Integrate external applications with Amazon Connect Customer Profiles - Amazon Connect

Integrate external applications with Amazon Connect Customer Profiles

Amazon Connect provides a set of pre-built integrations powered by Amazon AppFlow and Amazon EventBridge. After you enable Amazon Connect Customer Profiles, you can use these integrations to combine information from external applications such as Salesforce or Zendesk, with contact history from Amazon Connect. This creates a customer profile that has all the information agents need during customer interactions in a single place.

You can also use Customer Profiles in Amazon AppFlow. Amazon AppFlow supports CustomerProfiles as a destination. You can use Amazon AppFlow APIs to send data into Customer Profiles using CustomerProfiles as the destination name.

Before you begin, make sure you are using a customer managed key. For more information about configuring KMS keys, see Create a KMS key to be used by Customer Profiles to encrypt data (required).

Set up integrations

You can setup an integration using either featured applications in Amazon Connect or external applications using Amazon AppFlow by choosing the method that best fits your use-case below. For more detailed information on the integration of ServiceNow and Slack, see the blog post Combine data from multiple sources using Amazon AppFlow and build a unified Amazon Connect Customer profile for contact center agents.