalingActionProps
An implementation for StepScalingActionProps
Define a scaling strategy which scales depending on absolute values of some metric.
Define a acaling strategy which scales depending on absolute values of some metric.
A fluent builder for StepScalingPolicy.
A fluent builder for StepScalingPolicy.
An implementation for StepScalingPolicyProps
An implementation for StepScalingPolicyProps
Terminates the evaluation of the receipt rule set and optionally publishes a notification to Amazon SNS.
A fluent builder for Stop.
StopAction configuration.
A builder for StopActionConfig
An implementation for StopActionConfig
Specifies a limit to how long a model training job can run.
A builder for StoppingCondition
An implementation for StoppingCondition
Construction properties for a stop action.
A builder for StopProps
An implementation for StopProps
Storage class used for storing the object.
Storage class to move an object to.
The type of storage.
A Kinesis stream.
A fluent builder for Stream.
A reference to a stream.
A builder for StreamAttributes
An implementation for StreamAttributes
What kind of server-side encryption to apply to this stream.
(experimental) Options for server-side encryption of a delivery stream.
Use an stream as an event source for AWS Lambda.
The set of properties for streaming event sources shared by Dynamo and Kinesis.
An implementation for StreamEventSourceProps
(experimental) A new IVS Stream Key.
(experimental) A fluent builder for StreamKey.
(experimental) Properties for creating a new Stream Key.
A builder for StreamKeyProps
An implementation for StreamKeyProps
Specifies the capacity mode to apply to this stream.
Properties for a new LogStream created from a LogGroup.
A builder for StreamOptions
An implementation for StreamOptions
Properties for a Kinesis Stream.
A builder for StreamProps
An implementation for StreamProps
When an item in the table is modified, StreamViewType determines what information is written to the stream for this table.
The String custom attribute type.
A fluent builder for StringAttribute.
Constraints that can be applied to a custom attribute of string type.
An implementation for StringAttributeConstraints
Props for constructing a StringAttr.
A builder for StringAttributeProps
An implementation for StringAttributeProps
Converts all fragments to strings and concats those.
Conditions that can be applied to string attributes.
A builder for StringConditions
An implementation for StringConditions
Creates a new StringList SSM Parameter.
A fluent builder for StringListParameter.
Properties needed to create a StringList SSM Parameter.
An implementation for StringListParameterProps
Creates a new String SSM Parameter.
A fluent builder for StringParameter.
Attributes for parameters of various types of string.
An implementation for StringParameterAttributes
Properties needed to create a String SSM parameter.
A builder for StringParameterProps
An implementation for StringParameterProps
(experimental) Sub domain settings.
A builder for SubDomain
An implementation for SubDomain
Used to generate Subject Alternative Names Matchers.
All Properties for Subject Alternative Names Matcher for both Client Policy and Listener.
Represents a new VPC subnet resource.
A fluent builder for Subnet.
A builder for SubnetAttributes
An implementation for SubnetAttributes
Specify configuration parameters for a single subnet group in a VPC.
A builder for SubnetConfiguration
An implementation for SubnetConfiguration
Contains logic which chooses a set of subnets from a larger list, in conjunction with SubnetSelection, to determine where to place AWS resources such as VPC endpoints, EC2 instances, etc.
(experimental) Class for creating a RDS DB subnet group.
Class for creating a RDS DB subnet group.
(experimental) A fluent builder for SubnetGroup.
A fluent builder for SubnetGroup.
(experimental) Properties for creating a SubnetGroup.
Properties for creating a SubnetGroup.
A builder for SubnetGroupProps
A builder for SubnetGroupProps
An implementation for SubnetGroupProps
An implementation for SubnetGroupProps
A fluent builder for SubnetNetworkAclAssociation.
Properties to create a SubnetNetworkAclAssociation.
An implementation for SubnetNetworkAclAssociationProps
Specify configuration parameters for a VPC subnet.
A builder for SubnetProps
An implementation for SubnetProps
Customize subnets that are selected for placement of ENIs.
A builder for SubnetSelection
An implementation for SubnetSelection
The type of Subnet.
A new subscription.
