Identify conferences and transfers by using
Amazon Connect contact records
Contact records capture the events associated with a contact in your contact center. For every new contact, Amazon Connect creates a contact record and assigns a unique Contact ID to the contact.
Each time an agent consults with another agent (internal to Amazon Connect or external, by using a toll free or direct inward dial number), Amazon Connect creates a consult leg contact record and issues a new Contact ID for this leg.
The main contact record and any subsequent consult leg contact record can be linked together by several Contact ID fields, for example, Initial Contact ID, Next Contact ID and Previous Contact ID.
This topic explains how you can use these fields to differentiate conferences and transfers in contact records. It also provides a logic to establish the type of consultative operation: Consult call, Conference, or Transfer.
The following terminology is used in this topic:
- Consultative call
A call involving three participants:
The initiator, for example, a customer
The recipient, for example, an agent
A consulted participant, for example, a supervisor or an external third-party translator
A consultative call can end up being a consult call, a transfer call, or a conference call.
- Consult call
A call in which the recipient agent consults with another participant (for example, an agent in the same Amazon Connect instance or an external entity), while the initiator is placed on hold.
After a call is disconnected, Amazon Connect places the agent in an After Call Work (ACW) state. The contact record is updated with the timestamp when this state was entered. In the case of consult calls, the consulted participant disconnects earlier than the customer.
The contact record records the timestamp when the agent was placed in ACW state under
. - Transfer call
The recipient transfers the initiator to the consulted participant. In this case, the recipient agent enters ACW earlier than the consulted agent.
- Conferenced call
The recipient conferences the initiator to the consulted participant (three-way call).
Amazon Connect allows more than three participants to be conferenced together. For internal calls, the consulted participant enters ACW earlier than the recipient in both Consult and Conference situations. The difference, however, is that in a conference situation, the consulted participant also gets to speak with the customer, while in a consult case, the customer is placed on hold by the recipient.
The following sections explain how you can identify each of these types of calls in a contact record.
Contact records for consultative
Let's say customer calls Agent1. The agent doesn't transfer or consult with others. When call is disconnected, the contact record looks like the following sample (only the relevant fields are shown):
{ "AWSAccountId": "
", "Agent": { "ARN": "agent-arn
", "AfterContactWorkStartTimestamp": "2024-08-02T17:50:53Z", . . "Username": "Agent1" }, "ContactId": "497f04ca-6de1-408f-9b8a-ec57bcc99b31", . . "InitialContactId": null, "NextContactId": null, "PreviousContactId": null, . . }
If Agent1 were to initiate a consultative call with another agent (Agent2), it be a Consult, a Transfer, or a Conference.
The following sample contact record shows how this would look for the initiating agent (Agent1) and the recipient agent (Agent2):
Initiating agent (Agent1)
{ "Agent": { "ARN": "
" "AfterContactWorkStartTimestamp": "2024-08-02T17:50:53Z", . . "Username": "Agent1" }, "ContactId": "497f04ca-6de1-408f-9b8a-ec57bcc99b31", "InitialContactId": null, "NextContactId": "6aa058d3-e771-4544-8e93-f5ce9c9003b3", . . } -
Recipient agent (Agent2)
{ "Agent": { "ARN": "
", "AfterContactWorkStartTimestamp": "2024-08-02T17:51:07Z", . . "Username": "Agent2" }, "ContactId": "6aa058d3-e771-4544-8e93-f5ce9c9003b3", "InitialContactId": "497f04ca-6de1-408f-9b8a-ec57bcc99b31", "NextContactId": null, "PreviousContactId": "497f04ca-6de1-408f-9b8a-ec57bcc99b31", . . }The relationship between the two parts of the contact record is shown in the following diagram:
Where Agent1 (A1) and Agent2 (A2) are linked by:
N = Next Contact ID. This field appears in the contact record for the initial leg. This is the Contact ID of the last agent that this agent consulted with (in this case, the last agent is A2).
P = Previous Contact ID. This field appears in the contact record for the consult leg. This is the Contact ID of the leg that called this leg. In this case, that is A1.
Not shown in the diagram are:
Initial Contact ID: This is the Contact ID of the first interaction between the Agent1 (A1) and the customer (C).
Contact ID: This is the unique identifier of a given interaction.
