Access Amazon Connect Analytics data lake - Amazon Connect

Access Amazon Connect Analytics data lake

To access Analytics data lake, you can use the AWS console, the AWS CLI or AWS CloudShell, which is a browser-based, pre-authenticated shell that you can launch directly from the AWS Management Console. For information about how to use the AWS CLI, see AWS Command Line Interface. For more information about AWS CloudShell, see AWS CloudShell.

Configure data to be shared

Option 1 - Using the AWS Console
  1. Open the Amazon Connect console at

  2. On the instances page, choose the instance alias. The instance alias is also your instance name, which appears in your Amazon Connect URL. The following image shows the Amazon Connect virtual contact center instances page, with a box around the instance alias.

    The Amazon Connect virtual contact center instances page.
  3. On the left navigation menu, choose Analytics Tools and then choose Add data share.

    The Amazon Connect analytics tools page.
  4. For the Target AWS account ID specify the AWS account ID of the account from which you wish to access data (consumer). This can be the same AWS account as hosts your Amazon Connect instance or a different AWS account. Select one or multiple data types you wish to access from the consumer account and select Confirm.

    The Amazon Connect analytics tools Add data share page.
Option 2 - Using CLI or CloudShell
  1. Generate the generate Association api request file by running the aws connect batch-associate-analytics-data-set --generate-cli-skeleton input > input_batch_association.json command.

  2. Open the JSON file in a text editor and enter the following:

    Following is an example of the JSON file with all of the tables.

    { "InstanceId": your_instance_id, "DataSetIds": [ "contact_record", "contact_flow_events", "contact_statistic_record", "contact_lens_conversational_analytics", "agent_queue_statistic_record", "agent_statistic_record", "contact_evaluation_record" ], "TargetAccountId": your_account_ID }
  3. Associate analytics data lake to a single account by running the aws connect batch-associate-analytics-data-set --cli-input-json file:///path/to/request/file command (where this path is based on the location of the JSON file).