A fluent builder for Subscription.
A new Subscription on a CloudWatch log group.
A subscription filter for an attribute.
A fluent builder for SubscriptionFilter.
Properties for a new SubscriptionFilter created from a LogGroup.
An implementation for SubscriptionFilterOptions
Properties for a SubscriptionFilter.
An implementation for SubscriptionFilterProps
Options for creating a new subscription.
A builder for SubscriptionOptions
An implementation for SubscriptionOptions
Properties for creating a new subscription.
Options to subscribing to an SNS topic.
A builder for SubscriptionProps
A builder for SubscriptionProps
An implementation for SubscriptionProps
An implementation for SubscriptionProps
The type of subscription, controlling the type of the endpoint parameter.
Define a Succeed state in the state machine.
A fluent builder for Succeed.
Properties for defining a Succeed state.
A builder for SucceedProps
An implementation for SucceedProps
Determines how symlinks are followed.
A builder for SynthesisMessage
An implementation for SynthesisMessage
use app.synth() or stage.synth() instead
Stack artifact options.
An implementation for SynthesizeStackArtifactOptions
A log driver that sends log information to syslog Logs.
A fluent builder for SyslogLogDriver.
Specifies the syslog log driver configuration options.
A builder for SyslogLogDriverProps
An implementation for SyslogLogDriverProps
Kernel parameters to set in the container.
A builder for SystemControl
An implementation for SystemControl
Options for configuring a system errors metric that considers multiple operations.
Provides a DynamoDB table.
(experimental) A Glue table.
(experimental) A table in a Redshift cluster.
A fluent builder for Table.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Table.
(experimental) A fluent builder for Table.
(experimental) An action that a Redshift user can be granted privilege to perform on a table.
Reference to a dynamodb table.
(experimental) A full specification of a Redshift table that can be used to import it fluently into the CDK application.
A builder for TableAttributes
A builder for TableAttributes
A builder for TableAttributes
An implementation for TableAttributes
An implementation for TableAttributes
An implementation for TableAttributes
DynamoDB's table class.
(experimental) The data distribution style of a table.
What kind of server-side encryption to apply to this table.
(experimental) Encryption options for a Table.
Properties of a DynamoDB Table.
A builder for TableOptions
An implementation for TableOptions
Properties for a DynamoDB Table.
(experimental) Properties for configuring a Redshift table.
A builder for TableProps
A builder for TableProps
A builder for TableProps
An implementation for TableProps
An implementation for TableProps
An implementation for TableProps
(experimental) The sort style of a table.
Metadata Entry spec for stack tag.
The Tag Aspect will handle adding a tag to this node and cascading tags to children.
A builder for Tag
A fluent builder for Tag.
A builder for Tag
An implementation for Tag
An implementation for Tag
A tag condition.
A builder for TagCondition
An implementation for TagCondition
TagManager facilitates a common implementation of tagging for Constructs.
A fluent builder for TagManager.
Options to configure TagManager behavior.
A builder for TagManagerOptions
An implementation for TagManagerOptions
The tag mutability setting for your repository.
An operation that is applied to a key-value pair.
Defines a set of TagOptions, which are a list of key-value pairs managed in AWS Service Catalog.
A fluent builder for TagOptions.
Properties for TagOptions.
A builder for TagOptionsProps
An implementation for TagOptionsProps
A special type of ContainerImage that uses an ECR repository for the image, but a CloudFormation Parameter for the tag of the image in that repository.
Properties for a tag.
A builder for TagProps
An implementation for TagProps
Manages AWS tags for all resources within a construct scope.
Select images based on tags.
Properties for ResourceUpdateConstraint.
An implementation for TagUpdateConstraintOptions
Effect types of kubernetes node taint.
Taint interface.
A builder for TaintSpec
An implementation for TaintSpec
An asset that represents a Docker image.
A fluent builder for TarballImageAsset.
Options for TarballImageAsset.
An implementation for TarballImageAssetProps
The generic properties for an RuleTarget.
A builder for TargetBaseProps
An implementation for TargetBaseProps
Properties to reference an existing target group.