Contact ID, Initial Contact ID, and Previous Contact ID are system attributes. For descriptions of each one, see System attributes.
This model can be extended to a consult call that involves multiple agents. Following are example use cases for how it can be extended.
Use case 1: Agent1 invites Agent2, Agent2 invites Agent3, and Agent3 invites Agent4. The Previous Contact ID is always the previous agent. The following diagram illustrates this use case.
Use case 2: Agent1 invites Agent2, Agent1 invites Agent3, and Agent1 invites Agent4. The Previous Contact ID is always Agent1. The following diagram illustrates this use case.
Use case 3: Agent1 invites Agent2, Agent2 invites Agent4 and Agent5, Agent1 invites Agent3. The Previous Contact ID for Agents2 and 3 is Agent1. For Agents4 and 5 the Previous Contact ID is Agent2. The following diagram illustrates this use case.
How to identify consultative calls
Step 2: Identify relation between each pair by using their Contact ID fields (Previous Contact ID, Next Contact ID, Initial Contact ID and Contact ID). Examine additional fields in the contact record to identify the type of consultative operation: Consult / Transfer or Conference.
Step 1: Group all the legs associated with the main contact
This step helps you group all the calls that were initiated by a given initiator / caller. The fields of interest are Contact ID, Previous Contact ID, Next Contact ID, Initial Contact ID, and Contact ID. This also helps you understand the number of legs it took to resolve the call. The workflow for this is as follows:
Establish the initiator: This is the contact record where the
field isNULL
. Additionally,PreviousContactId
is alsoNULL
for this record. -
Every contact record where the
field equals theContactId
of the initiator contact record is related to this contact record.
Step 2: Identify relation between each pair by using their Contact ID fields
You can use following logic to identify consults versus transfers versus
conferences. The logic uses timestamp fields noted in the contact record. All
relevant fields have been marked as code
Consult calls
Initiator consults with another party - within the same Amazon Connect instance (Internal) or external to that instance (External), using a DID or toll-free number.
Internal consults characteristics:
The consulted agent enters ACW before the initiator agent
The consulted agent never speaks with the customer, this is because the customer has been placed on hold by the initiator. Therefore the field
for the consulted agent is ZERO.
External consult characteristic:
The initiator's Customer Hold Duration is higher than the external party's Interaction Duration (
Conference calls
Initiator conferences with another participant within the same Amazon Connect instance (Internal) or external to that instance (External), using a DID or toll-free number.
Internal consults characteristics:
The consulted agent enters ACW before the initiator agent.
The consulted agent speaks with the customer:
is non ZERO.
External consult characteristics:
The initiator's Customer Hold Duration is lesser than the external party's Interaction Duration (
) . This means the customer was briefly placed on hold, and then all participants were engaged in the call.
Transfer calls
Initiator consults with another party - within the same Amazon Connect instance (Internal) or external to that instance (External), using a DID or toll-free number.
Internal consults characteristics:
The consulted agent enters ACW after the initiator agent.
The field
is non ZERO for the initiator agent.
External consult characteristics:
The initiator enters ACW (
) before the external leg is disconnected (DisconnectTimestamp
). -
The field
is non ZERO for the initiator agent.
Code snippets
The following example code snippets—in SQL, Java script, and Python—demonstrate how to identify conference, transfer and consultative calls by leveraging the logic described in the previous section. These snippets are provided as an example, and not intended for production.
