Flow version control: Roll back a flow
View a previous version of a
This procedure is especially useful if you want to research how a flow has been changed over time.
In the flow designer, open the flow you want to view.
Choose the Latest: Published dropdown to view a list of previously published versions of the flow.
For default flows that are provided with your Amazon Connect instance, the oldest flow in the list is the original version. The date matches when your Amazon Connect instance was created. For example, in the following image, the original default flow is dated 07/21/22.
For users with tag-based access controls configured on their security profile, the dropdown will be restricted to Latest: Published and Latest: Saved versions. To learn more about tag-based access controls in Amazon Connect, see Apply tag-based access control in Amazon Connect.
Choose the version of the flow to open and view it. You can view all the blocks and how they are configured.
Next, you can do one of the following:
To return to the most recently published version, choose it from the Latest: Published dropdown list.
Make changes to the previous version and choose Save as from the dropdown to save it with a new name. Or choose Save from the dropdown to assign the same name.
Or, choose Publish to return the previous version to production.
Roll back a flow
In the flow designer, open the flow you want to roll back.
Use the drop-down to choose the version of the flow you want to roll back to. If you choose Latest, it reverts the flow to the most recent published version. If there isn't a published version, it reverts to the most recent saved version.
To see a consolidated view of all changes across all flows, click the View historical changes link at the bottom of the Flows page. You can filter to a specific flow by date or user name.
Choose Publish to push that version into production.