A builder for TargetGroupAttributes
An implementation for TargetGroupAttributes
Define the target of a load balancer.
Use TargetGroupAttributes instead
Load balancing algorithmm type for target groups.
A fluent builder for TargetTrackingScalingPolicy.
A fluent builder for TargetTrackingScalingPolicy.
Properties for a concrete TargetTrackingPolicy.
Properties for a concrete TargetTrackingPolicy.
An implementation for TargetTrackingScalingPolicyProps
An implementation for TargetTrackingScalingPolicyProps
How to interpret the load balancing target identifiers.
replaced by service integration specific classes (i.e.
The base class for all task definitions.
A fluent builder for TaskDefinition.
A reference to an existing task definition.
An implementation for TaskDefinitionAttributes
The properties for task definitions.
A builder for TaskDefinitionProps
An implementation for TaskDefinitionProps
An environment variable to be set in the container run as a task.
An environment variable to be set in the container run as a task.
An implementation for TaskEnvironmentVariable
An implementation for TaskEnvironmentVariable
Type union for task classes that accept multiple types of payload.
Task Metrics.
A builder for TaskMetricsConfig
An implementation for TaskMetricsConfig
replaced by service integration specific classes (i.e.
Define a Task state in the state machine.
Props that are common to all tasks.
A builder for TaskStateBaseProps
An implementation for TaskStateBaseProps
Connection pool properties for TCP listeners.
A builder for TcpConnectionPool
An implementation for TcpConnectionPool
Properties used to define TCP Based healthchecks.
A builder for TcpHealthCheckOptions
An implementation for TcpHealthCheckOptions
TCP events on which you may retry.
Properties specific for a TCP Based Routes.
A builder for TcpRouteSpecOptions
An implementation for TcpRouteSpecOptions
Represents timeouts for TCP protocols.
A builder for TcpTimeout
An implementation for TcpTimeout
Represent the TCP Node Listener prorperty.
An implementation for TcpVirtualNodeListenerOptions
Suite of assertions that can be run on a CDK stack.
Defines the provisioning template constraints.
A builder for TemplateRule
An implementation for TemplateRule
An assertion within a template rule, defined by intrinsic functions.
A builder for TemplateRuleAssertion
An implementation for TemplateRuleAssertion
Specifies the termination criteria to apply before Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling chooses an instance for termination.
(experimental) Specify a test that the canary should run.
Represents an integration test case.
A builder for TestCase
An implementation for TestCase
The set of options to control the workflow of the test runner.
A builder for TestOptions
An implementation for TestOptions
A dashboard widget that displays MarkDown.
A fluent builder for TextWidget.
Properties for a Text widget.
A builder for TextWidgetProps
An implementation for TextWidgetProps
Container for defining throttling parameters to API stages or methods.
(experimental) Container for defining throttling parameters to API stages.
A builder for ThrottleSettings
A builder for ThrottleSettings
An implementation for ThrottleSettings
An implementation for ThrottleSettings
Represents per-method throttling for a resource.
A builder for ThrottlingPerMethod
An implementation for ThrottlingPerMethod
EFS Throughput mode.
Options for how to convert time to a different unit.
A builder for TimeConversionOptions
An implementation for TimeConversionOptions
(experimental) TLS authentication properties.
A builder for TlsAuthProps
An implementation for TlsAuthProps
Represents a TLS certificate.
A wrapper for the tls config returned by
invalid @link
A builder for TlsCertificateConfig
An implementation for TlsCertificateConfig
Represents the properties needed to define client policy.
A builder for TlsClientPolicy
An implementation for TlsClientPolicy
Enum of supported TLS modes.
The type of TLS policy for a receipt rule.
use opensearchservice module instead
The minimum TLS version required for traffic to the domain.
Represents the properties needed to define TLS Validation context.
A builder for TlsValidation
An implementation for TlsValidation
Defines the TLS Validation Context Trust.
All Properties for TLS Validation Trusts for both Client Policy and Listener.
An implementation for TlsValidationTrustConfig
The details of a tmpfs mount for a container.
A builder for Tmpfs
An implementation for Tmpfs
The supported options for a tmpfs mount for a container.
