Key terminology for scheduling your agents
in Amazon Connect
This topic provides important terms to know when scheduling agents in your contact center.
Draft schedule
A collection of schedules for all agents in a set of staffing groups that the schedule is for.
Only schedulers can view and adjust draft schedules. Agents or their supervisors cannot view these schedules until published.
Overtime / Time off /
Voluntary time off
Requesting overtime to agents allows your contact center to handle a contact surge or agent shortages without hiring more employees.
Requesting time off to agents allows your business to handle contacts while paying employees.
Requesting voluntary time off to agents allows your business to handle contacts without paying employees to be idle.
Publish a schedule
An action taken by schedulers to make agent schedules formal and visible in agent and supervisor Schedule calendars (which are separate user interfaces).
Multiple shifts tied together between the start and end dates for a specific agent.
Schedule adjustment
Before schedule publishing to supervisors or agents, the Scheduler or the person with permission can add, edit, remove, replace agent activities, or edit and remove shifts to orchestrate supply (that is, the number of agents and shift activities) vs demand (the number of contacts).
Schedule generation
The ability to generate and publish shift schedules for specific date range for a Forecast Group - Staff Group combination.
Shift activities
Daily activities that the agent does during their shift. For example, meetings, training, and lunch.
Shift profiles
The base structure of a shift, schedule window, daily shift activities that go into it.
Staffing groups
A group or team of agents who are skilled to take specific types of contacts. For example, you might create one staffing group named General Enquiry, and another named Tier 2 Support.