SQL code
-- Conference transfer query DO NOT EDIT --
SELECT current_cr.contact_id,
previous_cr.agent_username as initiator_agent_username,
) as recipient_agent_username,
WHEN previous_cr.agent_after_contact_work_start_timestamp < current_cr.agent_after_contact_work_start_timestamp
AND previous_cr.transfer_completed_timestamp IS NOT NULL THEN 'TRANSFER'
WHEN previous_cr.agent_after_contact_work_start_timestamp > current_cr.agent_after_contact_work_start_timestamp
AND current_cr.agent_interaction_duration_ms <= 2000 THEN 'CONSULT'
WHEN previous_cr.agent_after_contact_work_start_timestamp > current_cr.agent_after_contact_work_start_timestamp
AND current_cr.agent_interaction_duration_ms > 2000 THEN 'CONFERENCE'
WHEN current_cr.agent_username is NULL
AND current_cr.initiation_method = 'EXTERNAL_OUTBOUND'
AND previous_cr.agent_after_contact_work_start_timestamp > current_cr.disconnect_timestamp
AND previous_cr.agent_customer_hold_duration_ms > current_cr.external_third_party_interaction_duration_ms THEN 'EXTERNAL_CONSULT'
WHEN current_cr.agent_username is NULL
AND current_cr.initiation_method = 'EXTERNAL_OUTBOUND'
AND previous_cr.agent_after_contact_work_start_timestamp > current_cr.disconnect_timestamp
AND previous_cr.agent_customer_hold_duration_ms < current_cr.external_third_party_interaction_duration_ms THEN 'EXTERNAL_CONFERENCE'
WHEN current_cr.agent_username is NULL
AND current_cr.initiation_method = 'EXTERNAL_OUTBOUND'
AND current_cr.disconnect_timestamp > previous_cr.transfer_completed_timestamp THEN 'EXTERNAL_TRANSFER' ELSE 'START'
FROM contact_record_link current_cr
LEFT JOIN contact_record_link previous_cr ON previous_cr.contact_id = current_cr.previous_contact_id
current_cr.initial_contact_id = 'A CONTACT ID'
or current_cr.contact_id = 'SAME CONTACT ID AS ABOVE'
order by current_cr.agent_connected_to_agent_timestamp asc
Python code
"""Module Compare CTR's and establish relation"""
# Usage python [Initial Contact ID]
# Example: python 497f04ca-6de1-408f-9b8a-ec57bcc99b31
# Have your CTR record JSON files in the same directory as this Python module
# and execute the module as noted above. The input parameter is the
# Initial Contact ID / the Contact ID of the first leg of the call.
import json
import re
import os
import sys
from dateutil import parser
JSON = '.json'
def process_ctr_records(ctr_array):
""" Function to process CTR Records"""
relation = {}
output_list = []
if ctr_array is None : return None
for i, a_record in enumerate(ctr_array):
if (prev_cid := a_record.get('PreviousContactId', None)) is not None:
if (parent_ctr := get_parent_node(ctr_array, a_record['ContactId'], prev_cid)) is not None:
relation = establish_relation(parent_ctr, a_record)
relation = establish_parent(a_record)
if relation is not None:
return output_list
def establish_parent(a_ctr):
""" Establish the first record - the one that doesn't have a Previous Contact ID"""
if a_ctr.get('Agent', None) is not None:
return {
'Agent': a_ctr['Agent']['Username']
,'ConnectedToAgentTimestamp': a_ctr['Agent']['ConnectedToAgentTimestamp']
,'Root Contact ID': a_ctr['ContactId']
def establish_relation(parent, child):
""" Establish Conf / Transfer / Consult relation between two Agents"""
if is_external_call(child):
return establish_external_relation(parent, child)
return establish_internal_relation(parent, child)
def establish_external_relation(parent, child):
""" Establish Conf / Transfer / Consult relation between two Agents - External call"""
ret = {
'Parties': parent['Agent']['Username'] + ' <-> External:' + child['CustomerEndpoint']['Address']
,'Contact State': parent.get('Contact State', CONTACT_STATE_INT)
,'ConnectedToAgentTimestamp': child['ConnectedToSystemTimestamp']