Represents a special or lazily-evaluated value.
Token based lambda authorizer that recognizes the caller's identity as a bearer token, such as a JSON Web Token (JWT) or an OAuth token.
A fluent builder for TokenAuthorizer.
Properties for TokenAuthorizer.
A builder for TokenAuthorizerProps
An implementation for TokenAuthorizerProps
An enum-like class that represents the result of comparing two Tokens.
Less oft-needed functions to manipulate Tokens.
Fragments of a concatenated string containing stringified Tokens.
A new SNS topic.
A fluent builder for Topic.
Either a new or imported Topic.
Use an SNS topic as a hook target.
The policy for an SNS Topic.
A fluent builder for TopicPolicy.
Properties to associate SNS topics with a policy.
A builder for TopicPolicyProps
An implementation for TopicPolicyProps
Properties for a new SNS topic.
A builder for TopicProps
An implementation for TopicProps
(experimental) Defines an AWS IoT Rule in this stack.
(experimental) A fluent builder for TopicRule.
(experimental) Properties for defining an AWS IoT Rule.
A builder for TopicRuleProps
An implementation for TopicRuleProps
Subscription configuration.
An implementation for TopicSubscriptionConfig
X-Ray Tracing Modes (
The properties for enabling target tracking scaling based on a custom CloudWatch metric.
An implementation for TrackCustomMetricProps
Direction of traffic the AclEntry applies to.
Cloud trail allows you to log events that happen in your AWS account For example:.
A fluent builder for Trail.
Properties for an AWS CloudTrail trail.
A builder for TrailProps
An implementation for TrailProps
Options for creating a Transfer Acceleration URL.
An implementation for TransferAccelerationUrlOptions
S3 location of the input data that the model can consume.
A builder for TransformDataSource
An implementation for TransformDataSource
Dataset to be transformed and the Amazon S3 location where it is stored.
A builder for TransformInput
An implementation for TransformInput
S3 location where you want Amazon SageMaker to save the results from the transform job.
A builder for TransformOutput
An implementation for TransformOutput
ML compute instances for the transform job.
A builder for TransformResources
An implementation for TransformResources
Location of the channel data.
A builder for TransformS3DataSource
An implementation for TransformS3DataSource
Describes when an object transitions to a specified storage class.
A builder for Transition
An implementation for Transition
(experimental) Properties for options of state transition.
A builder for TransitionOptions
An implementation for TransitionOptions
Transport protocol for client VPN.
Specify how missing data points are treated during alarm evaluation.
Artifact properties for the Construct Tree Artifact.
An implementation for TreeArtifactProperties
Inspector that maintains an attribute bag.
Triggers an AWS Lambda function during deployment.
A fluent builder for Trigger.
Invokes an AWS Lambda function during deployment.
A fluent builder for TriggerFunction.
Props for InvokeFunction.
A builder for TriggerFunctionProps
An implementation for TriggerFunctionProps
Options for Trigger.
A builder for TriggerOptions
An implementation for TriggerOptions
Props for Trigger.
A builder for TriggerProps
An implementation for TriggerProps
A DNS TXT record.
A fluent builder for TxtRecord.
Construction properties for a TxtRecord.
A builder for TxtRecordProps
An implementation for TxtRecordProps
(experimental) Enum containing the Types that can be used to define ObjectTypes.
(experimental) Represents a type of a column in a table schema.
A builder for Type
An implementation for Type
The ulimit settings to pass to the container.
A builder for Ulimit
An implementation for Ulimit
Type of resource to set a limit on.
What to do with unauthenticated requests.
(experimental) Union Types are abstract types that are similar to Interface Types, but they cannot to specify any common fields between types.
(experimental) A fluent builder for UnionType.
(experimental) Properties for configuring an Union Type.
A builder for UnionTypeOptions
An implementation for UnionTypeOptions
Unit for metric.
A principal for use in resources that need to have a role but it's unknown.
A fluent builder for UnknownPrincipal.
Properties for an UnknownPrincipal.
A builder for UnknownPrincipalProps
An implementation for UnknownPrincipalProps
Code signing configuration policy for deployment validation failure.
