Create shift activities - Amazon Connect

Create shift activities

Shift activities are daily activities that the staff (agents) does during their shift. For example:

  • Productive: At work activities that agents do that are counted as productive work, such as answering contacts.

  • Non-Productive: At work activities that agents do that are not counted as productive work, such as breaks and team meetings.

  • Time off: Absent from work. Their status in the agent application is Offline.

You can create multiple shift activities to include as part of your staff shifts.

  1. Log in to the Amazon Connect admin website with an account that has security profile permissions for Scheduling, Schedule manager - Edit.

    For more information, see Security profile permissions for forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling.

  2. On the Amazon Connect navigation menu, select Analytics and optimization, Scheduling.

  3. On the Scheduling page, choose the Shift Activities tab, and then choose Add shift activities. Fill in the details and choose Save.

    You can add multiple activities, and add and remove activities.

  4. The next time a schedule is created as part of the scheduling cycle, the shift activities are applied.


Create shift profiles to ensure the desired sequence of the shift activities. For example, to schedule agents to go on their break two hours before lunch. For instructions, see Create shift profiles.

Shift activity descriptions

                        Scheduling shift activity descriptions.
  • Activity name: Name of the activity

  • Description (Optional): Additional information on the activity

  • Sub-type

    • If non-productive: Break or meal: Set this subtype for breaks, lunches or meal activities. This option is only available for Non-Productive activity types. This setting allows automated break or meal time adjustments when time offs or overtimes are added or removed from staff shifts, to comply with the break rules configured in the Staffing Group and Shift Profiles.

    • Time off: Staff Requestable: Setting this option to Yes will allow agents to see and pick the respective time off activity during time off creation. Set this option to No for time off activities that can only be requested by supervisors on behalf of an agent.

  • Hours and minutes: Default duration

  • Adherence: Yes/No

  • Paid: Yes/No