parent_acw_start_ts = parser.parse(parent['Agent']['AfterContactWorkStartTimestamp'])
child_disconnect_ts = parser.parse(child['DisconnectTimestamp'])
if (parent_acw_start_ts - child_disconnect_ts).total_seconds() > 0: # Parent ended after child: Consult or conference
ret['Type'] = TYPE_EXT_CONSULT if (parent['Agent']['CustomerHoldDuration'] - child['ExternalThirdParty']['ExternalThirdPartyInteractionDuration']) > INTERACTION_DURN_THRESHOLD else TYPE_EXT_CONF
elif ((transfer_completed_ts := parser.parse(parent.get('TransferCompletedTimestamp', None))) is not None) and \
((child_disconnect_ts - transfer_completed_ts).total_seconds() > 0): # ACW started after transfer was completed
ret['Type'] = TYPE_TRANSFER
return ret
def establish_internal_relation(parent, child):
""" Establish Conf / Transfer / Consult relation between two Agents - Internal call"""
ret = {
'Parties': parent['Agent']['Username'] + ' <-> ' + child['Agent']['Username']
,'Contact State': parent.get('Contact State', CONTACT_STATE_INT)
,'Child Contact ID': child.get('ContactId', 'NOTHING')
,'ConnectedToAgentTimestamp': child['Agent']['ConnectedToAgentTimestamp']
parent_acw_start_ts = parser.parse(parent['Agent']['AfterContactWorkStartTimestamp'])
child_acw_start_ts = parser.parse(child['Agent']['AfterContactWorkStartTimestamp'])
if (parent_acw_start_ts - child_acw_start_ts).total_seconds() > 0: # Parent ended after child: Consult or conference
ret['Type'] = TYPE_CONSULT if child['Agent']['AgentInteractionDuration'] < INTERACTION_DURN_THRESHOLD else TYPE_CONFERENCE
elif ((transfer_completed_ts := parser.parse(parent.get('TransferCompletedTimestamp', None))) is not None) and \
((child_acw_start_ts - transfer_completed_ts).total_seconds() > 0): # ACW started after transfer was completed
ret['Type'] = TYPE_TRANSFER
return ret
def is_external_call(a_record):
"""Is this an external call """
if (a_record.get('Agent', None) is None and
a_record.get('InitiationMethod', None) == 'EXTERNAL_OUTBOUND'):
return True
return False
def get_parent_node(ctr_array, child_cid, child_prev_cid):
""" Get the parent node when we have a Previous Contact ID"""
for i, a_record in enumerate(ctr_array):
if (parent_cid := a_record.get('ContactId', None)) is not None:
if compare_strings(parent_cid, child_prev_cid):
if (parent_next_cid := a_record.get('NextContactId', None)) is not None:
if compare_strings(parent_next_cid, child_cid):
return a_record | {'Contact State': CONTACT_STATE_FINAL}
return a_record
return a_record | {'Contact State': CONTACT_STATE_INT}
def compare_strings(s1, s2):
""" Compare two Contact IDs"""
if s1 is None or s2 is None : return False
return, s1)
def read_all_ctr_records(a_cid):
""" Read all the CTR records for a given Initial Contact ID. Modify for S3 read"""
ctr_array = []
for file_name in [file for file in os.listdir(PATH_OF_FILES) if file.endswith(JSON)]:
with open(PATH_OF_FILES + file_name, encoding=ENCODING) as json_file:
a_ctr = json.load(json_file)
except ValueError:
print('Error in parsing JSON. File name:[', file_name, ']')
if a_ctr is not None:
c_id = a_ctr['ContactId']
init_cid = a_ctr.get('InitialContactId', None)
if compare_strings(a_cid, c_id):
elif compare_strings(a_cid, init_cid):
return ctr_array
def main():
""" Entry point"""
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Incorrect number of arguments (', len(sys.argv), ') --> python [Initial Contact ID]')
output_list = process_ctr_records(read_all_ctr_records(sys.argv[1]))
if output_list is not None and len(output_list) > 0:
output_list.sort(key=lambda x: x['ConnectedToAgentTimestamp'])
for i, an_entry in enumerate(output_list):
print(json.dumps(an_entry, indent=PRINT_INDENT))
print('Unable to find Contact ID:[', sys.argv[1], '] in the input CTR Records. Please check the files and try again.')