Permissions Boundary for a CodeBuild Project running untrusted code.
A fluent builder for UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy.
Construction properties for UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy.
An implementation for UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps
This class is part of the old API.
This class is part of the old API.
How existing instances should be updated.
Use UpdatePolicy instead
Use a URL as a subscription target.
A fluent builder for UrlSubscription.
Options for URL subscriptions.
A builder for UrlSubscriptionProps
An implementation for UrlSubscriptionProps
A fluent builder for UsagePlan.
Represents the API stages that a usage plan applies to.
A builder for UsagePlanPerApiStage
An implementation for UsagePlanPerApiStage
A builder for UsagePlanProps
An implementation for UsagePlanProps
Define a new IAM user.
(experimental) A user in a Redshift cluster.
A fluent builder for User.
(experimental) A fluent builder for User.
Represents a user defined outside of this stack.
(experimental) A full specification of a Redshift user that can be used to import it fluently into the CDK application.
A builder for UserAttributes
A builder for UserAttributes
An implementation for UserAttributes
An implementation for UserAttributes
Instance User Data.
Custom user defined metadata.
An implementation for UserDefinedObjectMetadata
User pool configuration when administrators sign users up.
A builder for UserInvitationConfig
An implementation for UserInvitationConfig
Define a Cognito User Pool.
A fluent builder for UserPool.
(experimental) Defines a User Pool Authentication Provider.
(experimental) A fluent builder for UserPoolAuthenticationProvider.
(experimental) Represents a UserPoolAuthenticationProvider Bind Configuration.
(experimental) Represents UserPoolAuthenticationProvider Bind Options.
(experimental) Props for the User Pool Authentication Provider.
Define a UserPool App Client.
A fluent builder for UserPoolClient.
Identity providers supported by the UserPoolClient.
Options to create a UserPoolClient.
A builder for UserPoolClientOptions
An implementation for UserPoolClientOptions
Properties for the UserPoolClient construct.
A builder for UserPoolClientProps
An implementation for UserPoolClientProps
(experimental) Configuration for Cognito user-pools in AppSync.
A builder for UserPoolConfig
An implementation for UserPoolConfig
(experimental) enum with all possible values for Cognito user-pool default actions.
Define a user pool domain.
A fluent builder for UserPoolDomain.
Options to create a UserPoolDomain.
A builder for UserPoolDomainOptions
An implementation for UserPoolDomainOptions
Props for UserPoolDomain construct.
A builder for UserPoolDomainProps
An implementation for UserPoolDomainProps
Use a user pool domain as an alias record target.
Configure how Cognito sends emails.
User pool third-party identity providers.
Represents a identity provider that integrates with 'Login with Amazon'.
A fluent builder for UserPoolIdentityProviderAmazon.
Properties to initialize UserPoolAmazonIdentityProvider.
Represents a identity provider that integrates with 'Apple'.
A fluent builder for UserPoolIdentityProviderApple.
Properties to initialize UserPoolAppleIdentityProvider.
Represents a identity provider that integrates with 'Facebook Login'.
A fluent builder for UserPoolIdentityProviderFacebook.
Properties to initialize UserPoolFacebookIdentityProvider.
Represents a identity provider that integrates with 'Google'.
A fluent builder for UserPoolIdentityProviderGoogle.
Properties to initialize UserPoolGoogleIdentityProvider.
Represents a identity provider that integrates with OpenID Connect.
A fluent builder for UserPoolIdentityProviderOidc.
Properties to initialize UserPoolIdentityProviderOidc.
An implementation for UserPoolIdentityProviderOidcProps
Properties to create a new instance of UserPoolIdentityProvider.
An implementation for UserPoolIdentityProviderProps
User pool operations to which lambda triggers can be attached.
Props for the UserPool construct.
A builder for UserPoolProps
An implementation for UserPoolProps
Defines a User Pool OAuth2.0 Resource Server.
A fluent builder for UserPoolResourceServer.
Options to create a UserPoolResourceServer.
An implementation for UserPoolResourceServerOptions
Properties for the UserPoolResourceServer construct.
An implementation for UserPoolResourceServerProps
Configuration for Cognito sending emails via Amazon SES.
A builder for UserPoolSESOptions
An implementation for UserPoolSESOptions
Triggers for a user pool.
A builder for UserPoolTriggers
An implementation for UserPoolTriggers
Properties for defining an IAM user.
(experimental) Properties for configuring a Redshift user.
A builder for UserProps
A builder for UserProps
An implementation for UserProps
An implementation for UserProps
User pool configuration for user self sign up.
An implementation for UserVerificationConfig
Options for enabling Lambda utilization tracking.
An implementation for UtilizationScalingOptions
Properties for enabling DynamoDB utilization tracking.
An implementation for UtilizationScalingProps
An error returned during the validation phase.
A builder for ValidationError
An implementation for ValidationError
Method used to assert ownership of the domain.
Representation of validation results.
A collection of validation results.
(experimental) Factory class for attribute value assignments.
The email verification style.
Tag the current state of a Function with a Version number.
A fluent builder for Version.
A builder for VersionAttributes
An implementation for VersionAttributes
Options for lambda.Version.
A builder for VersionOptions
An implementation for VersionOptions
Properties for a new Lambda version.
A builder for VersionProps
An implementation for VersionProps
A version/weight pair for routing traffic to Lambda functions.
A builder for VersionWeight
An implementation for VersionWeight
A principal to allow access to a key if it's being used through another AWS service.
Viewer certificate configuration class.
An implementation for ViewerCertificateOptions
How HTTPs should be handled with your distribution.
Class that returns a virtual cluster's id depending on input type.
VirtualGateway represents a newly defined App Mesh Virtual Gateway.
A fluent builder for VirtualGateway.
Unterface with properties necessary to import a reusable VirtualGateway.
An implementation for VirtualGatewayAttributes
Basic configuration properties for a VirtualGateway.
An implementation for VirtualGatewayBaseProps
Represents the properties needed to define listeners for a VirtualGateway.
Properties for a VirtualGateway listener.
An implementation for VirtualGatewayListenerConfig
Properties used when creating a new VirtualGateway.
A builder for VirtualGatewayProps
An implementation for VirtualGatewayProps
Options for creating Virtual-Hosted style URL.
An implementation for VirtualHostedStyleUrlOptions
VirtualNode represents a newly defined AppMesh VirtualNode.
A fluent builder for VirtualNode.
Interface with properties necessary to import a reusable VirtualNode.
A builder for VirtualNodeAttributes
An implementation for VirtualNodeAttributes
Basic configuration properties for a VirtualNode.
A builder for VirtualNodeBaseProps
An implementation for VirtualNodeBaseProps
Defines listener for a VirtualNode.
Properties for a VirtualNode listener.
An implementation for VirtualNodeListenerConfig
The properties used when creating a new VirtualNode.
A builder for VirtualNodeProps
An implementation for VirtualNodeProps
A fluent builder for VirtualRouter.
Interface with properties ncecessary to import a reusable VirtualRouter.
An implementation for VirtualRouterAttributes
Interface with base properties all routers willl inherit.
An implementation for VirtualRouterBaseProps
Represents the properties needed to define listeners for a VirtualRouter.
Properties for a VirtualRouter listener.
An implementation for VirtualRouterListenerConfig
The properties used when creating a new VirtualRouter.
A builder for VirtualRouterProps
An implementation for VirtualRouterProps
VirtualService represents a service inside an AppMesh.
A fluent builder for VirtualService.
Interface with properties ncecessary to import a reusable VirtualService.
An implementation for VirtualServiceAttributes
Represents the properties needed to define a Virtual Service backend.
An implementation for VirtualServiceBackendOptions
The properties applied to the VirtualService being defined.
A builder for VirtualServiceProps
An implementation for VirtualServiceProps
Represents the properties needed to define the provider for a VirtualService.
Properties for a VirtualService provider.
An implementation for VirtualServiceProviderConfig
Creates a new EBS Volume in AWS EC2.
A data volume used in a task definition.
A fluent builder for Volume.