if __name__ == "__main__":
JS code
// Has a dependency on the following Node.js modules: - date-fns, fs, path
//sample input: node index.js 497f04ca-6de1-408f-9b8a-ec57bcc99b31
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const { parseISO } = require('date-fns');
const PATH_OF_FILES = './';
const JSON_EXT = '.json';
const ENCODING = 'UTF-8';
const PRINT_INDENT = 4;
function processCtrRecords(ctrArray) {
if (!ctrArray) return null;
const outputList = [];
ctrArray.forEach(record => {
let relation = null;
const prevCid = record.PreviousContactId;
if (prevCid) {
const parentRecord = findParentRecord(ctrArray, record.ContactId, prevCid);
if (parentRecord) {
relation = establishRelation(parentRecord, record);
} else {
relation = establishInitialRecord(record);
if (relation) {
return outputList;
function establishInitialRecord(record) {
if (record.Agent) {
return {
'Agent': record.Agent.Username,
'ConnectedToAgentTimestamp': record.Agent.ConnectedToAgentTimestamp,
'Root Contact ID': record.ContactId,
function establishRelation(parent, child) {
return isExternalCall(child)
? establishExternalRelation(parent, child)
: establishInternalRelation(parent, child);
function establishExternalRelation(parent, child) {
const parentAcwStartTs = parent.Agent?.AfterContactWorkStartTimestamp
? parseISO(parent.Agent.AfterContactWorkStartTimestamp)
: null;
const childDisconnectTs = child.DisconnectTimestamp
? parseISO(child.DisconnectTimestamp)
: null;
const relation = {
'Parties': `${parent.Agent.Username} <-> External:${child.CustomerEndpoint.Address}`,
'Contact State': parent['Contact State'] || CONTACT_STATES.INTERMEDIATE,
'ConnectedToAgentTimestamp': child.ConnectedToSystemTimestamp,
if (parentAcwStartTs && childDisconnectTs && (parentAcwStartTs - childDisconnectTs) > 0) {
if (parent.Agent.CustomerHoldDuration - child.ExternalThirdParty.ExternalThirdPartyInteractionDuration > INTERACTION_DURATION_THRESHOLD) {
} else {
} else if (parent.TransferCompletedTimestamp) {
const transferCompletedTs = parseISO(parent.TransferCompletedTimestamp);
if (transferCompletedTs && childDisconnectTs && (childDisconnectTs - transferCompletedTs) > 0) {
return relation;
function establishInternalRelation(parent, child) {
const parentAcwStartTs = parent.Agent?.AfterContactWorkStartTimestamp
? parseISO(parent.Agent.AfterContactWorkStartTimestamp)
: null;
const childAcwStartTs = child.Agent?.AfterContactWorkStartTimestamp
? parseISO(child.Agent.AfterContactWorkStartTimestamp)
: null;
const relation = {
'Parties': `${parent.Agent.Username} <-> ${child.Agent.Username}`,
'Contact State': parent['Contact State'] || CONTACT_STATES.INTERMEDIATE,
'Child Contact ID': child.ContactId || 'NOTHING',
'ConnectedToAgentTimestamp': child.Agent.ConnectedToAgentTimestamp,
if (parentAcwStartTs && childAcwStartTs && (parentAcwStartTs - childAcwStartTs) > 0) {
relation['Type'] = child.Agent.AgentInteractionDuration < INTERACTION_DURATION_THRESHOLD
} else if (parent.TransferCompletedTimestamp) {
const transferCompletedTs = parseISO(parent.TransferCompletedTimestamp);
if (transferCompletedTs && childAcwStartTs && (childAcwStartTs - transferCompletedTs) > 0) {
relation['Type'] = CONTACT_TYPES.TRANSFER;
return relation;
function isExternalCall(record) {
return !record.Agent && record.InitiationMethod === 'EXTERNAL_OUTBOUND';
function findParentRecord(ctrArray, childCid, childPrevCid) {
for (const record of ctrArray) {
const parentCid = record.ContactId;
if (compareStrings(parentCid, childPrevCid)) {
const parentNextCid = record.NextContactId;
if (parentNextCid && compareStrings(parentNextCid, childCid)) {
return { ...record, 'Contact State': CONTACT_STATES.FINAL };
} else {
return { ...record, 'Contact State': CONTACT_STATES.INTERMEDIATE };
return null;
function compareStrings(s1, s2) {
return s1 && s2 && s1.includes(s2);
function readAllCtrRecords(contactId) {
return fs.readdirSync(PATH_OF_FILES)
.filter(file => file.endsWith(JSON_EXT))
.map(fileName => JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(PATH_OF_FILES, fileName), ENCODING)))
.filter(record => compareStrings(contactId, record.ContactId) || compareStrings(contactId, record.InitialContactId));
function main() {
const [initialContactId] = process.argv.slice(2);
if (!initialContactId) {
console.log('Usage: node index.js [Initial Contact ID]');
const outputList = processCtrRecords(readAllCtrRecords(initialContactId));
if (outputList.length) {
outputList.sort((a, b) => new Date(a.ConnectedToAgentTimestamp) - new Date(b.ConnectedToAgentTimestamp));
outputList.forEach(entry => console.log(JSON.stringify(entry, null, PRINT_INDENT)));
} else {
console.log(`Unable to find Contact ID: [${initialContactId}]. Please check and try again.`);
if (require.main === module) {