A builder for Volume
An implementation for Volume
Attributes required to import an existing EBS Volume into the Stack.
A builder for VolumeAttributes
An implementation for VolumeAttributes
The details on a data volume from another container in the same task definition.
A builder for VolumeFrom
An implementation for VolumeFrom
Properties of an EBS Volume.
A builder for VolumeProps
An implementation for VolumeProps
Define an AWS Virtual Private Cloud.
A fluent builder for Vpc.
Properties that reference an external Vpc.
A builder for VpcAttributes
An implementation for VpcAttributes
Specifies the VPC that you want your Amazon SageMaker training job to connect to.
A builder for VpcConfig
An implementation for VpcConfig
(experimental) The App Runner VPC Connector.
(experimental) A fluent builder for VpcConnector.
(experimental) Attributes for the App Runner VPC Connector.
An implementation for VpcConnectorAttributes
(experimental) Properties of the AppRunner VPC Connector.
A builder for VpcConnectorProps
An implementation for VpcConnectorProps
Query input for looking up a VPC.
A builder for VpcContextQuery
An implementation for VpcContextQuery
Properties of a discovered VPC.
A builder for VpcContextResponse
An implementation for VpcContextResponse
A VPC endpoint service.
A fluent builder for VpcEndpointService.
A Private DNS configuration for a VPC endpoint service.
A fluent builder for VpcEndpointServiceDomainName.
Properties to configure a VPC Endpoint Service domain name.
An implementation for VpcEndpointServiceDomainNameProps
Construction properties for a VpcEndpointService.
An implementation for VpcEndpointServiceProps
The type of VPC endpoint.
Define a new VPC Link Specifies an API Gateway VPC link for a RestApi to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
(experimental) Define a new VPC Link Specifies an API Gateway VPC link for a HTTP API to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
A fluent builder for VpcLink.
(experimental) A fluent builder for VpcLink.
(experimental) Attributes when importing a new VpcLink.
A builder for VpcLinkAttributes
An implementation for VpcLinkAttributes
Properties for a VpcLink.
(experimental) Properties for a VpcLink.
A builder for VpcLinkProps
A builder for VpcLinkProps
An implementation for VpcLinkProps
An implementation for VpcLinkProps
Properties for looking up an existing VPC.
A builder for VpcLookupOptions
An implementation for VpcLookupOptions
Configuration for Vpc.
A builder for VpcProps
An implementation for VpcProps
A subnet representation that the VPC provider uses.
A builder for VpcSubnet
An implementation for VpcSubnet
A group of subnets returned by the VPC provider.
A builder for VpcSubnetGroup
An implementation for VpcSubnetGroup
The type of subnet group.
Define a VPN Connection.
A fluent builder for VpnConnection.
Attributes of an imported VpnConnection.
An implementation for VpnConnectionAttributes
Base class for Vpn connections.
A builder for VpnConnectionOptions
An implementation for VpnConnectionOptions
A builder for VpnConnectionProps
An implementation for VpnConnectionProps
The VPN connection type.
The VPN Gateway that shall be added to the VPC.
A fluent builder for VpnGateway.
The VpnGateway Properties.
A builder for VpnGatewayProps
An implementation for VpnGatewayProps
Port for client VPN.
A builder for VpnTunnelOption
An implementation for VpnTunnelOption
Define a Wait state in the state machine.
A fluent builder for Wait.
Properties for defining a Wait state.
A builder for WaitProps
An implementation for WaitProps
Represents the Wait state which delays a state machine from continuing for a specified time.
Define a warm pool.
A fluent builder for WarmPool.
Options for a warm pool.
A builder for WarmPoolOptions
An implementation for WarmPoolOptions
Properties for a warm pool.
A builder for WarmPoolProps
An implementation for WarmPoolProps
Multiple stages that are deployed in parallel.
A fluent builder for Wave.
Options to pass to addWave.
A builder for WaveOptions
An implementation for WaveOptions
Construction properties for a Wave.
A builder for WaveProps
An implementation for WaveProps
A principal that represents a federated identity provider as Web Identity such as Cognito, Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc.
(experimental) Create a new API Gateway WebSocket API endpoint.
(experimental) A fluent builder for WebSocketApi.
(experimental) Attributes for importing a WebSocketApi into the CDK.
An implementation for WebSocketApiAttributes
(experimental) Represents the currently available API Key Selection Expressions.
(experimental) Props for WebSocket API.
A builder for WebSocketApiProps
An implementation for WebSocketApiProps
(experimental) An authorizer for WebSocket Apis.
(experimental) A fluent builder for WebSocketAuthorizer.
(experimental) Reference to an WebSocket authorizer.
An implementation for WebSocketAuthorizerAttributes
(experimental) Properties to initialize an instance of WebSocketAuthorizer.
An implementation for WebSocketAuthorizerProps
(experimental) Supported Authorizer types.
(experimental) The integration for an API route.
(experimental) A fluent builder for WebSocketIntegration.
(experimental) The integration properties.
An implementation for WebSocketIntegrationProps
(experimental) WebSocket Integration Types.
(experimental) Authorize WebSocket Api routes via a lambda function.
(experimental) A fluent builder for WebSocketLambdaAuthorizer.
(experimental) Properties to initialize WebSocketTokenAuthorizer.
An implementation for WebSocketLambdaAuthorizerProps
(experimental) Lambda WebSocket Integration.
(experimental) Mock WebSocket Integration.
(experimental) Explicitly configure no authorizers on specific WebSocket API routes.
(experimental) Route class that creates the Route for API Gateway WebSocket API.
(experimental) A fluent builder for WebSocketRoute.
(experimental) Input to the bind() operation, that binds an authorizer to a route.
(experimental) Results of binding an authorizer to an WebSocket route.
An implementation for WebSocketRouteAuthorizerConfig
(experimental) The interface that various route integration classes will inherit.
(experimental) Options to the WebSocketRouteIntegration during its bind operation.
(experimental) Config returned back as a result of the bind.
An implementation for WebSocketRouteIntegrationConfig
(experimental) Options used to add route to the API.
A builder for WebSocketRouteOptions
An implementation for WebSocketRouteOptions
(experimental) Properties to initialize a new Route.
A builder for WebSocketRouteProps
An implementation for WebSocketRouteProps
(experimental) Represents a stage where an instance of the API is deployed.
(experimental) A fluent builder for WebSocketStage.
(experimental) The attributes used to import existing WebSocketStage.
An implementation for WebSocketStageAttributes
(experimental) Properties to initialize an instance of WebSocketStage.
A builder for WebSocketStageProps
An implementation for WebSocketStageProps
Enum for representing all the days of the week.
Properties for the Weighted Targets in the route.
A builder for WeightedTarget
An implementation for WeightedTarget
A Target Group and weight combination.
A builder for WeightedTargetGroup
An implementation for WeightedTargetGroup
use AllowListReceiptFilter
use AllowListReceiptFilterProps
A CodeBuild image running Windows.
Select the latest version of the indicated Windows version.
A fluent builder for WindowsImage.
Configuration options for WindowsImage.
A builder for WindowsImageProps
An implementation for WindowsImageProps
Environment type for Windows Docker images.
ECS-optimized Windows version list.
The Windows version to use for the WindowsImage.
Options for the withoutPolicyUpdates() modifier of a Role.
An implementation for WithoutPolicyUpdatesOptions
(experimental) The type of predefined worker that is allocated when a job runs.
WorkmailAction configuration.
A builder for WorkmailActionConfig
An implementation for WorkmailActionConfig
Properties for a Y-Axis.
A builder for YAxisProps
An implementation for YAxisProps
use opensearchservice module instead
Specifies zone awareness configuration options.
A builder for ZoneAwarenessConfig
An implementation for ZoneAwarenessConfig
Options available when creating a delegation relationship from one PublicHostedZone to another.
A builder for ZoneDelegationOptions
An implementation for ZoneDelegationOptions
A record to delegate further lookups to a different set of name servers.
A fluent builder for ZoneDelegationRecord.
Construction properties for a ZoneDelegationRecord.
An implementation for ZoneDelegationRecordProps